August 1883

1 August 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 1, 1883. Just as I was about to leave home this morning my wife Martha informed me that I would have to get a midwife as she thought she would be confined today. I resolved to stay at home and sent my Gardener, Dan Jones, with his buggy to town for Sister Farr, who had usually attended my wife Martha at such times. I sent a note to Bro. George Reynolds informing him of the cause of my detention, and stating that I would like to have the business which had been entrusted to us postponed in case I should not be at the Council this afternoon. At 1/2 past 5 oclock, p.m. my wife was delivered of a fine boy, at which we all rejoice.

2 August 1883 • Thursday

Thursday, Aug 2, 1883. I found when I arrived at the Office this morning that a meeting had been appointed to hear our report in regard to the School of the Prophets at 3 p.m. today. This was a most interesting occasion, there being present: President Taylor, and Elders F. D. Richards, Albert Carrington, F. M. Lyman, Geo. Reynolds, L. John Nuttall, and John Irvine, and just as the meeting drew to a close, Prest. Joseph F. Smith and Bro. D. H. Wells came in from the Endowment House. As Bro. Irvine took a full report in shorthand of the proceedings of this meeting I need not say more respecting it, as the report will be found on the record of the School which is to be opened.

3 August 1883 • Friday

Friday, Aug 3, 1883. At the office. Bro. John Sharp and a number of other brethren were here today, and we had a full conversation about some election matters. In the afternoon President Taylor took up the appealed case of Israel Evans from Utah Stake, and decided to sustain the action of the Council.

4 August 1883 • Saturday

Saturday, Aug 4, 1883. At the Office. At 11 oclock attended meeting of the Priesthood at the Assembly Hall; after which a political meeting was called which I addressed.

5 August 1883 • Sunday

Sunday Aug 5, 1883. I called my children together this morning and had an interesting interview with them, giving them instructions and asking them questions about their lives.

In the afternoon attended the services at the Tabernacle. Prest. Taylor was not present. Bro. Brigham Young spoke for 35 minutes, and I followed in remarks occupying about 25 minutes. He and Brother Wells and myself met in the Endowment House and had prayer without clothing.

I attended meeting in the 15th Ward and addressed the Saints.

6 August 1883 • Monday

Monday Aug 6, 1883. Judge Payson, of the Judiciary Committee of the House, sent his card to me yesterday, and I made an appointment with him this morning at 9 oclock to have a carriage with a driver to show him round the City. My son Abraham went with him, and I was with the party a portion of the time. He and his wife expressed themselves greatly delighted with their visit here and what they saw. A Mr Atkinson, a newly elected member from Penna. brought me a letter from Judge Belford of Colorado, and presented it last evening. I told him I would call for him today, but when I called he was out. I called again in the evening with Bro. Caine, but did not find him.

I attended meeting of the Sunday School Union. Afterwards met with Supt. John Sharp to arrange for a trip to Cache & Bear Lake for Prest. Taylor and party. Today is election day but everything is passing off quietly, our opponents are not making any demonstration, in fact many of them refrain from voting. At 1/2 past 7 o’clock this evening I met with the Sunday School Union at the Assembly Hall. Very full attendance. Delivered an address upon Early Scenes in the Valley, which was listened to with great interest.

7 August 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Aug 7, 1883. I had invited the First Presidency and Twelve who were in town to come down this afternoon and visit my family, and partake of ice cream, cake and fruit. Stayed at home to superintend the arrangement. There were present: First Presidency, Bro. Brigham Young and wife and daughter, F. M. Lyman, H J. Grant and wife, two wives of Bro. John Henry Smith, D. H. Wells and wife, my brother Angus and wife, my son Abraham and wife, L. John Nuttall & wife, my daughter-in-law, Annie Wells Cannon. Prest. Taylor had three of his wives with him and two of his daughters. Bro. Joseph F. Smith had one wife with him also. We had a very pleasant afternoon, all appeared to enjoy themselves.

8 August 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Aug 8, 1883. At the office. At 2 p.m. met with the First Presidency and Twelve at the Endowment House. After this meeting I met with the Iron Manufacturing Co. of which meeting I was president. John C. Cutler was elected secretary, and my son Abraham, assistant secretary, and Thomas Taylor, General Superintendent

9 August 1883 • Thursday

Thursday, Aug 9, 1883. It being the eighth day from the birth of my son I blessed him this morning in the presence of my children. I called him Radcliffe Quayle Telle Cannon. I felt well in bestowing blessing upon him and hope he will live to enjoy it.

