July 1900

1 July 1900 • Sunday

Sunday, July 1, 1900

This is our monthly fast day, and I attended meeting at the temple this morning. A number of testimonies were borne. I spoke for about 20 mins. and had a free spirit. President Snow had sent a request that prayer should be offered in his behalf, and after I had finished speaking I offered prayer for him, in which all joined with a good deal of fervor.

In the afternoon I attended fast meeting in the ward, and spoke there.

2 July 1900 • Monday

Monday, July 2, 1900

President Smith and myself at the office to-day. Attended to various items of business.

3 July 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 3, 1900

There was a meeting of the executive committee of the Utah Light & Power Co. at ten o’clock, and I was engaged there for several hours.

At the office in the afternoon.

President Snow was out riding yesterday and to-day, and is improving.

4 July 1900 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 4, 1900

Andrew Brixen, who has been the agent of the Brigham Young Trust Co., died a few days ago very unexpectedly. The last time I saw him was in a meeting, and he seemed the picture of health. His death was due to some inflammation in the bladder or prostate gland, and he underwent an operation, to which he shortly afterward succumbed. He joined the church upwards of two years ago, and has been faithful, I believe, since then. His funeral was appointed for this morning at the 20th Ward meeting-house, at 10 o’clock. I attended it, and was one of seven speakers. The meeting-house was filled and a good spirit prevailed.

5 July 1900 • Thursday

Thursday, July 5, 1900

President Smith and myself were at the office. President Snow is still improving, but is not able to be in the office.

At 11 o’clock we met in the Temple. Beside President Smith and myself, Elders Brigham Young, F. M. Lyman, J. W. Taylor, A. H. Lund, M. F. Cowley, A. O. Woodruff, R. Clawson and Reed Smoot were present. Brother Young prayed in the opening, and I prayed in the circle. We afterwards had a very interesting discussion in relation to missionaries, and a resolution was adopted as the sense of the Council that every effort be made by the missionaries abroad to sustain themselves without calling upon their friends at home. This was qualified by the remark “to as great an extent as possible”. I did not wish to take any decided action in the case until President Snow should be present; but my views are very clear that there should be an investigation of this subject. We are spending immense sums of money, for a poor people, in sending our Elders out, and the system does not seem to be such a system as ought to be maintained by us. It is very different indeed to the old times, when the Gospel was first preached by the Elders. Then we had to go without purse and scrip, but now men spend money with a freedom that does not seem to me justifiable; and the sending of our sons out on missions is becoming oppressive to the people.

This afternoon there was a meeting of the Co-op. Wagon & Machine Co; after which I went to the Sunday School Union meeting, but they had got through their business and adjourned.

6 July 1900 • Friday

Friday, July 6, 1900

President Smith and myself at the office.

We had a meeting with Brothers Angus M. Cannon, Joseph E. Taylor, C. W. Penrose, F. S. Richards and E. H. Callister, to take steps for the better securing of the waters of the Jordan. These brethren were chosen to see the City Council and get them to take favorable action, and not let the Jordan Power Co. take away our water rights.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

7 July 1900 • Saturday

Saturday, July 7, 1900

At the office; attended to business.

8 July 1900 • Sunday

Sunday, July 8, 1900

Attended meeting at the Tabernacle at two o’clock. Elder Greensides and Elder Pond, returned missionaries, – the first from Australia and the last from Sweden – addressed the congregation. Both spoke interstingly, Brother Pond particularly; he seems to be an able young man. I followed, occupying about 40 mins.

In the evening attended ward meeting, where a conference of the Primary Association was held.

9 July 1900 • Monday

Monday, July 9, 1900

At the office; attended to various items of business.

10 July 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 10, 1900

Attended meeting of the Utah Light & Power Co. Afterwards came to the office, and then, having promised Sister Horne, of the Relief Society, that I would go to Saltair to-day, it being their day there, I went out this afternoon, and returned at 8:15.

