November 1881

1 November 1881 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov. 1st, 1881 Prest Taylor is seventy-three years old today. I was up early trying to find a smaller collar for my mare, also to arrange for the hire of a horse to work in her place to Beaver. I succeeded in purchasing a collar and Bro. Levitt, at the request of Bishop Smith, let me have a horse to work to Beaver. I tied my mare beside my team and led her. This delayed me, and the company got a good three-quarters of a mile start of me and supposed I was ahead. The roads were very good, and we drove to coal creek, 22 miles distant, without stopping. We found Sister Arza Hinckley and two daughters here and some small children. They are plunged in grief at the loss of the oldest son, who has been shot at Franklin within a few days by two desperadoes. He was telegraph operator and agent at that place. Bro. Hinckley himself had gone to where his son was killed. We reached Coal Creek at fifteen minutes past eleven o’clock, and family prepared dinner to us. We started at one o’clock[.] My mare Topsy broke loose and tore the harness of Warfield by running astraddle of a telegraph pole, but we soon fixed things up. We reached Beaver, twenty-five miles from Coal Creek, about five o’clock, and I was invited by Bro. Wm. Fotheringham to stop at his house, which was of brick and comfortably furnished. In the evening I had calls from Bros. Tyler, George Hay, F M. Lyman and John Henry Smith, and we had some interesting conversation about political affairs. I received the following dispatch from Bro Reynolds concerning the demurrer to the complaint that had been made before the Third District Court respecting my naturalization

[Newspaper article]

In the District Court,

For the Third Judicial District of Utah Territory.

The United States on the Relation of

Allen G. Campbell, Plaintiff, vs.

George Q. Cannon, Defendant.

Complaint to annul a certificate held by defendant and used by him as a certificate of naturalization.

The demurrer of the defendant to the complaint filed in this action having been heretofore argued by counsel for the respective parties, and taken under advisement, and the Court having duly considered the same, and it appearing to the Court that the Attorney General of the United States should file complaint in behalf of the government in such cases, and that from the facts stated in the complaint, which are admitted by defendant’s demurrer, that there is no record of defendant’s naturalization, and that no proceeding for that purpose ever took place in court, and that the certificate held by defendant as a certificate of naturalization was obtained by fraud, and has been fraudulently used, and is void on its face in not professing to be the copy of a record, and not certifying a regular naturalization, and therefore that there is no sufficient cause shown for annulling it, it is ordered that the said demurrer be, and the same is hereby sustained, and that the complaint be, and is hereby, dismissed.

(Signed) John A. Hunter,


[L. S.] Attest:

H. G. McMillan, Deputy Clerk.

[End of newspaper article]

I had a dispatch from my brother Angus informing me that all were well at home.

In the evening I visited Prest Taylor at Bro. J. R. Murdocks

2 November 1881 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 2nd, 1881 I did not sleep very well last night. After breakfast I called upon President Taylor and we arranged a plan of travel to Parowan, but did not decide when we should leave there[.] The driver in which <with whom> Bro. Woodruff and Richards rode took hold of my mare. Messengers were sent on to the different settlements to inform the people of meeting today and at ten o’clock convened at the meeting house. Bro. F. D. Richards, John H. Smith, F. M Lyman and W. Woodruff occupied the forenoon. I dined with Bro. E. T. Farnsworth, and F. D. Richards also stopped there. At two P.M. we met again, The house was crowded. I was called upon to speak. Did not have much freedom[.] Prest Taylor spoke some sixty-five minutes. At 6:30 the young men and young Women’s Mutual Improvement Associations, Sunday School and others met by appointment at the meeting house. The room was well filled and Prest Woodruff presided who requested me to occupy all the time I wanted. He was anxious I should speak. I had the spirit and addressed them upon practical duties, giving a number of illustrations from my own experience. I was listened to attentively. I occupied about an hour. W. Woodruff, F. D. Richards, F. M. Lyman and John H. Smith followed, the last two occupying only a few minutes each. The night was a very beautiful and clear moonlight night. Our bedroom was very much more comfortable than last night, Sister Fotheringham having put up a stove for our comfort. The fire on the hearth made of this pitch pine throughout all this southern part of the Territory are very delightful at this season of the year, and are appreciated by travelers.

After the afternoon meeting today we administered to Sister Shepherd who is afflicted with St. Vitus dance and had lost her speech in consequence. I was mouth. Bros F. M. Lyman, F. D. Richards and John Henry Smith joined. After the afternoon meeting also, Prest Taylor and myself and the Apostles and the presidency of the Stake and Bishops met at Bro. John R. Murdock’s to listen to Prest Taylor’s views on marriage, which he had written out. The document was not complete, but he desired to read as much as he had written. L. John Nuttall read the document. I was much pleased with it, as it is a subject upon which I have been very much concerned and had agitated it on a number of occasions

3 November 1881 • Thursday

Thursday, Nov 3rd, 1881 Plenty of jack-asses at this place, and they make the night musical with their brawny braying. The people here call them nightingales, and others canaries.

