August 1884

1 August 1884 • Friday

Friday Aug 1st 1884. Stayed in town last night. Was awakened early this morning by my brother Angus who told me that Bro. Wm W. Taylor had died a short time before, about four oclock. Very much shocked at news. Drove down home. Took my wife Martha and Radcliffe (it being his birthday) to her sisters, Rebecca Pratt’s, wife of Alma. Upon reaching town President Taylor desired me to accompany him to his deceased son’s residence. He desired me to write his obituary. I did so, and it appeared as an Editorial in the Deseret Evening News of today.

Called at Bro. Alma Pratt’s as I returned home and spent the evening there. For the first time for many weeks I was able to reach my house without having to wade with my team through mud and water. The road had been repaired by order of the County Court.

Had an attack of hoarseness today which almost deprived me of the use of my voice. I cannot assign any cause for this. It is the first attack of the kind I ever had. My voice has always been noted for its clearness and strength.

2 August 1884 • Saturday

Saturday, Aug 2, 1884. With Prest. Taylor met at Presiding Bishop’s Office with comtee having arrangements of the funerals of Bishop L. W. Hardy and Prest. W. W. Taylor. Elder C. W. Penrose was appointed 2nd Counselor to the President of the Stake — A. M. Cannon. In evening attended Quarterly Conference of the Stake. My brother Angus took me home in his buggy.

3 August 1884 • Sunday

Sunday Aug 3, 1884. Drove up early this morning, taking my wives Sarah Jane and Martha with me, to be in readiness for funeral services which were held in the Tabernacle. Prest. Taylor desired me to take charge of the meeting. President Woodruff & Bishop Burton and President Jacob Gates, my brother Angus, as President of the Stake, President Joseph F. Smith and myself spoke. The congregation was a large one, and I had to use my voice more than was pleasant, to be heard. My sister Mary Alice and my daughters Mary Alice & Emily and son David H. accompanied me to the grave. At the request of Prest. Taylor . I dedicated the ground in prayer & thanked these present for their kindness and sympathy to the family. Dined at President Taylor’s. Attended conference meeting at Tabernacle in the afternoon and the evening. Remained in town all night.

4 August 1884 • Monday

Monday Aug 4, 1884. My brother took me home in his buggy early this morning. Prest. Taylor and myself had meeting with Mayor Jas. Sharp and Councilors H. J. Grant, John Clark, & J. F. Wells respecting a successor to W. W. Taylor as City Assessor and collector of taxes. Attended meeting of Sunday School Union in afternoon, and in evening public meeting of the Union at the Assembly Hall. My son John Q. delivered a short, but interesting lecture upon the children of Germany. I listened to it with much pleasure

5 August 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday Aug 5, 1884. My wife Eliza accompanied me to train this morning, as we intend to go with Prest. Taylor on a trip through northern Stakes. There were of the party Prest. Taylor & sister, Agnes Schwartz, & daughter Ida; Bro. F. M. Lyman, & daughter; Bros L. John Nuttall, John Irvine, & H. C. Barrell, besides myself and wife. At Ogden had long conversation with my son Frank in which I gave him counsel concerning the management of his affairs and keeping out of debt. Took train to Evanston where we met Prest. Budge, Bishops Hunt and Calder, Bros Stucki, Vinson Pugmire, Wm Allred, Norton and Campbell with carriages. We dined at Evanston. Drove to Woodruff. Held meeting at 7 p.m. Had occasion to find fault with Saints for want of punctuality & for living in so scattered a condition, Bros Teasdale (who joined us at Evanston) Lyman Budge, myself and Pres. Taylor spoke. Ate supper at Bro. Cox’s and slept at Bro. Putman’s.

6 August 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday Aug 6, 1884. After breakfast drove to Randolph. Held meeting at 10 oclock. Was entertained by Bro. Edwin Spencer. I did not feel well and laid down here and rested. Sister Schwarz stopped at her daughter’s, Sister South’s, at this place to visit. Drove to Laketown. Entertained by Bishop Ira Nebeker. Held meeting at 7.30 p.m. and had a very good time. Though I had spoken twice today my voice was clearer than it had been.

7 August 1884 • Thursday

Thursday Aug 7, 1884. After breakfast drove to Meadowville. Held meeting at 9 oclock. Ate dinner at Bishop Joseph Huntington Kimball’s. Drove to Garden City and held meeting at 1.30 p.m. Then to Fish Haven, where we ate raspberries and cream at Bishop Stock’s and then held meeting at 4 p.m. Prest. Taylor and self occupied the time. From thence we drove to St. Charles and I was invited by Bishop Hunt to stop with him. He and family are very kind and make our stay (as do all the Saints) very agreeable to us.