11 July 1900 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 11, 1900

At the office this morning. President Snow came in for a few minutes. I was very glad indeed to see him out once more. Although he is still suffering some pain, his appetite is good and he sleeps well.

Samuel W. Richards called upon me to make inquiries as to what I knew concerning the action of the High Council some years ago in dealing with him and excommunicating him from the church. This is the second interview he has had with me upon this question. The first, however, was not lengthy; his only object appeared to be to find out if I knew whether President Young had left anything on record in relation to his case. To-day, he said he had been surprised to learn from me that I knew of nothing being left by the President on this subject, and intimated that the President, having done him a great wrong before he died, would, he thought, leave some writing concerning it. He applied to me because he thought I knew more than anyone living in regard to the case. I replied that while I had a general idea of what took place, I could not from memory at present go into particulars. I had been requested by President Young to take the case before the High Council for him, which I had done, and which had resulted in his excommunication. I said I had thought that the President's position was entirely correct at that time, and I had had no cause to think otherwise since then. After talking some time, I asked him if the High Council minutes were not accessible, and he informed me that they had been burned when the Council House was burned. He then undertook to give me a recital of the occurrences which led up to the action of the High Council. He described the President's persistent attempt to secure the Joseph Caine property, and that in accordance with that policy he had refused to take the money that was due on the mortgage when it had been offered to him; that he had afterwards tried to get the land entered by the sons of Dr. Willard Richards, but he had succeeded in defeating that and getting the land awarded to the Caine estate. I may say here that Mrs. Caine was sealed to him as his wife for time. He also said that there was a record in the County Court of this land as belonging to Joseph Caine; he had seen it himself several times; but when he went to search for it after this difficulty had arisen he found the leaf torn out. He said that E. D. Woolley, who was the Recorder, was the steward of President Young. He would not say who took the leaf out, he said, but it was a penitentiary offense, and it was a very black transaction. The inference to be drawn from what he said was that this leaf had been torn out at the President's instigation, or by his request, although he did not state that in so many words. He remarked that at the time these affairs were up there were many Gentiles who were anxious that he should tell all he knew about President Young, and he had no doubt that he would have been made a rich man at that time if he had consented to their wishes; but he had not done that.

I listened to his explanations, but I was hurt in my feelings at the manner in which he related this affair; for evidently in his mind it was a dishonest transaction. To a listener who did not know the circumstances it would appear that the President had been little less than a scoundrel. In opening the conversation he said to me that his family and other friends were desirous that he should write something about this affair and leave it on record, so that his children should have it, and that he might appear in his true light. When he first broached it to me, I said of course I did not see any harm would be done by his leaving a version of this affair in writing. However, after hearing all he said, I remarked to him, now, if you do write anything (he had remarked that he did not feel like it), you had better be exceedingly careful what you write and not say anything that will not bear the closest investigation; but if you are impressed not to write at all, do not write; I think you ought not to write. This, however, did not seem to suit his ideas, and he felt now as though he would like to write. I repeated to him that there was nothing in President Young’s conduct in that affair that I thought in the least improper. I was made acquainted with all the circumstances at the time, and acted in that matter in perfect good faith, thinking that President Young’s position was entirely correct, and I had not changed my feelings. there was one remark - which I did not repeat to him - that I remember making to him before the High Council, and it is a remark that I would not make hastily about anybody, especially about a man as well connected as Samuel W. Richards. I said to him, “You are as dishonest as the devil.” His conduct at that time and all his remarks impressed me as being exceedingly dishonest. I impressed upon him to-day that I was of the same opinion as I had always been in regard to that matter.

