March 1884

1 March 1884 • Saturday

Saturday March 1st 1884. I am the only passenger on the sleeping car between Denver & Cheyenne. Reached this last point before eight. I have to change here and get on the sleeping car from Omaha, but the train is behind time. In looking back this morning at my entire trip I felt to thank the Lord with all my heart. He has preserved me and greatly blessed me in all my movements on the entire journey, and I feel how great a blessing it is to be a servant of the Lord, to know one is under his watchcare, and that he hears one’s prayers. Just as I had finished the above sentence Judge Soner [Sener], the Chief Justice of Wyoming Ter. stepped into the room of the Hotel where I sat, and in a loud voice, so loud as to attract the attention of every one in the room, saluted me and expressed his great pleasure at seeing me. We had been fellow members of the 43rd Congress, and our seats were close together. We had met often since and he professed great regard for me. He is from Virginia. With some considerable ceremony he introduced me to two members of the legislature who were present, one of them Major Downey, father of Col. Downey, with whom I had served as Delegate from Wyoming to Congress, and after further conversation he proposed that I should go up and call upon the Legislature. The time permitted so I went up and was introduced to the members of the Council and the House who received me with great cordiality, being just fresh from their visit to Utah which they say they enjoyed exceedingly in Utah and where they were treated royally. The Chaplain of the Council, Rev Dr Rafter, took me in charge and with him I returned to the Station. I had sent my regrets to the Governor (Hale) that I had not time to call upon him. But the President of the Council, Mr Holliday, followed us to the Station and said the Governor would be glad to see me. As they assured me there would be time, I accompanied them to his residence, where I found a number of gentlemen, among them Mr Corlett, ex-Delegate to Congress. The Governor and myself entered into a conversation concerning our affairs, which was very interesting, though necessarily brief. They all expressed the wish that I would stay longer. The Governor appears to be an invalid. He has been twice at Salt Lake City. The Doctor again accompanied me to the Station where I found the train waiting. I found Elder John Wild who has been absent on a mission to England for nearly two years, who had been released to accompany Elder Eleazer Evans of Lehi, who had been on a mission to Germany, but whose health had failed him. He is evidently attacked with consumption and is thin and looks badly. Occupied myself during the day writing on the argument for Bro. Caine.

2 March 1884 • Sunday

Sunday March 2, 1884. When I looked out of the window of the car this morning the earth was covered with snow. It appeared quite deep. I judged from the appearance of the locality that we must be in the vicinity of Echo Cañon. After we reached Weber Cañon the snow became lighter, and as we emerged into the Valley it had disappeared from every place but the foothills. I breakfasted at Ogden Station and took the 1/2 past 8 oclock train which brought us to the City at 10 to 10. I was met by my sons Abraham and Angus with the carriage. I drove to Prest. Taylors and found that he had gone with Bro. Jos. F. Smith to Provo this morning. I called at my Bro. Angus’. He was absent having gone to Herriman to attend meeting. I called upon my sister-in-law Emily and then drove home. It was great pleasure to me to find my family in the enjoyment of good health. On Washington’s birthday my son Hugh was thrown out of a carriage in which his mother and the three youngest children were. The team ran away a distance of fully half a mile where there were several turns in the road, and though all escaped unhurt, my wife’s (Sarah Jane) nerves were very much shaken. I feel to thank the Lord for this deliverance. I took a bath and hastened back to meeting. Bro. O. F. Whitney spoke for a short time, and I occupied about an hour and ten minutes afterwards. Bro. Woodruff and Bro. Carrington, & Bro. Wells and myself had prayer in the Endowment House. I felt somewhat unwell this afternoon and evening, probably arising from fatigue.

3 March 1884 • Monday

Monday, March 3, 1884. I drove to town early this morning, it being the wish of Prest. Taylor to see me [nine blank lines] Held a meeting of the Bullion, Beck & Champion Mining Company and heard reports of the conditions of the mines. L. John Nuttall, John Beck, W. W. Taylor, George Reynolds, & Moses Thatcher, were elected Directors, and L. John Nuttall as President, John Beck as Vice President, & George Reynolds as Secretary & Treasurer.

Busy exam[in]ing letters today. At 1/2 past 7 oclock attended meeting of the Sunday School Union in the Assembly Hall. The meeting was very interesting. Among other exercises Bro. Geo. Ottinger lectured on the evidences in favor of the Book of Mormon. I made remarks occupying about 20 minutes.

4 March 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday March 4, 1884. Wrote letter to Bro. John T. Caine and forwarded him the argument the I had prepared on the cars, which I read to Presidents Taylor and Smith and a number of brethren today. Have had several interviews with members of the Legislature who have consulted me respecting measures before the body and contemplated action by that body. I spent the day at the Office.

