June 1886

1 June 1886 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 1/86 The anniversary of the birthday of President Brigham Young. His <family and> relatives are celebrating the day in the Theatre. Attended to correspondence as usual. Rode out this evening and had an interview with Bro. James Jack.

2 June 1886 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 2/86. Listened to and answered correspondence. Rode out this evening with Bro. H. J. Grant and my son John Q.

3 June 1886 • Thursday

Thursday, June 3/86 This is fast day and we held our usual meeting. Attended to correspondence. Writing for the Juvenile to day.

4 June 1886 • Friday

Friday, June 4/86 President Taylor and myself had a conversation to day respecting some occurrences in which feelings had been manifested <among the brethren with us one to another.> He expressed himself as not suited with some things <he had seen and heard.> I told him that considering everything, notwithstanding that which he mentioned, I thought we got along remarkably well. We were like men in prison; we ate together, we slept together, we talked together and were constantly in each other’s society and it tested the tempers of all. My experience with human nature was that if men are brought together too closely and kept thus constantly, they are likely to get tired of each other and see each other’s failings and have friction, which if they were at liberty to move around and be apart, they would not see nor experience. He was mollified by what I said; but had Bro Nuttall come in and had some explanations from him concerning some manifestations of feelings on his part which he had noticed. I employed some time to day in working on a draft of a will for myself. I received a letter on Thursday last from Bro. Andrew Smith, Jun, asking me the privelege of keeping company with my daughter Mary Alice. I made enquiry concerning him and found that he is spoken highly of by the brethren whom I have seen who know him. In order that I might be fully satisfied I wrote a letter yesterday to my son John Q., requesting him to see his Bishop and to make further enquiry concerning his character. I received his reply this evening. He informs me that he has the best of characters; and his Bishop says he is the best young man in the ward. John Q. says that he perhaps may lack energy, as he is of a retiring nature and more of a worker than a leader. I appointed an interview with Bro. Andrew Smith, Jr.. this evening and met him at Sister Burt’s at the City Hall. I preferred seeing him personally to writing to him. I find that he is twenty-two years old last March, was born in this City and has learned the carpenter trade. I had considerable conversation with him, giving my views about the subject of keeping company and so forth, and told him he was at full liberty to keep company with my daughter if it should be agreeable to her.

5 June 1886 • Saturday

Saturday, June 5/86 Listened to and answered correspondence as usual. President Taylor’s health was not good to day.

6 June 1886 • Sunday

Sunday, June 6/86 I wrote a letter to my daughter Mary Alice this morning, describing my interview with Bro. Andrew Smith, Jun., last night. I also enclosed John Q’s letter which he had sent me after enquiring about Bro. Smith’s character. I did this that she might understand exactly what had occurred and told her that now the question was with her to decide whether she would accept his company or not. Held our meeting to day as usual. In the evening Bro. Wilcken took my wife Carlie, myself and her two youngest children to Bro. Carlisle’s at Mill–Creek–Ward. We had a very agreeable drive, as the rain which we had in the forenoon had settled the dust and cooled the atmosphere. Carlie’s health is not very good, though better than it has been. Baby also was not well. We administered to them both and also to Sister Haidee Wilcken and returned to our quarters between one and two oClock.

7 June 1886 • Monday

Monday, June 7/86 Listened to and answered correspondence. I omitted to state that last week Bro. Wilcken obtained information from Bro F. Armstrong, Mayor, and Bro. Alf. Solomon, Marshal, that the Deputy Marshals were aware of my having been with my wife Emily three times since the middle of May. They also were informed that her house was watched and she was constantly shadowed. In my interview with Bro. James Jack he informed me that deputy District Clerk McMillen had told him, that they knew that I was in the City; and when Bro. Jack affected to doubt it, he said in reply, that they had evidence of it. I cannot imagine what evidence they have, for I am very certain that none of them have seen me. If they have shadowed Emily, they have seen her get into the buggy to ride with me, and have jumped at the conclusion perhaps that I was the person she rode with. Still I cannot say, some person may have leaked. But whichever way it may be, I am warned by these reports to be very careful. I would not on any account expose myself knowingly to be tracked or captured by these men.

