June 1881

1 June 1881 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 1st, 1881 I drove to town this morning to meet the company who were slected to go to the paper mill site. It consisted of Prests Taylor and Smith, Elder John Henry Smith of the Twelve, and his little son, Bishop E. F Sheets, L. John Nuttall, C. W. Penrose, W. W. Taylor, J. E. Taylor, Henry Groo, J. W. Fox Jr., Chas John Lambert and Bro. Moyle and Bro Dover of the Temple Block.

When we reached the store on the county road we picked up Bishop Brinton and took him along with us. We were met near the place that we expected to select by my brother Angus M. Cannon, who was one of the committee who had examined the sites. After a thorough examination it was decided to buy the places of Leander and Philander Butler, and also to pay Bro. McGie for his interest in a spring of pure water. The two Butlers received $800 each for their places, and Bro. McGie $100 for his spring water ; and after examining several spots we decided to locate the mill across the river from the land that we bought from the Bros. Butler There were a number of buildings on this land which we purchased, thinking they would be necessary for shops and temporary residences for hands. We worked very hard all day, and returned, very tired with our labor.

2 June 1881 • Thursday

Thursday, June 2nd, 1881 Was at the office. Bro. F. D Richards was present, and an arrangement was made to hold a meeting tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock to listen to the report of the committee of which he was chairman, that had been appointed to examine into the titles and the best method of holding the property in the various wards belonging to the Church.

Prest W. B. Preston, of Cache Valley, was in the office, Also Bro. W. H. Folsom, who required some further aid for the Manti Temple, which was voted for by us.

Prest Taylor laid before myself and Bro. Jos. F. the case of Philip Delamare, who was with himself one of the owners of the old Sugar Mill. He had invested 385 Pounds in machinery, etc. for which he had never received any compensation. Besides this he had done considerable work as a blacksmith. Prest Taylor thought he ought to make no charge for the work done, but he ought to have the means invested refunded to him. We knew nothing about the circumstances but upon his statement that it was right, and recognizing the claim of Bro Delamare as a just one, we voted that he should have his pay. The conditions of payment were: 1/3 Cash and 2/3 tithing produce, without interest. He was to receive 1/3 the year following. I myself thought that he might as well be paid the whole amount down, as the Church was in a position to pay it, but he thought it would be better for Bro. Delamare to have his payment this way, that it was likely to do him more good than if he were to receive the whole amount at once

3 June 1881 • Friday

Friday, June 3rd, 1881 At the office Besides the First Presidency, Bro. F. D. Richards and John Henry Smith were present. The forenoon was occupied in listening to Br Richards’ explanation concerning the condition of the ward property and the best method of securing it. We did not decide upon anything, as there was an appointment at the closing exercises of the University at 10’clock p m which Prest Taylor, as Superintendent of Public Instruction, and myself, as Chancellor of the Board of Regents of the University, and Bro. Joseph F. Smith, as one of the Regents, had to attend. Bro. Richards was also invited. After singing, and reading of the names of the graduates, and distribution of the certificates, a young man by the name of J. H. Paul delivered the Valedictory for the normal students. He was followed by Prest Taylor, County of Superintendent of Schools T. B Lewis, and myself. Prof Park made some remarks, and the exercises closed.

We called to see Bro. W. C. Staines. This is the first time I have seen him since his return. He looks very feeble. Complains of his head and the difficulty he has in breathing I fear his brains is softening.

4 June 1881 • Saturday

Saturday, June 4th, 1881 At the office. Had a call from Mr. Lowry of North Carolina. He was introduced by my nephew George C. Lambert. Had a very interesting conversation.

The business brought up by Elder F. D. Richards was again discussed, but he was instructed to get up such forms as he thought would be best, so that we might examine them.

I have been very much annoyed today by being thwarted in my plans for securing another witness in my contest case. I have been for sometime anxious to see the testimony taken by my opponent in this contest case, but have been unable to do so. On Thursday evening I made an appointment with my lawyer, Mr. Brown, to go with me to Mr. Adam Patterson’s, Notary Public, before whom the evidence had been given, and who had taken it in shorthand, to have him read his notes, as he had been unable, notwithstanding frequent promises, to furnish copy. On Friday morning we met at his office and read a portion. In the afternoon we met again, and I heard the remainder of it. During the night last night, I thought the matter over, and it struck me that I could strengthen the testimony in relation to my intention respecting my residence on the Sandwich Islands by having the testimony of H. E. Gibson, who was a companion of mine in California at the time I was appointed to go to the Sandwich Islands. I arose early this morning and <wrote> a note to my nephew, George M. Cannon, enclosing a dispatch I wished sent immediately to Ogden, where Henry Gibson resided. I was very busy today after I came up town, and supposed of course that my dispatch had been sent; but about four o’clock I received a reply from Henry Gibson stating that he had only received my dispatch about half past three and had been unable to come down. I went in search of Mr. Brown to tell him. After spending sometime, I found him. He asked me if I could still get him down tonight. I thought I could. Well, he said, he would arrange to have his testimony taken this evening. The necessity for this urgency was that today is my last day for taking testimony, and if I got his testimony at all, it must be tonight.

I brought my wife Elizabeth up in very poor health, by urgent persuasion, with the promise also that I would take her back early in the afternoon and if I could not return myself, I would see that she should not be out in the night air.

I sent a dispatch to Ogden to Henry E. Gibson, and he came down by the evening train. I in the meantime, went to find my son to have him take his mother down home. Found he had gone riding with his wife, and after waiting at the telegraph office for reply till twenty minutes to seven—twenty minutes after the train would have left Ogden on which Gibson should come down—I became so anxious about my wife that I could not stop any longer, and left word, which I supposed would be certain to be carried to my son, what to do in regard to the matter, and returned home.

5 June 1881 • Sunday

Sunday, June 5th, 1881 To my mortification, my son came down this morning and informed me that he had not got the word that I had left for him; that Gibson came down and could neither find me nor the lawyer, and his testimony had not been secured. I was exceedingly annoyed at the whole business. It seemed as though the whole affair had been very clumsily managed, and yet I had done all in my power, apparently, to secure him. In talking with my brother Angus afterwards, I concluded it was all right, and that I might as well acknowledge the hand of the Lord in this as in any other matter. It seems as though I had done all in my power to secure this evidence, but had been thwarted. Angus suggested reasons which made me think it was all right.

Attended meeting at the tabernacle. Bishop O. F. Whitney occupied about three-quarters of an hour, and I spoke about half an hour afterwards. His discourse was a most excellent one, though I believe this is the first time he has ever spoken in the tabernacle. I enjoyed excellent liberty, myself This morning I called my wives Elizabeth, Eliza and Sarah Jane together, John Q. and wife Annie being present, also, to talk over the introduction of a baby into my family. I did not wish it to to be distinguished if it could possibly be prevented from Sarah Jane’s babe; that is, I would like no one but my sons John Q. and Angus to know which was my own begotten son and which the other; but for each to be brought up alike. I made no explanations of any length, as I remarked I did not want anything to be quoted as coming from me.

6 June 1881 • Monday

Monday, June 6th, 1881 Busy this morning draining the cellar of my wife Sarah Jane’s cellar house. My wife Martha’s eyes are very much inflamed, and Sylvester and Emily are very bad with the whooping-cough.

Just now, and for some weeks past, I have had considerable sickness in my family, but I feel that we will pull through and be all right again. My wife Elizabeth’s health gives me more concern that [than] any of the rest, her ailment has hung on so long. Still I feel encouraged with hope that she will overcome her disease.

