May 1889

1 May 1889 • Wednesday

WEDNESDAY, May 1st, 1889.

Went around with Brother Wilcken to look at my ditches this morning; afterwards took Brother Woodruff to town. This has been an exceedingly busy day. We had a meeting of the Bank Building Committee. We also met with a Mr. Cheney, silk manufacturer, and Mr. Robbins, who were introduced by Brother Spencer Clawson, and had an agreeable conversation with them. Brother Moses Thatcher and Brother McDonald brought up Mexican matters, and propositions that had been made by Lieutenant Schwatka, the Arctic Explorer, who is represented by a man by the name of Huller, who has received commissions from the Mexican government. We attended business also with Thomas E. Ricks concerning the erection of a grist mill and other mills, at Rexburg, and revised articles of association for the company. I brought President Woodruff down to his home in the evening. We had an exceedingly interesting meeting of the Board of Education at ten o’clock. There were present: President Woodruff, Brothers Lorenzo Snow, Karl G. Maeser, James Sharp, Amos Howe and myself of the Board, and Brother George Renolds as Sec. We transacted considerable business in relation to the schools. This is a business in which I take considerable pleasure. Grand results, I feel assured, will follow this movement. It fills me with gladness to see the shape our educational affairs is <are> taking. I trust that before long we shall have a system of schools that will be worthy of us and our faith. At two o’clock the First Presidency and three of the Twelve met. There were of the Twelve, Brothers Lorenzo Snow, F. D Richards, and Heber J. Grant. We had prayer, though we did not clothe in our temple clothing, and attended to some items of business. I brought my daughter Mary Alice home with me in my buggy in the evening. Had a visit from the teachers in the evening, after which I dictated my journal to my son David, who sat up until one o’clock copying on the typewriter some notes which I had given him for President Woodruff’s information.

2 May 1889 • Thursday

THURSDAY, May 2nd.

3 May 1889 • Friday

FRIDAY, May 3rd, 1889.

Brothers C. H. Wilcken and James P. Freeze took breakfast with us this morning. Dictated my journal to my son David. My daughter Mary Alice and son David rode to town with me this morning. Bishop Whitney and Brothers Penrose, Riter and Sharp met with the First Presidency this morning to consider the best means to be taken to receive the Senatorial party, consisting of a large committee, which were coming west. Brother Armstrong, the Mayor, and Brother F .S. Richards, the City Attorney, had also been sent for, but they were absent. We suggested that the city officials tender the Senators the hospitality of the city, and that they arrange to meet them, and if they could not come to Salt Lake that they meet them at Ogden. At ten minutes to four, I started, in company with F. M. Lyman, to attend conference at Heber City on Sunday and Monday next. Our intention was to spent [spend] the night at Ogden[.] Brother Franklin D. Richards and my son John Q. went up with us to Ogden. John Q. took me to his house, after which I visited Frank and his family, and he took me out and showed me the suburbs of Ogden, and land in which he was interested as real estate agent. I also was taken by him to see the Reform School. I got a better idea of Ogden and its size than I ever had had. I stayed at John Q’s.

4 May 1889 • Saturday

SATURDAY, May 4th, 1889.

Frank called for me this morning and took me to the train[.] Brother Lyman introduced me on the cars to Mr. Burmaster and wife. We changed cars at Echo and took freight train to Park City. At Coalville we were joined by President W. W. Cluff, and at Park City Brother Alexander met us with a team, in which we rode over to Heber. The country is quite hilly. Brother Hatch and family received us kindly, and had a meal prepared for us. In the evening we walked around and made some calls. Brother William Eldridge and wife and Sister Cluff came over in carriages from Coalville.

5 May 1889 • Sunday

SUNDAY, May 5th, 1889

They have erected a beautiful house here at a cost of a little over twenty-five thousand dollars for meeting purposes. The red sandstone here is the finest of anything in our country that I know of. Flagging can be got out of any size, and the quality is excellent. The house is built of stone, and is fifty-two feet wide by ninty-six long, exclusive of the portico and tower. The house was well filled this morning. Brother Lyman spoke about fourty-five minutes and Brother Cluff about thirty-five. In the afternoon the house was dedicated. I called upon Brother Lyman to offer the prayer and afterwards spoke sixty minutes with considerable freedom. After the meeting<,> we climbed the tower and obtained a very beautiful view of this valley. I think Heber City the most thrifty settlement for its population of any in the mountains. They have a good market at Park City for their products, and labor brings good remuneration. This makes the place prosperous. In the evening we had a Priesthood meeting, to which the sisters were invited. Brother Lyman spoke forty minutes, and I followed him for about twenty-five minutes. We had a very good meeting.

6 May 1889 • Monday

MONDAY, May 6th, 1889.

It rained during the night and this morning. At ten o’ clock conference convened. I spoke for about forty minutes. I was followed by Brother Lyman, who occupied the remainder of forenoon. The house was not so crowded as yesterday, but still there was a good audience. In the afternoon the authorities were presented, and Bishop Atwood, of Kamas, and Brother Andrew Jensen, of Salt Lake, each spoke about fifteen minutes. I desired Bro. Lyman to occupy some of the remaining time, but he urged me to. He said he had spoken all he desired, and as he had been here befor<e> he would much prefer my speaking. I had very excellent freedom, and among other things spoke about two liquor saloons that were there, and in very strong language denounced traffic in a use of liquor among us. I also had considerable freedom in speaking about the family organization, and the duties of husbands to wives and wives to husbands. Conference adjourned. After conference a number of brethren gathered in to Brother Hatch’s to submit cases to us for adjudication. Brother Attewall Wooten, of Midway, brought a land case to our attention, in which his son and a young man nam<ed> Clift were parties. We felt that Brother Wooten had some cause for dissatisfaction, and that Brother Clift should make some amends[.] Then Brother Isaac Baum had a complaint against Bishop Van Wagoner: The complaint had been made to the High Council, but Brother Hatch thought that if we heard it it could be decided much quicker. Brother Van Wagoner was very strong in his expressions concerning it, and confident that Brother Baum had no foundation for his complaint. The evidence, however, when it was brought out, led us to decide that Brother Baum had a good case, and that Bro. Van Wagoner was owing him ten dollars and interest. He agreed to accept fifteen dollars, which Bro. Van Wagoner agreed to pay. He thanked me for the decision after it was through, and accepted it in a better spirit than I thought he would be likely to. Brothers John Crook and John Murdock and Bro. Muir brought a case of some springs which had been wrongly appropriated by some of the brethren, to our attention, but as it was clear that these springs had been used by the brethren for over twenty years we thought it better to have no further trouble about them. They had acquired a legal right to them by continuous use, and we suggested counsel that the matter be dropped. I went and saw Brother and Sister Alexander. Sister Alexander, whose maiden name was Lovisa Snider, is a first cousin of my wife Sarah Jane’s. They were very pleased to see me, and I pressed them, when they came to town, to make us a visit.

7 May 1889 • Tuesday

TUESDAY, May 7th, 1889

Storming this morning. We started at a quarter past four for Park City. Brother and Sister Hatch have made us very welcome, and treated us with great kindness. I forgot to mention that we blessed their baby boy, I being mouth. He is called Edwin D. Hatch. Brother John Cummings drove us in his carriage[.] It snowed most of the distance to Park City, and the roads were bad, but he made excellent time and we got their about three quarters of an hour before the train started. It snowed the greater part of the way to Ogden. John Q. met me at the train and informed me that Frank was sick. At the city Abraham met me with a vehicle. I found Brother Woodruff had not returned. I read proof of the Book of Mormon. Wrote a letter to my wives Carly and Martha. Tending to other business. I drove Mary Alice down home in the evening. Weather is quite cold.