My object in writing this somewhat fully in my journal is that as he intends to write his version, and I think will undoubtedly reflect severely upon President Young, it is proper that I should make a record of this interview. Even if he does not reflect upon President Young in language, the relation of the matter from his standpoint would make the President out to be a very dishonest man. Now, these are the facts: This case was brought before the High Council - twelve High Priests with the Presidency of the Stake at their head, making fifteen High Priests in all, and myself as an Apostle; and these brethren heard all the evidence he had to offer. There is nothing that he can relate now that he did not have the opportunity of relating then. His standing was involved, and a man ought to spare no pains to vindicate himself before his brethren when such a serious result is pending as membership in the church. As I remember, he was listened to patiently; he had all the opportunity in the world to state his case fully and uncover everything that might be hidden, and being a member himself of the High Council it would be natural that all the members would sympathize with him and be loth to take action against him of so serious a character.

12 July 1900 • Thursday

Thursday, July 12, 1900

I came to the office this morning and learned that President Snow would not be able to go to the Temple. President Smith and myself went at the usual hour and found present Elders Brigham Young, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, Geo. Teasdale, M. W. Merrill, A. H. Lund, J. W. Taylor, M. F. Cowley, A. O. Woodruff, R. Clawson and Reed Smoot, of the Apostles. After clothing and offering prayer (Brother Teasdale making the opening prayer and Brother Merrill the prayer in the circle), we attended to appointments for conference and some other business. I then brought before the brethren an analysis which I had drawn out from the statistical reports of the European Missions of the number of people baptized and the number of missionaries who had been engaged in the ministry for the year ending December 31, 1899. I have been desirous for some time to get some investigation of the labors of our Elders as missionaries, and the cost. I have been fully satisfied that a thorough change is needed in regard to our missionary work, and that we are expending means and time with deficient results. The Gospel is being preached in some lands with a great deal of zeal and earnestness; but the results do not seem to compensate for the expenditure of time and means. There are countries which are not being warned, while in Great Britain and the Southern States and other parts of this continent the Elders are employed in great numbers. A careful examination shows that very few are baptized; for instance, during last year in Great Britain 273 missionaries were employed, and there were 416 baptisms. How many of these baptisms were children we do not know; but even if we admit that they were all converts from the world, it gives to each Elder, as a result of his year’s labors, an average of 1 1/2 souls. It is stated that the cost to each missionary is more than $400 in two years. Figuring on that basis, the cost of each convert would be about $130, – and this without mentioning the time of the Elder.

The reading of my analysis led to a wide discussion of this subject, and I think all were impressed with the importance of changing our plan of operations.

13 July 1900 • Friday

Friday, July 13, 1900

I went to Provo to-day to attend a meeting of the Grand Central Mining Co. I took my daughter Grace with me, and she visited her relatives there.

14 July 1900 • Saturday

Saturday, July 14, 1900

President Smith and myself at the office to-day.

President Snow had appointed a meeting of the First Presidency and Twelve (those who were in the city) to take into consideration the amount of money that the Church would give to relieve the Utah Loan & Trust Co. in closing up its business. The subject was thoroughly talked over, but as a majority of the Apostles were not there, it was decided to appropriate $25,000, with the understanding that it should be submitted to the full quorum of the Twelve for their action and sanction.

15 July 1900 • Sunday

Sunday July 15, 1900

There being a conference of the Utah Stake at Provo, I went there this morning, accompanied by my wife. We stopped at Brother Reed Smoot’s, who met us at the train with his vehicle. We found Brother Teasdale there, he having attended the conference yesterday. Brother Smoot occupied a part of the forenoon meeting, and I followed, speaking about 45 mins.

At 2 o’clock we met again. The authorities were presented, and Brother Teasdale spoke for a short time, bearing testimony to what I had said in the forenoon. I then occupied the remainder of the time.

These two meetings were exceedingly delightful to me, and the people appeared to enjoy them very much. I had the Spirit of the Lord in power, and I was led to warn the saints with great plainness.

We set apart two members of the High Council, and Brother J. E. Booth as President of the High Priests Quorum.

We returned home on the afternoon train.

16 July 1900 • Monday

Monday, July 16, 1900

I was at the office to-day; President Smith also. I felt somewhat fatigued and took matters rather easily.

