August 1852

1 August 1852 • Sunday

Fast day to-day; we had a very good meeting in morning and afternoon;1 attended to the Lord’s supper in afternoon.

2 August 1852 • Monday

sent by Bro. Rice to Lahaina the letters I had written directed to Bro. Parley’s in <care> San Francisco. also a small <note> enclosed to Bro. P. I wrote to Uncle and Aunt, Chas. [Charles Lambert], Joseph [Cain], Angus & Annie &c., & Elias.

3 August 1852 • Tuesday

Finished my letters home, Bro. Br the Presidency, Elizabeth, Wm. [William] Taylor, Chancy [Chauncey] W. West and Bro. [Thomas] Whittle.

4 August 1852 • Wednesday

Sent my letters to Lahaina by N’s [Napela’s] boy. Attended meeting Bros. Kaleohano & Kahiki spoke I then arose and had an excellent and good flow of the spirit.

5-6 August 1852 • Thursday-Friday

Translating &c.

7 August 1852 • Saturday

Started this morning for Honuaula to fill an appointment I had made there for the morrow. It was oppres<s>ively hot. I found Bro. Keeler th here with very sore eyes.

8 August 1852 • Sunday

I arose this morning and was called upon to attend to the funeral of a babe of one of the members. I spoke to the congregation that was assembled to some length. Held meeting at 11 o’clock and had a tolerably good attendance—the members here seemed to be careless and inattentive & I had to reprove2 them several times before I could get them to pay the attention I thought necessary—but after they paid proper attention we had an excellent time and gave much good instruction. After meeting Bro. K. baptised one man. In afternoon attended to the sacrament.

9 August 1852 • Monday

Arose this morning before the sun and started for Kula in company with Bro. [James] Keeler. It was a beautiful sight to look off towards Wailuku and to <the> ocean with the islands of Lanai [Lana‘i] & Kahoolawe [Kaho‘olwe] in the distance bathed in the rays of the beautiful rising sun—our path lay up towards the mountain which afforded us shade as “old Sol” had a difficult job to surmount the hill. It was very dusty and after the sun got up we had it very warm. When we arrived at Kula we were much disappointed at not finding Bro. [James] Hawkins here—he has not been here for some time. Bro. K. & I went and had a good wash and felt much refreshed after it. This evening Bro. [Jonathan] Napela and family arrived here.

10 August 1852 • Tuesday

We started on horseback this morning before breakfast to the house of Kapono and there ate there. The folks all went down to the Meeting House which was close by, leaving Bro. K. and myself waiting for the brethren and sisters from Makawao and also Bro. H. from there; we waited until our patience was wearied and we started for the Meeting House—we found it to be quite a good looking <thatched> building about 30 feet wide <long> by about 18 wide—the folks were all clean and appeared to be happy and enjoy a good spirit—edibles were plentiful. After waiting some time we thought it best to commence and not wait any longer as the day was fast wearing away. The[y] had a shade built to eat under adjoining the house—the strangers were seated first and the choir under the direction of Bro. [H. K.] Kaleohano sang all the time of eating—there were several tables set; sweet potatoes, poi, fish, goat meat, pork, turkeys, fowls &c., and musk and water melons abounded. Bro. Keeler proposed that he <should> ride over to Makawao to ascertain the cause of detention as we were afraid something had happened. When the tables &c. was cleared away and we were making preparations for commencing the dedication, Bro & Sis [Francis and Mary Jane] Hammond rode up also Bro & Sis. [Albion and Mary] Burnham & Bros. [James] Kipp and [David] Rice; Bro. Hawkins had stopped at Makawao on account of not having a horse. They had missed Bro. Keeler; he had taken the upper and they the lower road. Dinner was soon made ready and after they had done eating we proceeded to the dedication. Bro. Hammond gave out the hymn after which I prayed and dedicated the house unto the Lord & was blessed exceedingly with the Spirit. Sang again and then called upon Bro. H. to speak but he felt as tho’ he could not do justice to the subject on account of the language. I read the 60 chap. of Isaiah and proceeded very well for some time and felt the spirit, but the adversary took advantage of me and pride entered & the thought that I was doing pretty well and [at] that very moment I was left to myself and to realise my own weakness. I sat down and Bro. H. stood up and spoke a little while and very well indeed. After he got thro’ I again arose and spoke a short time but did not get the spirit as before. We afterwards dismissed meeting. After meeting Bro. Keeler returned from Makawao bringing word from Bro. Hawkins about a horse for him to come over—Bro. K. said that Bro. H. had a feelings about the brethren here not sending him a horse to bring him over. I was much grieved at hearing <this> as I thought that he had indulged in a little wrong feeling in this respect.3

