January 1885

Events in George Q. Cannon’s journal for 1885

12 January

Family celebration of George Q. Cannon’s birthday

16 January

Urged stake presidents to appoint a person who is “capable and energetic and willing if necessary to devote his entire time looking after the political affairs of the Territory”

21 January

Arranged for hiding places

6 February

With President John Taylor, dictated a letter to the committee “appointed to select and purchase a place of Refuge in the Republic of Mexico”

9 February

“We are told that the Jury has obtained evidence enough to sustain charge of unlawful cohabitation. I was pleased to learn that Bro. J. F Smith had sailed for the Sandwich Islands.”

16 February

“President Taylor spoke to me about my going East to see prominent Democrats and President-elect [Grover] Cleveland concerning us and our affairs and position.”

20 February

“A newly-married couple in the opposite berth furnished some amusement by their billing and cooing”

4 March

Witnessed inaugural ceremonies for President Cleveland

16 March

Attended a lecture by Henry Ward Beecher on “‘evolution and revolution.’ I did not like the lecture. It was a weak affair, I thought, for a man of his reputation.”

17 March

Conversed with President Cleveland. “He ought to make a good President if he does not get spoiled by his elevation.”

21 March

Told postmaster general William F. Vilas that there was “not any prospect” of “our giving up or renouncing polygamy”

26 March

“In speaking to Mr. Cleveland I alluded to the efforts which are being made by religious people all over the country to arouse hatred against us by signing petitions.”

6 April

“I have felt for some time that we are bending our necks too much to our enemies. My feeling has been that we should not tamely submit to the tyranny practiced upon us.”

17 April

A printed circular in which Cannon offers prizes to stimulate his children in their studies

18 April

Distressed by Thomas Taylor’s misrepresentations concerning the Iron Manufacturing Company

29 April

Letter from Henry Dinwoodey and S. W. Sears regarding possible compromises on polygamy in order to gain statehood

30 April

Heard that Franklin Cannon “was guilty of drunkenness, mingling with bad associates, bad women among the number and perhaps whoredom”

7 May

Lamented that “a few Federal Officials had been permitted to terrorize the entire community”

31 May

Dealt with theft of money by a Cannon family member

3 June

Heard report by Elders Thatcher and Young regarding “our settling in Mexico”

2 July

“I thought every flag should be at half mast” on the Fourth of July

12 July

“I gave them [my children] many incidents from my personal history in my boyhood and youth to illustrate to them the manner in which the Spirit of the Lord operates upon the mind of young people.”

19 July

“I feel greatly drawn out to impart instructions to my family. I am very anxious that my children should be instructed in the principles of righteousness.’

10 August

“I was led to dedicate myself, my wives, my sons and my daughters and my substance with great fervor to Him [the Lord] and his service.”

26 August

“I have a dread of using money to gain our ends — rightful and legitimate though they are. But what a picture does the conduct of these Judges present!”

8 September ff.

Ongoing dealings concerning “the lawsuit on the Bullion, B. & C. Mine with the Eureka people”

15 September

Need to use honorable methods of becoming a state

3 October ff.

Various efforts used to avoid being captured

21 October

Listened “to the reading of proofs of Mr [George] Bancroft’s history”

6 November

Cannon’s remarks on the Constitution and religious freedom

16 November

Told by President Taylor that his labors were acceptable to the Lord

25 November

Countered false rumors regarding the Lamberts

4 December

“Word reached us this evening that Gen. McCook had been authorized by President Cleveland to investigate the alleged troubles here.”

25 December

“Spent considerable time with Pres. T[aylor] examining the revelations concerning the selection of bishops and their ordination”

1 January 1885 • Thursday

Thursday Jan 1st 1885. Came to town early this morning, and at 10 o’clock had another interview with Prest. Taylor, Bro. Brigham and Mr Kowski.