8 May 1889 • Wednesday

WEDNESDAY, May 8th, 1889

Dictated “Topics of the Times” to my son David, also journal. I found Brother Woodruff at the Gardo House, he having returned from Logan last evening. He had had a good time and was in good health. I suffered today from something like neuralgia, and was so indisposed that I had to lie down at the Gardo House. I think I have caught a severe cold. I was under the necessity of arising at twelve o’clock to meet Mr. H. H. Bancroft, the Historian, and his friend Mr. Morrison. There were present: President Woodruff[,] F. D. Richards, John Jacques, James Dwyer and myself. Our conversation was upon the volume which the Bancroft Company are issuing upon Utah. There were some corrections that we wished to have made, and which Mr. Bancroft felt quite willing to make. Brother Jacques had been through the book and marked these down. We promised to go through ourselves, and to meet Mr. Bancroft and Mr. Morrison tomorrow morning at half past nine. Brother Lyman accompanied me down to the dentist rooms of the Clawson Brothers. Brother Fred. Clawson examined my mouth and drew one of my teeth. I have had such excellent teeth all my life that I hate to think they are failing me. We, that is, President Woodruff, Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, John Jacques and myself, spent considerable time in going through the book and making some corrections. I carried my daughter Mary Alice down home in my buggy this evening. Bro. Wilcken came down in the evening and gave me a bath.

9 May 1889 • Thursday

THURSDAY, May 9th, 1889

I started to the Penitentiary this morning at half-past seven. It is my custom to take presents for some of our brethren who are prisoners. I took eight packages of oranges, and had an interview with Brothers B .H. Roberts, W. H. Maughan, Peter Barton, O. P. Borg, John Durrant, Brothers Webb, Perkins and William Grant. I spent half an hour in conversation with them, and afterwards had a conversation with Warden Pratt concerning the marshalship, for which he is a candidate, and also concerning some of the brethren’s violations of the rules, for which he said he was under the necessity of punishing them. One had smuggled a letter out in the toe of a stocking, which they had discovered and which was contrary to the rules, and he had been put in the dark cell for twenty-four hours. This was Bro. Goss. Bro. George S. Woods, also, had been writing an unwise letter, and Bro. Burgen had been meeting secretly with one of his wives in the brush. The Warden seemed desirous that I should understand why he was required to be so strict. I could not blame him under the circumstances, because when men are in that condition it is every way better for them to become reconciled to the rules, and to conform to them. I drove hastily back to the city, as we had an appointment with Mr. H. H. Bancroft and Col. Morrison, of California, to make corrections in Mr. Bancroft’s volume upon Utah. We spent sometime together, President Woodruff, Bro. F. D. Richards, John Jacques and myself, and after going through the volume the question was asked then discussed concerning the part the Church should take in its circulation. Col. Morrison proposed that the Church take five thousand copies. It was finally decided that the Church should take one thousand copies and that we would appoint some suitable person a mission to make their exertion to push the work and have it sold to merchants and others whom we patronise in the east. Mr. Bancroft and Col. Morrison expressed themselves satisfied with the arrangement. President Woodruff, Brother Joseph F. and myself and several of the Saving’s Bank brethren discussed the plans which Brother Don Carlos Young had got out. I was taken this afternoon with severe neuralgia in the face, during which, however, I attended with President Woodruff to Mexican matters as presented by Brother A. F. MacDonald. At two o’clock the First Presidency and Brothers Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, F. M. Lyman, John Henry Smith and Heber J. Grant of the Twelve met in an upper room of the Gardo, <and> clothed ourselves in our temple clothing. I was requested by President Woodruff to offer the opening prayer and to dedicate the room, which I did and felt good freedom in doing so. He was mouth in the circle. We arranged for our appointments on Sunday. I had designed to go to Bear Lake to conference, but found that it would consume four days, and Pres. Woodruff thought I had better not go, as our labor was such that required my presence. It was arranged, therefore, that I should go to Summit. He himself felt that he should rest. Brother John Henry Smith was appointed for Emery Stake, and Bro. Grant was requested to inform Bro. John W. Taylor that it was desired that he should go to Bear Lake Stake. A daughter of Brother Sudberry’s heated salt bags for my face. I was able to bear these applied so hot that I could scarcely touch them with my hand, but they were not too hot for my face. By following this up for about two hours I obtained relief, and in the evening I went to Brother Alfred Soloman’s, to which I had been invited with Presidents Woodruff and Smith to meet the recently returned Sandwich Island Missionaries and some of the natives they had brought with them, and other friends. There were five natives present, four of whom had newly arrived. Their names were [blank] The fifth, Bro. John [blank] has been here for sometime. We had some very excellent singing by the missionaries and the natives, and Sisters Lizzie Thomas and Bessie Dean sang in English very beautifully. We had an exhibition of the manner in which Poi is eaten by the natives, sitting down on the carpet crossed-legged and eating some ice-cream out of a bowl, which caused considerable amusement. Brother Joseph F., Pres. Woodruff and myself spoke to the company. We broke up at Twelve o’clock. I may say, also, that we had a very fine supper prepared by Brother Soloman’s wife. Their daughter has just returned with her husband, who has been a missionary. I spent the night at the Gardo House.

10 May 1889 • Friday

FRIDAY, May 10th, 1889.

Attended to various matters of business this morning. Read the proof of the Book of Mormon and prepared a discourse for the press which I delivered at Conference. I attended, with Presidents Woodruff and Smith, to the arranging of the Bank stock which formerly had been carried by the Church. I had an appointment this evening with Judge Carlton, Chairman of the Utah Commission, and who has been a member of that commission for the past seven years. He has just resigned his position. He has been desirous to see me for sometime. Our conversation was upon the situation here, and he mentioned a book which he has been preparing for publication, the manuscript for which is nearly completed. He thinks the book would have a good effect if it would obtain a wide circulation. I drove home hastily in order to be present at a performance which my children and some associates were to give this evening in my school-house. The little play is called “Esmeralda.” President Woodruff and wife and a few other friends were present. I enjoyed it very much, not altogether, however, because of the good acting. There were three tableaux presented after the play was ended. My folks distributed ice cream to the audience and the performers.

11 May 1889 • Saturday

SATURDAY, May 11th, 1889.

