December 1890

1 December 1890 • Monday

Monday, December 1st, 1890. I stopped last night at Brother Smoot’s, as also did Brother Lyman.

Meeting convened at 10 o’clock. The authorities were presented, the statistical report was read, and Brother Lyman and myself spoke.

In the afternoon I addressed the congregation, and Brother Smoot made a few closing remarks.

The Conference was adjourned until the 1st & 2nd of March.

It is seldom that I have enjoyed myself better than I have done at this Conference. I have done considerable speaking and have had great freedom in addressing the people. The Spirit of the Lord has been poured out upon all who have spoken. Brother Lyman has spoken excellently to the saints, and I am sure that if they will treasure up the instructions that they have received they will be greatly benefitted thereby.

We reached the city about 7 o’clock, and I remained there all night.

2 December 1890 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Dec. 2nd, 1890. I went down to my place on the river quite early this morning and found all in the enjoyment of their usual health. Brothers Jack and Clayton came in to converse about the affairs of the Inland Salt Co. President Woodruff is the president of the company, and they are Directors. My brother Angus also is a Director. He came in during the day, this being his first appearance in public for a number of months. It is said there are indictments out against him; but he thinks he has got his witnesses out of the way, and that they will probably arrest him and put him under bonds, which he is willing the officers should do.

I had an interview with Brothers A. E. Hyde and John Beck, T. R. Cutler and W. B. Preston, at the Bullion-Beck office, concerning some property in Idaho that was presented by Brigham Hampton, Jr. I made an appointment with John Beck to see him and converse upon our affairs. I feel that I want to have a settlement with him, if it is possible, in order to correct what I think is a wrong that he has done me, or that I am suffering from. At 4 o’clock I met with President Woodruff, Lorenzo Snow, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant, M. W. Merrill, A. H. Cannon, Geo. Reynolds, A.M. Cannon, Le G. Young, James Jack, B. H. Schettler, Don Carlos Young, and the employes of Zion’s Savings Bank, for the purpose of dedicating the bank building. We met in the Directors’ room of the bank, and at the request of President Woodruff I offered the dedicatory prayer.

In the evening, upon my return home, I had conversation with my sons David and Lewis concerning my business affairs. I have felt oppressed with my labors lately, and I have been impressed to relieve myself by making use of David. He shows considerable aptitude, for a youth of his age, for business, and I feel led to lay some of my business upon him; in fact, to let the boys look after all my outside affairs, so that I shall be relieved. We had a full talk about this, and both of them expressed their willingness to do all that I wished them to do.

3 December 1890 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Dec. 3rd, 1890. I was at the office this morning. President Woodruff did not feel very well.

We had another interview with Brothers James Jack and Nephi W. Clayton concerning the Inland Salt Co’s affairs and the Lake beach land. Matthew White has an option on the latter, and he has written to Brother Clayton, in response to his verbal statement to him, expressing his willingness to dispose of that to us. We have been impressed with the feeling that we should, if possible, endeavor to retain control, as Latter-day Saints, of some part of the Salt Lake beach, so that our people could go there and bathe, instead of going to places which are almost infamous when they want a bath. We have not a spot on the lake under the control of the Latter-day Saints where Sunday schools or any other party of saints can go and enjoy themselves, free from the wicked influences that generally surround places of resort of this kind. This business was submitted to the Twelve, to get their views of the proposition, but they did not seem to receive it with any enthusiasm, and I felt that under the circumstances probably we had better not make any effort to meet Mr. White. He agrees to take $25,000. in excess of what is due to Brothers Jack & Clayton & Henry Snell, but which the brethren thought could be reduced to $20,000. President Woodruff desired me to submit the above business to the Twelve in meeting, while he and Brother Smith were engaged in the bank meeting. I did so, and also, at his request, submitted to them our views concerning the factory, and asked them to recommend to the people to subscribe to that enterprise.

The Twelve Apostles held fast meeting today. They met together yesterday afternoon also.

The First Presidency had a lengthy interview with Brother R. S. Spence of Idaho, in which he described the condition of affairs at Boise and the information he had received concerning threatened legislation against us. The legislature opens next Monday, the 8th inst. We deemed it well to telegraph to Brother Budge to come down, as we wished to converse with him and Brother Spence upon the situation and take such steps as we could to control legislation in our favor.

I dictated a letter to Judge M. M. Estee, also a letter of introduction to Brother Caine for him, and also a private letter to Brother Caine.

4 December 1890 • Thursday

Thursday, December 4th, 1890. The First Presidency had a meeting this morning with Mr. Matthew White, N. W. Clayton and James Jack, who are all interested in the beach of the lake which lies in front of the Inland Salt Co’s works. Mr. White made some interesting communications to us concerning the adulteration of articles of food in New York which had come to his personal knowledge. He has been a malster, but was compelled to quit the business as it could not be made to pay in consequence of the methods of adulteration which had been adopted in the manufacture of beer. He said that now there was not a bushel of malt to a barrel of 32 gallons of beer. The beer is made out of corn, rice, glucose or grape sugar, and to these he attributed the increase of kidney troubles; for glucose is considered as having a tendency to create such troubles. Glucose enters largely also into all sugars that are sold and all the candy that is manufactured.

I felt interested in his remarks, because I have taken the same view, without knowing much about the subject, concerning adulteration and the effect upon the kidneys, and especially the use of glucose.

Brother H. B. Clawson returned from California this morning, in company with Col. Isaac Trumbo. We had a visit from them in the afternoon and conversed upon the situation of affairs. Judge Estee, when he left California, wished Col. Trumbo to follow him. He promised to write him here, and he is awaiting the letter.