We started for Parowan at eight o’clock and drove to Buckhorn Springs, about twenty miles from Beaver. Here we stopped for two hours. There is no one living at this place now. We reached Parowan passing through Paragoonah on the way, and were met by the President and counselors at the edge of the town, where also a number of Sunday School children were drawn up on each side of the road. I was invited to stop at Bro. Durham’s, who with his two wives received us very kindly. Prest Taylor arranged while we were at Buckhorn Springs for myself, F. M. Lyman and John H. Smith to go to St George by way of Kanarrah and Toquerville.

The condition of the people at San Juan was talked over this afternoon. At seven o’clock we all attended meeting in the meeting house, which was crowded, except Prest Taylor, who was detained. Bro F. M. Lyman spoke twenty-five minutes, and I followed and had good liberty. Bro. Woodruff also spoke for a short time. Meeting was appointed for ten o’clock tomorrow, which Prest Taylor intended to occupy.

4 November 1881 • Friday

Friday, Nov. 4th, 1881 I was wakeful through the night. Arose at 4:30 and after breakfast started at six o’clock. Bros. F. M. Lyman, John H. Smith, Sister Clawson, Sisters Richards and baggage wagon started with me. We reached Cedar at 9:40 where we stopped a few minutes and then drove to Kanarrah[.] We had telegraphed the previous evening to Cedar City to send a messenger over to Kanarrah advising them of our intention to hold meeting with them, but they messenger only reached a short time before we did to give notice. Bro. John Berry and others met us outside of the town and pressed me to go and stop at his house. I had been with him in the early days in the mines in California, though he is a much older man than I am. I stopped at his house and then went to meeting, which was not so well attended as it would have been had the messenger arrived earlier, but the attendance was tolerable. I occupied the time at the request of the brethren, as they had been here recently and enjoyed considerable freedom. I saw Bro John Barker, here, who is about eighty years of age. He is an old veteran in the work, and a man of great integrity and devotion to the Prophet Joseph.

At three p m after taking dinner, we started from Kannarrah. The roads were not very good. It took us till after dark, or about half-past five o’clock to reach Bellvue. The moon light made it more pleasant travelling in the evening than darkness would have been. We stopped at Bro. Jacob Gates. He was absent, but his wife received us very kindly, and it is seldom a fire in the house appeared more grateful to us than it did then after travelling nearly fifty miles. We were very tired. All the party stopped here except Sister Clawson and her sister and Sel Clawson, who went with the Silvesters.

5 November 1881 • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 5th, 1881 I was tired enough to sleep well last night. We started at 7:40 for Toquerville, which place we reached by nine o’clock. The road was rough and sandy Stopped at Bishop Wm. Bringhurst’s who received us very kindly[.] We held a spirited meeting at which John Henry Smith, myself and F. M. Lyman spoke. I occupied most of the time at the brethren’s request, as they had been here quite recently

After dinner started for Washington, at which place we had a meeting appointed at six o’clock. My horse Warfield became lame after passing through a sand ridge, which was very heavy, and here we were met by Bros. J. D. T. McAllister, Henry Eyring, J. G. Bleak[,] Thomas Judd, Richard Bentley, my brother David and others. I sent my team on to St. George and I stopped to attend meeting. We had supper at Bishop Funck’s. The meeting house was full. Bro. F. M. Lyman spoke twenty-five minutes and I spoke about an hour, and Bro. John H. Smith a few minutes. Bro. Judd took me in his buggy with a fast team to St. George. Just before we reached St. George we were met by an escort of a number of the brethren, and I was invited to stop with Bro. Erastus Snow, who had just arrived. Bro. Erastus I sent word that I had already engaged to stop with my brother David, and sent my folks there. Bro. Judd drove me to Bro. Snow’s house, and I spent considerable time with him talking over affairs in Arizona and Bro. John W. Young’s business in which Bro. Snow, Brigham and Jesse N. Smith were all interested. I found my sister Annie and my brother-in-law Robert Gardner waiting to see us at my brother Davis’s.

6 November 1881 • Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 6th, 1881 Today is beautiful. The air is quite balmy. Trees all in leaf, many of them green, and flowers in some places—a striking contrast with the weather and climate north. St George meeting house is a very beautiful structure. We met at ten o’clock. Bros John Henry Smith and F. M. Lyman occupied the forenoon, and I spoke about fifteen minutes. Bro. Snow declined to speak. At two p m we again met, and I addressed the congregation. I read from the Book of Mormon respecting the curse and blessing upon this land as spoken by Alma to his son Heleman, also Moroni’s views and predictions respecting the new Jerusalem. I had great liberty. It is seldom that I feel better in speaking than I did today. In the evening we had a delightful time, with my sister and David. Bros Lyman and Smith dropped in. Bro. Lyman showed me a dispatch he had received informing him of the death of his child. He desired to return, as his wife had just lost a grown and married daughter a short time before, and this blow would fall heavily upon her. By starting in the morning he could reach home by Wednesday, and he could telegraph to them to keep the body until he returned. I counselled him to go home, and told him I would explain matters to Prest Taylor. I requested Robert Lund to give him a pass over the stage on my account to the end of the track.

