October 1895

1 October • Tuesday

Tuesday, October 1, 1895 Came to the office quite early this morning, and Andrew Brixen wished to converse with me concerning a concession that he had received for valuable property in Mexico, and he wished to have us interested in it.

President Woodruff came to the office and we held a stockholders meeting of the Salt Lake & Los Angeles Ry., and the old officers were re-elected, I being chosen for President.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

2 October • Wednesday

Wednesday, October 2, 1895 Came up early this morning to the office in company with Brother Brigham Young, who had come down to breakfast with me. He related to me an interview that he had last evening with Elder Moses Thatcher, of the Twelve Apostles. He said that he had had some previous conversation with Brother Thatcher, but last night felt to go and see him again, and he appeared to be greatly pained at the result of the interview and at the spirit which Brother Thatcher manifested. He spoke to him about the promise that he had made to the Twelve that he would not have anything further to do with politics, and called his attention to the fact that he was now put forward as a candidate for the United States Senate by the Democratic party. He told him also that he ought to see President Woodruff and talk to him upon this subject. He said he found Brother Thatcher very hard in his feelings. He felt greatly grieved at the First Presidency and Twelve. He thought they had been crowding him now for a long time, and in his sick condition he felt as though he could not bear it. He felt that there was not one of the Council that was his friend, and that they were “down” on him. He said that the Twelve were cowards; they submitted to things which they ought not to do, and they gave away that for which the Saviour had come and died--the agency of man. When asked to go and see President Woodruff, at first he said he would not do it; but before they separated he said he would think about it and pray about it and see how he felt. Brigham described his spirit as being as hard as adamant. When he told him that if he would see President Woodruff and talk with him he would feel happier and better, he said, No, he felt as happy as a man could be--never was happier in his life. But Brigham said that it appeared to be the happiness of despair, and not the happiness produced by the Spirit of the Lord. Altogether the impression left upon Brother Brigham Young, as he described it to me, was bad, and he is filled with dread and with sorrow for the future of Brother Thatcher.

Brother Thatcher then asked President Woodruff to go in the back room with him, which he did. I was on the point of going to attend a meeting of the Irrigation Commissioners, but President Woodruff stopped me and told Brother Smith and myself he wanted us to go in with him to Brother Thatcher. Brother Thatcher had spoken to President Woodruff in relation to his attitude in political matters, it seems; and President Woodruff, not wishing to converse with him alone, had expressed a desire that we should be present. It is evident that he did not want Brother Smith and myself to be there; but President Woodruff did not wish to see him without our being present. He spoke to us after we came in about the feeling he had had concerning withdrawing from politics, and went on to say that his party had insisted on his name being used, but that he had told them it would depend on circumstances whether he would accept or not, and the leaders of the party had that understanding that he would be at liberty to decline if he wished to do so, should the legislature be Democratic. Brother Smith asked him if he had not written a letter accepting the appointment. He said, no, he had not. President Smith responded, Why, I understand you have. Well, he said, the letter I have written is published. He then told its contents. I have never seen the letter myself; but I said to him, when he told its contents, that though it did not contain an expressed acceptance of the nomination, it undoubtedly conveyed the idea that he would accept, and I remarked to him, I have heard it from all sides that you have accepted; they look upon you as the man to be elected Senator by the Democratic party, if it wins this election. Yes, he said, it was so, but that the leaders knew what his feelings were. Oh! I said, so far as that is concerned, all men have a right to decline if they choose when the matter is brought up before the legislature; but they are using your name now, Brother Thatcher, for all it is worth to gain their ends. He admitted this was the case. I did not feel myself, after having heard what Brother Young had told me, like saying anything to him, because I felt that it was of no use; and I said, as I had this other meeting to attend, and there being nothing more, I would withdraw. We all got up, and he followed us to the door, and said there has been no decision on what I have submitted to you. I said to him: Brother Joseph F. Smith has expressed himself; that he has had feelings because you have not called to see President Woodruff. I feel the same. We then went back into the room, and he said he guessed he would publish a card, dissolving his connection with the party. During his conversation with us he had alluded to “my party” a number of times, and conveyed the idea that his party obligations were of such a nature that he would be doing something wrong, to come and ask counsel, and he said if he was a Republican he would not expect a Democrat to come and ask counsel of him. He clearly intimated in this remark that he justified himself for not coming to ask counsel of us by the excuse that we had Republican leanings. Brother Smith interrogated him upon that point; but he evaded it.

I withdrew, and President Woodruff told me afterwards that he had considerable conversation with Brother Thatcher after, in which Brother Thatcher told him that he felt as though he could not meet with the Twelve, and that he would withdraw from the party, intimating, as President Woodruff expressed himself, that he could not reconcile it with his duty to submit to be counseled by us; that his obligations to his party were of such a nature that he considered them very binding. President Woodruff thought if he withdrew he would lay the burden of the withdrawal upon us. He said he did not like his spirit at all; he acted as though he was on the edge of a precipice. I am not surprised at finding him in this condition at the present time; for it has been plain to me for years that unless he changed his course, sooner or later there would be a separation between him and the rest of us. He has shown a spirit that according to my experience and judgment in the Church is sure to lead a man down and to deprive him of the presence of the Spirit of the Lord. I have been very silent concerning Brother Thatcher, because of the occurrences after President Taylor’s death, in which he assailed me and displayed a spirit which, as I interpreted it, would have driven me out of the quorum of the Twelve if it had been possible. My constant prayer has been for him and for myself, that we might have the Spirit of the Lord poured out upon us so that we might see our faults as they are and I know that if a man gets the Spirit of the Lord and is filled with it, his heart is softened to his brethren, and if he has done wrong he will repent of it and he will feel to love his brethren. I have had no other feeling than this toward Brother Thatcher, although I have thought that the injury he attempted to me would have been a deadly one if he had succeeded. I feel now that there is no power that can reach him but that of the Lord, and it is useless for us to talk with him because he is fixed in his views, and as Brigham says, his heart is as adamant.

We held a meeting of Zion’s Cooperative Mercantile Institution at 9:30 this morning. President Woodruff came in just after the commencement of the meeting. We were detained in meeting till 11:30.

