February 1891

1 February 1891 • Sunday

Sunday, Feby. 1st, 1891.

I held a meeting with my family this morning and gave them my views concerning the strictness with which we should observe the law of tithing.

At 2 o’clock I met with the saints in the 14th Ward Assembly Hall and spoke for about an hour.

I afterwards went to my sister Mary Alice’s and spent an hour and a half visiting her, and partook of a meal.

I then repaired to the 18th Ward meeting house and occupied the usual time for meeting in addressing the saints. There were a great many present, some of whom were not in the church. I had a good deal of the Spirit in speaking.

A violent storm broke on the town while we were in meeting and the snow was whirled about with considerable violence. My son David had come up for me with a buggy and we rode home in the midst of the storm.

2 February 1891 • Monday

Monday, Feby. 2nd, 1891.

Upon my arrival at the Gardo House I found a letter from President Woodruff, in which he said that he was suffering from cold in his head and he would not be with us today, and requested that we attend to the business and send any message to him concerning affairs that we desired.

I dictated a number of letters to Brother Winter and attended to other office duties.

We had a call from Brother Walter Hoge, of Bear Lake. He has been at Boise City, attending the session of the Legislature there in the interests of our people in Idaho, and as he is a republican he has had considerable conversation with the members of that party, who are largely in the majority in the Legislature. President Smith and myself gave him counsel as to the course that he should take in going back there.

Brother William Spry, of the Southern States Mission, called, previous to his return to his field of labor.

3 February 1891 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Feby. 3rd, 1891.

Last night was an intensely cold night; the thermometer must have been very near zero[.]

The First Presidency were at the office.

At 10 o’clock a meeting of the Directors of the Sugar Co was held and considerable business was transacted. The question of raising funds to meet our contracts occupied the principal portion of our attention. Some remarks had been made by Prest. Elias Morris concerning the salary of the secretary, and I said that [t]here had been some feeling on the part of the executive committee that the secretary ought to have taken his office down to Lehi. Remarks were made by one and another on the subject. Brother Arthur Stayner, the secretary, said that he did not feel like going to Lehi. He did not want the headquarters of the company removed there, and he had employed a clerk to do the work down there. He said he did not ask for any salary. Brother Morris had done this without mentioning it to him. He continued his remarks in this strain. After the meeting was over I received a letter from him, informing me that he had tendered his resignation as secretary of the company and as a director, to Brother Elias Morris, and hoped that in the selection of a secretary the company would get one that would suit myself and the rest of the company better than he appeared to be able to do. He said his reason for writing to me was that I had appeared to be the soul of the enterprise, etc. Brother Stayner has talked with me and written to me on this sugar question probably more than to any other person connected with the enterprise, and I have always listened patiently and encouraged him in every way possible. The impression among leading brethren generally is that his connection with this enterprise is a detriment, as the people do not have confidence in him, especially in his financial ability, and serious doubts are entertained about his capacity to fill the secretaryship as it should be. I regret that anything should arise that would give him cause for feeling, because he has been deeply interested in this matter, and I believe has made great sacrifices to promote the manufacture of sugar in this Territory.

At 2 o’clock in the afternoon a joint committee of Zion’s Savings Bank and the State Bank of Utah met at the Gardo House. Presidents Woodruff and Smith and Brother Geo. Reynolds were also present. I was one of the committee. The whole business was canvassed very thoroughly, and it was felt that we could reach an understanding and come to some arrangement by which there could be an interchange of stock between the stockholders of the two banks.

4 February 1891 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Feby. 4th, 1891.

Another very cold night. I have been using my cutter since Saturday, and though the snow is not deep it is pretty good sleighing.

President Woodruff did not come to the office till quite late today. He is suffering from a severe cold. He reached, however, in time to preside at the meeting of the Board of Directors of Zion’s Savings Bank, at 9 o’clock. I had interviews with different parties today on business; among others, with Bishop Preston and A. E. Hyde, Treasurer and Manager of the Bullion-Beck. They came to get my views concerning the situation. There seems to be a combination on the part of the smelting people to refuse to have any contract made for ore unless it shall be for a long period and at prices that are almost ruinous. Mr. Hanauer, of this city, seems determined to gather in all the agencies of the smelters and to control the market here. The very best price that could be got was a charge of $3.50 per ton more than was paid last year. Brother Hyde said that this virtually would leave no profit and the mine would be worked merely for the benefit of the smelters. I spoke quite decisively on the subject, that I would stop all work on the mine before I would submit to such extortionate demands.