We had an interview with Brothers Wm. Budge and R. S. Spence concerning Idaho affairs, and it was decided that nothing at present should be done about having somebody at Boise, but await developments. We left this matter in the hands of Brother Budge, who has always manifested a good deal of political shrewdness.

At 2 o’clock the First Presidency and Twelve met. President Woodruff did not dress. Brother F. D. Richards opened by prayer, and Brother Moses Thatcher prayed in the circle. The brethren of the Twelve were appointed to go to various parts of the Territory to do all in their power to raise subscriptions to the sugar manufacture. Brothers H. G. Grant and F. M. Lyman had Salt Lake County and Tooele County assigned to them; Brothers Lorenzo Snow and F. D. Richards had Weber and Box Elder; Brothers M. Thatcher and M. W. Merrill had Cache; Brothers J. H. Smith and A. H. Lund had Utah, Juab and Sanpete; Brothers J. W. Taylor and A. H. Cannon had Davis, Morgan, Summit and Wasatch. President Woodruff dwelt with some emphasis on the importance of this, and that everything possible should be done to make the enterprise a success.

I held a meeting of the Salt Lake Literary & Scientific Association, at which there were present, beside myself, vice President M. Thatcher, Directors D. C. Young, J. Jack and J. Q. Cannon. Brother Geo. Reynolds was also present. It was decided that we should continue to exhibit the museum, remove it from its present quarters, which we had been invited to vacate, and rent a suitable room and have the collection put in the best possible shape. Don Carlos Young and James Jack were appointed as a committee to see to the transfer of the museum, the employment of a suitable curator, and the providing of cases that would exhibit the collection to the best advantage, and that, when a new building was erected, would answer the purpose. They were authorized to expend to the amount of $3000. if necessary. A building committee was also appointed, consisting of Don Carlos Young, A. Miner and J. Q. Cannon, with authority to call to their aid whom they pleased to assist in looking the subject up and submitting some plan for the building.

5 December 1890 • Friday

Friday, Dec. 5th, 1890. I went through my cash account and indebtedness last evening with my son Lewis and found myself considerably embarrassed to my expenditure of means. The failure to make a dividend on the Bullion-Beck last month, and the announcement that no dividend would be made this month, which Brother Thatcher made to me yesterday, has caught me in a bad position, as I had counted on dividends to meet my expenses. I am desirous of transferring my whole business to my son David as soon as I can, with the hope that he will be able to attend to it and retrench expenses. Situated as I am, it is out of my power to look after my own affairs as I should do to have them economically managed, and I believe I can afford to give David a reasonably good salary, and that he will save it in his management, besides being so great a relief to me in sparing me the anxiety that I naturally have about business when I cannot attend to it.

I may say here, in this connection, that I never have in my life neglected a public duty knowingly to attend to my private business, but have looked upon the duties of my office as having the first and greatest claim upon me.

We had a meeting of the Deseret News Co today, and I expressed myself with considerable plainness concerning the steps that should be taken in regard to the company. We are endeavoring, it seems to me, to perpetuate a condition of affairs in connection with that company that belongs to the past. Conditions have changed, and as wise men it seems to me that we should adapt ourselves to these changes and act with reference to all the surroundings, in order to promote the interests of the company and to preserve its property from attack.

Bro. F. S. Richards telegraphed from Washington to the effect that the President’s Message was not so much in favor of disfranchisement, where it alludes to Utah, as an expression of his opposition to the present admission of Utah as a State. He also informed us that the Attorney General does not question our right to all of the Temple Block, and that official is of the opinion that we have the right to let the Tabernacle be used for concerts and lectures. He informed us in this dispatch that the case which he had gone to attend to would probably come up next Monday or Tuesday, and he would start for home immediately after.

Mr. Alexander Badlam came in this morning from California, and we had an interview with him and Col. Trumbo and Bro. Clawson. President Woodruff took Mr. Badlam down to his residence to see his wife, but she was not at home.

President Woodruff and myself had an interview with Hon. R. Cedercrantz, a gentleman who has been appointed to act as Chief Justice of Samoa, but he will really act as Governor and arbitrate in the matter of the claims to the kingship. He is from Sweden. He conveyed the idea that his appointment was for life. He was accompanied by three other gentlemen, and they expressed great pleasure at meeting us. We spoke to him about our missionaries, and asked him if he saw any objection to our informing them that we had met him and that they could call upon him. He said, No. Brother Penrose called and submitted some questions concerning appeals to the Territorial Supreme Court from Judge Anderson’s late decision. I expressed myself in general terms as not in favor of appeals, where there was the least danger of their being decided against us. Better to have affairs stand as they now do, with Judge Anderson as the only judge, than to have the entire bench committed against us. I also thought unfavorably of any attempt to insist upon the Commissioners being urged to bring forth the names of the 40 cases to which they had alluded. As the case now stood, we were in a good position to defend ourselves, for they had been called upon by our Delegate, in a letter, to furnish names, and they had not done so. I did not feel that it was necessary for us to pursue the matter any further, because whatever may have happened prior to our late Conference we ought to stand by the manifesto and the action of the Conference, and we could truthfully say that since that time no cases of polygamy had occurred. My view was that if they were to furnish the names of parties who had withdrawn from the registry list, they might find the names of prominent men who had not married since the date that they alleged, but prior to that, and we would then have the onus of proof resting upon us to say when they were married, which might be as damaging as if the marriages had taken place since the time they mention. I dictated my journal to Brother Winter, also a letter to Col. Trumbo, which contained the substance of a conversation that I had had with District Attorney Varian.

6 December 1890 • Saturday

Saturday, Dec. 6th, 1890. Started early, in company with my son David and Brother C. H. Wilcken, to my farm at West Jordan. We spent about an hour looking over the place, and I was much pleased with the way things are kept. The man that we have employed there is a good hand.