8 August 1884 • Friday

Friday Aug 8, 1884. Had a splendid night’s rest. At 10 o’clock met with Saints. Bro. Lyman, myself & Prest. Taylor occupied the time. After dinner drove to Bloomington & held meeting at 2 p.m. Brother Teasdale, myself & President Taylor addressed the Saints. We then drove to Paris and upon invitation of Bro. Stucki, stopped at his house. He drove us in his carriage from Bloomington to Paris. Brother Vinson Pugmire carried us in his carriage from Evanston to Paris. The change of temperature since reaching Evanston from that of Salt Lake City is very marked. The weather is delightfully cool to us, though some of the folks call the past few days very warm. The nights are all that can be desired for sleeping. Wrote and telegraphed to my son John Q. about various items of business. Attended meeting of Young Men’s Improvement Association. Bro. Hyrum S. Woolley, presiding. In addition to remarks made by him, Bros Lyman, Teasdale and myself spoke.

9 August 1884 • Saturday

Saturday Aug 9, 1884. Met in conference in Bowery with the Saints. This Bowery had been constructed at the suggestion of Prest. Taylor and myself to Bro. Budge at Laketown on Wednesday evening. We learned that the Stake Tabernacle not being yet built, the meeting house would only hold a part of the people, and as it would be a disappointment to the Saints to not all be able to hear, we suggested the construction of a Bowery. It was built yesterday and is very commodious. The forenoon was occupied by reports from the various Bishops and Presiding Elders of the Stake, followed by remarks from Elder John Irvine, who was startled at being called upon to speak, but whose remarks were spirited and appropriate. Dined with Bro. Lyman and daughter and several others at Bro. H. S. Wolley’s. In the afternoon meeting reports were heard from the President of the High Priests’ quorum & of the Elders Quorums and the Supt. of the Sunday Schools & Y. M. M. I. Associations. Bro. F. M. Lyman and Prest. Taylor occupied the remainder of the time. There has been a sweet, delightful spirit in our meetings here today that has been very enjoyable. Bro. Erastus Snow came in this evening from Gentile Valley having been brought by Bro. Solomon Hale.

10 August 1884 • Sunday

Sunday Aug 10, 1884. Met with the Saints and Bros George Teasdale and Erastus Snow occupied the time. In the afternoon it was showery, but our meeting was not interrupted. Myself and Prest. Taylor addressed the Saints. My voice held out tolerably well. After meeting visited, in company with Bros E. Snow, F. M. Lyman, G. Teasdale, L. John Nuttall, John Irvine, and two sons of Bro. Rich, the grave of Bro. Chas C. Rich. The location is a beautiful one, even in a state of nature. The body is deposited in a stone vault, and on a marble head stone his name, age and characteristics are set forth. He had at last obtained a peaceful rest, after a busy, eventful life, during which he had always been true to God, to his brethren, and to every principle of righteousness. His fault in the management of his family arose from his kindness of heart — he was too indulgent, especially to his sons, and the conduct of some of them gave him sorrow, as it still does every friend of the family. With Prest. C. O. Card of the Logan Stake and Bro. Sol. Hale, first Counselor to Prest. Hendricks of the Oneida Stake, arranged a programme of travel through those stakes. Arrangements were also made with Bishop Lewis of Georgetown and Bro. Law of Soda Springs about meetings to be held there, and with Bishop Mathews for a meeting at Montpelier, which Bros Lyman & Teasdale are to attend.

11 August 1884 • Monday

Monday Aug 11, 1884. Visited, in company with President Taylor, Bishop George Spencer’s family, and the wives of Bro Chas. C. Rich. At 1 p.m. took leave of the family of Bro. J. U. Stucki; Sister Stucki has been exceedingly kind to us and appeared <as if> she could not do too much to make us comfortable. Bro. Stucki took us and the daughter of Bro. F. M. Lyman in his carriage. We crossed Bear River on a ferry, and reached Georgetown between 5 and 6 oclock. We, myself and wife, were assigned to Bro. Charles Clark’s, a son of Bro. Ezra T. Clark of Farmington, whose wife is a daughter of Bro. John Woolley of Davis Co. Held meetings at 7.30 oclock. Bro. Nuttall spoke for half an hour; I followed and had a good flow of the spirit and spoke with considerable freedom. Prest. Taylor followed and enjoyed the spirit.

