September 1882

1 September 1882 • Friday

Friday, Septr 1 1882. Met at the Endowment House at 10 oclock, A.M. I was engaged variously during the morning, and at 2 oclock drove home to make preparations for a party that I intended to have today. I had invited all the Sandwich Islanders in town, 14 in number, to eat dinner with me, and also Presidents Taylor and Smith, Elders Dean & H. P. Richards, my brother Angus also was present. Counting all who sat down to eat this evening there were 59 in number. We had a most delightful time, and everybody seemed to enjoy it. The natives sang their native hymns, and we had an exhibition from Lucy, the daughter of Kaleohano, who sang several songs, one of which was composed in my praise and also a few verses at the last in praise of Bro. Joseph F. Smith. She sang a native Mele [song] or two for us with appropriate gesticulations. It was very interesting, especially to the children. I had provided teams to bring them down and take them back, and the moonlight made it very pleasant for all to return late in the evening.

2 September 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, Septr 2. 1882. Prests. Taylor & Smith went to the mouth of Little Cottonwood to look at some land belonging to the Bros. Snell, which they wish to dispose of. I was at the Office attending to private matters, and commenced a letter to Hon. Perry Belmont of New York.

3 September 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, Septr 3 1882. The train stopped and picked me up at the road leading from my house. I found Bro. Jos. F. Smith on board, who was also going to the Provo Conference. A number of other Elders were also going South to fill appointments in this county. My twin daughters accompanied me for the purpose of visiting their Grandma Beebe.

Meeting was held in the grove on the meeting house block; quite a numerous attendance. The sacrament was administered in the forenoon; and Bro. Jos F. Smith occupied about an hour, and I half an hour. We both had considerable liberty. We took dinner with Bro. Smoot.

In the afternoon I spoke a little over an hour, and Bro Joseph F. three quarters of an hour. We spoke with great plainness to the people about the condition that we were in; and the spirit was poured out on both speakers and hearers.

My son, Angus, on our return, met me with the buggy at the street leading to my house, the Conductor kindly stopping the train to let me off. Not very accustomed for many months to public speaking I felt considerably wearied this evening. It is a wonderful change, that one can ride about 100 miles and hold meetings as we have done, and all in the space of a few hours.

4 September 1882 • Monday

Monday, Septr 4 1882. I spent the forenoon with Presidents Taylor & Smith examining and talking over the conditions of a plot of ground belonging to the Snell Bros, which they propose to sell to the Church near the mouth of Little Cottonwood Cañyon, where our granite quarries are. The terms were all agreed upon, and Prest. Taylor assigned to Bro. Smith the duty of seeing that everything is properly done in securing the land. We (Bro Smith and myself) afterwards set apart, in company with W. W. Taylor, five Elders for missions. One of them is my brother-in-law, the husband of my sister Elizabeth, W H. Piggott, who is called to go to Great Britain. The other four were G. J Fuller, Wm Hooper, Chas M. Knox, and T. Buttler, who were called to go to the Southern States.

We decided this evening, in the interests of the Salt Lake Theater, that Bro. MacKenzie go to San Francisco and make arrangements with Haverly.

Afterwards held a meeting of the Deseret News Co., and transacted various items of business.

Judge Black’s legal opinion, which he had promised me to write out, reached the hands of Prest. Taylor this morning; also a very good letter to myself. It was decided to call a meeting of the lawyers on our side, and the People’s Central Committee, with some few others, to meet at 10 oclock tomorrow morning at the President’s Office to hear the opinion read. As I had to attend in the evening the monthly meeting of the Sunday School Superintendents and Teachers, I took supper at my sister-in-laws, Mrs Emily H. Little’s, and after the meeting she accompanied me to the farm to see about some business that required her attention pertaining to the children. The meeting was held in the Assembly Hall, was excellently attended, and was very interesting.

5 September 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Septr 5 1882. I finished a letter today that I promised to write to Hon. Perry Belmont of New York, showing the full operations of the Edmunds law against which he had voted and which vote he was desirous to defend before his constituents. I also sent him a copy of the address of the First Presidency, as it contained some points that I did not touch upon in my letter.

