April 1895

1 April 1895 • Monday

Monday, April 1, 1895. First thing I did this morning after breakfast was to secure transportation for myself and wife over the Chicago & north Western R.R. to Council Bluffs. I called at the General Office to see Mr. Whitman; he was out of town, but had left word for it to be furnished me when I should call.

Gen. Clarkson, Bishop Clawson and myself went to the office of Runnells & Burry, attorneys. They have the arranging of the business for Gen. Clarkson in hand. Mr. Burry sketched the plan which he thought would be safe and would avoid difficulties which I saw in the way of carrying out the plan as it had been presented to me. I made a formal delivery of the deed of the house and lot which myself and wife had made out, to Bishop Clawson in the presence of Gen. Clarkson and Mr. Burry.

We called upon Mr. Pullman and had some conversation with him, during which he explained some points connected with his side of the riotous proceedings which mobs and trade organizations had conducted against his company and property.

In the afternoon I had a call from Judge Lawrence P. Boyle and a long conversation with him about Mr. Ryan and the Bullion, Beck & Champion Co’s affairs. Our conversation was kindly. But he expressed himself to the effect that I ought to have insisted on John Beck making a settlement with Ryan as a condition before agreeing to the election of a Board. He thought I ought to have looked after Ryan’s interest as the latter had looked after mine; for he said he (Boyle)—and perhaps Ryan was included in the remark—could have obtained Beck’s signature to notes in Ryan’s favor if they had not been desirous to get my affair arranged. He said they had worked faithfully for me and Bishop Clawson. I told him I had heard considerable about all these transactions, but until today had not learned that Mr[.] Ryan had neglected his own interests or prejudiced his own claim in this way in his anxiety to protect me. He assured me on his honor as a man that it had happened as he described. I told him that I had insisted before consenting to the election of the Board that Mr. Ryan should be settled with and understood that such settlement had been promised; and it had appeared to me that instead of Mr. Ryan or Mr. Farnsworth being left, that it was I who was left; for my understanding was that they were both secured, while my claim, as represented by the note John Beck gave, was not worth the paper it was written on. Judge Boyle appeared desirous that I should help Mr. Ryan to get his claim settled. He thought he was entitled to it. I replied that I thought he was, and I had said so repeatedly and had urged, through my son Abraham, that he should be paid, and I should do all in my power to get a settlement made. This promise I repeated twice and it seemed to satisfy Judge Boyle. I felt that as he presented his, or rather Mr. Ryan’s side of the case to me, that I must do all in my power to get this settlement made or appear guilty of ingratitude, which, as I told him, is a character that through my life I have had a horror of. I promised him also that Abraham should write him fully concerning the situation of affairs. Judge Boyle said he had lost money by what he had done in trying to settle the business of the Bullion, Beck & Champion Co. in our interest; but in saying this he manifested a kindly spirit and was not disposed to reproach any one. He said that so far as he knew Mr. Ryan had been loyal to us; he himself had no other purpose in view than to give us all the help he could. He described how Simon Bamberger had reproached Mr. Ryan and him for working in my interest and that when we (the Mormons) had got all we could out of them we would “throw off on them”. He had lived in Utah over 20 years and he knew us. According to Judge Boyle’s testimony, Mr. Bamberger had given us a terrible character and called us vile names.

Judge Boyle put himself to considerable trouble to secure an interview for myself and wife with Mayor Hopkins, of Chicago. In this he was aided by Mr. McCarthy, the Comissioner of Public Works. The Mayor expressed much pleasure at meeting us.

Had conversation with Mr. Monroe, Freight Agent of the Union Pacific R.R., about Bullion-Beck freight. He said something had occurred recently and shipping of ore over their line had ceased. I promised him I would speak to Abraham, who has this now in charge.

Brother Clawson could not get ready to return home with us tonight, as the notes the First Presidency are to sign and the other papers are not ready.

We left Chicago on the 10:30 p.m. train. Before leaving I received the following dispatch from Frank concerning financial parties whom he expected to meet:

“Have seen Doctor. Conference tomorrow. Also got Providence appointment later.”

2 April 1895 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 2, 1895 When we arose this morning we found the country covered with snow; it is quite cold.

3 April 1895 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 3, 1895. Nothing of importance occurred today.

4 April 1895 • Thursday

Thursday, April 4, 1895 We reached the City at 3 o’clock this morning, and remained in our berths on the car until 6 o’clock. My son Abraham came shortly afterwards, and Brother Wilcken also brough[t] the victorine for us to ride home in. My son Willard brought a team to carry our baggage.

I was happy to find all my family enjoying good health and they were glad to see us.

I reached the office at 10 and found Presidents Woodruff an[d] Smith in good health.

