November 1861

1 November 1861 • Friday

Friday, Nov. 1st/61. A disagreeable and very stormy day. We visited the Exhibition of the Academy of Arts, Bro. Kay accompanied us, he having arrived last evening. We spent four hours very agreeably in viewing the pictures. The collection was a very fine one indeed. Wrote a letter to Bro. Van Cott, advising him of the privilege the President had extended to him of returning as soon as practicable and that we wished him to take Bro. Jesse N. Smith in hand with a view of imparting unto him all the knowledge he could respecting the mission that he might be able to take charge when he (Bro. Van Cott) should be relieved.

2 November 1861 • Saturday1

Saturday, Nov. 2/61. Still cold but not stormy. Started <in company with Bro. L & R> for Leeds to hold a Conference with the Saints there on the morrow. Was met at Had a cold ride. Was met at the Station by Bro’s. Joseph and Saml, who took us to Bro. Shires’ where we eat dinner. Took tea at Sister Eastham’s and {<I and>} Bro. Joseph F. Smith stopped the night there.

3 November 1861 • Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 3/61. To-day is Elizabeth’s birth day. She is 26 years old. <I trust she will live to enjoy many returns of it.> Attended meeting. Bro. Rich made the opening remarks and was followed by Bro. Saml H B Smith who made a financial and statistical report of the Conference and their <its> condition. Bro. Amasa followed him and spoke for nearly an hour, dwelling on the principle of tithing and kindred subjects. Dined at Bro. Shires’. In afternoon the Sacrament was administered and I occupied the remainder of the time setting forth the advantages which accrued to those who were faithful in the discharge of their duties that they were ever blessed and though they might be poor in circumstances they would be rich in faith. There is a result attending the payment of Tithing which the ignorant and short-sighted are not aware of. Through this principle being revealed and practiced by the Saints there is a fund at the disposal of the Trustee-in-Trust which enables him to carry out many designs and operations that without this he would be unable to do. For instance, this Church has a Credit with the world at the present time that they won to an unlimited extent, because the Trustee-in-Trust’s it is known that the Trustee-in-Trust has always been prompt and punctual and in the payment of all accounts, and that he has a large amount of means at his control. Brother Joseph <the prophet> said, I believe, that the day would come when men would have more confidence in the Church’s <solvency and> ability to meet every engagement than they would in any banking institution in the world. The President of the Church, who is also the Trustee-in-Trust, through having means at his control in the shape of Tithing, has this past season been able to send down 200 wagons and 600 yoke of cattle to assist the poor from the frontiers to the Valley, and that he intends the coming the season, if the way should be open for the gathering of the Saints, to do similarly send some more wagons and oxen down for the same purpose. If the Saints do not see the exact road the money they pay in takes, they see the interests of the work forwarded, they see the Church increasing in influence, in wealth and power, and if they are in the Church and continually remain identified and associated with it, they themselves grow as it grows, its development <directly> benefits them in every respect. These are a few of the thoughts advanced to set <teach> the people in relation to this principle, not that the branch of Leeds needs any urging upon this subject; they have done well; but the Bradford Branch, many of whom with the President was President {were present}[,] need instruction upon these points; they have found fault and been neglectful of their duty. In evening, (Bro. Amasa being still unwell he having been unable to attend afternoon meeting) Bro. Rich spoke for about an hour and had excellent freedom and attention. The room was crowded. I followed for 40 minutes and was blessed in speaking.

4 November 1861 • Monday

Monday, Nov. 4/61. Busily Engaged in conversation, writing &c. Visited the Town Hall – a very beautiful building. There was nothing to be seen particularly worthy of note, excepting a statue of the Queen in white marble [–] a beautifully executed figure. In evening attended a party at which the Saints sang and recited for each other’s amusement. Bro. Lyman spoke for a while.

5 November 1861 • Tuesday

Tuesday, 5th, 1861. We left Leeds at ½ past 9. a. m. and reached Liverpool at about ¼ to 1 p.m. It rained very heavily while we were on the road. Found all well, excepting colds that Elizabeth and baby were troubled with.

6 November 1861 • Wednesday

Wednesday, 6th. Variously engaged. Received an encouraging letter from Bro. David M. Stuart, Scotland, respecting the work in that land.