On our way up we called at Brother Wilcken’s farm. I also met my sister Mary Alice at her place and found her much improved in health.

David and myself rode back to the city, and I stayed in the Gardo House the remainder of the afternoon. I was chilled through with the ride, and in the evening felt quite sick through cold. A hot bath helped me.

7 December 1890 • Sunday

Sunday, Dec. 7th, 1890. My nephew, Lewis, M. Cannon, drove me to the train this morning at 8:10, which took me to Kaysville, where the Conference of the Davis Stake was being held. My son Abraham was also on the train. I was taken to Brother John R. Barnes. Found Brother H. J. Grant there, and ate breakfast with the family.

The forenoon meeting was occupied by my son Abraham, Brother Grant and myself.

The afternoon meeting was very crowded. The sacrament was administered, the authorities were presented, and Brother Joseph Hyrum Grant, Bishop of Bountiful, was selected as second Counselor to Prest. W. R. Smith, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Brother Anson Call. Before he was set apart, I requested him to state his feelings to the conference, which he did. He was then set apart in the presence of the congregation. Brothers H. J. Grant, A. H. Cannon, W. R. Smith and myself laid hands on him, and I was mouth.

I occupied the remainder of the afternoon, and had uncommon freedom in speaking. We all rejoiced exceedingly.

I walked down to the station and was very much heated. I had to wait on the platform for nearly an hour, the train being late.

My son Lewis met me at the city depot with a vehicle and took me home.

8 December 1890 • Monday

Monday, Dec. 8th, 1890. I am quite sick this morning, due, I expect, to the cold which I contracted while waiting for the train yesterday.

At 9 o’clock I had a meeting with the Salt Lake Stake Board of Education, to take into consideration the question of having enlarged quarters for the school. they are entirely too cramped. I told the Board that at any time when they were ready to receive contributions and hold them legally, I had a thousand dollars that I intended to donate to them, which I had promised some time ago. Probably there were others in the same condition, and if they got these amounts it might relieve some of their present necessities. It was understood by myself, however, that only the interest should be used of the amount which I donated.

There was a meeting of the sugar company which I attended after I got through with this meeting. Those present had been talking over the stringency of the money market. $50,000. ought to have been paid to the Dyers on the 5th inst. There was only a little over $10,000. received, and the question arose as to how the balance was to be raised. Brother Heber J. Grant, usually very buoyant and hopeful in money matters and a man always inclined to take risks whenever necessary, related the difficulty he had to meet his engagements, the large amounts of money that he had to raise, which he found almost impossible to do, and the necessity he had been under of selling stock that he did not wish to part with. Nearly all who spoke talked in the same strain. I listened for about an hour to the talk and it was very gloomy and discouraging. Brother Thatcher, before I came in, it seems, had started out to have the whole business postponed and the contracts made void, at least till another year, and had proposed to give one thousand dollars to have the contracts broken. I felt quite unwell in body, and this feeling of the meeting was one that grieved me. They pressed me to express myself, which I finally did, and said that I was not in favor of postponing, but was in favor of fulfilling our contract and carrying this through; that our name was involved and we must make a herculean effort to carry the contract out; that we had announced by circular and by public addresses to our people, and it had been announced through the public press, that the sugar industry was to be started, and now it had gone as far as it had, I did not see how we could recede from it with honor, even if it were possible to do so without being made to pay heavy damages. I said I had seen myself in a worse condition than this and had pulled through. I said, the Lord is in this matter and we must trust in Him and have some faith. We must not judge of this as men do naturally, because this has been undertaken by the counsel of God’s servants and is a right thing to do, and the effect of not doing it would be very injurious.

Brother L. G. Hardy moved that H. J. Grant, T. R. Cutler and T. G. Webber be a committee to wait upon Mr. Dyer and converse with him concerning postponement for another year. This motion was made before I had said very much. Afterwards it was proposed that L. G. Hardy be added to that committee, as Brother Webber was very busy, and somebody said that the motion might be credited to me. I said that I could neither motion nor vote for such a proposition as that. If the committee went, if I could have my way they would merely talk with Mr. Dyer and obtain an extension of time for the payments, in view of the stringency of the money market. This was the form in which the motion was finally carried, and a meeting was appointed for 9:30 tomorrow morning.

After this meeting I spoke to Presidents Woodruff and Smith and told them my views. It seemed to me that there was foundation to the rumors that we had heard to the effect that there was a design to prevent the carrying out of this company, and I felt as one of the First Presidency that there was almost a direct issue raised, and it remained for us to say whether we had the influence and power to carry out a plan of this kind or let it fall to the ground because of opposition. It seemed to me that it was just such a case as we ought to take hold of vigorously and carry out that which we had counseled.

The First Presidency had an interview with Brother Willard Young concerning the ground which his father had donated for school purposes, and which is a very desirable place for the proposed university of which Brother Young is to be the head.

We had a visit from Col. Trumbo and Bp. Clawson today and had some interesting conversation concerning the situation of affairs.

We were shocked this morning to hear of the death of Brother James Moyle, superintendent of the Temple Block, of typhoid pneumonia. He has been a most excellent man, and his death was quite unexpected.

9 December 1890 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Dec. 9, 1890. At 9:30 I attended a meeting of the sugar company. The committee reported the conversation they had had with Mr. Dyer, and said he was going to see us to know what we were going to do. I expressed my disinclination to see him; thought it was not necessary, and I moved that we pay him the amount that we had agreed. The brethren had said that it was impossible to raise this amount, and they were surprised at my making such a motion, but it was carried. I told them that if Brother Webber would tell me the amount that he had on hand I would raise the balance. $35,000 was afterwards raised and taken down to Brother Webber by me, for him to pay. He had on hand about $15,000. The First Presidency signed a note James Jack, as Treasurer of the Literary & Scientific Association, for this $35,000, and an I.O.U. for $10,000, which he had raised from various quarters. I was very much gratified at the result, and I most earnestly pray that we may be successful in carrying this measure through.

