November 1890

1 November 1890 • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 1st, 1890. I depended upon my son Lewis taking me to the train this morning, but when the time came I found that he had overslept himself. George Sharp, who lives with me, hitched up a horse and I was taken to the train in shorter time than I ever traveled the distance before. I feared I would be left. Sure enough, we met the train on the street coming down from the depot. I succeeded, however, in jumping on board at some risk. I found several Directors of the Sugar Company—Elias Morris, Henry Wallace, A. E. Hyde and Arthur Stayner; and we were joined by T. R. Cutler and James Chipman at Lehi. Mr. Dyer and his son were also of the party.

I took breakfast at Brother Cutler’s.

Carriages being provided, we went through Lehi and made a rather thorough examination of the land and place proposed for a site for the sugar factory. We then proceeded to American Fork and examined the site which they had selected, and then through their farming land.

We got dinner at American Fork, at uncle Bob Kippernick’s, who keeps a hotel there. We had an excellent meal.

We also went over to Pleasant Grove. The mayor, Brother Thorn, was with us; also the mayor of American Fork, Wm. Robinson, and the mayor of Lehi, Brother Taylor.

We gave these lands as full an examination as the time permitted, and returned to the city at quarter to seven.

There was a gathering of President Taylor’s family at his house this evening, to which I had been invited, it being the anniversary of his birthday—82nd year. After changing my clothes at my son Abraham’s, I went there and spent an agreeable evening. Before leaving, the family assembled in a large room and I was requested to speak, and President Woodruff followed. I had considerable freedom, and there was an excellent spirit. I stayed in town all night.

It had been my intention to go to the Logan Conference, but there was an important meeting of the sugar company to be held on Monday at 11 o’clock and I concluded I had better not go.

2 November 1890 • Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 2nd, 1890. Attended meeting in the Tabernacle today. My son Abraham and Brother C. W. Penrose spoke. We had an excellent meeting, and I enjoyed it. It was a rest to me to sit and listen to the Elders speak. My nephew, Geo. M. Cannon, took me down home. I called at my sister Mary Alice’s and found her improving in health.

3 November 1890 • Monday

Monday, Nov. 3rd, 1890. The First Presidency were pleased this morning to receive a dispatch from our attorney at Washington, J. M. Wilson, informing us that the Attorney General had telegraphed the District Attorney of Idaho to postpone the prosecutions of our brethren, if the public interest would not suffer thereby. We telegraphed the substance of this to Brother Budge.

A meeting was held of the sugar company today, at 11 o’clock. Elias Morris was selected for President, myself for vice President, Arthur Stayner for Secretary, T. G. Webber for Treasurer, and Francis Armstrong, T. R. Cutler and L. G. Hardy were selected as an executive committee. I had proposed Brother John Beck for vice President, thinking to conciliate him by so doing in the event of our selecting American Fork instead of Lehi as the place for the sugar factory; but Brothers Hyde and Cutler both thought him unsuitable, and Brother Hyde said that he would not be conciliated sufficiently to let his subscription of $50,000. remain if Lehi were not selected for the place. My name had been mentioned before his, James Chipman, of American Fork, making the nomination. When Brother Webber was nominated for Treasurer, Brother Hyde spoke before the nomination was put, upon the subject of the Treasurer being governed as to where he should deposit his money by the Board of Directors. Some conversation ensued upon this, and the impropriety of binding a treasurer in that way was made apparent. I said that Brother Webber was a man in whom we all had confidence, and he would be sure to put the money in the place where it would be of the most service to the company in giving it credit.

There was a meeting of the Deseret News Co. in the afternoon, and some business was attended to.

At the sugar meeting today it was decided to employ Messrs. Dyer and Son to erect the factory.

I am busily employed trying to arrange affairs so that my family can eat together, converting my schoolroom into a dining room, and building a kitchen, store room, pantry, coal house, and a room for the cook adjoining the schoolhouse on the north.

4 November 1890 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov. 4th, 1890. There was a meeting of the Deseret News Co. at the office today. It was decided to buy a press that had been offered for sale in Omaha.

President Jos. F. Smith and myself set Brother S. R. Thurman apart for his mission to Gt. Britain, Brother Smith being mouth.

Elder Angus T. Wright and his wife called upon us today. He has just returned from his mission to New Zealand, where he has been presiding for some time.

5 November 1890 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 5th, 1890. President Woodruff suffered from cold yesterday. We thought it imprudent for him to be at the office. He did not come this morning. We heard that he deemed it wise to stay in.