I dictated my journal to my son David. Brother Alberto Woolley, whose firm has taken the contract of making additions to the house of my wife Martha, came down this morning, accompanied by the mason, Bro. Ashton, and I gave them instructions concerning making a good, secure foundation <and> connecting the new addition in a proper manner with the other building. When I first attempted to build down here there had been no adobe house erected anywhere near here, and it was doubted if a good building could be erected, the ground was so soft and the water so near the surface. I superintended the foundation, however, myself; had a good trench dug which I filled with concrete, and then had good broad fittings, and I erected my first house, and up to the present not a crack has appeared in the walls. I proved it is quite possible to build houses if care is taken in laying the foundations. I took Mary Alice to the city with me. President Woodruff stayed home today to rest. Brother Joseph F. and myself attended to various matters of business, and particularly business in relation to Mexican affairs, which we went over with Brother A. F. McDonald, who expects to return there in the morning. At 3:50 I went up, in company with my son Abraham, <and> Brother Seymore B. Young, to Coalville. Brother F. D. Richards accompanied us as far as Ogden. At Ogden my son Frank came down and had some conversation with me. We reached Coalville between six and seven in the evening, being joined on the way by Brother Willard G. Smith and Samuel Francis and Bishop Carter, of Morgan Stake. Brother William W. Cluff met us at the train and we were assigned our various places to stop at. Brother Seymore B. Young and Abraham went to Brother William Eldridge’s, and I remained at Brother Cluff’s. I was troubled somewhat this afternoon and evening with neuralgia in my face. Sister Cluff has erected a hotel with her own money. She manages it herself. She informs me that the building is worth six thousand dollars. She has been quite successful in this, and seems a very capable business woman. Since she got the hotel she has bought herself a farm of fifty-five acres. This she also has managed herself until quite lately, making all the butter, raising poultry, etc. Now she has a family on it. She says she raised two hundred chickens last year, besides turkeys. She makes all the butter, raises all the eggs to supply her hotel, besides furnishing it with milk. Brother Cluff says she is much more successful as a trader and manager than he is.

12 May 1889 • Sunday

SUNDAY, May 12th, 1889.

My face gives me considerable pain this morning. We met in conference in the new Stake Meeting House. This is a very elegant building, and when it will be finished, will be a great credit to the people. Though not finished, it accommodated a congregation very well, and there was the largest gathering there that has been at a Stake Conference. The ceiling of the house is beautifully decorated, and there are five portraits upon it: the Prophet Joseph and Patriarch Hyrum, and Presidents Brigham Young, John Taylor and Wilford Woodruff. The portraits are, I think, excellent, with perhaps the exception of Brother Hyrum, which I did not like so well as the others, I am told, however, that his portrait is taken from one furnished by his son John. The artist himself, I understand, is not satisfied with it. The painting of these portraits is the most artistic work I have seen, in the shape of ornament, in any of our meeting houses. The young man who has done the work is a Norwegian, whose father, I understand, was the best artist at fresco work in Norway. Brother S .B. Young occupied the forenoon in speaking to the people. I suffered so in my face that after I returned to Brother Cluff’s he proposed putting on some stuff which he said eased pain, called Radway’s Ready Relief. I applied it on a flannel cloth and wrapped a handerchief around my face. At first it did give me relief, but after [a] while the pain returned again, and I kept using the stuff until time for meeting, and I went with my face wrapped up to meeting. I took off the wrappings after the singing, and addressed the congregation for upwards of an hour. I had excellent liberty and forgot all about my pain, but the stuff I had put on took all the skin off my cheek. I was in such pain, however, that I did not feel it. My son Abraham followed me in some remarks and occupied about twenty-five minutes. The folks expressed regret that he did not have more time, as he spoke very well. In the evening we had a meeting of the Priesthood, and the time was occupied by President Cluff, and afterwards by Abraham and Brother Seymore B. Young, whose remarks were addressed to the Seventies present, they being two Presidents of that body. After the meeting my pain was very severe, and I debated whether I had not better have a tooth drawn that I thought was contributing to the neuralgia. Dr. Young said he could draw it if he had the instruments. Brother Joseph Fisher said he could get some instruments, which he brought, and they looked like old tongs. After some considerable trouble Dr. Young succeeded in getting the forceps on my tooth, which was very tender, and finally drew it. After it was drawn I bled very much, and was very much overcome. The brethren laid hands upon me. I have eaten but little food for nearly a week past, and during the most of the time I have suffered exceedingly, and the shock of drawing the tooth in my condition had a great effect upon me, but before twelve o’clock I felt much better and went to bed.

13 May 1889 • Monday

MONDAY, May 13th, 1889.

I got up quite weak and trembling this morning, but after eating breakfast I felt much better. Brother Willard G. Smith spoke to the congregation for a short time, and was followed by my son Abraham. I have never heard Abraham speak beyond a few minutes and had no clear idea as to his powers as a speaker. I was much pleased and almost surprised at hearing his discourse this morning. I do not know whether his effort today was an unusual one or not, but it was a very fine discourse. His manner is good, and he speaks effectively, and his remarks were spirited and gave evidence that he was a man of reflection. The Spirit of the Lord bore testimony to what he said. Brother Samuel Francis followed him, and then Brother Seymore B. Young. In the afternoon, after the presentation of the authorities, I occupied the time in talking to the congregation, and had considerable liberty. My face is very sore, as well as my mouth, but I am comparatively free from pain and enjoyed our meeting very much today. The conference adjourned this afternoon. Brother and Sister Cluff and their son Willard drove me to Sister Cluff’s farm, which is on the edge of the town, about three quarters of a mile distant from their home. Brother S. B. Young and Abraham accompanied us, also.

She has a very nice frame house in a sightly position, and the place is evidently a good one. We got back to the town in time to get on the train at six o’clock, which carried us to Echo, where we had to wait until five minutes past eight for a train to take us to Ogden. We spent the time at Bishop Asper’s, whose daughter and son-in-law, Brother and Sister Weaver, got supper for us. At Ogden John Q. sent his carriage down for me, and I stopped there for the night. Abraham and Brother Young went on to the city. I was greatly pained to learn from my son John Q. that my son Frank had disappeared a day or two before, and it was suspected that he had gone off with some of his companions. His wife Mattie is quite ill, and confined to her bed. When I reached there John had been engaged in searching for him, as it was not known whether he was concealed in Ogden or had gone to Salt Lake City. I cried to the Lord in behalf of my children. I would rather bury them than to have them grow up enemies to the Kingdom of God, or guilty of practices that would bring discredit upon it, or that would destroy themselves. I beseech Him to help me in governing my family. I know that by His power great results can be accomplished, and my prayer for Frank is that the Lord will deal with him so as to check him in this wicked practice of drunkenness. He is a man of brilliant powers and might be of great use, if he would refrain from this evil habit, but he destroys all confidence in me, and I suppose in others also.

