March 1859

1 March 1859 • Tuesday

Tuesday, March 1st/59. Again saw Mr. Osborn; writing etc.

2 March 1859 • Wednesday

Wednesday, 2nd. Wrote letters to Mr. Ringwalt of the Phil. “Press” and Col. Johnson of the Washington “Union” enclosing clippings, and requesting them to republish. Ate Supper at Bro. Gordon’s and blessed his little boy, Geo., H. S. E. month

3 March 1859 • Wednesday

Thursday, 3rd. Received a letter from my brother Angus, <dated Jan. 27.> He writes that all were well at home, and that my wife Sarah Jane had been safely delivered of a son. He say: “I was informed last evening about dark by David, who had just returned from the West mountains with a load of hay, that Sarah Jane had produced you a fine son. After supper he and I both went to bid the young stranger welcome, as one designed to assist in spreading the fame of Cannon; accordingly upon our arrival we were ushered by your mother-in-law into the presence of S. J. C. whom we found doing as well as could be expected, and folding a person to her bosom in an affectionate manner, a credit to you both. At the time, the young man, who greatly resembles Geo. Q. Cannon, although of a red cast, was put into the hands of his Uncle Angus. I was informed that he entered this world at twenty-five minutes to twelve A.M. on Tuesday, Jan. 25th, 1859, and weighed nine and a half pounds.” I feel to thank the Lord for his kindness to me, in listening to and answering my prayers; and my prayer continually is that my children may grow up in His fear, and be useful and mighty instruments in His hands in accomplishing His purposes. My heart has been made glad in hearing from home, and of the progress of my little son John Q. since I have been in these lands. They write me that he can almost say every thing, and Elizabeth writes to me that when they go to bed and at other times he wants to pray “to bless pa.” The Lord has thus far blessed me exceedingly in my family, to a much greater <extent> than I dared to expect, and it is my prayer that He will continue to do so, and that my appreciation of his kindness and mercy will continue to increase from this time forward.

Had another interview with Mr. Osborn, the Telegraphic Agent.

4 March 1859 • Friday

Friday, 4th of March, 1859. Last night wrote a letter to Angus in answer to the one I received from him yesterday. Was introduced this morning by Mr. Osborn to Mr. McKee the proprietor of the Mo. Democrat. Had a somewhat lengthy conversation with him; he expressed a willingness to publish any items that I might wish to make public that were not doctrinal. He appears to have no belief in Scripture, and has the idea that the shrewd men among our people are the leaders, and they alone, and that they others are used as a means to get power etc. I left a communication with him for publication that I had written on the killing of the dumb boy, about which so much has been written and published of late; he promised to look it over. – Wrote a long letter to the President, Bro. Brigham, giving him a<n> long account of matters here and the prospects. Spent the evening at Sister Van Horn’s; my little son, of whose birth the news came yesterday, was wished many blessings.

5 March 1859 • Saturday

Saturday, 5th, Saw Mr. McKee who told me the communication I handed him would <very likely> appear in Monday’s Democrat. Spent some time with Bro’s. Coward and Kesler at Sister Gale’s. In evening finished a letter to Elizabeth that I commenced in afternoon; had to finish it in a hurry to be in time for the mail.

6 March 1859 • Sunday

Sunday, 6th. Attended meeting this afternoon at Sister McMaster’s. I spoke and at some length, and <with> considerable freedom; the people paid good attention. Ate supper at Bro. Bennett’s, and spent a very agreeable time with Bro. B., Bro. Salisbury and Bro. Smith Heep.

7 March 1859 • Monday

Monday, the 7th. Writing an article for the newspapers.

8 March 1859 • Tuesday

Tuesday, 8th. Finishing article, Went down town but found Mr. Paschall, editor of the Mo. Republican, <still> out of town; had another interview with Mr. Osborn, Tel. Agent.