12 August 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday Aug 12, 1884. Very kindly entertained by Bro. & Sister Clark. Had some conversation with Prest. Wm Budge about the best method of taking care of my stock, and about the purchase of a hay claim. Started for Soda Springs at 8.30 A.m. Called at Swan Lake while en route — a most beautiful and curious sheet of water, of considerable depth. The Lake is held in a bowl of tufa formation, the edge of which is considerably higher than the level of the surrounding land. At Soda Springs our carriage load were assigned to Bro. Charles Rose’s, whose wife is a daughter of Bro Nowlan’s, and a niece of Bro. Jas W. Cummings. Melvin Cummings, her cousin, from Salt Lake City, was here. Entertained very kindly by this family. In company with Prest. Taylor we visited Bro Wm Jennings and family & sister Barratt at their special car. We also visited Hooper Springs, Ninety per Cent, Spring and Steamboat Spring. I drank freely of the water. Afterwards called upon Capt & Mrs Codman at their cottage, which is elegantly fitted up. I afterwards called at Sister Hooper’s cottage and saw her daughter Hattie, the wife of Lieut. Willard Young of the U. S. Army, who is here from Oregon on a visit, the rest of the family were out. At 8 p.m. held meeting. The room was full of mixed outsiders and members of the church. Bro. Budge, myself, and Prest. Taylor addressed the people. At about midnight we left by train on Oregon Short Line, a special car being on for our accommodation, and Bros Lyman & Teasdale came with it, bringing with them, three mattrasses and some other bedding. Prest. Taylor had a bed, myself and wife another, & Sisters Ida Taylor & Lyman had another. We reached Pocatello about 5.40 a.m. where we took Utah & Northern train, in a special car assigned us. Bro. Thos E. Ricks met us at this point and rode with us to Market Lake. The country through which we passed is open and very extensive. We crossed Snake River at Eagle Rock and travelled a part of the way by the side of that river — a noble stream, very delightful to look at. At Market Lake we found a number of brethren with teams and a number of horsemen to accompany us. Bro. Thos E. Ricks had a four horse spring conveyance, in which Prest. Taylor and daughter, Ida, rode. Col. Thos. E. Smith, formerly of Farmington, had a son with a carriage, in this myself and wife were carried to Parker — called after the Bishop, Wyman Parker. This is 28 miles from Market Lake. We stopped and lunched about 13 miles from Parker on excellent provisions brought by the brethren. This is a most attractive country, majestic in its extent. I never saw a better country for stock, and all that we saw were as fat as possible. There is room in this valley for thousands upon thousands of homes for Latter-day Saints. The horizon in many directions has no boundary of mountains. In the distance we saw the Teton mountains, four peaks of which are very prominent, the highest is said to be 13,691 feet above the level of the sea. The road, a good part of the way, was quite rough, and we were near the river much of the time. At Parker we took dinner at the Bishop’s. He afterwards took myself and wife to his son-in-laws — Geo. Winegar’s — to sleep.

14 August 1884 • Friday

Friday Aug 14, 1884. Had a good night’s sleep. The Bishop came for us early in the morning to take us to his house for breakfast, which was an excellent one; the potatoes and trout were especially fine. At 10 oclock we drove to meeting. The house was crowded, and the time was occupied by Bros Lyman, myself and Prest. Taylor. We returned to Bishop Parker’s and took lunch. A word or two about his well ought to be said. He dug a well & curbed it for the depth of 80 feet. At that depth he struck lava rock and stopped till he could decide what to do. He had not met a drop of water. The well remained in this condition for 18 months. Bishops Preston and Hardy came up here, and he showed them his well and told them he thought of drilling through the lava about 30 feet deeper. Some of the brethren were disposed to joke him about his well & remarked that he would have to go 500 ft to find water; but Bishop Hardy, after remaining silent awhile, struck Bishop Parker on the shoulder and said to him that he need go no deeper, for he should have water in his well. Two days after a stream broke into the well 35 feet from the surface of the ground and filled up the well. It runs in now and it sounds like a water fall as heard from the surface. The water is sweet and rather cold. We crossed the north fork of Snake River this afternoon by fording, also the Teton above where it forks and forms two streams. While pulling out of Snake River one of the swingle trees of the carriage we rode in broke and detained us awhile. We reached Teton at 3.40 p.m. and held meeting with the Saints in a bowery. Bro. Teasdale, myself[,] Bro. Nuttall and Prest. Taylor addressed the Saints. Prest. Taylor and daughter and my wife and myself and Bros. Ricks and Barrell took dinner at Bro. Joseph Jones. Bishop John Donaldson presides at this place. The prospects for this town are very fine. There were but two families here last winter; now there are a number and they have built upon their lots. There has been considerable energy displayed in building and making other improvements. We drove from here to Rexburg and reached there just at dark. We were assigned to Bro. Thos E. Ricks Junr and were kind and hospitably received by him and his wife. The latter’s sister—Miss Flora Hibbard— had very sore eyes. I administered to her. The distance from Parker to Teton we were told was 8 miles; but I think it 10 at least. From Teton to Rexburg the distance is 8 miles. By the nearest route from Parker to Rexburg the distance is about 10 miles — nine <upon> an air line.