8 June 1886 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 8/86 Attended to correspondence as usual. Among other letters one was received from Patriarch John Smith, in which he informed President Taylor that the Deputies were after him, and he desired a divorce from his second wife who had not lived with him for nearly thirty years and who had never lived with him but seven months. He did not wish to separate from her for ever unless she wished it. The two hundred dollars which she received pr. year from the Tithing Office, and which is charged to him, he desired stopped, as it was known he said, that she received this amount and it would be used as evidence against him. We felt sorry to receive such a letter from a man holding so important a station in the Church as that of Patriarch to the Church. Bro John Smith’s management of his family affairs in plural marriage has been far from satisfactory; and, in fact, though it is not pleasant to say so, he fails to come up in other respects to the standard which a man in his office and calling should reach. We sent his letter to the Presidency of the Stake, in order to learn the wishes of his second wife (she is said to be a very worthy woman) respecting the proposed arrangement.

9 June 1886 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 9/86. Listened to and answered correspondence. Dictated Editorial Thoughts to Bro. Wilcken. A neighbor, by the name of Price, has been talking to the hired man of Bro. White, at whose house we are living, about carriages going into and out from the barn in the night. He says that he knows that there are underground people at Bro. White’s and that he has seen President Taylor. This communication has disturbed the family very much and the young men agreed with their father Bro. White, to employ this man Price and have him go up to their farm at Kaysville and help gather their crop of lucern. In conversation with him, however, he says he cannot leave the City, as his father is very old and is in the habit of getting up in the night and wandering about and he has to keep watch of him. For this reason he cannot accept the offer of employment at Kaysville. The family feel very badly at our having to go. We think it better to move so that they can make such a show as to divert any suspicion neighbors my [may] have concerning our being there. They wish to put up wires at the windows, and by having this and other work done it is thought that all suspicion will be removed. We have concluded to move to Bro. Alf. Solomon’s, and Bro. Wilcken has arranged to have us taken there after the moon goes down to night, which will be at two oClock. We have had most confortable quarters at Bro. White’s. The rooms are spacious and lofty and well furnished. Being upstairs, and having a water closet and bathroom on the floor, we were safe from observation by visitors. The table also has been exellently served, and the family have done everything in their power to make us confortable. Brother and Sister White, as well as the young people, manifested considerable emotion this evening in parting with them and expressed the hope that we soon would be able to come back.

10 June 1886 • Thursday

Thursday, June 10/86. Bro. Solomon and family made us as confortable as possible, though we crowd upon them, there being six of us. Listened to and answered correspondence to day. Bro. Wilcken went off this morning to try and find a place or two to which we could go. We were disappointed to day in receiving a letter from Mr. Geo. Ticknor Curtis, in reply to ours engaging him as general counsel for our people in Utah, in which he states that he understands the retainer he has received to be for matters pertaining to the mar[r]iage relation and not for political affairs. We supposed from his own proposition, that his services as a general counsel would cover our general business outside of the Courts. If a case was before a Court and we desired him as counsel, he was to receive such a fee as we could agree upon; but his letter makes out that, instead of being a general counsel, he is only special counsel for a special branch of our business, a view, that we had not taken, and which if we had understood, would have prevented our employing him as we did. His letter does not please me. Wrote Editorial Thoughts for the Juvenile. My son Sylvester’s birthday to day. He is nine years old.

11 June 1886 • Friday

Friday, June 11/86 Attended to correspondence as usual. Bro. Wilcken returned this evening.

12 June 1886 • Saturday

Saturday, June 12/86 We wrote to day to Bro. John T. Caine at Washington, stating our view concerning the engagement of Mr. Geo. Ticknor Curtis and furnished him copies of the correspondence and requested him to have an interview with him upon the subject. We had a heavy rain this afternoon and evening. Bro. Wilcken brought me a letter from my wife Carlie, in which she states that her own health and that of Baby’s had improved. I wrote a letter to my son Angus, requesting him to attend to some business for me. My son John Q has so much to do that his health is giving way and I must endeavor to get some of the other boys worked in so that they can attend to some portion of my business for me. Bros Nuttall and Bateman went away this evening, intending to be absent to morrow.

13 June 1886 • Sunday

Sunday, June 13/86 Held our meeting as usual. Bro. Alf. Solomon in charge.