My son Abraham reported to me some conversation he had had with Brother Christopherson. Brother Christopherson has seemed desirous to dissolve the partnership existing between himself and my son Hugh, on the ground that there is not business more than should occupy one’s attention. I am willing, because I am desirous that Hugh should go on a mission. Brother Christopherson offered to pay me 10% on the money I had invested in the business, and settle on that basis. Abraham thought that was scarcely a fair thing, and asked him if he would be willing to sell out his share for $4500., and then asked him if he would be willing to sell for $5000. The proposition finally stood when they separated that Christopherson would pay $1000. down, give his note for $1500 payable in three months, another note for $1250. payable in six months, and nother [another] for $1250. payable in twelve months, making $5000. altogether, these notes to bear interest. Besides this, he was to allow Hugh at the rate of $75.a month wages during the period of their partnership. This would require him to pay Hugh about $325 more than he has been paid. There is about $1500 in debts and $2400 in accounts. These would be turned over to Brother Christopherson and he would be responsible for the debts. I told Abraham that I did not wish to be hard with Brother Christopherson. As far as that proposition was concerned, it would be acceptable to me.

I have had some interest in the Inland Salt Co. Brother Jack wanted to see President Woodruff and myself, and my nephew Geo. M. Cannon, who represents his father’s interest, to know what our views were about selling. It seems impossible for us to carry on the business. We are being crushed out by the Union Pacific people refusing to accommodate us. We decided we would sell if we could get the price that we thought was proper.

Brother H. J. Grant thought $20,000 Z.C.M.I. paper might be re-discounted in California, and a dispatch was framed to that effect to Brother Clawson, for him to call on the Anglo-California Bank to learn whether it could be done or not.

5 February 1891 • Thursday

Thursday, Feby. 5th, 1891.

The weather still continues very cold. My men who are working for me succeeded in getting ice enough to nearly fill my ice house out of my own pond. I expect they will fill it up this evening.

The First Presidency and Twelve met at their usual hour today. Besides the First Presidency, there were present, Elders F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant, J. W. Taylor and A. H. Cannon. President Woodruff did not feel able to dress and pray in the circle, and I presided.

At 3 o’clock, representatives of the Deseret National Bank, Deseret Savings Bank, State Bank of Utah and Zion’s Savings Bank met in the parlor of the Gardo House to endeavor to reach some basis by which there might be a fusion of these various banking institutions. A proposition was made to have an interchange of stock among these banks. The brethren from the Deseret Bank could not speak for any but themselves; they were willing to do this, so as to promote harmony and have a common interest. In remarks which I made I suggested that it might be preferable to have the Deseret National Bank and the Deseret Savings Bank remain as they were, and to have Zion’s Savings Bank and the State Bank of Utah unite in our building, and by having an interchange of stock there be a common interest taken, so as to remove all jealousy. Before the meeting ended all were of the opinion that this would be the better course. I am heartily in favor of this myself, and trust that we shall be able to reach a basis of settlement.

We got word today from Brother Caine, by dispatch, that Caswell, of Wisconsin, who had charge of the bill appropriating our property for the benefit of the common schools, which had been introduced by Edmunds and passed the Senate, was endeavoring to press that measure on [in] the House.

My daughter Ann is in poor health and we have been administering to her considerably of late. She is a delicate little creature, but we hope that through faith we will be able to raise her.

6 February 1891 • Friday

Friday, Feby. 6th, 1891.

The weather moderated considerably during last night and was comparatively mild this morning. A south wind was blowing today and it is causing the snow to melt rapidly. I have not been well all day, having been attacked with cold. I cannot think how I have contracted it either.

Brother Winter read a discourse to me which was taken by Angus Nicholson, a son of Brother John Nicholson. It is a discourse I delivered last Sunday night in the 18th Ward. It seems that the young man has been anxious to report me and has made out a report of this; but I would prefer not publishing it, only I am afraid I might hurt his feelings.

I had an interview today with Brother S. S. Jones in relation to an offer which had been made to me by a nephew of my wife Eliza’s, C. Edwin Luce. Brother Jones had been disposed to take an interest in the business; but upon our conversing I thought that I could not, and neither did he think that he could, accept the offer that Edwin had made to us.

I had an interview with John V. Bluth concerning money that my son John Q. had borrowed from him.

At 3 o’clock I met with the Sunday School Union, and we selected Brother Levi W. Richards to fill the vacancy in the Board occasioned by the departure of Brother John C. Cutler on a mission. I suggested also that it would be a good thing to add some of the Twelve to our Board, if they could be induced to take part with us. I thought their influence would be good. They could make many suggestions, and as they are traveling around, visiting the conferences, they could do considerable good in behalf of the Sunday schools. Brothers F. M. Lyman and H. J. Grant were mentioned, and it was suggested by the brethren that I should see them and endeavor to get their consent to be appointed.