At 10 o’clock I attended a meeting of the directors of the sugar company.

At 1 o’clock I met with the directors of the Savings Bank. Brother Franklin D. Richards and his wife Jane came in, and, with Brother H. B. Clawson, we had a long conversation concerning the condition of the hospital. I told them that if they wished to build a hospital on my ground, I would give them a piece of land for the purpose.

I got time to run down a few minutes to the Assembly Hall to attend the funeral ceremonies of Elder William Willes, who has been a very faithful Sunday School worker. I sat down in the rear of the hall, listening to the closing remarks of Brother Joseph E. Taylor. After the hymn was announced it was discovered that I was there, and I was invited to the stand. After the singing, as the carriages had not arrived, I made a few remarks and dismissed the meeting.

In the evening I attended a dinner party at Sister William Jennings. She had invited my wife Sarah Jane herself, so as not to expose me. There were present: Brother Jos. F. Smith and wife, John T. Caine and wife, H. B. Clawson and wife, Bishop O. F. Whitney and wife, and Sister Woodruff and her son Owen, President Woodruff not being able to come out. We had a very fine dinner. I took great pleasure in examining the house, which is a new one and one of the most elegant of its size that I have seen in this country.

6 November 1890 • Thursday

Thursday, Nov. 6th, 1890. After going to the office this morning, I drove down, in company with Brother Clawson, and called upon President Woodruff. I found him just getting out of bed. He felt better, but still his cough was very tight.

President Lorenzo Snow called at the office this morning.

At 2 o’clock, President Jos. F. Smith and myself, in company with Brothers L. Snow and A. H. Cannon, and without dressing in our robes, had prayer and attended to some business.

7 November 1890 • Friday

Friday, Nov. 7th, 1890. President Woodruff is still absent from the office. I had one of the brethren go down to learn of his condition. He was much better.

Busy with public business most of the day.

8 November 1890 • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 8th, 1890. Attended a meeting of the sugar company, which occupied several hours.

Dictated my journal.

I have concluded to go to Emery Stake Conference and will start this evening, in company with Elder John Morgan, at 7 o’clock.

At 7 o’clock Brother Morgan and myself took the Rio Grande Western train for Price, in Emery Co. We reached there between 1 & 2 o’clock in the morning, and were met at the station by Bishop Geo. Frantzen. At his house we found Brother Andrew Jenson. We laid down for about two hours.

9 November 1890 • Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 9th, 1890. We were awakened this morning by Brother Frantzen to eat breakfast. He had his carriage ready, and Brothers John Morgan, A. Jensen and myself rode with him to Huntington, where we stopped at the house of Bishop Chas. Pulsipher and partook of lunch. We drove on from there and reached Orangeville about 2 o’clock—a distance of 34 miles from Price. This is the roughest road that I have traveled on for a long time, and I was rather afraid that my injury from falling down stairs might cause me to suffer riding over so rough a road such a distance; but I stood it remarkably well.

We were very warmly received by the saints. President Larsen was not there; but his two counselors—Orange Seeley and William Howard—were. We had an excellent meeting in the afternoon, Brother Morgan and myself occupying the time.

In the evening we had a priesthood meeting. Brother Jensen, Brother Morgan, Prest. Larsen (who had joined us) and myself occupied the time, and we had excellent liberty.

Brother Morgan and myself stopped at the house of Brother John K. Reid.

10 November 1890 • Monday

Monday, Nov. 10th, 1890. We held meetings today in the forenoon and the afternoon. The forenoon meeting was occupied a little over half the time by the Bishops making reports, and I followed and spoke for the rest of the time. In the afternoon the authorities were presented and the statistical report was read, after which Brother Morgan spoke, and I occupied the remainder of the time.

We took dinner with Bishop Jasper Robertson.

As soon as meeting was out, which was about 3 o’clock, we having commenced the afternoon meeting at 1 o’clock, we started on our journey homeward, it being necessary that I should reach Salt Lake City tomorrow morning. We drove to Huntington, took supper at Bp. Pulsipher’s, and from there traveled to Price, where we reached about 10:15. We laid down until between 1 & 2 o’clock, when we were awakened to go to the train.

11 November 1890 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov. 11th, 1890. Brother Frantzen accompanied us to the city. We reached there about half past eight.

This has been a very fatiguing trip, but I have endured it excellently and am glad that I made it, as I had promised the people that if I could I would.

I found Presidents Woodruff and Smith at the office, both in good spirits. President Woodruff’s health was restored.