At 11 o’clock we met with the brethren of the Twelve in the Temple. There were present beside the First Presidency, President Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, Brigham Young, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, Geo. Teasdale, H. J. Grant, John W. Taylor, M. W. Merrill and A. H. Cannon. I learned from them that there has been a very heated discussion in the Constitutional Convention over the question of woman suffrage. The feeling is very strong against Brother B. H. Roberts for his attitude on this question, and very severe remarks have been made in my hearing concerning the course that he has taken, some going so far as to say that an enemy could not have betrayed us more or as much. Bishop O. F. Whitney has been one who has opposed him. Brother Roberts has been very much opposed to and has taken strong ground against the granting of woman suffrage by the insertion of any clause in the Constitution. He has differed from almost his entire party (the Democratic party), and it is stated he has aroused a great deal of feeling among the Gentiles by his heated speeches. They have rallied around him, as what he has said has aroused their latent fears concerning the effect of woman suffrage in giving the Mormons strength. Brother John H. Smith is the President of the Convention, and he was present at our meeting with a view of getting some suggestions as to the course to be taken. Before the First Presidency reached the Temple the Twelve had been in meeting, and they had been discussing Brother Roberts’ course, and I gathered from what was said that they had unanimously condemned it, and that they were all committed to woman suffrage. When we reached, the question came up and two or three motions were made on the subject, which however were not carried. Further conversation brought several brethren to their feet, in which they expressed themselves very strongly in favor of woman suffrage, particularly Brother Jos. F Smith, and in his remarks he told what he had heard concerning Brother John Henry Smith’s apparent inclination to favor Brother B. H. Roberts in the Convention. Brother John Henry, in reply, said that he had conversed with me on this question before I had gone east and he himself was not very much in favor of woman suffrage, but he had not shown any partiality that he knew of. He had however been desirous that definite action should not be reached until I should return, thinking that I might be in possession of information concerning the effect that the adoption of woman suffrage in our Constitution would have upon the public mind in the east. Previous to his remarks, President Woodruff had asked me to say something, but I had spoken guardedly; when, however, Brother Smith made his remarks then I felt it necessary to explain that before I left I had said to Brother John Henry Smith that it was a question in my mind whether we should push woman suffrage very strongly lest it should have the effect to antagonize the Constitution. I then went on and explained further my views. I said that it was an immense responsibility for us as a Council to do anything that would jeopardize the adoption of the Constitution and the admission of the Territory as a State. I said when I reflected upon what I myself had passed through and remembered the persecutions and sufferings of others under the Territorial form of government, I felt that I would make any sacrifice that I could make honorably for the sake of a State government. I would be willing to be disfranchised myself from this time forward if by doing so I could secure liberty to the people. I felt like Li Hung Chang, the Chinese statesman, who when wounded in Japan said that if the shedding of his blood would only help his country he was not sorry that he had been shot. While I appreciated woman suffrage, I would not for its sake lose statehood. But as the brethren were evidently united in having this feature in the Constitution, I certainly would be one with them. I would risk statehood for that if that was the feeling of my fellow servants. We had considerable discussion upon this point afterwards. Some of the brethren, particularly Brothers Lyman and Grant, who had been strong advocates of woman suffrage, expressed themselves as having changed their views and as being favorable to the view which I took. Brother Geo. Teasdale and my son Abraham also, and President Woodruff was evidently of the same opinion. I told the brethren, however, that I did not wish to disturb any of their conclusions by anything that I might say, for I would be one with them whatever they might decide. I said this somewhat impressively, because Brother Jos. F. Smith had said that though he might vote in favor of submitting this matter to the people instead of making it a part of the Constitution now, he would not in his feelings agree to it or be satisfied with it. He qualified this expression, however, afterwards. I was led to say more upon this point than I intended; for I intended to have said but little or nothing upon it, as I had been away and knew nothing of the public feeling. But it seemed to me that it was not a wise thing for us to risk our Constitution for woman suffrage or for prohibition, or for anything of this kind that would array a strong sentiment against the adoption of the Constitution. Of course, it is very desirable that many things should be in the Constitution that would be of importance; but we cannot carry out our views entirely. If we could, we should have a law against adultery that would include the death penalty. My feeling is, do as much as we can, and gain a little at a time.

Before we got through with our business, Presidents Woodruff, Smith and myself withdrew from the Temple to keep an appointment with Colonel Trumbo at the Gardo House. He had invited us to lunch with Mr. & Mrs. Hahn, of Columbus, Ohio. He is a prominent politician and has charge of Governor McKinley’s campaign, and he is traveling around to feel the public pulse. We had an excellent lunch and an agreeable time, after which we returned as quickly as possible to the Temple to finish our meeting.

5 April 1895 • Friday

Friday, April 5, 1895 The General Conference of the Church opened this morning at 10 o’clock. President Woodruff desired me to take charge. The forenoon was occupied by President Woodruff, Abraham H. Cannon, M. W. Merrill and John W. Taylor. The afternoon was occupied by Heber J. Grant, George Teasdale and President Woodruff. I was requested to speak, and felt led to dwell on the credit of the Church.

In the evening there was a priesthood meeting and a very good attendance. President Woodruff felt too fatigued to be present. I called upon Brother John Henry Smith to speak, as he is engaged in the Convention during the day. I afterwards spoke concerning irrigation matters. I then called upon Brother L. W. Shurtliff to speak on the same subject, and he did so. Brother F. M. Lyman followed in some excellent remarks.

During the day I attended meeting of the stockholders of Zion’s Co-operative Mercantile Institution, Pioneer Electric Power Co. meeting, and a Sugar Co. meeting.

6 April 1895 • Saturday

Saturday, April 6, 1895 Conference opened this meeting at the usual hour. Brother F. M. Lyman spoke, followed by Brothers Brigham Young and F. D. Richards.

In the afternoon the authorities of the Church were presented by myself and reports were read. President Lorenzo Snow addressed the congregation. The house was crowded and he was not very well heard. Afterwards Dr. J. E. Talmage was introduced by me to the congregation as the <President of the> Utah University, who would address the Conference on the injurious effects, physical, mental and moral, of the tobacco habit. He spoke with great fervency and considerable eloquence, although he was unprepared to give many particulars that he might have furnished had he known in time that he was going to be called upon. Our motive for calling upon him to speak on this occasion was to counteract the effect of an attempt which is being made to advertise in a very peculiar manner the “Old Dominion” tobacco. The Templeton hotel is covered almost with banners, and they have a searchlight on top of the building, by means of which they advertise at night their tobacco.

There was a concert held in the Tabernacle tonight by the Tabernacle Choir, the proceeds of which went to the Choir fund and to the relief of the families of our brethren who have been killed in the dreadful mining explosion at Almy recently. The house was very well filled.

7 April 1895 • Sunday

Sunday, April 7, 1895 The Tabernacle was crowded to overflowing this morning, and President Woodruff addressed the Conference, occupying about 40 mins., and he was followed by President Jos. F. Smith, who spoke about an hour.

At the request of President Woodruff, I spoke in the afternoon. He desired me to occupy the whole time if I felt like doing so, I spoke about an hour and a quarter. I was listened to with great attention, though hundreds were standing and could not find seats. I enjoyed considerable liberty. The Assembly Hall was full to overflowing also. Brother Brigham Young was in charge.

Brother F. S. Richards came to the office to see us after the afternoon meeting for the purpose of talking on the suffrage question. He appeared very anxious that we should use some influence to prevent any movement to submit woman suffrage to the vote of the people. His remark was that if it were left to the people it would split both parties wide open through the discussion that would be aroused. We told him we could not use any influence of this kind; did not wish to interfere in the matter at the present juncture. He said then if we did not interfere it would be all right, if it was understood that we favored it remaining as it is now.

In the evening I met with the Sunday school workers in the Tabernacle. The speakers were Brothers Geo. Goddard, Heber J. Grant, F. M. Lyman, Abraham H. Cannon and myself. The house was very well filled, and we had a very quiet time, more orderly than I have ever seen at our evening Sunday school meetings. This was due to the arrangements which have been made to maintain order by placing ushers in the gallery.

8 April 1895 • Monday

Monday, April 8, 1895 We had a very interesting priesthood meeting in the Assembly Hall this morning, which occupied a little over two hours, and the rest of the day was taken up in business meetings, &c.

9 April 1895 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 9, 1895. Had meeting with Brothers Clayton and Jack this morning at the office about the Utah Company’s affairs[.]

