August 1898

12 August 1898 • Friday

Friday, August 12, 1898

President Woodruff had proposed to me that we should go to San Francisco. I had been reluctant about going there. One reason was that Colonel Isaac Trumbo was very anxious to have us partake of his hospitality. He had given me a very pressing invitation when he found I was in poor health, and had visited me at Saltair and said that he was going the next day to San Francisco, but he would wait several days if I would accompany him. I could not do this, and I let the matter drop. But President Woodruff last Monday proposed to me that we should go there. I had told him before my reasons for being reluctant to go. We had reached a settlement with Colonel Trumbo, and I did not wish us to put ourselves under fresh obligations to him. But his mind seemed to be clear that we should go, so I consented. I feel the necessity of going somewhere, and if I did not go to San Francisco, I think I should go to Soda Springs. This day I have been busy making preparations to go.

There was a document drawn up authorizing Frank J. Cannon to sell bonds and to negotiate a loan of a million and a half. I signed it, after President Woodruff, without realizing that President Smith had objections to it; but I learned from Brother Gibbs that Brother Smith refused to sign it. I spoke to him to-day about what his objections were. He said he thought that the document ought to be submitted to the Twelve for them to consider, as the subject had been laid before them. I remarked that the resolution adopted by the Twelve covered, I thought, this authority. He did not seem to entertain that idea. I said to him, however, that if he had that view I thought he ought to submit it to the Twelve, and not allow President Woodruff to go home without knowing what his objections were. He asked me if he was authorized to do so. I said, certainly. In this document Frank was authorized to sell bonds to the extent of a million and a half, the bonds not to be sold for less than 90, and the interest not to be in excess of 6%. He was also authorized to negotiate a loan, if necessary, of a million and a half. It was those points that Brother Smith objected to. I said to him that I had suggested as an amendment to his resolution, which was carried by the First Presidency and Twelve, that Frank be authorized to negotiate a loan on the lines which he had been pursuing; but he did not seem to attach much importance to that. I went home, and after a little President Woodruff came to my house with Brother Gibbs, with a copy of the authorization which those of the Twelve who had been consulted had agreed to. It was that he should negotiate bonds to be sold at their face value and for 5% interest. Brother Gibbs stated that the brethren thought if Frank had that paper it would be sufficiently strong, and if there were any changes to be made he could telegraph home and obtain the authority. Besides, if he showed that authority to the persons with whom he was dealing, and they saw that he was only allowed to sell at par and for 5%, it would be better than to have the other form. After carefully reading it, I told President Woodruff that that was a good suggestion; but I saw no reason for not putting the authority in to make a loan such as we needed. President Woodruff signed the authorization, and I did, but I sent word by Brother Gibbs that if it had not been my son who was the agent I should certainly object to that part of it which authorized him to negotiate a loan being stricken out, because we wanted the money. He had been striving to obtain a loan in case he did not sell the bonds.

I make this record in my journal, so that it will refresh my memory in case the question ever comes up. I think there is some feeling among the Twelve respecting Frank. Nothing has come to my ears, but I know there has been a feeling of distrust manifested, and charges have been made which I do not think were well grounded; and I was pleased the other day at the action of the meeting in authorizing him to continue his negotiations. He was present, and if there had been any objection to his acting in that capacity, there was a good place to have said something about it.

19–21 August 1898 • Friday to Sunday

Friday, August 19, 1898

We were in San Francisco, with President Woodruff and wife and Bishop Clawson and wife. I had gone there at the request of President Woodruff, and at the express invitation of Colonel Isaac Trumbo, to be his guest. My health, all my brethren and friends said, would be benefitted by the trip. We have been here since Sunday evening last, and I have enjoyed the climate very much. I have taking baths – what are called the Hamman baths – and have had massage treatment, which has done me much good – at least, I think so.

To-day we received a dispatch from Dr. Willard Y. Croxall, informing us that our daughter Vera had been attacked with acute appendicites, and asking us whether an operation should be performed or not. The news was very startling and put her mother in great distress. We replied to operate if it was necessary, and for her sister Mamie or Carol to be with her all the time, and also said that we should return that evening.

We left San Francisco at 6 o’clock, and, considering the heat, had rather a pleasant journey to Salt Lake City, where we arrived early on the morning of

Sunday, Aug. 21st. On the way we received a dispatch, in reply to one I had sent, informing us that the operation had been successfully performed, and that Vera was doing as well as could be expected.

21 August 1898 • Sunday

Sunday, August 21, 1898

Soon after our arrival we drove to the hospital, and found Vera in a very good condition for one who had been so recently operated upon. The doctors said if the operation had been delayed many hours it would have been a very serious case. The appendix was attached to the ovary. Being young and healthy, the prospects for her recovery are excellent and she is feeling quite cheerful. Her pain was so acute, they told us, that she was eager to be operated upon to get relief, though previous to that she had always dreaded the idea of being operated upon.

22 August 1898 • Monday

Monday, August 22, 1898

The heat of yesterday, or something else, made me very weak and languid. To-day I could scarcely dress myself. I got up and went over to my wife Martha’s, where the telephone is, and laid on the couch all day. I had visits from Brothers Geo. F. Gibbs, John M. & Hugh J. Cannon, John R. Winder and R. S. Campbell. I also did some talking through the telephone to Brother Jack. I passed a pleasant day through resting, and the weather was cooler than it was yesterday.