Elders Jesse N. Smith and Lot Smith of Arizona arrived today. We read to them the correspondence that we had sent to them, and told them our views. Prest. Taylor intimated that he would like to have them return with him, if they would, to Arizona. They expressed their willingness to do so. I went and ate dinner with my wife Eliza and the children of my first wife and some other friends. After which I returned to town and met by appointment at the Gardo House with Prest. Taylor and Mr Kowski.

2 January 1885 • Friday

Friday Jan 2, 1885. At the Office. Suffering from a very severe cold. Busy making preparations for the departure of Prest. Taylor. Bros Jesse N. Smith, Lot Smith,

Fish and L. Hatch called. We read to them the correspondence we had written to them. Bro. F. M. Lyman came in prepared to go. Had another interview with Mr Kowski in the evening.

I drew up a list of names for Officers in the Territory of Arizona (in case those in office were removed) for President Taylor’s use. Arranged for passes for Bros Young & Penrose and Mr Kowski. Prest. Taylor desired John Q. as he was Bishop, to be in charge of the funds of the party. I arranged today also for a letter of credit for $5000 to be obtained for them. Bro. Sharp got it in his name so as not to direct too much attention.

3 January 1885 • Saturday

Saturday Jan 3, 1885. I slept at the Gardo House last night, and was up early completing preparations for the party’s journey. I accompanied them to Ogden. Bro. Moses Thatcher reached here in the night and was on hand this morning. Bro. Erastus Snow did not arrive in time to accompany the party. A section of the Pullman car was secured for Prest. Taylor and another for Bro. Sharp. Bros Young and Penrose and Kowski also had each a berth.

George Reynolds has had to keep out of the way since yesterday afternoon, there being a subpœna out for him as a witness, and he did not wish to be detained. Bro. Sharp put on his private car, and in this way Bros Smith and Penrose were kept secreted until outside of the lines of the Territory.

I returned and attended to business here in the office

4 January 1885 • Sunday

Sunday Jan 4, 1885. Held Sunday School. Then rode to meeting in the Tabernacle. Suffering very much from my cold. Bros George C. Lambert and H. J. Grant addressed the congregation. I cautioned the latter about being careful respecting remarks about their visit to the Yaki country; but he talked with great frankness, so much so, about the intention to make settlements in Sonora, that I felt it necessary to make some remarks qualifying what he had said, so as to remove wrong impressions from the minds of the people. Myself, Bro. H. J. Grant & Jno. W. Taylor met at the Endowment House after meeting and had prayer. I spent the night at the house of Caroline.

5 January 1885 • Monday

Monday Jan 5, 1885. At the Office attending to various matters of business, though suffering much from my cold. Met with the Sunday School Union in the afternoon.

Dictated my journal to Bro. John Irvine. Took supper at the house of Wahine hou [my latest wife], and attended School meeting in the Assembly Hall. I was desirous to be at this meeting — though my health scarcely warranted it — because of the unruly conduct of parties who attended the meeting on previous occasions. I had told the folks last Sunday that unless there could be a change I would be in favor of closing these meetings; but I was happy in seeing the best of order, and the utmost quiet prevailed inside and out, being a remarkable contrast with some of the meetings we had held previously.

6 January 1885 • Tuesday

Tuesday Jan 6, 1885. After I arose this morning I went to my son Abraham’s, where I felt so badly that I had to send for the Elders to administer to me — my brother Angus, Bro. Bywater and my son Abraham. Afterwards I felt better. Was very busy in the Office all day. Bros Budge & Hart came in and asked counsel respecting the condition of affairs in Idaho. After conversing with them for sometime, and giving them such counsel as I thought the circumstances required, I suggested to them the propriety of some one or two going to Boise and operating on the outside to aid the members which our people had elected, who are young and inexperienced men, in battling for liberty and in resisting the passage of the hostile legislation proposed. It struck me that this was a time when every exertion should be made to accomplish this end, either to prevent legislation, or to have its harsher features softened. Neither of them could go, because they were threatened with arrest for plural marriage. I asked them if there was no one in their stake they could think of. They could think of no one suitable. I then asked them to think over their acquaintances in the Cache Valley Stake, and to come back in the afternoon. They came back but had no one in their mind; but in the course of conversation allusion was made to Charles W. Nibley, who I thought would make an excellent man, and I suggested Fred. Turner also as another. I dictated a letter to Bro. Nibley appointing him to this mission which Bro. Budge will take in the morning to Logan. I telegraphed Bro. Nibley that Bro. Budge would be up in the morning, and it would be important for him to meet him.

