July 1888

1 July 1888 • Sunday

Sunday, July 1/88. Held Sunday School and meeting as usual.

After our meeting, my cousin T. E. Taylor brought his uncle and his daughter down. My brother Angus, my sister Mary Alice and my cousin, Geo. J. Taylor, came down with them. We spent a very pleasant evening together. I had my larger children all in and introduced them. His name is David Kaighn. He is the first cousin of my father. His mother and my grandmother Cannon were sisters. I was very much pleased with him. He seemed to be liberal-minded and free from prejudice. His daughter is a bright young lady, said to be very accomplished. Mr. Kaighn owns about 500 acres of land not far from Chicago, all of which is cultivated. He uses it as a stock farm and deals largely in Norman and Clydesdale horses. He is about 3 years older than I am, being his parents’ youngest son. I remember him as a child, but would not have known him, though there was a familiar look about his face. My children had prepared ice cream and cake for the visitors.

Bro. Wilcken carried me this evening to the Gardo House, where I met my wife Emily.

2–3 July 1888 • Monday–Tuesday

Monday, July 2/88.

Tuesday, July 3/88.

We have been very busy these days with matters connected with the compromise of the Church suit, and have had several interviews with “Maude” and “Dellie”.

The compromise of the Eureka and Bullion-Beck suit is accomplished, greatly to my relief. This is a business matter I have ever been connected with.

4 July 1888 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 4/88. President Woodruff, Bro. Jos. F. Smith and myself went down to the City Hall, being carried there secretly, and we had the Council Chamber given to us. Bro. Smith’s children to the number of 8 came there, and mine to the number of 10, with my wife Sarah Jane. We witnessed the 4th July procession from the windows. Afterwards we returned to the Gardo House. My children went to the matinee at the theatre, with my wife, and after the matinee they came and spent the evening and witnessed the fireworks from the roof of the Gardo House.

After they went home, I went, in company with Bro. Sudbury, to my wife Carlie’s, and to my great joy and surprise I found that she had been safely delivered of a fine boy, at 6 o’clock that evening. It is the finest child she has ever had, and she got through her delivery very well indeed. Dr. Mattie Hughes waited on her. I felt very thankful to the Lord for her safe delivery.

My son Abraham also had a son born to him by his wife Sarah, to-day. She was delivered so quickly that it was over before he got there, although he was not far distant.

5–6 July 1888 • Thursday– Friday

Thursday, July 5/88.

Friday, July 6/88 Busy as usual attending to public correspondence, and still occupied, to some extent, with the settlement of the Church suit. I dictated “Topics of the Times” and my journal to Bro. A. Winter.

President Woodruff left for his farm on Thursday evening, and Bro. Smith and myself have since been alone at the Gardo House.

On Friday I had a long talk with Bro. F. S. Richards concerning our affairs and described to him, without giving him full particulars, all the influences that we were using in our State affairs, at which he appeared very much gratified. The Committee felt that it was due to him that he should be informed something about this matter, as some of our brethren had been quizzing him to learn from him concerning any influences that were at work for us, and we were afraid that wrong impressions might go out unless he were informed; and the brethren felt that as I understand the <situation> fully I had better have a conversation with him. It was very satisfactory, and I explained to him also the reasons for my son Frank going to Washington.

7 July 1888 • Saturday

Saturday, July 7/88 I was down at my place on the river to-day.

8 July 1888 • Sunday

Sunday, July 8/88. Attended to Sunday School and Sacrament meeting.

In the evening I was carried to the city by Bro. Wilcken. I called at my wife Carlie’s and then went to the Gardo House.

9 July 1888 • Monday

Monday, July 9/88. There were three meetings held to-day, at which I was present. One was a meeting of the committee of Zion’s Savings Bank and the Deseret National, to converse upon the best way to arrange the business to be satisfactory to all concerned in the conducting of the banking business. We of the Zion’s Savings Bank are inclined, under President Woodruff’s council, to confine ourselves to the savings business alone, and with that view the Deseret National are willing to stop taking savings deposits and using their influence to turn them into this bank. They would be willing, they say, to take some of our stock and let us have $50,000. of theirs, at the increased price. which is about $◊◊◊◊ After we were through with that, we had a meeting of the Board of Education and had an interesting time.

We had a meeting also of the Directors of Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co.

In the evening I was taken by Bro. Wilcken to my wife Carlie’s and from there to Bro. Le G. Young’s. President Woodruff and Bro. J. F. Smith were taken there by Bro. Bateman[.]

10 July 1888 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 10/88. I attended a meeting of the Board of Directors of Z. C. M. I., at the office of the Company.