3 October • Thursday

Thursday, October 3rd, 1895. President Woodruff and myself had an interview first thing this morning with N. W. Clayton and James Jack in regard to the financial embarrassments of the former. He related to us his situation with Wells Fargo & Co. He owed $10,000, for which they held a large amount of securities, and he wanted something done to relieve him. After discussing the matter it was decided that instead of the Trustee-in-trust endorsing, or myself doing so, to whom he had appealed, that he had better leave his securities still in the hands of Wells Fargo, and that the Trustee-in-trust loan the amount he owes on interest, $1,500. This appeared to relieve Bro. Clayton very much.

About eleven o’clock President Woodruff and myself went to the Temple, where we found President Smith, who had just arrived there, and eleven of the Twelve Apostles, all of them being present excepting A. H. Lund, who is now on a mission. We had prayer, Bro. Snow being mouth, and then partook of bread and wine, it being fast day, in commemoration of the death and suffering of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I offered the prayer on the sacrament by request of President Woodruff. After this meeting we returned to the office, and then I proceeded to the Tabernacle, where the Eisteddfod was in session. There was a large audience to hear the singing and music. The first business was introductory remarks by Ex-Governor A. L. Thomas, as President of the local Cambrian Society after which there was a contest between Denhalter’s Band, of this City, and a band from Montana, the prize was $200., and a gold medal to conductor, valued at $500.; second prize, $100., silver medal to conductor. After the band finished I made a short address.

I had not been informed of the expectation for me to speak until last night. I sent my apologies to the committee, telling them it would not be convenient for me to do so, as I had a previous engagement, but they were exceedingly desirous for me to say something, and I consented. Fortunately there was more time occupied than was intended in consequence of Denhalter’s Band having to play twice, as one of the three adjudicators was not present when it performed the first time. This had a tendency to prolong the exercises and I took advantage of it by confining myself to brief remarks. From the Tabernacle I went to the Assembly Hall, where the Relief Society was holding its conference, having promised Sister Zina D. Young that I would attend their meeting. I spoke to them twenty minutes. Several of the Apostles were present, and the meeting was tolerably well attended.

4 October • Friday

Friday, October 4th, 1895. Conference opened this morning at 10 o’clock[.] President Woodruff, myself, and President Joseph F. Smith were present and ten of the Apostles, Bro. Moses Thatcher being absent. President Woodruff made a few opening remarks, and was followed by Bro. Lorenzo Snow, Heber J. Grant and John W. Taylor. In the afternoon the time was occupied by Elders George Teasdale, John Henry Smith, President Woodruff also offering a few remarks after the others had spoken. The meetings have been quite spirited and the attendance larger than has been usual on the opening day of Conference. The weather yesterday turned cool and chilly, but today, although cool and cloudy, it has not been at all unpleasant.

5 October • Saturday

Saturday, October 5, 1895. The Tabernacle was very well filled this morning; in fact, the attendance yesterday and today has been larger than I recall ever seeing at the opening of Conference. A great many people are in the city, drawn by the Conference and by the Eisteddfod, which has been very successful. The meeting was addressed by Elders F. M. Lyman, Brigham Young and F. D. Richards. The speaking was excellent and a good spirit prevailed.

In the afternoon Elders Abraham H. Cannon and Moses Thatcher spoke, and at the request of President Woodruff I occupied the remainder of the time. I think I never heard my son Abraham speak better than he did this afternoon. Brother Thatcher’s voice is weak, and he was not heard by many. I felt exceedingly well in speaking to the people, and felt to thank the Lord for it, because I was very empty when I arose, but the Lord was with me.

I did not attend the concert in the evening in the Tabernacle, which was said to be very fine.

6 October • Sunday

Sunday, October 6, 1895. The Tabernacle was filled to overflowing this morning. President Woodruff addressed the Conference and spoke some 50 minutes. He complained of having a pain in the stomach before he arose; but he did remarkably well for a man of his age. He was followed by President Joseph F. Smith, who spoke about 40 minutes with a great deal of power. His theme was home industry and the necessity for sustaining it.

In company with Brother Brigham Young, I took lunch at Brother W. B. Dougall’s[.]

In the afternoon the Tabernacle was filled probably as never before, because in the changes which have been made more seats have been added and the seating capacity is greater than it has been. We found it necessary to have an overflow meeting in the Assembly Hall, which was put in charge of Brother Brigham Young, who was assisted by Brothers H. J. Grant and A. H. Cannon of the Twelve and S. B. Young and C. D. Fjeldsted of the Seventies.

The authorities were presented; after which President Woodruff desired me to speak; said he wanted me to speak for an hour and a half if I wished to do. I told him I did not feel as I had anything to say. But I had great freedom after I arose. The Lord heard my prayer and gave me matter to speak. I rejoiced exceedingly, and I believe that the people enjoyed what was said.

I went again to Brother Dougall’s and took supper, it being convenient to the Tabernacle.

At 7 o’clock a meeting of all interested in Sunday schools was held in the Tabernacle, and an excellent meeting it proved to be. A son of Brother John N. Pike sang a song which was remarkable for one so young, and his voice was finer than anything I ever listened to from a youth.

7 October • Monday

Monday, October 7, 1895 At 10 o’clock this morning we met with the Presidents of Stakes and all the other leading authorities of the Church in the Assembly Hall, and spent two hours and a half in meeting. Brother Joseph F. Smith in his remarks today, speaking about paying respect to the Priesthood, said that one of the Twelve Apostles and one of the Seven Presidents of Seventies had not consulted with the Presidency respecting the acceptance of the positions for which they had been nominated by the party to which they belong. His remarks created some sensation, as he spoke with a good deal of emphasis. He wished something said by President Woodruff upon the subject, as he did not know but he had overstepped the mark in speaking as he did, and President Woodruff referred it to me. When I spoke I said that I was glad Brother Joseph had alluded to it in this way, though I would not have done it myself, unless the Spirit had prompted it; but it was the truth, and none of us should be afraid to have the truth told.

The First Presidency had a call from the adjudicators of the Eisteddfod, Messrs. Watkins, Evans and Davies, who expressed themselves as being more than delighted with their visit here. It exceeded all their expectations, and they spoke in the warmest manner of the impressions that had been made upon them.

