August 1886

1 August 1886 • Sunday

Sunday, August 1/86. We held our meeting in Bishop Stewart’s parlor this afternoon. Bro. Bateman had charge. There were present, besides our party, Sister Stewart and her son Charles, a married daughter named Alice Stringfellow, and her daughters Eliza, Luella and Priscilla. We had an interesting meeting. The remainder of the afternoon was spent in singing. President Taylor singing the “Seer” with good effect. This is a song which he himself composed immediately after the martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph. Bro. Wm Stewart and wife and Sister Richard Ballentyne, jur, were present after the meeting. The latter is the oldest daughter of Sister Stewart.

2 August 1886 • Monday

Monday, August 2/86. Attended to our usual correspondence.

3 August 1886 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 3/86 Listened to and answered correspondence. A letter was received from Elders Erastus Snow, Brigham Young and George Teasdale dated Le Ascension, Mexico, July 12/86. It was the report of the investigation of the affairs of the Sunset United Order in Arizona, which they had been requested by the first Presidency to make, because of complaints that had been made that Bro. Lot Smith, who was President of the order, and a few others had received a larger portion of the property, of the order than they were equitably entitled to. The apostles, after investigating the case, had appointed a committee of five to make an equitable distribution of the property, left in the hands of these brethren, among the members of the order who had remained connected with it after the first year. Bro. Lot Smith had signed an order on his son in Arizona, in favor of Bro Erastus Snow, for all the property of the order in his possession. The brethren of the twelve in giving this committee instructions, suggested; that they might, if they chose, devote any portion of the surplus they might have to temples or to benevolent or charitable purposes, after obtaining permission to do so from those who had been members of the order. We sent a letter to the committee instructing them not to appropriate any of the surplus property to these objects. We thought the most benevolent and charitable thing that could be done with it, would be to distribute it among those who helped to earn it.

A letter was received from Mr. Geo. Ticknor Curtis, acknowledging the receipt of our letter and expressing himself satisfied with the arrangement made for his salary. A deed was signed to day for an acre of land on the Laie plantation on the Sandwish Islands, to be presented to Queen Kapiolani, Queen of the Islands. President Taylor signed it as Trustee in Trust, Bro. Nuttall and myself signed as witnesses to the signature. The deed was an elegant piece of penmanship, being written in german text, with a beautifully arranged border.

4 August 1886 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 4/86. Listened to and answered correspondence. Marshal Dyer has thought the Pen. too crowded and has feared sickness among the prisoners. He proposed to the Attorney General to have fourteen or fifteen of our people of the prisoners, who are sentenced to long terms, sent to the Penetentiary of <at> Detroit or to some place east. The matter had gone almost too far for correction when Bishop H. B. Clawson learned of it. He remonstrated with the Marshal, and told him it would cost the Government more for passage money for the prisoners to Detroit, than it would to build other accommodations, and this without counting the cost of to the prisoners of their return fare when their time should expire. He proposed, when the Marshal said he had no funds, to have private parties build the increased accommodations needed, and when the Government get in funds, the cost could be returned to them. The Marshal seemed willing to do what he could, and the question has been referred to the Attorney General at Washington.

5 August 1886 • Thursday

Thursday, August 5/86 It being fast-day we held our usual meeting. Elder Nuttall had charge. I enjoyed the meeting rather more than usual, as there were several present who had not met with us before, members of Bp. Stewart’s family: his wife and daughters and one daughter-in-law and Bro. Joshua Stewart. Attended to correspondence as usual. Bro. Joshua Stewart carried me in his buggy to find Bro. Wm E. Dalley, the first counselor to President T. J. Jones of the Parowan Stake. We found him at his brother-in-law’s [blank] Fitzgerald’s. I had this interview at the request of President Taylor to learn from him the facts connected with the discourse delivered by Elder Moses Thatcher, a synopsis of which I have, given under date of August 4th <July 19th>. We had heard that Bro. Dalley was present at Lewiston at the meeting and heard the discourse. Before showing him the synopsis, I asked him concerning it, and his description was very like the synopsis. I then read the synopsis to him, and he said it was very correct, and that he had written one almost exactly like it to his wife. He informed me that the ideas were generally accepted and believed in by the leading men and Saints in Cache Valley. Bro. Dalley is quite an intelligent young man.