17 July 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 17, 1900

I spent some time this morning in meeting with the executive committee of the Union Light & Power Co. Afterwards was at the office with President Smith.

Brother Heber J. Grant, who had been accompanied to Arizona by Brother Moses Taylor, came in and reported their labors in visiting St. Joseph Stake and other Stakes. They had been particularly charged with investigating the condition of St. Joseph Stake, Brother Andrew Kimball having made complaint in letters to us of the people not standing by him in a grading contract that he had made in their behalf. Brother Grant reports that the people were not at all to blame, but that Brother Andrew had lost his head and had got himself into difficulty with this contract. He described the condition of the saints in the other Stakes as being very good.

18 July 1900 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 18, 1900

President Smith and myself at the office.

There was a meeting of the Utah Sugar Co. this morning.

A committee of the Brigham Young Memorial Association – Governor Wells, James Sharp and Spencer Clawson – called upon us, accompanied by Mr. Dallin. Mr. Dallin has completed his contract, and this call was for the purpose of getting counsel as to putting the figures in place on the monument and preparing for its unveiling on the 24th – Pioneer Day.

Afterwards Gov. Wells and Spencer Clawson called upon me and pressed me to deliver an address on the unveiling of the monument. I was reluctant to do so, but finally consented.

There was a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co.

19 July 1900 • Thursday

Thursday, July 19, 1900

President Snow hopes to be able to attend meeting in the Temple next

Thursday, but did not think it wise to go out to-day. President Smith and myself went, and there were present besides us, Elders Brigham Young, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, Geo. Teasdale, H. J. Grant, J. W. Taylor, A. H. Lund, M. F. Cowley, Rudger Clawson and Reed Smoot – all of the Apostles except Brothers Merrill and Woodruff. Brother Grant offered the opening prayer, and President Smith was mouth at the altar. There was considerable business transacted, but most of the time was occupied in discussing the situation of the expedition which has gone from the Brigham Young Academy to explore Book of Mormon lands. Brother Grant made a very unfavorable report of the condition of this expedition, and he and others urged that something should be done. A resolution was adopted referring this matter to the First Presidency.

There was a meeting of the Board of Directors of Z.C.M.I. this afternoon.

A letter was read to-day from Richard W. Young, who is now in Manila acting in a judicial capacity for the government, in which he states his wish to return and run for the United States Senate at the approaching election, and setting forth his reasons why he should be a candidate and why he should be elected. He wanted to know whether he could get our counsel to leave there. Brother H. G. Whitney brought the letter to our attention, and we informed him that as far as we were concerned he could come back. Brother Whitney telegraphed in cipher to him.

20 July 1900 • Friday

Friday, July 20, 1900

President Snow was in the office this morning.

The First Presidency talked over this report concerning the Brigham Young Academy expedition. He felt the importance of something being done, and suggested that one of the Twelve and one of the Seven Presidents of Seventies should go and overtake them and give the condition of the expedition a thorough examination.

At his request, I went into his room this afternoon to see him, and this matter came up again, and he expressed himself to the effect that Brother Joseph F. Smith would be a very suitable man to go down there.

He also called my attention to the condition of the Historian’s Office, which we talked over, and concluded that for the time being it would be well to put Brother Anthon H. Lund in charge there. The reports that we hear of Brother Andrew Jenson’s conduct and spirit appear to have created alarm in President Snow’s mind. He has had several letters addressed to him on this subject. I myself am clearly of the view that he should not be in charge there. I told President Snow that I did not think it was a good thing to keep one of the Twelve in that position, as there was too much for them to do outside, in which view he appeared to join.

He spoke to me about the proposed sale of Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons Co’s business to the Church, and asked me the particulars of it, which I gave him. He then requested me to put the proposition in writing.

21 July 1900 • Saturday

Saturday, July 21, 1900

I dictated to Brother Winter my journal, and also a letter to President Snow upon the subject of the sale of the property of Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons Co., of which the following is a copy:


Salt Lake City, Utah, July 21, 1900.


