May 1900

1 May 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 1, 1900.

The American Custom House was much stricter in the examination of our trunks than the Mexican was when we went the other way. Myself and wife however, have nothing to complain of, for the officers neither examined our drawing-room nor our trunk.

2 May 1900 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 2, 1900.

We expected to have reached Houston this morning but that we were detained nine hours at San Antonio after breakfast. We went around afoot with some of the company, but being desirous of seeing the city of San Antonio which is quite an old town, we took a carriage and visited various points of interest. We saw the quarters of the troops. This is considered a very fine post. We also visited an ostrich farm and were much interested in the birds. There were a good many young ostriches. About fifty perished last year while young, but the young man in charge told us that the proprietor intended to enlarge his premises, as he found that it paid. The mother bird sets on the eggs during the day and the male then takes his turn and sets on the eggs during the night.

We visited the brewery, the stock of which is owned by citizens of San Antonio, where it is said a very good quality of beer is brewed. Our driver took us inside and drank two glasses of beer himself and proffered us all we wanted to drink, nobody being charged for what he drank[.] The company dispersed it free. We examined the Alamo, a building where Colonel Tavis and his compatriots fought the Mexicans until they were all slain, among them being David Crockett and [blank] Bowie. They made a gallant defence but the Mexicans were so numerous that they stood no chance for their lives.

We left San Antonio for Houston and hoped to reach there before the train for our country left that city. We were half an hour too late however, and were compelled to remain over night. The Utah party stopped at the Lawlor House opposite the depot, but the rest of the folks went up to the Capitol Hotel.

3 May 1900 • Thursday

Thursday, May 3, 1900.

Myself and wife spent the day very quietly at the Lawlor House, as also did Brother James M. Miller, who has been suffering for some time from a severe attack of gout which gives him great pain. At 10:10 in the evening we took the train for Pueblo, Colorado.

4 May 1900 • Friday

Friday, May 4, 1900

The country through which we travelled today, looked very beautiful. This state of Texas is a magnificient domain.

5 May 1900 • Saturday

Saturday, May 5, 1900.

We were again too slow to connect with the train which left Pueblo for Salt Lake at about one o’clock, and we had to wait until evening. We left Pueblo at ten o’clock.

6 May 1900 • Sunday

Sunday May 6, 1900.

I suffered somewhat in the night through the altitude which affected my breathing, but I felt a very great improvement after crossing the Pass and descending to a lower level.

I was much pleased with the appearance of the orchards which are in the Grand Railroad <River> Valley. The trees were symmetrical and they were planted symmetrically and skillfully pruned, not allowed to grow tall, and the ground was kept as clean of weeds as a floor. A great many of the trees were in blossom. I thought that many of our people could take lessons from this method of horticulture, myself included.

I have not mentioned in my journal, the dreadful news that we heard in Mexico, of the mine disaster at Scofield, Utah, in which it is variously estimated that over two hundred to three hundred miners were destroyed. The disaster has filled the whole country with horror, for it is unequalled in the history of coal mining, and its effects in Europe was such that President Loubet of France, telegraphed his sincere sympathy and condolence to President McKinley. The whole country was filled with horror. I felt very much depressed at the news, for I supposed that at least half if not a greater number of the men were doubtless Latter-day Saints. The query rose in my mind –, why was it that making the professions we do, there was no one who had a dream or a vision or some premonition to warn them of the impending calamity, so that they might have escaped?

We were joined at a station near Scofield, by Brothers Teasdale, Grant, and Smoot of the Twelve, and Brother S. B. Young of the Seventy’s Quorum. They had been up attending the obsequies of the dead at Scofield. From them I learned that only sixty-nine souls who were killed called themselves Latter-day Saints, and out of this, there was but one man and a youth who were full tithe payers. After they had buried and dedicated the graves, they said that the Knights of Pythias and the Odd Fellows, and the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and other secret societies, went through their ceremonies at the graves, for those who perished were members of these secret organizations. This information relieved my feelings somewhat. The brethren said that they had gone through the names of the victims with the bishop and his counsellors and this was their testimony.