At a meeting that was held on Saturday last of the Pioneer Electric Power Co., a motion was made and carried that myself and Mr. Bannister should proceed to the States and see Mr. Banigan, and endeavor to arrange for the sale of a million and a half of bonds of the Company. At a meeting with Mr. Bannister and my son Frank today, it was decided that we should leave (the Lord willing) on Thursday next. Frank is engaged in this political campaign, and has 64 appointments to speak between now and the election, and he cannot get away for this purpose; therefore, it falls upon me to go.

This evening I attended meeting of the Young Family Association, in company with my wife Caroline. Some business was done connected with temple work.

After this, Brother Wilcken took us down, in company with Brother Brigham Young, to my adopted daughter Rose Lambert’s, where our kindred had a surprise party for her. We spent a very pleasant evening there.

8 October • Tuesday

Tuesday, October 8, 1895

At 9:30 the First Presidency had a meeting with Orson Smith, Jerry Langford, my sons Hugh J. and Abraham H. Cannon, and took into consideration the purchase of the “Confidence” mine. We discussed this matter at great length, and it appeared that the feeling was against the purchase; but as there was a good deal of indecision, I said, in order to test the matter (thinking that by so doing the proposition would be voted down by Presidents Woodruff and Smith), I would move that we purchase the property. After the motion was made it was discussed at some length, and President Smith desired to make a motion that the whole matter be left to me, and that if I decided it should be purchase[d], being familiar somewhat with the whole proposition, then we should purchase it. But I declined this. I said I did not wish to take this responsibility. I was myself quite cramped for means and did not wish to take upon myself additional obligations if I could avoid it; still I said if the Company went into this I would go in with them. President Jos. F. Smith finally seconded my motion, and President Woodruff and all voted for it. We felt that it would not be proper for us to buy this and put it into the Sterling company, as there were some members of that company that had no interest in common with us, and we did not wish to be carrying them and increasing the value of their shares in the Sterling; so it was decided to organize a separate company, and it was proposed that we borrow $15,000 if we could, in order to get the necessary machinery to run the mine.

There was a meeting of the Rexburg Milling Company after this, and Brother Thomas E. Ricks resigned as President, and Brother Pincock was appointed as President of the Company.

9 October • Wednesday

Wednesday, October 9, 1895 The First Presidency had an interview with Brother Langford and Hugh and Abraham Cannon concerning the “Confidence” mine, and an agreement was made as to the shares of stock each one of them should have, and afterwards arrangements were made to borrow the $15,000 to get the necessary machinery.

The First Presidency had an interview with the Twelve Apostles concerning the Mexican Mission. Brothers A. W. Ivins and Henry Eyring were also present. Brother Ivins was set apart by the Presidency and Twelve (I being mouth) to preside over the Mexican Mission; and Brother and Sister Harris were set apart by the Twelve to go to Mexico to study the Spanish language and to become attorneys.

I have been very busy today—scarcely had a breathing spell; and I am crowded very much because I hope to get away in the morning.

10 October • Thursday

Thursday, October 10, 1895 Brother Wilcken took myself and wife to the train at the Union Pacific Station in time for the 7 o’clock train for the East. Brother Brigham Young and my son Abraham met us there, and the former accompanied us to Ogden. Mr. & Mrs. Bannister joined us there and traveled with us to Chicago, where we reached at 8:45 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 12th. Mr. & Mrs. Bannister stopped here. It was understood he would join me in the East on Tuesday next. I took carriage and drove to Penn. General Office and met Mr. Dering, who furnished me and wife special tickets to New York and return, for which Brother Spence had arranged at home to pay. At 10:30 a.m. we left Chicago and reached Philadelphia at 12:17 noon on Sunday, Oct. 13th, We had telegraphed my son William the time we expected to reach and that we would stop at the Continental. He and Adah and baby met us at the Continental. We dined together and then started out to see the city, but it rained heavily, so we brought up at their quarters where we met Willard Croxall. To our great satisfaction, I might almost say surprise, we learned from William that he on Thursday last had passed his examination and been admitted as a student at Jefferson Medical College. Fault was found with his orthography and writing, but in physics, chemistry and latin he had passed all right. His brother-in-law, Willard Croxall, had been of great assistance to him in securing quarters and in various other ways. It was a great examination. He had thought he could get a certificate from home by means of which he could escape an examination, but he had failed in this, and I am glad he did. The Lord has evidently given him favor in the eyes of the Dean and of others of the Faculty. Adah has grown fleshy and the baby looks well; but William is thinner, though he is fine looking. Their quarters are pretty comfortable.

14 October • Monday

Monday, October 14, 1895 William and Adah and Willard Croxall took breakfast with us and we had an enjoyable time.

We left for new York at 12:35 noon, and reached there at 3 p’m. Drove to Grand Central Station and took train for Providence at 5 o’clock. We reached there at 10 p’m. and put up at the Narragansett Hotel.

15 October • Tuesday

Tuesday, October 15, 1895 I was disappointed last evening at not finding the box which contained the 400 sugar bonds that I had expressed the evening before I left home. This morning I went to the Express Office and was told it would probably be in this afternoon, as it took that length of time for express matter to reach here from Salt Lake City. I then called upon Mr. Banigan, who was surprised to see me, as he had not been advised of my coming. I explained to him about the bonds, and he was ready to close up the business in accordance with the Mem. I had received from my son Frank as to what had to be done.

While waiting for the bonds I concluded to run up to Boston—an hour’s ride by rail—and see my sons Lewis, Sylvester and Willard, as it might be the only opportunity I would have of seeing them. We reached Boston in a rain storm, and put up at the Hotel Brunswick. I had sent a dispatch to Lewis that we were on the way, but it did not reach the boys until too late to meet the train, and as Lewis was out, I found the two boys, when I hunted them up, awaiting his return. After waiting some time I told the boys to clean up and accompany me to the hotel to a six o’clock dinner. Just as we were leaving, Lewis came and as he had ate his dinner I told him to follow, which he did. We had a delightful time; the boys enjoyed the meal and we were happy together. We afterwards went to the Boston Museum and saw the Fatal Card, a performance we all were pleased with.