Attended the funeral of Bro. Emery at the 16th Ward. There was a very crowded house. Bishop Kesler was speaking when I reached there, as I had been detained at the office by Bro. Jos. L. Heywood bringing a minister by the name of Park from Maine, with whom I had some conversation. Bro. Jos. F. Smith followed Bishop Kesler, and I followed him. There was a very good spirit and considerable freedom in the speakers.

Prest Taylor went out this morning to the paper mill site.

Bro. Jos F. Smith and myself set apart W. W. Hunter to a mission to Great Britain. He is a son of Bishop Edward Hunter. Bro. Smith was mouth and Bro. Hunter laid hands upon his son with us.

Drove down home in the evening, and after supper returned to the city with my son John Q.. I went to the theater in the evening, and witnessed the play of “Dreams; or Fini in a Photograph Gallery,” by the Willie Edonin Sparks Co. I had a friend with me alone in the box, with whom I had a very interesting conversation.

[I conversed with the younger sister of my first wife, who is the daughter of Bishop Abraham Hoagland. She [Emily] was married to [blank] [Jesse Carter] Little, but he fell into the terrible sin of drinking lots of alcohol. The affections of his wife have ceased for him, and she does not believe a word he says nor does she put any of her trust in him. He received a separation document from her. Ever since I knew her, I have loved this daughter, and, at one time, the Bishop gave both his daughters to me. It was during this time that I asked him for Elizabeth, but because I knew that I would be going to preach the Gospel and I was very shy and extremely destitute during this time, I did not speak directly to this daughter. After going on my mission, President Kimball counselled Bishop Hoagland to give his daughter [blank] a reprimand. The father told her [Emily] that if she were to marry this man [Jesse Little], she would be blessed considerably by God for doing so. For this reason, she married this man. But her affections and love were actually for me; at least that’s what I think. However, she did not disclose any of this to me. We did not speak at all about this until this evening.]1

I stayed at my son John Q.’s all night

8 June 1881 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 8th, 1881 Last evening I took Sister Leah Naile of Lehi down to my house on a visit to my wife Sarah Jane. She is growing a very interesting girl, and I am pleased to see how much she is improved. She has devoted herself to education and is now a teacher. She is a daughter of Bro. J. C. Naile, who is an old acquaintance of ours.

I had a conversation last evening with my daughter Hester. She is a girl of studious disposition, and pleasing disposition, but manifests a very strong obstinancy in regard to some things[.] Sometime ago she used some expressions to her mother that her mother took exceptions to, and for which she withheld some gift from her that she had promised until she should make confession of her wrong, but Hester has treated the matter with perfect indifference. I spoke to her and the rest of the family one day upon this point, and I hoped that my remarks would have had some effect, but some time has elapsed and she has not done anything about it. This evening I took her arm and walked out by myself with her, and I talked the matter over to her personally. She wept bitterly, and I called her mother and she made the necessary confession. She is an ambitious girl about many things and is one of the best students in my family, and does not manifest a bad disposition in any direction, but a seeming indifference which conceals a very strong will. Sylvester and Emily are both very bad with the whooping cough. My wife Elizabeth had little or no sleep last night. They have it worse than any of the children. Most of the children went off today with my wife Eliza to Calder’s Farm, with the Sunday School of our Ward.

Was at the office. Prest Taylor was in. Met at the council this afternoon, after which we went to the temple, where they commenced today to lay rock for the first time this season.

9 June 1881 • Thursday

Thursday, June 9th, 1881 At the office[.] Prest Taylor was there[.] Prest Smith was at the Endowment House most of the day.

This evening while on my way home I stopped a few minutes at Bishop Hoagland’s, my father-in-law, old place, and while there L. J. Sprague, deputy U.S. Marshal, served a process upon me from the Third District Court on behalf of A. G. Campbell,—the man who wants to steal the seat to which I have been elected to Congress, giving me notice of a suit on my naturalization and also another paper enjoining me from receiving the salary of Delegate. I have received this salary now for three months, and they never appear to have found it out until now; but have been chuckling over their supposed triumph in having my name excluded from the roll of the House, and having kept me in the position of contestant outside, while Campbell sat in the seat enjoying all the advantages belonging to such a position. They must have been terribly disappointed when they found out, as they now admit, that his name is not on the roll and mine is.

10 June 1881 • Friday

Friday, June 10th, 1881 At the office. Afterwards attended meeting at 11 o’clock, of Z.C.M.I. Board of Directors

Had an interview with my lawyer, Mr. Brown, this afternoon[.] Submitted to him the papers with which I had been served.

11 June 1881 • Saturday

Saturday June 11th, 1881 At the office. Prest Taylor was there. Prest Jos. F. Smith started for Ogden to attend meeting of the Relief Society.

I have been impressed very much for a few days past with the propriety of our taking some steps to celebrate the 4th of July. Some few years since we were treated very badly by the federal officials, and especially by Gov. Shaffer who wrote a proclamation which had the effect to prevent any display as militia by the people of the Territory on the celebration of the 4th. Afterwards when George A. Black was acting Governor, Shaffer being dead, he revived the proclamation and prohibited the display of any armed men in the procession. Since that time our people have felt very indifferent respecting the 4th, and last year Murray, the present Governor, and his crowd celebrated the 4th and did everything they could to gain credit for loyalty at our expense. Their celebration would have been a contemptible affair had it not been for crowds of our people who lined the streets to witness it and lent dignity to it. The same party of men have already taken steps to celebrate the 4th in the same style and are sending round a committee begging for means and propose to do a good many things in the city which would be contemptible if performed by themselves without the presence of the Latter-day Saints. I think that this sort of thing has gone on long enough, and that we should not allow them to take this matter in their hands and act towards us as if they were the only people who had any rights in the 4th; for there are no people upon this broad continent who have so much cause to rejoice on the 4th of July as the Latter-day Saints. I feel that we should take steps to keep the day in remembrance so that our children may value the principles which were embodied in the declaration of independence adopted on this day. I talked the matter over with Prest Taylor, and it was agreed that we would have a number of the brethren in the office this afternoon to consult about it[.] There were present, besides Prest Taylor and myself, D. H. Wells, Angus M. Cannon, Jos. E. Taylor, Wm. Jennings, H. S. Eldridge, Feramorz Little, John T. Caine, R. T. Burton, John R. Winder, Henry Dinwoodie, George Goddard, Theodore McKean, and L. W. Hardy. Prest Taylor stated the object of the meeting. After considerable discussion, a motion was made that we celebrate, but it was not unanimously sustained; several brethren were opposed to it. I stated very plainly my feelings upon the matter, and after some more talk—and it was understood by the brethren that it was not necessary that we should have a procession and that we could have a dinner to which all the people could contribute, if we could secure the Mill Farm, a place which has been recently purchased by the city from the heirs of the late Prest Young, and on which there is a fine grove—they waived their objections, and all entered heartily into the idea. Prest Taylor appointed me chairman of the committee, and an appointment was made to meet Monday morning at 10 o’clock and examine the ground and see whether it could be arranged or not. When we all reached the conclusion to celebrate the 4th in this way, there was a general expression of pleasure at the idea

I went today and Pule Malu [secret prayer]--

Attended matinee at the theater for a little while this afternoon in company with my wife Elizabeth and her sister and my daughter Mary Alice and son David.

12 June 1881 • Sunday

Sunday, June 12th, 1881 I arranged this morning for the folks who wished to come to meeting to come up in the carriages. Sister Shipley has been with us in a a few days waiting upon my wife Elizabeth’s sick children. The effect of her help upon my wife’s health is very marked for good. The care of the children was too much for her weak condition.

Was at the Tabernacle and at the request of Prest Taylor followed Prest Woodruff. Occupied about half an hour with considerable liberty. Enjoyed Bro. Woodruff’s remarks very much. Held our usual prayer meeting in the Endowment House.