6 August 1886 • Friday

Friday, August 6/86 Attended to our usual correspondence. I did some writing for the Juvenile Instructor. In the evening our party moved from Bishop Stewart’s back to Bro. Day’s. We had enjoyed our week’s stay very much at Bishop Stewart’s. The family did all they could to make us confortable and the house is more roomy than Bro. Day’s. But it is felt that Bro. Day’s place is more safe for us than Bp. Stewart’s. Our object in going to Bp. Stewart’s was to be out of the way of some visitors whom Bro. Day expected. Bro. Wilcken took me to my brother-in-law’s, John Hoagland’s, this evening, where I met my wife Emily.

7 August 1886 • Saturday

Saturday, August 7/86. I arose about four oClock in the morning and was taken by my brother-in-law to my residence on the river. I found Bro’s Andrew Burt and Andrew Smith, jnr, at the place, they having arrived a short time before and stayed to guard me through the day. I arranged for some of my boys also to watch, for I do not feel safe here unless I have a guard. The deputy marshals have made their descent on my houses very unexpectedly and with great suddenness. If they should come again they doubtless would come in the same manner, but by having a guard on watch their approach can be discovered at a sufficient distance to give me time to hide. I had a most delightful day with my family and made up my mind to stay over to morrow. My son John Q and myself talked on business affairs, and he said he could take me out to our place of retreat to morrow evening if I stayed. I informed Bro. Wilcken of this when he came down to carry me to Bro. F. Armstrong’s where I had an appointment to meet Bros. Jack, Reynolds and Clawson. I attended to business with each of them. The former I had conversation with concerning my private affairs and also some public matters, and with him and Bro. Reynolds about the Bullion, Beck and Champion Mining Company. With Bro. Clawson I conversed concerning his trip to Arizona in the interest of the imprisoned brethren at Detroit. The details of his visit and of the people he met and the probability of success were very interesting. Bro. Wilcken carried me back to my home and he returned to our place of refuge. I forgot to mention that I had a visit from my brother Angus who took dinner with me.

8 August 1886 • Sunday

Sunday, August 8/86 Spent the forenoon with my son John Q. My boys kept guard. In the afternoon attended to sacrament meeting and had an exellent time. I selected my son Angus J. Cannon to be a priest, my sons Hugh and David to be teachers, and my sons William and Lewis to be deacons. I asked each one if he would endeavor to magnify his office and calling if he was ordained, and each promissed he would. Just as I was preparing to ordain them in the evening my son John Q, who had come over to take me away, noticed a carriage with four men in it, coming down the back lane. It had been only a few minutes before that Bro Andrews Smith had been looking out, but had seen no one, our attention having been taken up with the arrangement of the seats for the ordination. Every one was off his guard. As soon as John Q discovered that the carriage with four men was coming I seized my hat and pistol and rushed for the back verandah. There was great excitement, for all my family were together. When I got to the steps my sons Angus and Hugh told me not to come that way, as the team was coming in that direction. I then passed through the dining room to the front-verandah, accompanied by my son David, who said he could guide me to a place of hiding. We ran pretty lively until we got around the school house, when he held up and said, we were now out of sight. He then led me to the willows on the river bank and left me while he went back to see who the party were. They proved to be four young men who had come to visit my daughter Mary Alice, which news David communicated to me. I was greatly pleased at the self-possession and promptitude manifested by my son David on this occasion. As a child he has always been timid; but in this instance I could not help admire the coolness with which he grasped the situation and struck out desiring me to follow him. His sister Mary Alice has often expressed her fears that he was too timid, but I have assured her that he would out grow all that and be brave enough. John Q and myself joined in laying on hands upon the boys and ordaining them, I being mouth in each instance. After this we started and had a most severe storm, the rain, part of the time, poured down in torrents. The thunder was very loud and the lightning was as vivid I think as I ever saw it. We reached Bro. Day’s in a drenched condition ten minutes to midnight and John Q. returned home.