14 May 1889 • Tuesday

TUESDAY, May 14th, 1889

John Q. and his son George Q. accompanied me to the station this morning, and he and I came to the city together on the D. and R.G. railroad. Abraham met us at the depot and carried me to the Gardo House. I found Presidents Woodruff and Smith there, and we attended to business during the day of various kinds. We had also a long interview with Col. Trumbo, who had just come from San Francisco and was on his way, with his wife, to Washington, and from thence to Paris, to the Exposition. He expected to be gone until about the 28th of July. We had a lengthy conversation over the situation of affairs. He brought considerable information from our friends in California, and also which he had obtained since he had been in the city. He had had an interview with the new governor, Arthur L. Thomas, who talked quite fair to him. We gave him some information concerning our wishes connected with the offices to be filled. His heart appears to be in the work of doing us all the good that he can, and he has been very successful. The Lord has moved upon him by His Spirit in a peculiar manner to help us. I called for Mary Alice and we rode home together. I have been greatly pleased to learn that a favorable decision has been given on the Heabes Corpus case of Brother Hans Neilson, as it releases him and a great many others from the danger we were in of being indicted for adultery after having served out sentences for unlawful cohabitation. Brother Neilson had been indicted for unlawful cohabitation and had served a term in the Penitentiary therefor. The Grand Jury indicted him for adultery, and the latter indictment covered a portion if not all the period for which the other indictment had been found. He had been tried and sentenced for adultery. In order to test this question a writ of Heabes Corpus had been sued out and the case carried to the U. S. Supreme Court to test the question whether a man could be punished for unlawful cohabitation and adultery covering the same period. The feeling has been that if he could it was segregation in the worst form, but Judge Judd was set in his view that it was legal. It seems that the U. S. Supreme Court has pronounced against it, and Brother Neilson and several others will now be released from the Penitentiary. In my own case, after I had been indicted up to the 15th of September, ’88, (I went to prison on the 17th of September) an attempt was made before the Grand Jury to get them to indict me for adultery. This attempt, however, failed, but in order to defeat this purpose I considered it better, while I was in prison, to remove my wife Martha, who had a young babe, and my wife Carlie, who had a young babe, out of the jourisdiction of the courts. My wife Martha, and her children, with the exception of Lewis, was removed to Manassah, Col., where she has lived ever since. My wife Carlie, with her children, was removed to San Francisco, where she has resided up to the present. This decision, I think, admits of their return without danger to themselves or to me, as my indictment, covering the entire period up to within a day of my imprisonment, does not now admit of my being indicted for adultery. I telegraphed to both my wives in a blind way and under an assumed name, that they might know the decision was favorable, as they have been anxious upon the subject[.] I hope now to be able to bring them home at an early date. Brother Wilcken and his daughter May came down, and I walked over the place looking at the land, water-ditches, etc., with him, and also examined the well which is being driven in my garden, and which is now about three hundred and twenty feet deep. I told the men who were doing the work my views about their labor, as they were at a loss what to do. Brother Wilcken has been very kind in looking after my place here, and assisting me in various ways. His kindness to me while in the Penitentiary was unceasing. During my entire imprisonment there were only two or three days, and then he was out of the city, that he did not call to see me, and though his own labors were very onerous, being city-watermaster, he would go without sleep rather than miss seeing me. Such constant attention and untiring devotion are rarely witnessed or exhibited, and I feel that they should be highly prized. I know the Lord will bless him for his kindness.

15 May 1889 • Wednesday

WEDNESDAY, May 15th, 1889

I dictated my journal to my son David. Mary Alice accompanied me to town this morning. It stormed quite heavily—a storm greatly welcomed because of the dryness of the earth and the scarcity of water. After reaching the city President Woodruff desired me to take him to the house of his son, James Woodruff, whose wife had been recently confined and lost her babe, being the seventh out of ten, which had died. They reside up near the graveyard. Had a meeting of the Building Committee of the Bank. I listened with much pleasure to the reading of letters from Brother William King, on the Sandwich Islands, and Brother William Paxman, of New Zealand, and Brother Joseph Dean, from the Samoan Group. It was almost like reading a chapter from Robinson Crusoe the letter from Brother Dean. He and the elders have a very hard field, but they are evidently blessed and sustained with the blessings and Spirit of God. I brought Mary Alice down home with me this evening. I was much grieved to hear from Bro. Wilcken that my son Frank, who had been in town and could not be found, was down at Provo, and that his conduct was very disorderly. He had telephoned the sheriff to arrest him and lock him up till he could go down—a proceeding which I heartily approved of. I dictated the following letter to Brother John Beck, who is [in] Stuttgart, Germany:—

May 15th, 1889.

Elder John Beck.

Stuttgard, Germany

Dear Brother:

I have received your letter of the 13th of April, and also a letter or two of previous dates, all of which have received attention from me; but I have been so very crowded for time that I have not been able to reply. Your last communication, however, is of such a nature that I feel I ought to answer it before you leave for home.

I received your dispatch and replied to it, explaining the condition of the North Caroline claim, and I wish to say here in the beginning of my letter that your interests have been looked after by me with as close attention as if they had been my own. I have had your welfare at heart and felt to do everything in my power and within the range of my influence to preserve your property and to help to extricate you from the many embarrassments in which you are involved. I can say in truth that more has been done for you than I could ask anybody to do for us. But your debts are very heavy, and I may say to you plainly that you ran in debt in a way that would frighten me. You talk about heavy interest that you have to pay; but this is because you have been continually overreaching yourself and engaging in enterprises which were beyond your means, and to carry out which you have had to run in debt. You speak about your debts as though they had been incurred to help the mine. Now I must be frank with you in this and say, if you had confined yourself to the mine alone, and not spent your means in so many directions, you might have been a very wealthy man; and even now, if you would stop your speculating and let the means that comes from the mine accumulate, as we are endeavoring to do with your interests, so as to pay off your debts, you would soon be free and be relieved from this dreadful bondage of debt which is enough to wear you or any other man out.

Now, concerning your Caroline claim. The Eureka people are apparently determined to take one out of it. To save that claim for you, the Company worked a drift in that direction. All the ore that was taken out was in the construction of that drift and to stop the Eureka people from robbing it; and whatever ore was taken out in doing this is well known and is well accounted for. We have done work all the time on this claim to preserve it for you. The Company has no occasion to steal anything from you, and are entirely free from any disposition of that kind. But it does not make them feel well, after having done what they have, to be accused or even suspected of a disposition to take advantage of you in this way.

You seem to be under the impression that the California Company has taken some advantage of us through Mr. Hank Smith. I desire to say to you that Mr. Hank Smith was not employed by us at their suggestion. He is not their man, although he hails from California. They did not urge him; in fact, seemed indifferent about his being further employed. But our Company felt that he was about as good a man as we could get, and a man far superior, as the results have proved, to Captain Day, whom you had employed. He has done more for the Company in the same time than any man we have had anything to do with; and with all due respect to Mr. Sullivan, of whom you seem to think so highly, Mr. Smith has got more work out of the men than was ever got out since any of us have known anything about the mine. It is estimated, and with good grounds, that he gets from 25 to 50 per cent more out of the men than under Captain Day, or Dennis Sullivan’s management; and all visitors to the mine speak in the highest terms of its condition[.] We must judge men by their fruits, and certainly the Company has good reason to appreciate Mr. Smith’s labors. We do not, however, leave him unchecked to do as he pleases; he is watched closely. That which you mention about a large body of ore on the 500 ft. level, we know all about it; he has not concealed it from us. On the 500 ft. level I am told that not a pick has been struck to the north of the shaft, and whether there are millions of dollars of ore or not, as you seem to think, is a thing which is not known. But you can rest assured that our interests in the mine are looked after, and, of course, your interests also, for we cannot obtain any advantage without you sharing it [in] it.

You seem to be averse to the sale of the mine to the California Company. That is a matter which is not at present in our control. We gave them an option, which holds good until October; and I understand that you were quite well satisfied with it when it was made. We thought we were doing excellently; for I must in truth say that I firmly believe that if it had not been for their help in the law suit, there was great danger of our losing the entire property. Of course, at the present time the mine appears valuable; more so than when we gave them the option; but I felt that they made us a very excellent offer at the time. Whether the property will be sold to them at this figure or not, of course, remains with them. We cannot withdraw, in honor, until the option expires.