7 November 1861 • Thursday

Thursday, 7th. Writing an editorial entitled [blank] Finished it by 2 A. M. next morning. I cannot frequently have to defer my writing until every body has gone to bed as there are many calls and frequent interruptions in the day time. Many of the articles that I have written for the Star have been written at such times. Received a letter from Bro’s Van der Woude and Schettler, Amsterdam, Holland, containing an unfavourable account of their prospects in preaching to the people in that land. They evidently are discouraged and instead of bearing up against the difficulties they have to contend [with] they seem disposed to succumb to them.

8 November 1861 • Friday

Friday, Nov. 8/61. I have had a very severe cold since my return from Leeds which has been painful and disagreeable. To-day I am worse than I have been. Visited Bro. Sloan who has been unwell for a few days back. He is the President of this, the Liverpool Conference. Wrote the following letter to Elders Van der Woude and Paul A. Schettler, Amsterdam, Holland.

{“Dear Brethren,

Your favors of the 18th ult. and 4th inst. have both been received and would have been replied to earlier had not a press of other business presented. On the 2nd. inst a letter was forwarded to you enclosing a Bank Note for £5, which we hope you have duly recd and that your wants have been supplied.

We discover a considerable difference between the tone and spirit of your letter of the 18th Oct. & that of the 4th Nov. In the first you say that there are many honest-hearted people in that country who are seeking after the truth; but in your last you seem, (or at least Bro. Van der Woude in whose name the two letters alluded to are written,) to be almost, if not entirely, discouraged, and think that you cannot do much more in Amsterdam; because but you have turned that city up side down. From reading your last letter we are led to conclude that as your money has decreased your faith has decreased with it, and that the fear of imprisonment &c has had an injurious effect upon your efforts and energies. Brethren, it is useless for you to attempt to open the gospel door to a nation if you suffer such feelings of doubt and fear – feelings so utterly unworthy of you as Elders and messengers to the nations, to assail you. Every man who goes forth to bear this gospel to a nation who has never heard it must meet with difficulties, or at least should be prepared to have them to encounter, and should never think that the Lord would send him on an idle errand. He should have faith that when he is sent the Lord will assist him and open his way before him, and though he may not be so successful in the beginning as he could wish, that if he will only continue faithful, perseveringly seeking to proclaim the message in wisdom with which he is intrusted, he will be successful in magnifying his priesthood and clearing his skirts from their blood, whether he should baptize any or not.

We do not wish you to suffer or to be put to any inconvenience for want of necessary funds; but suppose there were no “Church” for you to call on for assistance, as has been the case in repeated instances before this with our Elders in opening up new countries and places, what would you do? Do you suppose that you would be justified in leaving that people or nation unwarned & the honest-in heart ungathered, because you would be imprisoned for not having money if you remained? That very imprisonment, should that be your fate, might be the means of opening a door for the effectual preaching of the gospel. Prisons have not retarded the preaching of the Gospel in past times, and we do not believe they will in future times. If you were put in prison, we suppose you would be fed, and therefore could live, and they could not keep you very well from telling the truth, & the telling of the truth might convert the jailor (it has done it before) and your fellow-prisoners.

There is another point, mentioned in your letter of the 18th Oct. that we wish to call your attention to. You say, “we would have done much good, if polygamy was not; but this is a very great obstacle,” and add further that it “has stopped Bro. Schettler’s endeavors in this city also.” It may be that our belief in the doctrine of polygamy may be urged against you, and you may think you have cause for believing that you might have done much good if it were not for polygamy; but if polygamy should be unknown, they would find some other objection that would afford them sufficient foundation, in their opinion, for rejecting your message, and illtreating and persecuting you. The messengers of the Gospel were hated, reviled, imprisoned, cast out and killed before polygamy was believed or known by us as a people. Indeed, these effects followed the preaching of the gospel just as much before polygamy was revealed as they have since. You give the Adversary an opportunity to weaken you, therefore, by permitting the thought to enter your mind that God has revealed principle that in and of itself acts as a barrier or obstacle in the way of the people receiving the truth. He will not fail to avail himself of this weak spot in your armour and it will be to your injury. Pure honest-hearted & virtuous people are & will be prepared for the reception of this principle, though it may be opposed to their traditions and prejudices, & they will believe, comprehend & rejoice in it. Do not, therefore, be fearful upon this point, or think any longer that if it were not for this principle you could do much good, for it will carry its own conviction with it.