Vera was very anxious that her mother should return with me to California. She thought I needed her mother’s care more than she did. I arranged with Brother Spence to secure my passage to San Francisco again, and also a stateroom, as I desired to return to-morrow if possible.

23 August 1898 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 23, 1898

I had the same languid feeling this morning when I arose, and it rested on me for some time. Afterwards, however, I felt much better.

My son Joseph submitted to me some manuscript of a “Child’s History of Joseph”, which he is compiling under my directions.

I had quite a serious talk with my son Willard last night in the presence of my son Angus. Angus had brought me word concerning some affairs he had heard of. I renewed the conversation this morning, in the presence of them both.

Brother James Jack was kind enough to come down to see me, accompanied by Brother Spence, who secured me transportation and a stateroom.

I visited the hospital and administered to my daughter.

At the train I was met by Brothers Spence, Gibbs and Winter. Brothers Spence and Winter accompanied me to Ogden.

General Longstreet had a private car attached to the train. He had been to our office to call upon us, and his friends, finding I was on the train, were very anxious that I should see him and ride with him to Ogden. A gentleman by the name of Saunders is with him, and the General’s wife – quite a young lady – is also along. Colonel Trumbo, when I left San Francisco, insisted upon my returning as quick as I could, as he seemed anxious that I should receive the full benefit of the treatment I had been having. I telegraphed him just before we started that I was coming on this train.

24 August 1898 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 24, 1898

The journey was somewhat hot and dusty, and we were glad when we were met by the ocean breezes, which came with refreshing coolness.

We were met at the ferry at San Francisco by Colonel Trumbo and Sister Emily Y. Clawson. President Woodruff was in good health, and we were made very welcome by Colonel Trumbo.

25 August 1898 • Thursday

Thursday, August 25, 1898

I took my bath and massage treatment, which occupied much of the forenoon.

26 August 1898 • Friday

Friday, August 26, 1898

President Woodruff, Bishop Clawson and myself were taken by Colonel Trumbo to the Orpheum, a noted place of amusement here. There was a variety performance and excellent gymnastic feats.

After we left the theatre, Colonel Trumbo took us to a very noted restaurant, where we obtained some refreshments.

27 August 1898 • Saturday

Saturday, August 27, 1898

Took my bath as usual.

President Woodruff, Bishop Clawson and myself accompanied Colonel Trumbo to the Bohemian Club, where we partook of a banquet in honor of the 80th anniversary of the birth of Professor Behr, a noted scientist, especially in entymology. A great many excellent speeches were made; among others, President Woodruff spoke, and I was greatly pleased, as were all who listened to him, by his remarks. Mr. Thompson, the President of the Club, came to me twice and desired me to speak; but I felt that it would be almost an intrusion to occupy the time when nearly 100 members of the Club were present and President Woodruff had spoken for us. They gave us conspicuous places at the banquet. President Woodruff sat next but one to the President, and I sat next but one to Professor Behr, the guest of the evening. I sat between General Barnes and Mr. Brown.

28 August 1898 • Sunday

Sunday, August 28, 1898

At 11 o’clock our party, accompanied by Colonel Trumbo, met with the saints in their hall on Market Street. President Woodruff and myself occupied the time in speaking to the people.

After the meeting was dismissed, ourselves and our wives held a reception, the saints and strangers coming past us and shaking hands with us.

29 August 1898 • Monday

Monday, August 29, 1898

Had my bath and massage this forenoon.

Brother and Sister Nye (Brother Nye is the President of the California Mission) dined with us at Colonel Trumbo’s.

President Woodruff and myself rode together in a carriage in the Park. We went to the Cliff House, and on the way watched the mighty ocean rolling with its tremendous breakers on the shore. I felt depressed in my feelings, and was not talkative, but I did all I could to induce President Woodruff to talk. He was very interesting; related to me a great many incidents in his career, especially his labors in his native place with his father’s family. It is seldom that I have heard him as interesting as he was this afternoon. We exchanged views and feelings as to the Gospel, what happiness it had brought to both of us, and what delightful labor we had had in bearing testimony to the work of God.

30 August 1898 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 30, 1898

Had my bath to-day.

Mr. Jeff Chandler dined with Colonel Trumbo and us.

Colonel Trumbo afterwards took us to the Chutes, where we were taken in a car to the top of the road, and then entered a boat and went down the slide, over which water was running, toboggan fashion, into a lake below. The sensation was a very novel one, especially after striking the water. The party consisted of Colonel Trumbo, Mr. Chandler, myself and Sisters Woodruff, Clawson and my wife.

President Woodruff did not feel well to-day, and did not go out.

31 August 1898 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 31, 1898

Took my bath as usual this morning.

President Woodruff was not so well to-day as he was yesterday. In conversation with him, I thought he was somewhat alarmed about his condition. He had trouble about voiding his urine, and was in pain. Brother Clawson waited on him, and towards evening the President said to me that he could not void any urine. Brother Clawson said he could not draw anything from him by the use of the catheter. It seemed as though the kidneys had ceased to work. Still I had seen President Woodruff so sick before at many times that though I thought this was a serious condition I did not feel very much frightened at it, as I was under the impression it was just a temporary stoppage.

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August 1898, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 9, 2025