At 12 oclock there was a meeting in the Office to hear the opinion of Judge Black, at which, besides Prest. Taylor and myself and Bro. Jos. F. Smith, there were present: — John Henry Smith, Daniel H. Wells, Angus M. Cannon, Bishop John Sharp, W. H. Hooper, Wm Jennings, John T. Caine, John R. Winder, David O. Calder, Feramorz Little, Theo. McKean, George Reynolds, L. John Nuttall, & W. B. Preston; and of the lawyers there were: Z. Snow, A. Miner, A. Brown, Sam Merritt, W. N. Dusenberry, Judges Harkness & Kirkpatrick, Judge Williams & F. S. Richards. Prest. Taylor stated his object in calling them together, and the opinion was read by George Reynolds. It seemed to give general satisfaction, and was fully in accord with the views of the lawyers here.

I drove home and brought up my wife Martha to attend the wedding reception of Richd W. Young (the son of Joseph A Young, a grandson of Prest. Brigham Young, who has just graduated at West Point, and appointed to serve in the Ordnance Corps) and Miss Nervie Richards, daughter of Henry P. and Minerva Richards, at whose house the reception was held. We enjoyed ourselves very much, for the short time we were there. We left for home shortly after 10 oclock.

6 September 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday Septr 6 1882. I have not been feeling well for two weeks, and feel quite good for nothing this morning. I suspect that there is a malaria lingering in my system that makes me feel so poorly.

Brought my wife Eliza to town with me.

At two oclock met with the Council of the Apostles at the Endowment House.

Upon my return to the office I was called upon by the three Commissioners who are now in town — Gov. Ramsey, Judge Carlton, & Col. Pettigrew. They called upon me to return the call which I had made upon them. We had a pleasant conversation for about half an hour. Dictated my journal to Bro. John Irvine.

7 September 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, Sepr 7 1882. My health is somewhat better today. Busy at the Office

8 September 1882 • Friday

Friday, Septr 8 1882. Prest. Wm Budge of Bear Lake was with us at the office today, and the political affairs of Southern Idaho were talked over. It was decided to make one stake of Oneida County. It was thought better to do so for many reasons, than to have it as at present divided between three, Bear Lake, Cache Valley, & Box Elder Stakes. Bro. Chas. E. Robinson, of Montpelier, who was appointed to go on a mission, was released until spring, as he was thought to be a suitable man for candidate for the Legislature.

9 September 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, Septr 9 1882. I called the Territorial Committee together for the purpose of submitting cases to them which had been arranged by the lawyers for test cases. There were present: Prest. Smith and Apostles John Henry Smith and Bro. D. H. Wells, W. H. Hooper, F. Little, John Sharp, A. M. Musser, C. W. Penrose, J. R. Winder, John T. Caine, Theo. McKean, R. T. Burton, G. Reynolds, and A. M. Cannon. A number of names of brethren were suggested, and a committee consisting of A. M. Musser, Angus M. Cannon and R. T. Burton were appointed to attend to the business.

10 September 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, Septr 10 1882. Took train this morning to Farmington accompanied by my wife Eliza. Was met at the station by Bishop Hess and was driven to his residence. Bro. John Henry Smith was also in the company. Held meeting in the Grove, it being the Quarterly Conference of the Stake. Bro. Smith and myself occupied the forenoon. Prest. Taylor came down from Ogden, where he had been for a day and a half, and occupied the afternoon meeting. We dined at Bishop Hess’s. In the evening we were taken to Bro. Ezra T. Clark’s where we took supper previous to returning. The meetings were well attended and much valuable instruction was given.

11 September 1882 • Monday

Monday Septr 11 1882. In company with John Henry Smith and Bro. Wells I set apart a number of Elders this morning. In the afternoon, in company with my wife Martha, I attended a surprise birthday party at Bishop Samuel A Woolley’s. Prests Taylor and Smith were present with their wives, and a large number of friends. It was brother Woolley’s 57th birthday.