Bro. Geo. W. Hill, the Indian Missionary, and Bro. Bowan, from Deep Creek came in to see us about getting wire for the Deep Creek Indian Mission. I arranged for Bro. Nuttall to go and order this for them, also a plow.

Busy with correspondence part of the day.

7 January 1885 • Wednesday

Wednesday Jan 7, 1885. Received letter from Prest. Taylor dated Denver, also a dispatch in cypher. In this I was requested to forward $15,000 immediately to the order of Bro. Brigham Young, New York, and asked if I could raise $5000 among my friends to add to the amount. Bishop John Sharp proposed to raise $12,500 among his friends, this being half the amount Prest. Taylor thought would be required.

Met with the council at 2 oclock. Bro. H. J. Grant for himself and firm subscribed $500 towards the $5000 today. He subscribed himself $250 of the $500. I talked to some parties asking them what they would be willing to subscribe of the $5000 “to project upon” without giving them any details.

My health is some better today. I hope I shall soon be myself again.

Received a dispatch from Prest. Taylor informing me that they were visiting the settlements in <Eastern> Arizona Stake — Snowflake, Woodruff, & St. Joseph.

8 January 1885 • Thursday

Thursday Jan 8, 1885. At the Office. Arranged for $15,000 to be sent as directed to Elder Brigham Young, & wrote a letter to accompany it. I also telegraphed to Prest. Taylor at Holbrook informing him of this amount being sent, and that I was raising the $5000 of which he had spoken

Judge Zane declared the School tax of the 7th Ward valid much to the joy of all our people. A strong attempt had been made to show that our schools were sectarian, and to have the collecting of the tax enjoined.

Bro. Rogerson submitted the testimony of Jas H. Haslem which he had taken at Wellsville in regard to the Mountain Meadow Massacre. Bro F D. Richards and myself listened to it. Busy also revising a discourse for the press. Remained in town all night.

9 January 1885 • Friday

Friday Jan 9, 1885. At the Office. Bros L. W. Shurtliff, C. T. Middleton & N. C. Flygare (the Presidency of Weber Stake) called and reported the condition of affairs in Ogden respecting the municipal election. They said they were unanimous in their meeting with the exception of Bro. L. Farr (and perhaps one other individual,) and they were afraid that he was going to operate in such a manner as to produce a split, and at the present time union was absolutely necessary on the part of our people to secure the election. If we divided our enemies would carry it. After listening to their statement I said that I would endeavor to get three of the Twelve — Bros L. Snow, Albert Carrington, and perhaps Heber J. Grant — go to Ogden and investigate the matter and labor for harmony and union on the part of the people in supporting the ticket.

A meeting of the Board of Regents took place at 12 oclock. Some business was transacted.

10 January 1885 • Saturday

Saturday Jan 10, 1885. At the Office. Dictated two articles for the Juvenile Instructor. At 11 oclock attended meeting of the Board of Directors of Z. C. M. I.

At the request of Bro. Jesse W. Fox went and administered to his daughter Francis who is very low.

Several brethren called in to ask counsel upon various matters. Bro. Parkinson, Counselor to the President of Oneida Stake came for instructions.

11 January 1885 • Sunday1

Sunday, Jan. 11th

Stormy day. I met with my children in Sunday School and spent the forenoon. Afterwards drove to town. Attended meeting at the Tabernacle. Just as I was getting out of my buggy to enter the Tabernacle Wilford Woodruff Jr. said his father wished to see me at his residence. I went there and had some conversation with him. A man had been walking backward and forward in front of his house watching the building and acting strangely, and he did not know but it was a Deputy Marshal. I told him that I would learn respecting it. In the meantime I requested Bro. N. V. Jones to have two or three men to watch anybody that might be spying about the house; they could take turns in watching.