7 November 1881 • Monday

Monday, Nov. 7th, 1881 I suggested to my brother David to get up an escort to meet Prest Taylor. I took breakfast with my sister Annie Woodbury. At ten o’clock went with my brother and Bro. McAllister to the temple. Bros. Weggeland and Christiensen have been doing some painting inside, which is very beautiful. I passed through all the rooms. There is a hallowed influence about this building. Examined the plan of dining room and engine room. Dined at my brother David’s house where his wives live. Bro. McAllister also took dinner with us. Bro. Robert Luna called for me with his buggy, to take me out to meet Prest Taylor, The team was a very gay one. There was an escort of horsemen under Gus Hardy. There is a piece of road here known as the devil’s twist. It is about as bad a road as ever I saw. We passed this and passed some distance beyond before we met the party, who were all well. The air today is quite chilly, and it is storming in the mountains. The company of horsemen were of great assistance in helping the carriages around the twist[.] Prest Taylor drove to E. R. Snow’s. It was dusty travelling, and I had to go to David’s to clean up. I then returned to see Prest Taylor, and had some conversation about the San Juan settlement. Bro. L. John Nuttall read a letter which Prest Taylor had addressed to the settlers in San Juan. He suggested appointing Edward Dalton to carry the letter and visit the people there. Bros. E. Snow, F. D. Richards and John Henry Smith were also present, and the proper man for President was canvassed. Bro. Wm Hyde was spoken favorably of as President of that Stake, but Prest Taylor suggested that I write a telegram to Edward Dalton appointing him to go to San Juan and to act with the presiding officers and Bishops in carrying out the instructions contained in Prest Taylor’s letter. Through attending to this business, I was prevented attending a meeting of Sunday School Superintendents and teachers until 8:40. The brethren urged me to speak, which I did for ten or fifteen minutes. Bro. John Henry Smith also spoke for a few minutes.

Sister Kleinman, of Toquerville, wished counsel about selling a lot to the Presbyterians. Others were ready to sell if her husband did not. I talked with Prest Taylor about the matter, and we agreed that it was an improper thing, and they had better not sell. If others wished to do so, let them take the responsibility.

8 November • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov. 8th, 1881 I breakfasted this morning with Sister Leonora and husband, Robert Gardner. My sister Anne was present. My sisters afterwards called with me and paid their respects to Prest Taylor.

Meeting opened today at ten o’clock. Bro. W. Woodruff spoke, followed by Bro. F. D. Richards and Bro. E. Snow. Prest Taylor made a few remarks expressive of his pleasure at seeing the people, and announced that he would speak this afternoon

Bishop George H. Crosby, of Leeds, had a conversation with Prest Taylor and myself respecting the affairs of the Stake. He said they needed a practical man like Erastus Snow to be with them, as the staunch reliable men were leaving the Stake. Bro. McAllister, the present President, was absorbed in the work of the temple, and gave little or no attention to practical affairs. Prest Taylor spoke to him at some length, encouraging him, telling him that all would be right.

Prest Taylor occupied one hour and forty minutes in the afternoon. He and his wife and daughter, Mrs. Barrett and son and Bro. L. John Nuttall took supper with us at my brother David’s. David amused us considerably by giving some illustrations of the Laccashire dialect.

9 November 1881 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 9th, 1881 As I intend to start home tomorrow and drive through to Kanarrah the first day, I concluded to send my horses to Bellvue today to await my arrival, so that they would be fresh when I reached there tomorrow. David arranged for a team to take me that far. I had arranged last night with Bishop Roundy, who called for upon me, for a meeting to be held tomorro[w] evening at Kanarrah. My horses were taken by a boy, Bro. Henry Muller, assisted by one who lived with my brother David, and Bro Gates sent Frank to take my baggage on to Bellvue in his wagon. I arranged to go on the stage as far as Leeds so as to lighten my carriage and to give place to the man who drove the team who would have to bring it back to St. George.

In company with David and Sister Emily, I breakfasted with her daughter Leonora Jarvis, whose husband, George Jarvis, was also present. From there we went to the temple. My wife and niece Wilhelmina went through and got endowments as proxy for the dead, Lewis M. Cannon, my nephew, received his own endowments. I took them all through the veil. Prest Taylor had a number of persons adopted into his family by the adoption ordinance. His wife Sophia acted with him. Quite number of children were sealed to their parents. It is an interesting sight to see babies and small children sealed to their parents. My brother David and Bro. McAllister attended to these ordinances.

At my request Prest Taylor, F. D. Richards, John Henry Smith and J .D. T. McAllister set me apart for my mission and blessed me. Prest Taylor was mouth, and made some very encouraging promises. This was attended to in the room usually used for anointing.

I sent a dispatch to my wife Elizabeth informing her when I should start, and when I expected to reach home.

At 6 p m met with the Saints in the meeting house. Prest Taylor suggested that we should all speak. As there were five of us I felt better to occupy only a few minutes. Prest Taylor occupied some 68 minutes, and while speaking turned around to me and blessed me in the presence of the congregation, that I should triumph over my enemies, and then called upon the congregation to say Amen, which they did with a will.

I was ordained an elder for and in behalf of my deceased uncle John Q. this morning, under the hands of Prest Woodruff, J. D. T. McAllister and my brother David, the latter being mouth. I did this with a view of getting endowments for him, but as there was other business to attend to, I did not go any further in his case.