11 August 1852 • Wednesday

Sent over a horse to Bro. Hawkins; he arrived about noon. We talked the matter over and he felt that he [had] not done aright in the matter. In the afternoon held meeting and had a good time I enjoyed much of the Spirit; there was much excellent instruction given. I was <had one of my eyes> effected yesterday and to-day with one of my soreness.4

12 August 1852 • Thursday

We eate breakfast and started for the Lower House.5 Bro. Hawkins called upon me to make the dedicatory prayer—I was again much blessed with the spirit. Bro. Hawkins then spoke, and was followed by Bros. Keeler and Hammond and I afterwards spoke and was fairly carried away by the spirit and the power of the Almighty and felt to glorify and praise the God of my Fathers for his marvellous kindness to me ward.

We afterwards eat dinner and enjoyed ourselves much. The folks all returned to Makawao leaving Brothers Hammond, Hawkins, Keeler & myself to attend to meeting. We had a very good meeting in the afternoon and afterwards started for Makawao bidding all the folks good bye. We arrived at M. about twilight. We all got together and had an excellent time and there was a good spirit enjoyed by all of us elders.6

13 August 1852 • Friday

This morning we went out and prayed and had a Counsel meeting in regard to operations until Conference.—It was thought best for Bro. Hawkins to labor in the villages of Hamakua there having been no preaching done there; it was thought best for Bro [William] Uaua to accompany him. Bro. Hammond it was thought best should labor on West Maui from Waiehu round unto Lahaina, with Bro. Napela to assist him. Bro. Keeler to labor from Honuaula [Honu‘aula] to Kipahulu where he had been laboring and to open all the intermediate places, with Bro. Kaleohano to assist him. It was thought best for me to keep on with the Book of Mormon &c. There was a strong desire expressed by the brethren to have a General Conference of the elders on the Islands & it was motioned by Bro. Hammond and seconded by Bro. Hawkins that I should be appointed to write him <(Bro. [Philip] Lewis)> a letter expressive of our feelings. We adjourned to the house for the purpose of blessing one another. We opened by singing and prayer by Bro. Hawkins; after which the brethren proceeded to bless me, Bro. Hawkins being mouth. They blessed me with all the desires of my heart in righteousness and that I should be greatly blessed in regard to the translation of the Book of Mormon that I should have the spirit of prophecy and know the mind of the spirit at all times that I should have no doubt in regard to the things that I ought <to> write; that my mind should be clear that I might write every word correct and that I should be enabled to write it with all plainness unto <the understanding> of these people and it sho<u>ld be of great worth unto them and they should rejoice in the same. I should be blessed from day to day while I should remain upon these lands for the Lord is well pleased with me and with the course I have taken—They also in the name of Jesus and by the power and authority of the Holy Priesthood invested in them sealed upon <me> all the blessings and promises formerly placed upon me. We afterwards blessed Bro. Hawkins I being mouth and felt the spirit while blessing him. Afterwards Bro. Keeler was blessed Bro. Hammond being mouth. Bro. Hammond was then blessed I was mouth and then I was completely carried away with the spirit and was filled even to overflowing—the brethren were all melted to tears and joy filled our hearts and he received a powerful blessing. Bro. Kipp was then blessed Bro. Hawkins being mouth. Bro. Burnham was then blessed Bro. Hammond being mouth we were much melted down while blessing him. Bro. Rice was then blessed I acting as mouth and he received a very great blessing. Sis. Hammond was blessed Bro. Hawkins being mouth and Sis. Burnham[,] Bro. Hammond acting. Wm. Hy. [William Henry, son of Mary Burnham,] I acting and Helen[,] Bro. Hawkins acting.7 I never enjoyed a more steady flow of the spirit and of prophecy and it seemed as though I could almost fly I felt so light and filled. About noon Bro. Kipp started for Lahaina; Bro. & Sis. Hammond Bro. Rice & myself started about sundown for Waiehu and arrived all well.