9 March 1859 • Wednesday

Wednesday, 9th. Wrote to David, my brother, this morning, and to Bro. Richard Mathews, a young man who is living with my family. I omitted to mention that on the evening of the 7th, Monday, I received four letters from home: one from Elizabeth, one from Father, one from Cha’s and Mary Alice, my brother-in law and sister, and one from Bro. Richard Mathews. The news by these letters was good. The family were all well, excepting Elizabeth, she complains a little of her health. John Q. was well. Sarah Jane and boy were quite as well as could be expected. My Father-in-law, Bishop Hoagland wrote to me that he was present with Bro. Franklin D. Richards, & Angus at a blessing meeting for the purpose of blessing the boy – it was on the 1st of Feb. – and he was named Franklin J. (Jenney) Cannon; Bro. F. D. Richards was mouth.

I was around with Bro. Eldredge all day making purchases etc. He contracted for Printing paper, 23 lbs to the ream, at Ladew, Peers & Co’s, at 9 ¾ cents per lb, exclusive of freight, insurance etc. Ink also at [blank]

10 March 1859 • Thursday

Thursday, March 10th/59. Had interviews with Mr. McKee of the “Democrat” and Mr. Osborn of Associated Press; made arrangements, or rather confirmed previous arrangements, with the latter about telegraphing<c> items favorable to the truth. He assured me he would do all in the his power consistently with his duties to the public. I had waited to see the editor of the Republican, Mr. Paschall, but he was not in town and might not be for several days.

11 March 1859 • Friday

Friday, 11th, 1859. Started this morning for Philadelphia by way of Terre Haute; the road was very rough, rougher than any I have traveled on. Arrived at Terre Haute but too late to make the connection with the Indianapolis line. It left as we came in sight, having waited about ½ an hour for us. Stopped all night, much to my regret, at Terre Haute, as I was anxious to get through by Sunday morning to hold meeting; this detention would keep me until Sunday afternoon.

12 March 1859 • Saturday

Saturday, 12th, Started at 5 a.m. to Indianapolis, thence to Crestline and thence to Pittsburgh. To-day’s travel has been rapid and smooth.

13 March 1859 • Sunday

Sunday, 13th. Left Pittsburgh about 2 o’clock in the morning and reached Philadelphia about 5 p.m. Found all well.

14 March 1859 • Monday

Monday, 14th. Somewhat wearied from the effects of traveling. Paid a visit to Germantown and walked up to Green Lane. Had an interview with Col. Kane. His health is better than it was when I last saw him, but <he> is not thoroughly sound yet; he has been very sick since I saw him. Took tea with him.

15 March 1859 • Tuesday

Tuesday, 15th. Raining very hard. Writing journal, and conversing with Bro. Maesser on Church matters.

16 March 1859 • Wednesday

Wednesday, March 16th/59. Went last night with Bro. Armstrong and Mr. & Sister Fenton to see the performances of Signor Blitz, the magician sleight of hand man; his performances were quite wonderful. I omitted to mention in Sunday’s proceedings that I attended meeting in the evening at Bro. Roger’s; a goodly number were present, and I had considerable freedom in speaking. I spoke on the gathering and the faith that we ought to seek for and exercise to do what the Lord commands.

17 March 1859 • Thursday

Thursday, 17th, Busily engaged in fixing up emigration matters.

18 March 1859 • Friday

Friday, 18th, Wrote to Bro. Stenhouse and drafted a letter to Bro. Brigham. Commenced a letter also to Elizabeth.

19 March 1859 • Saturday

Saturday, 19th. Reading etc.