We reached Salt Lake City at 8:55, and I was happy to find my family in tolerable good health, with the exception of my wife Sarah Jane who had been suffering for two weeks from a cold.

[Remainder of page blank with diagonal line penciled through.]

7 May 1900 • Monday

Monday, May 7, 1900

In the morning light our home appeared very beautiful, and I felt to say that during our absence we had seen nothing more attractive than our own place of residence. I felt very thankful to the Lord that I had so delightful a home for my family.

I found Presidents Snow and Smith at the office, both enjoying good health. Several items of business were attended to.

8 May 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 8, 1900

At 10 o’clock I met with the Utah Light & Power Co., and we did considerable business; after which I went to the office and signed some letters which I had dictated to my son John Q., yesterday.

I received a letter to-day from President Diaz, of Mexico, in reply to a letter which I addressed to him on April 28th. I append here my letter to him and a translation of his reply:

“City of Mexico, April 28, 1900. Mr. President:

I can not express to you the regret I feel at not being able to pay my respects to you while in this grand old City of Mexico, and to tell you personally the high esteem which I, in common with all my co-religionists, entertain for you. Your own liberal sentiments and broad statesmanlike views, and the kind and hospitable treatment by your government of the people of our faith in Chihuahua and Sonora have made a deep impression on all our hearts. In all the places where we have settled in the great Rocky Mountain region I can say that your name is held in the utmost respect, and I am not exceeding the truth when I say that among the well-informed Latter-day Saints[,] admiration for your character and feelings akin to love prevail.

Rich as Mexico is in everything attractive to the stranger, and which makes a visit here so highly gratifying, I only express the feeling of myself and friends when I say that it would have given me more satisfaction and pleasure to have met you if we had missed everything else.

When our Ambassador, Hon. Powell Clayton, sent us word that you had graciously consented to receive us, we were not together, and before we could complete our preparations to wait upon you it was too late. This will always be a cause of regret to us, and to myself in particular.

Before leaving the city I have felt that I ought in justice to my own feelings, and to express to you, Mr. President, the appreciation we all feel of your condescension in proffering us this interview, to write this note, as our arrangements have been made to return on to-morrow evening.

Trusting that your administration of the affairs of this country may continue to be happy and successful, and that the Almighty Father may grant you a long life of peace and prosperity,

I have the honor to subscribe myself

Your obedient servant,

Geo. Q. Cannon.”

“Mexico, April 30, 1900. Senor Geo. Q. Cannon,

Esteemed Sir:

Informed of your encouraging letter of the 28th, I thank you for the explanations you kindly make me. I regret not having had the pleasure of seeing you, owing to the fact that when the Ambassador informed you you were not assembled. As for the other considerations mentioned, they are on your part merited, and therefore you have nothing to be grateful for.

Your humble servant,

Porfirio Diaz.”

I think it very courteous in President Diaz to forward a reply. He must have made inquiries as to my address, for I neglected to put it in my letter to him.

9 May 1900 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 9, 1900

I went to Provo this morning. My wife Carlie accompanied me. I attended a meeting of the Grand Central Mining Co. The reports were not of a very flattering character, although they have found recently some better ore than they have had.

We took dinner at Brother Holbrook’s.

10 May 1900 • Thursday

Thursday, May 10, 1900

This has been an exceedingly busy day for me. I think I have been overtaxing myself.

There was a meeting of the Grass Creek Coal Co. at 10 o’clock; at 11 the meeting of the Council in the temple; at 1 a meeting of the Bullion-Beck; another meeting of the First Presidency and Twelve at 2, which lasted till after 4. There were two other meetings at 3 which I ought to have attended – the Sunday School Union and the Co-op. Wagon & Machine Co. I could only attend the latter, and this kept me till nearly 6 o’clock. I went home very much exhausted; but in the evening I had a short family meeting.

11 May 1900 • Friday

Friday, May 11, 1900

There was a meeting of the Brigham Young Trust Co. at 10:30.