I drove Prest Taylor round to Bro. Orson Pratt’s before I went home. We had some conversation with him and found him feeling very much better.

13 June 1881 • Monday

Monday, June 13th, 1881 Drove from my house to the Mill Farm and met with the brethren who attended the meeting on Saturday. We found the Mill Farm such a place as I had scarcely expected. It is very suitable for the purpose we desire and we think a rousing celebration can be had. We selected the point where we thought we would erect the stand and appointed Bro. Winder and Bro. McKean to make out a plat of the ground so that if the City Council consent to our having it we could allot the proper space to each ward. We concluded to have a Barbacue on the Fourth and to have a mass meeting of the citizens tomorrow evening at 6 o’clock. In addition to the others named yesterday, Bro. C. W. Penrose, F. Armstrong and H. B. Clawson were present.

When I returned I found a letter awaiting me from the Hon H. G. Fisher, member of Congress, Pa. He with some friends were at the Walker House. He described his health as poor, and expressed a wish to meet with me. He congratulated me on Chief Clerk Adams’ action in putting my name on the roll. I went down to the Walker House and found him in the buggy just starting off with Secretary Thomas to see some places[.] He had waited for me for sometime. I explained to him the cause of my delay, and made an appointment to meet him later in the afternoon. He desired a general letter of introduction to our people in Idaho, where he was going to look after some mining interests. I called again upon him with the letter. He was perfectly satisfied with it[.] I had over two hours conversation with himself and friends. Our enemies watch such men with great eagerness and do all in their power to poison them against us. They had been trying it on with Fisher, but I think the impressions made upon him were very good; he felt pleased and greatly impressed with all he had seen.

Attended meeting of the Sunday School Superintendents and Teachers in the Assembly Hall.

I did not reach home until after ten o’clock tonight. I should have stayed in town all night, had it not been I had not said anything respecting it to my family.

14 June 1881 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 14th, 1881 I drove my wife Eliza to town this morning. She used the buggy during the day in town. I made arrangements for staying up all night, as I had meeting in the evening to attend to.

Was at the office with Prests Taylor and Smith. The latter had to go to Bountiful to attend a funeral.

I dined with Prest Taylor today. I have been very busy yesterday and today. Considerable business was attended to in the office.

At 6 o’clock a mass meeting was held in front of the County Court House. There was a moderate attendance of citizens. Mayor Little was elected chairman; Theo. McKean Secretary. It was decided to have a celebration, and I was appointed chairman of the general committee, composed of some 32 leading citizens. I was called on for a speech, and told my feelings as I had expressed them in a previous private meeting. I also touched on the character of the celebration, how it should be kept up, etc, which seemed to meet with the feelings of the people. I was selected, with Bros. L. W. Hardy and H. B. Clawson, to wait upon the City Council and ask for the privilege of using the Mill Farm for the purpose of celebrating the 4th by the citizens.

I attended the theater this evening and occupied a box alone with a friend

[Newspaper article pasted onto journal page.]

[In pencil:] June 14 published July 15 June 15



At the appointed time last evening—6 p.m.—the mass meeting of the citizens of Salt Lake convened in the front premises of the County Court House; the porch was appropriately decorated with large and handsome United States flags. Promptly at the hour named, Gen. Robert T. Burton arose and nominated for chairman of the meeting, Hon. Feramorz Little, Mayor of Salt Lake City. The nomination being presented was unanimously sustained by the assembly. The chairman-elect took the stand and announced that the next step in order was the appointment of a secretary. Col. John R. Winder nominated as secretary, Theodore McKean, Esq., who was also unanimously sustained. The secretary then read the call for the meeting, after which the chairman stated that a motion for the celebration of the 4th of July, 1881, was in order, whereupon Mr. John T. Caine arose and said: “For the sake of testing this matter, I move that it is the sense of this meeting that the citizens of Salt Lake City celebrate the approaching 4th of July, and that we do it in a manner that will be worthy of the occasion.”

The motion having been duly seconded,

Mr. Caine continued: “Inasmuch as the motion has been seconded, I will say that I am in favor of celebrating the anniversary of the nation’s birth, because upon that day, 105 years ago, the rights and liberties of mankind were acknowledged and proclaimed to the world. On that day was given to the world that instrument which among other things declared that all men were created equal, that they were endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among which were life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I believe that these are the most important political principles that have ever been advanced to the children of men, and of greater importance to them than any other proclamation that has been made save and except the plan of life and salvation. I believe we should celebrate the anniversary of that day; that we should teach our children to appreciate what the forefathers of this country did in declaring these things; that they may realize the blessings and great benefits which were destined to flow to the nations then unborn. I believe we should celebrate that day that we may show to our friends who come from the Old World the great blessings of liberty which were bestowed upon the human race in the declaration made on that day. For these reasons, and for many others which might be set forth—but which I do not wish to take up your time in speaking upon now—I am in favor of celebrating the Fourth of July in a good, rousing, old fashioned style.” (Applause.)

The chairman then put the motion to the meeting, which was unanimously carried.

Mr. George Goddard then called for three cheers for the celebration, which were heartily given.

Hon. George Q. Cannon next arose and said: “In order that this occasion may be properly celebrated, and that it may be conducted in an orderly and gratifying manner to every one, I move that a committee be appointed to take charge of the exercises and to arrange a programme of proceedings, and I embody in my motion that the chairman of this meeting nominate this committee.”

The motion having been duly seconded,

General R. T. Burton suggested a speech from the Hon. George Q. Cannon, setting forth his ideas of a “good, rousing, old fashioned celebration.”

Stirring music having been played by the Sixth Ward Sunday school martial band,

Mr. Cannon stepped forward and said: “Mr. Chairman and fellow-citizens; I am heartily in accord with the idea that has been suggested, that we have a celebration of this coming 4th of July. I feel as though I wanted it not for my own sake so much as for the sake of my children and the children of our community. I think there is no people on this broad continent of ours who have so much interest in the celebrating of the 4th of July, and the maintaining of everything connected with the Declaration which has made that day so memorable, as the people of this Territory. There is every reason why we should keep up this day and its memory; we have the largest interest in maintaining the recollection of the deeds of the men who participated in the framing of that Declaration, and who proclaimed it to the world and afterwards maintained it by their wise counsels and by the strength of their arms. I have never for a moment felt like allowing the recollection of this to pass away and to fade from our memories and the minds of our children.