While at the temple we looked around to see the best place to put up an engine house, and to arrange for a dining room. This evening after the meeting I received very many warm expressions from the people, and their good will and many prayers were offered for my safety and success.

After the meeting, went over to Bro. Snow’s, and had some conversation with him about various matters, and bade him good-bye. His wife Sophia, at his instance, put up cake and fruit for us to take with us.

I had an interesting conversation with my brother David this evening, after all the rest had retired to bed. He told me about his peculiar organization. that he could not taste a drop of wine scarcely, without it exciting him and causing a craving for more. His only safety, as I told him, was in total abstinence, never tasting any stimulants. He had been subject to fits of depression, and had described his feeling and what he thought was the cause to Prest Young before his death. Prest Young spoke very encouragingly to him, and laid his hands upon him and blessed him, and from that day he had not been troubled with these feelings. The President had also appointed him to do the sealing in the temple, in company with Bro. McAllister, the President of the Stake.

10 November 1881 • Thursday

Thursday, Nov. 10th, 1881 I awoke about three o’clock, and lay until 4:30. I got the folks ready to start by six o’clock, but they delayed a little longer as the stage I had to ride on did not start until after seven o’clock, and they preferred waiting here for me than at Leeds, where I was to get out. I leave St. George with some regrets, as the society of my kindred here is very sweet to me, and I have seen but little of them for many years. I shall not see them for some time again, it is probable, as I shall start east very soon after reaching home. I called at Bro. Farnsworth’s to bid Bro. Woodruff good bye. He was in bed at the time. My nephew George C. Woodbury drove the stage in which I rode, and we had a very interesting conversation as far as Leeds. Before we arrived there the wind became very violent from the north. I found my carriage waiting for me here. We drove nine miles to Bellvue. Roads sandy and rocky, and very hard on team. I found my horses at Bro. Gates, and Bro. George Worthen, who had accompanied me unhitched his and I hitched mine up. Sister Gates received us with customary kindness, and gave us a good dinner. I gave the children, four of them, a dollar apiece. There was a very cold wind blowing here from the north, and made our ride very chilly. We left Sister Gates shortly before three, and had to drive hard to Kanarrah to get there by seven. Met a number of teams on the dugway, and while stopping for one, discovered that my doubletree was badly split, in fact it seemed as though it were beyond repair. We were then twelve or fourteen miles from Kanarrah. Several teams went past us without asking if they could be of any help; but one man, Bro. Condie, of Hamilton’s Fork, kindly loaned me a chain, which he desired me to leave at his brother-in-law’s, and another brother gave me a piece of buckskin. With this and my halter straps I patched up my double tree very little after sundown, and drove on to Kanarrah as fast as I dare. It was a very cold, dark night, but after gaining the summit the wind went down somewhat. We are all very cold, and felt greatly relieved to see the lights of Kanarrah—even the horses seemed to prick up their ears and move forward with some celerity. We drove to Bishop Roundy’s, and received a very warm welcome. A cheerful fire and a good place for our horses made us feel happy. The people had met and dispersed, thinking I would not be there, but I reached a few minutes before the time for meeting, seven o’clock. They expressed a wish to still have meeting and I told them I would be very pleased to speak to them. I spoke to them about an hour. I found Bishop Roundy quite a reader and thinker. He is very peculiar with our familiar with our works. Quite a number of questions were asked me, particularly about Adam being the father of our spirits.

11 November 1881 • Friday

Friday, Nov. 11th, 1882 [1881] Last night was very cold, and this morning while shaving within four feet of the fire, the water in the glass froze. The Bishop got another double tree for me, and before nine o’clock I was able to start[.] I felt very thankful that my doubletree had held out so well last night, for I should have been able in a very bad plight had it broken down again, as I had nothing with me with which I could repair it and it was a dreary road, far from help. I drove briskly this morning, and reached Bro. Henry Lunt’s before eleven o’clock. He had invited me to stop with his folks as I passed there. At eleven o’clock I met with the people and spoke to them an hour and forty minutes. The house was filled, and all seemed greatly interested. Sister Lunt prepared an excellent dinner for us, and Bishop Arthur dined with us[.] I found dispatches here from President Taylor and my brother Angus. President Taylor informed me he would leave St. George on Saturday morning, and Rockville on Tuesday. Angus said my folks were all well. I replied to these, also sent one to my wife’s sister at Payson, for her to meet her at the station on Sunday morning, as she wished to stay a day or two with them. I sent dispatches also to Sister Cocheron respecting the business letter which she had addressed me, also to George Lambert, upon the same subject. Bishop Arthur got Bro. Palmer to send his son to point out the road to Rush Lake, and gave us a can of apples. It is very delightful travelling among our people; they show such kindness that it is in striking contrast with the feeling exhibited elsewhere.

We left Cedar at two O’clock, and I drove to Rush Lake, a distance of about fourteen or fifteen miles. The road was heavy part of the way. Bro. David Ward lives here, his being the only house. We found it empty. He drove up shortly after with a load of wood, and made us welcome. Gave us a warm stable for the horses, and after he had made a fire, his wife soon came from Parowan, where she had been visiting. We had considerable conversation in the evening, and retired tolerably early.