A request of the Presidents of Seventies for an allowance came up. Some time since a letter was received from them upon this subject, asking for a fixed amount. I have had strong objections in my mind against fixed salaries being attached to the offices of the Priesthood. I am not satisfied in my feelings with this feature in connection with the Apostles and the Presiding Bishopric. It has been a great cause of satisfaction to me in traveling to say, while speaking about the labors of the Priesthood, that our officers had no salaries. But there has been a tendency of late to have fixed amounts attached to offices. I am not averse to Elders receiving help; I think they should be helped and not be expected to labor continuously in poverty when there is plenty; but I would let this help be extended as it may be needed, and not in fixed amounts. Some men are in circumstances which require more than others, even though they hold the same office. There are some of us Apostles now receiving amounts that we do not need, but it is drawn because it is the amount fixed for each to have. We conveyed our feelings to the Seventies in a letter; but this letter comes to us again, asking exactly the same amount for each. Brother Fjelsted’s name was attached to this letter. He has been absent for some years on missions, and he has had no help from the Church. I think he deserves a larger appropriation than the others. I have no objection to the amount asked for, but it is that it should come in a way to make it a regular appropriation—so much per annum to each.

Brother B. H. Roberts was allowed $400. in cash and $200. in produce; and as he had stated in his letter that he would like to know whether he could have the permission to employ himself at other work, if his support could not be furnished by the Church, it was decided that he should be given permission to secure employment to sustain himself and family, and devote what time he could spare to his ministerial duties.

It was thought better for us to employ Messrs. Dickson & Stone as attorneys in the Church suits now pending, and Brother H. B. Clawson was authorized to converse with them upon the subject.

My son Frank came down on business connected with the Ogden Standard. It has been decided that he shall be the business manager of that paper, and John Q. be the editor. The business is in a very bad condition, there being debts to exceed $14,000, and the assets are about $10,000. exclusive of the plant. Frank had an interview with the First Presidency, and he was interrogated concerning the manner in which this debt had been incurred. He said that [the] editorial department, with which John Q. and himself were connected, had no control whatever of the business department, and the latter department had been run independently. He had been absent a great deal of late and had not had his attention directed to the condition of affairs. As soon as he had returned he had made examinations, as he was one of the executive committee, and had found it in a bad condition, and brought the matter immediately before the Board. He stated that he himself and Brother C. C. Richards had spent $4000. on that office within the last two years, and during that period he, although his name was down as editor and he had done a great deal of work, had never drawn a dollar from the concern, but had lived from other means that he had resulting from business that he was engaged in. John Q. also had contributed. He appealed to us to know what was to be done. Should the Standard be sold, or should it be maintained? We all felt the importance of this and were perplexed. We had liberally donated to its support in the past, and it seemed that it was asking too much to still continue to advance means to it. We separated in the evening without coming to any conclusion, and told him we would see him next day.

12 November 1890 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 12th, 1890. My daughter Anne was quite sick last evening. She is threatened with typhoid pneumonia. I administered to her twice, and there was a marked improvement this morning in her condition.

My son Frank had another interview with us this morning, and it was decided to transfer $7000. of stock that the Church held in the Standard Co. to the Company, for it to be disposed of to the best advantage, and we advanced the company $5000. in addition. He was told that he must report every month, and if the paper could not be made to sustain itself better than it had recently, we would have to take some other steps.

A meeting of the Directors of Zion’s Savings Bank was held at 1 o’clock. At 2 o’clock I attended a meeting of the Directors of the Sugar Company to decide upon a location for the factory. After hearing the reports of Brother Morris, who had examined the mill site at Lehi, and I having received a letter and a dispatch from Mr. E. H. Dyer, in which he protested against the mill site being selected, as the ground was treacherous, I moved that we select American Fork as the place for the site, with the understanding that the water shall be guaranteed to us by a good bond, and that the people of American Fork secure us a right of way to both railroads for their tracks to our mill.

Before the motion was put I had to leave to join President Woodruff in examining the Tabernacle, in company with the architect, to arrange seats for the choir. Brother Evan Stephens was with us, and it was decided to make an entire change in the arrangement of the seats, so as to give ample room for the increased number that were expected to join the choir. It was decided also to give up the stand of the First Presidency, to furnish the necessary room, and that we occupy the stand now occupied by the Twelve and the Presidency of the Stake, and that another stand be put below, so as to preserve the same number of stands for the authorities.