12 September 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Septr 12 1882. At the Office. Met with a large number of Navajoes, who were brought here by Bro. James S. Brown, and Geo. W. Hill.

13 September 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Septr 13 1882. Met with the Board of Directors of Z.C.M.I. at 11 oclock, and remained in session until nearly 2 oclock. I took dinner with Prests. Taylor & Smith at the Gardo House, and from there went to our Council Meeting at the Endowment House. After which we took into consideration the appointment of a Bishop for the 12th Ward. Prest. Angus M. Cannon, President of the Stake, stated that the High Council had voted for Bro. H. B. Clawson. After due consideration it was decided to appoint him Bishop, and to do so next Sunday evening.

14 September 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, Septr 14 1882. At the Office. Baron Max de Wendland, of Bavaria, called at the office, and after some conversation was invited to dine with Prest. Taylor. I was also invited and had a very interesting conversation with him. He is a man of considerable intelligence, speaks English with the formal accent of a foreigner, but very correctly.

It was decided today to permit the Sunday School Concert to be held one evening during Conference in the large tabernacle.

I set apart a missionary by the name of James Clark Williams for New Zealand today.

Considerable excitement in town today over the woman suffrage question, which was argued before Judges Hunter & Emerson this afternoon.

15 September 1882 • Friday

Friday, Septr 15 1882. At the Office. Was present at a meeting of the Salt Lake Theater Co., at which Bro. David MacKenzie made a report of his visit to California to try and make arrangements with Haverley for the Theater. It was decided to make an arrangement with him on the terms that had been talked about.

16 September 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, Septr 16 1882. At the Office.

Decision in favor of woman suffrage was rendered today by both Judges.

17 September 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, Septr 17 1882. Got on the train at the Street opposite my house and went to American Fork in company with Bros Goddard & Willis to attend a Jubilee of the children, it being the 18th anniversary of the Sunday School. I found my wife Martha and three youngest children there waiting, having just arrived from Provo, where she had been on a visit. I took breakfast at Bishop L. E. Harrington’s. The concert commenced at 10 oclock. The house was crowded. The exercises were of a very interesting character, in fact the best I have listened to at any of our Sunday School gatherings. Bro. Wm Paxman is Superintendent, and though the programme was lengthy he managed to get through in time. We three visitors each made remarks. After the concert I returned home, and put my wife and children off at the street. I proceeded to the City and attended meeting in the 12th Ward, Presidents Taylor & Smith, my brother Angus and his Counsellors being the purpose being to appoint and ordain a new Bishop for that Ward, in place of Alex. C. Pyper deceased. Bro. Jos. F. Smith was speaking when I arrived. He was followed by Prest. Taylor. I followed him. I had considerable freedom in speaking, dwelling upon the two Priesthoods, showing the difference between the Melchesedec and Aaronic, and the duties of a Bishop. Bro. H. B. Clawson was nominated and sustained as Bishop and ordained an High Priest and Bishop under our hands, Prest. Taylor being mouth. I was mouth in setting apart his Counsellor, John Druce, and Bro. Joseph F. Smith was mouth in setting apart Martin Lenzie, his second Counselor. My son Abraham was waiting for me with my buggy at the close of the meeting and drove me home.

18 September 1882 • Monday

Monday, Septr. 18 1882. I was at the Office today; but as I expected to have the Commissioners and a number of the brethren dine with me tomorrow I was busy making preparations.

I had a conversation with Bro. Wm Budge today respecting the political situation of Idaho. I suggested — Bro. Jos. F. Smith agreeing thereto — that Bro. Budge and Bro. Hart had better not go to the Legislature this year as members in view of their known standing as men with plural wives. The Governor of that Territory will seize any opportunity to defeat the will of the people by refusing certificates to men like them. We suggested the selection of good reliable men who are not open to objection on that score, and that Brother Hart go there during the session of the Legislature ostensibly to look after city charters which were needed, so that he would [be] in a position to give Counsel to the unexperienced men whom they would have to select.

19 September 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Septr 19 1882. Bros. Woodruff & Brigham Young have just returned from their trip to Ashley’s Fork.