5 March 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday March 5, 1884. At the Office. Had long conversation with Bro. F. S. Richards respecting affairs in Washington and the best course to be taken to aid Bro. Caine. My view while there was — and which I communicated and in which he agreed — that the best thing that could be done to help him was to send somebody from here who <could> be a clerk for him and who could assist him in his labors and if necessary talk to members and other gentlemen if one of that kind could be found. After I mentioned the matter to him he suggested several names, that of Bro. Junius F. Wells, Robert Sloan and my son Franklin, of whom he had heard from his cousin F. S. Richards. Bro. Richards agreed with me that this would be a good thing from his experience there, and I mentioned the matter today to Prest. Taylor. He said whoever went there should be some one that would be of benefit in assisting him and should have some experience in regard to affairs here. Bros. Joseph F. Smith, F. D. Richards and myself set James H. Hart apart today as Emigration Agent for this season, I being mouth. At 2 oclock we met in the Endowment House. Attended to various matters of business. I had while absent from home two dreams concerning my family which gave me some concern. In them I saw my wife Elizabeth, and I felt a little uneasy respecting my daughter Mary Alice. She is young and inexperienced and I have been fearful lest she should allow her affections to be secured by some person who might be unworthy of her. There is a young man in the ward who has been paying attention to her whom I do not know, but who is said to be rather superior to the common run of boys of his age, but who is of a family that is not in good fellowship in the Church. The name is Quayle, and I suppose that she has taken interest in him because of his being of the same name as my mother’s family. I had her and my son David together this morning and told her how I felt, and we had a very affecting interview. She said that she had done nothing improper, and had no love for this young person, though she liked him; but if it was my wish that she should not associate with him she would not. She has been a great comfort to me since her mothers death. Although scarcely 14 years of age at that time she took charge of her brothers and sisters as if she were a matured woman, and they look up to her and respect her fully as much as any of my other children do their mothers. She is very kind to them, and they are very kind to each other; but they stand in awe, apparently, of her; not an awe that inspires fear, but respect, and this has been a great relief to me since her mothers death. My desire, as I told her, is that she should marry a man whom she could respect and love and who would love her and who could lead her into the Celestial Kingdom, a man worthy of her, for I feel that she has great capabilities and will make a valuable women [woman] if she is surrounded by favorable circumstances

6 March 1884 • Thursday

Thursday March 6, 1884. Occupied this morning at the Gardo House with Prest. Taylor on business connected with the gentleman whom I mentioned in last Monday’s journal. At 11 oclock met with Prest. Taylor and several of the Twelve and attended to various items of business. Then met with the Committee of the Legislature which had been appointed to draw up a memorial to Congress. They were desirous to get suggestions from me upon the subject. At 2 oclock met with Prest Cluff of the Council, Speaker Sharp of the House, John Morgan of the House & W. W. Taylor of the Council, and they drafted out the heads of the subjects to be referred to thesethe sub-Committees.

Afterwards was sent for to be introduced to Madam Patti and her husband Sgr Nicolini, and Count [blank]. Accompanied them in Prest. Taylors carriage to the Temple and Tabernacle; afterwards visited her railroad car, which is the most elegant car I ever saw. It cost $60,000.

Arranged afterwards for my son Angus so that my wives Eliza & Martha and daughter Mary Alice could come back to the Opera. My daughter-in-law, Frank’s wife, also came down from Ogden to attend the Opera, and they four were in my box where I also was myself during the performance of “Lucia” with Madam Gester in the title rôle. The performance was all that could be expected. Gesters singing (as well as that of the rest) and acting were superb. I stopped at my son Abraham’s as there was no room in the carriage for me to go down.

7 March 1884 • Friday

Friday March 7, 1884. At 9 oclock met with Prest. Taylor. We went to the Endowment House. Afterwards were joined by Bro. Jos. F. Smith, Wilford Woodruff, F D. Richards, L. John Nuttall, also Bro. C. O. Card, Superintendent of the Logan Temple. We took measurements and decided upon the various sizes of altars that should be made for the Logan Temple. I was exceedingly gratified at the decision reached that is respecting the form of the altar for prayer. I have not liked those in use, because they did not admit of the person praying being in the right position. By the improvement that is now suggested this will be remedied, for which I am very grateful. After our return to the Office Prest. Taylor mentioned that we should have to take into consideration for our next conference the appointment of an apostle in the place of Bro. Chas C. Rich, and of the Presiding Bishop, in the place occupied by Bishop Edward Hunter. The question of somebody going to labor with John T. Caine was brought up, and after discussing the merits of various persons (in which discussion I did not take much part further than to state the kind of person needed) Bro. Jos F. Smith moved that Franklin J. Cannon be sent to Washington to assist. I have had a dread of this, for fear that he might not discharge the duties acceptably, and therefore I felt to say nothing; but Bro. Richards was very emphatic in his expressions respecting his suitableness, and Bro. Jos. F. Smith made the motion. Dictated my journal to Bro. John Irvine

Prest. Taylor suggested to me that as it was very stormy and the roads were very bad I had better stay at his house all night and breakfast with him so as to be ready to go to Provo tomorrow morning. As I wished to do some business with my family I concluded to drive down in the evening. It was very stormy. I found my daughter-in-law, Frank’s wife; communicated to her the news of his appointment, also to his mother.

