April 1879

1 April 1879 • Tuesday

Busy at work on my Review

2 April 1879 • Wednesday

Busy at the Review. Reached Ogden at about 6 p.m. Bro. Willard Young met me at the Depot. He took me in to supper. My son Frank joined me before I left. He heard up town that I had come. No one appeared to expect me for two days yet.

Reached the city and repaired to Uncle Taylor’s. Found him and family well. My folks did not expect me. Met my son Abraham by accident on the street. He had a buggy, in which he took me to see my wife Eliza, and then with his wife Sarah took me to the farm. He lives in his Uncle John’s house which he has rented. Found all the folks in bed; did not disturb Sarah Jane or Martha. My family are tolerably well, Elizabeth and Sylvester are ailing the most.

12 April 1879 • Saturday

John Q. drove me to the Depot this morning. Bro’s W. W. Riter and Moroni Snow accompanied me to the States. Frank, my son, and Jos. A. West met me at Ogden.

13 April 1879 • Sunday

The weather is pleasant.

14 April 1879 • Monday

Took Chicago & Rock Island R.R. for Chicago.

15 April 1879 • Tuesday

Called with Bro. Riter upon Mr. Myers of Pittsburg and Fort Wayne R.R. He could only give me a Pass to Pittsburg.

16 April 1879 • Wednesday

At Pittsburg Bro. Riter took a sleeper to New York. Bro. Snow and I occupied one to Washington.

17 April 1879 • Thursday

We arrived at 9 o’clock a.m.

At the House. The Legislative, Judicial and Executive Appropriation Bill was being discussed. Many Members manifested pleasure at seeing me back. The Lord has given me favor in the eyes of this people.

On last Monday the U. S. Supreme Court decided the case of the Cain heirs vs. Stringfellows, Jennings and the Executors of Pres. Young in our favor. This was good news to me. I telegraphed it home.

18 April 1879 • Friday

At the P. O. Dep’t. Afterwards at the House. Discussion on the Appropriation Bill. Had an interview with ex-Secretary of the Territory, Levi P. Luckey, and the new appointee, Arthur L. Thomas. Wrote to Mr. Jos. Richardson asking for a Pass over the U. P. R.R. for the latter and wife.

Met Mr. Speaker Randall. He appeared glad to see me back. Asked respecting the feeling at home upon the question of admission; also how I was suited with my position on the Com. He intended to put me on the Com. on Public Lands; but by some blunder this was not done. He appeared annoyed at learning the facts, and assured me that he fully intended me to be on that Com. and supposed that my name had been so announced.

19 April 1879 • Saturday

At the House. The usual discussion.

20 April 1879 • Sunday

Took Bro. Moroni Snow out to the Soldiers’ Home. The weather was very fine.

21 April 1879 • Monday

Commenced to board at the Riggs House this morning. It is the best place I know of in town as a hotel, and I select it not for the table but for the people one meets there. In my position I feel that it is important I should keep myself as much in public as I can. I am known as the husband of four wives. I desire people to become familiarized with the fact, that a man can have four wives and not be a monster. In Washington, during this and last session, I have been treated with marked respect; and, in fact, this has generally been the case since I came here first. The Lord has given me favor in the eyes of the people.

At the House to-day there were [blank] Bills introduced, the greatest number ever introduced in one day. The session closed at 6 p.m. Evening session for debate only.

22 April 1879 • Tuesday

At the House. Wrote a number of letters home and elsewhere.

The U. S. Supreme Court decided against the Executors of Pres. B. Young yesterday in the case of Mrs. Orson Pratt who claimed the half lot & house her husband had sold to the Pres. & for which they had been paid. x

[Footnote marked with a corresponding x:] This was a proceeding on the part of this woman and her family which Bro. Orson entirely repudiated.

23 April 1879 • Wednesday

Bro. Moroni Snow, <son of Bro. Erastus,> who accompanied me from here, and who has been looking at the various objects of interest here, started this morning for Philadelphia; thence he will go to New York and thence to Europe on his mission. At the House. Discussed the Appropriation Bill. Mr. G. B. Robeson of N. J. made a strong and lengthy speech against State’s Rights. To repair the error in leaving me off a Committee Mr. Speaker Randall proposed to add a Delegate to the Com. on Military Affairs. This would give Major Maginnis of Montana a place there, and leave a vacancy in <on> the Com. on Ter. to which he proposed to appoint me. Mr. A. H. Stephens introduced a Resolution to add a Delegate to the Com. on Military Affairs. Had a conversation with Mr. Fernando Wood, at his request, respecting the admission of Utah as a State. He was in favor of it and thought it could be brought about. He did not mention any conditions. Said he had no prejudices. Thought if a man believed in the Turkish religion it was no one’s business but his own. Said two things would be necessary to arrange – to get the Democrats to unite upon the subject, (some of them were tender-footed,) because we may count upon the opposition of the Republicans, also to make sure that we would have in Utah a democratic State. Upon this latter point I told him I thought they ought to get the most satisfactory evidence. They could easily get it, for the majority of the people of Utah were Democrats, and I thought Utah could be counted upon as much as Texas. He advised me to introduce a Bill for admission as early as possible.

24 April 1879 • Thursday

At the House. The discussion on the Appropriation Bill still continued. In the Senate Mr. Conkling spoke for three hours. He had a crowded audience and the speech was a great partisan effort. I do not admire his style; it is stilted, affected and full of mannerisms, altogether too theatrical to suit me. But he has great abilities with all his vanity.

Dined at the hotel as usual; but Hon. Hendrick B. Wright is 71 years old to-day and as we eat at the same table, he invited myself and the others who eat at that table also to dine with him at 5 o’clock. He furnished plenty of champagne; but wine has no attractions for me. I would prefer a glass of milk always to a glass of wine. I enjoyed the occasion, however. Mr. Beverly Tucker, a nephew of John Randolph of Roanoke, dined with us.

25 April 1879 • Friday

Received a letter from Gen. Tho’s. L. Kane. Wrote home to Eliza, Martha, Abraham & John Q.

At the House. The usual discussion until 5 p.m. Gen. Tom. Ewing closed in a powerful speech which he did not finish.

The Army Bill passed the Senate without amendment.

26 April 1879 • Saturday

At the Land Dep’t. about the case of Olaf Hammer vs. Bouck.

At the House. Discussion continued till 2 p.m. Then proceeded to vote upon the Bill. It was carried by a vote of 140 to 119.

Wrote to Pres. Taylor, to my sons John Q. and Abraham.

27 April 1879 • Sunday

Busy all day. Wrote to Gen. Kane, Mr. Biddle, Bro’s. Staines, Reynolds, &c.

28 April 1879 • Monday

Busy all day writing letters and arranging my papers. A rainy day.

29 April 1879 • Tuesday

At the 2nd Auditors, the <Army> Engineer Bureau, at the War Dep’t and the P. O. & Land Dept’s.

House adjourned early in consequence of the sudden death of Rush Clark, M. C. from Iowa.

Sent off a large number of speeches to every Stake in the Territory.

30 April 1879 • Wednesday

At the Dept’s.

Met with the House. <Veto message read.> Adjourned about 2 p.m. Democrats held a caucus. Considerably divided as to the policy to be pursued.

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April 1879, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 23, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1870s/1879/04-1879