There are some points connected with your statements concerning the value of the mine and the great benefits that you think we have received from it which I wish to call to your attention. The mine, I say, now looks very well. But you will remember that in the fall before you left, as well as all of us, felt that the property was likely to slip out of our hands, and you offered your stock at that time for a very low figure. The difficulty in raising the bond, and then the law suit hanging over us, made matters look very gloomy. Had that bond been raised—and you know how difficult it was to raise it, and how dark it seemed at one time, for we felt that it could not be raised—we should have lost the property. The best California lawyers who have examined our side of the law suit are united in the belief that the Supreme Court of the United States would have sustained the decision of the District Court against us. The broad vein theory, which the Eureka people had planted themselves upon, was one that would have swept our property away from us and given it to them. This comprise is regarded as one of the best arrangements ever made. And we could not, as a Company, make this arrangement. It required just what we did—the engaging of strangers and giving them an interest in the property—to bring the necessary influence to bear to save it from those who were trying t to steal it. So much for the mine.

The benefits which you have conferred us by selling us the property, therefore, are not all one-sided. We have had our trouble with this property as much as you, and have borne a heavy load. You have had your load to bear, I know, and have done it well. I do not feel to reproach you in the least, because that is not a right spirit; but I desire you to see that we have had a good deal to do and a good many burdens to carry. Today I stand in a very peculiar position with Zion’s Savings Bank and Trust Company, in consequence of my efforts to have your property saved. Swazey was determined to close his mortgage on the Hot Springs, and it seemed as though that property would pass out of our hands and there would be no help for it. It was a very serious question as to what to do; but it seemed to me a great pity that you should lose what you had done there under a foreclosure of the mortgage, and after hearing from Brother Clawson all the facts I went to the Executive Committee of the bank and represented the facts to them and used my influence with them to advance the necessary money on a mortgage to pay Swazey. Some of the Directors have felt very sore over this investment. They think it was a bad one, and have had to bear, indirectly, some censure because the loan was made, as it is known that it was due to my influence that the money was advanced.

I do not mention this for the purpose of making you feel that I consider you under obligations to me. I am content to do what I can in every possible way to help you or any of my brethren; but while doing so I do not want to be made to feel that I am under some great obligation to somebody else. I think we should work together and be united. I do not wish to find fault with you, nor to say anything in the nature of a reproach to you; and I hope you will not feel that way towards me. I can assure you, as Bro. Clawson well knows, that he has never come to me to mention your affairs without finding me ready to listen, and not only ready to listen but ready to aid to the extent of my influence; and I have done this on several occasions when the members of the Company have protested against such action. He has sent you three thousand dollars within a few days. We have had to do this on our own responsibility, without consulting other brethren, for they have felt that your debts here which the Company hold ought to be met first.

I wish to say to you in this connection, as I feel that it is only right that I should do so, that you have had in Brother Clawson a most efficient agent. You perhaps have thought that at times he has not done as much as he might have done; but he has been indefatigable in looking after your interests, and has ever been ready to defend your rights and to do everything that he could for your family and to keep your creditors pacified. You should value him; for I have had an opportunity of seeing how closely he has attended to your interests.

I hope you will not take offense at any plain talk that I have made in this letter. I feel very kindly towards you, and will do, as I say, all I can for you. I trust you will be blessed and prospered and delivered from the hands of your enemies. There has been a great change in feeling here, still when they can find victims they are ready to procure them. I am much obliged to you for the kind letters you have written and the good expressions contained in them, and am greatly pleased to hear of your labors in the ministry. I trust that when you return you will come back in peace and in safety, and be filled with the Spirit of the Lord, and that you will escape the snares of our enemies. Accept my kind regards, in which Presidents Woodruff and Joseph F. Smith and Brother Nuttall join.

I am,

Your Brother,


16 May 1889 • Thursday

THURSDAY, May 16th, 1889.

I dictated my journal, and also a long letter to my son Angus, to whom I have not written since before I went to the Pen. I drove to city, and Presidents Woodruff, Smith and myself listened, to the reading of letters which had been received. At two o’clock the First Presidency and Brothers F. D. Richards, F. M. Lyman, Heber J. Grant and John W. Taylor of the Twelve met in the upper room and had prayer according to the order. Attended to various matters of business, as well as listening to the reading of more letters. We are having considerable rain these days, which is very thankfully received, as the country has been very dry and but little snow in the mountains. All the streams are very low, and there was a general apprehension that the crops would be very light this season in consequence of the scarcity of water, but these rains are very timely and are helping the agricultural, as well as the stock-raising, interests very much.

17 May 1889 • Friday

FRIDAY, May 17th, 1889.

Had a meeting of the Bullion, Beck and Champion mining company at ten o’clock this morning. There were present, besides myself, Directors H. B. Clawson, G. J. Taylor and George Re[y]nolds. A dividend of fifty cents per share was declared, and afterwards a 11% dividend to the Utah stock-holders, being money coming to them for debts of John Beck. Listened to the reading of correspondence with Presidents Woodruff and Smith, and dictated answers to several of the letters. At four o’clock I left the office and called for my daughter Mary Alice and took her down home, and afterwards drove over to my son Abraham’s where a party of friends had assembled to celebrate the anniversary of my brother Angus’s birth. He is 55 years old today. His daughter Mina, who was married to Abraham, made the dinner, which was a very good one. There were present, besides Angus and three of his wives, Brother Jesse W. Fox and his wife and daughter, and Hyrum S. Young’s wife[.] Also my sister Mary Alice, my nephew George M. Cannon and his wife, my daughter Mary Alice and my wife Emily, and my brother David’s son Angus and daughter Amanda, and a Sister Rockwell, were there. I dictated my journal this evening.

18 May 1889 • Saturday

SATURDAY, May 18th, 1889.

Was taken to the train by son William, which stopped on the street leading to my place for Brother Woodruff and myself. In passing Provo we were called upon by Brother Smoot and H. H. Cluff, his counselor, and had some conversation concerning Stake affairs. At Nephi Brother Pickton met us with his team. He is the father-in-law of Brother George Teasdale, and we were taken to Brother Teasdale’s house where Sister Teasdale had prepared lunch for us. The train for Chester stopped in the street opposite the house, so that we could get Moroni and Bishop and the Saints came down to meet us get in. At Moroni the Bishop and the Saints came down to met <meet> us, and were very pressing that we should stop there and hold meeting with them. We preferred to make an appointment with them when we returned, and did so for Monday night. At Chester we were met by President Canute Petersen and a Brother Jessen. Brother Petersen took President Woodruff in his buggy and Brother Lyman, Arthur Winter and myself rode with Brother Jessen. We stopped at Ephraim and had our evening meal, and then drove over to Manti. Brother John W. Maiben had telegraphed to us asking us to stop at his house. Brother Woodruff and I went there, and Brother Lyman and Brother Winter to the Boarding House. Bro. and Sister Maiben received us very hospitably. They are very kind people, and make their guests very comfortable. I have stopped with them nearly every time I have been in Manti, and I have always enjoyed myself. In the evening the two brass bands which are here came and played some tunes in front of the house, and Brother Woodruff and myself went out and thanked them, and made some few remarks to them. Between the afternoon and the evening meetings we went to the temple and had our supper there. I enjoyed this visit very much. This is the most beautiful building we have erected and there is a heavenly influence in it. Brother Wells enjoys himself very much in his labor as the President of the temple, assisted by Brother A. H. Lund. I met here Brother M. F. Farnsworth who is the recorder here.

19 May 1889 • Sunday

SUNDAY, May 19th, 1889.