16 October • Wednesday

Wednesday, October 16, 1895. My sons took breakfast with us, and I saw them leave us at 9 o’clock for their school with reluctance. They look well, excepting Lewis, who is thinner than when he left home—due to sickness he has had. They made a fine appearance when dressed up, and they are satisfied with their school and appear to be doing well. Altogether I felt gratified at my visit.

At 10 o’clock we took train for Providence, and I went directly to Mr. Banigan’s office. The bonds had reached there, had been examined, and were satisfactory to him. He had arranged for one of his young men, Mr. Ballou, to accompany me to Hartford and carry the old and new bonds there to the Security Company, so that the new bonds might be certified to by that Company through its President. Mr. Banigan had also written to that Company that I would call on them for this purpose.

Upon looking at my watch, I found that I had only 17 minutes in which to go to the hotel, get my trunk which I had left there, have it carried to the depot, buy tickets to Hartford, get the trunk checked, and see Mr. Bannister, who had arrived from Chicago, and explain my movements to him. I was able in the 17 minutes to do all this, except seeing Mr. Bannister. I could not find him at the hotel; so I wrote him a note, in which I informed him that I had arranged with Mr. Banigan for he (Bannister) and I to have an interview with him at the Plaza Hotel, New York, on Friday. I do not remember ever doing more in a few minutes than I did on this occasion.

Sister Cannon, Mr. Ballou and myself started for Hartford and reached there between 3 & 4 o’clock.

Leaving my wife at the Heublein Hotel, I joined Mr. Ballou at the office of the Security Company. The deed of trust which had been sent in triplicate by us from home to the Security Company on Sept. 13th had reached here while Mr. Parsons, the President, was absent. When he returned, these were overlooked and it was not until the 9th of October that the two copies were sent back to Utah for record. This was inexcusable carelessness for a Company like this. But it worked this hardship: Mr. Parsons felt that he could not put the certificate of the Company on the new bonds until the recorded new deed of trust had been returned from Utah, so that he would have ocular proof that this had been done. I asked if a telegram from there, signed by the Recorder, would not be a sufficient guarantee. He thought not. I drew up the following telegram and sent it home:

“Until new deed of trust which was sent in triplicate to Security Company and returned to Sugar Company for record is recorded and forwarded to Security Company Hartford, that Company cannot attach its certificate to new bonds. Important this be done without delay. Answer Heublein Hotel, Hartford.”

17 October • Thursday

Thursday, October 17, 1895 Mr. Ballou reached Mr. Banigan by long distance telephone this morning and described the situation of affairs to him. He suggested that he leave the old bonds with the Security Company and carry the new bonds back to Providence till the Security Company would be ready to certify to them. This was decided upon, and we worked to this plan. On the order addressed to the Security Company in my favor concerning the new bonds, I made the following endorsement:

“Hartford, Conn., October 17th, 1895

When the new bonds referred to in the within order to the amount of Four hundred thousand ($400,000) dollars, are certified and ready for delivery, please deliver them to Joseph Banigan, or order, and his receipt for the same shall be your sufficient voucher.

Attest(signed) Geo. Q. Cannon.”

Mr. Parsons & his clerk.

Mr. Collins, Secretary of the Security Company, acted very gentlemanly in all this business and made a favorable impression on me. He pressed me to let him take us around in his carriage to show us the notable places of the city, and as I could not spare the time for this he took me to the City Hall to see the Mayor, Mr. Brainerd, whom I met and formed a pleasant acquaintance with last year. I find that Mr. Ballou is a cousin of the late Erastus Snow. He informs me that his father’s sister was the mother of Erastus Snow, and that his grandmother was a Mason, who was also a near relative of the Snows. He is a young man, I should judge about 30 years old.

Myself and wife took train for New York at 12:30, and reached the Plaza Hotel about 4:30.

Upon my arrival I had an interview with Mr. Banigan, to whom I related what had occurred. We came to this understanding: that the bonds be left in his hands till the Security Company received evidence that the new deed of trust is recorded, then he apply to the Company for its certification. In the meantime I am to send the discharge of the old bonds back by mail to be recorded, with a request that it must be recorded ahead of the new deed of trust. When this is done and a telegram certifying to this is sent to him, he will then cancel the preliminary agreement signed by the First Presidency and Frank J. Cannon and the document signed by Frank J. Cannon alone at the inception of the negotiations, and return them and checks for $260.000, the balance due on the bonds, immediately to us at Salt Lake City. I sent a letter and the following telegram to Brother James Jack:

“Don’t record new deed of trust till you receive discharge of old bonds mailed you today. The discharge must be reco[r]ded first to cancel old mortgage and insure validity of new issue. Have written you.”

Mr. Bannister arrived at the hotel from Providence about the same time we did from Hartford, and I explained to him that I had made an appointment with Mr. Banigan to meet him at 9:30 in the morning. To my great chagrin he informed me that the papers and maps which he expected as Secretary and Engineer of the Company to submit to Mr. Banigan had not reached him. I felt that he ought not to have started without them in hand, instead of trusting to have them sent after him. The only paper he had was a letter addressed to Mr. Banigan, which as President of the Pioneer Electric Power Company I had to sign, containing an offer to sell $1,500,000 worth of bonds.

18 October • Friday

Friday, October 18, 1895. We met Mr. Banigan this morning. I presented him the letter containing the proposition and we had a lengthy conversation. He asked numerous questions, and though he thought a million and a half of bonds could not be issued on a property stocked at a million and a quarter (on the principle of the bonds being a mortgage on the property, no sane business man would advance a sum of money on a property in excess of the value placed upon it by its owners), still he was disposed to look favorably upon the scheme. He dropped one word in his conversation which I gathered to mean that he would expect these bonds to be guaranteed by us (the First Presidency) as the Sugar bonds had been. I did not appear to notice it, as I did not think at that stage of the proceedings it was necessary to enter into any discussion upon that or any other point, as without the papers nothing definite could be said or done. It was arranged that Mr. Bannister should go to Providence on Sunday evening to meet Mr. Banigan on Monday, and with the documents and maps, which Mr. Bannister felt sure would arrive by that time, go over the whole business. Mr. Banigan threw out the suggestion that in view of further business dealings between us it might be a good thing to make these bonds 7 per cent. bonds.