We examined also the model of an ox that Brother Gavin Jack had been preparing, with a view to having oxen cast for the Temple in Salt Lake. We thought his model very good, and we all approved of its appearance. The intention of getting this model is to have the whole of the legs of the oxen appear above the surface, and for the font to rest on the hips of the oxen, instead of the shoulders as at present were the oxen in the three temples already completed.

It was reported that Brother Caine’s majority over Goodwin in the recent election is 9447.

13 November 1890 • Thursday

Thursday, Nov. 13th, 1890. President Smith was not with us today, one of his wives having been taken sick.

I examined the special car that had been prepared by Brother John W. Young for his private use, and which he offered to us for our proposed Mexican trip. I thought it entirely too light for our purpose. Brother Bywater was in afterwards and he confirmed my views by stating that he would not advise us to go on that car.

We had an interview with Brothers Elias Morris, Frank Armstrong and Arthur Stayner concerning the site of the sugar mill, and we called upon Brother Armstrong to take hold of this business to as great an extent as he possibly could without neglecting his own affairs. He was reluctant to do this, if it could be avoided; but in response to our request he promised to do what he could.

Brother John Henry Smith returned from Colorado and called upon us today. At 2 o’clock President Woodruff and myself and Elder John Henry Smith, John W. Taylor and A. H. Cannon met in the circle and offered prayer, though we did not clothe, the room being cold. Brother Smith was mouth in prayer.

14 November 1890 • Friday

Friday, Nov. 14th, 1890. The First Presidency here at the office today and attended to various matters of business.

I dictated my journal and some letters to Brother Winter. I dictated a letter to be sent to the Presidents of Stakes and Bishops of Wards concerning the sugar company, requesting them to call upon the people to invest in that enterprise.

15 November 1890 • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 15th, 1890. Presidents Woodruff and Smith were not at the office this morning.

At 12 o’clock I repaired to the office of Le Grand Young and there met Le Grand Young and F. S. Richards, and W. H. Dickson, of the firm of Dickson & Stone, attorneys. He desired to have a conversation with me in the presence of our attorneys concerning the suits that were pending for the escheating of our property. He wished us to understand the situation before he accepted employment, our friends in the west having recommended that he should be employed. He stated that in the event of a favorable decision he wanted us to understand that the property would not be restored to us, but that if a favorable decision were reached the courts would doubtless appoint members of our Church trustees of the fund, inasmuch as the church was disincorporated, and this would be done very likely upon consultation with us. These trustees would be held accountable for the proper disposition of the property, and no doubt there would be some supervisory care exercised by the government over it. He thought there will be a disposition to treat this question with a good deal of liberality in view of the recent manifesto. In the event of the decision going against us, of course the property would be devoted for school purposes, which he felt would not be the case, with the present feelings of the American people on our question, in consequence of the change wrought by the manifesto. We had considerable conversation concerning these suits, and he expressed a great deal of confidence in the result.

I replied to a letter of Mr. Landers concerning some articles that I had ordered form the company of which he is a large stockholder. Among other things, I selected some napkin rings as a present for each of my family. These days I have been busy all the time I could spare with the estate of President Brigham Young. We are trying to incorporate it. Today I received a letter from Parley L. Williams, who says he represents as his clients the heirs of the late Joseph A. Young. The letter is addressed to myself and Brigham Young, and it calls us to account for all that we have done, and says he can find no authority in the will of the late President Young for the course we have taken in supporting the wives or in leasing the property, etc. It is just such a letter as a lawyer would write who intended to make trouble. I have been approached by a son-in-law of Joseph A’s by the name of Schweitzer, wanting to know if their interest could not be bought out. I called some of the heirs together today and laid this matter before them. They felt quite concerned about the affair, and thought something should be done. I told them that inasmuch as I desired to retain an interest in the estate, so that I could have a voice in the management of its affairs, I was desirous that all the fees that were accruing to me should be spent for the purchase of the shares of those who wished to sell, as far as it would go. I authorized them to offer $4000. for the five-elevenths of one share, which is the interest of this branch of Joseph A’s family. This would make an entire share worth about $9000., its face value being between $17000. & $18000. This is an enormous price for this interest, under the circumstances; but I preferred doing this to running the risk of having trouble. They reported to me afterwards that Mr. Schweitzer insisted on having $5000.