There had been some question concerning the rate of pay that the brethren working in the temple at St. George should receive. Brother Walter Granger had complained that he had not had the amount which had been granted to him by President Taylor. After the examination of the correspondence on the subject and the amount that each of those working there receive, the First Presidency decided that the whole question be left to Brother J. D. T. McAllister and David H. Cannon, and if they should desire a change, for them to recommend it to us. We also thought, and so suggested, that they curtail the expenses there as much as possible.

7 February 1891 • Saturday

Saturday, Feby. 7th, 1891.

My son Abraham and Brother Chas. H. Wilcken breakfasted with me this morning. Abraham had been to Ogden and seen John Q, who told him that he expected to have everything of which we had heard settled today.

Brother Wilcken and myself drove down to my farm at West Jordan. It snowed heavily all the way there and all the way back until we crossed the river at Taylorsville. We found no snow on the east side of the river, but on the west side it was very heavy. While we were at the farm I had a steer killed, which we brought back with us.

8 February 1891 • Sunday

Sunday, Feby. 8th, 1891.

The weather still very cold. I preached today at the 9th Ward. Took supper at Brother Wilcken’s, and then attended meeting at the 1st Ward. I enjoyed the meetings, particularly the one in the 1st Ward.

9 February 1891 • Monday

Monday, Feby. 9th, 1891.

Last night was said to be the coldest of the season; the thermometer was about zero.

Had an interview with Brother Whitely, who has been a Church of England minister. He has been in this country since last July. He has made great sacrifices for the sake of the truth. He had a wife and four children and they have disowned him. His wife informed him that if he embraced Mormonism and degraded himself by such an association she wished a separation and nevermore to hear from him from that time forward. He is now employed by Brother John W. Young . He wished to ask our counsel about engaging in teaching. He also mentioned whether it would be advisable for him to form a new association in marriage. He felt desolate, and being 49 years of age he thought that he must commence a new life; in fact, he said when he left his church he felt that he was entering upon an entirely new life and leaving everything behind him. We were much interested in his conversation and pleased with the spirit which he manifested.

There has been a proffer made to us by Mr. Hall, the chief of the Hedrickites at Independence, to buy five of the lots which form part of the Temple Block there. We sent for John M. Cannon and had some conversation with him concerning it, he having examined the title to that property. After hearing his statement, we felt that inasmuch as there was a probability of our having a lawsuit if we purchased we had better not do anything with it. President Woodruff felt very clear upon that point.

Brother Andrew Jenson called in to see what counsel we had to give him in regard to his movements. We decided that he be employed in the Historian Office at a salary of $100 per month, under the direction of the Historian. I had an interview with Spencer Clawson and R. W. Young upon estate matters. The Probate Judge had suggested that some of the minor children should be represented by an attorney. We decided that it would be well to employ J.L. Rawlins, if acceptable to the guardians of these children, and that the estate pay the expense.

10 February 1891 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Feby. 10th, 1891.

The weather still continues very cold.

After being at the Gardo House this morning, President Woodruff and myself went down to the Tabernacle to examine the changes which were being made in the seating of the choir and the arrangement of the stands. There have been water closets made for gentlemen and ladies, under the Tabernacle, which are a great improvement, and with which we were much pleased; in fact, all the improvements pleased us. The workmen were whitewashing the ceilings, and the garlands that have been hanging for so long had been taken down. Brother Evan Stephens called upon us today to know our views concerning holding a concert in the Tabernacle to help pay the expenses. We thought it a good plan, and it was decided that the first Friday before the Tabernacle was opened for public services, half of the profits, after the expenses were paid, to go towards the payment of the chairs, etc, and the other half to form a choir fund.

I dictated my journal and some articles for the Juvenile Instructor.

11 February 1891 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Feby. 11th, 1891.

Bishop R. T. Burton brought some business before us connected with the appropriation by the First Presidency of last year’s tithing of the West Weber Ward to the people of the Ward, to aid in their meeting house. We had based our estimate of the amount that this tithing would be by reference to the tithing of 1889. During that year $1900 was paid in by the Ward; but this year—1890—the tithing amounted to upwards of $4000. This was more than we had contemplated. It was suggested that Brother Burton should go and see Bp. Ballantyne and try and arrange the matter satisfactorily.

Sister Jane S. Richards, the wife of Brother F. D. Richards, came in and asked to have a blessing given her. The First Presidency and Brother Richards laid their hands on her head, and I was mouth.

Sisters Dougall and Beatie called to see about getting reduced rates for Sister Beatie, who is going to Washington as one of the delegates.

The Board of Directors of Zion’s Savings Bank met at the usual hour today. I had a free conversation with Mr. Charles Ellis, who has been lecturing on Utah and its affairs.