After getting through with Mr. Banigan I had a conversation with Mr. Bannister, and I told him how to shape his conversation with Mr. Banigan so as to draw from him whether he expected these bonds to be guaranteed as the Sugar bonds were, and to tell him that such a thing would be impossible, and at the same time tell him the offer made by Mr. Knisely of St. Louis. I told him that as one of the Company he could talk plainly to Mr. Banigan on this point, so that he could understand that this enterprise must carry itself, as it would not be in our power to guarantee it.

Myself and wife left New York for Philadelphia at 2 p.m., and stopped at the Continental Hotel. We were met by William and Adah and the baby.

I received the following telegram from home:

“Acting under advice of John M. Cannon and in accordance with your telegram we immediately sent trust deed for record, which was recorded yesterday and expressed to Hartford this morning’s mail. Wired you yesterday morning Hartford new deed of trust filed for record and recorded today, will be mailed to Hartford by tomorrow morning’s mail. Your family all well. Learned last evening this telegram undelivered.

James Jack.”

“New deed of trust was recorded yesterday before receiving your telegram of yesterday. It is not necessary to have release recorded before new deed of trust as title to property has already remained in the Utah Sugar Co. subject to lien of old deed of trust, under the laws of this territory, see section thirty four hundred and seventy four compiled laws of Utah 1888, also case of Dupee vs. Rose tenth Utah three hundred and five; we can record office copy of new deed of trust after recording release if desired.

John M. Cannon.”

I sent the following telegram to Mr. Banigan:

“Am informed trust deed was recorded before arrival of my second telegram was received, and was expressed to Hartford. Our attorney telegraphs it is not necessary to have release recorded before new deed of trust, and in proof refers to section thirty four hundred and seventy four compiled laws of Utah 1888, also case of Dupee vs. Rose tenth Utah three hundred and five. But, he adds, the copy of new deed of trust retained there can be recorded after recording release if desired. What have you to suggest? Will be at Continental, Philadelphia, till 4:30 Saturday afternoon and longer if desired.”

19 October • Saturday

Saturday, October 19, 1895 William and Adah came to see us and spent the most of the day with us.

I received the following dispatch from Mr. Banigan:

“Wire received. I understand from Ballou who went to Hartford with you that the security company sent a release back with the new deed of trust October tenth will send check to you at Salt Lake City.”

I called at the office of Mr. John P. Green, vice president of Pennsylvania R.R., to get our tickets to Chicago changed to St. Louis. He is an old acquaintance of mine. He was not in the city, but his clerk arranged it by my paying difference in the fare, $5.25.

We had an interesting visit with the children and Willard Croxall. William and Adah dined with us.

At 4:30 we took train for St. Louis.

20 October • Sunday

Sunday, October 20, 1895 A very pleasant day. We reached St. Louis a little before 8 p.m. and put up at Planter’s Hotel. Mr. Weaver and clerks treat us very kindly and do all in their power to make us comfortable. Mr. Weaver sent a bunch of fine roses to our room for my wife.

I sent the following telegram to Mr. Bannister:

“If guarantee is mentioned to our friend you can only express opinion that enterprise ought carry itself. Well to touch it gently.”

21 October • Monday

Monday, October 21, 1895 After breakfast, my wife started out to see Mrs. Meyer and I went to secure our passages by Chicago & Alton R.R. to Kansas City. Mr. Bowes was very kind and readily wrote out pass for myself and wife to that city.

I called at Mr. Kniseley’s, but did not find him in. His wife made an appointment for one o’clock, and at that hour he came to the hotel. He agreed to give us time to find out whether our negotiations now in progress with other parties could be concluded or not. He afterwards brought his partner, Mr. Wells, to see me. The latter is on the point of sailing to Europe. They want to get the bonds of the Pioneer Electric Power Co. to sell, and they appear to think they can dispose of them. Mr. Wells spoke flatteringly of our people’s credit in London and of confidence in my name, &c., &c. I sent Mr. Bannister the following telegram:

“Knisely grants time. Wants early decision. Talks encouragingly. If agree would like bid on electrical plant.”

I had a very pleasant interview with Mr. Whitmore upon the subject of the Trans-Mississippi Congress.

Mr. & Mrs. Meyer gave my wife and myself an excellent lunch at the Cafe of Planter’s Hotel, and for dinner (after Mrs. Meyer had given us a ride in her carriage through Shaw’s Gardens) took us to the famous, Tony Faust’s restaurant, where we had a Nippenburg steak and other delicacies. They took us in their carriage to the station. In feeding us they nearly killed us with kindness, and we had to resist their pressing entreaties to stay longer. Mr. Shaw’s mausoleum is very fine, and it suggests what I think should be done for President Young’s grave. Before his death he had a sarcophagus prepared in which the coffin is entombed. Upon this a full length recumbent figure of himself in marble is sketched. This he had finished while on a visit to Italy. His body is covered with drapery, but his arms and neck and head are uncovered. He holds a rose in his right hand and lies in an easy position, his head inclined to one side. The building surrounding this is circular and has a number of barred windows, through which everything inside can be plainly seen.

22 October • Tuesday

Tuesday, October 22, 1895 Reached Kansas city this morning, and at 9:30 a.m. took passage on sleeper for the West. Met a son of Brother A. H. Lund here who has come down from home with some sheep to market.

24 October • Thursday

Thursday, October 24, 1895 Nothing of importance occurred on the journey, and we reached Salt Lake City at a little after 3 this morning. We remained in car until daylight. My sons Abraham and Joseph and Brother C. H. Wilcken came to meet us. I found my family all in good health. I returned a little sooner than they expected.

I found Presidents Woodruff and Smith at the office and in good health. I explained to them the situation of the sugar bonds business.

I wrote a long letter to my son Frank, explaining all that had taken place.