12 November 1881 • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 12th 1881 I arose at half-past five this morning. I slept pretty well, though I struck a light several times to see what hour it was, as I did not wish to be late in starting. We got ready a little after seven o’clock. The road for about two miles was rather heavy, afterwards it was good to the top of the summit, sixteen miles from Bro. Ward’s. We drove this distance in one hour and fifty minutes. From this place the road descended rapidly for twelve miles to Minersville, where we reached at five minutes to twelve. Drove to Bishop McKnight’s where we took dinner. His wife is dead, his mother-in-law is living with him. Warfield was very lame, the latter part of this journey. At two o’clock, we started for Milford, the end of the track, which we reached before four o’clock, which was twelve or fifteen miles distant from Minersville. The road was good most of the distance. Bro. McMillan, the agent here, took us to his house, and Sister McMillan prepared supper for us. Took out my horses and put them on the train, also my carriage, and we were glad to get into the cars ourselves

13 November 1881• Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 13th 1881 Our rest during the night was very much broken as it is not convenient to sleep on the seats, though I was so tired and sleepy that I think I had more sleep than any of the rest. We reached Juab at four o’clock. The horses and carriage had to stop here, as they could not be carried with the passenger train from this point, and my nephew Lewis stopped with them. I gave him money to pay his expenses, and for feed for the horses, etc. We changed cars at Payson. My wife Eliza was met by her nephew with a carriage, who took her things up to town, I having telegraphed to her sister to the effect that she would be there on this train, and would spend a day or two with them.

The train was stopped for me at the point nearest my house, where my son Angus met me with the buggy, It was raining and continued drizzling with some snow most of the day. My folks were very glad to see me. I found them all in good health, except my wife Elizabeth, and her health was no worse than when I left. My daughter Emily had had an attack of what was supposed to be diphtheria, but had recovered. I took a bath, but felt too tired to go to town, especially as it was stormy. Bro. Jos. E. Taylor and my brother Angus came down. Angus stayed all night. Bro. Taylor, who had an appointment, returned. In the afternoon the Hon. George Ainslie, delegate to Congress from Idaho, called at my house in company with Col Woods, they having driven down in a hired buggy from the city. Mr. Ainslie wished to see me before he started for Washington in the morning, and wanted to know if he could do anything for me, as he was going ahead. He stayed about an hour. They had had dinner, and did not wish to eat anything, but took a glass of wine each.

14 November 1881 • Monday

Monday Nov. 14th, 1881 Busy examining correspondence. Spent the day at the office with Jos. F. Smith and Bro. Lyman , who had been to Coalville Conference and returned in good health. They had an excellent conference. Bro. Silas S. Smith arrived yesterday from Colorado, and spent sometime in the office. Bro. James S. Brown, also called to see me in relation to his continuing his labors as travelling missionary throughout the entire Territory, and desired, if he was to cease these labors, to have the privilege of lecturing. He also desired to obtain some remuneration for the trouble and expense he had been at with the Indians who called upon him from time to time, acquaintances he had made and who had entertained him kindly when he was among them as a missionary. I promised to lay these matters before President Taylor and give him an answer.

Bro John Henry Smith, I learn by telegraph, has left Toquerville to return to Provo on account of the dangerous illness of his brother Charles. It is expected that he will reach there tomorrow morning.

15 November 1881 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov. 15th, 1881 My wife Martha is moving into her new house, the lower rooms of which are all finished. It gives me great pleasure to see her in more comfortable quarters. She has not had a place of her own scarcely since her marriage, upwards of thirteen years ago. While we lived in the large house in the city, she had her rooms, but with that exception she has been living in makeshift quarters, and since being on the farm has been living in the school house, which has been very inconvenient on account of it only being one room, and the only partition a cloth one. She has never complained and bore all with great patience and equanimity but appreciates none the less the privilege of having a house such as she has. When I get the upper rooms finished, it will be a very nice residence, and will contain eight rooms and a bathroom, and water closet. I breakfasted with her this morning, my nephew, George Lambert, being with me. The wind blew so strongly last night that it has dried the roads up nicely, making it considerable better travelling; they were wretched.

My wife Eliza came up this morning from Payson, with Read, her son, and her mother, and I had the carriage go down to the depot to meet them

At the office attending to various matters of business. At eleven o’clock attended a meeting of the Directors of Z.C.M.I. The monthly report was very satisfactory. The sales this month are upwards of $101,000 heavier than they were the corresponding month of last year.

Called at my wahine hope’s [last wife’s]

Bro Penrose, at my request, had gone over the pamphlet of Campbell’s lawyers, which they had got out, setting forth his side of the contest for the seat in Congress. This pamphlet has been prepared for the purpose of creating public opinion against me and prejudice the minds of the people. I felt that it should be replied to. Mr. Brown is to attend to the legal argument, and as I was hurried in view of my trip south, I asked Bro. Penrose to go through the pamphlet and write his suggestions on the case. I think them very good.