11 July 1888 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 11/88. This evening I was taken by Bro. Wilcken to my wife Carlie’s. I blessed our son and called him Wilford Young Cannon. Bro. Wilcken joined with me in blessing him. I was mouth, and I enjoyed the Spirit of the Lord very much.

From Tuesday until Friday night we were at Bro. Le Grand Young’s and were treated with great kindness by himself, Sister Young and their children. Everything was done that could be to make our stay agreeable to us. During the week I attended to the public correspondence and other business. Bro. Arthur Winter came there and I dictated to him a large number of letters which had accumulated.

On Friday evening Bro. Wilcken took me to my wife Carlie’s, and from there to my home on the river.

14 July 1888 • Saturday

Saturday, July 14/88. I was busily employed all day, doing up some old writing of mine that had been on hand some time; also signing recommends and attending to the public correspondence.

15 July 1888 • Sunday

Sunday, July 15/88. Attended to Sunday School and Sacrament meeting.

I was greatly pleased yesterday in finding my children much better. They have had an attack of what the doctor calls scarlet fever, but it is now called rosalia, a milder form. My son Espey was attacked with it, and several of Martha’s children have had it in a slight form, and I found Ether Davy suffering from it. In the evening Bro. James Malin called for me and took me to the Gardo House. My wife Emily called on me.

16 July 1888 • Monday

Monday, July 16/88. President Woodruff and Bro. Jos. F. Smith were here this morning, a bank meeting having been appointed for 1 o’clock.

Before this meeting was held, several of the Twelve were seen respecting half the stock of the bank, which it was understood they were to have some voice about, as to who should hold it. Bros. Richards, Grant & J. H. Smith appeared to be agreeable to our disposing of it as we thought best.

At 1 o’clock we held a bank meeting and discussed the affairs of the bank for some time, and then each of the stockholders present signed a paper for the amount of stock that each would hold, with a view to our incorporation under the new law.

At 4 o’clock Bro. D. C. Young came with some plans of the interior of the Temple. There was a quorum of the Twelve present, consisting of President Woodruff, F. D. Richards, G. Q. Cannon, J. F. Smith, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant and J. W. Taylor. We decided to have iron girders instead of wooden trusses in the building, and also made a decision concerning the rooms for [two words redacted relating to a temple ordinance] and for sealing in the southeast corner of the second floor.

Considerable conversation took place among the Twelve and some business was attended to. I mentioned to these brethren (Bro. John W. Taylor had withdrawn before I was aware of it) that I intended, when there was a full quorum present, to propose an appropriation of Fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00/) to be placed under the control of the Board of Education, with a view to aiding our schools. Bros. Smith, Richards and Grant spoke very favorably of the proposition and said they would vote for it. President Woodruff intends to leave to-night, to be absent the remainder of the week. He expects to go into the mountains, to a place which one of his sons, who is keeping the Valley House, has prepared for visitors. He desired me to attend to all business, sign recommends, answer letters and sign them for him.

He and Bro. Smith left the Gardo House this evening; but as there was unfinished business that had to be attended to, I concluded to remain to-morrow, so that I could dictate answers to correspondence and arrange for securities to the amount of $75,000.00/, to be placed in the Deseret National Bank, to secure the brethren who had helped sign the note which we gave to the Receiver.

17 July 1888 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 17/88. I was quite busy to-day attending to business. Had interviews with Bros. Winder, Jack and Clawson, and dictated correspondence to Bro. Winter. Bro. Reynolds was also with me.

In the evening Bro. Wilcken called and took me in his buggy to my place on the river.

18–19 July 1888 • Wednesday–Thursday

Wednesday, July 18/88

Thursday, July 19/88

20 July 1888 • Friday

Friday, July 20/88.

Busy doing some writing that I have had on hand for a long time. Bro. A Winter came down and brought the mail each day, and I dictated answers to public correspondence, and signed the recommends for the Temple.

21 July 1888 • Saturday

Saturday, July 21/88. Engaged in preparing sentiments, as Gen. Supt. of Sunday Schools, to be read on the 24th, at the celebration of the arrival of the pioneers in the Valley.

22 July 1888 • Sunday

Sunday, July 22/88. My children all went to the city to attend the gathering of the Sunday School children to practice singing for the 24th. Hugh and David returned in time to attend the sacrament meeting in the schoolhouse. There were only a few present and I was quite sick at my stomach. I did not speak, except to explain some chapters in the Book of Mormon which Hugh, at my request, read to us. I did this sitting, and we had an interesting time.