I signed a number of vouchers for the Utah Light & Power Co.

I had a conversation with Sister Eliza Burgess Young, one of President Young’s widows, concerning her interest in the Lion House. There have been many attempts made the last two or three months to find out on what terms we could settle her interest in the Lion House, so that the Brigham Young Trust Co. could turn the house over to the Church; but every one who has talked with her has seemed to irritate her, and she has felt sore for some time and has been anxious to have a conversation with me upon the subject. I met her to-day and had a very pleasant and satisfactory conversation with her. She said she would relinquish all her claim upon the Lion House for $1200. In response to her inquiry, I said I thought that was a very modest sum, and that she was not wrong in asking that amount. I do not know whether the Company will consent to it or not.

In my contract with my sons Frank and Hugh when I advanced them $40,000 for an interest in the Liquid Air Company, it was understood that if I did not get the amount from the Liquid Air I should receive $28,000 from another deal in which Frank and Hugh were interested. While I have been away they have had a settlement with the other parties to this deal, and have only succeeded in getting $21,600 in place of $28,000. I find myself, therefore, under the necessity of borrowing $6400 to make up the $28,000. which amount I have borrowed from the National Park Bank, and which is due on the 20th of this month. I arranged with John M. Cannon to get me this amount, make up the $28,000, send it to the National Park Bank, and take my note up. I am disappointed in having to do this, because I have been hoping that I would not have to incur any more debt of this character.

12 May 1900 • Saturday

Saturday, May 12, 1900

Came up to the office and attended to various matters of business.

I paid President Snow $5256.75 in tithing, it being the tithing of stock that I sold to help pay my debts.

13 May 1900 • Sunday

Sunday, May 13, 1900

I did not feel well to-day, and was in doubt about going to meeting; but it is so delightful and natural for me to attend meetings that I went to the Tabernacle and took my son-in-law, Harry Chamberlain, and his wife, with my wife Martha, in the carriage. He addressed the congregation for about 25 minutes, and I spoke afterwards about 30 minutes. I did not have that freedom that I sometimes have, as I was not in good condition physically.

14 May 1900 • Monday

Monday, May 14, 1900

At the office. Dictated considerable correspondence to John Q.

The First Presidency had an interview with Spencer Clawson in relation to his affairs. He is indebted to the Church $40,000 and interest, and he asks that that sum be cancelled and a paper to that effect be given him to show his other creditors, so that they might be lenient towards him. He says if this should be cancelled, of course he will, when his circumstances permit, repay it to the Church. The First Presidency had talked this matter over very fully on Saturday last, and we felt that it was not a proper thing for the Trustee-in-Trust to cancel this indebtedness, for several reasons. It was not proper for a trustee to thus dispose of funds placed in his hands, and although it is not at all probable that anybody would enjoin him from doing so, still it would be in the power of any tithe payer to enjoin the Trustee-in-Trust if he attempted to cancel such an indebtedness. Besides that, there are many very worthy people who are in debt to the Church, and who certainly would be entitled to have their indebtedness cancelled as much, at least, as Brother Clawson. Moreover, it would be a bad precedent. President Snow felt very clear that he ought not to do this, and President Smith and myself sustained him in that view. We explained this to Brother Clawson to-day, and he then asked for a paper to be signed which he had prepared, stating that there would be no attempt made by the Trustee-in-Trust to bring the matter into court, and that if there was a new company organized he would take his proportion of stock in the new company.

I had a lengthy interview with Le Grand Young, R. S. Campbell and Geo. Holliday in regard to mining matters.

I have arranged with my son Radcliffe to hold the necessary funds to keep the dining room running and supply in turn each of my daughters who take charge of the purchasing with the requisite funds.

15 May 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 15, 1900

At 10 o’clock I attended a meeting of the Utah Sugar Co. and listened to the report of the Manager, which was very satisfactory.

At 11 o’clock met with the executive committee of the Utah Light & Power Co. We attended to considerable business.

I found it necessary to borrow a thousand dollars to meet my current expenses.