9 August 1886 • Monday

Monday, August 9/86. Attended to our usual business. A dispatch was received from Bro. Caine, saying that “Congress has adjourned and all is well, thank the Lord”. This is a source of thanksgiving, for with the spirit there has been there, and in the country at large concerning us, it is most wonderful that inimical legislation against us has not been passed. Great efforts have been made and considerable money has been spent by our enemies to secure hostile legislation. They have sent agents to Washington, both men and women, to effect by their lies and their appeals to the prejudices of members, the end which they desire. They would like us to be deprived of every vestige of liberty as citizens by the legislation of Congress. Thank the Lord for defeating their schemes. The affairs of the Bullion, Beck and Champion Mining Comp. are in an almost desperate condition. Br. Beck writes that he wishes to obtain $400000/ to help pay the men. President Taylor and myself deliberated upon this request for some time. We had no money individually to advance, and where could we get it? There was danger of the workmen starting a lawsuit and making trouble. Of course, until they are paid, all work upon the mine must cease. The reports respecting the appearance of the mine are very encouraging. President Taylor spoke about advancing the money as Trustee-in-Trust on account of the interest the Church had in it, and asked me my views respecting this. I replied, that if the property on which we were then working, and which is outside of all the claims involved in the lawsuits, had been deeded to the company, then it might be safe to loan this money. There were two claims, called the North-West and the Legal, which Bro. Beck had taken up individually; he had promised to transfer them by deed to the company, and it is upon one of these claims that he is working. At the request of President Taylor, after we had voted for the Trustee to advance this money, I wrote instructions for Bro. Nuttall upon this point, as it was decided that he should go into town to see about it. He was to see that the company had a deed to this property, and to do nothing about the money till it was found the deed had been given and properly recorded. He was not to loan $400000/ if he should learn that Bro Beck could possibly get along with less. He was instructed to have a meeting of the company and for resolutions to be adopted authorizing him, as the President, and George Reynolds as the Secretary and Treasurer, to borrow the money on their note for the purpose of loaning it to Bro. John Beck, who should also give his note for the amount to the company. Bro. Nuttall went into town this evening.

10 August 1886 • Friday

Friday, August 10/86 President Taylor and myself read the correspondence and I answered it. I was pleased to read a letter to day, written to Bro. F. S. Richards by Bro. Ammon M. Tenney, who is now confined in prison at Detroit for polygamy and unlawful cohabitation. His sentence was a most unjust one, but he has heard of the efforts which are being made for his and the other brethren’s release. He writes a most excellent letter upon the subject. He does not wish to accept freedom, if by doing so it will compromise him in the least; he would rather stay in prison <till> the expiration of the time for which he is sentenced, though his situation is painful and his health is not good, than to go out with a shadow upon his honor or his integrity to the truth. His expressions are very manly and exhibit his faith and his willingness to suffer, and if necessary, die, rather than accept a pardon that would put him in a wrong light with God and his brethren. Attended to some private correspondence and wrote for the Juvenile Instructor.

11 August 1886 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 11/86 As Bro. Nuttall is still absent I answered all the correspondence, after it had been read by President Taylor and myself. Bro. George Bankhead, an old acquaintance of mine, with whom I traveled in company to California in the fall of 1849, is the next neighbor to Bro Day; he has expressed to Bishop Stewart such an earnest desire to see me that the latter has pressed it upon my attention. He is getting in years and is rather feeble. I met him and Bishop Stewart this evening and had conversation upon his work for his dead people which he wished to perform. I gave him such counsel as he desired upon the subject.

12 August 1886 • Thursday

Thursday, August 12/86. Bro. Nuttall returned last evening and made a report this morning of what he had done in town. The deed of the North-West and Legal claims had been made in favor of the company and duly recorded and he advanced Bro. Beck $300000/. Attended to correspondence and dictated answers as usual.

13 August 1886 • Friday

Friday, August 13/86 Listened to and dictated answers to correspondence.

14 August 1886 • Saturday

Saturday, August 14/86 Attended to our usual business.