Bro. Teasdale addressed the congregation. Afterwards attended Circle meeting in the Endowment House. After taking supper with my brother Angus, rode with him to the 11th Ward where Bro. James Sharp and he, followed by myself, addressed the house full of Saints. I remained in town to night.

12 January 1885 • Monday

Monday, Jan 12

Met with my brother Angus and my cousin George J. Taylor at the Deseret Hospital for the purpose of examining the house and satisfying ourselves as to whether it would be best for our Aunt Eleanor to be removed there in order to get better care than she could get outside. I liked the hospital — the way it is managed; but scarcely think that it would be suitable for her or that she would be pleased with the change.

Busy at the Office all day. Sent a draft of $500000 to Bro. Brigham Young in addition to what we sent last week. Received a telegram from Prest. Taylor, dated Snowflake, yesterday, suggesting that the $5000 be sent there. Had an interview with Bishops Preston & Burton and the Mayor and City Marshall and my brother, the President of the Stake, respecting making the selection of the special police more efficient. Our enemies are determined to do all in their power to entrap certain individuals, leading men in the community, and they are going to work, so I hear from various sources, with great diligence for the next three months.

I had a visit from my sons Abraham and Franklin, and talked over business matters. Several persons came in on business and for counsel.

I drove down home this evening in company with my brother Angus, and was greatly surprised on finding my families who live on the farm all assembled in the dining room of the lake home of my wife Elizabeth with my sons Abraham and family and Franklin, my nephew George Lambert and his family, my brother-<in-law,> John Hoagland and his wife, and my brother Angus and his wives. As soon as I entered the drawing <dining> room they were all assembled and all exclaiming exclaimed “Surprise, Surprise”. I was greatly surprised. A fine dinner had been prepared, and we all sat down and enjoyed ourselves exceedingly. After dinner I went into the <front> parlor followed by the party, but found the folding doors closed of of the back room <parlor.> and the <front> parlor rearranged differently. A very elegant rocking chair was there which had been bought by my wives for me as a present; and my oldest sons presented me with one of the most elegant albiums I ever saw, and a beautiful mother-of-pearl opera glass, and a pair of slippers. I sat conversing with the company not suspecting what was in store, when the folding doors opened and a most beautiful tableau was presented formed by my children under the direction of Bro. Sanders the School Teacher. They sang a song and a variety of exercises followed which were of the most interesting description. I was overpowered and could scarcely control my emotions for a long time.

While in the midst of our exercises Bps. Preston and Burton came down accompanied by Bro. Fred Turner to see me about the latter’s mission to Boise City in company with Bro. Nibley. They suggest also that Bro. Homer, the Sheriff of Oneida County, should go also to Boise City, and I instructed Bro. Preston to send a dispatch to him in my name asking him to come down by the first train.

After the children had gone through a variety of exercises, among which were songs, recitations and dialogues. Bro. Sanders had arranged banners that were appropriate which were displayed from time to time by the children. Over the folding doors, in the space between, there was hung up “Happy 1827 — Blessed 1885,” and between the two was “January 11th”, the date of my birth. After the children had partaken of their supper the folks got together again and Bro. Sanders took charge of the proceedings. Called upon my brother Angus to speak. He gave a very interesting description of our childhood and of the espousal of the Gospel by our parents, and contrasted for my children our childhood and theirs — the advantages that they possessed. My nephew, Geo. C. Lambert, followed; then my son Franklin and my son Abraham. There was a hymn sung, and I spoke. I never in my life had more honor paid to me and felt a deeper sense of gratitude to the Almighty than I did this evening in witnessing and sharing in these proceedings. The respect and reverence and love exhibited by my wives and children and by all touched me very deeply, and I thought such a scene was a very ample compensation for all the annoyances and trouble which our enemies seek to bring upon us. It was after 12 before we closed, making this one of the most memorable days that I ever witnessed.