16 May 1900 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 16, 1900

It has been resolved to publish the History of Joseph Smith as it was written under his own direction, and it had been proposed that Brother B. H. Roberts do the work. In conversation to-day with some of the brethren, Brother Anthon H. Lund reported that Brother Roberts had stated that he should expect $2500 per annum for the work, in addition to the $1200 he was now receiving in his capacity as one of the Seven Presidents of Seventies. Brother Lund said the committee of which was a member thought this too high. President Snow and myself expressed ourselves similarly. The work proposed is not like doing original writing; it is merely to prepare a history already published for publication in book form, and need not occupy anything like the whole time of the person attending to it. Remarks were made about employing somebody else. J. M. Tanner was mentioned as being out of employment and a very capable man. I leaned to the idea of his employment, because I thought he could do the work very well. In making remarks on the subject I said, if it were a few years ago I should have been glad to have done the work. The brethren present jumped at the idea of my doing it. President Snow expressed himself to the effect that he would like me to do it. It was understood that Brother Tanner should be seen, and perhaps Brother Talmage, to see whether they could do the work. In the afternoon Brother Lyman returned, and in conversation with President Snow and afterwards with President Snow and myself he spoke very warmly and earnestly about my taking hold of this work, and President Snow joined with him. I told them I was very much complimented to hear their remarks, but I thought some of the brethren who were out of employment had better be chosen for the work. Brother Lyman thought that I of all men whom he knew would be the most suitable, and hoped, as did also President Snow, that I would be able to see my way clear to do the work. I asked President Snow what his feelings were; if it was his wish that I should do I would do it. He said it would please him very much to have me do it, but I would have to consult my own feelings on the subject.

17 May 1900 • Thursday

Thursday, May 17, 1900

I commenced signing four per cent bonds of the Utah Light & Power Co., of which there are four thousand to sign. I find that I can sign 250 an hour, but it is work I do not like to do too much of at once, and though it is important that they should be signed very soon I want the labor spread out as much as possible, so as not to have to sign too many at once.

At 11 o’clock the First Presidency went to the temple and met with Brothers Young, Smith, Grant, Taylor, Lund, Clawson and Smoot of the Twelve. President Snow did not clothe and requested me to take the lead in the circle, which I did.

The subject of converting the Assembly Hall on the Temple Block into a college building for the Latter-day Saints College, was brought before the Council by President Snow, to know how the brethren felt upon the subject. J. H. Paul, the Principal of the College, had issued a circular setting forth the advantages of making the Assembly Hall into a college, which should not interfere with the use to which the Hall was not put; and he proposed to raise $30,000 with which to make such additions as would be needed. I considered the issuance of the circular a piece of presumption on his part, to propose such a thing without getting the consent of the authorities. I did not say anything, however, until several of the brethren had spoken. Brothers Lund and John Henry Smith were emphatic in their expressions against the proposition. I said I would not make any remarks, only we had been invited to express our feelings. I thought that President Snow was in favor of using the Assembly Hall for that purpose, and if so, of course I should not oppose it; but as we had been invited to give our views I would give mine. It did not agree with my feelings to put the Assembly Hall to such a use. There was a sacredness about the Temple Block that I did not like to see disturbed. That was one objection which I had. Another was, that it would be inadequate even if the changes proposed were made. There was no room for a campus for the children, and as the Church had a good deal of land centrally situated I did not think it necessary to use any part of the Temple Block. I mentioned my old lot, and the tithing office premises, which were to be vacated now that the Lion House had been bought, on which a college building could be erected. The $30,000 proposed to be raised would make a very good beginning. I thought it would please all the Latter-day Saints better to have that done than to change the Assembly Hall into a college. President Smith suggested that the present tithing office buildings might be used until something better could be decided upon. All of us agreed that the children were in danger in the present room at the top of the Templeton. In the event of a fire or anything of that character there would almost sure to be great loss of life. No decision was reached on the subject.

At 2 o’clock I attended a meeting of the Directors of Z.C.M.I., and at 3 o’clock a meeting of the Sunday School Union.