Dr. Iliff had been to see me a few days ago, but I could not possibly spare time to converse with him, and I had promised to have an interview with him this morning. He came, accompanied by Dr. McNeice, a Presbyterian preacher, Mr. Harlett, another preacher of the same faith, Mr. Clay, a preacher of the Christian denomination. The object in desiring to see me was to present a petition which they had drawn up and which they had signed asking for prohibition to be submitted as a separate clause to the people, and if voted upon affirmatively become a part of the Constitution. I told these gentlemen that I was a thorough believer in prohibition when practicable. I had always practiced refraining from everything intoxicating myself and had taught my children and everybody else the benefits of such a course. I had been away, however, and did not know what the public feeling was on this subject. But it had been suggested to me since I came home that the adoption of prohibition as a part of the Constitution might lead to its defeat, and I would do nothing myself, I said, however desirable it might be, that would defeat the Constitution. As far as my own personal feelings were concerned, I would rather have prohibition in the Constitution that [than] I would woman suffrage, if I had to elect between the two; but that was a remark that I would not wish to make outside, it might give offense. These gentlemen were very earnest in the expression of their views and desired very much to have us sign in behalf of the Church, as all the denominations had signed excepting the Catholic, and they were then about to see Bishop Scanlan to get his signature. I kept the petition and told them we would consult about it, and then I would return it to them. A meeting of the Twelve was called shortly afterwards and this question was submitted to them. After some conversation on the subject, it was moved and seconded that we favor the plan, and President Woodruff signed the petition as the President of the Church. The reason that had most weight with us in coming to this conclusion was that the Constitution and this clause in favor of prohibition would be voted upon separately and yet simultaneously. While we all personally favored prohibition and would like to see it in force in the State, we would not want to jeopardize the Constitution on account of that, as there is a very strong sentiment against prohibition among liquor dealers and the mining population.

Bishop H. B. Clawson returned from Chicago the day after I arrived home. He brought with him blank notes for $100,000 and a deed of trust. The blank notes were drawn in favor of Wilford Woodruff, George Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith, and we signed these notes; they were for $5000 each and had coupons attached for the interest. $25,000 of these notes was made payable three years from date; $25,000 four years from date; $25,000 five years from date; $25,000 six years from date; and they are to draw five percent per annum. The design was to have us endorse these notes in blank, so that they could be sold to other parties. My lot having been deeded to Brother Clawson would be held as security for the payment of these notes by a deed of trust signed by Brother Clawson and wife in favor of Mr. Peabody, of Chicago, as trustee. We signed these notes a few days ago, and they were sent to Mr. Clarkson, at Chicago. I did not have time to see any lawyer before this was done, because Brother Clawson felt the urgency of the case and wanted to send them back as soon as possible, as Mr. Clarkson wanted to get the money. Having confidence in my nephew, John M. Cannon, who is a lawyer, I went through the whole affair to him confidentially. My motive for this was to find out how the lot which I had deeded to Brother Clawson could be secured against any creditor of Brother Clawson’s without our being required to put the deed of trust that he had made on record. The result of the conversation with John M. in brief is, that he thinks the best and straightest way to deal with them is for the carrying out of this, the notes have already been signed and gone on to Chicago. The First Presidency and Bishop Clawson and John M. Cannon met together, and we went carefully over the situation, and the question arose as to who we could get to sign the notes, because there might be considerable responsibility attached to such a thing. Brother Clawson did not want himself to sign these notes without being very fully indemnified as it might lead to embarrassment for him. While we were at a loss to know what to do, John M. generously offered to sign the notes himself; said he was willing to do that much, as we were doing so much; and it was decided then that Bishop Clawson should transfer the lot to him, and that John M. should sign the notes and give a deed of trust to secure then [them], with this lot and its improvements as security. So it was decided that we should prepare the notes today and get them off as soon as possible, and that Bishop Clawson should telegraph to Gen. Clarkson and endeavor to stop the negotiation of the notes until they could be exchanged for these new notes, and that he proceed as soon as possible to Chicago with them.

I had invited my brothers and sisters to eat dinner with me this evening, and each of my wives was also present. We had a delightful time. The children gave us a number of selections of music, and we had singing and recitations. There were present, my brothers Angus and David with a wife each, my sister Mary Alice and Anne, my sons John Q. and Abraham with a wife each, my daughter Mary Alice and her husband, Sylvester and Emily, and my wives Sarah Jane, Eliza, Martha, Emily and Caroline.

10 April 1895 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 10, 1895 Brother C. O. Card came into the office this morning, and we took into consideration the propriety of organizing a Stake in Canada. It was decided that we should do so, and call it Alberta Stake, and that Brother C. O. Card should preside over it. He was set apart to this position under the hands of the First Presidency and Elders Lyman and Teasdale. At President Woodruff’s request, I was mouth. He was instructed to select his counselors and High Councilors, and give us the names as early as he could.

I attended to other business at the office, and at one o’clock in company with my two brothers, Angus and David, and Brother Wilcken, I drove to my farm, Westover, to make disposition of my stock for the summer.

11 April 1895 • Thursday

Thursday, April 11, 1895 President Woodruff was delayed this morning and was not in the enjoyment of good health. The First Presidency and Elders L. Snow, F. D. Richards, B. Young, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, G. Teasdale, H. J. Grant, J. W. Taylor and A. H. Cannon met at the Temple, and we had present with us for awhile Brothers N. W. Clayton, James Jack and W. W. Cluff, and Collins Hakes of Maricopa Stake. A proposition had been made by a gentleman by the name of Wells Hendershot, who is the principal owner of a railroad and a number of other properties consisting of water rights, franchises, &c., in Arizona, upon which he had already expended $800,000. He proposes to sell us the majority interest in all of these, and he had interviews with some of the brethren before I came home. His proposition was carefully read and discussed, and it was decided that we could not accept his offer.

Brother Hakes brought forward the situation of their canal at Mesa, and we gave counsel concerning that. After which there was some discussion of the woman suffrage question.