I have not heretofore mentioned the fact that the papers east are full of misrepresentations concerning an affair that took place on the 7th of October at our Priesthood meeting, and there has been great excitement at home over the occurrence. Brother Joseph F. Smith, in speaking at the Priesthood meeting, in the line of instruction that had been given at the Conference by Elders F. M. Lyman and A. H. Cannon concerning the obligations which rested upon men in the Priesthood to respect those who preside over them mentioned the fact that one of the Apostles and one of the Seven Presidents of Seventies had received a political nomination and were running for office, who had never consulted President Woodruff or the First Presidency concerning the propriety of their doing so. He mentioned Brother Karl G. Maeser by name as having also been nominated for office, but as having done what he could to have his position understood by those who presided over him. President Smith spoke very warmly upon this point, and after he sat down he asked President Woodruff, if he felt like it, to say something on the subject, with a view, as I suppose, of having him modify any expressions he had made, if they needed modification, or of approving what he had said. President Woodruff remarked as he was about to rise that he would leave that to me to do, and he did not allude to the subject while he was speaking. In asking my remarks afterwards, I spoke on a number of subjects and alluded incidentally to that which President Smith had said. This was all that was said at the meeting. It seems, however, that some persons who were present went away and reported the expressions, and probably amplified them, to the Democratic leaders, among the rest, O. W. Powers. Immediately a storm was raised. Accusations were freely hurled at us for endeavoring to interfere with politics, and we were freely charged with trying to unite Church and State. The most abominable falsehoods were printed in the eastern papers and I was fiercely attacked and accused of promoting the whole affair to further my personal ambition, it being intimated that I desire to be a Senator. I need only say here that nothing could be more false than this statement. I had not suggested it to Brother Smith; it had not been a subject that I desired to have spoken upon; so far as personal ambition for office is concerned, I have no more desire to go to Washington as a Senator than I would have to go to the Arctic Ocean. The only thing that could induce me to go or that would receive my consent would be that it would be the wishes of my brethren and as the mind of the Lord manifested through them. I have not even in thought felt any desire of this kind, and certainly have never said a word to any human being on the subject to convey the idea that I wished such a position; for I do not and have not wished it. But for some reason I have been accused by the Democrats of having such a desire. What they base it on, of course, I am left to conjecture. Certainly some of their representatives conveyed the idea at one time to me, as I have previously noted in my journal, that I could have any office in the gift of that party if I would accept it. I find upon my return that the people who have raised this fuss are now pretending to be satisfied that we did not mean any harm. Powers, I understand, is very gracious now after raising all this storm, and professes to believe that we did what we did and had a perfect right to do it, but questions the propriety of doing it at the time. They have had a convention called, and delegates from all parts of the Territory have attended, and an “Address to the People” has been drawn up. Besides this, Brothers Thatcher and Roberts have issued their views, one in the form of a letter and the other in an interview, in which they make public their views as to the impropriety and wrongfulness of there being a union between church and state, and defending their course of action in this matter. I have said to the brethren since my return that if there had ever been any question on the part of either Brother Thatcher or Brother Roberts as to the propriety of asking counsel from the President of the Church or the First Presidency concerning nominations for political office, I never could have lifted my hand to have voted for either of them to hold the positions which they do. I am one of six Apostles now living who voted for Brother Moses Thatcher to be one of the Twelve Apostles. If the views which he now expresses concerning what he considers to be his duty to his party had been expressed then, I for one could not have voted for him to be ordained an Apostle, unless the Lord had commanded me to do so. The issue is so plain, I cannot conceive that any one who entertains the views that the Latter-day Saints do can justify such a course of action as these two brethren have taken. It has always been understood that everything in this life, so far as the Apostles and Seven Presidents of Seventies are concerned, is subordinate to their Priesthood, and that no obligations to party are equal to the obligations of the Priesthood. It is a matter of indifference, in one respect, to us what party they belong to. I do not know that there would be the least objection to their accepting the nominations which they have received even if they had come and consulted with the First Presidency about doing so. But that is not the point. It seems to me that in all that has been said and published by them on the subject, the true issue has been beclouded. The point is this: Has a high officer in the Church who has definite duties assigned to him and who takes upon himself the obligation to discharge those duties when he is ordained to the office, the right to go, without consulting with the President of the Church or the First Presidency, and assume other duties, to the neglect of these more important duties? That is the point at issue. It is not whether either of these brethren shall accept the nomination and be voted for. Of course, as American citizens, they have the unquestioned right to accept nomination, and to accept office if elected thereto. But it has been a rule from the beginning that the Presidency of the Church should be consulted concerning the labors of the Apostles. Upon this point all of the First Presidency and Twelve agree, so far as I know. I regret exceedingly that this feeling has arisen. Satan is undoubtedly trying to take advantage of it, and we are now hearing strong protestations on the strength of this incident against seeking counsel on these matters at the hands of the authorities of the Church, and strong denunciations against what is called the union of church and state—something that never has existed among us as they represent it.

At 11 o’clock I attended meeting at the Temple with the First Presidency and Brothers Lorenzo Snow, Brigham Young, F. M. Lyman, Heber J. Grant, M. W. Merrill and Abraham H. Cannon. We had a lengthy conversation over the situation of affairs, which was very interesting, and it was happiness to see such harmony existing as was manifest in our interchange of views. We were there about two hours and a half. Before we separated, President Woodruff called upon me to pray.

While at Seattle, on our return from Alaska, I bought some bear skins, which had remained boxed until this afternoon, and I unboxed them and gave a bear skin to each of my wives, excepting Caroline, and she had a robe made of fox skin, preferring that and being willing to pay the difference. I kept a white polar bear skin for my own room.

25 October • Friday

Friday, October 25, 1895 When I reached the office this morning I found that Mr. Joseph H. Manley, a very prominent politician and a member of the National Republican Committee, and a very steadfast friend of Mr. Blaine’s, called at the office to see me. He had done us excellent service in helping get the Territory into the Union and in performing many acts of friendship. I learned he was at the Knutsford, and I proceeded there and met him. He had been told that I would be at the office at 9 o’clock, and without waiting for his breakfast he had come up to see me. I had an interesting conversation with him, and he desired to call with his wife and daughter and lady friends to pay his respects to us at the office, which he afterwards did. President Woodruff took pleasure in seeing him, as he did in seeing President Woodruff. He intended to stay in the city over Sunday, but he informed me privately that he did not wish to do so because he learned that Colonel Trumbo and wife wanted to show him attentions and they would return to the city, which he felt it would be impolitic for him to receive at the present time. He found that there was a division of sentiment here in political matters, and he did not wish to lend his countenance either for or against any one, and therefore thought it prudent to leave the City on Saturday evening. Privately he thinks that Colonel Trumbo would be an unsuitable person to represent our State in the Senate.