20–21 March 1859 • Sunday–Monday

Sunday, 20th, Held meeting in afternoon, had a good attendance. I addressed the people and spoke at some length and with much freedom on principle. Some strangers were present. All appeared much interested. In company with Bro’s. Maesser, Wm Wright and Joseph Wright blessed the little daughter of the latter, I being mouth; she was named Emma Jane. Started at 11 ¾ this evening for New York and arrived there at 4 a.m. on Monday, March 21st, 1859. On the evening of Saturday I received a note from [blank] informing me of his wishes about a lecture he was going to deliver this (Monday) evening before the N.Y. Historical Society. To carry out the part he wished me to attend to I waited on the Telegraphic Agent of the Associated Press, Mr. Craig, and made arrangements with him to telegraph a report I would furnish him with. I also tried to have every thing arranged through Bro. Stenhouse with the papers for the publication of the report, but found that the Colonel had already provided for this. Attended the lecture in the evening. Its subject was “the Executive of Utah.” Its delivery was called for in the present feeble condition of the lecturer’s health by the danger in which Governor Cumming stood of being superseded, which might prove disastrous in some respects to us. For, deficient as Cumming is in many respects in many of those qualifications which we think a Governor ought to possess, yet he is a man who thus far has not sided with our enemies, and were he to be removed and another be appointed, we could not expect <hope> to get a man who would do so well, and <we> might get a bitter and uncompromising enemy. The lecture was intended to bolster up Cumming, to create a feeling in his favor and give prominence to the part he took in bringing about a peace; <in fact> to make a hero of him before the country and make it impolitic for Buchanan to remove him; it would also let the President know where the Colonel stood on this point. The audience was a highly respectable one both in numbers and intelligence, and paid good attention. The Col. is a good lecturer, eloquent, witty and pleasant. There was one thing with which I <was> much struck, and that was the courage of the lecturer and his devotion to the interests of a poor, friendless but yet righteous people. In this age when utter selfishness is the prevailing characteristic, when no man of any position can be found who will risk his reputation in the least by advocating the cause of an oppressed and despised people, nor even defending their rights or admitting that they have any rights, it is cheering to see a man occupying the position of Col. Kane, come forward, having just arose from his bed where he has been confined by a long and painful illness, and in the presence of a fashionable audience deliver a lecture not to make himself popular, not to favor any end in which he can be supposed to be in the least interested; but to avert evils with which we, as a people, are threatened, to befriend a people who are universally hated, and whom, he if he were to partake of the prejudices of his associates by birth and education, he would heartily despise. Such instances of heroism, such love of truth and right, are extremely rare, and they will bring down from the God of truth and righteousness <His> blessings and reward equally rare. May he and his family be blessed in time and throughout all eternity, is my prayer.

I did not stay to hear the lecture through, as I had to take my report to the Telegraph Office before it closed.

22 March 1859 • Tuesday

Tuesday, March 22/59. I hunted up a cousin of Elizabeth’s (my wife’s) this afternoon. His name is Nicholas Deboise Herder; he is a wholesale Grocer. His mother, Catherine Hoagland, was a sister of my Father-in-law. She died last fall. I had a pleasant conversation with him at his place of business, and, when learning that I intended leaving in the morning, he pressed me to stop with him all night. I consented, and repaired to his house. He introduced me to his father – an old man of 84 years of age – to his wife, who appears to be a fine, gentle lady, and his children (he has five living) as his cousin, Uncle Abraham’s son-in-law. I never spent a more agreeable evening with strangers than this. They were affable, kind, and sufficiently familiar in their manners to make me feel at ease, and seemed much interested and pleased with myself and what I told them. They had a good many inquiries to make, which occupied much of the time; but still I found time to set forth many of the salient points of our faith and practice, which they listened to without expressing the slightest opposition, and even cousin Herder acknowledged many of our ideas to be correct and in accordance with his own views. He seems to be a liberal, unprejudiced man, and expressed his disapprobation of the course of the government towards us. I fancied I could see some resemblance in his manners to Father, and in some of his children, especially the two girls, I could <see> quite a resemblance to the Hoagland family. The eldest of the two girls reminded me very much of Elizabeth as she was when I first remember seeing her; the other little girl had some feature resemblance to Mary Hoagland (Chancey W. West’s wife.) Father Herder is hard of hearing; he was very much pleased to converse and hear about “Abraham,” who, he said, was the last one of the brothers and sisters, the old stock, living. He had the records of their births and deaths, which I copied, as well as his and Aunt Catherine’s <children’s> names and the names also of cousin Herder’s children. While I was engaged in copying the records, one of the boys <Frederick> played on the piano, and a younger brother, Philip Q., accompanied him on the violin; Charles, the eldest, also joined them in some of the tunes with his voice; they made pleasing music. The family appears to be well off and lives in good style. They had family prayers, and requested me to read a chapter and pray with them. I breakfasted with them on Wednesday, March 23/59. This visit I enjoyed very much. Before starting for Philadelphia, I made search for Uncle Joseph Quayle, mother’s brother, and after finding him had nearly two hours’ conversation with him. He was busy and wished me to stop till he could be at leisure; but I had to leave him, as I wished to reach Philadelphia this afternoon. I recognized him, though it must be upwards of 20 years since I saw him last. Reached Philadelphia at about 7 ½ p.m.