I am sorry that there appears to be a difference of views between President Joseph F. Smith and myself on this suffrage question. He is very urgent in his advocacy of it and has apparently been pushing it. President Woodruff does not seem so much in favor of it, as he fears the effect it would have on the Constitution. I have heard that our sisters are circulating petitions in favor of incorporation of this into the Constitution and use the names of the First Presidency to urge the people to sign. I asked the question this morning whether the First Presidency had authorized any such a thing. President Woodruff said he had not. President Smith explained that the sisters had been to get counsel, that they had said the anti-suffragists were getting up petitions, and could not they have the privilege? And it had been granted them. I learned, however, that the First Presidency had not authorized them to use their names to get the people to sign. I said to the brethren that the more I thought about this question the more convinced I was that it would be a good thing to let it alone; in fact, I would not be in favor of it if it was a proposition brought before us now, as it was dividing the people and creating antagonisms and bad feeling, which I deplored. In my remarks I stated that I had not expressed myself as fully as I did then excepting to Presidents Woodruff and Smith a day or two ago privately. Brother Smith then said I had done so the day before in the office when several brethren were present. I did not dispute his statement, though I told him that was not my recollection. I had said that the Democrats were displaying more political sagacity, it seemed to me, in the Convention than the Republicans, and that by adopting woman suffrage they were seeking for the supremacy of their party in the Territory. I was sorry that there should be any feeling between President Smith and myself on this point, because we have always been united in our views; but he seems very determined to have this go in even if it should defeat the Constitution. I felt led to say to the brethren in as mild a spirit as I could that I had no feeling on this subject in any form except to see us get a Constitution that would be adopted by the people. I was in favor of suffrage, if we could get it under conditions that would be suitable. I did dread the repetition of such scenes among the women as we had had among the men since we divided on party lines. On this account and also on account of the danger there was of reviving the old Mormon and anti-Mormon bitterness, I thought that it might be better to let woman suffrage alone for the present. My only motive in this was to obtain liberty for the people. Of course, all the time I wanted the will of the Lord done in this matter. I did not expect if we became a state that we would be out of trouble. We should have new troubles to contend with. But it was a step forward. It gave us greater liberty, and therefore, according to my view, it was desirable that we should obtain the rights that belong to us as citizens of the United States. and have a voice in the selection of our own officers. I expressed myself with much feeling in this way; for I did not want my brethren to misunderstand my position. I have no other feeling than to see Zion prosper; and while I desire as I always have desired to be firm and steadfast where principle was involved, I do not think it wise in a case like this, where no special principle is involved, to endeavor to force it through at too great a cost

President Woodruff came to me afterwards privately and endorsed my position.

At 3 o’clock the First Presidency went down to Brother John Gallagher’s restaurant, upon his invitation, to partake of fresh oysters which he had just imported from California. Beside the First Presidency, the Presidency of the Stake were there and my brother David. We enjoyed the oysters.

In the evening my wife Carlie and myself went to Brother John McDonald’s, on his invitation, as he was going to have a sociable, it being the anniversary of his birth—65 years. President Woodruff was the first to reach, and I came next, and Brothers Joseph F. Smith and Brigham Young and their wives came in directly after me. President Woodruff was quite unwell and was lying down. Although the dinner had been appointed at 7, and we reached there shortly after 6, it was 8:30 when we got seated. Sister McDonald mentioned two or three times about the dilatoriness of the company. It is an evidence of bad manners coming late to dinner. I see a great deal of it among our people. They are careless about keeping appointments that are made, and I feel that they either should send an apology or explain that they will be delayed, in order that food which has been prepared for a certain time shall not be spoiled, and that the other guests shall not have to wait. The family desired President Woodruff to ask a blessing, but he requested them to call upon me. I asked the blessing and in doing so I wound up by asking the Lord that President Woodruff should not be put to any inconvenience by having to eat so late through the want of punctuality on the part of the guests. It caused a good many to smile, but I hope it will have the effect to make others more punctual hereafter. We had a very enjoyable time.

12 April 1895 • Friday

Friday, April 12, 1895 Came to the office. President Woodruff is better this morning.

Had an interview with Brother F. A. Mitchell concerning his financial situation.

The First Presidency had an interview with Brother Nephi Pratt and Brother Hansen concerning the settling of a valley about 80 miles southwest of Deseret, near the Nevada line. There seems to be an opportunity there for a number of poor brethren to go and obtain homes. Some 25 Scandinavian families desire to go and they wish to obtain help from the Church of seed grain, &c. The plan proposed seems feasible. We listened patiently to their scheme and we felt to approve of it, but did not go far enough today to make any appropriation of seed grain &c., preferring to talk with Bishop Burton before doing so, as he understands something about it.

We had a somewhat lengthy interview with Mr. Gillespie, who has claims on the waters of several of our creeks. He wanted the Utah Company to take hold of his enterprises on such conditions as he proposed. The members of the Company were present and listened to him, excepting my son Frank.

I went down to my son Abraham’s, accompanied by my son Sylvester, and took dinner with my two brothers and wives and two sisters, and spent a very pleasant evening.

I had a visit while there from Chauncey West, a grandson of my wife Elizabeth’s sister Mary. He was accompanied by Le Roi Snow, son of Brother Lorenzo Snow.

13 April 1895 • Saturday

Saturday, April 13, 1895. Dictated journal and other matters to Brother Arthur Winter.

14 April 1895 • Sunday

Sunday, April 14, 1895 This is the anniversary of my son David’s birth. Had he lived he would have been 24 years old today. My daughters had informed me that they had prepared to go up to the grave to plant flowers there, and I accompanied them. My son Sylvester and L. M. Cannon went with us. The attachment of my children for their brother is very strong, and I am gratified to see them keep him in memory.

At 2 o’clock I attended meeting in the Tabernacle. Brother Brigham Young spoke first, and I followed.

I took my sisters, Mary Alice Lambert and Anne C. Woodbury, down to my son-in-law’s, L. M. Cannon, my daughter having invited them to dine with them today, as my sister Anne intends to leave in the morning for St. George. We had an interesting visit.

15 April 1895 • Monday

Monday, April 15, 1895 We had an interview with Brother Nephi Pratt and Brother Hansen and Bishop R. T. Burton. We decided to let them have 200 bushels of wheat, 250 of oats, 250 of potatoes and barley, corn and Lucerne seed for their colonizing operations in the valley that has been brought to our attention.

Sister M. I. Horne and Sisters Nellie Colebrook Taylor and Hyrum S. Young called to see us to get counsel concerning kindergarten schools. They described the situation. The denominations that have come in here for the purpose of getting our children under their control and influence have started kindergarten schools, and these are patronized to some extent by our children, and they have thought it would be better for us to have schools of our own. After hearing all they had to say, we encouraged them to proceed and organize schools, and to leave nothing for others to do, especially those who are seeking to wean our children from the truth, that we can do ourselves. We are as capable in every direction as they are and should not leave any gap for them to occupy.

At 12 o’clock there was a meeting of the Board of Directors of Zion’s Co-operative Mercantile Institution.

David M. Stuart came to see us in relation to letters that he had written to me, and also one from his wife, asking for relief in the most desperate position their property is in at Ogden. I took him home with me to stop all night, and we had a very interesting evening. He recited to me his course in Ogden and what he had gone through, and while I sat listening to him I was greatly impressed with the spirit which he manifested, and thought that I ought to profit by his words. He had suffered wrongs—at least they must appear so to the ordinary man, but not a word of complaint was uttered by him. I thought that probably not one man in a thousand would feel as he expressed himself to me, and I know that this is the right feeling a Latter-day Saint should have. He is an old fellow laborer of mine; he labored under my presidency as a missionary in California when we were both young.