It is true that there are causes which have operated to make us feel to some extent, during the past two or three years, an indifference in regard to the formal celebrating of this day—causes which I need not allude to upon this occasion, as you are all familiar with them. And those who have long resided here remember, doubtless, with great pleasure the character of the celebrations of this day which we have often participated in; the pleasure we have had on those occasions when all the people have joined in the general rejoicing. And as was suggested by the gentleman who made the motion to celebrate the day in a good old-fashioned style; this suits my feelings exactly. I do not care so much about parades and processions, the firing of cannon and the burning of powder, as I do about the whole of the people turning out to participate in the exercises or ceremonies, whatever they may be, on such an occasion. There have been anniversaries of this great day when we have had exceedingly delightful associations. I well remember, in the year 1849, when our people who were in the valley, assembled under the shade of a large bowery that was erected somewhere on the Temple Block; and the strangers—a good many of whom were passing through at the time, that being the first year of the California emigration—all were invited to share with the citizens in partaking of the bounteous repast which they had provided. It was a day long to be remembered, and I do not think it will be forgotten by any one who participated therein. And I do not see why we should not have another just such celebration on this coming Fourth of July, without distinction of creed, without distinction of party, when people can come together as citizens of the nation, forgetting for the moment any differences which may exist in politics or even religion. We ought to meet on an occasion like this as citizens of a common country, feeling thankful for the blessings which have been handed down to us by the Fathers of the Republic. For myself I have but one feeling in regard to the Fourth of July and in regard to the Declaration of Independence—the instrument framed and proclaimed to the world, and for the Constitution which followed its proclamation a few years afterwards. I feel grateful to know that that there were men found cast in so heroic a mould, who had the hardihood and courage and strength necessary to make that proclamation to the world, and then to maintain it as they did until it became a success, until to-day it is embalmed imperishably in the hearts of millions, never to fade from the memory of man; but its remembrance to go down to remotest posterity who, too, will share in the blessings and benefits that flow therefrom. I feel that of all the people who live in this land those who dwell in these mountains should be the last to forget the sacrifices which these heroes made. We of all others should remember their deeds and teach our children to honor the occasion as long as the Republic shall endure, or as long as any government shall exist based upon the principles embodied in that sacred instrument, the Constitution of the United States. I think, myself, that because of some little feelings that may have arisen through acts of men, that might have been unpleasant for us at the time, it would be unwise in us to allow such an occasion, as dear to us at least as anybody else, to be appropriated by some few individuals, while some of us, perhaps, merely stand and look on. I think that we should give expression to the feelings that animate us, taking hold with a zeal and showing to all men that we are animated with a proper feeling in regard to this national day, evincing not only to our fellow citizens, but to high heaven that we are thankful that the Declaration of Independence was proclaimed to the world, that its principles have come down to us, and that we have the privilege to-day of avowing our adherence to them, and our determination to maintain them in the spirit in which they were given, and to hand them down to our posterity as well preserved as they have come down to us, that they may proceed to them unaffected by the acts of men; and in such a way that they can take hold of them and carry them out in their integrity and fullness, as we have endeavored to carry them out. I think this is an occasion in which we can all participate, and there are plenty of ways in which we can celebrate. We may not be able to fire cannon or burn a great deal of powder: but we can show our feelings of respect which shall be proper for the occasion. (Applause?)

The band then played “Yankee Doodle.” The chairman appointed the following committee, according to the motion previously made: Geo. Q. Cannon, W. H. Hooper, W. Woodruff, D. H. Wells, Wm. Jennings, H. S. Eldredge, H. B. Clawson, Jos. F. Smith, L. W. Hardy, Theo. McKean, Elias Smith, John T. Caine, F. Armstrong, D. O. Calder, John Sharp, H. Dinwoodey, J. R. Winder, A. M. Cannon, R. T. Burton, C. W. Penrose, C. R. Savage, Jos. E. Taylor, Geo. Goddard, S. P. Teasdel, H. P. Kimball, James Sharp, L. J. Nuttall, E. F. Sheets, A. M. Musser.

Hon. C. W. Penrose moved that the name of Mayor Little be added to the committee. Carried.

On motion, Judge Snow and W. H. Rowe were also added.

Hon. Wilford Woodruff moved that the committee be authorized to call to their assistance any others they might need. Carried.

Mr. Cannon said: “It seems to me, if we are going to get up the celebration in a proper manner, that we should have number of sub committees, and I would therefore suggest, as my name is down as chairman of the general committee, that this committee meet together as quickly as possible and arrange as to what programme of proceedings shall be adopted for the occasion. I will state my own feelings in regard to the matter, which have arisen since the subject has been broached, so that all present may know them, and if any have any other suggestions there will be an opportunity of making them. I think it will be good idea for the various Wards through out the city to get up local committees—composed of active men—and if they choose to add ladies to the committees, all right—that they may take hold of the matter in their own Wards. Now, I would like us to have a grand dinner, (hear, hear)[.] Let every man and woman in this region contribute to it in some shape; get their own food ready and make general arrangements to sit down and eat together, and if there are any strangers in town invite them also. Let us have a good time—just as fine a time as we can have without trespassing on good order; and if there are any fat oxen—I understand one gentleman has offered one—we might have a genuine, old fashioned barbecue, roasting some oxen and sheep. I think this would be a grand idea. Now there is the Mill Farm, which the City Council has lately purchased. If we could only induce somebody to wait upon His Honor the Mayor, at the Council meeting, to grant the people of this city the privilege of having a celebration in that new purchase, I think it would be a good place to have one. We could arrange, I think, for conveying the people there, and we could, if we choose, put down dancing floors, erect swings, arrange games and have everything necessary to make the day one of pleasure and enjoyment to everybody. Those ideas have suggested themselves to me since the matter has been broached. Others may have other suggestions to make, but that is the way things appear to me. I see nothing to prevent this being the grandest occasion we have ever had in this country if we will only take hold. There is and has been a sort of feeling of indifference in regard to this matter in consequence of certain things which I have incidentally alluded to without mentioning them; but I do not believe in sulking or forfeiting my privileges because some men may not have treated us as they ought to have done. (Hear, hear.) I do not care about reverencing live men so much as I do some of those dead heroes. We can talk about John Adams, Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson and others who fought the battles of liberty, and the fruits of their labors which have come down to us; they have given us the liberty we enjoy to-day and which we will always contend for, I hope. If it was my place to do so, I would move that a committee be appointed to wait upon the City Council to ask them for the privilege of celebrating the 4th of July in the new purchase. Mr. Cannon concluded by making a motion to that effect, which was unanimously carried.

Hon. Geo. Q. Cannon, L. W. Hardy and H. B. Clawson were appointed and sustained by the meeting for this purpose.

The General Committee was called to meet at the City Hall to-day, at 12 o’clock.

The meeting adjourned sine die. with music by the band.


A meeting of the General Committee on the coming celebration was held at the City Hall, pursuant to the call of the chairman, at 12 m. today. The roll was called by T. McKean. Quorum present.

On motion Theo. McKean was elected secretary of the meeting.

The special committee appointed by the mass meeting to call upon the City Council reported they had obtained permission to occupy the grounds of the Mill Farm for the purpose of holding the celebration, etc.

On motion the following resolution was adopted:

Resolved, That the people of Salt Lake City and County, and the settlements adjacent, who have not already made arrangements for celebrating the anniversary of our national independence, be invited to participate in a grand celebration at the Locust Grove, commonly known as the Mill Farm, in this city on July 4th, 1881.

On motion, the following committees were appointed:

On Invitation—A. M. Cannon, L. W. Hardy, R. T. Burton, Jos. E. Taylor, D. O. Calder.

On Amusements—C. W. Penrose, George Goddard, C. R. Savage, W. H. Rowe, A. M. Musser.

On Music and Decorations—H. B. Clawson, John T. Caine, Henry Dinwoodey, S. P. Teasdel: D. O. Calder, Wm. Eddington, John Reading, Chas. F. Williams.

On Park Grounds—F. Little, Jos. F. Smith, J. R. Winder.

On Finance—Wm. Jennings, W. H. Hooper, Z. Snow, James Sharp, E. F. Sheets.

On Reception—F. Little, Theo. McKean, J. R. Winder, A. M. Cannon, S. P. Teasdel, R. T. Burton, H. P. Kimball, John Sharp.

On Speeches—Wilford Woodruff, D. H. Wells, Elias Smith, H. S. Eldredge, Z. Snow.

On Barbacue—F. Armstrong, L. J. Nuttall, J. M. Benedict, E. F. Sheets, W. H. Rowe.

On Conveyances—H. P. Kimball, H. B. Clawson, Orson Arnold.

On Arrangements and Programme—General Committee.

On motion the meeting adjourned to meet at the City Hall, Friday evening next at 7.30 p.m.

[End of newspaper article.]