8 March 1884 • Saturday

Saturday March 8, 1884. Prest. Taylor and myself started to Provo this morning. Bro. Smoot had his buggy at the Station to meet us. We drove to his house, then to the factory, where meeting of the Board of Directors convened at 10 oclock. I am not one of the Board, but listened with interest to the proceedings. It was after one oclock before we got through the business. Among other items transacted was the passage of a resolution to insure the property for $50,000, and to obtain a mortgage for $25,000 to be a working capital. Visited with Bro. Smoot and his family until the time to return. Sister Smoot (first wife) has had a stroke of paralysis from which she has partially recovered; but for a few days she has not been so well. On returning the train stopped at the street nearest my house, where one of my sons waited for me with a buggy.

9 March 1884 • Sunday

Sunday March 9, 1884. My son Angus drove me to town early this morning, and I took train to Bountiful in company with Bro. Jos. F. Smith and wife. We found Bro. Woodruff there, he having attended the meetings yesterday. Bro. Joseph F Smith also had attended, but returned to town last night. Bishop Chester Call met me at the Station and drove me to his father’s. At 10 oclock we met in the East Bountiful Meeting House which was crowded with people. I spoke for nearly an hour; was followed by Bro Woodruff in some remarks which occupied about twenty minutes. I dined at Bishop Chester Calls. In the afternoon the sacrament was administered, and the Authorities and Presidency of the Stake were presented. The Presidency of the Stake spoke, each occupying ten minutes. Samuel W. Richards addressed the congregation for about 20 minutes, then Bro. Jos F. Smith spoke for half an hour. I made some remarks; occupied about ten minutes, and Bro. Woodruff followed in a few remarks. The meeting was a very interesting one, and all seemed to enjoy it. After the services were over we set apart two members of the High Council and four alternates, Bros Woodruff, Smith and myself being mouth. My sister-in-law, Mary Alice, was on the train from Ogden when we came down. I stayed in town all night.

10 March 1884 • Monday

Monday March 10, 1884. After I reached home last evening I was attacked with billious colic, but thought when I went to sleep that it might pass away. I awoke in the night however in great pain and had no rest from that time on. I was waited upon <very> assiduously by my wife, who applied hot woollen clothes and hot plates and worked with me very diligently till day light. I also took two injections. I was in such pain that I could not endure only when something was being done. My brother Angus and son Abraham, for whom I sent, came and administered to me. The morning was very stormy. But I had a good many appointments today and felt that I could not stay in the house. Abraham got Prest. Taylor’s carriage to call for me, and I got up about 1/2 past 11 oclock and dressed, feeling thankful for the kind attention and nursing which I received. My wife had done all in her power to wait on me and relieve me.

Attended meeting of the Directors of the Co-Operative Institution. Heard the secretary’s report and adopted it. The earnings have not been near so much as the same six months of the previous year, but sufficient to declare a dividend of 5% for the half year. By two oclock I was able to get away from the meeting and met with the Building Committee of the Bank (Zions Saving’s) of which I was Chairman, and decided upon some plans that had been drawn out by Bro. Don Carlos Young. Bro H. B. Clawson was authorized to find out from various builders what the building could be erected for. When I had finished this meeting I met with Bros. Joseph F. Smith & R. T. Burton, and invited Bros. Erastus Snow & F. M. Lyman to stop and listen to a statement of the affairs of the County by Bro. Frank Armstrong, one of the Selectmen. I forgot to mention on Friday afternoon that he and Milne Wieler and other of the Selectmen had called upon Prest. Taylor and myself for counsel in the case of the late County Clerk Dirk Bockholt, who is a defaulter to the county for about $11,000. $4,000 he claimed for the services of the Deputy which ought to be paid by the County, but which the [blank] claim that he should have paid him. They felt so incensed that they thought of instituting criminal proceedings against him and not allowing him to have the matter tried as a civil suit, and it was for the purpose of getting counsel upon this point that they called. Prest. Taylor desired me to take the matter in hand, with Brother Joseph F. Smith and the brethren of the Committee who had been attending to these affairs and examine and give counsel accordingly. Bishop Sharp is one of the Committee but he was too sick to be present. After hearing all Bro. Armstrong had to say and canvassing the matter thoroughly, each one of the brethren given his views, it was decided that the better course to take in the matter was for Bro. Burton to see Judge Smith who was a friend of Bro. Bockholt’s and have him represent to him the danger he was in if he did not manifest a disposition to settle — that he might find himself eventually in the Penitentiary. If this should be unsuccessful in bringing him to terms, then his case should be carried to the High Council and if he refused to submit to the decision of the Council that then he should be ex-communicated and a criminal suit commenced against him.

After this the case of Bro. F. S. Richards came up before us. He wished to get counsel respecting moving to the city and taking the position of City attorney which had been offered to him. This matter was thoroughly canvassed; but Prest. Taylor did not feel it right to give any counsel in the matter, but to leave it to Bro Richards himself. It was a private matter, he said, and he (Bro R.) knew the situation and could judge for himself as to what had better be done. When this was through we attended to some business connected with Mr Amoty’s affairs. By this time it was 8 oclock and I was faint and sick. I went down to my son Abraham’s and after getting something to eat started with him for home. The roads were shocking, and I was in great pain by the jolting of vehicle. When about a mile from my house the swivel tree broke. He patched it up as well as he could and wanted to take me on, but I declined. I told him he had better go back home and I would walk. I do so, but it was the roughest walking I ever did in my life. The roads were partly frozen, but would break through, and mud and water would be half knee deep. I was very much fatigued when I reached home, and my boots and pantaloons were covered with mud. My family were all in bed, except Bro. Saunders the teacher of the school. The night was very cold.