My health is very poor today, though I took measures last night to get a sweat, thinking it would do me good.

The First Presidency had an interview with Bishop Preston and D. C. Young concerning the seating of the Tabernacle choir and the lighting of the Temple, Tabernacle and Assembly Hall with electricity, also the heating of the two latter buildings.

Brother John L. Jenkins, of Goshen, called upon us, he having just returned from a mission.

President Woodruff and myself, Col. Trumbo, H. B. Clawson and Geo. Reynolds took lunch at the Hotel Templeton with Brother Don Carlos Young.

Had meeting of the Scientific Association, of which I am President. It was decided to rent a room in the new bank building, for the purpose of placing our museum therein temporarily, the rent to be $125. per month.

I dictated a letter last night to Judge M. M. Estee, and sent him statistical information concerning the condition of crime among the Mormons and Non-Mormons of this Territory.

10 December 1890 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Dec. 10th, 1890. My cold still hangs on and I am quite under the weather from it; but there is so much to be done that I cannot stay at home.

This is the anniversary of my wedding with my wife Elizabeth Hoagland. Thirty-six years ago today we were united in marriage.

The First Presidency listened to correspondence, and held an interview with Willard Young, LeGrand Young and Richard W. Young concerning the best form of organization for the proposed university.

The weekly meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank was held at 1 o’clock.

I left the office feeling very unwell.

11 December 1890 • Thursday

Thursday, Dec. 11th, 1890. I laid in bed till about 11 o’clock this morning, being quite sick. I felt better in the evening.

Bishop Heber Bennion called to see me to get some counsel, and Brother Carl Anderson of Ogden respecting the study of art. He is quite artistic in his tastes and is contemplating going to San Francisco to attend school there.

12 December 1890 • Friday

Friday, Dec. 12th, 1890. I felt somewhat improved this morning and came up to the Gardo House. Found President Woodruff there. President Smith is absent today and yesterday at his home.

I received a letter from Judge Estee, in which he speaks of the prevalence of the idea that in issuing the manifesto we were not sincere. He writes, however, quite hopefully of affairs there.

I have had a feeling, which I would not like to mention to Brother Jos. F. , that now would be a good time for him to take steps to meet the issue. I believe it would be a master stroke for him to go into court and meet the charges against him, as I see they are using the fact that he is in hiding as an evidence of insincerity. I do not believe in complying with what our enemies may desire, but there are times when a bold stroke may kill their thunder and take away from them their argument. I think an arrangement might be made with the officials. But upon this point every man must act for himself.

With President Woodruff I attended the funeral services of Brother James Moyle, late Superintendent of the Temple Block. Brothers Gillespie, R. T. Burton, W. B. Preston and John Nicholson spoke and bore ample testimony to the virtues of Brother Moyle. I also occupied a short time. I did not feel well enough to speak long. President Woodruff followed.

I dictated an article for the Juvenile Instructor.

Had interviews with Col. Trumbo and Brother Clawson, who were about to depart for California.

13 December 1890 • Saturday

Saturday, Dec. 13th, 1890. I spent the day at my home on the river, not being very well, but better than I have been.

14 December 1890 • Sunday

Sunday, Dec. 14th, 1890. I got ready to go to the meeting at the Tabernacle in the afternoon, but was taken with sickness and remained.

15 December 1890 • Monday

Monday, Dec. 15th, 1890. I felt much better this morning and went to the Gardo House.

The First Presidency had an interview with Bishops Preston and Winder, and they submitted to us some propositions concerning the remuneration to be given to those who handle tithing in some of the Stakes. The remuneration was increased from 10% to 13%, and in some instances to 15%. These Stakes were twelve in number. The remainder were still allowed the usual 10%. We decided to have a Stake in Canada, to be called the Alberta Stake, over which Brother C. O. Card will preside.

At 2 P.M. we had a lengthy meeting with the directors of Z.C.M.I., at which the question of remuneration of the executive committee came up. It had been suggested at our last meeting that they should be paid for their past services. I objected to this at that meeting, and did the same at this, and gave my reasons for doing so. I said that President Taylor had acted as President of this institution for quite a number of years. After his death the board was reorganized, and it was decided to pay the new directors and the president so much per annum for their services. I had suggested that President Taylor should be remunerated for his services also, as at that time it was supposed he had died poor, and I thought it would have been a graceful act for the institution to have made an allowance to his family. But this was objected to, and I now objected to these brethren having back pay for their services. I thought there was no more impropriety in our devoting our time gratuitously than the rest, and as I was the oldest member of the Board and had been connected with the institution from the beginning, I thought it was proper for me to make this objection. When the Board was first organized we were told by President Young that we must all serve without pay. He had done so, and the rest have all done so up to the period which I named.

My remarks brought out the fact that the brethren who had acted as the executive committee had notified the Board of Directors that they would not act without pay, and that it had been agreed that they should be paid. I said if this was the case I withdrew my objection, because if there was a contract of that kind entered into it ought to be fulfilled. They were voted, therefore, $500. a year in addition to the pay they receive as directors, making $700. in all, and the same amount was voted for them per annum.