While at Presidents Taylor’s at dinner to-day [I asked him if it was appropriate for me to marry the younger sister of my first wife. She is a divorcee—and is slightly smaller [than her sister]. I told him the affair from the beginning. He agreed wholeheartedly without any hesitation. He strongly encouraged me to do this act quietly so that others would not know about it. I rejoiced in my heart for the love of God and also for his listening to my prayers to him. I have been going to the house of the Lord the past few days to secretly pray about this matter and some other things. I pleaded unto God that he would grant his spirit to be upon his servant, that he would reveal his will unto me regarding this me—because I don’t want this woman to be my wife except it be the right thing to do before the Lord. Therefore, I was extremely happy to see that this thing was clear to his view.

I went with this woman to the theater. I wanted to converse with her about these matters, and we were unable to discuss these things at her house. Only the two of us sat in the box. She said her heart was really happy now and that she loved me and consented to be sealed to me for time and all eternity.]2

15 June 1881• Wednesday

Wednesday, June 15th, 1881 At the office with Prests Taylor and Smith.

At 12 o’clock I met with the general committee and we appointed sub-committees and attended to considerable other business for the purpose of getting everything in shape for the celebration of the 4th.

My wife accompanied me from the farm this morning and stayed with her sister Emily. I took luncheon there and then attended meeting of the council at the Endowment House. We examined a form of incorporation for wards under which they could hold property. Prest Taylor appointed myself and Bro. Jos. F. Smith, Bro. Woodruff, Bro F. D. Richards, Bro. Wells[,] my brother Angus, Bro. Dusenberry, Bro Miner and F. S. Richards a committee to examine this form and strengthen it in every way possible to answer the desired end.

Took dinner with my wife and her sister and family and attended theater in the evening and witnessed the play of the “Orphans”, a very emotional and excellently played peace Piece

We remained in the city all night.

16 June 1881 • Thursday

Thursday, June 16th, 1881 Prest Taylor and myself were at the office today[.] Bro Winder exhibited plat of the ground of the Mill Farm and submitted an arrangement which he proposed to make as one of the committee for the accommodation of the people which was approved of.

Judge Williams, of Ogden, came into the office, with whom I had a conversation respecting my case and also the form of incorporation of the wards. Elder F. D. Richards was also in the office[.] A number of letters from various parties were read to Prest Taylor and myself, and questions in them were decided.

17 June 1881 • Friday

Friday, June 17th, 1881. Prest Taylor went to Provo this morning. Bro. Jos. F. Smith and myself were at the office most of the day.

I was attacked with sickness last night and felt badly all day today. My brother, Angus, kindly took me around in his buggy to attend to various matters of business[.] I arranged for my wife Elizabeth to go to my brother Angus’ farm with her two youngest children and nurse to see what effect the change of air would have upon them, they having the whooping cough very badly. Her own health, also, being poor, we hope the change will do her good. Arranged to have the train stopped at the street nearest our house. Had an interview with Bro. Obed Taylor respecting a plan for a house for my sister-in-law. A dispatch was sent to me from Prest Taylor, requesting myself and Bro. Jos. F. Smith to go to Brigham City tomorrow.

My wife Martha came up town in the carriage and stayed and went to the theater in the evening. I attended a meeting of the general committee and representatives from each of the wards. We did considerable business respecting the celebration of the 4th of July.

I stopped at my son John Q.’s

18 June 1881 • Saturday

Saturday, June 18th, 1881 Started early this morning from my son’s so as to reach home before my wife Elizabeth started. I took her in my buggy and drove her to the train. Sister Shipley and the children went in another carriage.

At the office in the forenoon, still suffering, however, from sickness.

At 12 o’clock had a meeting of the general committee and attended to considerable business.

At 3:40 started in company with Prest Jos. F. Smith on Utah Central and at Ogden took the Utah Northern which carried us to Brigham City by 8 o’clock in the evening. We were met at the station by Bishop Nichols who took us to his house, he having been requested by Bro. Lorenzo Snow to entertain us. We had some two hours conversation with Bro Snow in the presence of his son Oliver, the President of the Stake, and Bishop Nichols respecting affairs here, and particularly upon the subject of their co-operative store. We had heard that they purchased goods of Walker Bros and other Apostate and Gentile merchants, instead of buying of Z.C.M.I. Bro. Snow could not give us all the particulars as to the extent of their purchases from outside parties, but telegraphed the Superintendent of the various institutions to return from Salt Lake by the next train, which would bring him tomorrow evening. He admitted, however, that they had purchased from Walker Bros and assigned reasons for so doing, the principal one being that they had either to do this, so as to get their goods low, or close up their establishment; they must have the privilege of buying the goods where they could get them the cheapest or they could not maintain the store. We reasoned upon the impropriety of this. That if the directors of their store justified themselves in purchasing where they could get goods cheapest, how could they possibly counsel the people not to do the same? If they purchased of apostates because they could get goods a little cheaper than they could from the brethren, why should not the Saints generally do the same? I pointed out to them that such men as Walker Bros. and others knew very well that to secure the trade of a co-operative store they must hold out inducements which Z.C.M.I could not do and carry on a legitimate business. They would undersell in order to carry away trade, but if they became regular customers they would not give them such advantages. The reason that they offered such advantages was because Z.C.M.I. was in existence. remove that, and then it would be seen how they would deal with stores that were owned by us.

We slept together in one bed at Bishop Nichol’s, an arrangement which, owing to this hot weather, did not suit us very well.

19 June 1881 • Sunday

Sunday, June 19th, 1881 We paid Bro. Samuel Smith a visit and had some conversation with him respecting the condition of affairs here. He informs us that he is nearly as large a stockholder in the various co-operative institutions here—or the United Order-, as it is called— as Bro. Lorenzo Snow himself. He says the people have confidence in the principles, but not in the method of management pursued by Bro Snow. His own complaint seems to be that he had not been consulted as he should have been. Bro Snow, he says, has done things upon his own authority without regard to others and has manifested a disposition to favor his own family and to bring things to bear for their benefit as though the whole concern belonged to him and was for his and his family’s benefit.

While at breakfast with Bro. Nichols, Bro. Snow came in and we had considerable conversation before meeting respecting their affairs. They have stopped all their industries but four. They are, the mercantile, store, the blacksmiths shop, and the tannery. There were nearly 30 branches of industry all of which have suspended, and the consequences are very marked, as I view them, and they will become more so unless these industries are revived. An idea of the change that has taken place can be gathered from the fact that whereas in former times, when those industries were in full operation, there were seven beeves killed every week, to supply the people with meat, at the present time there is but one beef killed every two weeks in town. While formerly hundreds of boots and shoes were made with which the people could supply themselves and sell the surplus, now there are comparatively few made. Whereas there were thousands of yards of cloth, now there is no cloth made. And so with furniture, and so with building houses, and so with a great many articles, such as hats, clothing, brooms, etc. etc., which were formerly manufactured, and are now not made at all. Another thing; formerly every person in the town was employed at some branch of industry, now they have to go elsewhere to seek employment upon the railroads and in other places outside of their city. It is sad for me to contemplate these results. In no city in the territory were the people in so good condition in many respects as in this place. Their interests were united, and while each man had his individual property, there was such a unity of interests that rival stores could not subsist, liquor saloons had no place, no haunts of vice were tolerated in the town, and the people made so many articles by their own skill and industry that they had but little occasion to go outside to purchase anything.

We met the united schools of the city in the Tabernacle at 10 o’clock, and after singing and prayer I addressed the audience (the elegant new tabernacle being filled) and was followed by Bro. Joseph F. Smith.