After I reached home this evening I dictated some of my journal to my daughter Grace, who has learned shorthand and typewriting. I also dictated two letters, one addressed to Alonzo and Rosannah and the other to Sylvester.

We held family meeting at 7 o’clock and had a very interesting time.

18 May 1900 • Friday

Friday, May 18, 1900

First Presidency at the office.

A letter was written to the Presidency of the St. George Stake in regard to the action which should be taken with those guilty of sexual sin, and they were told that extenuating circumstances should always be considered.

We had the Presidency of the Salt Lake Stake at the office for the purpose of examining the case of Spencer Clawson vs. C. M. Plant, which had been brought before the Bishop's Court and the High Council. There was a feeling that Spencer Clawson had been rather hard with Brother Plant, and that he ought to have taken an order which was given Brother Plant by President Snow for $100 to apply on his indebtedness, which Brother Clawson refused to accept, although owing the Church upwards of $40,000.

I was busy signing bonds of the Utah Light & Power Co. in my spare moments. I signed 500 to-day.

19 May 1900 • Saturday

Saturday, May 19, 1900

First Presidency at the office.

We had a call from Mr. Wyckliffe Rigdon, the second son of the late Sidney Rigdon. He related that his father up to the very last bore testimony that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and the Book of Mormon a true record. He himself at one time was very much opposed to the Mormons and had no faith in the Book of Mormon, but of late years he had come to the conclusion that it was not the work of man. He admitted that he was more than half a Mormon.

I signed 600 bonds of the Utah Light & Power Co. to-day.

In the afternoon had a meeting of the Grass Creek Coal Co, and it was decided to open a coalyard in this city.

20 May 1900 • Sunday

Sunday, May 20, 1900

I took my wives Sarah Jane and Martha with me and drove to South Cottonwood, where the conference of the Granite Stake was to be held. The meeting-house was very crowded, and hundreds of people were outside. Before we dismissed in the afternoon the vehicles that were on the ground were counted, and they were found to number 343, besides a dozen bicycles. The speakers in the forenoon were Brother Cook, Brother Edwin Bennion, Bishop J. R. Winder, Brother Heber J. Grant, and myself. I occupied about 50 minutes.

We were invited to Bishop Rawlins’ to dinner, and while there President Snow and wife came in.

At the afternoon meeting the Stake authorities were voted upon, and President Snow then addressed the congregation for about 50 minutes. I was called upon to follow him, and I had a most delightful time in speaking to the people. It is seldom of late years that I have spoken with such power, and I felt to thank the Lord for His goodness to me. I spoke for about 25 mins.

Upon my return home I dined with my wives Martha and Caroline at Willard’s.

21 May 1900 • Monday

Monday, May 21, 1900

This is the anniversary of my daughter Georgiana’s birth; she would have been 39 years old had she lived.

Busy at the office. Signed a good many bonds. Went to the Deseret News Office and talked over plans for the publication of the Church History.

At 3 o’clock I drove to the race track at Calder’s Park. There are three horses which are half-brothers – one owned by Wm. McEwan, another by my son Hugh, and another by myself; and my son-in-law, Lewis M., owns a horse that is quite a fast traveler, although 16 years old. The boys had been training these horses a little, and to-day was set for a private race between the four horses. All my family turned out to see the race, and quite a number of others. The first heat was a very fine one, and made in 1:22 1/2, and was won by Lewis M.’s horse, William II. My horse, Corsair, came in half a length behind. The second heat was won by William II in 1:19 1/2. Corsair would doubtless have won this heat if he had not struck one of his legs in coming around on the home stretch. The general opinion before the race was that William II would win, although he has been driven around as a common horse by my daughter Mary Alice, and is very tame and gentle; but he is of good blood and has been on the track before.

22 May 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 22, 1900

Attended meeting of the Utah Light & Power Co., which occupied most of the forenoon, and then was busy signing bonds.