They have had but very little rain in this valley of late, differing in this respect from our valley, but they have had cold and disagreeable weather. This morning, however, the weather was beautiful, and before the time for meeting a brass band came around and also a marshal band, and the Sunday School children and teachers. They formed in line in front of the house and played music, and as they had done this in my honor as the General Superintendent, I made some remarks to them. President Woodruff also spoke, and they then marched to the meeting house, and we followed. President Woodruff and Brother Lyman occupied the forenoon in addressing the people. The house was crowded to overflowing, and there were a good many who could not get in. In the afternoon it was proposed that an overflow meeting should be held in another building, and Bro. Lyman was requested by Brother Petersen to attend the meeting, but he asked to be excused, as he was desirous to hear me speak. I read from the Book of Mormon concerning the promises which the Lord Jesus made to the Nephites concerning their future <descendants>, and also the treatment they should receive from the Gentiles. These portions of scripture are in the 20 and 21 chapters of the third Book of Nephi. I had excellent freedom, and showed from the prediction of the Prophets that the Gentiles would reject the Gospel and then the Elders should turn to the Jews, or the descendants of the House of Israel. I showed how clearly this was being fulfilled. The Gentiles were rejecting the Gospel, and were persecuting and killing the Elders, and the time seemed near at hand when we should have to turn to the House of Israel. Already they were receiving the Gospel and seemed to be inspired to receive it. I spoke of the Sandwich Islanders, of the Maories of New Zealand, and of the people of the Samoan Group, and the Indians in our own country. President Woodruff followed in remarks, occupying about fifteen or twenty minutes. In the evening we had a Priesthood meeting, so-called, to which the Sisters were invited. Bro. Lyman and myself occupied the time, Brother Woodruff thinking it prudent to not go to the meeting, as he felt fatigued. We had excellent liberty. Between the afternoon and evening meetings we went to the temple and had our supper there. I enjoyed this visit very much. This is the most beautiful building we have erected, and there is a heavenly influence in it. Brother Wells enjoys himself very much in his labor as the President of the Temple, assisted by Brother A. H. Lund. I met Brother M. F. Farnsworth here, who is the recorder.

20 May 1889 • Monday

MONDAY, May 20th, 1889.

I made an appointment this morning with Brother George Farnworth, of Mount Pleasant, and Brother Bauregard and wife, of Fillmore, to meet them at the temple at eight o’clock. They have been desirous to be adopted to me. I did not come down prepared for this, as I had no wife with me, but rather than disappoint them I borrowed a suit of temple clothing from Brother Lund and Brothers Woodruff and Wells thought that it would be quite proper for me to cho[o]se somebody to act proxy for one of my wives, and Sister Lydia Ann Alley Wells expressed pleasure in response to my request to act proxy. The following are the names who were adopted, some of whom are deceased:— 1 Christian Peter Boregard, 2 Ane Sorensen Boregard, 3 Peter Christian Boregard, (dead) 4 Maren Nielsen Boregard, (dead) 5 Soren Hansen(dead), 6 Sine Andersen Hansen (dead), 7 George Farnworth, 8 Joseph Farnworth (dead), 9 Margaret McBride Farnworth (dead), 10 Thomas Farnworth, (dead), 11 Richard William Farnworth, (dead), 12 son Farnworth, (dead). From here I went down to my cousin Joseph J. Taylor’s and called upon himself and wife. They have four fine children. The statistical report was presented to the conference this morning, and the authorities of the Church were presented, after which President Woodruff spoke. In the afternoon I occupied time until about half-past three, having great freedom in speaking. The Spirit of the Lord was poured out upon the people and myself. I expected Brother Lyman to follow me, but he did not wish to do so. He said that the people felt so well that he did not wish to occupy time. Brother Petersen made some remarks in closing the conference, and we adjourned. They expressed a preference here for their Quarterly Conference to be held on Saturday and Sunday instead of Sunday and Monday. After meeting we returned to Brother Maiben’s and I changed my clothes and we drove over to Ephriam. Bishop Hans Jensen took Brother Winter and myself in his vehicle, and Brother Petersen took President Woodruff. Brother Lyman goes from here south to attend conferences through the south with Brother John Henry Smith. We ate our supper at Ephriam and when meeting-time came the band came to Brother Petersen’s where we were stopping, and marched us in procession to the meeting-house, which was very much crowded. They have a Presbyterian preacher here, and others who are not Mormons, the greater part of whom attended the Conference <meeting>. President Woodruff desired me to occupy the time. I spoke for about one hour and with a great deal of freedom and power. He followed, occupying about thirty-five minutes. We stopped for the night at President Canute Petersen’s. I may mention that after we had supper we were taken to the house of Brother Sorensen, whose wife has been blind for two years, and he is afflicted with deafness. She has had great faith that if we should come and lay our hands upon her she would receive her sight, and has been eager for our arrival. We went to the house and found the family assembled. President Woodruff anointed her and I was mouth; I anointed the man and President Woodruff was mouth. They were benefited by the administration.

21 May 1889 • Tuesday

TUESDAY, May 21st, 1889.

While at breakfast this morning Brother Sorensen came down to the house full of thanks and praise for the blessing of the Lord which he and his wife received through our administration. She awoke the family this morning a little after four by telling them daylight was coming, and she could see better than she had done for two years. He also had his hearing improved by the administration. In order to save Brother Woodruff fatigue it had been arranged that Brother Petersen should take him from here in his buggy direct to Moroni, while I should go around and hold meetings at Spring City, and Mount Pleasant, and then join him for evening meeting at Moroni; so this morning at eight o’clock Brother Arthur Winter and myself started for Spring City. Brother Winter rode with Brother George Farnworth, and I rode with Bishop Dorius in his buggy. It was quite a hot morning this morning. When we reached Spring City the brass band and the Sunday School Children were out near the Bishop’s, ready to receive me. After we drove through the ranks they walked into the Bishop’s lot in front of the house, and he then introduced me to the children. The Bishop here is Bishop ___ Allred. His remarks were very complimentary to me, after which I spoke to the children for a short time, and also thanked the band and the people for their kind reseption of me. We then went to the meeting-house, which was crowded to over-flowing, and all the windows outside were filled with people. I spoke for about an hour, and enjoyed great freedom. The power of God was present, and the people were filled with joy. Their hearts were melted. We partook of dinner at the Bishop’s, whose brother David made me a present of a cane. He had crossed the plains with my brother David, for whom he entertained a high regard, and spoke in warm terms of him. Brother Farnworth took Brother Winter and myself to Mount Pleasant in time for meeting—3 o’clock. There, also, the band turned out and played a number of tunes, opposite his house, and I made some remarks to the members of the band, thanking them for their kindness. Bishop Sealy joined us and we walked to the meeting-house. A number of non-Mormons were present at this meeting, as well as the Presbyterian minister. This house, also, was crowded to over-flowing, and the outside of the windows were occupied by people in wagons. I enjoyed great freedom here, also, in speaking, occupying about one hour. I have administered to a number of persons here, among them the daughter of Brother Farnworth, who has been afflicted with dropsy for about six or seven months. We had supper at Brother Farnworth’s, and then he took us over to Moroni. We drove to the residence of Bishop Irons’, where Brother Woodruff was, and at quarter to eight we went to the meeting-house. This is a beautiful structure, one of the finest in the Territory. It is built of hewn stone. The interior is very fine, though plain. It is not yet regularly seated, but for this occasion seats had been improvised, and the house was so full that great numbers could only find standing room. All the doors were also crowded. The people are hungry for the Word of God, and they had followed me from Ephraim to Spring City, and from Spring City to Mount Pleasant, and from Mount Pleasant here. Others had come also from Wales and from Fountain Green. There was a larger gathering tonight, they tell us, than there was at the last quarterly conference, which was held here. I think it is safe to estimate that there were twelve hundred people who listened to us. President Woodruff occupied about forty-five minutes, and I followed him for about thirty-five minutes. I felt to shrink very much, as I have done at each meeting, from speaking. Tonight I felt very weak and humble, but it is seldom that I have spoken so well as I did here. I was filled with the power of God, and the people rejoiced. Brother Woodruff’s instructions were excellent, though his voice was scarcely heard throughout the building. The people seem to be filled with love and affection, and they show us all honor. I have felt exceedingly well in this valley. The Spirit of the Lord has accompanied us and bore a testimony to our words, and this has made my heart rejoice.