I suggested to Bro. George Reynolds that if he were not too crowded I would give him a mission, and that is, to gather up all the materials that we have in refutation of the Spalding Story, concerning the Book of Mormon, which our enemies harp upon so much, and make a little volume of the Faith Promoting Series for the benefit of our children and our Elders and others who may wish to read it. He said he would do it.

I had a call today from Dr. Wills and Vicounte d’Haussonville, one of the French visitors to Yorktown celebration. The doctor is ex-chaplin of the Senate. We had a very interesting conversation. Both gentlemen professed great liberality of sentiment. Bro. Farr, returned missionary, called in with Bro. Hammer, also a returned missionary and Bro. Stephen called.

Took my sister-in-law in the buggy with me to the farm. My folks having determined to keep Thanksgiving before I left, as I would not be here on the regular day a week from Thursday, they wished to get together on Thursday and may [my] wife Elizabeth desired her sister Emily to assist in the preparations.

16 November 1881 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 16th, 1881 Very windy night. It commenced snowing this morning, and continued most of the day. The roads are in a very bad condition. I drove to town in a snow storm. Had an appointment with Bro. Jennings to examine a dinner set for the Gardo House. We decided to purchase the set he showed to me, which he thought he could get for $240. Called at the Juvenile office. Examined box of books, writings from the Western Standard, which had been set [sent] from England, and which I published there some years ago, and these had been lying on sheets. George Lambert drove me down to keep an appointment with Mr. Pinkham, an agent of the New York Assurance Company. He is at the Walker House. He was very anxious to have me take hold with him in business, and offered financial inducements if I would take an interest in the company. It will require no time from me. He spoke of $2,500 a year, but intimated it was worth much more. He insisted on me taking lunch with him. He is a nephew of Mr. Pinkham of Quincy, and a grandson of R. Pinkham, whom I knew very well, and who died in the Church. A Mr. Anderson, who is an insurance agent, in this city, was present during our conversation. I talked to him very frankly, and told him that if the business was one that I could enter into at all, I would endorse it without pecuniary consideration, but no amount of monetary inducement would influence me to support any business that I did not approve of. I could not conscientiously take out a life insurance myself, and therefore could not recommend it to other people. I explained to him our religious views and the reluctance that a faithful Latter-day Saint would have in insuring their lives in companies outside of Zion. We believe Zion would stand and Babylon was doomed to fall, and that our interests ought to be here. He urged me to consider the subject and think as favorably of it as I could.

I had a long interview with my attorney Mr. A. Brown, who read me what he had prepared in reply to Campbell’s pamphlet. I made a number of suggestions respecting the presentation of my case in print, and we decided on what form it should take. I afterwards went to the News Office and arranged for publication

At the office afterwards, where I found Elders L. Martineau, lately chief clerk of the Liverpool office, who has just returned from his mission in charge of a company of Saints; also Elder Wm. Palmer, who has labored very diligently in the northwestern States, and has presided over that conference, and Elder Godfrey, of Cottonwood, who has just returned with him. Bro. Palmer’s lungs are very much affected. He has lost two children during the last month; but his wife had repeatedly told him that if they all died, she did not want him to return until he was honorably released. His wife is evidently a very heroic, brave woman. She has had a great deal of sickness in the family, induced, I believe, partly by the poverty they have been in. Bro. Jos. F and myself agreed to give him $100 to help him on his way, for which he was very grateful very grateful.

Bro. Martineau had met my sons John Q and Abraham in England, and he had much to say concerning them. While in London, John occupied a meeting, bearing a very powerful testimony to the truth of this work, and the divine mission of Joseph Smith. He remarked to Bro. Martineau that he had sat under the preading [preaching] of President Young, President Taylor, Orson Pratt, Joseph F. Smith and m[y]self, and had heard arguments that were unanswerable in favor of the work but they had not enabled him to say for himself that he knew it was the work of God and divine in its origin, but now he could testify to that fact. He spoke very highly of both the boys.

17 November 1881 • Thursday

Thursday, Nov. 17th, 1881 Very cold last night, but the sun came bright this morning, and the day was pleasant, and when the sun’s rays reached the earth, it thawed.

I drove to town, attended to various matters of business, among others, paying tithing. I have receipts for $2,100, which I have paid this year, all of which is in money, except $40, which was a bull I had turned in as stock tithing. Of course, my income does not equal this by a great deal, but I feel to be liberal in this direction, so that if every the time should come when I shall be cramped for means, I shall have nothing to condemn myself with. It has been a desire in my heart from childhood that if ever I had means I would like to give the same to the Church, and I know the Lord blesses me in doing this. I do not wish to spend means on my selfish gratification, or on that of my family, but I desire my children to grow up and accustom themselves to plain living and inured to labor, so that if they have to face poverty, it will not be a hardship for them, and especially that they may not be lifted up in pride, because of position, and because their father occupies the position which I do. To pay this amount of tithing, however, I had to give my note for $600 to Bro. Jack, which I shall pay as soon as I can. I do this, because the end of the year is near, and if I do not do it now, the year’s tithing account will be closed, and I wish to have it appear for this year. Besides this money, my folks have sent in a tithe of their butter, eggs, chickens, and other productions, the amount of which I do not exactly know.