16 April 1895 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 16, 1895 I represented to Presidents Woodruff and Smith the case of Brother Stuart and how I had been impressed by his relation. I felt that he was entitled to help. We invited him in and heard what he had to say, and though we could not see our way clear to raise the amount of money necessary to entirely relieve him (it would take $3500 to do this) we decided to pay his delinquent interest and to get a renewal of his loan, which would require about $380. He would get this loan then for five years and it would be at the rate, including commission, of about 7% per annum.

There was a meeting this morning of the endorsers of a note of J. Willard Clawson’s, which had been drawn up before he went to Paris to study. Brother Brigham Young and myself had signed it. We were then Trustees of the Brigham Young Estate. There were so few present, however, that we could not do anything definitely this morning, and Spencer Clawson agreed to look up the security that was then in our hands and see if it was still to the fore, and then have another meeting. Brother Brigham and myself feel that we ought not to pay $1. of this, as it was a matter entirely out of our line, and we had no connection with it only in the capacity of trustees.

We had a long meeting this morning of the Utah Company. Brother Le Grand Young was present.

We had an interesting visit this afternoon with Brother Thomas Hilton and wife and Brother Thompson, who had just returned from the Samoan Islands, where they had been about three years on a mission. They were accompanied by two sisters who had been with their husbands on the Friendly Islands and who had been compelled to return because of ill health; they were Sister Durham and Adams, both of Parowan.

My health has not been good today, but I had to keep busy. I was seized with vomiting last night and it made me very sick.

17 April 1895 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 17, 1895 Letters that had been received from my son Frank concerning his progress in trying to obtain a loan for us were read by me to Presidents Woodruff and Smith. They were somewhat encouraging in their character.

Colonel Trumbo called to see us. He is very anxious that we should use our influence with the members of the Constitutional Convention to not sustain a resolution introduced by Mr. Varian to the effect that the woman suffrage clause should be submitted separately to the people of the Territory. He thought it would produce trouble. We conversed upon this for some time. I do not altogether agree with the conclusions reached; still we had decided before seeing him that it would not be wise now that they have got woman suffrage in the Constitution to attempt to unsettle that. Brother Joel Ricks called in afterwards and we conversed with him, he being a member of the Convention, upon this policy.

The Pioneer Electric Power Co. of Ogden held a meeting this morning, at the request of Mr. Bannister, and a letter addressed by Frank to the President and Board of Directors was read and discussion followed. We are in a position where something must be done, and that too of such a character as to show that we are in earnest in our intentions to build this line, or we shall lose our franchise for lighting Ogden City, which we are told is very valuable. After some considerable talk on the subject, I said that I would be personally responsible for $5000 to enable this work to be prosecuted until we could get more means from other sources. This seemed to bring relief to all our minds. I had dreaded this meeting, because we had no means to go ahead with; but this, I think, produced a change. I felt better after doing it. I said to the Company, however, that I was not in a position to do this, for I would have to borrow it; but I felt the work must be prosecuted. Mr. Rhodes was called in, and a motion was made to have him commence work and that the contract should be awarded him of building this pipe line.

I urged President Woodruff to not confine himself so closely to the office as he is doing, and I sent and got a carriage to take him out riding in the middle of the day. It seems to me his condition is such that he requires to be more out of doors than he is; not chained to the desk as he allows himself to be.

18 April 1895 • Thursday

Thursday, April 18, 1895 Came to the office this morning and we had to take up immediately the raising of $50,000 to pay for the mining property which President Woodruff felt led to purchase upon the representations which were made to us by Brothers Orson Smith and J. E. Langford. This property will cost in the neighborhood of $80,000. It is said to be very valuable. Brother Orson Smith is quite enthusiastic over it. I have not been so. But the $50,000 has got to be raised today. Brother Orson Smith and my son Hugh have been around trying what they could do, but have accomplished only this: President Woodruff had offered his Valley House property as security if the money could be raised upon it, and the best that Brother Smith and Hugh could do was to get the promise of $16,000 on the property. I said to them last evening that if I were President Woodruff I would not allow it to be mortgaged for any such sum. If the money should not be raised today we lose this property, and we have already invested considerable down there and our only hope of getting our money back is by buying this property. I spoke to my son Abraham last night about this and wanted him to take hold and help us. This morning I sent for him and we talked over the situation. The result of it all was that Abraham proposed that instead of President Woodruff mortgaging his lot and thereby injuring his credit and the credit of the Church, an effort should be made to get the Commercial National Bank to advance $15,000 on condition that they have the banking account of the mine. I had spoken about this before to Brother Smith and urged that upon him as a consideration, but he had not plainly put it before them. Abraham took the matter in hand and succeeded, by seeing Thomas Marshall, in getting them to promise the $15,000. We sent for Geo. M. Cannon and I talked to him on the subject and succeeded in getting him to let us have for a week $25,000. Abraham also induced John Beck to raise $10,000 with which to take up two notes that he had given to the bank on my account. In this way we raised the $50,000, and we all felt greatly relieved, President Woodruff especially. I feel very thankful to the Lord for opening our way, for in this we have done what we have with a view of obtaining relief, not for ourselves particularly, but for the Church.

At 11 o’clock we went to the Temple and there were present of the Twelve Apostles, President L. Snow, F. D. Richards, B. Young, F. M. Lyman, G. Teasdale, H. J. Grant, J. W. Taylor and A. H. Cannon. President Woodruff and President Snow did not clothe. Brother Teasdale was mouth in the opening prayer and I was mouth in the circle.

19 April 1895 • Friday

Friday, April 19, 1895 The First Presidency had a call today from Brother Anthony W. Ivins, delegate to the Constitutional Convention from St. George, we having requested him to come. We desired to know concerning the best place in St. George for U.S. Marshal Brigham and his wife to stop while on a visit which they proposed to make there next week. Mr. Brigham had expressed to my son Abraham a desire to have letters of introduction and he has conducted himself so honorably since holding the office of Marshal that we felt it was due to him that we should make his trip and stay as pleasant as possible. We wrote him letters of introduction to two or three brethren on the way down and to my brother David at St. George, Brother Ivins expressing himself to the effect that David would be the better man to take hold, and he said that Sister Elizabeth Snow’s place would be the best for him to stop at.

While Brother Ivins was with us he asked us questions about the university and what our views respecting the union or the separation of the Agricultural College and the University were. He himself was in favor of the union of the two institutions, and his proposition was that the University should go to Logan until 1898, and at that time the united institutions should be removed to the site on the military reservation which had been granted by the government, and in the meantime preparations be made here for the transfer. We were very much in favor of the union of the two institutions for economical reasons, as they are teaching a great many branches in common and two sets of professors are employed when one might answer. But this was not all: We had suspended our efforts to establish a Church University in Salt Lake and had thrown our influence in favor of the University of Utah. We would not have done this had we thought that there was danger of the University being removed from Salt Lake, because by doing so we would vacate this important place and leave it open for one denomination or a number of denominations to establish a university at this point, which is undoubtedly the best point in every respect at present for a fine institution of learning. There is a contention on the part of the Cache Valley delegates particularly to have the two institutions kept separated, but that if they must be united to have them at Logan. We think this would be attended with bad effects.