Bro. Clawson came in the evening and reported the success he had had with Thomas Taylor, whom he and Le Grand Young met at Provo. Our friends in California have been quite desirous to obtain an option on the Iron Manf’g. Co’s whole property, and they have been very urgent in their letters and dispatches to Bro. Clawson for us to secure them, if we could, this option. President Woodruff and myself have been desirous that they should have this, if we could procure it for them, as it is the first request of any importance they have made of us, and we desire to show our willingness to oblige them, they having done so much for us. We had Le Grand Young telegraph to Bro. Taylor and they found, in response, that he was on his way East with maps of the property and with specimens of the coal and iron. He told the brethren when they met him that the parties he was going East to see had offered him $160,000. for the property, and he had scarcely a doubt but what he would sell. Bro. Clawson talked to him and finally offered him $175,000., which he, after considerable debate, consented to accept. The terms are that they shall have the option for 15 days, without charge. For the first month after that he will ask $2500.; for the second month, $5000. additional; and for the third month, $10,000. additional; this money to be deducted from the price of the property if the parties conclude to take it. He transferred to Bro. Clawson all the maps and specimens, and Bro. Clawson agreed to buy his ticket which he had purchased for the East, and to give him $60.00/ for his expenses to and from Cedar City.

I was very much gratified at this result. I told Bro. Clawson that he had better telegraph to them this evening and let them know the position of affairs.

Bro. Clawson told me that Thomas Taylor expressed himself very kindly in regard to myself and said that had it not been for my exertions in Washington he doubted whether he could have got his patents within 6 months that he did get, or whether he would have got them at all or not.

I was pleased to hear that he appreciated this, because I thought at the time it was very doubtful whether he would get them at all, as he had a strong opposition against him, and I used my influence with Secretary Taylor, an old friend of mine, who did this as a kindness, and gave instruction for the patent to be issued the same day.

Bro. Wilcken called for me in the evening and took me to the Gardo House.

23 July 1888 • Monday

Monday, July 23/88. We have been very busy to-day. President Woodruff and Bro. Reynolds are here. I took pleasure in communicating to President Woodruff the news I received yesterday by dispatch from Washington, from Bro. F. S. Richards, to the effect that the Department of Justice had decided to exempt our temple and tabernacles, the Council House corner, &c., from all question. The following dispatch also came to hand yesterday from Washington:

“We have just seen Jenks and others. The new judges will be instructed about as we hoped. Judge Henderson is here and has been set straight. Will bring full particulars. F. S. Richards will start for home to-morrow. F. J. Cannon returns via New York after (?) meeting some appointments here.

F. S. Richards

F. J. Cannon.”

In the evening Bro. Wilcken accompanied me to my wife Carlie’s.

24 July 1888 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 24/88. Spent the day at my wife Carlie’s. In the evening Bro. Wilcken carried me in his buggy to Sheriff Burt’s house, which is connected with the County Jail – a new building which has just been erected at the cost of $37,000. It is a very fine structure. I was welcomed by the Sheriff’s mother, Sister Andrew Burt.

25 July 1888 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 25/88. We are having very hot weather. Attended to the letters and done some writing that I have had on hand for some time. Had an interview with Bro. Elias A. Smith concerning County affairs and the nomination for officers. My brother Angus came to my bedroom after I had retired and talked upon the same subject. **

26 July 1888 • Thursday

** Thursday, July 26/88 Attended to correspondence as usual.1

27 July 1888 • Friday

Thursday Friday, July 26 27/88. Attended to public correspondence; dictated answers for Bro. Winter to take down in shorthand. In the evening Bro. Bateman called for President Woodruff, who intends to spend a week in the canyon. Bro. Wilcken called for me and took me to my place on the river.

28 July 1888 • Saturday

Saturday, July 27 28/88. Did some writing and attended to the mail, which was brought to me by Bro. Winter. Bro. Wm M. Palmer came to see me on his personal affairs. He is in a bad position financially and the deputies are after him. I told him that I would endeavor to use my influence for him to receive $300. aid from the Church.

29 July 1888 • Sunday

Sunday, July 28 29/88. Attended to Sunday School and Sacrament meeting as usual. Had a visit from Bro. Winder and spoke to him in relation to aid for Bro. Palmer. He said he would see that he got it; also conversed with him concerning affairs in Mesa City and the emigration of our Southern people to that point[.]

30 July 1888 • Monday

Monday, July 29 30/88. Attended to public correspondence and worked at my private affairs.

My wife Martha suffered considerable pain in the evening and I administered to her.

31 July 1888 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 31/88. My wife Martha was in labor this morning. I sent for Dr. Mattie Hughes, who came down before noon. Martha was safely delivered of a fine boy at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. She had a good many pains; but the child itself was born so suddenly that it surprised the doctor and my wife’s aunt, Caroline Daniels. It came into the world so quickly that it gasped for breath and had something like a spasm. They sent for me hurriedly, but when I reached there the child had recovered. I felt to thank the Lord for His goodness to us.

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July 1888, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 29, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1888/07-1888


  1. [1]Written in left margin.