14 August 1852 • Saturday

Writing &c. My eyes troubled me with soreness.

15 August 1852 • Sunday

Preaching &c. Enjoyed much of the spirit.8 Returned to Waiehu.

16 August 1852 • Monday

Bro. Hawkins arrived this morning from Wailuku, he having left Kula in the morning afternoon of yesterday. I wrote to Bro. Lewis according to the wishes of the brethren.9 Afterwards writing Journal.

17 August 1852 • Tuesday

Started this morning for Wailuku in company with Bros. Hawkins & Keeler. In afternoon held Council Meeting Bro. Hammond having come from Waiehu.10 He afterwards returned.

18 August 1852 • Wednesday

There had been a meeting of the whole branch called to arrange the names &c. and to cut off delinquents; as we had a good attendance and cut off upon good testimony.11

19 August 1852 • Thursday

Bros. H. K. and myself went over to Waiehu in afternoon Bro. Hawkins went to Makawao. Bros. Hammond, Keeler and myself attended a meeting of the branch and cut off the delinquents in number three upon a good testimony12

20 August 1852 • Friday

Started for Wailuku and in afternoon attended meeting at Waikapu but few in attendance, exhorted the Saints to perseverance and appointed meeting for Sunday afternoon.

21 August 1852 • Saturday

In house all day on account of my eyes. Bro Napela attended a meeting at the Kealia.

22 August 1852 • Sunday

Preached this morning did not enjoy as much of the spirit as usual. Bros. Keeler and Hammond afterwards spoke and done very well. In afternoon had a good meeting. Bro. K & I started for Waikapu and I had an excellent flow of the spirit; afterwards attended to the regulation of the branch and cut off [blank] for delinquency.

23 August 1852 • Monday

Writing arranging Church Record. Married two couple[s] this evening.

24 August 1852 • Tuesday

Did not do much on account of my eyes; in afternoon held meeting of the officers.

25 August 1852 • Wednesday

Bro. Rice came over to Wailuku to get me to act as interpreter for him at Waiehu.

26 August 1852 • Thursday

Engaged variously.13 Married a couple.

27 August 1852 • Friday

Started early this morning for Wailuku; engaged writing in Church Record. This evening I was very much pleased this at the arrival of Bros. Hy. [Henry] W. Bigler and Wm. [William] Farrer from Oahu [O‘ahu]; they were much tired having walked from Lahaina. I welcomed them with joy & rejoiced much in beholding their faces for we had ardently desired to see them and Bro. Lewis also. They left Bro. & Sis. [Jane Lewis] L. well; Bro. L. had left Honolulu for Waialua with the intention of residing there awhile with the natives. The work was not progressing upon that Island, a great many having left that had joined.14

28 August 1852 • Saturday

We all started for Bro. Hammond’s at Waiehu. They were welcomed with joy. Bro. Hy was unwell.

29 August 1852 • Sunday

Went over to Wailuku this morning in company with the rest of the brethren, excepting Bro. Hy. being unwell. Bro. Hammond arose and made <some very good> remarks; I afterwards spoke and enjoyed the spirit much. In afternoon Bro. Keeler spoke and was followed by Bro. Farrer and Bro. Hammond and afterwards I followed; we enjoyed much of the spirit as also all the people.15 We returned to Waiehu.

30 August 1852 • Monday

We fixed our saddles &c. for our start for Koolau [Ko‘olau];16 We arrived at Makawao in the afternoon. Bro. Burnham was afflicted with sore eyes.

31 August 1852 • Tuesday

Started for Koolau, we had a tolerably good journey and arrived about sundown.17

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August 1852, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 29, 2025


  1. [1]Hammond reported that in the morning Cannon spoke “from Mat. 23 Showing the curseings pronounced upon all hypocryts, and that the Saviour did not associate with the rich and the proud &c” (Hammond journal, Aug. 1, 1852).

  2. [2]Corrected in pencil from reproof.