I was waited upon by a committee of the Apostles - Brothers Grant, Smoot and Cowley - who came to ask me for $3000, which they said I had promised at the time the Utah Loan & Trust Co. got into difficulties. I had promised to do what I could to aid in extracating it from its difficulties, and had spoken of advancing $5000. Then I was in a position that I could do this out of my dedicated stock; but I gave $2000 afterwards and said that I would be unable to pay the $3000 balance. This is at least two years ago, and I have not heard of it again until the present time. I told Brother Grant, who was the speaker, that I was not able to pay this $3000; that I would have to run in debt to get it, which I did not feel like doing. He said that he had borrowed the money and paid what he subscribed, intimating that I might do the same. He went on and spoke at some length as to what he had done in this matter, and how painful it was to be around collecting, being met with refusals, &c. After listening to him some time, I said to him, "Brother Grant, your position and mine is very different and not at all similar. You compare your situation with mine and speak as though I ought to do what you have done. To begin with, I am nearly twice your age, and I am anxious to get out of debt. You have a small family; I do not suppose you have more than nine to support. I support over thirty, and my affairs are different to yours in many respects. There is no comparison between us at all. You are a young man, with life before you." I did not say it, but I thought that when I was his age I would have given everything I had without hesitation, if called upon; for I felt capable at that time of doing anything. I remarked that my health had not been good of late, and I was admonished to get my affairs in order. Well, he said, he did not wish to argue it. I told him, neither did I; but I wanted to say right there that it was the first time in my life that I had ever been called upon to do anything by authority that I had not done. I had gone on mission after mission, at a moment's notice almost, and I had been free with my means. He spoke about having to bear this burden. I told him that I would bear all my own burdens, and I should talk to President Snow. I did not want him to carry any load for me, and if they would be patient probably something might be done in the matter. There is one thing that I have often noticed about Brother Grant, and that is, his disposition to measure other men's corn in his half bushel - to expect men to come up to his standard and do things as he does, though he is a very liberal man, and does not hesitate when called upon to do what is required, and sometimes more than is required; but he is a man that will make money in ways that I would not perhaps think proper. My conscience would not permit me to take what he feels quite justified in doing. We are all differently organized. One man cannot very well measure himself by another, or another by himself.

23 May 1900 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 23, 1900

First Presidency at the office.

I dictated private correspondence to my daughter Grace, and engaged part of the day in signing bonds.

24 May 1900 • Thursday

Thursday, May 24, 1900

The First Presidency heard the testimony of Brother Langton in the case of Spencer Clawson vs. C. M. Plant. There had been some question in our previous hearing of the case with the Presidency of the Stake respecting the proffer which President Snow authorized Brother Plant to make to Spencer Clawson. The presidency of the Stake did not think it possible that it could have been made or they would have heard something of it from Brother Plant himself or from Brother Clawson. The facts are, President Snow authorized C. M. Plant to proffer to Spencer Clawson $100, and he as Trustee-in-Trust would credit it on his debt to the Church. It appears from Brother Langton's testimony that Brother Plant requested him, as his friend, to see Spencer Clawson and make the offer to him. Brother Langton did so, and used all his powers to persuade Brother Clawson to accept this. He was with him nearly two hours, but Brother Clawson was inflexible. He was going to make C. M. Plant comply with the decision of the High Council and would not accept a cent less; and in fact he would not take this order at all. Brother Langton's testimony was more complete than any of us anticipated, and it surprised the Presidency of the Stake, because they could not credit the fact that such an offer should be made and no mention of it be made to them. Brother Langton also testified that he had made this offer before there was any action in excommunicating Brother Plant from the Church. The testimony made a very unfavorable impression upon President Snow and the rest of us; for it seemed to be a parallel case with that alluded to by the Savior, where the servant was forgiven his debt and then went out and seized his fellow servant by the throat to make him pay what he owed him. Brother Clawson is owing the Church $40,000, and it seemed hard that he should press one of the brethren to the wall and apparently force his excommunication from the Church.