14 June 1886 • Monday

Monday, June 14/86. Attended to correspondence. Dictated Journal to Bro. Wilcken. The weather for the past two or three days has been remarkably cool for the season of the year. Bro. Wilcken went out this evening for the purpose of finding suitable quarters for us in the event of having to move. In the evening Bro. A. Solomon took me to Sister Burt’s at the City Hall, where I had an interview with Bro. James Jack on business matters and respecting the arrangement of the sale of Deseret News Comp. Stock.

15 June 1886 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 15/86 Listened to and answered correspondence. An interesting letter was received from Hon. J. T. Caine to day in which he described the situation of affairs at Washington. It seems as though all hell is combined to destroy us. Collum, Senator from Illinois, has introduced a most infamous measure in the shape of Senate-Bill 2615, to authorize the payment of certain expenses out of the treasury of Utah, and so forth. There is justification enough in the Bill for a most violent revolution. A government that will enact and enforce such a law should be resisted and overthrown as thoroughly and quickly as possible. But we leave this, as we do so many other things, to the Lord. Bro. John D. T. McAllister, President of the St. George stake, stated in a letter to day, that Bro. John Henry Smith, of the twelve apostles had suggested that Bros. John Lytle and W. Empey, members of the High-Council of that stake, should be removed and others be appointed in their place. The only reason for this suggestion was their age. We replied that age was honorable and that such men should not be thrust aside, but they should be treated with that respect and veneration which their past faithful services deserve. President Taylor, my brother Angus and myself made arrangements for the purchase of $150,00000/ worth of stock from the Deseret News Company. A part of the day I was engaged in preparing an article for the Juvenile Instructor. This purchase of stock is not a private matter, but for the pose of protecting the interest of the Church.

16 June 1886 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 16/86. Attended to correspondence as usual. I signed articles of association as one of the incorporators of the St. George Temple. My wife Martha was safely delivered of a fine boy at six oClock. This evening Bro. Wilcken, who had been out searching for a place of retreat for us, called at my place and brought me the news.

17 June 1886 • Thursday

Thursday, June 17/86 Attended as usual to correspondence. In the evening Bro. Wilcken and myself drove down to my home on the river and had an interesting time with my family. I find Martha and her new born boy quite well. Returned about one oClock.

18 June 1886 • Friday

Friday, June 18/86 Listened to and answered correspondence. Working a little while to day on my Will.

19 June 1886 • Saturday

Saturday, June 19/86 Attended to correspondence. Bro. Bateman brought Bishop W. B. Preston early this morning, who remained with us all day and described his visit to and the condition of affairs in Mexico.

20 June 1886 • Sunday

Sunday, June 20/86 Bishop Preston stayed with us all day. We held our usual meeting. Bro. Alf Solomon took charge, and he and Bro. Bateman administered the sacrament. All of the brethren spoke. President Taylor and myself had a lengthy conversation with Bishop Preston. He left in the evening. Bro. Wilcken visited Bro. Carlisle’s to day and brought my wife Carlie up to town. He then came to where I was and we called for her and took her back and stayed there until half past two oclock. We had a very interesting ride and visit.

21 June 1886 • Monday

Monday, June 21/86 Listened to and answered correspondence. Sister Louise F. Wells, the first wife of Bro. D. H. Wells, in this country, died recently, and $5000/ were appropriated to help to pay the funeral expences. Sister E. B. Wells sent a report of her and Sister Fergusons mission to Washington, and a letter was written to her in reply. Dictated “Topics of the Times” to Bro. Wilcken.

22 June 1886 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 22/86 Attended to correspondence as usual. A letter was written to day to Bro. Oscar Mann, counselor to the President of the eastern Arizona stake and to Joseph Fish, the clerk of the stake, in reply to the question: “Has the President of a stake the right to preside over all meetings in his stake.” In the letter the rights of the Presidency of the stake and the Bishops were defined and also the circumstances under which apostles would have the right to hold meetings or to interfere with the affairs of the stake. A letter was written to Bishop H. B. Clawson respecting his going to Arizona and to look after the new trials of the brethren who are in prison in Detroit. Went this evening in company with President Taylor to Bro. F. Armstrong’s where we had a meeting with Bishop Preston and Bro. James Jack. Bro. Nuttall was also present. Bro. Wilcken took us there and my son John Q took Bro. Preston there. Had a conversation with John Q. respecting business affairs.