13 January 1885 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Jan. 13,

At the office. Had a visit from Prest. L. W. Shurtliff of Weber Stake; conversed with him and several of the Twelve about the affairs of Weber Stake. Dictated a letter to Bro. F. S. Richards, and a joint letter to Bro. John T. Caine and Bro. F. S. Richards, also a letter to Elder Wm Willis of the East Indian Mission and attended to other matters of business in the office such as signing recommends &c.2

Got word respecting a design to have Bro. Woodruff subpœnaed as a witness with the intention of probing him with questions, and if not answered satisfactorily, put him in contempt. I suggested that it would be better for him to take a short mission, so it was arranged that he should stop at my son Abrahams, and then go south to St. George. I arranged with Bro. Jas. Sharp for a car to take him south. The news has reached us of the death of ex-Vice President Schuyler Colfax who dropped dead in a railway station. He was an enemy of the Latter-day Saints.

14 January 1885 • Wednesday

Wednesday Jan 14, 1885. At the office. Busy with office duties and correspondence. Had a call from Bro. Fred. Turner, who is going to Boise City in a day or two. Met at 2 oclock with the brethren at the Endowment House. Bro. James Sharp, the Mayor, reported the swearing in of 200 special policemen last night. I received a dispatch from Prest. Taylor informing me that they were all well and that they purposed visiting Guaymas yesterday and expected to return on Saturday to Benson. I sent a dispatch to him immediately.

Elder Wm H. Homer ex-Sheriff of Onieda County, came down by train this evening. Bishop Preston brought him to the office where we had conversation with him respecting his proposed mission to Boise. He expressed entire willingness to go, and I gave him counsel as to the proper method of managing affairs. I brought up my wife Eliza and one or two others to the Theatre this evening. After this interview I went there and stayed until the close of the performance.

15 January 1885 • Thursday

Thursday Jan 15, 1885. At the Office. A dispatch from Bros Caine and Richards from Washington stated that ex Attorney General McVeagh’s fees for service in the election cases would be $1000, $750, $500 according to the amount of work done that would be required of him. They suggested that he be engaged at the middle fee. After consulting with the brethren I sent a dispatch to the effect that they had been close with him to that amount. I attended the funeral services of <the widow of> Joseph Fielding in company with my brother Angus. Bro. G. Bywater was speaking when we went in, and was followed by my Brother Angus and myself.

Bro. Fred Turner brought me a long letter from Bro. Nibley in which he gave a comprehensive review of the situation in Boise. At 3 oclock in company with my daughter Mary Alice I attended a dinner party at the house of Bro. Geo. Stringfellow. My brother Angus, Bro & Sister Carrington were there also. We had a very excellent meal and had a nice visit.

16 January 1885 • Friday

Friday Jan. 16, 1885 . At the Office. Dictated letters to Presidents Budge & Counsellors, Hendricks & Counsellors, Ricks & Counsellors, & Bishop H. D. Haight and counselors, also a letter to President Taylor. In these former I urged upon the presiding authorities of these stakes the necessity of concert of action. Suggested that they select a man to represent each stake in a committee, the chairman of the committee to be elected by them, and be one capable and energetic and willing if necessary to devote his entire time looking after the political affairs of the Territory; that the enslavement of our people was aimed at, & that every liberty that free men can value would be taken away from us if our enemies could have their way. I urged upon them the necessity of energy and that everything be done possible to maintain and preserve the liberties of the people, and that they should take steps to raise a defense fund from which they could draw to pay for legal and other expenses. I said it was cheaper and better for us to make a fight in the courts than to have the same treatment meted out to us that we had formerly experienced, namely having mobs drive us from our homes and strip us of all we have. I also wrote letters of appointment to Bro. Homer and Turner and a letter to Bishop Farrell.