I had at dinner at my house today the three Commissioners — Gov. Ramsey, Judge Carlton, and Col. Pettigrew; also Presidents Taylor & Smith — the former having his daughter with him, the latter his wife — my brother Angus, Bro. Wm Jennings and daughter, Capt Hooper, Bro. Brigham Young and wife, my sons Frank and Abraham and their wives, my son John Q’s wife and her sister Louie Wells. I had secured the services of Bro. Ball, late of London, and he got up the dinner in fine style. Everything passed off very pleasantly. We dinned [dined] at 4 oclock and separated at 7 oclock.

20 September 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Septr 20 1882. At the Office. Had some conversation concerning titles to property with the executors of the estate of Bro. George A. Smith.

Attended council meeting of the Twelve in the afternoon. Various matters were discussed, and particularly the feeling we should have towards our enemies. I stated my feelings. They were those of profound pity for these people who were fighting against us. A few years more and they would disappear from the scene and their mortal careers would be ended, and in view of the punishment that awaited them for fighting against the work of God we could afford to pity them. I had no feelings of revenge or anger or vindictiveness towards any in my heart. Prest. Taylor spoke at some length upon the principle agreeing with the views I had expressed.

21 September 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, Septr 21 1882. Had a long conversation with Bro. Woodruff this morning respecting the Delegateship, the vacancies in the Quorum of the Twelve, and in the Presidency of the Seventies. I stated to him that I had no prepossession or bias in favor of or against any man for any of these positions. If by turning my right hand over I could have one man selected for a position I would not turn it over in favor of the best and dearest friend I had. I wanted when these questions came up for decision, and the vacancies were to be filled, to be in a condition so free from bias that the spirit of God could operate upon my mind, and the man or men to be my choice whom God would have. His feelings were similar. We had a very interesting conversation in which he described to me what had occurred at a meeting of the Quorum of the Twelve respecting filling these vacancies. Though he had agreed to some informal action that had been taken it was not his mind, and he did not consider any action that had been taken at all binding. He wanted to go into Council, whenever it was deemed wise to take these matters up, without being committed in any way. I dined with him and met Sister Woodruff’s sister, Mrs Scammels and her son, who is a doctor. These sisters have not met for upwards of 34 years.

I engaged Sondra Sanders Jr. to teach my school, agreeing to give him $50 per month with the liberty to engage and obtain pay for any reasonable number of scholars from the neighbors, if they were such children as would be proper and would not contaminate, by any bad language or practice, my children.

22 September 1882 • Friday

Friday, Septr 22 1882. John Groesbeck proposed to buy a 5 acre lot belonging to the Hoagland estate, which is over Jordon. John Hoagland and myself agreed to meet him and examine it tomorrow at 1 oclock.

At the Office listening to correspondence. Considerable correspondence from Arizona was read. The writers were B. F. Johnson and Alex. F. Macdonald. They had been purchasing extensive tracts of land, and Bro. Johnson says there is sufficient room for 10,000 people. We attended to considerable business connected with land matters.

Yesterday, accompanied by my daughter Mary Alice, I called upon my sister, Mary Alice, my sister-in-law, Adelia Hoagland, and sister M. I. Horn, and made them a present of a dress pattern each of cloth which I bought in the east. I did this as a slight token of my appreciation of their great kindness to my wife Elizabeth in her last sickness. I also called upon my wife’s niece, Olive H. Marks, and left her a likeness of her aunt, and also a lace sack which she had worn, which I thought Olive would appreciate. I also gave my sister a portrait in a very nice frame of my wife, for which she expressed many obligations.

Conversation was had respecting title to Church pasture, and the matter was left in the hands of myself and Bro. Jos F. Smith to have deeds made out.

Bro. Wm. M. Palmer was released from his mission to return home to spend the winter in consequence of his health being very much impaired.

The first Presidency set apart Sister Zina D Young and Emeline B. Wells to go down to the Women’s Convention at Omaha. Prest. Taylor was mouth in blessing Sister Young, and I was mouth in blessing Sister Wells. $200 was appropriated for their expenses.