12 February 1891 • Thursday

Thursday, Feby. 12th, 1891.

Brothers Richards and King telegraphed today, conveying the idea that they would leave on Thursday night if there was nothing to prevent. A Dispatch was sent to Brother John T. Caine, saying that we approved of their returning.

At 2 o’clock the First Presidency and Apostle A. H. Cannon met in the upper room, and at President Woodruff’s request I was mouth in prayer. We did not clothe in our priestly apparel.

Brother H. B. Clawson came in from California today, in company with Colonel Trumbo, and we had a very interesting conversation with them both. The news that they gave us concerning the settlement of the suit between the members of the Bullion, Beck and California Co. was very gratifying. They reported Mr. Badlam’s health as very infirm, and that there was really danger of his mind becoming affected. This suit had given him a great deal of trouble. In connection with this subject, I received a very interesting letter from Judge Wm. W. Stow, of San Francisco, of which the following is a copy:

13 February 1891 • Friday

Friday, Feby. 13th, 1891.

The First Presidency had another interview today with Col. Trumbo and Brother Clawson. They gave us a good deal of information concerning affairs here.

Brother John Morgan came in and informed us of an attempt to arrest the plural wife of Brother John C. Graham, of Provo. She was residing at Manassa, Colorado, and it seems that Gov. Thomas had sent a requisition to the Governor of Colorado for her arrest, but the officer could not find her. Brother J. R. Winder called and brought to our attention a copy of the report of U.S. District Attorney C. S. Varian to the Attorney General concerning church property.

A deputy marshal took possession of my house and lot in the city today, also the Whitney corner. To me this is a most outrageous act. I felt very indignant when I heard of it, as the church has not the least title to my property. It has always been in my own name.

I left on the Rio Grande Western train this afternoon at 4:55, with the intention of going to the Sanpete Stake Conference at Ephraim. Brother F.M. Lyman rode to American Fork before making himself known to me that he was on board. I was very glad indeed to see him and to have him for company. He had purposely kept quiet, thinking he would surprise me. We changed at Thistle and took another train. The saints at Fairview, Mt. Pleasant and the other towns crowded in the cars and a great many had to stand up. We reached Ephraim a little before 11 and were met by Brother A. H. Lund and Bp. Dorius. The latter took us in a sleigh to his house. Afterwards, Brother Lyman went over to Prest. Petersen’s to stop. I remained at Bp. Dorius’. Brother Lund apologized for not being able to entertain me. His wife is quite sick and near her confinement. I received a warm welcome from Bp. Dorius and his family.

14 February 1891 • Saturday

Saturday, Feby. 14th, 1891.

Attended meeting at 10 o’clock. The house was pretty well filled. Brothers Lyman and Lund occupied the forenoon. They followed Prest. Petersen, who made a report of the condition of the Stake. In the afternoon I occupied the time. In the evening Brothers Lund, Lyman and myself spoke. These three meetings were excellent ones and the best of attention was paid by the saints. The Lord poured out His Spirit, causing our hearts to rejoice. The singing was excellent, and everything conspired to make the day a very delightful one.

15 February 1891 • Sunday

Sunday, Feby. 15th, 1891.

It stormed a good deal today, but the house was filled to overflowing. The authorities of the church were presented in the forenoon, after which I spoke for 45 mins. Brother Lyman followed for about 35 mins. It is seldom I have enjoyed a more delightful flow of the Spirit than I did this morning.

In the afternoon the sacrament was administered, and Brothers Lund, Lyman and myself occupied the time in speaking.

This conference has been marked by the goodly outpouring of the Spirit, and the instructions have been of a varied and interesting character. The people all rejoiced, and the brethren expressed the great pleasure that our visit had given them.

Directly after meeting we went to Manti in a carriage which Brother D. H. Wells had sent from the Temple. It stormed all the way. Dinner was prepared for us at the Temple, after which we went to the meeting house, and myself and Brother Lyman occupied the time. The choir here is a very fine one, under the direction of Brother A. C. Smyth.

From the meeting we were taken to Brother John B. Maiben’s, where we received a very warm welcome. Brother Maiben’s family never tire in making the brethren comfortable who visit them, and as they have no children they seem to have more time than women usually have. His is the only case in the Territory that I know of where two wives are permitted to live in the same house with their husband; but this privilege was obtained by the perseverance and tenacity of purpose of one of his wives, who is healthy, and the other is a delicate woman, and she plead for her sister (they are sisters) and succeeded in getting permission from Judge Judd and District Attorney Varian to live together.

Brother Wells’ condition struck me as being more feeble than when I last saw him; in fact, it is visible that he has failed. His mind is clear, but his body seems weak.