I was invited by Bro. Oliver G. Snow to dine at his house. Bro. Jos. F. Smith went to Eli H. Pierce’s. In the afternoon Bro. Jos. F spoke and I followed. After the afternoon meeting Bro. Snow called the leading men together, and two hours were occupied in giving expression to their feelings respecting their system of industries and the way they have been managed, and they unitedly expressed their confidence in their leaders and also in the system, and wished that all their industries could be revived and the business be carried on now as formerly. I expressed to them my feelings, and was followed by Bro. Jos. F. Smith. A good spirit prevailed in the meeting, and nothing was said that would lead a listener to suppose for a moment that anything but the best of feeling and the utmost confidence were entertained for Bro. Lorenzo Snow and his management. It was admitted that there were some grumblers, but they were people who had no cause.

After supper—which I took at Bro. Samuel Smith’s—the directors of the Co-operative store met with us at Bishop Nichols’, Bro. Lorenzo Snow being the president, Bro. Horsley the Supt. having arrived. A free talk was had about the affairs of the institution, and Bro. Horsley explained why he had thought himself justified in making purchases outside of Z.C.M.I. He promised to send us a letter, after we returned, setting forth these reasons. Bro. Jos F went over to Bro. Samuel Smith’s, while I remained at the Bishop’s for the night.

20 June 1881 • Monday

Monday, June 20th, 1881 Arose early this morning[.] Breakfasted with Bro. Jos. F. at Bro. Samuel Smith’s. Bishop Nichols took us to the train, but finding that it was two hours late, and being anxious to reach the city, we determined to drive to Three Mile Creek and join the Central Pacific train, which would pass there in a short time. By driving briskly, we reached there and succeeded in stopping the train, though we had to run some distance to get aboard. We soon reached Ogden, but found we had gained nothing by this move, as the Utah Central train, which we had hastened to catch, had been requested to wait for the Utah Northern train. We reached the city at half past 1 o’clock. I dined with Prest Taylor.

I transferred five shares of Deseret National Bank stock today to my wife Sarah Jane, and gave shares to my wife Martha. This I intended to do some months ago, but it was put off until today[.] At 7:30 the general committee for the celebration of the 4th of July, with the delegates from the various wards, met at the City Hall and transacted considerable business connected with the forthcoming celebration. Unanimity prevailed in the meeting. It was decided to select Bro. Orson K. Whitney to be the Orator of the day and Bro. John T. Caine to read the Declaration of Independence[.] Brother Woodruff and a number of the brethren expressed a wish that I should speak on the occasion; if I do it, it will be extemporaneously. Slept at my son John Q.’s

21 June 1881 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 21st, 1881 This morning after breakfast I drove home, and returned to the city in time to meet with the committee of brethren of Brothers Jos. F. Smith, W. Woodruff, F. D. Richards, Angus M. Cannon, W. N. Dusenberry and Franklin S. Richards (Bro A. Miner was also a member of the committee but was not present having been called off by some other business) for the purpose of taking into consideration the best form of deed to adopt to secure the property of the Church in the various Wards throughout the Territory. It was decided by vote that we form corporations to hold this property, the bishop of each ward to be the president and the directors to be leading elders. The form of association was also decided upon, and Bro. Richards and Dusenberry were instructed to draw up by-laws, and to report to us at a meeting to be held next Tuesday at 10 O’clock. I was in the office in the evening, and afterwards waited on Brother Whitney, advising him that he had been chosen to be Orator of the day. He expressed his obligations for the honor, though he felt that others were more capable, but that he would do the best he could to discharge the duties[.] Two conditions were associated with the selection, one was that the oration whould not exceed twenty minutes in the length; second, that it should be submitted to the general committee before it be delivered, to which he consented with pleasure.

22 June 1881 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 22nd, 1881 President Taylor having invited Bro. Jos. F. Smith and myself to accompany the Old Folks to Ogden this morning, I was driven to the train by my son Angus. Prest Jos. F. was prevented by business from going. The trip to Ogden was very pleasant. We were detained, however, at Kaysward through the bursting of a flue, the train, I suppose, being too heavy for the engine, it being composed of 13 cars.

Prest Taylor and myself went through the cars shaking hands with all the old folks. They were very happy, and the committee, of whom Bro. Savage and Goddard are principals, did everything in their power to contribute to their enjoyment. Bro. Eddington had made lemonade by the barrel, which was distributed. Cakes, oranges and candies were also freely distributed, and in fact nothing was left undone that would contribute to their pleasure. We were detained forty minutes by the accident. Bro. W. H Foster had a company of singers, male and female, on the train, who sang in all the cars; they also performed instrumental music on the violin, guitar and flute. There was a very large concourse of people at Ogden to receive the old folks, and vehicles without number, probably two or three hundred, which, when loaded up, formed a procession, and which was headed by a brass band to Bro. Farr’s Grove.

There dinner was prepared, of which all partook. After dinner the exercises were opened with singing and prayer and music, when Bro. Peery made an address of welcome, in which he spoke very highly of Bishop Hunter whose birthday it was, he being 88 years old today. The Bishop made an address in response. Prof Monch then presented to Bishop Hunter a very beautifully written testimonial, handsomely framed, from the Sunday School children of Ogden. Prest Taylor also made some remarks. Prizes were then distributed; silver medals to all over ninety, and to the oldest person from the various settlements; parasols and dress patterns to the old ladies; packages of tea, coffee and bottles of wine were also distributed. The oldest person of each sex present was presented with Five Dollars. A Bro. John Wilson of Salt Lake City, who was 97 last October, was the oldest man present, and very well preserved he appeared to be. The oldest woman was Sister Susanna Liverage, about the same age. At a quarter to 4 the assemblage broke up; it was dismissed by benediction, I being mouth. Prest Taylor, his wives and Bro. John Nuttall remained in Ogden all night. We reached Salt Lake City a little after 7 o’clock without any accident or anything occuring to mar the pleasure of the occasion. I drove home.

At Ogden we met Bro. Henry S. Boyle, who had returned from a mission to Virginia. He has grown so fleshy that he cannot travel and preach with any ease to himself or any animal he might ride. He weighs 230 Pounds. He has been absent about six months, and it was thought best to release him. He has done an excellent work as a missionary.

23 June 1881 • Thursday

Thursday, June 23rd, 1881 I stayed at home all morning working at the little cook house, which I was arranging for my daughters. My wife, Martha, rode up to town with me. Spent the remainder of the day at the office engaged in various matters of business. Drove down home after supper and brought my wife Elizabeth to town. I took her and her sister to the theater to see “Gilded Age” with John T. Raymond as Col Mulberry Sellers. Stopped at my wife’s sister’s all night.

24 June 1881 • Friday

Friday, June 24th, 1881 After breakfast, I drove down home and returned again. Spent the day in the office. It was decided that the First Presidency and Twelve have a table to themselves at the celebration of the Fourth. We arranged a programme of meetings, commencing at Bountiful on Sunday next. I had some business at the co-op. I presented a letter to Bro. Jennings and Webber which Bro. Jos. F. Smith and myself received from the Supt. Wm. Horsely, and sec. Wm. L. Watkins of the Brigham City Co-operative Institution, showing the difference between the prices of goods bought of Z.C.M.I. and elsewhere. The contrast was unfavorable to Z.C M.I. and elsewhere[.] They retained the letter to investiage [investigate] the matter. Bro Jennings invited me to dine with him[.] Spent the afternoon at the office. Met with the general committee for the celebration of the 4th, and transacted considerable business. After the meeting, called at je jaikaina o ka’u wahine mua [the younger sister of my first wife] and had our interview. I stopped at my sister Mary Alice’s all night, my son John Q having had his newly painted, which I thought made it unhealthy to sleep in.