16 December 1890 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Dec. 16th, 1890. The First Presidency heard an appeal case from Parowan. As it involved a water question and one of the parties was a corporation, we deemed it improper to take any action upon the matter, as we have for some time decided that all questions of a legal character should not be interfered with by our High Councils or church tribunals, as it exposed us to the charge that we usurped the functions of the courts of the country and set their decisions aside. We recommended that they should get disinterested parties and arbitrate the case.

I dictated letters to Brother Winter.

I had an interview with a Mrs. Hasbrouck, I being introduced to her by President Woodruff. She is intending to publish a chart, in which will appear the portraits of all the prominent Elders who have been the first to establish missions, or who have distinguished themselves in the ministry. She asked me a great many questions about various points connected with our history, and was especially desirous to get a little sketch from me concerning my labors. She displayed an extensive acquaintance with our history.

In the afternoon I attended a meeting of the Sunday School Union. Brother J. W. Summerhays was suggested as a suitable person to take the place made vacant by the departure of John C. Cutler on a mission—that of Superintendent of Sunday Schools in this Stake.

17 December 1890 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Dec. 17th, 1890. I came to the Gardo House this morning, and after listening to the correspondence I had a very lengthy interview with John Beck, in which I laid before him my view of the wrong that I felt had been done to me in the course that he had pursued. I felt that I had been greatly wronged by the breaking up of the dedicated stock pool and his having in his hands my share of the dedicated stock which President Taylor had given him in payment of the $25,000 that he was to be paid out of the output of the mine. I laid my side of the case with great plainness before him and we conversed very freely upon it; but he could not see it and refused to do anything about it. I asked him if he would be willing to submit this matter to any of the brethren. He did not say whether he would or not; but it was evident that he was averse to doing any such thing. I told him I felt inclined to take that course.

I afterwards described to Presidents Woodruff and Smith the case, and President Woodruff felt that I ought to press the matter.

The First Presidency had a lengthy interview with Brother F. S. Richards, who has just returned from Washington, where he has been arguing the case of Brother Bassett before the Supreme Court. He reported to us interviews which he had had with prominent gentlemen while at Washington.

18 December 1890 • Thursday

Thursday, Dec. 18th, 1890. I had been making calculations and had ordered a furnace and radiators to heat two of my houses—that of my wife Martha’s and that of my wife Carlie’s; but I felt so straitened in my circumstances, in consequence of the failure to receive dividends from the Bullion-Beck property, that I concluded, if my wives would consent, to endeavor to arrange with Brother Midgely in a satisfactory manner, so that I would not be compelled to take them now. Both my wives, upon being spoken to, said they were quite willing, in view of my circumstances, to try and get along without these this winter. Brother Midgely, whom I afterwards saw, also acquiesced in the arrangement and consented to not hold me to the order, as he said the property was just as good as gold in his own hands, though he offered to trust me if I would have them put in.

I dictated several letters today, and among others, wrote one to Brother Clawson concerning the gas machine, so as to stop any further expense on that, if practicable. The arrangement had been for Mr. Edgar Badlam to come here and set it up, and I thought that by doing no more at the machine now, it would save me this expense, until I should be in a better situation to meet the payments.

The First Presidency and Elders F. D. Richards, F. M. Lyman and A. H. Cannon held their usual meeting. President Woodruff and Brother Richards did not dress. Brother Jos. F. Smith prayed, and Brother Lyman was mouth in the circle; after which, at the request of President Woodruff, we laid hands upon him to rebuke his cough from which he has been suffering considerably.

After this, we had quite a long conversation upon the principle of adoption, in which I set forth my views, and President Woodruff approved of them and said they were correct.

19 December 1890 • Friday

Friday, Dec. 19th, 1890. We received a dispatch from Washington informing us that the Edmunds bill disposing of the Church property to the common schools, which is in the morning hour of the House of Representatives, had not been reached yesterday, through dilatory motions which were made by R. Q. Mills.

President Lorenzo Snow called upon us today, he having come down from Brigham City.

I have been anxious to meet Judge Estee at Ogden on his return from Washington, but he passed through before I was aware of it, and Bishop Clawson advised me by telegraph that he was expected there today.

There was a meeting of the Church Board of Education at 2 o’clock, and we attended to business connected with that Board. Captain Willard Young met with us for the first time since his election.

Brother Arthur Stayner has written us to know if he can be released from labors at home to accept a situation in the East next year which promises lucrative returns. The First Presidency felt that he should be released.

The First Presidency were invited by Bishop Harrison Sperry, of the 4th Ward, to partake of a carp dinner at the Globe Bakery this evening at 7 o’clock and to bring any of our family that we wished. President Smith was not able to go, as he did not dare to expose himself. President Woodruff and myself were there. I took no wife, but Brother Wilcken invited my wife Eliza to go, and she was there. President Woodruff had his wife with him. We had a very excellent meal. There is a company organized for the cultivation of carp. They have their ponds in Tooele Valley and they peak highly of the prospects for an immense production of that fish. Those that we ate were very fine.

20 December 1890 • Saturday

Saturday, Dec. 20th, 1890. Spent the day at home.

21 December 1890 • Sunday

Sunday Dec. 21st, 1890. Bishop Millen Atwood, an old and faithful man, and one of the pioneers of this valley, and the Bishop of the 13th Ward for some years, has died and his funeral services were held today at the 13th Ward Assembly Hall. President Woodruff and myself and a number of other Elders were present. The house was crowded with Latter-day Saints. Brothers Nelson Empey and Thomas Aubrey, his counselors, spoke very feelingly of the deceased. Jos. E. Taylor and my brother Angus, of the Presidency of the Stake, also spoke. At the request of President Woodruff, I spoke about 20 mins. We followed the corpse to the grave. From the graveyard we drove to Brother S. P. Teasdel’s, whose son, a young man 24 years of age, had died of heart disease. The house was crowded with friends, and the family was plunged in grief. Bishop Whitney and Brother Barton spoke, after which I addressed the congregation, followed by Le Grand Young. Bishop Romney also made a few remarks.