We arranged for him to go out to the lake at 2:15 this afternoon.

26 October • Saturday

Saturday, October 26, 1895 I was busy in the office this morning. In the afternoon Brother Winter went home with me and we attended to my correspondence.

Mr. John L. Lamson, one of the Vice Presidents of the New York Security and Trust Company, came out here, as he said, to see me, and I have shown him such attentions as I could, but particularly requested Brother Grant, with whom he is also acquainted, to take him in charge and do what was necessary to make his stay agreeable. Cannon, Grant & Co. have borrowed considerable money from the New York Security & Trust Co., and it is proper that we should show this gentleman attentions, as he has been kind to us. He came to see me about a dinner party that he had spoken to me about before, to know whom we would like. He would like to have a party of six or seven. I decided upon The gentlemen decided upon were, the First Presidency, Brothers H. J. Grant and T. G. Webber and Mr. O. J. Salisbury. Seven o’clock was the hour fixed, and we had a very elegant dinner provided for us by Mr. Lamson at the Knutsford hotel.

Early in the day I met by appointment Mr. Manley and party and Mr. Lamson at the Tabernacle, where we were entertained by an organ recital, Brother Daynes playing a number of well known tunes, much to the delight of my friends.

Mr. Manley and party left this evening for the west.

27 October • Sunday

Sunday, October 27, 1895 I left in company with Brother Brigham Young at 7 o’clock this morning for Brigham City. My wife Carlie accompanied me with our two sons, Clawson and Wilford, she intending to go up to Logan to see her son Mark, who is at college there. We were met at Brigham City with a carriage, and I was carried to Brother Joseph Jensen’s, and Brother Young went to Brother Rudgar Clawson’s. Brothers Rulon S. Wells and Arthur Winter were also along, and they stayed at Brother Adolph Madsen’s.

At 10 o’clock we met with the saints in Conference. President Lorenzo Snow was also there. The forenoon was occupied by Brothers Brigham Young and Rulon S. Wells and myself. In the afternoon the sacrament was administered, and I spoke for about an hour, followed by Brother Young. There was a very good spirit at these meetings, and the saints appeared to enjoy what was said.

I expected when I left home to return to Salt Lake this afternoon, in order to fulfill an appointment made with Mr. Lamson to go with him down to the sugar works at Lehi, it being Presidents Woodruff and Smith’s wish that I should return for that purpose; but I received a dispatch from Brother Heber J. Grant in which he informed me that Mr. Lamson was called home and the excursion would not therefore take place. In consequence of this I met my wife at the train as she came from Logan, and she and the boys remained with me at Brigham City.

28 October • Monday

Monday, October 28, 1895 This morning Brother Seymour B. Young was present, and he and Brother Brigham Young occupied the forenoon in speaking to the people, and the instructions were excellent. Brother Brigham spoke with a great deal of power. In the afternoon the authorities of the Church and Stake were presented and some business was attended to, and I occupied the remainder of the time, and had a good flow of the Spirit. We returned to Salt Lake, arriving there at 7:25.

29 October • Tuesday

Tuesday, October 29, 1895 This morning I had an appointment to meet Brother Andrew Brixen, who has been threatening to institute some sort of legal proceedings against Zion’s Savings Bank because of a very unfavorable report made by the Bank Examiner, Elias A. Smith, and which was addressed to C. C. Richards, the Secretary of the Territory. I was astonished on reading this report to see the manner in which Elias A. Smith had reported upon our affairs; and if the intention had been to ruin my credit, I do not know how he could have gone at it better with the opportunity that he had. My name is singled out as being security for notes, without a word being said as to others, as though I was the sole security. Heber J. Grant is also treated in the same manner, although Elias A. Smith is one of the signers of the note that he represents Heber J. Grant as signing. I feel very badly about this young man making such a report as this, because it shows a spirit that I was scarcely prepared to witness on his part. The facts are, he is a member of Cannon, Grant & Co., and I may say tha without vanity that I have been carrying that concern, paying money to sustain it, and his note is in our hands for his share of the capital stock, and he has done nothing towards assisting us at all, and we have had the whole burden to bear. Brother Grant has put in a large sum of money; in fact, risked all he had, and Brothers Joseph F. Smith and F. M. Lyman have both paid $25,000 each, and Brother Webber $10,000; and this young man has paid nothing, that I know of; and yet, while we are struggling to meet our engagements, which has led us to great embarrassments, he in this deliberate and I might say base manner seeks to destroy our credit.

We had Geo. M. Cannon, the Cashier of the Bank, and Brothers W. A. Rossiter and James Jack, and we talked this matter over in a conciliatory tone with Brixen. He professes to be very much alarmed at the report that Elias A. Smith has made. He accepted 20 shares of Zion’s Savings Bank stock from Geo. M. Cannon in place of money which he loaned him, and it was understood that George, as soon as he could arrange his affairs, was to take the stock back, if Brixen wished him to do so. The way it appears now is that he finds the stock is not worth what it was when he bought it, and he is desirous to reimburse himself in some way. After talking some, I asked him if he would like to trade for the same amount in the State Bank. I said my wife Caroline had 4000 dollars in the State Bank, which she might be willing to trade if it would please him for stock in the State Bank. He said he would think about it, and shortly afterwards sent up his stock in the Savings Bank, signed, and expressed a willingness to exchange if he could get $500 to boot. I did not think this was fair, as I thought the State Bank ought to sell for as much as the Savings Bank. This matter was afterwards compromised by Brother Rossiter offering to give him his note for $250 to boot; but when Brixen learned it was coming out of Brother Rossiter’s own pocket, he said he would not accept it and agreed to make an even exchange, and my wife being willing, the exchange was made.