15 August 1886 • Sunday

Sunday, August 15/86 We held meeting as usual to day. Bishop Isaac M. Stewart came down to worship with us and took charge of the meeting. We had a very pleasant time[.]

16 August 1886 • Monday

Monday, August 16/86 Listened to and dictated answers to correspondence.

17 August 1886 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 17/86 As usual I attended to correspondence. By President Taylor’s request I prepared a statement of our connection with the Bullion, Beck and Champion Mining Company from the beginning up to the present time. I dictated and Bro. Nuttall wrote it. It was for the purpose of giving Bro. Clawson an insight into the whole affair. It was afterwards read to the President, who expressed his satisfaction with it. As there was some fear that the deputies might make a raid upon us this settlement (Draper) this evening Bros. Wilcken and Bateman stood guard through the night. My son Abraham was released from prison to day.

18 August 1886 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 18/86. Attended to our usual correspondence. Bishop H. B. Clawson, accompanied by my brother Angus, arrived at our place at four oClock this morning. We read to Bishop Clawson the statement we had drawn out and had a protracted interview with him concerning this business. It was our desire to have him act as agent for us, as we felt that the property must have some attention, or there is danger of our losing it all. As it is, I think it in a very dangerous condition, and it will require wise and skillful management and the blessing of the Lord to extricate it from its present difficulties. We instructed Bro. George Reynolds, Secretary of the Company, to call a meeting of the Company and adopt a resolution to authorize Bro. H. B. Clawson to act as its agent. Bro. Clawson and my brother left for the city about half past eight this evening.

19 August 1886 • Thursday

Thursday, August 19/86. Listened to and dictated answers to correspondence. A letter from Bro. Moses Thatcher, written at La Ascension, Mexico, gives rather gloomy news of the condition of the Saints of at that place. Many were sick and they were destitute of comforts and proper shelter. We heard to-day, that Prest. Taylor’s son, John W., one of the twelve apostles, had been arrested at Pocotello, Idaho, on the charge of inciting the people to violate the laws of the United States. In a letter written to Bro. Hendricks of Oneida Stake, and Bro. C. O. Card, of Cache Stake, counsel was given to them, in reply to their inquiries as to what they should do to keep out of the hands of the officers, to go over the line of the United States into British Columbia and form a settlement there to which themselves and others might go with portions of their families. The country there has been described to us as being excellently adapted for settlement. I went to Bishop Stewart’s home this evening for the purpose of meeting my son Abraham, whom I had not met since he came out of prison. Bro. Wilcken brought him with him when he brought our mail. We slept together.

[Newspaper article]

Tribune Sep. 2/861

George Q. is not so careful as he was, and it has just leaked out that the Deputy Marshals came near catching him some days ago. The portly Saint has enough indictments hanging over his head to keep him in striped clothing for life. George finds the flesh pots of Zion too alluring for him to stay away long.

20 August 1886 • Friday

Friday, August 20/86. I had a most delightful day with my son. After breakfast we went down into a secluded place, under the shade of some trees, and we talked over and arranged a good many business matters which were pending. We returned to the house for dinner and afterwards retired again to our secluded spot, and spent the afternoon in examining manuscript that had been prepared by my son Frank. We also prepared other matter for the Juvenile Instructor which I dictated and he took down in short hand. This day breaks into the monotony of our usual life and it was a day of enjoyment both for Abraham and myself. Bro. Bateman called for him after supper, and took him back with our mail, and I, escorted by Bro. Joshua Stewart, walked back to Bro. Day’s.

21 August 1886 • Saturday

Saturday, August 21/86. Listened to and answered our usual correspondence. We decided to send Elder F. M. Lyman to Idaho to help the Saints in political matters and to consult with Bro. W. Budge, Bear Lake Stake, from whom we received a lengthy communication respecting political affairs. We wrote to some length to Bro. Lyman giving him some suggestions. Bro. Wilcken took me to my brother-in-law’s, John Hoagland’s this evening, where I found my wife Emily.