There was a meeting of the Sugar Company this afternoon.

20 April 1895 • Saturday

Saturday, April 20, 1895 The First Presidency and President L. Snow, F. M. Lyman and A. H. Cannon went to Provo this morning and met with the saints in conference. I took with me my wife Carlie and was met at the station by her sister Susa and her husband, Brother Jacob F. Gates and taken to their house. We had our little daughter Anne with us.

I was much surprised, as we all were, at the smallness of the congregation, because it had been advertised that so many of us were coming. I do not believe there is scarcely another place in the country where our people reside where more interest would not have been shown and a larger number of people turned out in proportion to the population than we met with this morning in the Tabernacle. President Woodruff, in some opening remarks, commented on this. Brothers F. M. Lyman and A. H. Cannon occupied the remainder of the time in speaking.

We took lunch at Brother & Sister Gates’ and at 1 o’clock I went to Brother Reed Smoot’s, where the first Presidency and those of the Twelve in Provo held a meeting, at which Brother Arthur Winter (reporter) was also present. The names of various brethren were called up in connection with the filling of the vacancy created by the death of President A. O. Smoot in the Presidency of the Stake. Brother Edward Partridge was mentioned by several of us. Brother Lorenzo Snow expressed himself as being more impressed in his favor than anyone else’s whose name he had heard. Brothers J. F. Smith and F. M. Lyman, both of whom are intimate with Brother Partridge, spoke about him in warm terms, as I also did from my knowledge of his character. But they also mentioned his disposition to look very carefully at the outcome of any project or anything that might be attempted before entering upon it, and this was so strong in him that it detracted from his usefulness as a leading man; it made him manifest an inclination to be timid and to appear short of faith. I made the remark that if there could be a blending between him and Reed Smoot in that respect (Reed Smoot’s name having been mentioned) I thought it would be a good combination. We all felt that Brother David John had been so faithful in his office that we were very reluctant to do anything that would remove him from the Presidency of the Stake; but none of us felt impressed that he ought to [be] the President. Finally these three names were mentioned: Edward Partridge for President, David John for first counselor, and Reed Smoot for second counselor. This appeared to strike us all very favorably, and all expressed themselves respecting this as being the best suggestion that had been made. I went into the meeting myself without the least impression on my mind concerning anyone; but as soon as these three names were mentioned my mind was clear that they were the men whom we ought to select as the Presidency of the Stake, and this being President Woodruff’s mind we voted for it unanimously. It was understood that nothing should be said on the subject to anyone today.

In the afternoon the time was occupied by Brothers Lorenzo Snow and Jos. F. Smith, followed by President Woodruff, who spoke with unusual power and vigor.

After the meeting, myself and wife and some others took dinner at Hotel Roberts with Brother & Sister Holbrook.

In the evening there was a priesthood meeting which was very well attended. President Woodruff was not present. I called upon President Snow to speak, which he did, and I followed. There was considerable instruction given.

21 April 1895 • Sunday

Sunday, April 21, 1895. The house was quite well filled this morning. Brothers Brigham Young and John Henry Smith joined us today, and they both spoke to the people, after which President Woodruff desired me to occupy the time. I felt very well in talking to the saints and enjoyed a good measure of the Spirit.

Presidents Woodruff and myself and our wives took dinner at Brother Reed Smoot’s, and we had an interview with Brother Edward Partridge, and stated to him that we had selected him to preside, and we desired to know from him concerning his counselors. We told him whom we had selected. He spoke of Brother John and his disposition, and he alluded also to Brother Reed Smoot. He said he had got the impression that he was not much of a Mormon and related his reasons. We told him we were aware of some traits of Reed Smoot’s character and we intended to talk to him about it, but thought that if he would take upon himself the armor of Christ he could become a very useful man. President Woodruff said that he was desirous that one of President Smoot’s family, if we could find one suitable, should be in the Presidency of the Stake. Brother Partridge expressed his willingness to accept the position and to accept these brethren as his counselors, especially in view of the fact that he was told it was the will of the Lord. We afterwards had a conversation with Brother David John, and he appeared to have no feeling regarding his junior fellow counselor being appointed President over him. He said he would do his best to fulfill the duties of the office and assist him. We then had a conversation with Brother Reed Smoot, who said that he would rather not have the position, but if it was the will of the Lord he would do the best he could. I felt impressed to speak to him about his hardness in his business dealings; that he ought to cultivate a spirit of mildness and of mercy and compassion, and not take hard money-dealing men as patterns, who because of their strict business ways were thought to be models. I said we appreciated punctuality in payment of debts; we appreciated honesty and uprightness and honorable dealing in all business transactions; but we did not believe in being harsh and exacting and unmerciful, and we thought he ought to try and guard himself on these points and be a father to the people. We all felt very well satisfied with what the brethren said.

In the afternoon meeting President Woodruff opened by announcing that we had decided upon Edward Partridge as President, David John as first counselor and Reed Smoot as second counselor in the Presidency of the Utah Stake of Zion. We had already mentioned these names to Brothers Brigham Young and John Henry Smith, who both approved of them. President Woodruff put the names in the order stated before the congregation and moved that they should occupy these positions, and there was an unanimous vote upon each of them. Each of these brethren was called upon to express his feelings; then they were set apart by all the Presidency and brethren of the Twelve laying hands upon Brother Partridge, President Woodruff being mouth; afterwards with the addition of Brother Partridge upon Brother David John, myself being mouth, and lastly upon Reed Smoot, who was also ordained a High Priest, President Smith being mouth. The authorities of the Church were then presented to the congregation. President Woodruff spoke for a short time, and he was followed by myself and President Smith.

We commenced our meeting this afternoon at 1 o’clock in order to get through in time for the train leaving at 3:37 for Salt Lake. I found my carriage awaiting me at the depot when I reached the City.

22 April 1895 • Monday

Monday, April 22, 1895. There was a meeting this morning at the office of the First Presidency of the Pioneer Electric Power Co. at which Mr. Kiesel was present for the first time since our organization at Ogden. One of the objects of the meeting was to submit to us a contract which had been prepared between the Company and Rhodes Brothers. After hearing the agreement read by the Secretary, omitting details, I said that personally I did not think it was exactly the thing to sign a contract of that kind at the present time. While Mr. Bannister and Judge Patton said this contract was not binding to complete the work, yet I preferred that we should not sign it. In this view others of the Company joined, and it was then arranged for a preliminary contract to be drawn for the work that we now propose, to do to the extent of the amount we propose to spend. The preliminary contract was therefore prepared and brought to me for signature in the afternoon. We all heard it read and agreed to it. It was decided at this meeting also that we should telegraph to my son Frank to see if he could possibly come home without prejudice to the business that he was engaged in, and I sent him a dispatch to that effect.