In writing this to you, dear brethren, we do not wish you to think that we are indulging in fault-finding. We write to you in this strain because we think you have too easily bent before the storm you have had to meet, and because we wish to strengthen you and have you act the part of good soldiers and faithful ministers of our God. We desire to see you magnify your priesthood and do a good work on the earth. Be humble, be wise in your conversation & address, & seek for the spirit and power of your good <calling,> & you will do a good work, & rejoice in your labors whether you baptize any or not. Remember that a great city or a great nation is not warned in a week or a month. Seek for the Spirit of revelation & wisdom, that you may be directed to the honest-in heart & if you are led to leave Amsterdam and go elsewhere, follow the dictation of the spirit. In relation to printing, be wise & move considerately. Be careful what you publish & that it is correct. May the Lord bless & sustain you is prayer of your brethren in the Lord.

Amasa M. Lyman,

Charles C. Rich,

George Q. Cannon.”}

9 November 1861 • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 9. Writing &c. Very unwell with a cold. <Took a Turkish Bath.>

10 November 1861 • Sunday

Sunday, 10th. <Very stormy.> Met in Conference this morning. The representation and other business of the Conference was attended to and Bro’s Dame, McBride and Kay spoke and I followed. In the afternoon presented the authorities and Bro. Rich and myself spoke. I dwelt upon faith and its exercise in gathering out of Babylon. In the evening Bro. Lyman spoke to a crowded audience.

11 November 1861 • Monday

Monday, 11th. Variously engaged. Bro’s. Dame, & McBride were here through the day but left in the evening.

12 November 1861 • Tuesday

Tuesday, 12th. Variously engaged. Wrote a letter to Mrs. Godbe.

13 November 1861 • Wednesday

Wednesday. 13th Engaged in the business of the Office. Sat up at night and wrote an editorial entitled “Retributive Justice --

14 November 1861 • Thursday

Thursday, Nov. 14th/61. Variously engaged.

15 November 1861 • Friday

Friday, 15th Variously engaged.

16 November 1861 • Saturday

Saturday, 16th. Bro. Rich started this morning at 9 o’clock for Nottingham and at 9.50 Bro. Lyman & myself started for Sunderland to meet with the Elders and Saints in Conference on to-morrow. It was cold and unpleasant travelling. We had to make three changes and at one place, York, were detained upwards of two hours which caused our arrival to be deferred from 4.35 p.m. – the time we were due there – to 8 p. m. It commenced storming soon after we started and continued throughout the day. We were met at the station by Bro’s. Gleason and Hargraves and we then went to Bro. Newton’s where we stopped while in Sunderland. We were very kindly treated by him, and Sister Newton and were comfortably lodged. They had a fine group of children, five girls and one boy, the youngest, a girl, <was> born on the same day as my little Georgiana.

17 November 1861 • Sunday

Sunday, 17th. The snow covered the ground this morning and fell heavily, before meeting, however, it subsided. There were three meetings held during the day, the morning meeting for the priesthood, the afternoon and evening for instruction and business. I attended all the meetings and spoke a short time to the2 Priesthood in the afternoon. In the afternoon I occupied the first part of the meeting; Bro. Amasa followed in the same strain & in the evening he again spoke. Though the day was inclement there was a very good attendance, some of the people having walked eighteen miles to be there & they paid good attention. Bro. Dallin, president of the Newcastle Conference was unable to be with us in consequence of ill-health. I intended to return to Liverpool on Monday, but hearing of his ill-health I deferred my return for the purpose of making him a visit.

18 November 1861 • Monday

Monday, 18th. (Nov.). Bro’s John S. Gleason, President of the District, S. Hargreaves, Prest of the Sunderland Conference, Hy. W. Barnett, President of the Carlisle Con. Bro. Lyman & myself took the cars this morning for Newcastle to visit Bro. Dallin. We had a pleasant ride of about 12 miles & found Bro. D. in slightly better health. He is laboring under a bronchial affection and there are some fears entertained respecting his lungs; though he, himself, thinks they are quite sound. I spoke to him about changing his locality, but he prefers staying at Newcastle & thinks it will agree with him as well as any part of England. He is comfortably situated & well cared for & I trust will improve in health. We retd in the afternoon about 4.50 having first partaken of dinner prepared by Sister Sutherland. Upon our arrival in Sunderland we went to the house of Capt. Stevens where we had been invited to spend the evening & partake of supper. Spent an agreeable evening conversing upon the principles of the Gospel, & Bro. Amasa & myself corrected some wrong views entertained by Bro. Hargreaves upon pre-existence and pre-destination.