16 February 1891 • Monday

Monday, Feby. 16th, 1891.

We were awakened at 4 o’clock this morning and breakfast had been prepared for us. We started to the train at 5 o’clock. At Thistle we changed cars, and reached Salt Lake City about 11:20[.]

I found Presidents Woodruff and Smith in good health.

I had an interview with Brother Wm. H. King, who has returned from Washington, and learned from him that our affairs seem to be pretty safe there and there was little danger apparently of adverse legislation being enacted.

Brother H. J. Grant returned from California today, where he has been very successful in arranging for loans of money to assist us.

A meeting of the sugar company was held, and it was decided to invite Brother James Jennings to be secretary of the company, in place of Arthur Stayner, who had resigned.

We had a very strong wind this afternoon, almost approaching a blizzard. The snow was very disagreeable, although no great quantity fell.

I found my family tolerably well when I returned. My son Sylvester is suffering from a severe cold and cough. My sons Espey and Collins were also affected.

17 February 1891 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Feby. 17th, 1891.

Five years ago today I was brought into the courtroom, wounded, and put under $45,000. bonds. The remembrance of that time brings many painful recollections; and yet mingled with these is a feeling of gratitude for the great changes that have been wrought out since that period. The contrast between our circumstances then and now, I feel, ought to inspire me, as it does, with thanksgiving to the Lord for His goodness to me.

We had conversations with Brother H. J. Grant and others concerning increasing the capital stock of Z.C.M.I. This was fully discussed at a Board meeting, and it was decided to increase the capital stock a quarter of a million, making it a million and a quarter. I have been very much in favor of the church having an interest in Z.C.M.I., as I think it would give it influence with the people and would be a good thing for the church, if it could be kept out of the hands of our enemies. Brother Grant is very much in favor of letting the church have this proposed increase at the rate of $125. per share, which is $15. less than its present value.

We had considerable conversation with Brothers N. W. Clayton and James Jack and Isaac Clayton concerning the Inland Salt Co’s affairs.

Brother Lorenzo Snow called today.

We had an interview with Brother N. V. Jones, in company with Brother C. H. Wilcken, concerning the former’s case. He wished to get counsel concerning the course he should take before the court. He was counseled to say that he would obey the law.

Brothers Caine and Richards telegraphed concerning church suits, and wanted to know what new features there were, and whether Varian, as they had heard, was going to Washington. We replied that there was nothing new beyond what appeared in the papers.

The First Presidency had a long conversation with Frank J. Cannon concerning the political situation at Ogden, and afterwards Brothers L. W. Shurtliff and H. H. Rolapp called on the same business. It seems that both Democrats and Republicans at Ogden are anxious to have a division on party lines, and they say if this can be done it will break up the Liberal party. The brethren wanted to get our views concerning this. I think it a very momentous question and should be viewed with gravity and great consideration. I therefore proposed that we postpone any action on this till we could get a number of the brethren together, and appointed Thursday morning, 10 o’clock, for the purpose.

We had an interview with Geo. M. Cannon concerning the Defense Fund. He was appointed by Brother John W. Taylor to take charge of the monies as they came in. We approved of this appointment, with the understanding that he should pay the funds over every month to Brother James Jack.

It was decided today that a discourse delivered by Brother S. W. Richards before the High Priests’ Quorum, and which had been prepared for the press, should not be published, as there were many arguments used in it which, under present circumstances, might be taken advantage of by our enemies, concerning the authority of the Priesthood and of the Church, and contrasting that with the government of the nation.

18 February 1891 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Feby. 18th, 1891.

We attended to business today.

There was a meeting of the Board of Directors of Zion’s Savings Bank at 1 o’clock.

Brothers Willard and Richard W. Young called and submitted a draft of a deed for the proposed university. We approved of it. There was some discussion concerning the name. They both favored calling the university “Young University”. President Woodruff, Brother Lyman and myself thought that would be a very good name. Brothers Lorenzo Snow and Jos. F. Smith did not seem to favor that name. They thought “Brigham Young University” would be better. Brother Grant did not express himself fully, though I rather think he favored the latter. The two points in my mind which made me favor calling it the “Young University” are that the heirs seem to desire that name, and the name “Brigham Young” is applied already to the college at Logan and the academy at Provo, and the tendency is <would be>, instead of calling it “Brigham Young University”, to call it the B.Y.University.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

When my son Frank was down yesterday, he and Abraham called upon me and mentioned the condition of John Q’s affairs, and I suggested that they should take the matter in hand and examine them. In view of that, my sons Abraham and David went to Ogden this afternoon.

19 February 1891 • Thursday

Thursday, Feby. 19th, 1891.