I drove Lyman R. Martineau down in my buggy to my house, and we took dinner between three and four. There were present, my wives, my sister Mary Alice, my brother Angus, and his wife and daughter, my son John Q’s wife, Annie, and Abraham’s wife, Sarah, and their children, my brother-in-law John Hoagland and his wife, my nephew George Lambert and his wife, my adopted daughter Rosa; my nephew, George M. Cannon, who teaches school for me, and my own children, besides Brother Martineau. We had a very agreeable time, and the company stayed till nearly nine o’clock. It snowed this evening.

18 November 1881 • Friday

Friday, Nov. 18th, 1881 As it was snowing this morning, I stayed all at home to pack my trunk and examine all my papers preparatory to my departure. This occupied my time till about two o’clock, and I got ready to come up town. Drove my wife Elizabeth and her sister Emily up in the carriage. My daughters-in-law and their children remained with us late last night and as it stormed they concluded to still stay. Sister Isabella Horn’s daughters, Mattie and Clara called on me a few days ago and invited my wife Elizabeth and myself to take part in a surprise party for their mother today. The ladies to be at the house at three o’clock, and gentlemen at that time also if they wished, but not later than five o’clock. I was desirous to pay Sister Horn’s family respect. They are old acquaintances of ours, having crossed the plains when we did in 1847 and have been intimate with myself and wife and our families since we were in our youth.

I called upon my attorney, Arthur Brown, and had some conversation with him respecting my reply to Campbell’s pamphlet, and from there went to Bro. Horn’s. My wife Elizabeth waited at her sister’s until I called for her. The party was a very interesting one. A good many old friends were present, mostly ladies. After partaking of supper, Bro Horn expressed a wish to have me speak to the folks, as I should soon leave them. I did so for fifteen minutes. Sisters E. R. Snow, Horn, B. Smith, Mrs. Sarah Campbell, George H. Taylor and Bro. R. T. Burton also spoke. We stayed till about eleven o’clock, and retired to my sister’s, where we stayed for the night.

19 November 1881 • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 19th 1881 I was attacked this morning with a violent diarrhoea. I was unwell last night, and suffered a good deal of pain during the entire part of the day.

At ten o’clock had an interview with Margaret Young, wife of late Joseph A. Young, in company with Bro. Jos. F. Smith and Heber J. Grant, in relation to an allowance for her from the estate of Prest Young. Af[t]er considerable conversation, I suggested that we send for Bro Rawlins, and talk with him as to the best method to secure myself and co-trustees in case we paid her. Bro. Rawlins said a paper mig[h]t be drawn up which, if the heirs would sign it, would protect us from legal proceedings. I requested him to draw up such a paper.

Busy examining my papers and assorting them. Dictated my journal and attended to other business in the office.

I gave an order as Chancellor of the University—at the suggestion of Bro. Jennings, for $16,500, being the balance due on the appropriation in favor of the University.

20 November 1881 • Sunday

Sunday, November 20, 1881. I called my family together this morning. My wives Elizabeth, Sarah Jane, Eliza and Martha were present; also my children: Mary Alice, Angus, Hugh, <Hester and Amelia,> William, David, Lewis, Roseannie, Emily, Brigham, Read, Joseph, Sylvester, Willard, Grace and Preston. My three oldest children—John Q., Franklin and Abraham—were <are> out of the Territory, the first and last on missions in Europe and Franklin in California. Karl, the youngest, was also absent. My wahine hope [last wife] was in the house; [but she thought that perhaps it was not appropriate for her to participate with my other wives at this time.]1 My brother-in-law, John Hoagland, who is in my employ to look after my out-door affairs, was also present. I opened and closed by prayer, and gave instructions to my wives and fam children concerning their duties and had a pleasant meeting with them. Afterwards drove to the city to meeting. My wife Martha and wahine hope accompanied me, also my son Angus to take care of the team. The Assembly Hall was crowded. Many who were not of our faith were present, among others the episcopal Bishop Tuttle and several ministers. Bro. David W. Evans, returned missionary, spoke a few minutes; I followed for 80 minutes. I spoke with considerable freedom and was listened to attentively. I bade the Saints farewell and asked an interest for their faith and prayers. An attack of piles, such as I never had before has given me pain to-day. After meeting met with Bro’s. Jos. F. Smith and Geo. Reynolds in the Endowment House. Did not clothe and I was mouth in prayer. We reached home – Martha, Angus and I – after sunset.

21 November 1881 • Monday

Monday, Nov. 21/81. In trying to settle my outstanding bills am astonished at the aggregate; I have tried to keep every thing up close, too. I can understand by this experience each year before I go away to Washington, how estates are <often> found involved when their owners die. Mechanics who have worked for me have been careless and have incurred needless expense, through my being absent and not watching them. Bro. S. Jensen, one of my carpenters, is an exception in this respect. The joint house for my wife Elizabeth and her sister Emily has not been built economically. I had to borrow $1,00000/100 on my note to pay bills. My wife Eliza rode to and from town with me. Very busy all day.