19 November 1861 • Tuesday

Tuesday 19th. I started this morning at 8.30 for Liverpool, leaving Brother Lyman to stay another day before taking his departure for London where he expects to stay some little time between now & the time of our General Council of the Elders, to be held at Birmingm on the ensuing Newyear’s day. My ride was a cold and tedious one. I reached L’pool a few minutes before 6. pm. and found all well. I found awaiting me several letters In a short one from my wife, Sarah Jane, I learnt that all are well at home, & that my brothers Angus M. and David H. have been appointed with a number of others to go South to what is known as the Cotton country – the portion of our Territory south of the rim of the Great Basin,– they are to take their families with them. Bro. W. S. Godbe writes me that Bro. P. Pratt & E. Snow are also going and that Angus has sold out his interest in the Pottery very advantageously & is trying to sell an unfinished dwelling house which he was building. Another letter <was> from Bro. S. L. Adams forwarding me a paper containing an article signed by Bro’s Joseph C. Rich, Geo. W. Grant, Willard G. Smith, Parley P. Pratt & himself, which was intended as a refutation of statements contained in an anonymous communication which went the rounds of many of the papers. The statements were so trifling & contemptible that I had deemed them unworthy of notice. The refutation the editor of the paper to whom they had sent it, had inserted; but he had published it, so he stated in some editorial remarks, as they had written & sent it. If what he states is true, the articles is by no means creditable to the writers or signers. It does not refute any of the other’s statements, & is neither good sense nor good English & appears ridiculous as it is printed. I wrote Bro Lyman upon the subject.

“Dear Bro. Amasa,

I hope this will find you in the enjoyment of good health & safely landed in London. My trip was a tedious one, & I sympathize with you who had so much farther to ride. Upon opening my letters since my arrival I found the enclosed letter with the accompanying scrap & the newspaper which I herewith send. I have read the letter, but have not had patience to read the article “from some leaders of this curious sect.” I feel indignant at the folly, to call it by no worse a name, of Bro. Adams in writing such an answer to the miserable statements of this anonymous & unknown correspondent. If his answer had been well written, it would be attaching an importance to the letter of which it is entirely unworthy; but to have such a wretched string of stuff, as the glance I have given to it leads me to suppose it is with the names of Rich, Smith, Grant & Pratt, (all names very familiar to every one who has any acquaintance with our history, &, of course, supposed to be leading men), is painfully ridiculous. Our own periodical does not afford sufficient scope I suppose for the genius that composed the answer; he plumes his pinions for a higher flight & a wider range than the Star affords, and the result is like many a fledgling that has preceded him, instead of soaring aloft as he expected he is floundering in the mud, a spectacle of pity to his friends, & ridicule & contempt to his foes. I do not blame the boys as much as I do Bro. Adams; he ought to have known better. He ought to have known that it was not his province to answer such charges or statements – that he was not sent here for any such a purpose. It was Quixotic in the extreme in him to do so. Somebody says there is a certain nameless class who “rush in where Angels fear to tread.” I <think he> may feel thankful that the editor has let him off so easily easy. He seems however to be fully imbued with the idea that his honesty & capacity to tell a truth that all the world cannot overthrow ought to make up for his bad orthography, syntax and sense. The old fallacy which has benumbed the energies & checked the growth of many men who might have been bright & useful, & made them vain of an ignorance which they would have done well to have got rid of. He has another rod in pickle, it seems, for the Editor; he says he “will try & talk to him like a dutch unkel.” As I am ignorant as to the manner and language used by “dutch unkels” when inflicting castigation I am at a loss to know what this “talk” will be like; but suppose it will be very rough & severe. Do not you think it better for him to defer assuming the part of the “dutch unkel” and let the editor alone? What has Bro. Adams to do with the salaries of the Archbishop of Canterbury & the Bishop of Ripton in preaching the principles of the gospel to the people? I have thought it better to write to you before writing to him and should prefer, if you feel like it, your writing to him. I supposed that it was understood by the Elders that they were not to offer anything for publication in the limits of this mission without first submitting it to the Presidency here. Yet this is not the first instance of this kind of late.