22 August 1886 • Sunday

Sunday, August 22/86. At four oClock Bro. John Hoagland took me down to my residence, where I found Bros. Andrew Burt, the newley elected sheriff, and Bro. Lehi Pratt, who had come down to guard me. I had my boys awakened and put on guard to watch the approach of any enemy. Bros. Burt and Pratt, having been up all night, went to bed. I had a very interesting meeting, as usual, with my family. The two brethren returned to the city by ten oClock <p.m.> and I had my boys stand guard. Bro. Andrew Smith, jur, also stayed up with them.

23 August 1886 • Monday

Monday, August 23/86. My son David awakened me at two oClock this morning, and when I had dressed, Bro. Wilcken arrived, and I returned with him to Bro. Day’s. Attended to correspondence as usual. I revised Book of Mormon catechism, which had been prepared by my son Abraham while in prison.

24 August 1886 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 24/86 My brother Angus brought out President Taylor’s son, John W. We conversed for some time about his arrest and the proper course for him to pursue. Listened to and answered correspondence. We received an interesting letter from President Joseph F. Smith, dated August 12th, Laie, Oahu, Sandwish Islands. Bro. John W. Taylor returned to the city by train, and my brother Angus went to his farm. In the evening Bro. H. B. Clawson came to our place and had a long conversation with us about the Bullion, Beck & Champion Mining Company’s business.

25 August 1886 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 25/86 Brother Clawson left for the city between four and five oClock this morning. Attended to our usual business. I dictated my private Journal and also wrote for the Juvenile Instructor.

26 August 1886 • Thursday

Thursday, August 26/86. Listened to and answered correspondence. Reports reached us to day that deputy marshals had made a raid upon on my brother Angus’s place, two or three miles from where we are, and fear was entertained by those who sent the report that they were coming to this settlement. We afterwards heard, however, that they had been seen going back to the city. Before we heard the last report we made preparation to decamp if they should come, and guards were put on watch. But as we were partaking of dinner, Sister Day, our hostess, came in great excitement and told us to get out at the other door quickly, as a man on horseback was just coming around the stockyard and two other deputies were at the Bishops[.] From the report we supposed that perhaps the premises would be surrounded. President Taylor and myself started out; I told him I could find the way to a good retreat in the willows, but we had gone only a few steps from the house towards the fence when we were called back. The man coming on horseback proved to be Bro. Bateman, who had come from the city to bring us word of the danger we were in. I was much pleased at hearing of the conduct of my old friend Bro. George Bankhead. He is aged and quite feeble, but he had heard that two deputies were at Bp. Stewart’s, and he rushed down to where we were to tell the family, that we might get out of the way. As he came he caught sight of Bro. D. Bateman on horseback, and thinking he was a deputy also, he ran as fast as he could to get to the house before him, which he did. I was pleased at his pluck and the vigilant interest which he took to have us preserved. Bro. D. Bateman brought us the word that twenty-one deputies had left the city to search the settlements south for the purpose of finding us. It afterwards came to our knowledge that the two men who were at Bp. Stewart’s, and supposed to be deputy marshals, were two of our brethren of the city police. (Bros. Andrew Burt and Lehi Pratt) who had also come out for the purpose of warning and helping to defend us. These made four in all for Bro. James Malin had accompanied Bro. D. Bateman to the settlement. We afterwards learned the city marshal, Alf Solomon also came in the settlement accompanied by Bro. O. P. Arnold. Altogether the day was quite an exciting one, though we were not very much disturbed. President Taylor thought it better for Bro’s Pratt and Burt to stay with us through the night. I finished the Book of Mormon catechism, and made some corrections and alterations therein, and returned it to my son Abraham.

27 August 1886 • Friday

Friday, August 27/86. Listened to and dictated answers to correspondence. President Taylor and myself spent some time preparing a statement which I wrote, to be read at a meeting which had been appointed for this evening, to be held at the farm of Bro. John R. Winder. This statement was concerning the B. B. & C. M. Company’s affairs. In the evening President Taylor and myself and Bros Wilcken and Burt in one carriage, Bros Nuttall and S. Bateman in another and Bro. Lehi Pratt in a buggy, drove to Bro. Winder’s, where we reached at half past nine oClock and met Bros. F. D. Richards, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant and J. W. Taylor of the twelve, and presiding Bishop Preston and Bishop H. B. Clawson. We remained there until past four oClock. (See minutes of that meeting)