My dear Brother:

In accordance with the request which you made of me yesterday afternoon, I now put in writing the propositions which I have to make in relation to the business of Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons Co.

While my name is associated with this Company, I have really had no active connection with the business conducted by the firm. My sons have had everything in charge.

I have felt for some time the awkwardness of my position in connection with the publishing business, especially since your name as the Trustee-in-Trust has been so closely associated with the Deseret News Office. I have felt that there was an incongruity in your standing at the head of one publishing house, and myself, as one of your Counselors and a member of the First Presidency, standing at the head of another publishing house; and while up to the present I have not heard of any unpleasantness arising between the two concerns, still I have felt that, being in competitive business, there was danger of feeling arising through the efforts which would naturally be put forth by each to obtain trade. I made up my mind, therefore, some little time since, that if possible I would endeavor to have the printing and publishing business of Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons Co. closed out, so as to prevent the possibility of anything unpleasant arising. As you were sick at the time I came to this determination, I sought an interview with Brother H. G. Whitney, your business agent, in order to learn from him, as far as he knew, whether there would be obstacles in the way of accomplishing the end I had in view. I explained to him that I could make the terms easy to the Church, I thought, and he seemed impressed himself in this way, and remarked to me that he thought my offer very generous.

My proposition would be to dispose of all the book-printing material, presses, types, paper, binding tools and machines, and all the books on hand – in fact, everything within the buildings we occupy; and with these, the goodwill of the business, which has now been in operation for thirty years and upwards.

I do not include the “Juvenile Instructor”. That magazine I would like to continue to publish, and have the Deseret News Office do the printing, if satisfactory arrangements can be made.

An inventory of the property could be carefully taken by representatives of the Deseret News and Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons Co., together with an examination of the invoices and of the condition of the stock, which, I am assured, is in a good condition and contains very little of what is called hard stock.

It is probable that the value of all this stock will reach somewhere about $90,000 or $100,000.

My proposition is to take in pay for this the following:

(a) The house and lot which I included in the dedicated property that I turned over to you. It was my inheritance, and I have always felt that I would like to re-purchase it whenever my financial situation was such as to permit it.

This has been valued at $ 40,000.00

(b) 1947 shares of Grand Central stock, at $6 per share – the price at which it was credited to me on my last year’s tithing – making $ 11,682.00

(c) I have had a desire to increase the amount that I have dedicated to the Lord to the extent of $35,000, and I would like that amount credited to me as dedicated. $35,000.00

Total $86,682.00

(d) The difference between this $86,682.00 and the value of the property I will take in Cash Tithing receipts, or in something that will not be oppressive to yourself, as Trustee-in-Trust (though there may be some small amounts of cash, such for instance as Brother Roberts’ copyright, that will have to be paid for in money); for in making this trade I have no thought of making money out of the Church, or to increase in the least degree the many burdens under which you are now laboring.

By making this addition of $35,000 to my dedicated money and property which I have turned over to you, the total sum dedicated will be increased from [blank] to [blank].

With your consent I would like $3000.00 of this $35,000 paid to aid the Utah Loan & Trust Co., and $2000.00 of it paid to the Latter-day Saints College, as a donation from me; this $5000.00 to be charged to me on the dedicated fund account. My reason for wishing to be credited the $35,000 and then charged the $5000 is that under the terms of the dedication I was authorized to dispose of the dedicated fund in certain ways, one of which was education. I would therefore like to receive credit for the full amount, and then have the $5000 charged as having been expended by me for the purposes named out of the dedicated fund.

There may be several little details in the closing up of the business that can be arranged entirely to the satisfaction of the Deseret News Office.

I hope, my dear President, that you will clearly understand my motive in making these propositions to you, and for the reasons which I have stated I trust that they will meet favor in your sight, so that we may come to a satisfactory arrangement.

As soon as convenient to you, I would like to get word as to your wishes in the matter, because in view of what I have said, Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons Co’s business has slackened and not been pursued with the usual energy.