22 May 1889 • Wednesday

WEDNESDAY, May 22nd, 1889.

After breakfast I called upon Brother Bradly, who was formerly bishop here. His wife was very glad to see me. She is in her 78th year. This aged couple are very excellent people, but they are now drawing near the earthly termination of their careers, but they feel excellently in the Gospel. We took train at half-past nine and reached Nephi at eleven. Here we were met by the brass band and the Sunday School children, and we walked in procession to the meeting-house. A banner under which we passed had “WELCOME TO OUR LEADERS” painted upon it. The meeting-house here was filled to its utmost capacity. The Presbyterian preacher of this place and quite a number of non-Mormons were present. I felt exceedingly well in speaking here occupying about fifty-five minutes, and President Woodruff followed, speaking about forty minutes. After the meeting I went to Sister Pitchforth’s with Brother Winter and ate dinner. Brother Woodruff went to Sister Teasdale’s. We joined each other at the train, which left for Salt Lake City at twenty-five minutes past two. We were joined on the train at Lehi by Brother A. O. Smoot, who brought a number of Stake matters to our attention to get our counsel on them. My brother Angus also joined us at the point near his farm. The train stopped for us at the street leading to my place, and Brother Wilcken was there to meet Brother Woodruff to take him home, and my son Hugh met me on the road and I was taken home by him. In the evening Brother Wilcken came down and we walked over the place looking at improvements, and he gave me a bath.

23 May 1889 • Thursday

THURSDAY, May 23rd, 1889.

I dictated my journal to my son David. I omitted to mention that on Sunday last Presidents Woodruff, Wells and myself, in company with Warren S. Snow, called upon the latter’s father—Gardner Snow—who is in his ninty-seventh year. The old gentleman has been in the Church fifty-five or fifty-six years, and has been a true and faithful man. He is a cousin of Erastus Snow, and a double cousin of Winslow Farr, the father of Lorin and Aaron Farr. His eyesight has failed him, but his hearing is very good, and his mental powers seem to be well preserved for a man of his years. We had an interesting visit with him, and before we left we laid our hands upon him and Brother Woodruff was mouth in blessing him. I had a meeting this morning with the Bullion, Beck and Champion Mining Company to take action on a compromise which had been proposed by the Eureka, Hill Co., in relation to our legal claim. The compromise is recommended by our attorneys and the mining experts whom we employed to examine the property. As it is necessary that the California Company should accept of this compromise, in order to make it legal, we decided to send Brother Clawson to California to arrange affairs, and to get their acceptance. We had also a meeting of the Zion’s Savings Bank and Trust Co., which kept me quite late in the evening. Brother Woodruff and Brother F. D. Richards and myself went down to the Architect’s Office to examine the plans and decide upon the front steps of the Temple. Brother William Asper had proposed extending the steps a little and putting the newel posts at the ends of the steps. This has been a change from the original plan of Brother T. O. Angel, and was not accepted by Don Carlos Young, our Architect. We took the Brothers Watson in with us, and after examining the plans and looking at the Temple itself, we decided that the original plan was the best, and that newel posts in front of such a massive building would only look contemptible. This was in the view also taken by Brother Joseph F Smith, who could not accompany us. We climbed to the roof of the building which is now being put on by the men of Davis, Howe and Co.—our brethren. We also decided upon a plan where we would have the elevators. They are rapidly putting the girders and joists in the building. Brother Moyle, the Supt., thought it would take two years to complete the stone work of the towers. I told him I hoped he would get out of that notion, and would crowd it ahead faster than that. At two o’clock today we met in prayer circle. Besides the First Presidency there were present Brothers Richards and Grant of the Twelve.

24 May 1889 • Friday

FRIDAY, May 24th, 1889.

I dictated my journal to my son David. My son David rode with me to town. Called at the taylor’s—Brother Davis. I was measured for some summer clothes. Brother William Cluff came in, having been informed wrongly that he was requested to meet the committee appointed to examine various points to see where the most suitable place could be found for the erection <location> of the Sandwich Islanders. . The committee came in yesterday. He was informed what was expected of him, and he went out, and afterwards returned with Brother F. A. Mitchel and his brother Harvey, who informed us that they had met with the Islanders and they had selected as following committee men: Brothers Kauleinamokeo, Namakaman, Napeha. We gave them some further instructions upon the subject, and they informed us that they expected to start out in a little over a week to examine localities which had been referred to them. A Mr. Brubeck, connected with the San Pete Valley Railroad, desired an interview with me to secure my good offices in helping close a compromise between his party and a Mr. Bamberger, who had formerly been Supt., of the road. Mr. Brubeck represented the English Stockholders, and they had agreed to compromise, but Mr. Bamberger insisted on the surrender to him of a twenty-five thousand dollar note which he had given. Mr. Brubeck stated the case in such a way that it seemed to me a wrong thing to ask for this note, and I agreed to see Messrs. Sheeks & Rallins, the attorneys of Mr. Bamberger, and endeavor to get them to get him to relinquish his claim for this note. Dictated some letters in answer to some public correspondence to Brother Arthur Winter. We had an interview with Col. Winder in relation to political matters, and urged upon him the importance of taking immediate steps towards preparing ourselves for the coming August election, and especially the election of February next involving the control of this city. Had a meeting of the Sunday School Union. I dictated a letter for the First Presidency to sign addressed to the chiefs and members who were assembled in Thistle Valley. There has been some strange influence at work among the various tribes, and they assert that they have been visited by personages who have told them to gather at Thistle Valley and to seek to the Mormons for counsel. Accordingly we hear quite a number have gathered from various points of the valley, and they desire to have the Word of the Lord. We cannot visit them as the First Presidency, as our presence might lead to accusations that we were tampering with the Indians, but while in Sanpete lately we conversed with Brother Petersen, Brother Henry Beal, Brother George Farnworth and Bishop Sealy concerning this gathering, and we instructed them to see that the Indians were properly cared for and fed, and that we should write a letter to them to be read to the chiefs. This letter I dictated today, and we signed it. At half-past five Brother Woodruff and myself went to a birthday party at the Thirteenth Ward Assembly Hall, which was made in honor of Bishop Atwood, being 72 years of age. There was quite a gathering of people. Brother Woodruff and myself spoke, and Mrs. Dr. Barney read an address. The Bishop also spoke, and their [there] was considerable singing, after which we partook of the dinner. The meal was a very excellent one.

25 May 1889 • Saturday

SATURDAY, May 25th, 1889.