28 August 1886 • Saturday

Saturday, August 28/86. We obtained some sleep after reaching our quarters and arose for breakfast at half past nine. Attended to our usual business. Bro. H. B. Clawson came to our abode in the evening. An order was written to Bro. James Jack, authorizing him to pay to Bros J. Sharp and F. Little $25,00000/, being the amount of a bond which they had paid because of my non-appearance at court on the 17th of March last. I wrote a letter to Bro. James Jack, requesting him to secure a receipt in full from them in proper form, and also suggesting that Bro. H. B. Clawson might be able to do something in the matter in my behalf as he had had considerable conversation with Bros. Sharp and Little on this subject.

29 August 1886 • Sunday

Sunday, August 29/86 Bro. Clawson left for home about break of day this morning. We had meeting as usual, and enjoyed it. Bros Pratt and Burt have remained with us up to the present at Pres Taylor’s request. Guard has been kept night and day, that we might not be surprised. This evening Bro. Burt returned to the city, as he had to secure his certificate of election as sheriff and be sworn in and have the office transferred to him by sheriff Groesbeck.

30 August 1886 • Monday

Monday, August 30/86 We were awakened about one oClock this morning by Bro. D. Bateman bringing a letter from the city, written by Bro. F. D. Richards, in relation to the danger our temples were in. Prest Taylor and myself counseled together on the subject of the letter and decided to send for Bishop Stewart. He came and we learned from him that his son Isaac could go to St. George, as a special messenger for us by this morning’s train. Until daylight I was engaged writing letters to carry out our plans. I wrote a letter of introduction for Bro. Isaac to take with him to my brother David, so that he should not have difficulty in getting at President McAllister. By Bro. D. Bateman I sent a letter to President M. W. Merrill of Logan, inclosing it into another to Bro. D. James, in which I requested him to personally take the letter to Logan and deliver it to Bro. Merrill. These letters to Bro’s McAllister and Merrill were not signed. Bro. Wilcken left this morning at daylight to search for a place to which we could go, in the event of having to leave where we are. There is so much talk and excitement in the city about the deputies making raids and such uneasiness is felt concerning our safety, that it was thought better for us to have a place selected to which we could go in case of a descent upon us. Listened to and dictated answers to correspondence as usual. Bro. [name redacted], President of the [location redacted] Stake, had informed us that Bishop [first and last name redacted] had refused to appear before the High Council of that Stake, and had told the witnesses that he would not be present. As a consequence, the witnesses were not there who had given their testimony formerly, but there was one present who was a new witness and his testimony was of a similar character to that given by the other witnesses, and the High Council had cut [last name redacted] off for his lewd conduct and his contempt of the Council. We wrote to Bro. [last name redacted] to day, suggesting that he call the Council together and notify ex-Bishop [last name redacted] and the witnesses to be present, and thereby secure the testimony of two or three witnesses at the least, and then cut him off if the testimony should warrant that action. We had no reason to doubt his guilt, but wished the proceedings to be right beyond question.

31 August 1886 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 31/86. Listened to and answered correspondence. I received to day a receipt from Bros F. Little and J. Sharp. for the money which had been paid to them ($12,50000/ apiece) to reimburse them for paying my forfeited bond. The following is a copy of the receipt:

Salt Lake City

August 30th 1886.

President George Q. Cannon

Dear Brother

We have received per hand of Bro. James Jack the sum of twenty five thousand dollars ($25,00000/) being the amount paid by us on the bond which we signed for you to the third District Court. We have made the receipt in full satisfaction of all demands we have against you on said bond not wishing to charge you any interest on the same.

With best wishes for your welfare and preservation

We remain your brethren

Feramorz Little

John Sharp.

I feel much obliged to them for remitting the interest, and very thankful to Bro. Clawson for the zealous interest he has taken in bringing this about. Bro. Jack forwarded also to President Taylor the official receipts of the Court, which my sureties had received upon payment of the bond and which each of them endorsed as a receipt of the money in full payment to them.

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August 1886, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 28, 2025


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