My wife Sarah Jane was invited by Brother Wilcken to take dinner at his house with a view to having a parting meal with our son Hugh and his family. I was also invited, and Brother Brigham Young and wife. We spent the evening very pleasantly.

23 April 1895 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 23, 1895 Attended to various matters of business during the day.

24 April 1895 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 24, 1895 We had conversation today with Brother Orson Smith, in the presence of my son Hugh, concerning the interest that all the parties should hold in the stock of this mining property. The last purchase had been made in the name of the Sterling Company, and as President Jos. F. Smith was security on the notes equal with President Woodruff and myself, it appeared to me that he should have a larger interest than he now has, he having declined to carry as much as President Woodruff and myself and the others in the Sterling property. It seemed to me very unfair that with 4800 shares he should be required to carry one-third of the burden of this other property[.] I brought this before the brethren and I said something should be done about it. President Woodruff was desirous that Brother Jos. F. Smith should define how much he wished to carry of this $25,000. After considerable conversation we separated and met again, and it was then decided that he should be indemnified for the $25,000 less the proportion of 4800 which he held, and an indemnity bond was drawn up to that effect, and I suggested that he should have 1200 shares of stock taken from the Church share of stock and give to him. This was done.

I have had two or three interviews with Mr. Albert Fairchild Holden concerning the expected arrival of Senator S. B. Elkins, of West Virginia, an old friend of mine. Mr. Holden is married to a cousin of Senator Elkins’ wife and has been in communication with him and appears to know the Senator’s mind and what he wants in visiting here. One of the principal reasons of his coming is to see me. He wants to talk to me, so Mr. Holden says, and Mr. Holden tells me how highly Senator Elkins appears to esteem me. I know that he has been a warm friend and a great admirer of mine for the 20 years that we have been acquainted. He has shown evidences of this at different times. Mr. Holden submitted to me the names of a number of gentlemen whom he wished to invite to dine with Senator Elkins when he arrived here, but before issuing them he wanted to know if I thought the Company would be agreeable. I saw the list of names and I told him I had no objections to any, and as he requested me to suggest other names I said I could not. Afterwards it struck me that Colonel Trumbo was very intimate with Senator Elkins, and that perhaps Mr. Holden did not know it, and I mentioned his name by saying that I thought he would expect to see a good deal of Senator Elkins when he was here. Mr. Holden told me, however, confidentially, that Senator Elkins did not desire to be thrust too much or at all with Colonel Trumbo, and that he wished rather to avoid him, to some extent at least. He had expected Senator Elkins in this morning, but had been advised that he would not come till tomorrow.

I sent the following dispatch:

Hon. S. B. Elkins,

on No. 3 Train from Portland,

Nampa Station.

Hope you will make no engagements that will prevent you and family eating bread and salt with me and spending a few hours with self and friends at my Wickeup. How long will you remain in city?

25 April 1895 • Thursday

Thursday, April 25, 1895 My brother Angus came to see us about a woman preacher speaking in the Tabernacle on May 12th, and it was decided that she should have the privilege of occupying a portion of the time. Her name is Rev. Anna Shaw, and she is a woman of some fame as a speaker.

I received a dispatch from my son Frank that he would leave for home on Friday.

At 11 o’clock we held our usual meeting in the Temple. Letter written by George C. Williams were read, also a communication of the First Presidency to him. He is in a very bad way and appears determined to withdraw from the Church. He considers himself as having been badly treated by one and another. This correspondence elicited considerable discussion.

After this, President Woodruff arose and spoke sharply about a resolution that had been introduced by Brother B. H. Roberts yesterday afternoon in the Constitutional Convention which looked to the limiting of corporations to one branch of business only. President Woodruff took the view that such a limitation in the Constitution would be attended with very bad effects, and he spoke sharply concerning Brother Roberts’ action, and that of Brother Thatchers’, who, he had been led to believe, favored it. Brother Thatcher arose and explained his position in the matter. He said that he had not decided upon it himself, and had certainly not said anything to favor it. I remarked that we had heard he had said that it would be a good clause in the Constitution because it would keep out monopolies such as the Southern Pacific had engaged in in California and that it would prevent foreign corporations coming in and engaging in different branches of business. President Woodruff felt that it was aimed at the Utah Company. Brother Thatcher explained his position so that we were satisfied with what he said upon it. He said that he had not favored it and had not committed himself in any way to it. President Woodruff found fault with him and with others for not coming and counseling with the First Presidency, and that none of the Twelve should favor measures that others of the brethren were not in favor of, but that there ought to be consultation between the brethren so as to know what the minds of their fellow servants were. The Twelve, he said, should consult with the First Presidency and also with each other, and he said Brother Thatcher had not done this as he should have done, concerning all of which Brother Thatcher tried to make explanations.

After this subject had been dropped, I mentioned the action of the Convention upon the University and Agricultural College matter and related what had occurred between ourselves and Brother Ivins without mentioning Brother Ivins’ name, and also what had been said to some of the other members of the Convention by the First Presidency when we were at Provo. I said we were endorsing the Twelve and the First Presidency by saying, as some of the brethren did in public, that we were all united, and I said that one of the brethren had remarked that he did not believe there ever had been greater union than there was now with these two quorums. If one man, therefore, gave counsel and took a stand that was in opposition to the counsel given and the stand taken by his brethren, it led to confusion in the minds of the people. I said we ought to know each other’s mind. I felt for one that I must be very careful in giving counsel, to be sure that it is agreeable to the counsel of my brethren of the First Presidency, and so it ought to be with the Twelve.

The brethren spoke upon this, and Brother Thatcher explained what he had done in connection with this and his reasons for doing it.

At 9 o’clock this morning as I was driving up to the office I met Colonel Trumbo going to the train in his carriage and we exchanged bows. Just as I got to the office Mr. Holden and Mr. & Mrs. Downey drove up in a carriage and invited me to accompany them to the train to meet Senator Elkins, who is expected in at 9:30. I received a very warm welcome. Colonel Trumbo was also present, and in sitting down beside me the Senator remarked he must excuse him for directing his attention to me, because he had known me longer than any of them and our friendship was a very strong one. He spoke very kindly indeed of me to the others. He intended to go to the Knutsford Hotel, and he would meet me again and we could arrange about his movements. I had received the following telegram from him in reply to the one I sent yesterday:

“Many thanks. My time is short, but will be glad to see you and drive with you and friends.”