By letter from bro. Godbe I learn that Bro’s Orson Pratt & Erastus <Snow> are selected to go South to the Cotton Country. I also learn that my brothers Angus & David with their families are also going there. Accept my love to yourself and remember me to Bro’s Brown, Staines, Marion, Stayner & Reynolds & the Saints. Elizabeth sends her love also. Excuse this scrawl, I am tired.

I remain, as ever,

Your Brother,

Geo. Q. Cannon

P.S. I hope to hear from you.

20 November 1861 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 20th. Engaged with letters & other business of the Office. Spent the evening with my wife at Sis. Spencer’s.

21 November 1861 • Thursday

Thursday 21st. Wrote editorial entitled “A day of fasting & prayer,” and engaged in other labors.

22 November 1861 • Friday

Friday, 22nd. Wrote a short editorial “Dreadful effects of civil strife.” Visited Mr. Smith, (Lapscott, Smith & Co.) & had some conversation respecting ships for the coming season’s emigration. Visited my father’s Cousin, Ann Kidd, in company with my wife. Mrs. K. has been confined for a few weeks with a bad leg.

23 November 1861 • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 23rd. Wrote a long letter to Pres’t Young; as follows:–

Since my last Brothers Amasa & Chas have arrived in good health from Denmark. They have enjoyed their trip & have extensively visited the various Conferences in these lands. They come back refreshed in mind and body from the change of scenery & associations & the effect of the healthful & bracing air of the North. Since their return they have been troubled with colds from which they have recovered. I have also been quite unwell since I last wrote from a <a> very <a> severe colds cold from which I have been relieved, but has left me with a violent cough. For the past two or three weeks the weather has been very trying to the health & few are free from the ill effects of the change. The coast has been visited by several very severe gales, and shipping has experienced more disasters, and there has been a greater loss of life, than has experienced here for several years.

What steps I could I have taken to ascertain the prospects on the other side for our people to travel by the usual route. From all I can ascertain on this side juding [judging] also by the list of fares forwarded by the Railroad people in New York to Passage Bookers here, there was no difficulty up to the last accounts in emigrants going through to the Bluffs. I have written to Bro. McAllister at New York, for all the information he can obtain upon the subject, & requesting him to keep me posted.

Those best acquainted with the passenger trade think that we need not look for a medium price for passages the coming season – they will be either very high or very low. A cessation of the war on the other side would cause them to be very high, they think, and a continuation of the difficulties will keep the price of charters low. There are other causes, however, that I expect to affect the price of charters. You will doubtless hear by the Telegraph long before this reaches you respecting the capture & destruction of the “Harvey Birch,” a merchant vessel of N. York by the Confederate steamer “Nashville.” This happened in lat. 49.6. long. 9.52 – about 40 miles off Cape Clear – on the 19th inst. Masters of American vessels in this Port are trembling in their shoes at the thought of going to sea with such ugly customers afloat on their path as these privateers and rebel steamships. Since this news has reached here war risks on all vessels bearing the American flag have increased enormously. This occurrence will probably have one of two results, – either to check the intercourse of American vessels with England, or to arouse the commercial men of the North to bring all their influence to bear upon the government at Washington to Secure the shipping in these seas & North Atlantic from the depredations of this class of vessels by scouring the ocean with their ships of war. Merchant men could sail in convoys under the protection of ships of war; but I think their adoption of such a method quite doubtful. Whichever way the events shape I have faith that they will be for our good. The Saints’ prayers are for the way to be kept open that they may escape from Babylon. Times are hard & likely to be still worse before winter passes over, and I feel that it will require very judicious measures & counsel on the part of the priesthood to keep the people from suffering. In consequence of the slackness of the trade there will be many of the Saints disappointed who have been depending on the winter’s employment to complete the sum necessary to take them to Florence. The numbers of those likely to go through to Florence the coming Season I have not yet received from the Conferences. Some reports have reached me and I expect all to be here in a few days; as soon as they come to hand I will write you.

The health of the Elders is better since I last wrote. Bro. Dame has gone on a visit to Scotland; he had improved much before he started. While at a Conference held at Sunderland last Sunday Bro. Amasa and myself visited Bro. Dallin at Newcastle. His health has been poor of late owing to an affection of the bronchial tubes. His symptoms as described to me at the Conference alarmed me; but when I saw him & heard him talk & describe his feelings I felt easier, though I think he must take care of himself or it may turn to something more serious. Br. James S. Brown writes me more encouragingly of late respecting his health.