22 November 1881 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov. 22/81. My nephew, Geo. C. Lambert, and Bro. John Irvine, the reporter, drove down to my place before <and> breakfasted this morning. Gave George counsel concerning various matters of business and he then returned. I dictated letters to Bro. Irvine, who took them down in short-hand, for my sons John Q. and Abraham and to Apostles C. C. Rich, L. Snow, B. Young and Moses Thatcher, also to Bro. Theo. McKean, to Sec. Thomas and my brother-in-law, Warren R. Tenney. Very busy at the office (President’s) all afternoon closing up and settling accounts. Called upon Sisters Susan Snively and Eliza Burgess Young, the health of the former is poor. I also called upon wahine hope [my last wife]. Cool in manner. Had heard remarks from mechanics. I said I would like company to ride down. [She did not consent. She has changed in manner; she’s not at all her typical self as in previous times.]2 Drove down alone. Very dark. Had interview with Dan Jones, my gardener, and John Hoagland. Told former he must be guided by latter in his work as he was in charge of my place. Packed my trunk. Called upon my folks and bade them good by.

23 November 1881 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 23/81. My wife Elizabeth arose early to make preparations for my departure. My wife Eliza, and all the larger children came to see me off. There was considerable grief among the folks; my daughter Mary Alice <especially> yielded very much to her sorrow at parting. My brother-in-law, John Hoagland took me in my carriage to the train, Bros Jos. F. and John Henry Smith and others were there to see me off. My nephew, Geo. C. Lambert, accompanied me to Ogden. I gave him names to whom I wished him to send my pamphlet in reply to Campbell’s. Bro. A. M. Musser was also on the train. He submitted a long communication to me about a project that he had for a <news>paper <to be published semi-monthly> that would meet the accusations that were made against us and repel them more rigorously than anything we have, and that would also show up in contrast with our morality the immorality and crimes of our accusers. At Ogden I wrote a letter to Prests. Taylor & Smith, at Bro. Musser’s request, giving my views concerning his proposal.

Bro. Nephi W. Clayton is going to the states on this train. As we both had lunch baskets along we ate our meals together.

24 November 1881 • Thursday

Thursday Nov. 24/81. Had a good night’s rest. The day is pleasant. I suffered from piles yesterday, a very unusual ailment for me to have. I took two pills of Burgundy pitch night and morning and am much easier today. Warren Hussey is on board the train, also Cassidy, Member of the House from Nevada. Alonzo Hyde came from Denver and joined our train at Cheyenne.

25 November 1881 • Friday

Friday Nov 25/81. I brought four sermons with me to revise. Also Catechism by Bro. George Reynolds upon the life of the Prophet <Joseph> Smith. Worked at them yesterday and today and mailed them to Bro. Reynolds.

We reached Omaha a little after 3 p.m. Bro. Hyde stopped here. Bro. Clayton crossed the river to Council Bluffs, where he took the train to St. Louis. Dr Stennett of the Chicago & North Western R. R. had sent me a pass, which I found at the ticket office. I took dinner in the dining car.

26 November 1881 • Saturday

Saturday Nov 26/81. A long night, still I slept pretty well. Took breakfast in the dining car. I had a trip pass from Chicago to Washington, but I found that I could not travel on the fast train to Washington with it, and had to wait until the 4.40 p.m. train. J. K. Upton, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, was on the train, and we passed the time pleasantly in conversation.

27 November 1881 • Sunday

Sunday Nov 27/81. Our train was behind time, being detained by obstruction on the road. Took breakfast at Alliance. The weather is quite mild for the season. About 2 oclock in the afternoon reached Pittsburgh and remained until 8 oclock in the evening. Colonel Thompson, Serjeant at Arms, of the House, had a berth near me in the sleeping car.

28 November 1881 • Monday

Monday Nov 28/81. I reached Washington at 10 oclock in the morning, and was met at the Station by Wm Johnson, to whom I <had> telegraphed. I took room at the Riggs House and I afterwards called on General H. E. Paine, my attorney, and at the Clerk’s office, at the Capitol. There had been some talk before I left home to the effect that my enemies intended to institute some legal proceedings here in the Courts here; but upon inquiry I find nothing had been heard of, though General Paine had been on the look out, as I telegraphed him from Salt Lake to watch for any proceedings that might be instituted.

29 November 1881 • Tuesday

Tuesday Nov 29/81. Variously engaged. Had interviews with several parties.

30 November 1881 • Wednesday

Wednesday Nov 30/81. I took an Editorial article, which appeared in the News on my case, to the printers and had a number of copies stricken struck off. It exposed the infamous conduct of the Court (Judge Hunter) in regard to the naturalization case to which we had demurred. The Court had sustained the demurrer, but it embodied in the order a number of allegations made by Sutherland & McBride for Campbell. I had an interview with Alexander H. Stephens. He was once <the> vice-President of the Southern Confederacy. He is now Member of the House from Georgia.

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November 1881, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 23, 2025


  1. [1]Translated from Hawaiian: aka ua manao kana, aole paha pono nona e komo pu me ka’u mau wahine no i keia manawa.

  2. [2]Translated from Hawaiian: Aole oia ae mai. Ua lilo oia in manner; aole like oia i Ka wa mamua.