I had an interview with a Mr. Squires today from Caldwell County, Missouri, for particulars of which see “Topics of the Times,” in the Juvenile Instructor. We are arranging for trip to the north. Bro. Sharp is attending to it.

The special Committee to whom election matters have been referred met today at the office to take into consideration the propriety of the newly elected officers qualifying and taking possession of the offices. All the brethren present were of one mind, that they should qualify and take possession of their offices, but it was stated that Judge Elias Smith, the Probate Judge of this county, entertained the view that this was not a proper step, and upon motion a committee was appointed to wait upon him and learn what reasons he had to offer against such a proposition. Myself, Bro. John Sharp & Bro. R. T. Burton were appointed a comtee by the President. We had an interview with him and found that the principal objection he had was of a personal character, based however upon a reluctance on his part to yielding any ground to the enemy. He looked upon this election as not sanctioned by law and merely held because the Commissioners had decided to have one. Upon reporting to the meeting it was decided that the policy of having the new men take possession of the offices should generally be carried out

10 August 1883 • Friday

Friday Aug 10, 1883. At the Office. Attended to various matters of business, and was exceedingly busy in anticipation of my departure tomorrow for the north. I dictated a large amount of work to Bro. John Irvine. In company with Bro. Joseph F. Smith I administered to Lawrence S. Richards, a son of F. D. Richards, who is afflicted with a swelling in his thigh.

At 11 oclock attended meeting of Board of Directors Z.C.M.I. Immediately afterwards met with the building comtee of Zions Savings Bank, of which I was chairman. At 1/2 past 3 o’c. met with the Board of that Bank, and at 5 o’c. met with the Iron Manufacturing Company.

I had calls from several strangers. I called at my sister-in-law Emily’s, but did not find her in. Took my son Abraham home with me to help me get ready for my journey tomorrow. It is a very stormy evening. On my way down I called at the Walker House to see Mr & Mrs Waters of Boston. On a previous visit he made my acquaintance. He was then editor of the Boston Advertiser. Mrs Waters is a literary woman also, and a philosophical thinker of broad views. I was kept in conversation by them an hour and a half. They are on their way to China, Japan, the East Indies, and the countries between there and Florence, Italy. They intend to spend the winter at this latter point. It was after 9 oclock in the evening when I reached home. Had been too busy to eat dinner. This has been a very busy day for me.

11 August 1883 • Saturday

Saturday Aug 11, 1883. My son Angus drove the carriage carrying myself, his mother, and my son Abraham to the train. My wife Sarah Jane, accompanied me on my trip north. Our company consisted of Prest. Taylor and daughter, Annie (wife of Lorenzo Hyde) and son Ezra, myself and wife, Bro. Joseph F. Smith, Bishop Sharp, L. John Nuttall, John Irvine, & E. F. Sheets. I met my son Frank at Ogden, who took his mother to the house of Bro. F. D. Richards, where her mother was. I went with Prest. Taylor to the tithing Office. Afterwards I called upon my mother-in-law. We left Ogden by the Utah Northern R. R. and reached Logan about 2 p.m. C. O. Card entertained me at his place. The heat today is excessive.

12 August 1883 • Sunday

Sunday Aug 12, 1883. Last night is the hottest night I think I have felt this season. We met twice with the Saints today in the large meeting house. The forenoon was occupied by Bro. Joseph F. Smith and myself and we enjoyed much of the spirit. The afternoon was mostly occupied by Prest. Taylor, who was followed by Bro. Woodruff for a short time. He has been up here for upwards of a week. Bishop Sharp returned home this afternoon.

13 August 1883 • Monday

Monday Aug 13,1883. I visited the Temple in company with the brethren, then the Co.op. Store. In the afternoon we visited various manufacturies – the foundry and woodworking establishments, then drove to the Church hay field.