Bro. Van Cott has been notified of the privelege extended to him to return, & we have instructed him to initiate Bro. Jesse N. Smith as rapidly as possible into all the business of the Mission so that he may assume the Presidency. Bro. Van Cott has replied & feels pleased with the prospect of returning to zion.

In relation to the emigration this coming season I should be glad to learn from you which of the Elders, if any, you wish to take charge as Agents on the other side. Will it be agreeable to you for us to release any of the Elders – say Bro’s Blackburn, Gibson, Liljenquist, all of whom left home at the same time as Bro.<’s> Gates, Jones & Van Cott, if they desire to return, or any others whom we may think necessary for the wellbeing of the emigration, without direct instructions from you on the subject? We would prefer your selecting those whom you wish to return; but we desire to have a clear understanding of your wishes upon this point.

Accompanying is a copy of a note which was sent to me a week or two since by the brother in whose favor it is given, with an inquiry whether I would allow it to be applied on his emigration. He was told by Bro. Hyde when he was here that it would be honored by the Church. There is nothing on our present books to his credit[.] He bears an excellent reputation in the Church as a faithful Saint, punctual in all his duties. Before giving a definite answer I thought it better to mention the matter to you.

Enclosed I forward you a note which I have received from a sister. It explains itself. The brethren who know her say that she is a worthy, faithful woman. Her husband made no arrangements with me more than to request my remembrance of his family in case it should be in my power to render assistance to any. He may not have means sufficient to send for them; but a seven years’ absence should have enabled him to do something more for a family left as his was than trust to the kind offices of his brethren to help them. Bro’s Amasa and Charles thought with myself that the better course would be to forward her letter to you, not to burden you with the matter, but knowing that a word from you would right the matter at home.

There is a brother in Sheffield, a policeman or constable, by the name of James Allen, who wrote you a letter in the early part of the year ‘56, he thinks, descriptive of his circumstances & asking if aid could not be extended unto him through the P. E. Fund. A reply was received from you under date, if his memory serves him truly, of May 24th, ‘56 in which you said that it might be too late for him to emigrate that year; but he was to apply to Bro. Pratt, who was then here, & the next year he could probably go. He only saw the letter once & that was when he recd it. Some of the Valley Elders wished to look at it, & took it away from the house to read at their leisure & they mislaid or lost it. Bro. Allen was very anxious, when I saw him at Conference, that I should mention the matter to you when I wrote. He has felt very bad, as also his family, since the loss of the letter as he thought that if he had it he could get away.

James Hunter of Edinburgh has written to know if the order of last season in favour of himself, wife & five children is still good, as he wishes to avail himself of the means the coming spring.

Bro. Rich left here on Saturday last for Nottingham, & Bro. Amasa, after Conference last Sunday at Sunderland, left for London, where he is at present. With kind love to yourself, Bro’s Heber & Daniel, the brethren of the Twelve, Bro. Carrington & the brethren in the Office I remain, as ever,

Your Brother,

Geo. Q. Cannon.

Wrote also to my wife, Sarah Jane. Had written also letters to Mr. Hart, Bro. Meder’s son-in-law, California, to Bro’s H. S. Eldredge, Wm Clayton and Rob’t Burton.

24 November 1861 • Sunday

Sunday 24th. (Nov.) Met with the Saints afternoon and evening. Spoke at both meetings. In the evening there were a number of strangers present. I spoke on the first principles & had excellent liberty; I felt the Spirit. There was excellent attention paid by all present & my prayer is that the Lord will bless the word to the salvation of all present.

25 November 1861 • Monday

Monday, 25th. Variously engaged.

26 November 1861 • Tuesday

Tuesday, 26th. Variously engaged. Commenced an article entitled “Labours before the people in Zion – Influence of Tithing.”

27 November 1861 • Wednesday

Wednesday 27th. Did not commence upon the article again until very late at night; was kept up all night in finishing it.

28 November 1861 • Thursday

Thursday, 28th. Wrote to Bro’s Blackburn and Halliday. Variously engaged.

29 and 30 November 1861 • Friday and Saturday

Friday & Saturday, 29 & 30th. Busy about the Office.

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November 1861, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 29, 2025


  1. [1]The daybook serves as copy-text for this segment, with changes—primarily additions—from the subsequent journal marked with braces ({}).

  2. [2]The daybook journal ends here.