In the evening I attended a social gathering upon invitation of H. B. Clawson at the 12th Ward and spent a very agreeable time. I remained in town all night.

17 January 1885 • Saturday

Saturday Jan 17, 1885. Quite a fall of snow during the night. I drove down early this morning to my place on the river and brought up my wife Martha. Attended to some business outside before going to the Office. Dictated a letter to Bro. Nibley at Boise, and my journal to Bro. John Irvine, and then attended to looking up my account with the Trustee matters. A dispatch was received in cipher from Bro. Penrose at New York in which he stated “Prospects favorable. Admit <Have met> no important persons yet” and that my letter had been received. Bro. Woodruff left by this evening’s train for St. George. A dispatch was also received from Prest. Taylor at St. David informing me that himself and party were wielling and I replied thereto. I took supper with my wife and my brother at my sister Mary Alice’s. Afterwards <Angus and> <myself> drove down to the house of Bro. David Dickinson <Duncanson> who <is> paralyzed and who was anxious to see me. We administered to him. It was very disagreeable driving home by the lower road.

18 January 1885 • Sunday

Sunday Jan 18, 1885. My son Angus drove me to the depôt this morning in time for the train which left at 8 oclock for Ogden. Bro. F. D. Richards was on the train, and Bro. John Irvine, wife and daughter. Prest. Shurtliff met us with a sleigh, and my son Frank. I rode with him to Bro. Shurtliff’s where I took breakfast and attended meeeting at the Tabernacle. After the reading of reports &c I spoke and had considerable freedom; also in the afternoon after Bro. F. D. Richards had spoken. He occupied about half an hour. His health is not very good. He has just had his upper teeth drawn which embarrassed him somewhat, but his remarks were very good. I called for a while before going to the train at the house of my son. Was driven by him to the train in a heavy snow storm. The snow was very deep at Ogden. I stopped at the house of my wife Emily.

19 January 1885 • Monday

Monday Jan 19, 1885. Snow fell considerably in the night. I was at the Office early this morning and breakfasted at the Gardo House. Bro. Smoot called in today. He has been quite unwell. Mayor James Sharp and Col. John R. Winder called and had considerable conversation respecting the papers which were being drawn up for the settlement of the Utah dam difficulty. I urged them to push the matter ahead. Busy about various matters during the day. Drove home in the evening, accompanied by my daughter Mary Alice.

20 January 1885 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Jan 20, 1885. A dispatch from Bro. Richards reached me this morning after I came to the office informing me that the Supreme Court had confirmed the judgment of the lower court in the Rudger Clawson case, two of the Judges, Miller & Field, dissenting. The Deseret News Company met today and attended to some business. I had calls from the Mayor, Col. Winder, Prest. W. R. Smith and others.

My brother Angus was arrested today by a Deputy Marshall on a charge of polygamy and unlawful cohabitation. Bro. Jno. R. Winder & Elias Morris went his bonds before the U. S. Commissioner McKay. I was notified by half a dozen different persons today that they intended to arrest me, and in the evening word was sent me by a party who stated he had seen the warrant. I had my son Abraham get his aunt Emily to his house and keep her there until she should be sent away for fear they should subpœna her. Spies have been around her house for weeks. I went to his house and had an interview with her in the evening and told her what I wished her to do. Then returned to the office. I stayed at the house of Caroline.