11 March 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday March 11, 1884. Called at my nephews, Charles John Lamberts. He has been kicked <on the head> by a horse and has been trampled upon, and is in a very critical position. After I got to the Office Prest. Taylor expressed a wish to go and see him and that I should accompany him. I did so and we administered to him, I anointing and he being mouth. Listened to the report of Bishop Sheets for the year. He has charge of the Church stock — horses, cattle & sheep — and the Church meadow.

Decided to commence our conference on Friday the 4th of April next, and to let Bros Clawson & McKenzie arrange for Patti and her company to give a concert in the Tabernacle on the evening of the 3rd April.

I received the following dispatch from Bro. John T. Caine: “Concluded argument before committee today. Used your matter also. Frank arrived this morning well. Arrangement very satisfactory to me” (See Letter Book). Wrote several letters.

12 March 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday March 12, 1884. I remained in town all last night. Busy with my correspondence today. Bros Morgan and W. W. Taylor read to us a draft of a memorial which they had drawn up for the Legislature to send to Congress.

In the afternoon at 2 oclock met in Council with the First Presidency & Twelve. I am still suffering from pain, though I have been working so hard I have contrived to keep it down. The roads were exceedingly muddy. I drove home.

13 March 1884 • Thursday

Thursday March 13,1884. I felt so unwell today that I did not think it prudent for me to undertake to correct and properly prepare the draft of the Memorial that the brethren had got up. It did not suit me; it was two [too] diffuse and pointless. It needed time to work upon it, so as to make it a terse, stirring statement of our grievances. I sent for Bro. Penrose, and he consented to take the Memorial and work upon it in the way that I suggested. Several brethren of the Legislature called in to talk over legislative matters. In the evening I had made all arrangements to drive down home, but Erastus Snow and F. M. Lyman urged me to stop so that I would be near to counsel with them and with the members of the Legislature upon legislative affairs. I took supper at my house in the 14th Ward and met with the brethren in the evening at the Historians Office. Bro Joseph F. Smith and myself and Bro. Carrington afterwards repaired to our box in the Theatre and witnessed the play, (or a part of it,) of the “Hoop of Gold.” We left word with the brethren where we could be found in case we were needed. From there we went to the Legislative Hall, and I remained until 4 oclock in the morning.

14 March 1884 • Friday

Friday March 14, 1884. Governor Murray sent in a message disapproving of the appropriation bill in several points and suggesting the insertion of a clause in the appropriation for the University respecting the non-sectarian character of the teaching. The brethren appealed to me to know what they should do about this. It was a part of the issue that had been raised at the last session, and upon which they had divided and through which the appropriation was lost. I inquired of the brethren who were in that Legislature if this was the part involved. Bro. Erastus Snow, Bro. F. M. Lyman, and Bro. James Sharp all assured me that it was not this point alone; that the chief objection they had at that time was that there was associated with it the idea that he (the Governor) had the right to appoint the Chancellor and Board of Regents; and they argued that there was nothing in their action then that would prevent the insertion of this clause at the present time. Bro. James Sharp assured me that if this were inserted the Governor had promised that he would sign the Appropriation Bill. My views were that it might be inserted with no loss of dignity and certainly without sacrifice of principle; because we did not allow anything of this character to be done in the University, (neither was it looked upon as a qualification that a man should teach religious doctrines) and it was inserted. I left for the purpose of getting some rest, thinking the matter quite safe from all that was said and that the appropriation would pass. I went to my room in the 14th Ward and remained until about 1/2 past, when I was awoke by the ringing of the bell. Bro. Sharp had sent his buggy for me. The Governor had refused to sign the Appropriation Bill unless they would insert a provision to the effect that the right (either his or the Legislatures) to appoint the Chancellor and Board of Regents should be submitted as a test case either in the Supreme Court of the Territory or of the United States; the parties in whose favor a decision was should then draw the money — $50,000. I may here remark that the $30,000 we are in debt has been borrowed from one and another to complete the University so far as to admit of classes being taught in it. The unanimous feeling was not to attempt a test case of this kind. Then the question came up as to whether this item of $50,000 should be dropped out of the Appropriation Bill, when it was expected he would sign it, or whether the Legislative Assembly should stand by the bill in its entirety, and let it fail if he refused to sign it and then pass it with a con-current resolution of both Houses. This latter question, however, was not discussed by us in council. I met with three of the Twelve — Erastus Snow, Albert Carrington, and F. M. Lyman, and D. H. Wells, and the Committee of the Legislature that waited upon the Governor, consisting of Speaker James Sharp, E. G. Woolley and Wilson Dusenbery. F. S. Richards had also been present at a part of their interview with the Governor. Bro. Cluff, President of the Council, was also invited in. Bro. Wells and myself and E. G. Woolley were all in favor of standing by the Appropriation Bill as it was and not wavering in the least; but the other brethren were not so clear, though Bro. Erastus Snow afterwards said that if he had known exactly my views he would have felt as I did. He had an idea that I had changed, he being partly asleep and got a wrong idea. I felt very much aroused at the thought of submitting to the Governors wishes. I spoke warmly upon the subject and said the right of the representatives of the people to spend the peoples money was unquestioned and men have made heroes of themselves in defence of that principle for a long time back. Charles the 1st had lost his head through interfering with this right and the revolution of the American colonies was based upon that principle. As we were divided somewhat in our opinion, we afterwards submitted the matter to Prest. Taylor and Bro. Jos. F. Smith & Bro. F. D. Richards. It was then decided in view of the apparent unwillingness of the prominent members of the Legislature to carry out the policy which we thought best, namely, to stand by the Appropriation Bill as a whole — to tell the Governor that if he did not sign it, it would fail, for they would not change it — and then pass it by concurrent resolution of both Houses — to tell them that they were at liberty to do what they thought best. The policy I had advocated was the policy decided upon in Council in regard to this matter, and in taking the stand that I did with the brethren this morning, I had merely stood by the decision we had come to last Wednesday, and that we had talked about for sometime before. The brethren pressed me to go down with them to the Assembly again after we had come to this conclusion, and I did so. The members of the Legislature were called in to the room, and I explained the position fully to them and pointed the course that we thought was best, but said to them that they were at liberty to do as they pleased; we did not wish to command them, nor to force any line of action upon them that they would feel unwilling to adopt. I plainly saw that such men as Bros Peery, Abraham Hatch, F. D. Richards, James Sharp and others, who were leading men, were averse to this policy, and I said to them it is better to be united on a poor policy than divided upon a good policy, and if they adopted our views they should be united in carrying them out so that there would be no division of sentiment among them. I hear this evening that they have stricken out the Appropriation for the University and come to the Governor’s terms. In my feelings I feel grieved and almost angry, and while I am warm upon this subject I probably feel stronger than I should and perhaps express myself in strong language; but I think that men who have not the back-bone and the courage to obey the law which God has commanded, which involves serious consequences in the eyes of the world, namely, the law of Celestial marriage, have not the courage to stand by principles in other directions that they would have if they had been more courageous in conforming to that law.