15 August 1884 • Friday

Friday Aug 15 1884. Had a good nights rest. At 9 oclock the men of our party were carried by Bro. Ricks and Bro. Pratt (son of Wm Pratt) to Lyman. I rode in the carriage with Prest. Taylor. Bro. Ricks took us through their fields, and we were full of admiration at the prospects for crops. I never saw such a stand of grain and vegetables on newly broken upland. There was considerable of the wheat that I thought would yield 30 to 35 bushels to the acre. Prest. Taylor & myself took dinner at Bro. Foster’s who with his family had arrived a little over a year ago from Michigan, where they had joined the Church. They appeared to be a good-spirited people. At 2.30 p.m. we met with the Saints. Bros Lyman, Teasdale myself, & Prest. Taylor addressed them. I had more than usually good liberty here. We afterwards drove back to Rexburg. Bro. Sidney Weeks formerly of Smithfield is Bishop at Lyman. Met in the evening with Prest. Taylor and the brethren to make selection of a High Council. Adjourned to meet at 9 oclock tomorrow

16 August 1884 • Saturday

Saturday, Aug 16, 1884. Met at 9 oclock and selected a High Council and a few Bishops and other officers. At 10.30 met with the Saints. Bros Teasdale & Lyman occupied the forenoon. At 2.30 p.m. met again and myself and Prest. Taylor occupied the afternoon. I had a very good flow of the spirit, especially the last half of the time. The wind blew strongly in the fore part of the afternoon meeting, making it difficult to speak. Before dismissing the meeting Bros Lyman, Teasdale & myself ordained the members of the High Council who were present and the four alternates.

17 August 1884 • Sunday

Sunday Aug 17, 1884. Prest. Taylor and myself read over letter of instruction he had prepared for us to sign for the Saints. It and another letter of Instruction to Prest. Ricks were read this morning to the Conference. Bro. George Teasdale occupied half an hour in addressing the congregation & Prest. Taylor occupied the remainder of the time and spoke with much freedom & power. In the afternoon presented statistical report and the authorities to the Conference. The new Bishops and Counselors and the President of the High Priests Quorum and one counselor for him were ordained and set apart on the stand by Bros Lyman & Teasdale and myself. Prest. Taylor then spoke a few minutes and then called upon me to speak. I had a good flow of the spirit and spoke with some power. I rejoiced greatly in the spirit of God, and the people, I am sure, felt softened and rejoiced. Then Prest. Taylor, after the singing, dismissed the congregation with a powerful and comprehensive blessing, in which he dedicated and blessed the land and the people and all that belonged to them. Before I sat down he requested me to take a vote of the people as to whether they would obey the counsel which we had given them in the letter we had written to them and which they had heard in the morning. It was the acceptance by the people of this counsel by vote that made him free in blessing them as he did. After the meeting we stepped into carriages which had been prepared, and drove to the South Fork of Snake River. A part of the way our road was quite romantic, it being through the timber. This stream is large, deep and rapid. The brethren carried us over and our baggage in two skiffs. It required several trips. On the other side, on the Island as it is called (being formed by this stream and another stream which is said to run in the old channel and is about 20 miles long by 5 or 6 miles wide) we found a number of teams waiting for us. In these we rode about 5 miles and stopped for the night—my wife and myself, Bros Teasdale & Irvine, and Bro Wm Thomas and wife were entertained by Bro & Sister Poole. The settlers here are scattered over the land, at distances wide and apart. Bro. Thomas & wife & myself and wife slept in two beds in the one room. He is the heaviest snorer I ever listened to. Such a variety of sounds as he made I did not think it possible for any sleeper to make.

18 August 1884 • Monday

Monday Aug 18, 1884. Drove early this morning, in company with Prest. Taylor & several others on top of one of the Cedar Buttes, after which the place is named. The view from the top is very extensive and grand. We held meeting at 9 oclock and Bros Teasdale, Lyman, myself and Prest. Taylor spoke. We then drove to Bro. Abraham Stevens to dinner. After which we were taken in carriages, fording the stream that ran in the old bed, to Eagle Rock on the Utah & Northern R. R. We broke a double tree of one of the carriages, which did not detain us long, however. At Eagle Rock we took train. We took supper at Pocatello. At McCammon Bros Sol. Hale & Henderson got on the train. They told us that Bishop Gruel of Marsh Valley had fallen off his mowing machine this morning & the machine had severed his left arm from his body close to the shoulder. Dr Ornsby had been sent for to Logan by a special engine. He thought the injury serious and dangerous. Bros Hale & Henderson & Lyman and Teasdale stopped at Arimo at 10.45 p.m. for the purpose of holding meeting, according to appointment, twice tomorrow. The remainder of us kept on to Oxford, where we reached at 12.15 at midnight. Pres. Hendricks & his counselor, Bro. Parkinson, & Bishop Lewis met us with carriages & carried us 2½ miles to the town of Oxford. My self and wife stopped at Bro. George C. Parkinson’s.