Brother Samuel W. Richards called upon us today to submit an article which he had written upon the Priesthood. President Woodruff and myself corrected a number of his statements, which he promised to re-write. We afterwards concluded that it would be better not to publish it, as it threw no additional light upon the question he had written upon, and we feared it might lead to division, so we sent for Brother Elias Morris, President of the <High> Priests Quorum, to suggest to him that he say to Brother Richards that he had better not publish it. I saw Mr. Sheeks, of Sheeks & Rollins, concerning Mr. Brubeck’s business, and Mr. Sheeks said he would do what he could to have it settled in the manner I suggested. The appointment of Charles S. Zane as Chief Justice of Utah was announced today. The Herald has a great deal to say in condemnation of the appointment, and says it will plunge the people of Utah into gloom. I do not take this view. We have done all we can, but despite all our efforts he has secured the appointment. No doubt it will be overruled for good, and I do not feel disturbed. Brother Joseph F. Smith was not at the office today, and Brother Woodruff left early, and I had time to wade through a good deal of our public correspondence, and dictated answers thereto to Brother Arthur Winter. I was pleased to get these letters out of the way. I also went through my private correspondence and dictated replies to the letters, and felt wonderfully relieved at getting this work behind me. My daughter Mary Alice rode down from town with me. I dictated my journal to my son David.

26 May 1889 • Sunday

SUNDAY, May 26th, 1889.

Called for Brother Woodruff with my carriage about one o’clock. Found him suffering from a severe cold and loss of voice. We went to the Tabernacle, my son William driving the carriage. Brother Woodruff was desirous that I should speak and occupy all the time. I read the 31st Chapter of the Second Book of Nephi, and spoke longer than I intended, occupying about an hour and twenty minutes. The congregation was very attentive.. Took Brother Woodruff home and then returned to attend meeting at the 16th Ward. My brother Angus was present. I spoke about fifty minutes, and had good freedom. After meeting called upon Brother Theodore McKean at his house. He is on the “Underground”. We had some very nice ice cream given to us. Called at Brother Wells’ in the Twelfth Ward for my daughter Mary Alice, who accompanied us home.

27 May 1889 • Monday

MONDAY, May 27th, 1889

This morning I drove around by Brother Woodruff’s, but found he had gone to the city. His health is much improved. We devoted ourselves for several hours to the reading of old correspondence which had not been answered, after which I dictated answers to public letters. Read the proof of my yesterday’s discourse, which the Deseret News people were anxious to publish. I took Brother Woodruff in my buggy to his residence on his farm. Dictated my journal.

28 May 1889 • Tuesday

TUESDAY, May 28th, 1889.

I drove to Brother Woodruff’s and took him to the city. Alonzo E. Hyde came to me having been sent by Brother Franklin S. Richards to get some counsel from me concerning his case. After some conversation with him and hearing the particulars, I told him I had arranged to have Mr. Peters seen and learn whether he would be willing to dismiss his case. I called upon Brother LeGrande Young and stated the matter to him and requested him to see Peters. He has been very successful with Peters in arranging matters, but in this instance he stated he could not dismiss the case. President Woodruff and myself went down to the Temple Block to examine one of the windows which had been finished with portland cement. We had with us the Architect—Don Carlos Young, the Supt.—Brother Moyle—and the Presiding Bishop. It was decided to let Brother J. H. Rumel try one of the windows and see how he would finish it, so that we might decide upon which was the better method. President Woodruff and myself afterwards went through the Tithing department. I dictated a number of public letters, and had a number of calls from various individuals on various subjects. I took President Woodruff in my buggy to his home. When I returned to my home this evening I found the well, which some men had been driving on my place, was pouring forth a volume of sand and water.

29 May 1889 • Wednesday

WEDNESDAY, May 29th, 1889.

Brother C. H. Wilcken came down to breakfast with us. I called for Brother Woodruff at his farm and took him to the city: Had an interview this morning with Mr. Hank Smith, of the Bullion Beck property, and conversed with him upon a compromise which is being arranged between the Eureka, Hill Co. and this company. He afterwards called with Mr. W. H. Dickson, the late District Attorney, and who is employed in this case. I had some conversation with him. It stirred <created> considerable comment to see this man in the President’s private office, but he is disposed, I understand, to be friendly, and has expressed some regret at the past and a disposition to have nothing to do with future prosecutions, even if the office of District Attorney is offered him.. At one o’clock we had a meeting of the Zion’s Savings Bank and Trust Co. I dictated answers to public correspondence, and made a visit to the Cannon House with my son Abraham with a view to having the rooms papered over for my wife Carlie when she returns. At four o’clock held a meeting of the Deseret News Co., and at half-past seven went to a political caucus held at the Assembly Hall. James Sharp was elected Chairman, and steps were taken to arrange for the coming campaign in a most determined manner, as our enemies are determined by fraud or other means of device to steal the government of the city and county from us. Among others I was requested by the Chairman to address the meeting, which I did for a short time. There was a subscription taken up on my motion to raise a political fund, to which I subscribed fifty dollars. The amount subscribed was upwards of two thousand dollars, which was very gratifying under the circumstances. My son William called home. I dictated my journal to my son David.

30 May 1889 • Thursday

THURSDAY, May 30th, 1889.

Brothers C. H. Wilcken and Jesse W. Fox came down early this morning, also Brother Brigham Young, who is on the underground, for the purpose of accompanying me over Jordan to look at some land there. Brother Brigham took breakfast with me. I was very glad to see him, as he has been sometime absent. My son Abraham also joined us. Brother Brigham, Brother Fox and myself rode together in the one vehicle, and Brother Wilcken and Abraham in the other. We visited several places and looked at some land that was offered by the widow of Brother Parry, who was the mason who built the Logan temple. I liked its appearance, although it had no improvements on it. We looked at several other places, and stopped at Brother Wilcken’s farm, where we had a light lunch. Afterwards called at Brother Fox’s, where his son Jesse and family were enjoying themselves, having just come out from the city. One of my horses had cast a shoe, and I had another put on at the blacksmith’s shop. Brother Wilcken and Brother Fox took us to a ridge where we had a splendid view of the entire valley, north and south. I have not had any clear idea of this country until today. There is a much larger breadth of land cultivated and watered by canals than I thought there was, and there is room for many homes here. The crops of lucerne are very large. The soil seems to be particularly adapted for the cultivation of that plant. We reached my home in time for dinner, which I had appointed for four O’clock[.] My children: Mary Alice, David, Emily and Sylvester, had arranged to go to the theater to see the opera of Martha, and desired me to accompany them, which I did, and had a very enjoyable time. It was our home company, under Brother Stephens’ management, and was an exceedingly good performance.

31 May 1889 • Friday

FRIDAY, May 31st, 1889.

Listened to correspondence, and dictated answers to Brother Arthur Winter. At seven o’clock this evening I went to Brother Riter’s where I was invited to dine with Judge Sandford and wife. There were there also Mr. T. R. Jones, the banker, and wife, Brother and Sister Webber, Brother F. S. Richards and wife, Brother LeGrande Young and wife. We had a very good dinner and spent a very pleasant evening. My principal motive in going to this party was to pay my respects to Judge Sandford and wife. I had not met him to speak to him before, though he was on the bench and sentenced me to prison. Mrs. Sandford had visited me in the Penitentiary on two occasions, and brought some ladies with her each time, and paid me much respect. I had desired to show them some attentions, but it was not considered prudent, as our enemies would misconstrue them. On this account I desired to meet them at this dinner party, and I took occasion to express to them my regard for them, and to explain to them why I had not shown them more attention. The party broke up at a little after ten.

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May 1889, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 29, 2025