Prest Taylor got a note today from Mr Amoty enclosing the key of the building and informing him that he was under the necessity of leaving.

I did not get time to eat anything until 3 oclock today, and was very glad to get home and get rest.

15 March 1884 • Saturday

Saturday March 15, 1884. I brought my daughter Mary Alice and son Sylvester to town this morning

Engaged in counsel respecting the carpet for the temple (Logan) and other matters. At 2 oclock held a meeting of the Board of Regents to devise plans to meet our indebtedness in consequence of the action of the Legislature in striking out the amount of the Appropriation Bill. Bros Jennings, F. Little, and James Sharp were appointed a Committee to consult with various lawyers to learn what plan if any we could adopt to secure the amount that we have given by a lien on the University building, or other method. Busy afterwards in selecting carpets for the temple, and dictating journal to Bro. John Irvine.

I wrote a letter to George Lambert (Liverpool) this afternoon. Had a conversation this afternoon with Bro. O. P. Arnold in which I mentioned that I heard that he was indulging in drink. I had some serious talk with him on the subject and pled with him to forsake this habit, pointing out the examples of men whom he knew had been ruined and brought disgrace upon themselves by the habit and had lost their families in consequence. He appeared much affected and promised me that he would quit from this moment. He had never made such a promise, but he would keep it

16 March 1884 • Sunday

Sunday March 16, 1884. My son Angus drove me in a buggy to the 13th Ward Meeting House this morning where the Sunday School exercises were being conducted. Bro. Geo. Goddard and the other brethren connected with the Sunday School Union were present. Several spoke and I made some remarks at the close. Brother Goddard invited me to dine with him. At 2 oclock met at the Assembly Hall and listened to a very excellent discourse from Bro. John Nicholson. I followed in a few remarks. I took supper with my brother Angus, and then attended meeting at the 18th Ward Chapel, a beautiful little building, the finest of its size that I have seen in the Territory. The singing of the choir, led by H. K. Whitney, was very fine. There is a different element in this ward to any that I have seen in the City or Territory. Those present tonight were mainly young people, many of them President Young’s descendants, or families connected with his, and they look very superior in dress, deportment and intelligence. The choir was mainly composed of this class, and the singing was as fine as anything I have heard from any of our choirs. The Bishop of the Ward is Brother O. F. Whitney, a grandson of Bishop N. K Whitney and of Prest. H. C. Kimball. I had much liberty in talking to the people and dwelt on topics out of the ordinary line of preaching. After meeting called to administer to a baby of Bro. Heber Young’s.

17 March 1884 • Monday

Monday March 17, 1884. Called upon my sister Mary Alice and her son Chas. J. Lambert this morning. He lies sleeping and seems to be in a stupor and difficult to rouse. The family think that he is better, but not being familiar with the symptoms of this kind of injury I cannot say. I would scarcely think that lying in a comatose condition could be a good symptom. Still his brain having received a concussion, it may be that the sleep will do him good. Had an interview with Bro. Jesse W. Fox & Theodore McKean who have been laboring with the late County Clerk who is a defaulter for a large sum. He wrote them a letter in which he justifies his own course and claims that the amount he has taken is no more than proper. My views are very strong on this subject. I think that such a man men should be dealt with. Their dishonesty brings disgrace upon us.