19 August 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday Aug 19, 1884. The location of this place is beautiful, but the land is limited. But few Saints are here. Outsiders are numerous. They are getting uneasy and are ready to sell. Held meeting at 10.30 A.M. in a new meeting house. Bro. L. John Nuttall and myself occupied the time. I had considerable freedom, taking for my text a portion of the last great prayer of the Savior. Dined with Bro. Milo Andrus at his son-in-laws, Bro. Fisher’s. At 2.30 p.m. met again with the Saints, who this morning had come in from every point in carriages and wagons. Bro. Irvine spoke and was followed by Prest. Taylor; both of whom spoke with freedom. This town and Marsh Valley are in the Oneida Stake of which Wm D. Hendricks is President and Solomon Hale and Geo. C. Parkinson are his counselors. Had conversation with the Presidency of the Stake and Bro. Jos C. Rich respecting the political condition of affairs. I urged prompt action in calling the Central Comtee of the County together, and not wait for the chairman who it is suspected does not intend to call them together till it will be too late to hold the primaries for the selection of delegates to the County Convention. It was concluded to get as many of the comtee together as possible immediately and appoint a sub-comtee to wait upon him and learn what he intended to do, and if he did not intend to act as the majority thought he ought to do, then they should act without him, being careful to be regular in all their proceedings and to conform strictly to party usages, so that no accusation that they had bolted could be sustained against them; but if any bolting should be done, let him be in that position. Bro. Jos C. Rich started on the night train to have interviews with such of the Comtee as live north, and arrangements were made for the others to be communicated with. Prest Taylor and myself and the Presidency of the stake arranged a programme of travel in <the> Malad after leaving Cache Valley. According to this we will reach home, Thursday Aug 28th. — I have omitted to mention in my journal the sad and terrible news of the murder of some of our Elders by a masked and armed mob in the State of Tennesee which we received in the evening just before leaving Soda Springs. Particulars were wanting, and Bro. Jos. F. Smith was requested to telegraph us at Market Lake, but not until we reached Rexburg did we get any clue to the names (Here insert clipping) The Elders killed were men of high repute — Bro. Gibbs having been lecturing, in company with Elder Jones, in the Court Houses throughout the Country upon the political situation of affairs in Utah with considerable success, and was considered a young man of promise. What a depth of wickedness men must have fallen to who would break into a meeting and kill unoffending people in such a brutal and cowardly manner as these were murdered! Their only crime was believing and teaching doctrines which to their murderers were obnoxious. How true and applicable the words of the Savior to this case: “They will put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.” The soil of Tennesee, like that of Georgia, Missouri and Illinois, is stained with the blood of innocence; for no crime, for no violation of the laws, for nothing which in a free country could be construed into an offence, these Saints have been cruelly martyred, and it remains to be seen whether Tennessee will suffer the atrocious deed to remain unpunished and leave it to be avenged by the judgments of a righteous God.

A few words ought to be written concerning the Snake River Valley which we have just visited. In many respects it is the grandest and most inviting country I have seen in the mountains. The feed for stock I never saw surpased even if equaled. The cattle all looked fat, and thrive admirably through the summer. It is too cold and the snow is too deep generally for cattle to live on the range during the winter, though horses, I am told, can do so. The hay land is generally in the hands of Gentiles who have made claims, but are willing to sell at good prices to the Mormons. They hope to speculate out of our people in this way; but any of this land will make good hay land if well watered, and there is plenty of water. Lucern too will do well in many places. If hay lands can be made and lucern can be cultivated the Gentile holders of hay land will not find they have much of a speculation in their claims, and after a while they may be glad to sell at reasonable prices. It is amusing to see how uneasy they get when our people move in around them. They know our folks come to stay, and they have told so many lies about us, or listened to and believed so many, that they feel uneasy at having us so near, being frightened by the phantoms which their own imaginations have created. This is the case on Snake River, and at Oxford, I am told, the same uneasy feeling exists. Since the organization of the Oneida Stake the Gentile residents of Oxford are all ready to sell out. While our people, so called, were willing to live as they live and to associate with them and join in their habits, they could tolerate them. A free and easy Bishop, who knew but little distinction between Gentile and Mormon was not particularly disagreeable to them; but when he was removed, and a stricter and more thorough organization was effected, then they felt desirous to remove. In this way, gradually but surely, our people, under the blessing of the Lord, will get the country; for it is the natural habitat, apparently, of Latter-day-Saints. The town of Parker, the northernmost settlement which we visited, is 287 miles from Salt Lake City and 192 from Logan. The soil in that region is a coarse sand, which is very productive. I did not like it, however, as well as I did the soil on the other side of the river. Probably the soil at Cedar Buttes on the Island is the richest & most productive of any of the settlements. Everything grows there with great luxuriance, grains and vegetables look very fine and yield abundantly. But the mosquitos are a dreadful annoyance. They are more numerous there than at any other point. The facilities at Lyman are good; also at Wilford, and Teton has a beautiful location. But Rexburg I like the best of any place I visited, for the reason that the most people are there, and it gives promise of being the leading place. A sight of the grain in their big field is very gratifying. The land is not so level, however, in the town or in the fields as at other places, and the town will be a very dusty place because the soil is so friable and powders easily. Still I like its location very much. Taking the country all in all I think it admirable for those who do not dread a cold climate, and it will yet, I anticipate, be a very rich country. The days were hot while we were there, if not as hot as at Salt Lake City, at least as hot as at Cache Valley. The streams are large with abundance of fish, and there is not likely to be any lack of water in any place where they will build canals. The climate is healthy, the change, in removing there, to many people being beneficial. Some complained of headache, due perhaps to the wind, which blows there with greater frequency than in some of our valleys.