From there my son Lewis, who was with me, drove me to the Tabernacle, and I listened to the closing remarks of my brother Angus, who occupied the time of the meeting.

22 December 1890 • Monday

Monday, Dec. 22nd, 1890.

My son Abraham met with the First Presidency this morning at the Gardo House and made a statement concerning the allegations which were made against Brother Elisha W. Jones, of Emery County, for embezzlement of public funds. It was deemed best to write a letter upon the subject to the Presidency of the Stake.

We had a visit from Brother J. E. Carlisle, who has just returned from Europe, he having been laboring in the Millennial Star Office as assistant editor of that publication. He has returned for the purpose of settling up affairs connected with the estate of his late wife, who was a daughter of Brother Wm Jennings.

Brother Caine had expressed a wish through Brother F. S. Richards, who has just returned from Washington, to have Brother Geo. Reynolds sent to him to assist him in the capacity of clerk. We cannot spare Brother Reynolds, as he is our corresponding secretary, and it would cripple us very much for him to be spared. A dispatch was sent to Brother Caine, suggesting that Brother B. F. Cummings Jr or Brother Chas. W. Stayner might be spared to attend to these duties, if acceptable to him.

23 December 1890 • Tuesday

Wednesday <Tuesday>, Dec. 23rd, 1890. A dispatch was received this morning from Brother John T. Caine, informing us that Caswell, the member from the Judiciary Committee who had charge of the Edmunds bill disposing of our property, forfeited his call, that is, he allowed it to pass without responding. Brother Caine says it is not probable the committee will be called again this session.

We found ourselves today under the necessity of telegraphing, through Brother Caine, to H. J. Grant at New York, to try and borrow us $50,000 for three or four months. We also sent a message of the same character to Brother Clawson at San Francisco.

We were gratified to learn from Brother C. O. Card that he had been acquitted yesterday of the charge of cohabitation and was now on his way back to his field.

We had a very interesting interview with the Presiding Bishopric and the Architect concerning the steps to be taken in connection with the Temple. The brethren seemed to be in favor of discharging all the hands. President Woodruff, feeling the embarrassment of the situation and the great need of means, was inclined at first to take this course. I could not in my feelings consent to this, although I said nothing for some time; but being appealed to to know what my feelings were, I said that I could talk more understandingly about this if I knew the circumstances of the church better than I did—what our income was now compared with last year, and also what amount it would require to continue these hands. It seemed to me that if we yielded to the panic it would only increase the embarrassments, and by discharging a lot of workmen at the present time it would have an injurious effect on the public mind. My views seemed to have weight, and the Bishops were requested to furnish us with a comparative statement. Brother Charles Livingstone was appointed Superintendent of the work on the Temple Block, in the place of James Moyle, deceased. There has been considerable loose talk in relation to their being a falling off in the tithing, and that we were not meeting our expenses. I desired the brethren to furnish us with information concerning this, and whether we were meeting our obligations and expenses as we went along, or whether they were increasing upon us. My own impression, notwithstanding all that had been said, was that we had gained; that we had paid some debts besides meeting our current expenses. The Bishops promised to get us out a statement of this character.

24 December 1890 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Dec. 24th, 1890. Had a long interview with W. G. Nebeker, son of the late Geo. Nebeker, concerning the condition of his mother’s family. There was a meeting of the Board of Directors of Zion’s Savings Bank and Trust Co at 1 o’clock.

Brother Grant wired us back that it was doubtful whether he could do anything for us.

I received a dispatch from San Francisco, in cipher, sent by Col. Trumbo and Bp. Clawson, saying that it was desirable that I should visit San Francisco as early as possible after Christmas, as there were important matters to be talked over with Enid. <Judge Estee.> President Woodruff, upon hearing this, was very desirous that I should go as quickly as possible, and it was concluded that it would be better for me to go on Friday afternoon. I went home a little earlier than usual, hoping that by some exertion I could get my new kitchen prepared for us to have our Christmas dinner in the dining hall, but I found affairs too far behind for this.

25 December 1890 • Thursday

Thursday, Dec. 25th, 1890. I spent the day at home and visited my family a little.

In the evening I had a call from Brothers F. Armstrong and A. E. Hyde, who came to see me respecting the laying of the corner stone of the sugar factory tomorrow. They said that Bp. Cutler and others in Utah County had made extensive preparations for a company to go down from Salt Lake and they would be greatly disappointed if they did not come. I informed them that President Woodruff, in his anxiety to have me fill a little mission, had said that he would go down there and relieve me from going. The brethren, however, pressed me to go, and said they supposed that everything had been done until quite late this evening and they would now have to work nearly all night to get the excursion off. Brother Armstrong appeared very much interested in the matter.

After hearing their statement I expressed my willingness to go if a special train were provided, as to go on the regular train would take too much time. They promised to have the special train.

26 December 1890 • Friday

Friday, Dec. 26th, 1890. When I reached the Gardo House this morning I found a printed invitation to start at 11 o’clock to Utah County, to lay the corner stone of the sugar factory, and to return at 4 p.m. I did business until the time of starting. President Woodruff and myself and daughter Emily were taken in a carriage from the Gardo House to the Rio Grande Western depot. His son Owen and my son David met us there, and they accompanied us. There was a large party of leading citizens. As there had been no programme made out, at the request of President Woodruff I arranged the order of proceedings and dictated a programme to my son David.

When we reached the ground this programme was submitted to the Board of Directors and accepted by them.