23 September 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, Septr 23 1882. At the office. Prest. Taylor complained of faintness today and retired to his house.

Elders Wm Cooper, J. R. Howard, Wm Wood, and Jos. L. Holbroke called at the Office to pay their respects, they having just returned from their missions to England.

Prest. Jos. F. Smith and myself attended the meeting of the Primary Associations at the Assembly Hall, and were both invited to speak to the young people by Sister Ellen Clawson. The proceedings were very interesting.

Wrote a letter to Mr Stevens, Editor of the San Diego Sun, in reply to enquiries which he made concerning J. L. Woods, who had been Governor of this territory, and who is now a candidate to Congress from that district in California.

24 September 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, Septr 24, 1882. I was quite sick in the night last night. At one oclock I drove to the city accompanied by my wife Martha, the rest of the family going in the other carriages. I attended meeting at the Tabernacle, and felt so unwell that I would have been glad to have been excused from speaking, but I knew that everybody would be disappointed if I did not speak, as this is the first Sunday I have been in the Tabernacle since my return. I was called upon to speak and the Lord helped me, so that I spoke with considerable freedom and satisfaction to myself, and, I hope, edification to the people for an hour and a quarter.

After meeting listened with great pleasure to a rehearsal of about 400 juveniles singers under the leadership of Bro. Stevens, who is preparing them for a concert to be held on the evening of Saturday 7th of Octr. Their singing was very well rendered, and it caused the admiration of, I am told, all singers, to hear the manner in which he has trained the children to sing their parts, the alto especially being well rendered.

I drove up from home to the 6th Ward evening meeting, and found Bro. David Dunbar speaking. After he had finished[,] Bro. Fowler being there as one of the local missionaries was anxious to yield to me, and I occupied the time, and had a very interesting meeting with the people. I then walked up town and stayed all night.

25 September 1882 • Monday

Monday Septr 25 1882. My brother Angus drove me down after breakfast, as I was anxious to be present at the opening of the school by Bro. Sanders, whom I have employed as School teacher.

I received letter today from Hon. J. S. Black concerning our case, also a form of memorial to be given to the Utah Commissioners. This was read to the brethren and to two of our lawyers, F. S. Richards and Judge K. R. Williams. I sent Judge Black a telegram in reply to his regarding proclamation of the Governor making appointments to Office &c.

T. O. Angell Jr., Archetect of the Logan Temple, submitted his drawings of the Melchesedec Stands of the Logan Temple. Prest. Taylor desired Bro. Jos. F. Smith, Bro. Woodruff and myself to examine the matter. While we were together the color which the woodwork of the Temple was to be painted was decided upon. I proceeded in company with the brethren to the Assembly Hall and the large Tabernacle to make measurements of the stands. The main object that I thought ought to be kept in view in constructing stands is to have them so arranged that those seated in the stands will not be entirely hid by the front stand from the Congregation. I think this is a grave defect, especially would it be in the Temple where the impressiveness of a small Assembly would be lessened if the men occupying the stand were hidden from the view of the Congregation.

26 September 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Septr 26 1882. Bro. Angell, Bro. Jos. F. Smith and Bro. Woodruff were at the Office with Prest. Taylor this morning, and we took up the subject of the stands. We concluded that the seat be raised and the front of the stand be lowered to 3ft 1 inch, the seats being raised 6 inches above the landing, and we instructed Bro. Angell to make experiments before anything permanent was done so as to be sure that the line of sight from the stand to the congregation, and from the congregation to the stand, should be as perfect as possible.

A proposition having been made to have some test cases of the Governor’s appointments, our lawyers met with the lawyers representing the Governors party to see what they were; but they were of such a character that they could not be entertained; it would be equal to giving the whole case away. Bro. [blank] and his son George, who is a half blood Shoeshone, called respecting George taking a mission to the Shoeshone Indians. He desired to have a companion go with him so that his father would not be compelled to stay, as he was advanced in years, and not so capable of enduring exposure and fatigue as he once was.