24 March 1859 • Thursday

Thursday, March 24/59. Found a package of letters at Adam’s Express Office from the Valley, brought through by Bro. John Y. Green to St Louis, and forwarded from there by Express. They were There was one letter from the President, the original of which I received while at St. Louis on my late trip; another document was a copy of a memorial of the Legislative Assembly of Utah to be admitted into the Union; another <was a> letter from Uncle John Taylor; it was quite lengthy and gave a description of affairs in the Territory. He informs me that Aunt’s health is poor. With these letters were two for Col. Kane. I went out to Fern Rock with these letters, but found that he was still absent at New York; I left them all with his wife. I finished my letter to Elizabeth to-day and gave her an account of my visit to her relatives. I also wrote a letter to Bro. Stenhouse giving a few of my ideas about the appointment of officers etc.

26 March 1859 • Saturday

Saturday, March 26th/59. Variously engaged.

27 March 1859 • Sunday

Sunday, March 27/59. Attended meeting in the hall, and had a good attendance. I spoke at some length, and was blessed with much freedom. I have been led in our last two meetings to speak more on the <first> principles than I have for some time previously; there have been several strangers present during our late meetings. In the evening I attended meeting at Sister Pollack’s, and spoke at some length, reasoning on the principles; there were a number of strangers present. In the forenoon of to-day I attended council meeting of the officers of the branch; after transacting various items of business, the case of a man by the name of [blank] was brought up, and he was brought before the council. He had left a wife and children in England; she had refused, so he said, to emigrate with him; and since his arrival here he had asked the counsel of the President of the branch about marrying again, but had been counseled by him not to do so. He had lately married a woman, a member of the Church, and they had been married by some civil officer. When the brethren were speaking on the subject, he offered some remarks and said that he knew before he came that we had determined to cut him off, and “we might cut him off if we loiked.” After the brethren had all spoken, I got up and I proceeded to show him and the brethren the impropriety and inconsistency of his course; he had left one wife and children in England; what did he leave her for? Was it to come to Philadelphia to marry another wife, raise up another family by her, and leave her as he did the other when he got tired of her, under the pretence of going to Zion? Was it for this he left England? or was it go to Zion? If it were to go to Zion, what was he doing here? Why was he not on his way, instead of “knocking about from place to place without having a home,” as he says in excusing himself for marrying? I spoke at some length on these points and on principles connected with marriage, showing the proper course to be pursued in such matters, and also told him that I felt myself and the council <insulted> by his language. We had not prejudged his case, and I believed there was not a man present in whose bosom the feeling of mercy and desire to save him was not the predominating feeling (the brethren said that was true). He ought to be ashamed of himself for making such remarks; they were an evidence to me that he had little or no confidence in the priesthood. My feelings were that he should ask forgiveness of the brethren for these remarks, and that he should gather up to Zion, and if he would not do these things that he should be cut off. Bro. Renseimer got up to make a few remarks afterwards, in the course of which, he said something about cutting him off; he immediately bounced on to his feet, jammed his hat on his head. and told said that we might cut him off then, and rushed out of the house. He was cut off.

28 March 1859 • Monday

Monday, March 28th/59. I went out to Fern Rock to-day. I had a long conversation with the Colonel, and stayed tea. He feels quite cheerful and thinks the prospects are as good in many respects as could be expected. Public feeling is beginning to be as it was before any of the troubles commenced and he hoped that matters would become more and more favorable for us. His lecture had had the desired effect, and Governor Cumming was safe in his position for the present. Visited during <the week> Bro. Beers, Sister Cook and several of the Saints.

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March 1859, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 29, 2025