14 August 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday Aug 14, 1883. We have been treated very kindly by Bro. Card and family. At 6 a.m. started for Meadowville in Bear Lake Valley. Bishop Hammond of Providence came over with his carriage and took myself and wife through to Meadowville. He made us very comfortable. The ride up the canyõn was good and the scenery grand. We reached the Church mill at a little after 11 a.m. where we ate a hearty dinner. At 3 oclock we started again, and for some distance we climbed very rapidly, and after crossing the divide had a rapid descent into Bear Lake Valley. At Meadowville we put up at Bro. Joseph Eldredges, Counsellor to Bishop Joseph Kimball, who with his wife (a daughter of Col. J R. Winders) gave us a very kind welcome. A joyful surprise was given to the people of the town – and especially to one family – by the unexpected return of Elder Moroni W. Pratt, son of Parley P. Pratt, who has been absent for 19 months on a mission in the western states. Bro Squires of Brigham City had been taken sick with the chills and fever and was so very low that some one was required to return home <with him> as it was not safe to come alone, and Bro. Pratt was appointed to this duty. Though he had written a card from Evanston informing his folks of his return it had not reached, and his arrival with us from Logan was a complete surprise. His wife did not know anything about his arrival until he walked into the house.

15 August 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Aug 15 1883. Had a good nights rest. Met at 10 a.m. with the Saints. Prest. Taylor, myself & Bro. Joseph F. Smith spoke to the congregation. After dinner we drove to a large spring which the people have dammed for irrigating purposes. When I visited this spring some years ago it was so full of fish that it seemed as though a person might dip them out with a pan dipper, now we did not see any. The water is very clear and pure.

We drove to Laketown where we found the people assembled at 3 oclock in the meeting house. Prests. Taylor, Woodruff, Smith and myself spoke. Myself and wife put up with Bishop Ira Eldredge, and were kindly entertained. They had provided venison for supper of which I ate heartily. Bro. Charles Alley’s wife requested me to call at her house as she wished to speak with me. I did so in the evening and she informed me that her husband was in the habit of drinking occasionally and that it seemed to be growing upon him. She was much grieved about it; spoke of his virtues; how excellent a husband and provider he was; and she had nothing to complain of excepting this. She was harassed with the fear that he might become a conformed drunkard. She sent for him and he came in, and I gave him counsel upon the subject and warned him of the consequences of persisting in this habit. He appeared quite affected by what I said, and I hope it will be attended with good results.

16 August 1883 • Thursday

Thursday, Aug 16, 1883. The venison gave me considerable trouble in the night. My stomach gave me great pain.

We started this morning at 8 oclock and reached Garden City in time to hold meeting at 10 oclock with the Saints. Myself, Presidents Smith, Woodruff & Taylor spoke. Myself and wife and Prest. Taylor & party had dinner at Bishop Calders. We reached Fish Haven for meeting at 3 p.m. and spoke here in the same order. Bishop Stock gave us a feast of raspberries & cream. We then drove to St. Charles. Myself and wife were very kindly entertained by Bishop J. A. Hunt.

17 August 1883 • Friday

Friday Aug 17, 1883. Our journey fits us to enjoy sleep, and the cool nights here are favorable to its enjoyment. I had a splendid nights rest. At 10 oclock we held meeting with the Saints, and we four speakers of yesterday spoke to the Saints here. After dinner we drove to Bloomington. It is at this point my sister Elizabeth lives. She is the wife of Wm Piggott, who is on a mission to England. She had been to St. Charles to our meeting. My wife stopped at her house, and she accompanied us to meeting in Bloomington. Prest. Taylor, myself, Prest. Smith and Bro. Woodruff spoke. I enjoyed my own remarks here very much. After the meeting drove to Paris. Prest. Taylor, Smith, Woodruff and myself called upon Charles C. Rich upon our arrival. We found him in the same helpless condition, though he looked pretty well considering the length of his sickness. He had almost lost his speech, it being difficult for him to express anything. Occasionally he would pronounce a word we would understand, but more frequently it was difficult even for those who waited upon him to get his ideas. His intellect, however, seemed quite bright and unclouded which is very gratifying. He is conscious of everything passing around him, and seemed to have good use of his memory. He appeared very glad to see us. I had dreaded this meeting because one of the peculiarities of this disease is that it makes those attacked somewhat inclined to cry, and it was pitiful to see the effect our visit had upon him in this respect. I had known him when I was but a boy and he was a tower of strength – strong, self reliant, capable man, full of physical vigor and capacity – and to see him in his present condition, so helpless and so incapable of even expressing his thoughts, was very painful to me.

Bro. Joseph F. Smith and myself and wife were invited by Bro. Stucki to stop at his house. He has just erected a new residence, in which were made very comfortable. Sister S. is a most excellent housekeeper, and they spared no pains to make our visit agreeable. Bro. Warren Campbell of Bloomington took us into his carriage at Meadowville and carried us around to this point. His team is a very good one. I spent the evening with Prest. Taylor and Prest. Smith at Bro. Budge’s arranging programme of travel.