25 June 1881 • Saturday

Thursday [Saturday], June 25th, 1881 Drove down to my home in my son’s buggy, and came down to the office, where there was considerable business to transact. Bro. Jesse W. Fox represented that a meeting was to be held today at Provo for the purpose of considering the propriety of tearing away the dam in Utah outlet which fills the canal on the west side of the Jordan river, and that threats had been made that blood would be shed before the thing was ended. We sent a dispatch to Bro. Smoot requesting him to interpose by his influence to prevent any violent measures being adopted.

Bro. D. C. Clayton, of Snowflake, was granted the liberty of remaining in Arizona, or moving to Cache Valley, as he saw fit.

Bro. Sheets was selected to take charge of the table of the First Presidency and the Twelve at the celebration of Independence Day, with Bro. Eddington and Henry Groo to assist. At noon attended a meeting of the Gen. Committee, and spent the afternoon in the office

26 June 1881 • Sunday

Sunday, June 26th, 1881 Prest Taylor had arranged to go with his own horse and carriage on a trip through Davis and Weber Counties. Bros. Woodruff and Smith and myself and Bros. John Smith and Geo. F. Gibbs went by rail to Woods Cross, where we were met by Prest W. R. Smith and Bros. Chester Call and Harvy Perkins, with vehicles. I rode with Bro Perkins, all of us being driven to Bro. Anson Call’s; where those of us who had not had breakfast, ate breakfast. At the proper time we repaired to the meeting house, where we were joined by Prest Taylor and Bro. Geo Reynolds Meet ing was held from 10 to a little after 12 o’clock. Prests Taylor, Woodruff and I addressed the congregation, enjoying considerable freedom. After the meeting, I was carried by Bro. Harvy Perkins to Centerville, where we all took dinner at Prest W. R. Smith’s. From there we drove to Farmington, and held meeting at three o’clock. It was very hot in the meeting house. Bro. Jos. F. and myself and Prest Taylor occupied the time. After meeting, I rode with Bishop John W. Hess to Kaysward. Had a very delightful ride and a pleasant and interesting conversation. I was entertained by Bp Peter Barton; Prest Taylor drove on beyond Kaysward to Bro. John S. Smith’s, where he and his wife Mary stopped. Bro. George F. Gibbs, in consequence of the illness of his little boy, returned home, purposing to join us again in the morning. At Farmington Prest Jos. F. returned to the city, it being necessary for him to attend a committee meeting having in hand the business associated with Liberty Park.

27 June 1881 • Monday

Monday, June 27th, 1881 A day never to be forgotten by the people of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it being the anniversary of the martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph and Hyrum Smith by a blood-thirsty mob in Carthage jail.

Bro. Phillips, of Kaysville, carried Bro. and Sis Woodruff and myself in his covered carriage to Hooper. We passed through a large tract of land upon which crops are raised without irrigation. This dry farming, as it is called, is said to be remunerative; but I do not think that poor people who depend upon the cultivation of the ground for their livelihood could find this mode of farming reliable.

Hooper is a much better place than I supposed it was. The growth of trees is quite noticeable. The land is very flat, the water having only one inch of fall to the mile. The soil is fertile, but somewhat impregnated with alkali.

We found the people assembled under a bowery[.] The meeting was addressed by Prest Woodruff, myself, Geo Reynolds, John Smith and Prest Taylor. We were met here by Apostle F. D. Richards and Bro. D. H. Peery, prest of the Stake, who made a few closing remarks. This was a very interesting meeting; the Spirit rested down with power upon the speakers[.] Bro. Woodruff and wife and Bro. Geo. Reynolds and myself were entertained by Bro. John Hooper, Sen. After dinner, Bro. Peery carried Elder Woodruff and wife and me to West Weber.

This Ward contains a great deal of barren land and a large number of poor people. The Sunday School children turned out to receive the Presidency with banners and music, and the hall was crowded to overflowing. It was very hot, and quite difficult to hold the attention of the congregation, nevertheless, we had a spirited meeting. The speakers at this meeting were, Prest Taylor, myself and Bro. Woodruff. We ate supper at Bishop Hart’s; after which the party all went to Ogden. The country through which we rode this evening was entirely new to me, having never been here before. Many of the points were exceedingly picturesque which made the ride an interesting one. Prest Taylor and wife, Patriarch John Smith, Geo Reynolds and myself stopped over night at Prest Peery’s[.] The night was very warm, and our room facing south and the house being frame, everything was heated up when we retired; but before morning it got much cooler. Some of the members of Bro. Peery’s family are sick with the whooping cough, and he himself is suffering from neuralgia

While journeying today from Hooper to West Weber Bro. Peery related to Bro. Woodruff and me the difficulties which exist in this Stake, and how dissatisfied his counselors and himself were with the condition of affairs. They could not agree with Bro. F. D. Richards in all things; and he intimated that they might but for his being under the influence of his son Franklin S and his son-in-law Jos. A. West. And that while Bro. Peery could get along with Bro. Richards alone, he could not get along with him under the influence that prevailed. He thought some person ought to be appointed Prest of the Stake who could carry out without question the decisions of Bro. Richards. He and his counselors would not do this, he said. Bro Woodruff agreed with him that there should be union among the authorities, that prosperity could not follow unless this was the case. The condition of Ogden has been one that has weighed heavily upon my mind for sometime. I consider it in a worse position than any other place I know of in the mountains. Bro. Farr is looked upon as a leader of a faction, and has his adherents; and there are other factions, some of whom favor Bro. Richards, and some do not. Some feel that he and his sons and sons-in-law monopolize all the offices, and they make this a cause of complaint[.] If this be the case, I do not believe there are any men in the county who could fill them more creditably than they do. But there is an idea that the family has monopolized positions, and they think they ought to be distributed. This is a cause of jealousy with many.

28 June 1881 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 28th, 1881 The party left Ogden for North Ogden where all were to hold meeting at 10 o’clock. A brother Johnson, who is a builder in Ogden, drove Bro. Reynolds and my-self in his vehicle. Bro. Peery before starting, told me that we were to drive to the house of Bro. Stevens, on reaching North Ogden, who had made preparations to entertain us; and he suggested that in order to save feelings, some of the party might go to the Bishop’s whose residence was about two and a half miles beyond. When we reached North Ogden, we were met by Bro. Wallace, who invited us to alight. I inquired of him who lived there, and he answered Bro. Ward. I told him that we had been requested by Prest Peery to go to Bro. Stevens. Bro. Wallace then said that it had been arranged by the Bishop for us to stay at Bro. Ward’s, and that Bro. Stevens nor Prest Peery was Bishop of the place. This remark grieved me, because I thought it was indicative of the disunion that I believed existed in this Stake, and in my remarks at the meeting I took occasion to allude to it, which called forth an explanation from the Bishop and an apology afterwards from Bro. Wallace to me. I think, however, the relation of it did good, as it may be a warning for them not to indulge in such remarks.

We held our meeting in an orchard; it was delightfully cool, and a good influence prevailed. The time was occupied by Prest Jos. F. Smith, myself and Prest Taylor. The party divided, Prest Taylor, Bro. F. D. Richards and myself and others dining at Bro. Ward’s, where a sumptuous dinner had been prepared by the sisters of the Relief Society, assisted by Bro. Wallace; the rest of the party dined at Bro. Stevens’.