20 August 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday Aug 20, 1884. Rained last night and still raining. Prest. Taylor spoke very plainly to Prest. Hendricks and Counsellors respecting the condition of the county financially and charged them to use every effort to get new officers and men who will use every exertion to relieve the country from debt. Bro. George C. Parkinson & wife, with whom we stopped, were very kind to us. Bro. Milo Andrus took my wife and myself and sister Ida Taylor in his carriage to Weston, passing through Clifton (6 miles from Oxford) on the way. The distance to Weston is 20 miles, and I think the country very beautiful. Water does not appear plentiful, through the water from numerous springs trickles across the road. We were assigned to Bro. John Hy. Clarke’s who with his family received and entertained myself and wife & Bro. Milo Andrus & son very kindly. At 2.30 p.m. held meeting — a very full attendance. Bros. Lyman, Teasdale, myself and Prest. Taylor spoke and had freedom in speaking. A man by the name of [last name redacted] who had been and is living in adultery came to see us, anxious to be admitted to the Church. Prest. Taylor wished me to listen to the case, and after hearing the full particulars I decided that he could not be rebaptized.

A very cool evening, though the rain had cleared off. Prest. Taylor being desirous of preserving in writing the remarks he had made in the morning to Prest. Hendricks & Counselors, I dictated them from memory to Bro. John Irvine.

21 August 1884 • Thursday

Thursday Aug 21, 1884. It did not freeze last night. The morning was cool, At 10 oclock we took carriages for Franklin, 20 mines distant, crossing Bear River on a bridge not far from the point where Gen. Conner’s command fought the Indians in 1863. (?) and passing through the scattered ward of Preston. At Franklin my wife and self put up with Prest. Taylor at the Bishop’s, L. L. Hatch’s. After dinner we went to meeting at 2 oclock. The house, a fine stone building, was filled with an interested congregation who listened attentively to the instructions. Bros. Lyman, Teasdale, myself & Prest. Taylor spoke and had good liberty. I felt especially well. After meeting conversed with Bro. Parkinson concerning the organization of himself and sons into a Co.operative Company. A daughter of Sister Griffiths, whom I knew in England, came to see me. She informed me of her mother’s death. This daughter is married to a man named Robinson and is the mother of six children. I promised to pay $20 towards defraying her mothers funeral expenses if she would inform me to whom it was due. Sister Griffiths had been very kind to my first wife and myself while in England.

22 August 1884 • Friday

Friday Aug 22, 1884. The case of a Bro. [last name redacted] of Lewistown who had committed adultery 12 years ago was before us. President Taylor decided not to do anything in the matter till he knew more about it. Left Bishop Hatch’s at nine oclock for Lewistown. We rode in Bro. Moses Thatcher’s carriage. Held meeting at 10 oclock. A new and very fine house and well filled. I spoke first, and Prest. Taylor followed, also Bro’s Lyman & Teasdale. We enjoyed freedom. I felt excellently after the confusion resulting from some of the people of other settlements coming in late had ceased. The people here are scattered and they were counseled to move in on to a town site. Ate dinner at Bishop Lewis’. Drove to Richmond and held meeting at 3 p.m. in the new meeting house which the people are just finishing and which is a very fine building. Bros Teasdale, Lyman, myself and Prest. Taylor addressed the Saints. We had considerable freedom and the people apparently enjoyed the instruction and spirit. In the evening Prest. Taylor, myself & Bros. Lyman and Teasdale ordained Bro. Milo Andrus a Patriarch at the house of Bro. W. D. Hendricks. Prest. Taylor, myself and wife were invited by Bro. W. M. Merrill to stop at his house

23 August 1884 • Saturday

Saturday Aug 23, 1884. Had an excellent nights rest. Started at nine oclock for Smithfield. Met in a bowery. A large congregation had assembled. Brother Moses Thatcher joined us here. The speakers at the meeting were Bros Lyman, Teasdale, myself and Pres. Taylor. I enjoyed myself very much in this meeting. As I did also at the meeting at Hyde Park at 3 p.m. to which place we drove after dining at Bishop G. L. Farrell’s. Besides myself at Hyde Park, Bros Lyman, Teasdale & President Taylor spoke to the people. From Hyde Park we drove to Logan and by invitation of Bro. Card stopped with Bro. Lyman at his house. Called in evening at Bro. Moses Thatcher’s where Pres. Taylor was stopping and attended to some business and arranged programme for tomorrow. It was arranged for Bros Lyman & Teasdale to go to Wellsville and hold meeting at 10.30, and memorial services at Mendon at 2 p.m. For myself to go to Millville and hold meeting at 10, and there be joined by Pres. Taylor & Bros. Thatcher & Nuttall and then drive to Paradise, where Bro. J H. Gibbs, who had been martyred, had lived and where the funeral services would be held at 2 p.m.