I had a call from Mr. Davis, who represents a Mr. Nunn, the owner of the street car line that runs through my place. He proposes to put on an electric line and give me hourly service at my place if I will give the Company $750.

We had a visit from a gentlemen [gentleman] by the name of Glen Miller, who is preparing an article for the “Forum”, and who professes to be very desirous to get correct information to embody in his article.

We had a meeting with Brothers Grant and Webber, representing Zion’s Co-operative Mercantile Institution, and Brother Nephi W. Clayton, who had been recently on a visit to Omaha, where he had heard complaints on the part of Messrs. Clark and Munro, of the Union Pacific R.R., concerning the unfairness in dividing freight with that road on the part of Z.C.M.I. We had quite a free talk. Brother Clayton stated what had been complained of. I also stated the understanding that I had had with Mr. Clark and the expectations that the Company entertained respecting our freight. I think the conversation will result in correcting some of the things complained of.

30 October • Wednesday

Wednesday, October 30, 1895 Yesterday I worked very hard and did not get home till quite late. I think I overworked myself, for I spent a very bad night.

Mr. Banigan sent, under cover to me, three checks aggregating $260,000, drawn in favor of Frank J. Cannon. His reason, as he stated in his letter, for drawing them in this way was that the other $100,000 had been to Frank’s credit. It was decided yesterday that I should take these notes and go to Juab, where I had telegraphed Frank to meet me and have him endorse them. I spent the day in doing this. I met Frank at Juab and had some conversation with him; but he was hurried, as he had appointments to fill. John T. Caine, the Democratic candidate for Governor, and B. H. Roberts, the Democratic candidate for Member of Congress, came to Juab while I was there, and we rode up to Nephi on the same train. They had an appointment there to speak. I brought the notes up to the office and deposited them in Brother Jack’s safe.

This evening I had a visit from a reporter of the Tribune; but before he reached my place I had received a letter from Brother Geo. F. Gibbs, informing me that I was accused of having at Brigham City attacked Judge Powers by stating that he had stolen the election of Salt Lake City and had been paid $10,000 for it. While Brother McHenry was waiting, I wrote a letter in reply to this to Geo. M. Cannon, chairman of the Republican Committee, as follows:

“Dear George:

You are at liberty to deny in the most unequivocal manner every statement which is made to the effect that I attacked Judge O. W. Powers at Brigham City or at any other place. I did not mention his name, neither did I have him in my thoughts in any remarks that I made at Brigham City. In proof of what I say I have no doubt the testimony of any number of reputable men can be obtained, prominent among whom are President Lorenzo Snow, Elders Brigham Young, Rulon Wells and Seymour B. Young, Adolf Madsen and the reporters who on Sunday took my remarks in shorthand and a full synopsis on Monday. My remarks cautioning the people against being misled by the falsehoods which are being so freely circulated were general in their character, and no party or individual was mentioned, it being my intention to have them apply to the whole situation and to all cases.

I wish you to understand that concerning any individual being attacked by me I deny it in the most emphatic manner, and you may feel yourself at liberty to make such use of this as you please.

Yours truly,

Geo. Q. Cannon.”

When the reporter came I had just finished the letter, and I handed it to him with the request that after embodying the substance of it as an interview, he would hand the letter to Geo. M. Cannon.

31 October • Thursday

Thursday, October 31, 1895 I had another bad night.

This morning at the office Brother Winter read to me a discourse which I delivered at Conference, and which was desired for publication. I also dictated correspondence.

I heard Brother Brigham Young talking in the front office while we were engaged in this business, and I went in to him and told him about the reporter visiting me last evening and what I had said. To my extreme astonishment, Brother Brigham told me I had used the language I was charged with using, although I had not mentioned Powers by name. I never was more surprised, I think, in my life than to hear him make this statement; for last evening, when I wrote the note to Geo. M. Cannon, I could have taken an affidavit that I never used such language. I was completely oblivious to the fact. But after hearing what he said, I was forced to believe it, although I have not been able yet to recall it. I felt very much mortified and humiliated by this discovery; for through my life I have endeavored to be a truthful man, and there certainly could be no object in my attempting to deny anything of this kind when it could be so easily proved by the hundreds that were present. I cannot account for it, how I could have such a lapse of memory.

I attended meeting in the Temple with the Presidency and Twelve. There were two questions brought to our attention. One of them has been mentioned several times, and the decision postponed till I could be present. It is in relation to the best and most suitable place for parties in transgression to make their confession in the wards. Brothers F. M. Lyman and John Henry Smith had both, they said, counseled in a number of cases that the confession should be made to the fast meeting as the most suitable place. I listened to what the brethren said. President Woodruff asked me what my view was. I said we would see what the Lord said upon the subject; so I referred to the revelation contained in the 42nd section, and after reading that aloud I suggested that perhaps it would be better for the confession to be made either at the fast meeting or before the Priesthood at what is called the Teachers meeting, which is held once a month, and leave it to the discretion of the presiding officer as to which would be the most suitable place; but I thought it clear from the word of the Lord that it was not necessary that they should make confession before the world. This view President Woodruff accepted, and all agreed to. The other question was whether it was proper for men bearing the Priesthood as High Priests and Seventies and Elders, who are called upon from time to time to officiate as Teachers, to be organized into a Teachers’ quorum and be presided over by Teachers. The decision was that this was not necessary; that these officers should meet with their own quorums and should not be organized into Teachers quorums or presided over by Teachers.

Brother H. J. Grant has received a dispatch from Mr. Lamson since he left here. He brought it down to the train when I reached home on Wednesday and showed it to me. It was all a jumble of nonsense, and he showed me dispatches that he had prepared to send to Mr. Fairchild, President of the New York Security & Trust Company. It is evident from this dispatch that Mr. Lamson is demented. It is a shocking thing to think of; but he showed signs here of being “off his base”; still we did not think it was so serious as it now appears to be. I never heard a man express himself in such an enthusiastic and in some respects silly manner as he did from time to time at what he saw and heard.

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October 1895, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 29, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1890s/1895/10-1895