Took my daughter Emily to have a double tooth drawn which is very much ulcerated.

Dictated my journal and a letter to Bro. John T. Caine, enclosing $250 (draft) to pay Mr. Gibson for the argument he prepared for Bro. Caine.

Listened to Memorial to Congress upon which Bro. Penrose had been writing.

18 March 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday, March 18, 1884. At the office. Prepared some articles for Juvenile Instructor. At 3 oclock met with the Board of Regents in the Deseret National Bank. Appointed a committee to take steps to secure persons who had advanced money for the erection of the University building; also a committee to prepare an answer to the Governors statement respecting the action of the Regents and show the justification they had for the course they had taken.

I drove home and brought my daughter Mary Alice and my wife Eliza up to the Tabernacle Quoir party which was held in the Social Hall. We had a collation, which was served at 10 oclock. We reached home at 12 oclock, my sons David and William having driven us up and back again.

19 March 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday, March 19, 1884. At the Office. There was a meeting at 10 oclock to hear the Memorial read, but we did not get together till 12 oclock. I had some conversation with James T. Little about financial matters.

Dictated “Topics of the Times” for the Juvenile to Bro. John Irvine. Met with the First Presidency and Twelve as usual on this day in the Endowment House. Among other business the question arose as to the authority to try a Bishop of one of the Wards of the Stake. President Taylor said that as the wards were now organized the Presidency of a Stake and the High Council could try a Bishop acting in a ward. He explained that at the time the revelation was given, which said that the First Presidency should try Bishops, there was but one or two Bishops in the Church, and their duties were general. In stating my views I said there was one rule that seemed to me to govern cases of this kind. It is this: The authority to which an officer is amenable, and from which he derives his authority, & who exercises jurisdiction over him, has the authority to call him in question and to try him. Under our present organization, Bishops of Wards were sometimes ordained and could always be ordained by the Presidency of the Stake under the direction of the First Presidency. The Presidents of Stakes presided over them to all intents and purposes. This being the case they should be able to try them. My view is that so far as fellowship is concerned, every branch of the Church has a right to call an Apostle to an account if he violates the laws of God and to try him for his fellowship or to withdraw their fellowship from him; but they cannot take his Priesthood from him. He must be tried by that authority which confers his Priesthood — the council of the Twelve Apostles or the First Presidency. The question as to who had jurisdiction over Bishops’ agents also came up. Their duties are general to some extent, and so far as they are general, they are responsible to the First Presidency, or the Presiding Bishop whose agents they are. This has been a dreadfully stormy day and exceedingly disagreeable.

Dictated letter to Bro. John T. Caine to accompany the Memorial suggesting to him the best action to take upon it.

20 March 1884 • Thursday

Thursday, Mch 20 1884. I remained in town all night, at my house in the 14th Ward. Still storming. Snow at noon today was eleven inches deep. Busy with correspondence. The question of lighting the large Tabernacle was under consideration. I leaned to the suggestion of lighting it with gas; I think it would be more satisfactory; but the question of cost comes in. Bro. David James will put in 300 lights for $1100.

Wrote letter to John T. Caine.

I notice that at the last meeting of the City Council a petition was presented by Richard Bromney and 31 others in behalf of the residents of the southwest portion of the city and calling attention to the annoyance and damage received by residents there from a certain canal. The petitioners stated that they have repeatedly asked for redress and had been referred by the City to the County. When they appealed to the County they were referred back to the City, and between the two they were left to suffer

21 March 1884 • Friday

Friday March 21 1884. The snow is quite deep, but the warmth of the sun today is melting it in exposed places. Disagreeable going around. Went with Presidents Taylor and Smith to the Tabernacle. We were accompanied by Bros Hyrum Clawson and David James and my brother Angus to examine the tabernacle with a view to lighting it. We decided to put in gas.

Dictated an article for the News concerning the high water.

Busy attending to correspondence, for which see letter book.

22 March 1884 • Saturday

Saturday March 22 1884. The roads are in a dreadful condition. Much as I can do to get out with my team and light buggy.

At the Office attending to correspondence and other matters.

At 3 oclock met with the Board of Regents and had a long session discussing the best measures to be adopted to pay our debts. We appointed a committee to apportion the amounts due the bank pro rata among former subscribers. Meeting adjourned until until next Friday at 3 oclock. Bro. Brigham Young arrived this afternoon from his mission to Arizona. He returned by way of California where he had been detained for some time because of the washouts on the railroad.

23 March 1884 • Sunday

Sunday March 23 1884. I had a very interesting meeting with my children this morning. Read to them a portion of the new translation (the “Pearl of Great Price”) — that portion pertaining to Cain loving Satan more than God. I commented upon it, and interrogated them closely concerning their lives. I was greatly pleased with the interview.

My son Angus drove me to town. I called upon my nephew Charles John Lambert on my way. Found him improving in bodily health, but his mind wandering. While there I learned of the death of Bro. John Croaxhall who had just expired. His disease pneumonia. He was a worthy man whom I had known for very many years.

Attended meeting at the Tabernacle and listened to a very interesting description of his mission by Brigham Young, followed by a most excellent discourse by Bro. John Morgan.