President Woodruff expressed his wish to them that I should lay and dedicate the corner stone. There were upwards of two thousand people on the ground. The day was most beautiful—more like a warm spring day. There was a carriage prepared for us to sit in near the corner stone. Brother Elias Morris, as the president of the company, conducted the proceedings. A band and choir from Lehi furnished good instrumental and vocal music. After music by the band, and singing, and a speech by Brother Morris, he, as master mason, assisted by his foreman, raised the corner stone and I spread the mortar, struck the stone with a hammer to get it level, and said with a loud voice to the assemblage that I took pleasure in announcing that the corner stone of the Utah Sugar Factory was now laid, and I asked God to bless it. Before the stone was laid there were a great many contributions made of various interesting articles, which were inserted in the box in the stone. Among others, I had a silver dollar of this years issue inserted.

After laying the corner stone, I stood upon it and said to the people that according to our custom when we engaged in any enterprise we desired the blessing of the Lord upon it, and we would now invoke that blessing upon this great undertaking and dedicate the land and foundation of the building to the Lord. I then offered the dedicatory prayer. Short speeches were then made by President Woodruff, Brothers John Beck, A.O. Smoot, T. R. Cutler, Geo. Halliday, A. E. Hyde, Arthur Stayner and L. G. Hardy. After which we drove back to Lehi. We were taken to a hall, where the company partook of a most excellent lunch, prepared under the direction of Bishop Cutler.

Upon my arrival in the city I went to the Gardo House, wrote some letters, and returned home with my son David.

I finished packing my trunk, and bade my wives and children farewell. David drove me to the station. Brother Wm. C. Spence was there. He kindly arranged for my transportation and the checking of my trunk. I was met at Ogden by John Q. and Frank. I went to the latter’s house and met there Mr. & Mrs. D[blank]

Frank agreed to waken me at 3 o’clock, so I went to bed and enjoyed my sleep till then.

27 December 1890 • Saturday

Saturday, Dec. 27th, 1890. I was awakened at 8 by Frank, and he took me in a hack to the station. I had a good section on the sleeping car, in which I slept about 3 hours.

The weather is very pleasant.

28 December 1890 • Sunday

Sunday, Dec. 28th, 1890. At 12:15 at noon I reached San Francisco. Was met at the landing by Col. Trumbo and Bp. Clawson. They took me to the new California Hotel, where Col. Trumbo secured for me a beautiful bedroom and sitting room, with bath room connected.

After changing my linen, he took me in his carriage for a ride. The equipage was very stylish—a beautiful pair of horses and landeau [landau]; and he had a negro coachman and footman in livery on the box. We drove through Central Park and as far as the Cliff House. The weather being warm and pleasant, it was a very delightful ride.

Upon our return, we called upon Sister Emily Clawson. I paid my respects to her. From there I was taken by Col. Trumbo to his residence and took dinner with him and his wife. He has one of the most elegant houses I ever was in. His collection of paintings is exceedingly valuable.

I joined Bp. Clawson at the hotel at 8 o’clock.

Col. Trumbo arranged an interview with Enid <Judge Estee> at 11 tomorrow.

29 December 1890 • Monday

Monday, Dec. 29th, 1890. Had a lengthy and important interview with Enid <(Judge Estee)> this morning. He gave me a full description of his visit to Washington, what he had done, and the results that he thought he had achieved. He spoke very hopefully and encouragingly of the situation. He expressed his surprise that while he was there he found there were five or six lobbyists working diligently against us, some of them having held important official positions in the Territory, and not one man to say one word in our favor, excepting those who might feel friendly disposed, but who had no special interest in defending us.

I have been very much impressed with the singular manner in which this man has been influenced—a man holding a commanding position and with very important interests in his hands. That he should leave his business and go to Washington on an errand such as this in our behalf without the least hope of pecuniary reward; and, in fact, telling us plainly that he could not accept anything from us, is something extraordinary to me. I am greatly reminded of Gen. Kane’s devotion to us. This man’s spirit is very similar. It seems as though he has been raised up by providence and inspired to take the interest that he does.

According to his account, he must have had many interesting conversations with prominent men, including President Harrison, Secretary Blaine and other members of the Cabinet, and members of the Senate and House, as well as members of the Supreme Court.

After this interview I accompanied Brother Clawson to pay my respects to W. W. Wood, the attorney. Brother Clawson had some conversation with him concerning the suit that had been commenced by the California members of the Bullion-Beck company. They were all friends of Mr. Wood, and he had declined to accept a retainer from either side, but he had proffered to act as arbitrator between them, if his services would be of any use. Brother Clawson and he talked considerably on this, and I added some few remarks.

I invited Brother Clawson to dine with me, and afterwards we went to the California theatre and saw the Howard Atheneum Company. Some of the performances of this company were very skilful, especially five brothers who gave a performance on the horizontal bar. A man named Cinquevalli also gave a wonderful performance as a balancer.

My son David forwarded me the following dispatch:

“J. W. Young telegraphs he can get sixty thousand on Wilford Woodruff and Geo. Q. Cannon’s names on Z.C.M.I. stock at Seventy five from Western Nat. Bank, but that they think they should have Zion’s Bank account and they will always be ready to accommodate Zion’s Bank. John W. strongly recommends give them the account. Wilford Woodruff does not appear to be able to decide. Do you wish money. Answer by telegraph.”