We drove from this place to Plain City. I rode in Prest Taylor’s carriage. On the way out we were met by a deputation of men and women living on the west side of the ward, who asked Prest Taylor to consider the propriety of dividing the ward, it being so far to the meeting-house from where they lived. On entering Plain City we were met by the Bishop, Lavis W. Shurtliff, and by him guided into town. A short distance outside also, we were met by one of the brethren who invited the company to drink lemonade. On nearing the meeting-house we were greeted by the people and children who were drawn up in a line on each side of the road, the children bearing banners with words of welcome, one being strung across the road under which we passed. A brass band was in attendance which played lively airs.

The meeting was held in the meeting-house, and seats were arranged on the outside for those who could not be accommodated in doors. The stand was beautifully decorated, as also the house, the people evidently being delighted to have a visit from us[.] The Spirit seemed to lead the speakers to preach with great emphasis about plural marriage, Bro. Jos. F particularly so. Prests Taylor, Smith and I spoke. We partook of an elegant supper at Bp Shurtliff’s. I stopped over night at Sister Shoemaker’s. Musquitoes were very troublesome in the evening. I dictated an editorial for the next issue of the Juvenile to Bro. Gibbs. This town is beautifully situated, and is a charming place. The trees look exceedingly healthy, and they are very plentiful. This place is noted for the excellence of its straw berries and raspberries and early peaches, in the production of which, with vegetables, they depend mainly for their support. We found the telephone in the Bishop’s house, through which he talks with Ogden and even Salt Lake. There were four in town; they are found to be exceedingly convenient in the fruit and vegetable business. In the evening Prest Smith, Patriarch John Smith, G. F. Gibbs and myself administered, by request, to a sister Eggleston, who was very low, being about a skeleton

29 June 1881 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 29th, 1881 On leaving Plain City, the party drove around the town, preceded by the band[.] We then drove to Harrisville, the bishop of which is Bro. Green Taylor. We found a nice brick schoolhouse at this place filled with people; and here again the brethren were moved to speak with great plainness and power upon the revelation on plural marriage, and testimony was brought forward to show that the Prophet Joseph had taught this doctrine and had plural wives himself and had sealed them to others. Prest Taylor’s testimony was exceedingly interesting upon this subject. His wife Mary, whom he had with him, had been sealed to him in the days of Joseph, under his direction. The speakers were myself, Prests Woodruff, Smith and Taylor. After meeting we drove to the Bishop’s, a distance of nearly two and one half miles, where an excellent meal was served. Prest Smith and myself returned from this point to Salt Lake, to attend an adjourned meeting of the Gen Committee, the brethren of the committee being anxious that we should be present. Bishop Green Taylor carried us to Ogden. We boarded the 3:30 p m freight train, and reached the city at 6:45. I went to my son John Q’s, ate supper, and then repaired to the meeting. Considerable business was done, and an adjournment was taken until Friday evening at 7:30.

John Q. drove me down after meeting to my home. My son Angus, in blowing into a fire cracker, in which he thought there was no powder, came nearly losing his left eye by the explosion of the powder. His mother sent for Dr Romania B. Pratt, who had cleaned the eye as well as she could. She thought the sight might be preserved, but believed the cornia would be defaced. I found my wife Martha’s child quite sick with whooping cough. Sylvester and Emily are better, but their mother, my wife Elizabeth, is not quote so well.

30 June 1881 • Thursday

Thursday, June 30th, 1881 Started early to reach the train at 7 o’clock. Bro. Jos. F. did not return to join Prest Taylor as he had considerable to do in the Endowment House. I reached Ogden at 9 o’clock, and was driven in company with Warren G. Childs, and James Taylor, by Bro. Chas F. Middleton, in his carriage, to Huntsville. We reached there an hour and a half before Prest Taylor and company, who had been holding meeting at Eden. We drove to Bp Hammond’s, and took lunch, the company having remained at Eden to eat dinner. The meetinghouse in this place is finest building of the kind in this stake that we have seen. It is a very creditable brick structure, and speaks well for the industry and perseverance of the Saints and the good management of the Bishop F. A. Hammond, my fellow-missionary to the Sandwich Islands. A grand reception was given here to prest Taylor by the people, the Sunday School children and twenty young ladies dressed in white. The meeting house was crowded, and a very interesting meeting was held, the Spirit of God being poured out upon the speakers and people. The speakers were myself, Prests Woodruff and Taylor and Elders Reynolds and John Smith, also Apostle Richards. We all took supper at Bro. Hammond’s and Prests Taylor and Woodruff and wives and Bro. Richards and I lodged there. We noticed quite a difference in the temperature of this valley, its altidude being some six hundred feet higher than that of Ogden[.] We spent a very interesting evening on the porch of Bp Hammond’s house; many reminiscences were related by Prest Taylor and Prest Woodruff and Bro. Richards and myself. I enjoyed this visit the more because of the presence of Bros. Hawkins and Hammond with whom I labored so long on the Sandwich Islands.

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June 1881, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 29, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1881/06-1881


  1. [1]Translated from Hawaiian: Wa kamalio paua me ke kaikaina o kan wahine mua, Ke kaikamahine o Bihope Abraham Hoagland. Ua mareia oia I [blank] Uuku aka ua huli oia la i ka kewa Nui kona inu rama ana, a ua hovpau oia i ke kona inu rama an aloha o kina wahine nona u ua pau kona manavio ana i kana olelo a me kona hilinai ana maluna ona. Ua loao oia he pepa hookaawale mai ona ake i kinohi ua aloha au i keia kaikamahine a i kekahi manawa ua haawi mai o ka bihopa i kona mau kaikamahine elua iau oia ka manawa au nonvi ake ai ia i a no Elizabeta Aka ua ike au e hele ana au e hai ake i ka euandio a ua hilahila wale au ia mau la a no keia mau mea alua a no kou nele (no ka mea, ua ilihune loa au ia Manawa) aole au oleo aku i keia kaikamahine. Mahope o kou hele ana ua counselled President Kimball i ka Bihopa Hoagland’s haami aku i keia kaikamahine [blank] nuku. Ua oleo aku ka makuakane ia ia ina e mare i keia kanaka e hoopomaikaina ae oia auanei e ke akua No keia mea, ua mare oia i keia kane. Aka loka o kona naan he alopa nou, pela knu manao; aole nae oia e blelo pela iau. Aole mana kamailio iki no ia mea a hiki i keia ahiahi nei.

  2. [2]Translated from Hawaiian: ua nindu aku au ia ia ina he ua <he mea> pono ia no’u e mare i Ke KaiKawahine KaiKaina o Ka’u wahine mua – oia Ka wahine hookaawaleia mai – Uuku aku. Ua hai aku au ia ia the affair from the beginning. Ua ae mai oia me ka oluolu an a me ke kanalua ole. I mai la o ia, e hana ia mea quietly i ikeohe ike ole ia e na kanaka. Olioliau i kuu naau noke aloha o ke Akua a no kona hoolohe ana i ko’u pule ia ia. Ua hele au no na i keia mau la i hala aku nei i ka hale o ke Akua e pule malu no keia mea a me na mea e ae. Ua nonoi aku au ia ia e haawi ka spirit i kana kauwa e hiki ia ia e hai mai ia’u i kana olelo no ia mea; no ka mea, aole au makemake i keia <this> wahine i wahine na’u <mine> i ole <ia he mea> pono maua imua ona <ka haku,> Nolaila ua olioli au i ko’u ike ana it he mea ia clear i kona Manao. Ua hele maua au me keia wahine i ka hale panipani. Ua makemake au e kamailio pu me ia no na Keia mau mea a ua hiki ole e kamailio meo me ia ma kona hale. Aka <ua noho> ma <a ua wale no ma> ka box. olu a Ua i mai oia, olioli loa kona mau naau i keia manawa, a ua aloha mai oia ia’u an a ae mai oia e kilaia ia’u no keia ao a me kela ao aku.