21 January 1885 • Wednesday

Wednesday Jan 21, 1885. Was at the Office at 6 oclock this morning and remained all day. Bro. Wm A. Rossitter furnished Bro. Nuttall and myself our meals it being deemed prudent for Bro. Nuttall to keep secluded also. I sent for Bishop Preston and arranged for a guard to be kept on the office, and made arrangement on the premises so that if an attempt were made to search for us we could escape through several convenient places. The building is admirably arranged to facilitate hiding unless it should be surrounded by a large posse. I also had Brother Preston fit up a room in a new barn that is being built for Prest. Taylor in the yard as a place I could sleep without being likely to be observed. Elder James P. Freeze was set apart by me today to a mission to the States. He is one that they are trying to get into their clutches. Bro. Jabez E. Durfee is here having been appointed to a mission to the states for the same reason. Bro. H. J. Grant called in & Bro. J. W. Taylor. Bro. F. D. Richards was over several times. Bro Jno W. Turner of Provo and Charles H. Wilckins called in and I had a conversation with them about a better method of securing information regarding the movement of our enemies, and suggested to Bro. Turner a certain plan of action. Attended to correspondence. Stopped at the house of wahine hope <my wife Caroline,> going there after dark and accompanied by my son Abraham

22 January 1885 • Thursday

Thursday Jan 22, 1885. At the Office early this morning <remaining> there all day attending to business. A number of the brethren called in, among them Bro. Anson Call with whom I arranged for my sister-in-law, <my wife> Emily, to go and stop.

My brother Angus’ examination was continued today. They made no point on him yesterday and appeared to make none today, though the opinion is prevalent that he will be bound over. I deemed it proper today in consequence of a dispatch from Prest. Taylor to his son George to select a messenger <(Bro. S. H. Hill)> to Go to California to meet him and carry the information respecting the condition of affairs here. I was afraid to trust the mails and could not communicate fully by telegram. I wrote him fully besides giving Bro. Hill a number of details which he took notes of in his book. The impression, I hear, on the street is, that I have taken the “underground railroad” — that is, that I have left. Bros Turner and C. H. Wilckin had a conversation with me this morning upon the <same> subject as yesterday. I sent for Bro. James Livingston and had some conversation with him respecting the situation of affairs here and what steps should be taken to cool some of those fellows. Also had conversation with Bro. Adam Spiers respecting getting information from our enemies concerning their projects. Dictated my journal to Bro. John Irvine.

I changed my quarters this evening to the new barn, and on the upper floor a room was intended for the barn-keeper. I had Bishop Preston finish this, and it was fixed up with a bed, a stove and other conveniences. Brother Nuttall and myself were there this evening.

23 January 1885 • Friday

Friday Jan 23 – 1885. We passed a good night and remained in this place all day. Had many visitors. Bro. W. A. Rossitter furnished us our meals. I had conversation with Bro. John W. Turner, Sheriff of Utah County, and through him obtained information respecting movements of the enemy. Bro. Penrose telegraphed me (from Bro. Brigham & himself) to the effect that Cleveland and Lamont repudiated Miller; drafts intact; address Washington. Miller is the man with whom they returned who professed to be an agent of Lamont’s. I telegraphed the substance of this to Prest. Taylor and asked him if Bro. Penrose had not better go to England. In consequence of Bro. Turner informing me that it was the fixed intention to arrest the First Presidency and several other brethren whose names he gave me, I telegraphed the same in substance in cipher (through Bro. S. H. Hill) to President Taylor. Judge Lane, speaking for the Supreme Court decided in favor of the action of the Third District Court in the Rudger Clawson case. He and Twiss agreed. Emerson said nothing. It is understood that Emerson is opposed to the open venire business, though he has not the pluck to say so. This has been a snowy day.

24 January 1885 • Saturday

Saturday Jan. 24, 1885. Still keeping our quarters in the barn. Quite busy in attending routine business and receiving visits from leading brethren asking for counsel &c. Dictated letters to Bro. Nibley at Boise, and Bros Woodruff & Teasdale at St. George, & W. D. Hendricks at Oxford. My brother Angus was discharged on the charge of polygamy, but was held over in $1500 bonds to await the action of the Grand jury on the charge of unlawful cohabitation. The press dispatches inform us of the dynamite explosion in the Tower of London and the Parliament buildings in that city. In the evening through the kindness of Bro. H. B. Clawson I changed my quarters to a room in his house, and was entertained very kindly by himself and family. Had a visit <from> Caroline.