30 December 1890 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Dec. 30th, 1890. Bishop Clawson took breakfast with me this morning. I spoke to Col. Trumbo about our making a loan, but he could hold out no hope for the present. He said perhaps after New Year it might be effected. Money is very close here at the present time, and the Pacific Bank, of which he is a director and one of the finance committee, is in a condition that they cannot loan to anyone, their own cash being very low. I received a note from Enid this morning asking me to see him alone at 2 p.m. I had an interview with him and we talked fully over affairs. He said he preferred talking with me alone. While he had entire confidence in Col. Trumbo and Bp. Clawson, still there might be a word dropped by one or the other, through inadvertence, that might do harm; therefore, he preferred talking politics with me alone, and not in the presence of third parties. We had a very pleasant conversation. He submitted a letter that he had written to C. P. Huntington, President of the Southern Pacific Railroad, concerning his (Enid’s) attitude as candidate for Senator in the event of Senator Hearst’s death, and asked my advice concerning it. I expressed myself to the effect that I thought there would be no impropriety in sending such a letter.

I sent the following dispatch to President Woodruff:

“David telegraphs concerning John W. Young’s proposition for Western Nat. Bank. I am in favor of this if we can do no better. My family’s stock in Z.C.M.I, my bank stock or any other securities I own can be used to secure necessary loan and I will join you in signing note. Prospects here for loan not at present good.”

Accompanied by Bishop Clawson I called upon Dr. Mattie Hughes, wife of my brother Angus, and spent some little time with her. She has two children, a girl and a boy. The boy I would know to be a Cannon anywhere. He has the strongly marked features of the Cannons, and looks like a very promising child. She seems to be cheerful. Upon leaving I mentioned to Brother Clawson how kind and forbearing we ought to be with women who are situated as our plural wives are. It is a great trial for them, and my sympathies go out very strongly for them.

I called with Brother Clawson at his wife Emily’s and took dinner with them.

On the way down to keep my appointment with Enid, he joined us on the car and went with us to my hotel. We were afterwards joined by Col. Trumbo, and had a very lengthy conversation over our affairs. I gave him many items of information, which he thought would prove valuable to him.

31 December 1890 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Dec. 31st, 1890. When Enid parted with us last night he expressed the wish that I should come to his office tomorrow, as he wanted further conversation with me, and intimated that he would like to see me alone. Brother Clawson and Col. Trumbo called upon me this morning and accompanied me down town. Brother Clawson went off in another direction, and Col. Trumbo accompanied me to Enid’s office and then left me.

We had a very interesting conversation over the situation of affairs and the prospect of his becoming Senator, if Senator Hearst dies, which now seems probable. He will be a candidate for the Senatorship, and the prospect is that he will secure it, if money is not used against him in purchasing votes—a practice that prevails in California. When Governor Stanford was a candidate for Senator the last time, Enid was a competitor. He had 28 votes in the Legislature, only two short of a majority; but money beat him. He remarked to me that if his friends spent money to secure votes for him and he were to find it out, he would not take the office, for he did not want office on such conditions. Should he succeed in getting the Senatorship, it would be of immense advantage to us as a people, because he is thoroughly imbued with a feeling that we have been dreadfully and unjustly treated, and the spirit that he manifests is to me extraordinary, seeing that he has no pecuniary interest in feeling as he does. He is prompted by pure philanthropy and is willing to do everything in his power to aid us in obtaining our rights. I told him that anything we could do we would with pleasure. He said there might be some things that he would want to communicate, but it was dangerous writing. I said to him that if he had a communication that he feared to commit to the mails, if he would let me know I would come over readily. He said that was too much trouble. I told him I would not think it so. He promised to write to me, and also to have me write to him. He read me extracts in manuscript that he had been preparing, thinking to get a pamphlet out setting forth our case. He told me that when he finished, before he did anything more towards publishing it, he wanted to submit it to me.

I parted with him with the best of feelings for him and deeply moved by his zeal and devotion to us—a maligned and unpopular people; and I pray God to bless him.

After I came out I was joined by Col. Trumbo and accompanied him to his office, where I met Mr. Alexander Badlam and Brother Clawson.

I afterwards secured my tickets for return home, and was taken by Col. Trumbo to the Bohemian Club and shown through its elegant rooms.

Brother Clawson is striving hard to effect a compromise between the old members of what was called the Bullion, Beck and California Company. Four of them—Mr. Fillmore, Mr. Brown, Gov. Perkins and Mr. <O’>Connor—have started a suit to obtain more shares of stock from Mr. Badlam. It is a very ill-advised suit and likely to involve them all in much unpleasantness. I hope Brother Clawson will be able to effect a compromise; for it is very painful to see men who have been such friends separated in this way. Mr. Badlam feels very sore over it and opposes a compromise. He says that his wife says he must be vindicated in court or lick these men, or she will get a divorce. I hope he will think better of this.

I received the following dispatch from home:

“Can you possibly place $50,000. today to credit of our bank with Pacific bank for one or two weeks? It will not be drawn against. Answer quickly.”

But it was too late for banking hours. I got Col. Trumbo so enlisted that he tried to reach the officers of the bank, but in vain, and I proposed staying till Friday. To avoid this, however, he said that if I would sign a note for $50,000 and Brother Clawson endorse it, he would endorse the note also if necessary, and have that amount placed to the credit of Zion’s Savings Bank. I drew up a note and signed it, payable on the 15th of January. I also addressed a letter to the Pacific Bank, giving them a translated copy of the dispatch I had received and asking them to do this, promising them that it should not be drawn against. I felt that this was very kind of Col. Trumbo. I sent the following answer to the dispatch:

“Dispatch too late for business hours. $50,000. will be put to the credit of our bank on Friday.”

I had Bishop Clawson and wife Emily and daughters Lulu and Nellie to dinner, and from there I started to the train, accompanied by Brother and Sister Clawson. Col. Trumbo could not spare the time, as he had an engagement, to dine with me.

I embarked on the car at 7 o’clock.

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December 1890, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 9, 2025