We listened to some letters from Bro. John Morgan respecting his desire to be released from the Southern Mission. He feels that he has been a long time on his mission, and either through weariness, or overwork, or some other cause, has to make a great effort to keep his mind on his business as a missionary.

27 September 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday Septr 27 1882. At the Gardo House this morning listening to letters from the family of Elder Benj. F Johnson. Afterwards had an interview with one of his sons and gave him counsel and promised also to write a letter of instruction to his father. Bro. Wm C. [blank] of Grantsville, came in to ask counsel about appointment of Justice of the Peace which he had received from the Governor. He was counselled not to take any notice of it.

Met in Council at 2 oclock at the Endowment House.

I assisted my daughter, Mary Alice and her Aunt Emily in making purchases for my family of winter clothing at Bro. John C. Cutler’s, the agent of the Woollen Mills.

I took supper at my brother Angus’ and afterwards went to the Theater with my last wife. Was joined there by my brother. I remained in town all night. The play was “Hazel Kirk.”

28 September 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, Septr 28 1882. At the Office. I received the following dispatch from Judge J. S. Black dated at Washington: Be of good cheer, things will be understood here. Resist the unprincipled raid of Murray to the uttermost” (signed J. S. Black).

Prest. Taylor and myself had considerable conversation respecting our Quorum, and he stated his feelings with considerable fullness, as to what he considered our duty in relation to the other Quorums; that we were a First Presidency and presided over the Twelve, who were under our direction. It was not for the Twelve to dictate to the First Presidency, but for the First Presidency to preside over the Twelve, and they were to labor under its direction, as well as to preside over the entire Church.

The indebtedness of Bro. Brigham Jr., to the Church was talked over in consequence of his offer of a piece of property that he had in the 13th Ward to the church for sale. Prest. Taylor took Prest. Smith and myself in his carriage to look at the property. We passed it twice without getting out. I brought my wife Sarah Jane to town in my buggy this morning and left her at my sister Mary Alice’s, who invited us to eat supper with them.

29 September 1882 • Friday

Friday Septr 29 1882. At the Office. A letter that Prest. Taylor had written to Bro. Hackett and others of Alpine was read, upon the subject of adultery. He asked us, (Bro. Smith and myself) respecting the sentiments embodied in the letter. We both agreed with them. Prest. Taylor spoke at some length in the presence of us, his counselors, Bro. B. Young, my brother Angus, Bro. D. O. Calder, and Bro. L. John Nuttall, concerning these and other principles, and considerable interesting conversation was had, and an excellent Spirit prevailed.

Bros. Lyman and Smith, of the Twelve, returned from their visit to Cassia County, in Idaho. Invited my brother in law, Chas. Lambert, and his wife (my sister) to accompany myself and Mary Jane to the Theater, also their daughter [blank]. The play was “Our Shipmates,” which we all enjoyed very much. I drove home. It was a moonlight night, and the ride was delightful.

30 September 1882 • Saturday

Saturday Septr 30 1882. Went down with Bro. David James, at a little after six oclock this morning, to my place, to examine some work which I wished done in his line, principally the putting up of ventilating stoves, and the ventilation of the water closet in my wife Elizabeth’s house. He breakfasted with us, and I accompanied him back to town.

At the Office attending to various matters. Dined with Prest. Taylor, and at 3 oclock, by appointment, met with him in the Gardo House. Bro. Bro. Jos. F. Smith was detained, but got there by 4 oclock. We had a very interesting conversation, and Prest. Taylor stated his views to us respecting our position as the First Presidency, and how essential is was that we should be united. He spoke with considerable plainness, and I bore testimony to his remarks and stated my feelings respecting my position in the Quorum, and my desire to magnify the office agreeable to the requirements of the Lord. Bro. Jos. F. Smith said his feelings were as I had described mine. I felt very happy at this interchange of views, because I think it will lead to more union and better understanding and make us much more effective as a quorum — not that there has been anything like division that I have witnessed, for we have been very united, but there have been some things which required this interchange of views, in order to have a more perfect understanding respecting our duties and our method of carrying them out.

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September 1882, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 29, 2025