Trusting that your health will be fully restored, and that speedily, and ever praying the Lord to bless you and endow you with all the qualifications of your high calling,

I remain, with love, Your Brother,

(signed) Geo. Q. Cannon.

22 July 1900 • Sunday

Sunday, July 22, 1900

I started this morning at 7 o’clock, accompanied by my wife Carlie, for Lewiston, where a meeting-house has been erected and the Bishop and people wished it dedicated to-day. President Smith and wife were also along. We reached Merrill’s Spur after 11 o’clock, and were met there by Bishop Lewis and Brother Telford, who took us very rapidly to Lewiston, where the saints were still in meeting. We made some remarks to them and then the meeting was dismissed.

At 2 o’clock we met again. They have erected a beautiful meeting-house, of brick, comfortably seated, and in every way admirable. The house was crowded. After the opening services and the administration of the sacrament, I asked President Merrill and Bishop Lewis whom they wished to offer the dedicatory prayer, and they both expressed the wish that I would do so. President Smith also wished me to do so. I felt very free in offering the prayer, and enjoyed the Spirit. After, President Smith spoke about an hour and twenty minutes, which brought it to twenty minutes to five. I said to the brethren that I wanted to talk; that I could not leave there without saying some things that I had in my heart, which I wished to say if the Lord would be with me; and the question arose whether we should continue the meeting or have an evening meeting. My objection to an evening meeting was that the people would scatter and there would be a thin attendance. A vote was taken as to whether they would continue the meeting longer or have an evening meeting, and they voted for a continuation. President Smith had dwelt on the necessity of baptism as an ordinance and of the blessings that would follow baptism – that it had to be obeyed in order to obtain the favor of God and to progress in righteousness. I referred to that and made it apply to other principles of the Gospel; for without obedience to all the principles of the Gospel salvation and exaltation could not be secured. I dwelt upon the principle of tithing, and afterwards spoke about the preaching of the Gospel to foreign lands. Altogether the meeting was a very interesting one to myself, and a great many of the brethren came afterward and expressed their satisfaction at hearing what I said.

23 July 1900 • Monday

Monday, July 23, 1900

Bishop Lewis has been exceedingly kind to us. He is a whole-hearted man, and a man of great enterprise, as everything around him shows. He took us around this morning to show us the town, and we visited some of the saints, which made our stay very agreeable. His family also were very kind.

A little after 12 we started for home, and reached there at 5:55 p.m.

24 July 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 24, 1900

Fifty-three years ago to-day the Pioneers arrived in this valley. It had been announced that the monument of President Young would be completed and all the pieces be in place ready for unveiling to-day. They had me down for an address. The ceremonies were short. I spoke about 30 mins. Everything went off pleasantly.

25 July 1900 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 25, 1900

At President Snow’s request, I dictated a letter to the employes of the Historian’s Office, informing them of the appointment of Brother Lund as Historian. We had talked this matter over, and it had been decided to make this appointment.

I dictated letters to my daughter Grace and my journal to Brother Arthur Winter.

26 July 1900 • Thursday

Thursday, July 26, 1900

At Brother Lund’s request, I went over to the Historian’s Office to introduce him to the employes. All who work in the office were there, excepting Brother Musser. I said to those present that President Snow being sick and President Smith absent, I had come over with Brother Lund to introduce him to them as the newly-appointed Historian of the Church. After making some other remarks, I requested Brother Lund to read the letter of appointment that he had received from us. He handed it to Brother Whitney, who read it, and then I made some remarks to those assembled concerning their duties and the necessity for union; that Brother Lund no doubt would keep himself informed as to the wishes of the First Presidency all the time, and that I felt sure everything would move along harmoniously if he should be properly respected in his office. All congratulated him upon his appointment and expressed the pleasure it gave them to receive him as their head.