24 August 1884 • Sunday

Sunday Aug 24, 1884. A beautiful morning. Brother C. O. Card took myself and wife & Bro. John Irvine in his carriage to Millville. The meeting house was full of people and I spoke to them. At ½ past 12 Bro. Moses Thatcher drove up to Bishop George Pitkin’s, where dinner was prepared, bringing Pres. Taylor and wife Jane and Bro. L. John Nuttall. After dinner we drove very rapidly to Paradise, passing many teams on the way. We reached there at 2 p.m. A large bowery had been erected by the people of Paradise & Hyrum yesterday and under it we found a large concourse of people assembled. Just after our arrival the pall-bearers & mourners arrived with the corpse. The casket was very heavy — 700 lbs I was told. Pres. Taylor desired me to lead off, after singing and prayer & singing, in remarks which I did by reading a portion of the 6th & 7th chapters of Revelation. After I had subdued my emotions I spoke with considerable freedom & power. My remarks occupied about 35 minutes. Bro. Moses Thatcher and George F. Gibbs and Pres. Taylor followed, each of whom spoke with freedom and interest. We formed part of the procession — 118 vehicles — to the grave. We then drove to Logan.

25 August 1884 • Monday

Monday Aug 25 1884. At Bro. Moses Thatchers. Pres. Taylor, myself and Bros Thatcher & Teasdale ordained Bro. John Boice a Patriarch, Bro. Thatcher being mouth. Started at 10.45 a.m. for Collinston on the U. N. R. R. where we found carriages awaiting us. My wife and self rode in the carriage with Bros. Hoskin’s & Hess. We stopped at Bear River Bridge and took dinner at Bro. Standing’s. We reached Washakie at 4.20 p.m. We found a fine bowery here built by the Indians, and which upon our arrival was filled by white Saints from the town of Portage two or three miles distant, and the Indians of the settlement of Washakie. These latter are remarkable improved. They are generally well dressed, clean, and, some of them, handsome looking. The bowery they had built, under the direction of Bishop Zundell, and it is the best we have seen. They run the header and cut 20 acres of grain a day. They have cut the hay with a machine and stacked it very nicely. They plow, harness and drive horses, also oxen; some of them milk cows, and, where they can keep the milk properly, make pretty good butter. They have herded sheep on shares — the past two winters without any aid from white men — and have now a flock of their own numbering 1800. They have burned brick for houses and have helped lay up those on the inside of the houses. They haul wood themselves, managing the teams and bringing home good sized loads. In fact, they are learning all kinds of work and learning to do it well. We visited the school room with Bro. Chandler, the teacher. It is a commodious frame building, the painting of which, as well as of some other frame buildings, the Indians had done. The specimens of their writing which he showed us were excellent. They have great taste, he says, for writing and drawing, and in general studies, side by side with the white children, they excel them, though he cannot get them to use the English as their vernacular. The children take interest in their studies, & Bro. Chandler takes interest in them, being very kind and patient with them. We had singing from the Indian choir and one hymn from the Portage choir. The meeting was most interesting. Pres. Taylor, myself, & Bros Teasdale and Lyman spoke a few sentences at a time in English and Bishop Zundell interpreted our remarks in Shoshone. Three of the young men then bore their testimony in English and did so very well. Pres. Taylor, myself and wife stopped at Bishop Zundell’s.

26 August 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Aug 26, 1884. Held meeting in the bowery with the Saints from Portage at 9 oclock. Pres. Taylor, myself and Bro. Lyman spoke to them. Drove to Portage and took dinner at Bishop Hoskins’. Then drove to Malad. We rode with Bro. Hoskins and Hess as on yesterday. The ride like that of yesterday was hot and dusty. We stopped at Bishop Geo. Stuart’s. At 4 p.m. met with the saints in their crowded meeting house. The singing of the choir was very sweet. I was the first speaker, following by Bros Teasdale and Lyman and Pres. Taylor. The people here are principally Welsh and manifest a warm feeling. The evening was spent in listening to statements concerning St. John and its people, and also concerning differences in doctrine as preached by Bishop Stuart and his counselor, and two Brothers Thomas’. Brother Harrison, Counsellor to Bishop Stuart was voted for as Bishop of St. John, & Bro. Thomas was corrected in his doctrine.

27 August 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday Aug 27, 1884. Attacked with diarrhea. Pres. Taylor, myself and Bros Lyman, Teasdale, Hendricks and his Counselors — Sol H. Hale and G. C. Parkinson — had a long conversation with Bro. W. H. Homer, Sheriff of Oneida Co. respecting his conduct as sheriff and the financial affairs of the county. He had applied to his Bishop for a recommendation to go into the Temple to attend to ordinances and he had been refused because of reports concerning his conduct as Sheriff. He had come over to see us. He invited an investigation of his acts, denied being a member of any ring for the purpose of fleecing the county, explained the causes of the increase of debt, and impressed us favorably by his spirit and manner. It was afterwards decided by Pres. Taylor and myself for the Bishop to give him his recommendation and that he prepare himself for a mission. This he said he would do, or anything else he should be told to do. We also had conversation with Bro. Joseph C. Rich respecting his conduct. Pres. Taylor spoke very plainly to him, and I did so also. He promised to be a sober man and to live so that he could be used in helping redeem the County from its load of indebtedness. Pres. Taylor told him he would be needed as prosecuting attorney, but he advised him not to accept the position unless he was determined to lead a sober and proper life. We bade the folks — Bro Geo. Stuart and family who had treated us very kindly — goodby, and started for Washakie. Bros Lyman and Hendricks went to St. John & held meeting, & Bros Teasdale, Hale & Parkinson went to Samaria and met with the Saints. As we passed Cherry Creek we found the Saints assembled in a little log meeting house and Bros Lyman & Teasdale there, they having gone there after filling their other appointments. We stopped a short time and went into the meeting. Pres. Taylor and myself addressed the Saints for a few minutes and then continued our journey. The ride was very pleasant to Washakie. In the evening we attended to some business connected with the Indian Mission. Afterwards Bro. Chandler, the School teacher, brought four of his Indian Scholars in and gave us an exhibition of their proficiency in reading and spelling. Their progress is very remarkable, especially in spelling. The youngest was about 11 years, and they spelled to equal any white children I ever listened to.

28 August 1884 • Thursday

Thursday Aug 28 1884. We started at 8 oclock. Took dinner at Bro. Standings and remained there till 11.45 a.m. when we drove to the train. Reached Ogden at 4.45 p.m. My son Frank met us and took us in a carriage to his residence where we took supper. Mattie, his wife, and the children were well. Reached Salt Lake City at 7.50 p.m. being accompanied from Ogden by Pres. Jos. F. Smith, Elders Erastus Snow & John Morgan who had come up to meet us. They intend to leave here in the morning for Emery Stake, thence to Colorado, thence to the San Juan country, thence to some of our settlements in Arizona. Occupied during the trip from Ogden in conversing & counseling about the Affairs in San Juan & other localities. My sons John Q. & Abraham met me at the Station with my buggy. Upon my arrival home found my wife Sarah Jane very sick. She had a miscarriage last monday & had suffered very much from flooding. All the rest of the family were well. A valuable cow, that would soon have calved, had been gored to death in my absence.

29 August 1884 • Friday

Friday Aug 29, 1884. The sad anniversary of Pres. Brigham Young’s death. Called at the train to see Bro’s Smith & Snow upon leaving on their visit. Each was accompanyied by a wife. I was much shocked by receiving a despatch from my brother David at St. George announcing the death from bilious cholic of his second son — about 18 years of age — George Q. He was a most estimable young man, and greatly relied upon by his father to whom he was a great help. My brother Angus and myself sent a telegram of condolence. Busy preparing discourse for the press. Had an interview in Office in company with Prests Taylor and Woodruff & Elder F. D. Richards with H. H. Bancroft, the Historian. He described the character of the volume which he designed to issue upon the history of Utah. Bros Woodruff & Richards were going through the work with him.

30 August 1884 • Saturday

Saturday Aug 30 1884. Busy at the Office during the forenoon. After dinner I went to a matinee performance of “Lady Clare” and enjoyed it very much; it was a relaxation for me. In the evening Bishop John Spencer of Indianola came to town. Bro. Lyman telegraphed from Provo that he was coming and wished to have an interview with Pres. Taylor & myself. I remained therefore for this purpose and did not get home till quite late. It was arranged that we should have a further interview tomorrow after the afternoon meeting.

31 August 1884 • Sunday

Sunday Aug 31, 1884. Held a meeting with my children this morning of my residence, and at ½ past 10 left for town having arranged an interview with my three sons at the house of my son Abraham. John Q. was present and Frank had come down from Ogden. I explained to them my views regarding a family organization and with some considerable fullness. I had already the previous morning had an interview with John Q. and Abraham upon the subject and they had agreed to enter into it as I suggested upon the plan which I proposed; but I wished to have Franklin also understand and if he wished to join with us to have him do so. He expressed himself as being pleased with the proposition and that he would be gratified to enter into the organization with us.

Attended meeting at the Tabernacle in the afternoon. Bro. Teasdale spoke. Pres. Taylor desired me to follow him which I did though I felt but little inclination for talking still I had considerable freedom in the remarks which I made. We then repaired to the Gardo House to fill our appointment accompanied by Bros. Woodruff & Teasdale. I took the minutes of our meeting. The subject that Bro. Spencer wished to get counsel upon was in relation to the Indians at Uintah Agency forming an alliance with others against the agents who, they said, were starving them. We advised him to counsel all the Indians whom he could reach belonging to our people to have nothing to do with any such combination. Pres. Taylor remained in conversation till quite late which allowed me but little time to get something to eat before attending the Dedication of the 3rd Ward Meeting House to which I have been invited by Bishop Weiler. I reached there just as Bro. Woodruff had finished the dedicatory prayer (he having left the Gardo House sometime before I did)[.] Bro. Teasdale and he made remarks after which I spoke. We had a very good meeting.

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August 1884, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 29, 2025