The arrangement made today is that his wife’s relatives shall have him in charge today, and that at 6 o’clock I shall meet him and the other gentlemen at dinner at Mr. Holden’s, and at 9 o’clock a public reception will be held at the house of Major Downey.

This afternoon Senator Elkins and his party drove up to the office in a 4 horse carriage and told me that Mr. & Mrs. Salisbury wanted to engage him for tomorrow at dinner at 7 o’clock, but that he had made no engagement and would leave it with Mr. Holden to arrange with me; for he said that if he ate with anybody he certainly wanted to eat with me. It was therefore arranged between Mr. Holden and myself that I should have charge of him and party tomorrow, with the exception of the time that he would lunch with the Salisburys, and that the Senator would dine with me at my house at 6 o’clock in the evening.

The dinner at Mr. Holden’s was a very enjoyable affair. Senator Elkins is a man that is so open and free and what may be termed jolly that everyone feels at home with him immediately[.]

We had a very interesting discussion on the silver question and his views I agree with, being views that I have long entertained upon this question.

We sat down to dinner a little after 6 and rose about quarter to nine.

At 9 o’clock my wife and myself went to the house of Major Downey and wife, who had been very desirous that we should come, and we spent two hours there at the reception. There were a great many people there, and the band from Camp Douglas played music on the outside. I had considerable conversation with Mrs. Elkins.

26 April 1895 • Friday

Friday, April 26, 1895 I drove to the Knutsford this morning with a three-seated carriage, and Senator Elkins, his wife, three sons and daughter and a governess, and myself rode down to the Rio Grande depot, where we had his private car transferred to the Salt Lake & Los Angeles R.R. special train to go to Saltair Beach and Pavilion, the party being increased by Mr. & Mrs. Holden and Mr. Geo. T. Downey. They were very much delighted with what they saw.

Upon our return we went to the Tabernacle and heard an organ recital by Prof. J. J. Daynes, whom I had requested to be there. They were all greatly delighted. I had them then carried to the Alta Club, where Mr. & Mrs. Salisbury gave them a lunch, and arranged for a four-horse carriage to bring the same party to my house, with the exception of Mrs. Holden, who is in a delicate condition.

They reached my place about 6 o’clock. There were present to receive them, President Woodruff and wife, President Smith and wife, Brother John Henry Smith and wife, my sons John Q. & Abraham and their wives and Sister Lizzie F. Young. There were 20 of us sat down to dinner, which was an excellently prepared meal by my wife Caroline.

Before the meal was finished, my children played several tunes with their mandolins and guitars and gave great pleasure to the guests. After the meal they continued playing, accompanied by the piano, and Rosannah and John Q.’s wife gave a recitation each, and my daughters Carol and Emily each sung a song. I told Mr. & Mrs. Elkins that my object in having the children play and sing and recite was to show them how we lived; that when I could I got the children together once a week and they contributed to our amusement for two hours. The Senator was very loud in his praises, as was also his wife. He said it would do to tell in the States.

The party broke up about 10 o’clock.

Brother Earl, a Salt Lake fireman, came to see us concerning dispensing with the use of his garments. He described his position and the labor he had to perform, which required him to strip and to wear tight underclothing, and he could not do this and wear his garments. The exercises which required him to strip were three times a day. After conversing with him upon the matter, we felt that under the circumstances, if he would take the risk, he might dispense with his garments in the daytime, but wear them at night. This was President Woodruff’s view of the question.

27 April 1895 • Saturday

Saturday, April 27, 1895 Brother Franklin D. Richards and his son Franklin S. came to the office to see me and to inform me of Brother Groves’ death. He was a dentist and joined the Church under my presidency in California. They desired that Brother F. D. Richards should be released from the appointment to go to Brigham City. As I am going there, I told them I would explain the cause to Brother Lorenzo Snow of Brother Richards’ detention. We afterwards had conversation about the situation here, and Franklin S. told about the position Mr. Judd occupied, and that he was endeavoring to do what he could to keep Judd quiet. We had heard from other sources concerning Judd and his operations. I related to them the interviews that I had had in Washington with President Cleveland and the members of his Cabinet whom I knew. While they were here, Le Grand Young came in to talk about the same subject, and I related to him also what had occurred.

I dictated my journal to Brother Arthur Winter.

28 April 1895 • Sunday

Sunday, April 28, 1895 I arose early this morning and took train at 7 o’clock for Brigham City. I was met at Brigham by Brother A. Madsen, who is the first counselor in the presidency of the Stake, and also is the second assistant to President Snow in the Salt Lake Temple. I was taken to the house of Brother Alphonso Snow, and afterwards went to Brother Madsen’s house, and from there to the meeting. The house was very well filled, and Brother Rudgar Clawson, the President of the Stake, spoke about 20 mins. on the condition of the Stake and gave good instructions to the people. Brother Lorenzo Snow desired me to occupy the whole of the time. I spoke about an hour, and felt well in doing so. He and I took dinner at his son Alphonso’s. In the afternoon the sacrament was administered, the authorities were presented, and I occupied the rest of the afternoon. I felt much blessed by this visit. After the meeting, President Snow and myself went to his son’s house and ate a meal, and I started from Brigham at 5:14. I was met at Salt Lake by my son Willard with a buggy.

29 April 1895 • Monday

Monday, April 29, 1895 I feel somewhat fatigued today.

It is announced today in the papers that Dr. William H. Groves who died recently, has bequeathed the bulk of his property to the founding of a Latter-day Saint hospital.

30 April 1895 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 30, 1895 I had an interview this morning at Bishop Clawson’s house with Mr. Green, the agent of the Standard Telephone Company who has come on here for the purpose of organizing the Mountain Standard Telephone Co. They have been very anxious that I should be the President of this Company, but I have tried to have some other selection made for this office.

Brother Reed Smoot came to see the First Presidency today concerning the obligations which his father had taken upon himself in connection with the Brigham Young Academy at Provo. President Woodruff feels very badly because of the weight of obligations which rest upon him as the Trustee-in-Trust, and he is very averse in his feelings to incurring any additional burdens, and he so expressed himself concerning these Provo debts. There is no way, however, for the First Presidency to escape assuming some responsibility about these obligations of Brother Smoot’s, and his estate cannot be settled while they hang over it. It is very clear to my mind that his heirs and his executors should be relieved from the obligations which his endorsements have incurred, and I so expressed myself with some degree of plainness. President Woodruff finally took the same view.

I had my wives to dinner with me this evening, and the children furnished us amusement afterwards. We had a very enjoyable time.

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April 1895, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 29, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1890s/1895/04-1895