At the usual meeting at the Temple this morning there were present, beside President Smith and myself, Elders Lyman, Smith, Teasdale, Grant, Taylor, Lund, Cowley, Woodruff, Clawson and Smoot, of the Apostles. The opening prayer was by Brother John Henry Smith, and Brother Reed Smoot was mouth at the altar. I informed the Council that the First Presidency had appointed Brother Lund as Church Historian, and asked them if they felt to sustain the appointment. A unanimous vote was taken on that, and also on the sending of President Smith to Mexico, accompanied by Elder Seymour B. Young.

27 July 1900 • Friday

Friday, July 27, 1900

This morning we had a meeting at the office of the Brigham Young Memorial Association, at which Mr. Dallin was present, and satisfactory arrangements were made with him for the balance owing him on the monument.

I dictated a letter containing instructions for President Smith to take with him on his proposed mission to Mexico.

Just as I was leaving the office this afternoon Brothers H. J. Grant and H. G. Whitney called in and informed President Smith and myself that they bore a message from Mr. A. W. McCune respecting the Salt Lake Herald. He had announced his intention to stop the Herald. He had paid in the last 14 months $56,000 to save that paper, and to-day he intended to pay $1000 more to settle with the hands, but he had given notice that they might expect no more from him. He had told this to Brother Whitney, and wished him to inform the owners of the Deseret News of his intention. Upon Brother Whitney telling him that it would kill his chances for the Senatorship, he used some expressive remarks and said he did not care. He wanted to know if there could not be a union between the News and the Herald. The proposition is a most preposterous one. The News has all it can do to live now, and to become connected with the Herald, which has lost at the rate of $4000 a month, would be an absurd thing.

28 July 1900 • Saturday

Saturday, July 28, 1900

President Snow and myself listened to the statements of Brothers Grant and Whitney concerning Mr. McCune’s proposition. President Snow asked me if I had given the subject any thought. I told him I had. I said it appeared clear to me that this change in Mr. McCune concerning the Herald and his affected carelessness about the Senatorship was due to the fact that other aspirants for the office were in the field now and Mr. McCune was determined to get an expression from the party as to where they stood on this question. He would not continue to publish an organ for the Democratic party that would help elect an opponent, and I thought that this move on his part was made to either compel the party to take the organ in their own hands and sustain it or make him pledges; and his mentioning it to the News was perhaps with the hope of gaining some promise from the Church. After talking some time on the subject, we concluded that it would almost [be] insanity for us to touch the Herald in the form proposed.

29 July 1900 • Sunday

Sunday, July 29, 1900

I took train this morning for Logan, in company with Brothers Rudger Clawson and Reed Smoot, where conference is to be held. I was met at the station by my son-in-law, Alo[n]zo B. Irvine, who took me in a surrey to the meeting. Bishop Preston was addressing the people, and he finished just as I entered the stand. I asked President Merrill to call upon the Bishops to make reports of the condition of their wards, which he did. They were followed by Brother Rudger Clawson. In the afternoon sacrament was administered, and I addressed the conference for an hour and a quarter. The people seemed so interested in what I said that I did not notice the lapse of time, and when I found I had been talking so long I was greatly surprised. In the evening we had a meeting of the Mutual Improvement Association, which was addressed by Brother Smoot. I did not speak.

30 July 1900 • Monday

Monday, July 30, 1900

We had a meeting this morning till about 1 o’clock. Brothers Clawson and Smoot spoke, and I followed and had a great outpouring of the Spirit. I spoke in regard to the Priesthood and successorship in the Presidency, explaining many things that I had not dwelt upon before in public. I took dinner at my son-in-law’s, and then was carried to the train. I had a delightful visit with Alonzo and Rosannah, though I had but little time to spare with them. They are occupying his father’s house, and the family are all away, which leaves the house in their hands, with plenty of room.

I reached home at 5:55 p.m.

31 July 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 31, 1900

I spent the forenoon at the Utah Light & Power Co. attending to business, and in the afternoon was busy with correspondence and other matters.

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July 1900, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 29, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1900s/1900/07-1900