Attended meeting afterwards in the Endowment House with the brethren of the Twelve and Prest. Joseph F. Smith. Prest. Taylor was not at either meeting.

Took supper with my brother Angus, and with him called upon Heber J. Grant who has been quite sick. I do not like his symptons. His physic is very frail, and his lungs are not strong. We administered to him, with Bro. Junius F. Wells who was there. Then went to the 13th Ward where I had an appointment. Bro. Wm Eddington spoke for a short time and I followed and had great liberty, speaking upon the principle of man’s agency.

I stayed in town at my place all night.

24 March 1884 • Monday

Monday March 24 1884. Busy at the Office attending to correspondence and other work. Received calls from Mr Babcock of the Chicago & North Western R. R. and his wife. Mr Babcock’s place of residence is Denver. He treated me very kindly while I was there. Mr. Boreland of U. P. R. R. also called with them. I also had a call from Mr Severance of the S. P. R. R. who called to pay his respects to me.

Dictated “Topics of the Times” to Bro. John Irvine for Juvenile.

Attended to some business connected with the Hoagland estate which I am very anxious to have settled up, and have arranged with Bro. J. M. Waddell <& Theodore McKean> to attend to it for me.

25 March 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday March 25 1884. At the Office. Busy attending to correspondence and other matters. Accompanied Presidents Taylor & Smith, and several other brethren, to the large Tabernacle to see about the arrangement of the gas lights which are being put in. Accompanied Bro. Jos. F. Smith & Brigham Young to James Sharp’s office, he being Mayor of the City, to confer with him respecting Bro. Charles Wilkin and to <try and> arrange for a place for him in the City Corporation.

At one oclock attended with Bro. Erastus Snow the funeral of Bro. John Croaxhall. Bro Erastus spoke for one hour and I followed.

26 March 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday, March 26, 1884. Received a letter from my son Franklin at Washington informing me that he had had an attack of Malarial fever and was still very weak from its effects. Speaks encouragingly of his labors and of his desires to do good. Thought there was good opportunity

I called at my nephews, Charles J. Lambert, and administered to him. I found him quite unsettled in his mind — wandering, talking about all sorts of things. My sister Mary Alice’s health is very poor. She has been very anxious about Charles John’s condition, and is overworking herself. A Russian by the name of Joseph Grossman has applied to President Taylor for assistance to go to California. He represents that his confidential clerk ran away with forty thousand odd rubles belonging to his firm, and his daughter a girl of 16. He has been following them from Odessa, where they lived, up to this point and wishes to go on to California. He showed his papers which were translated by Bro B. S. Shuttler. Prest Taylor requested me to see Mr Severance of the C. P. and try and get a half fare ticket for him, and to pay the half fare. Mr. S. promised me to write to California for one.

Attended the usual Council of the Apostles at the Endowment House. Prests. Taylor, Smith and myself had some conversation today in the sealing room concerning the vacancies in the Presiding Bishop’s Office and the quorum of the Twelve and Presidency of the Seventies. Several names were mentioned, but nothing was decided upon.

27 March 1884 • Thursday

Thursday March 27th 1884. Called at Bro. Heber J. Grant’s this morning and administered to him. He is still suffering from a cough and is confined to his bed. Signed some papers to close up the Hoagland estate today. Busy at the Office. Prest. Taylor had me accompany him to see the brethren who waited upon him yesterday — Bros H. S. Elderedge, F. Little & James Sharp. We met Bro. Eldredge & Bishop Sharp in the U. C. Office, and President Taylor informed them that he would be half of the note that the Chancellor of the Board of Regents had met for money to do some work at the University buildings. Bros. Little, Eldredge, Sharp, Jennings, & Dinwoodey had subscribed $5000 — that is, $1000 each — The Trustee had subscribed $[blank] These brethren now propose that the Trustee be $3500 and they would be $3500 — between them $7000 — to take up the note.

At 3 oclock met with the Board of Regents. Attended to considerable business connected with the University, and by the subscriptions <of the brethren> and loans of the Trustee this note was arranged for. The brethren have acted very handsomely in this matter, and have relieved a number of us who were not in such good circumstances of the necessity of paying anything upon it.

Had some conversation with Bro. F. S. Richards respecting legal matters, and with him and Mayor Sharp respecting his salary as City Attorney. Wrote some correspondence and did some writing for the Juvenile Instructor.

In the evening I attended a leap year party at the invitation of my Sister-in-law Adelia Hoagland at the Music Hall in the 15th Ward. It was an interesting occasion and I enjoyed myself very much. My brother Angus was also there and a number of our acquaintances.

28 March 1884 • Friday

Friday March 28, 1884. I remained in town last night. This morning, thinking over last nights party, I thought what a silly person I had been to allow myself to dance as I did last night. I went to the hall about 15 minutes past 8 oclock and remained until 12 oclock, when the party broke up, and danced in every set.

At the Office. Heard the case of Burrows v. Blithe (which has been tried by the High Council) in company with Prest. Taylor, and we decided to sustain the decision of the High Council.

Accompanied Prests. Taylor, Smith & Woodruff & Lorenzo Snow to the residence of Bro. Heber J. Grant who is still very low. We administered to him.