18 August 1883 • Saturday

Saturday Aug 18, 1883. Met with President Taylor this morning to complete our arrangement for traveling. At 10 o’c we met with the saints in the bowery built for meeting purposes. Prest. Taylor made some remarks and the Bishops of the various wards were called upon for reports. This with some business occupied about one half the time. Then Bro. Joseph F. Smith and myself spoke half an hour each. The afternoon was occupied by Bros Woodruff, Nuttall & Sheets. By invitation of Bro. Budge, myself and wife, as well as the rest of our party, took supper at his house. Prest. Taylor received the following dispatch: – “Salt Lake, Aug 18, 1883. To Prest. John Taylor. Our sister Marinda Conrad died last night of congestion of the brain. It is our feelings and the feelings of all the family that she be buried in proper clothing, and we consider her feelings before her death justified us in this desire. Have we your consent? Please answer immediately as funeral is tomorrow (signed) John W. Young, Hyrum S. Young, N. A Empey”. To which the following answer was sent: – “Paris, Idaho, Aug 18, 1883. To John W. Young, Hyrum S. Young, and Nelson A. Empey, Salt Lake City, Utah: She was not a member of the Church and has done nothing to regain her standing, and much as we sympathize with the family we are compelled by our obligations to our God and His people to refuse our consent to the request to bury her in Temple clothing. It would do her no good (signed) John Taylor, Geo Q. Cannon, Jos. F. Smith, W. Woodruff).

19 August 1883 • Sunday

Sunday Aug 19, 1883. Quite a frost last night, but it is hoped that it has not done much damage to standing grain. The forenoon meeting was occupied by myself and Bro. Jos. F. Smith. I enjoyed it very much. Had a good flow of the spirit. He and I afterwards called on Bro. Rich. Myself and wife dined at Bro. Edwin Woolley’s and though Sunday I arranged with him for an organ for my wife Sarah Jane. I had promised her an instrument for some years. The lowest price was $259. From this he takes 40% which enables him to deliver it to me in Salt Lake for $15240. The afternoon meeting was occupied principally by Prest. Taylor. We had a painful interview with Bro. W. P. Nebeker, who was one of the Judges of Election at Laketown. Prest. Taylor had heard of his action towards one of the brethren who was reported to have taken another wife since he was registered, and had spoken upon it in meeting without mentioning any name. Bro. Nebeker came up to us after the meeting. The First Presidency were present and Brother Budge, and according to his own statement he had acted very unwisely. He had gone out of his way to take notice of reports which it was unnecessary for him to have taken any notice of and had reported to the Commissioners this man and woman as ineligible because of their supposed violations of the law against polygamy. Prest. Taylor talked to him very severely. Bro. Jos F. Smith also spoke. I said but little by way of censure as I thought enough had been said, except to say to him that he was entirely too technical, and that in his anxiety to carry out the letter of the law he was liable to violate its spirit and do great injustice to his own brethren which this case furnished an instance of. He spoke as though waiting now to be told what further he must do. I told him he ought not to rest satisfied until he had made this matter right and not wait another hour. He had done a wrong and the course for him to pursue was to make that wrong right as quickly as possible. He had stated that if a gentile had been active in his place he would have reported the names of the parties, and rather claimed as a merit his not having done so. I told him that the fact that he had reported any parties as ineligible exposed him to be summoned as a witness before the Grand Jury to tell who those parties were whom he had reported, and that he would be compelled to give their names or suffer for contempt. He had not looked upon it in this light. I hope this will do Bro. Nebeker good and produce that humility which it is always safe for a Latter-day-Saint to cultivate. After supper Bro. Jos F. Smith drove myself and wife over to Bloomington in Bro. Stucki’s carriage to see my sister and children. She is feeling very contented in the absence of her husband, and is working very hard to sustain herself and children. The brethren are kind to her. I promised to send her a shawl and some articles for winter wear, and gave the children some money.

20 August 1883 • Monday

Monday Aug 20, 1883. Bro. Cambell drove myself and Jos. F. Smith and Bishop Sheets to Liberty, Ovid & Montpelier, at each of which places we held meetings. Prest. Woodruff was also with us. Bro Horsely carried him in his carriage. We dined at Liberty at Bishop Austins, and at Montpelier I took supper at Bro. Sanders’. At all these places we had excellent meetings and had much of the spirit, especially at Montpelier. We drove back to Paris by moonlight.