David informed me this morning that they had failed to find John Q. in Ogden, and they could not stop any longer, as they had to return last night. Afterwards Abraham telegraphed in my name to John Q. asking him to come down to the city.

The First Presidency had a meeting this morning at 10 o’clock in the parlor of the Gardo House with a delegation from Ogden consisting of Prest. L. W. Shurtliff, Brother Flygare, Thomas D. Dee, H. H. Rolapp, Ben Rich and my son Frank. We invited Brothers H. Grant and A. H. Cannon, of the Apostles, and the Presiding Bishop and his counselors to be present. Brother Thomas D. Dee and H. H. Rolapp described the character of the campaign that had just passed at Ogden and the plans they had adopted to secure the advantages which they had obtained in the late election. My son Frank and Ben Rich followed. All the brethren from Ogden were clearly of the opinion that the time had come for our people in Weber County to divide on party lines—that is, as Republicans and Democrats. They had been assured by both leading Republicans and Democrats that if they would do this they would break up the Liberal party.

A great deal was said concerning the situation of affairs there, and after a thorough discussion of the subject, all present expressing themselves with more or less fullness, it was decided that it was the most advisable thing to be done at the present time to allow our people to divide on party lines. It was also decided that it would be better for the Standard to come out as a Republican paper. Differences of views were expressed as to which party would have the preponderance, the brethren who had Democratic leanings thinking that the Democrats would have the majority, and my son Frank and Ben Rich being of the contrary opinion. All seemed to think that it would be better for the parties to be pretty equally divided. Even the Gentile Democrats themselves had expressed the same view to Brother Rolapp.

I felt clear in my mind that this policy was a good one to adopt in that county at the present time. President Woodruff gave his decision very clearly and emphatically in this way.

At 2 o’clock the First Presidency and Brothers H. J. Grant and A. H. Cannon met and prayed. We did not put on our priestly robes.

I dictated correspondence and my journal to Brother Winter.

20 February 1891 • Friday

Friday, Feby. 20th, 1891.

The First Presidency was very busy today.

We decided to appropriate $500. for the Samoan Mission to help them arrange their dwelling places more comfortably and in accordance with diagrams they had submitted to us.

Bp. Geo. L. Farrell called with his son and nephew who are about to go on a mission to Holland. We had considerable conversation with him concerning affairs in Cache Stake, and changed an appropriation we had made for the Smithfield meeting house into better pay.

President Lorenzo Snow called and spent some time with us.

Elder Isaac Fox brought a letter from Brother Ward E. Pack on the Sandwich Islands. Brother Fox has filled a very honorable mission there and has just returned.

21 February 1891 • Saturday

Saturday, Feby. 21st, 1891.

I spent the day at my home on the river. My health has not been good for several days, and I enjoyed the rest.

22 February 1891 • Sunday

Sunday, Feby. 22nd, 1891.

My son David drove me to the 20th Ward meeting house to attend the funeral of B. Y. Hampton Jr, who had been killed in a snowslide in Idaho. Bishop Whitney and Brother C. R. Savage made remarks. There was a good-sized congregation present. My son Abraham was there. He informed me after the meeting of an interview that he had had with his brother John Q. David took me down to the 13th Ward Assembly Hall at 2 o’clock, to meet with the saints according to appointment. I occupied the time speaking to the people and had a very attentive congregation. After which I was taken home.

23 February 1891 • Monday

Monday, Feby. 23rd, 1891.

I came up to the Gardo House today and attended to some little business; among other things, revised an article for the Juvenile Instructor.

This is a holiday, yesterday being George Washington’s birthday.

While I was at the Gardo House, President Jos. F. Smith and myself ordained, I being mouth, ex-Bishop George Wilcox Burridge to the office of patriarch.

24 February 1891 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Feby. 24th, 1891.

After I reached the Gardo House this morning, my son Abraham called upon the First Presidency to lay before us the position of affairs in Ogden, at my son John Q’s request. It seems that according to the decision which was reached Thursday last, the “Standard” is now a Republican paper. My son John Q., who had been the editor, being known as a Democrat, had withdrawn his name from the paper, and Frank’s name now appears as the editor of the paper. Ex-Judge Henderson, a gentleman named Rhodes and some other prominent Democrats have waited upon John Q. and offered to buy out the control of the “Commercial” of Ogden if he will become the editor. He put them off, as he did not wish to give them an answer until he could get counsel from us. He informed them that his first allegiance was to his church. He had been born and brought up a Mormon, and never wished anything to come between the church and himself, and should feel bound always to defend it. These gentlemen told him that they wanted nothing said about the church. They denounced the course the Tribune had taken. They wished to have the political lines drawn in this country. John Q’s feeling was that if the people were to be left to choose political sides, then he would have no objection to accepting the position; but if this were not the case, he did not wish to have anything to do with it.