25 January 1885 • Sunday

Sunday Jan 25, 1885. Had calls from my brother Angus, Bishop Preston, Bro. Wilcken, and my son Abraham. Remained at Bro. Clawson’s till night. A dispatch from Prest. Taylor informed me that they were all well, and that Brother Penrose should go to England. I telegraphed to Bro. John T. Caine for him to advise Bro. Penrose to this effect. I had a very pleasant day today considering I was confined. In the evening went to the house of my wife Caroline. Before doing so, however, Bro. Chas. Wilcken came in in the evening and drove me in a cutter down to my farm, and I had a very delightful interview with my family, and had prayers with them. They were delighted to see me and very much surprised, because my visit was unexpected

26 January 1885 • Monday

Monday Jan 26, 1885. Was at the office early this morning. A dispatch to Bro. James Sharp from his father brought the information that President Taylor and party would <leave> San Francisco on Sunday for home. Bro. Penrose telegraphed to know whether he should await Miller developments or go at once to England. I replied to await full developments. I also received a dispatch from Sacramento requesting me to send sister Julliana Smith, the wife of Bro. Jos. F. Smith to California, in company with Bro. Farr and his daughter-in-law, who was desired by her husband, Enoch Farr, on the Islands. I sent word to her to come up and see me and explained to her what is wanted. I also telegraphed Bro. Lorin Farr to come down. He did so and I explained to him what was wanted. Received letters from Bro. C. W. Nibley and Fred. Turner at Oxford, and dictated replies to them. I also wrote Elders B. Young & C. W. Penrose. Monday evening, after getting through with business, Bro. C. H. Wilcken brought round a cutter a little after 9 oclock. We started for Bro. Call’s house at Bountiful where one of my folks <my wife Emily> was in hiding to keep out of the way of being subpœnaed as a witness. We reached there a little before 11 oclock.

27 January 1885 • Tuesday

Tuesday Jan 27, 1885. Bro. Wilcken and myself arose this morning at 4 oclock and drove back to the city, and reached the office before day light. Had a visit from Bro. F. A. Hammond and talked over affairs of his proposed mission.

Prest. Taylor and party arrived this morning from San Francisco in good health. They all looked very much improved by the rest and travel. I was very glad to meet them. I explained the position of affairs to Prest. Taylor financially, and gave him an idea what had been done at which he seemed pleased.

Bro. H. B. Clawson took me out for a ride in his sleigh this afternoon. I was wrapped up and disguised.

Bro. James H. Hart called and we had conversation concerning Idaho affairs, and I made suggestions to him respecting the policy to be pursued. At 7 oclock in the evening Counsel meeting was held in the Presidents office, which remained in session until a little after 11 oclock. Accompanied by my son Abraham I went to the house of my wife Caroline.

28 January 1885 • Wednesday

Wednesday Jan 28, 1885. At the office early this morning. Employed part of the day correcting discourse for the press, attending to correspondence, giving counsel &c. Arranged with Bro. Hart to have a letter written asking for cabin passage for Bro. Penrose across the ocean, and telegraphed the same to Bro. John T. Caine. Had a visit this afternoon from my son John Q. who came back with President Taylor’s party. His health seems improved, or at least he is looking better. My son Franklin also came down from Ogden and called upon me. There has been another arrest today — Royal B. Young.

[The following is undated and in pencil on the next otherwise-blank page.]

As I have written my journal daily from February first to May thirty-first, 1885, in a small book which I have carried around with me, and it is plainly written, I think it unnecessary to go to the trouble of copying it into this book. I must therefore refer to it for the transactions in which I took part between the dates mentioned.3

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January 1885, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 29, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1885/01-1885


  1. [1]At the back of the book are journal entries on the front sides of nine sheets of paper pinned together. These entries serve as copy-text for 11 January 1885 through the penultimate paragraph of 13 January 1885.

  2. [2]End of journal on sheets pinned together.

  3. [3]Entries from 1 February 1885 to 31 May 1885 come from a daybook that Cannon called his “Private Daily Journal.”