23 June 1886 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 23/86 Attended to correspondence as usual. Twenty five hundred dollars were sent to Bro. J. T. Caine to Washington to help carry out an arrangement which had been previously made. This evening Bro. Bateman took me down to Cannon’s Home. I called my family together at my wife Martha’s house and after offering prayer I blessed my new-born son, who has now entered on his eight[h] day, and called him Espey Telle Cannon. Bro. Bateman joined in blessing him, I being mouth. I felt exceedingly well in blessing him. Partook of ice-cream and other refreshments. We got back to our quarters about mid-night.

24 June 1886 • Thursday

Thursday, June 24/86 Attended to correspondence as usual.

25 June 1886 • Friday

Friday, June 25/86 Listened to and answered correspondence. President Taylor and myself had considerable conversation, concerning our situation and the necessity for union and harmony among our little company. We called the brethren together and President Taylor stated his feelings and defined his position and mine towards the rest of the company, and the duties of each of the members of the party, and then called for an expression of views from each of the brethren. He gave some reproofs, but the meeting was ended very happily and all appeared to feel better for the free interchange of feeling that we had on this occasion. Bro. Wilcken’s little daughter is seriously ill; he is excused to go and see her, and Bro. Bateman and myself accompanied President Taylor and his wife Jane for a ride in the evening to Bro. J. R. Winder’s and had an interesting visit. He furnished ice-cream and cake and other refreshments.

26 June 1886 • Saturday

Saturday, June 26/86 Attended to our usual correspondence. This evening Bro. Bateman and myself drove down to Cannon’s Home. I found all well and arranged for my boys to stand guard for the night.

27 June 1886 • Sunday

Sunday, June 27/86. The anniversary of a day filled with sad memories. Forty two years ago to day the Prophet Joseph Smith and the Patriarch Hyrum Smith and Elders John Taylor and Willard Richards were attacked by a mob while in Carthage Jail. The Prophet and Patriarch were slain and Elder Taylor was shot in several places, and barely escaped with his life. I had a most delightful day with my family. Held private meetings with my children, the boys and the girls separately, and had sacrament meeting in the afternoon, at which I spoke for some time and was followed by Bro. John Pickett, Bro. Bateman and Andrew Smith, jnr.. Bros Pickett and Smith had come from town to help guard me. I had also a meeting in the afternoon with my sons John Q, Angus, Hugh, William, David and Lewis, in which I explained to them my plan for the union of my family in temporal matters. My object in doing so was to make an impression upon the minds of the younger boys that they might keep my views in their minds and strive to carry them out practically. My sons John Q and Abraham are conversant with my design respecting my family. In response to my enquiry, all expressed themselves much satisfied with my explanations. In the evening held prayers with my family, and had a very enjoyable time in listening to the singing and music of the children, we separated after ten oClock.

28 June 1886 • Monday

Monday, June 28/86 Attended to correspondence as usual. Among other letters to day was one from Bro. Junius F. Wells describing the condition of his father’s health and intimating that it would be well for him to come home. We replied that the same reasons existed at the present for Bro. Wells to stay away that did when he was counseled to leave; that if he returned, he either had to remain in close confinement or be sent to prison. I did some writing for the Juvenile Instructor. Bro. Bateman took me to Bro. St. Marks this evening where I was joined by my wife Emily. Bro. Bateman called for me about half past three and we walked to our quarters.

29 June 1886 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 29/86 Attended to correspondence. My brother Angus came to see me this evening.

30 June 1886 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 30/86 Listened to and answered correspondence. My brother Angus was brought here by Bro. Alf Solomon, and spent the day in conversation with President Taylor and myself. This evening President Taylor and myself and Bro. Nuttall were driven by Bro. Wilcken to Draper, where we put up at the house of Bro. Henry Day. My brother Angus accompanied us in his cart. The drive was a very pleasant one and we reached there about a quarter to one. Bro. Alf Solomon and family treated us with great kindness, but I felt relieved in getting away from there, because we put them to great inconvenience for the want of room.

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June 1886, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 29, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1886/06-1886