After considerable conversation and deliberation, President Woodruff expressed himself, as also did President Smith, in favor of his accepting the position offered him, with the understanding, however, that his name should not appear as the editor. They felt that it would be a good thing to have the Liberal party broken up, and have these attacks upon the church cease, and new issues raised. All these gentlemen expressed themselves to John Q. as being in favor of Utah being admitted as a State.

My feelings were peculiar. The idea of two of my sons being on two different papers, one a Republican and the other a Democratic paper, was something that to me was not pleasant to contemplate. It is understood, however, that nothing offensive shall appear in neither of the papers, and that nothing shall occur to disturb the harmony which has existed between my sons in their personal relations. Brother Jos. F. Smith thought it would have a good effect on the outside, as it would show that there was no influence brought to bear on our young men with regard to politics. It seems to be a queer condition of affairs, and yet matters are taking such a shape that it seems clear to me that the Lord is in this movement, and that through this we shall get relief from some of the oppressions that we have suffered from in the past.

Brother Geo. H. Crosby called upon us. He has just been released from the penitentiary, where he has been confined for 76 days. We rendered him a little assistance to get home.

Brother Leigh also called. He has just returned from a mission to England. The First Presidency had a meeting with Sister Taylor, Susie Young Gates and Sister Jakeman. The latter has assumed the position of business manager of the Young Woman’s Journal and desired to be set apart. We laid our hands on her head, and President Woodruff called on me to be mouth.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

Gen. Geo. H. Williams telegraphed to Brother Clawson to the following effect:

“Think everything will be satisfactorily arranged with Attorney General regarding new suits, and that Congress even will not consider forfeiture.”

The following dispatch was also received, from Brothers Richards and Caine:

“Middle last week I had interviews with Attorney General and Solicitor General about church suits. Explained how settlement was made and large concessions church made to proviso litigation. Insisted that the government was morally and legally bound to trial decree as final. Attorney General finally said if my recollection of facts was correct, new suits ought to be withdrawn and decree treated as finality. Said he would write Jenks, ascertain if he remembered facts as I did. If so, new cases would be dismissed. After consultation with John T. Caine and our friends, I visited Jenks, and after two days’ labor succeeded in getting him to make very favorable statement of facts, which ought to settle the question, and will do so unless Attorney General goes back on his promise. We will follow matter up and report.”

25 February 1891 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Feby. 25th, 1891.

After my arrival at the Gardo House this morning, President Woodruff and myself administered to Brother Andrew Olsen, of Beaver Stake, who has been selected to go on a mission to Scandinavia. He is said to be a very estimable man. He is deformed and desired to be blessed that he either might be completely restored or have his physical health improved. Brother L. John Nuttall anointed, and President Woodruff with he and myself laid hands on him, I being mouth.

The Board of Directors of Zion’s Savings Bank met at 1 o’clock and attended to various items of business. The electric lighting of the Templeton Hotel is not satisfactory, owing to the jarring of the walls by the running of the counter shaft connected with the dynamo. It is feared that if this is permitted to continue, it will loosen all the mortar in the walls. At the present time it disturbs the guests. It was therefore decided to discontinue the use of the electric light until the engine and dynamo could be changed.

Bishop Winder brought to our attention the danger there is of our people rushing pell mell into the Democratic party and committing themselves before they fairly understood what they are doing. It was suggested to my brother Angus that he get his counselors together and lay this matter before them, and that they take steps to explain to our people in the Stake the propriety of not being too fast in committing themselves to either political parties, especially to the Democrats, because at the present time it might do us injury, and we prefer that the saints should understand what they are doing.

A meeting of the Deseret News Co was held this afternoon.

26 February 1891 • Thursday

Thursday, Feby. 26th, 1891.

The First Presidency had a call this morning from Prest. L. W. Shurtliff, of Weber Stake, and afterwards from Bishop E. Stratford, of the 4th Ward Ogden. These brethren informed us that there is great danger of a great many of our people connecting themselves with the Democratic party and throwing their strength in that direction. We had a full conversation with the Bishop, explaining to him our position, as he had not heard anything about it. We said it would be a misfortune for our folks to rush into the Democratic ranks at the present time, without giving the subject proper consideration. The tendency of our people has been democratic; but there were many things to be considered in connection with this question upon which they should seek further information and light; and we desired Brother Stratford, as we had previously desired Prest. Shurtliff and his counselors, to use all the influence he could to restrain the people until they knew what they were doing. Brother Stratford expressed his satisfaction at the information.