21 August 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday Aug 21, 1883. Prest. Taylor (who had remained at Paris to rest yesterday) and the entire company started for Montpelier between 8 & 9 o’clock. We found a special car there which Mr. Doddridge had provided for our use, and in it we went to Grainger by the regular train which left Montpelier at 10.50 and reached Grainger at 4.15 p.m. We had to wait at Grainger until a quarter to twelve, the regular passenger train being late. We succeeded in obtaining berths in a sleeper and on the morning of

22 August 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday Aug 22, 1883, about 5 oclock, Joseph F. Smith, John Irvine, Ezra Taylor and myself and wife got off at Echo. Bro. Taylor and his daughter, and Bro. Woodruff, and Bro Nuttall proceeded to Morgan. We were met at Echo by President W. W. Cluff with two carriages which took us to Coalville. The ride was quite cool. Bro. Jos. F. Smith received bad news there of the sickness of his little son.

We met with the Saints at 2 p.m. and both of us addressed them. We also met at 7 oclock in the evening, and while I was speaking Prest. Taylor and party came in and he occupied the remainder of the time. I had stopped at Bro. Cluff’s the fore part of the day, but afterwards a change was made so as to give Prest. Taylor room. Myself and wife and Jos. F. Smith stayed at Bro. Alma Eldredges.

23 August 1883 • Thursday

Thursday Aug 23, 1883. Prest. Smith started on the early train this morning to the City, his child being reported as worse. Bro. Eldredge took myself and wife and Bro. Nuttall in his carriage to Wanship, being accompanied by his own wife. At Wanship I stopped at Bishop Roundey’s who is married to my wife’s (Sarah Jane) eldest sister, Lovisa. Met with the Saints in the afternoon. Bro. Woodruff, myself & Prest. Taylor spoke to them. Myself and wife took supper with Bro. Albert Richards.

24 August 1883 • Friday

Friday Aug 24, 1883. We drove to Peoa. Held meeting in the bowery, and Prest. Taylor, myself and Prest. Woodruff spoke to the people. We have been traveling through a fish country from the time we left Logan until today, but have not had any to eat. Bishop Walker, however, hearing of our coming had sent an expert fisherman who returned with sufficient to give us all a feast. We enjoyed them very much. We drove to Kamas. Myself and wife put up with Bro. Ward E. Pack, and at 4 p.m. the meeting house was crowded with Saints. They were addressed by Bro. Woodruff, myself and Prest. Taylor. We had much of the spirit and talked with considerable plainness about celestial marriage. I do not remember hearing President Taylor talking more emphatically upon this point than he did this afternoon for a few moments.

25 August 1883 • Saturday

Saturday Aug 25/83. Bros Cluff and Eldredge parted with us here and returned to their homes. Prest. Abraham Hatch of the Wasatch Stake had come over accompanied by Bro. John McDonald to take us to Heber City. Bro. John Nuttall, myself and wife rode with Bro. McDonald. The ride was very pleasant. We were taken to Bro. T. H. Giles’ house. He is the counselor of Bro. Hatch. During the afternoon Bro. W. W. Taylor and his wife (who was Sarah Hoagland, the sister of my first wife) came from the City and also put up at Bro. Giles’. I spent the afternoon in preparing sermon and taking notes in my journal. My wife, accompanied by Bro. and Sister Lorenzo Hyde, rode in Prest. Taylor’s carriage to Midway to see the remarkable springs over there. In the evening after supper went over with my wife to President Hatch’s. A dispatch had just been received from Salt Lake City to the effect that Captain Andrew Burt, chief of Police and Marshal of that city, had been shot and almost instantly killed by a negro desperado while endeavoring to arrest him. An infuriated mob had seized the negro and hung him, and his body was afterwards dragged through the streets. I was greatly pained at this news. The death of Captain Burt was a very shocking occurrence; for he has a large family who were dependent upon him for support, and besides he has been a most excellent officer, greatly respected in that capacity, and one of the best Bishops in Salt Lake City, he being Bishop of the 21st Ward. But the hanging of the negro, and the treatment of his corps afterwards, shocked me greatly. I have a deep-rooted and invincible hatred of mobocracy in every form. I cannot justify it. The impressions made upon me in my boyhood by the acts of the mob are ineradicable, and I have felt that I would fight a mob endeavoring to take a criminal and wreak vengeance upon him to the death. Every mob acts upon the view put forth by the mob who were guilty of the massacre of the Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum. These villans said, “the law cannot reach him but powder and ball can” – a most abhorrent sentiment and one if carried out that would subvert all law and order and leave men who may be the victims of threats helpless in the presence of the majority. Of all people in the world we have every reason to stand by the law. If mob violence is to run riot, where can we stand, a feeble minority like we are, in the presence of the overwhelming numbers that are arrayed against us. This negro merited death; but better that a hundred bad men should escape the penalty of the law than that we should trample upon law to execute vengeance upon miscreants like him. These were my feelings upon hearing the dispatch and I spoke very strongly upon the subject