At 11 o’clock the Council meeting was held at the Temple. Beside the First Presidency, there were present Brothers Young, Smith, Teasdale, Grant, Taylor, Lund, Cowley, Clawson and Smoot of the Twelve Apostles. President Snow was not able to dress, and wished me to take the lead.

Attended a meeting of the Sunday School Union Board. A number of the Twelve were present. The new rooms of the Union were dedicated, and I requested Brother Joseph F. Smith to be mouth. We had a very delightful time there, and when that was finished we went up to Brother Heber J. Grant, upon his invitation, with our wives, and spent a pleasant evening there, and partook of refreshments.

25 May 1900 • Friday

Friday, May 25, 1900

Dictated my journal to Brother Arthur Winter.

The First Presidency at the office. I signed a number of bonds.

26 May 1900 • Saturday

Saturday, May 26, 1900

President Snow left for Brigham City this morning, intending to take the train from there to Preston to-morrow to attend conference at that place.

President Smith and myself were at the office.

27 May 1900 • Sunday

Sunday, May 27, 1900

President Smith and myself, each with a wife, started this morning at 7 o’clock for Preston. Bishop Preston was also on the train, going to the same place. We reached there about noon, and were met at the depot by Brother George C. Parkinson. We were taken to the Academy building, where the Sunday school children were assembled in various rooms. We visited them, and President Snow and myself spoke a short time in each room. Afterwards, the children and their teachers passed President Snow and he shook hands with them all – 1700 in all. It was half past one before he got through.

We partook of dinner at Brother Geo. C. Parkinson’s.

At 3 o’clock we met with the saints in conference, in the Academy building. There were so many present that they had to be divided into three congregations. I do not remember ever seeing so many vehicles collected together at a conference as there were at this conference. President Snow and myself addressed the saints in the upper room, which holds about a thousand people. He occupied 45 mins., and I occupied about 50 mins. It is seldom in my life that I have spoken with more freedom and power than I did this afternoon.

28 May 1900 • Monday

Monday, May 28, 1900

President Snow and myself had been invited to stop at Brother Geo. C. Parkinson’s, and President Smith went to Brother William Parkinson’s.

I was requested to address the saints in one of the lower rooms of the building this morning, and I occupied upwards of an hour. In the upper room the speakers were Bishop Preston and President Smith.

President Snow made arrangements to leave Preston on the 3 o’clock train, so he did not attend the afternoon meeting. President Smith and myself addressed the saints and had great freedom.

In the evening there was a meeting of the Mutual Improvement Association, which I did not attend.

We were invited to eat dinner at Phil. Margetts, Jr., who is married to Louisa Canfield, once the wife of John W. Young.

29 May 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 29, 1900

The interest in the conference has kept up remarkably, and there was a good house full in the main room of the Academy this morning. President Smith was desirous that I should occupy the whole of the time to-day. I talked upon priesthood, and upon the situation of the First Presidency and Twelve, and a number of other subjects that appeared to be of great interest to the people. Some of them said it was the best meeting of the conference. At any rate, the Spirit of the Lord was with us. President Smith bore testimony afterwards. The conference was then adjourned.

We all took dinner with Brother Geddes, one of Prest. Parkinson’s Counselors, and from there went to the train for home.

I have enjoyed this conference exceedingly. A great deal of valuable instruction has been given, and if the saints will only remember what they have been told and carry it out it will be of great benefit to them.

30 May 1900 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 30, 1900

This is Decoration Day. I went to the cemetery with my wife Carlie and my daughters Mary Alice and Emily. We decorated the graves of our dead with flowers.

31 May 1900 • Thursday

Thursday, May 31, 1900

President Snow left word this morning that he wished me to take charge of the meeting in the temple this morning. Beside President Smith and myself, there were present of the Twelve, Brigham Young, John Henry Smith, Geo. Teasdale, H. J. Grant, A. H. Lund, Rudger Clawson and Reed Smoot. I made the opening prayer, and President Smith was mouth at the altar. There was considerable business done, and appointments were made for conferences. Brother Lund offered the dismissal prayer.

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May 1900, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 29, 2025