Busy at the Office attending to various matters. Dictated “Editorial Thoughts” for Juvenile Instructor today to Bro. John Irvine.

Hastened down home this evening to give my children an opportunity to hear the lecture of James A. McKnight on “Nepolean Bonepart, of St. Helena,” with stereoscopic views which he exhibited. Eight of them went, and they expressed pleasure at the lecture they had heard.

29 March 1884 • Saturday

Saturday March 29, 1884. By the kindness of Bishop Sharp the Utah Southern train stopped for me at the street nearest my residence, and I proceeded to Provo to attend a meeting of the Board of Directors of Provo Factory in place of President Taylor, his health not being such as to admit of his going with convenience to himself. By invitation of Bros John (Jr) and James Sharp I breakfasted with them on their car and dined with them as I returned. Bro. Smoot met Bro. Charles S. Burton and myself with his buggy at the Depot. The meeting convened at 10 oclock and considerable business was attended to, the principal subject of interest being the resignation of the Superintendent, Bro. James Dunn. He had in a letter to the President, A O. Smoot, stated that unless the Board gave him $2750 as a salary he could not stay — that he for 5 years past had been working for too small an amount, and that he had better offers. In his report today which he read he expressed a willingness to stay six years longer to complete the 10 years <for> which he had been called by President Young, whether they made any increase in his salary or not. In his remarks concerning his resignation he stated that he had not written it with the expectation that his request would be complied with, but to draw forth some expression of appreciation on the part of the brethren, as he did not think he had been appreciated by them, and in fact there had been talk about him which he did not like, and which he did not think ought to have been expressed, and he had been undermined. He did not specify who had done so, but implied the members of the Board. One after another got up and denied having said things behind his back that they had not said to his face. A motion was made to accept his resignation which is to take place on the 1st of July. This was carried. Bro. Smoot felt that a change had to take place and that now was the better time to do it especially if his son, who had been proposed, were going to take the place for the reason that he had been called on a mission to Germany, and if he were going in the factory it would be better for him to go in now than to wait, in which we all concurred. In the afternoon meeting a motion was made that the President make the best terms with Reid Smoot to go to work in the factory until Bro. Dunn should leave. I talked very plainly to Bro. Dunn. In my remarks I said that at the last meeting — which I attended with Prest. Taylor merely as his friend and companion, not as connected with the factory — I had noticed his tone, which I thought arrogant, and though I said nothing upon the subject until the question of his resignation came up, I felt then that the connection between them would have to be dissolved, for it was evident to me that the right feeling did not exist. I thought that his course had been unwise in writing his resignation as he had, and the remarks made to the brethren today had been unwise, and in seeking for approbation and to be appreciated reminded me of the feeling I had seen exhibited by some wives. All the evening they would want their husband to tell them how much he loved them, and if he happened to come into the house during the day they would like him still to <tell> them how much he loved them. I had heard brethren express themselves concerning him who in every instance had spoken kindly and appreciatively of him, and I thought that they valued his services very highly. All the brethren spoke and repudiated the charges which he made respecting their talking against him.

The train stopped to let me off near my residence.

30 March 1884 • Sunday

Sunday March 30 1884. Attended review of the Sunday School at the Farmers Ward this morning. My children were all there. From there drove to the city. Took my wife Martha up with me. Attended meeting at the Assembly Hall and listened to a very excellent discourse by C. W. Penrose. I followed in a few remarks. Attended prayer meeting in the Endowment House. Prest. Taylor, W. Woodruff, A. Carrington, D H Wells, John Smith and myself were present. Afterwards went with Bro. Wells to Bro. H. J. Grants. He had sent word to me that he wished some of us to go and anoint him. I anointed his body from his head to his feet. We then administered to him (Bro. S. B. Young joining) Bro. Wells being mouth. Bro. Grants condition is precarious, and it will require careful nursing and the blessing of God to restore him to health.

31 March 1884 • Monday

Monday March 31 1884. Met with the First Presidency and Twelve at the President’s Office. There were present — Prest. Taylor, myself, & Joseph F. Smith, of the First Presidency; Bros Woodruff, Richards, Young, Carrington & Wells. Some conversation was had respecting the trimmings for the stands for Logan Temple, and I broached the subject of genealogies. It suggested itself to me, I said, that we should have a department connected with the Historian’s Office where correspondence could be maintained with Societies in America and Europe, and from which the saints could obtain the necessary information as to the best methods of procuring their genealogies. At the present time a great deal of money was spent by persons going to Europe and with very inadequate results because of the lack of familiarity with the best methods of obtaining genealogical information.

We adjourned to meet tomorrow at 11 oclock.

Bro. Thos G. Webber came up to consult about the salaries of the City Officials. He was followed by Bro. James Sharp. I felt to say to them that care should be taken not to make salaries high, keep them as low as possible to prevent office seeking and scrambling for office which was a disgrace in many communities. Human nature was the same here as elsewhere, and if we made our offices very desirable on account of the salary we should have contests for them and the scenes enacted here which were so disgraceful in other places.

I sent my son Frank’s wife, Mattie, a railroad pass, to come down to the Patti concert.

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March 1884, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 29, 2025