16 November 1890 • Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 16th, 1890. I called all my children together today and had considerable conversation with them on various matters, instructing them concerning their duty and asking them many questions about their personal lives. It is the first opportunity I have had of doing this for some time, as I have been absent so many Sundays at Conferences and other places. In the afternoon I went to the Tabernacle. President Woodruff was there also, it having been his wish that we should attend the meeting together today. He called upon me to speak and I occupied about 70 mins. He followed, occupying about 10 mins. It was at his request I spoke so long, as he desired me to occupy the full time; but he felt like making some remarks after I got through.

17 November 1890 • Monday

Monday, Nov. 17th, 1890. Attended a meeting of the sugar company this morning, to take into consideration the question of location. The result of all our conversation was that we decided to go as a board, tomorrow, to Utah County and examine carefully both sites proposed—the one at Lehi and the one at American Fork.

Having considered the question of buying out those heirs of the late Jos. A. Young who wished to sell, I authorized the brethren to close with them at $5000–1000. for each interest. This decision was reached after a full conversation with a number of the heirs. As I felt it would be indelicate for me to purchase this interest under present circumstances, I still being trustee, I authorized these brethren to buy for me.

My motive in endeavoring to get an interest in this estate, independent of the interest of my wife Carlie, is that I may have a voice in the management of its affairs more than I would have if I were only acting through her interest. It was proposed that I should be the president of the company, and I feel that I should endeavor to strengthen myself in this position by increasing my own interest, so that I may have some weight in consequence of it. I feel led to do this in order to avoid trouble in the future, although I am not in a position financially to do it as a remunerative investment; but there are some strange spirits interested in this estate, and they may pay more attention to my counsels if they know that my interest, at least, is as large as theirs.

At 2 o’clock we had a meeting of Z.C.M.I.

18 November 1890 • Tuesday

<Tuesday, Nov. 18th, 1890.> I came to the office this morning and had an interview with Presidents Woodruff and Smith before starting for Utah County with the Board of Directors of the Sugar Co. I brought to their attention some business that needed to be attended to today.

The Directors of the Sugar Co visited Lehi and American Fork. The most of the brethren were much in favor of Lehi and were confident that a foundation sufficiently stable could be obtained there. Lehi possesses one great advantage over American Fork, and that is water that we can control. While the American Fork people guarantee us water, it is a public stream, and we do not know what changes may occur, and therefore, while I think American Fork a beautiful location, and I lean to it very much, I defer to the brethren’s views somewhat on this point. Brother Armstrong, who is a practical man, has examined the foundation at Lehi and feels confident that a good foundation can be obtained there. After visiting both places and examining carefully each of them, we adjourned to Bishop Cutler’s house at Lehi and held a meeting. Mr. Dyer, when appealed to for his opinion, protested against our taking Lehi, as he considered it an unsuitable place for our factory, and that his firm would not be responsible for the foundation machinery which they had agreed to put in. A number of the brethren spoke, and a motion was made to adopt Lehi. This was pressed upon us; but we were told the train was ready to start and we had but little time to get there in time to reach it, and when I was pressed to vote I said I could not do so. This created some confusion, and I understood, although I did not hear, that John Beck gave notice to the Board that he would resign his position and withdraw his subscription, and Brother Cutler also said that the company had broken up and that the best course to take would be to settle with the Dyers, with whom we had made contract for the building. When we reached the station we found that the train would not be in for an hour. I then explained to the brethren my motive for not voting. I said to them if we had voted as was proposed, in the face of Mr. Dyer’s protest, it would be a virtual breaking of our contract and a releasing of them from the fifty thousand dollar bond which they were to give us. My idea was for the executive committee to talk with Mr. Dyer and see if his objections could not be removed, or if they were insuperable, and we could decide afterwards. I was in favor of deciding on Lehi, if it were not for his protest. The brethren seemed to see this, and then I suggested the calling of an informal meeting, and I introduced a resolution that Mr. Dyer be invited to go to Lehi and lay out the ground for the building, and that a thorough examination be made of the foundation in a way that would not waste labor, but that would answer our purpose as well as test the foundation. This was agreed to.

I found my wife Carlie very sick tonight, when I reached the city. She was suffering from quinsy, and the baby was sick also.

19 November 1890 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 19th, 1890. I found Presidents Woodruff and Smith well. I reported to the brethren the result of our investigations yesterday, and they approved of my action and thought I had acted very prudently in taking the course I had in not voting until an understanding was reached with Mr. Dyer.

Met with the Directors of Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co, and in the afternoon I attended a meeting of the Directors of the Deseret News Co.

The First Presidency listened to the reading of a large accumulation of letters and instructed Brother Reynolds concerning the answers to be sent.

20 November 1890 • