June 1880

1 June 1880 • Tuesday

Bro. and Sis. Richards started for Chicago at 8 this morning. Bro. Cummings and myself accompanied them to the train. I paid their Hotel Bill as I looked upon them as my guests while they were here ($15).

Working upon the Deficiency Bill.

2 June 1880 • Wednesday

Called at the Land Dep’t. Continued work on the Deficiency Bill.

3 June 1880 • Thursday

A resolution to adjourn on the 10th was introduced and adopted. Finished the Deficiency Bill in the Committee of the Whole.

4 June 1880 • Friday

Great excitement over the Chicago Convention. It is telegraphed here that thei it has adopted a platform in which polygamy is denounced.

House attended to a variety of business.

5 June 1880 • Saturday

The excitement over the convention still continues. Last night was a pandemonium there, and it is aptly described as “hell broke loose.” It reads like a description of a <scene from the> reign of terror from <during> the French Revolution. Surely the spirits of the evil one were there, and men were possessed of devils. The accompanying clipping from the Evening Star of this city gives some idea of the scenes.

The House went to the Speaker’s table and took up bills that were there. The most general business was done to-day of any day this Congress.

6 June 1880 • Sunday

Reading. Attended to Sacrament.

7 June 1880 • Monday

The House passed the Ute Treaty and did but little other business.

Excitement still continues over the Chicago Convention. Twenty-eight ballots were taken during the day and evening. The highest vote cast for Grant was 309; the lowest 302. The highest for Blaine was 285; the lowest 274. Sherman had generally 93; Edmunds 31; Washburne 35 and Windom 10; Garfield 2. Necessary to a Choice 379.

8 June 1880 • Tuesday

The nomination of Garfield was received with great cheering by the Republicans of the House. Adjourned early. The Republicans held a meeting in the Hall of the House, and appointed a Committee to send Congratulations to Gen. Garfield.

9 June 1880 • Wednesday

Wrote to Pres. Taylor. The Senate amended the House Resolution to adjourn till the 16th. When it came over some of the Democrats desired to send the Resolution to the Com. on Ways and Means; but the Republicans and a number of Democrats, under the lead of Judge W. D. Kelly of Penn. took the resolution and passed it.

10 June 1880 • Thursday

My wife, Elizabeth, was very ill this morning and her cough was is very bad. Bro. Cummings and myself administered to her.

Bro. Cummings left us this morning to go North to look after some business and then to join us at Altoona on the way home.

The House discussed the Joint Rule to regulate the counting of the electoral vote for President and Vice-President.

11 June 1880 • Friday

Elizabeth is still quite sick, though better than she was yesterday.

The House discussed the Marshals’ Bill and passed it.

12 June 1880 • Saturday

Very hot. Elizabeth, my wife, feels better this morning, but looks ill.

At the House after the morning hour the discussion of the Joint Rule for counting the electoral vote. The Republicans fillibustered to av[o]id a vote. Took a recess until 9.30 Monday morning.

Wrote a letter to Sister Zina Y. Williams in reply to hers of Mar. 19 upon the straitened condition of the Brigham Young Academy at Provo and of Prof. Karl G. Maeser, the Principal. I enclosed $50 for her to give to Bro. Maeser, without mentioning my name, or if she thought it better to use it in some other direction to help the Academy she was at liberty to thus apply it.

13 June 1880 • Sunday

Attended to Sacrament. Spent some time arranging my papers preparatory to going home.

Elizabeth thought a ride in the cool of the day would be of benefit to her. We and the children went out for an hour.

The day has been hot.

14 June 1880 • Monday

The past night was very hot.

The House met at the time appointed. Joint Rule was proceeded with and Conference Com. reports, &c. The Republicans fillibustered against <the passage of> Joint Rule.

But little business was done.

15 June 1880 • Tuesday

Busy at the Dep’t’s. Called to see Major Chase abou at Dep’t. of Justice about rent of Court House for Bro. N. Groesbeck. It was agreed to pay him back rent up to May 1st at rate of $1700 and from that time at rate of $2,000. I saw 3rd Auditor about the Noon claim for which I had an appropriation made in the General Deficiency Bill.

Great confusion in the House and we adjourned about 5 p.m.

16 June 1880 • Wednesday

Rose early, attended for what, I hoped, would for the last time here this session to pule malu [secret prayer]. What a comfort and joy this has been to me. How many dark hours I might have had if the Lord had not inspired me to seek him in this way. When this Session opened the clouds were dark and threatening and were closing around; they seemed charged with mischief to Zion. I never remember seeing the prospect look more menacing to my human vision than they did at that time. Petitions of every kind, filled with abominable falsehoods, were printed and sent here; they asked for my expulsion; they held up our Legislative Assembly to contempt; finding they did not accomplish what they hoped by their first circular, the anti-polygamy women’s society at Salt Lake City sent a circular to the wives, sisters, daughters and female relatives of Members, hoping thereby to arouse such a feeling in the households of Members that they would be compelled to do something towards getting me expelled. Besides this, there were a number of Bills introduced, principally by Willits of Michigan, and referred to the Com. on Judiciary, of which he was a member, which if they should be made laws would strip us of every right and leave us bound helplessly at the feet of our enemies. But how wonderful are the ways of the Lord! He has laid his hand upon these measures. Prejudice has been kept quiet. The angry elements have been stilled, and notwithstanding all the fury that was aroused or sought to be aroused, the session, so far as we are concerned, has been remarkably peaceful. It is a blessed thing to know that the Lord hears and answers prayer when offered aright. This has been my comfort and support here. I have never applied to him in vain. No matter how thick the clouds of darkness have been, or how much Satan and his servants have raged, the Lord has been my rock of refuge. He has given me peace, joy and happiness and my life has been a great pleasure to me. No man in this City has the same cause of happiness that I have; and has any one been so happy, so full of joy? If so, I do not know him. But this I do know, that I have rejoiced beyond expression; my soul has been full to overflowing and I have lifted up my heart in praise and thanksgiving by night and by day to my Redeemer and my God, who has sustained me and brought me through, even the deep waters, triumphantly. Oh, how meek and lowly and obedient I should be!

18 June 1880 • Friday


Disappointed in regard to Passes. By some blunder they were not sent though Bro. Staines wrote to me that he had arranged for them. As I <we> could could not get away on Thursday I concluded to wait until Saturday as I did not wish to get into Omaha on Sunday. Telegraphed Bro. Cummings at Altoona, whither he had gone, that we would pass through there on Saturday. The Passes for my wife and myself reached this morning. They did not send any for the children.

19 June 1880 • Saturday


A beautiful morning and rather cool. We arose early to get ready. The train leaves at 8. a.m. A Miss Mann, who has rooms in the house where we stop, a correspondent and a writer, has been kind to the girls and taken interest in them. She put up some climbers for them. My wife’s health is not very good, her cough still troubles her; but she is much better than she was last week.

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June 1880, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 23, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1880/06-1880