26 August 1883 • Sunday

Sunday Aug 26, 1883. A large congregation of Saints assembled in the bowery. The day was a very hot one, but it was much more pleasant meeting out of doors than in any house. Myself and Bro. Woodruff occupied the forenoon in addressing the Saints. I had considerable freedom and I enjoyed my own remarks. The afternoon was occupied by Prest. Taylor and much valuable instruction was given, at which the Saints rejoice. We dined by invitation at Prest. Hatche’s, and I took supper with a cousin of my wife’s, Lovisa Snider Alexander, the wife of Charles Alexander. The news reached us today of the organization of a mob at Park City after hearing the news of the lynching of the negro at Salt Lake. This mob proceeded to Coalville and took from the jail a man who had been accused of the murder of a man of the name of Murphy. They took him back by rail to Park City and hung him.

27 August 1883 • Monday

Monday, Aug 27, 1883. Bro. Thos H. Giles our host fitted up his carriage <and took> myself and wife and Bro. Nuttall to Provo City. We started from Heber at 8 o’c in the morning. After taking our baggage to the Railroad Station Bro Giles drove us to my mother-in-laws, Sister Hester Bebee, the aunt and adopted mother of my wife Martha. She was absent, but her daughter Caroline and her husband Moroni L Pratt were there and made us very welcome. We took train at 4 oclock for the City. I found all my family in the enjoyment of good health, and was thankful to reach home safely.

28 August 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Aug 28, 1883. I suffered all night from billious colic, and at day light sent for my wife Sarah Jane who came and waited upon me. She applied hot cloths wrung out of hot water with some turpentine which gave me sufficient relief that I was able to start at 8 o’clock to the City. Prest. Taylor had expressed a wish that I should be up early as the funeral of Capt. Burt was to take place at 10 o’c, and he wished to converse on the subject before the funeral. The funeral was a very imposing one. The Tabernacle was well filled. Bro. Sharp, Joseph F. Smith and Prest Taylor addressed the congregation. The ceremonies were in charge of my brother Angus, President of the Stake. Great crowds viewed the remains up till 10 oclock. The procession was formed consisting of the family, & leading personages of the Church and City, and the cortège was very long and imposing. The day was so hot that I was almost overpowered with heat in my sick condition.

29 August 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Aug 29, 1883. I feel some better today but have not entirely recovered. At 2 oclock we had our usual meeting at the Endowment House. I remained in the City all night.

30 August 1883 • Thursday

Thursday Aug 30, 1883. I was at the Office until 11 oclock when I went to the Endowment House and solemnized the marriage between Bro. Louis Shaw and my neice, Sarah M. Cannon Lambert, the youngest daughter of my sister Mary Alice. In the afternoon accompanied Prest. Taylor to the house of his daughter Sister Hyde for the purpose of administering to his wife Jane who was quite sick. He desired me to be mouth.

We had a very stormy afternoon and evening. I returned home and brought up my wife Eliza and my daughter Mary Alice and son David to partake of the wedding supper of my neice at her fathers house, and spent a very agreeable evening. Drove home afterwards. The night was very dark.

31 August 1883 • Friday

Friday Aug 31, 1883. This is a very rainy day. At the request of Prest. Taylor I accompanied him to the house of his wife Sophia and joined with him in blessing the little daughter (who was 8 days old) of J. W. Taylor and wife, he being the son of Prest. Taylor and his wife Sophia, and his wife being the grand daughter of Prest. Taylor’s sister Agnes and daughter of her son John Rich.

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August 1883, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 29, 2025