President Woodruff and myself went to the 22nd Ward this afternoon to attend the funeral services of Brother Geo. W. Hill, who had died rather suddenly of pneumonia, superinduced by la grippe. A number of Brother Hill’s old acquaintances bore testimony to his worth. The expressions concerning his life and character were very gratifying. President Woodruff and myself also spoke for a short time.

With Captain Willard Young, we discussed the names of trustees for Young University.

27 February 1891 • Friday

Friday, Feby. 27th, 1891.

The First Presidency and Brothers James Jack and N. W. Clayton took into consideration the condition of the Inland Salt Co. An option which had been given for the property had been in a certain way accepted; still it was in the power of the company to decline the offer which had been made, and it could be done honorably. It was felt that it is a great misfortune to have all these things pass out of the hands of the Latter-day Saints into the hands of outsiders, and the feeling expressed by nearly all was that in allowing this to get out of our hands we were parting with a property that could be made very valuable to the country as well as to the owners. The question also of trying to make arrangements to purchase the lake front now held by Matthew White was discussed.

We had a meeting of the Deseret Telegraph Co. and attended to business connected with it. In the present position of the telegraph line, with the competition it has to meet, it is not self-sustaining. The encroachments of the Western Union Telegraph Co has cut off a good many of the paying offices of the Deseret telegraph line. In order to act intelligently upon this matter, I made a motion that the Superintendent continue the working of the line as at present for three months longer, and then at our meeting at the expiration of that time he be instructed to make a report to us, giving us the amount of business done over the line, and by which office of the line, and the cost, so that we might know exactly what the line was doing. This was carried, and we adjourned.

My brother Angus and Brother C. W. Penrose met with us to consider the question of a county superintendent of Sunday schools. It was decided to select Brother Thomas C. Griggs.

Brother Evan Stephens and the Tabernacle choir gave a grand concert this evening in the Tabernacle. A large portion of my family and myself were present. There had been a space railed off in the centre of the east gallery opposite the organ and stand for such persons as it would be proper to give reserved seats to. The sight from this position was very grand. The new arrangement of the seats of the choir and for the Priesthood appeared to advantage. Besides the gas lights, there were four large electric lights, which added much to the brilliancy. The audience was a large one and very orderly. The singing and other music passed off in fine style, and Brother Stephens and his choir ought to feel much gratified with the result of their efforts. The mandolin and guitar club was much admired. Brother Weihe won great applause through his playing on the violin.

28 February 1891 • Saturday

Saturday, Feby. 28th, 1891.

On my way up this morning I called and saw Sister Emily P. Young, the mother of my wife Carlie. She is quite sick. Her son Carlos and myself administered to her.

I got the aid of Brothers James Jack and Arthur Winter in arranging Estate matters in such a shape that a report could be made to the meeting of the trustees under the new corporation, to be held at 3 o’clock this afternoon. I dictated my journal.

We met at 3 o’clock and remained in session five hours, during which we transacted considerable business. It was deemed proper to elect me chairman of the meetings, and Richard W. Young secretary. By-laws which had been prepared were read and such changes made as were thought proper. It was decided to have an executive committee of three, and these were balloted for. I did not take any part in this, and the result was that Heber Young, Spencer Clawson and L. G. Hardy received the highest number of votes and were elected. The question of giving a paper to the wives, confirming in them their title under the will to the use of the Lion House while they lived, was discussed, and it was finally decided, at my suggestion, to frame the document in such a manner that no advantage could be taken of it either by anyone representing the wives or by the company, in the event of the personnel of the company being changed. It was decided also, after considerable discussion, to increase the payment to the wives from $75. to $100. per month. This was done against the protest of several, there being in the first place six in favor and six against. Then one of those who voted against moved a reconsideration of the vote, and by that time three of those who were opposed had been induced to go with those who favored it, and this left Hiram S. Young, Geo. W. Thatcher and Wm. A. Rossiter opposed to the increase at the present time, though they did not vote against it. They were desirous to have this matter left over for another month, as they thought they could vote more intelligently then, and they did not think there was any need to be in such a hurry. But Brother Spencer Clawson, who made the motion, seemed determined to have his way about this matter, and in this he was seconded by Chas. S. Burton and Leonard G. Hardy, and in a lesser degree by Richard W. Young and Don Carlos Young. I felt myself that there was too much of a disposition to push this through nolens volens, over the wishes of those who asked for more time.

I gave the following brief statement of what the Trustees had done, with a full list of all the property turned over by Brigham Young and myself as Trustees to the corporation.1

I drove home in the dark alone tonight. The roads were in a very bad condition. I felt faint and almost sick, not having had anything scarcely to eat all day.

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February 1891, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 29, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1890s/1891/02-1891


  1. [1]Remainder of page left blank.