  3. [3]Keeler wrote that Hawkins declined to come “because the Native brethren did [not] send him a horse I Came back and reported to Bro C what he had said Bro C felt that he was doing wrong in not Comeing up to see us and take Charg of the Branch as the Brethren had all Came to have a feast & to Dedicate Two meeting houses” (Keeler journal, Aug. 10, 1852). Regarding the dedication service of this first meetinghouse built by the Saints in the Hawaiian Islands, Hammond wrote: “Br Cannon preached a discours upon the spread of the Gospel, I followed with some remarks on the Same, then Brother Napela spoke, and all felt to rejoice much, the Native brethren had been to dinner before we came, about 250 of them all set down to a great feast which was quite a sight to see, but perfect union and peace prevailed throughout all our meeting. . . . [This meetinghouse] is their first offering to the Lord and the Lord has blessed them in thier labours” (Hammond journal, Aug. 10, 1852).

  4. [4]The eye problems that plagued Cannon and others during this time are consistent with Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis (EKC), a highly contagious adenoviral infection. EKC is marked by a sudden onset of red, swollen, and irritated or sore eyes, usually affecting one eye first and eventually the other, and may produce significantly blurred vision for several days. EKC normally lasts one to three weeks.

  5. [5]The Lower House was “about 3 miles below” the other meetinghouse (Hammond journal, Aug. 11, 1852).

  6. [6]During the afternoon meeting Cannon “spoke upon the subject of the restorration in regard to these natives.” The evening meeting at Makawao was “with the white branch” (Hammond journal, Aug. 12, 1852).

  7. [7]Helen was likely the daughter of Mary Burnham.

  8. [8]Hammond reported that they “went over to meeting at Waialuku I preached in the morning from Luke 13.7–9 Br C. followed with some new and old principls” (Hammond journal, Aug. 15, 1852).

  9. [9]Lewis made note of Cannon’s letter: “Received a letter from Bro Cannon proposing to meet in Council either at Honolulu or Maui and as my wife was in feeble health I concluded to meet them at the latter place” (Lewis journal, Aug. 19, 1852). The Maui missionaries had a twofold purpose in requesting a meeting of the elders from Utah. First, it had been nearly a year since they all were together. Second, they hoped to settle feelings that seemed to exist between Lewis and Hammond over the latter’s decision to move from Lahaina to Waiehu without the president’s permission (Hammond journal, Sept. 20, 1852; Keeler journal, Sept. 23, 1852). Concerning his decision, Hammond wrote, “I have tried to be governed by the Spirit of the Lord and the counsel of my brethren on this Island” (Hammond journal, Sept. 8, 1852).

  10. [10]The meeting was held to discuss “the building of the meeting house and the cleansing of the church from those members which do not bring forth any fruit” (Hammond journal, Aug. 17, 1852). During the meeting Napela and Kaleohana were set apart to “assist in Proclaiming the truth to the Inhabitants of these Lands as their Cirucmstance shal permit” (Keeler journal, Aug. 17, 1852).

  11. [11]Nine members of the Wailuku Branch were cut off from the Church (Hammond journal, Aug. 18, 1852).

  12. [12]Hammond reported that they “cut off 4 members and put black marks opposite of Several names that ware suspecious” (Hammond journal, Aug. 19, 1852).

  13. [13]Hammond wrote that both Cannon’s and Keeler’s “eyes are bad yet” (Hammond journal, Aug. 26, 1852).

  14. [14]Farrer noted concerning the reunion: “We were glad to meet with each other after being separated about one year, and although Bro. B. & myself were both very much fatigued with our journey it was not until a late hour that we retired to sleep as we felt anxious to talk of the scenes we had passed through since last we met” (Farrer diary, Aug. 27, 1852).

  15. [15]Farrer described the day’s meetings in greater detail: “There was a tolerable good turn out of the Brethren & sisters. Bro. C. addressed them in the morning, & spoke on the Priesthood. . . . In the afternoon had meeting again when Bros C. K. H. & myself all spoke. . . . This was the first time that I had heard the Brethren preach in the native language which they spoke tolerably well although not perfect, (except Bro. C. who appears very near)” (Farrer diary, Aug. 29, 1852).

  16. [16]The missionaries were bound for Ke‘anae “to dedicate a new meeting house which the Brethren had built at that place” (Farrer diary, Aug. 30, 1852).

  17. [17]While Cannon had previously made the journey to Ke‘anae on several occasions, this was Farrer’s first trip. His account was slightly different from Cannon’s: “The road was very rough nearly all the way today as we had up & down hill nearly all the way several of which were so steep that we had to get of[f] & walk up & down” (Farrer diary, Aug. 31, 1852).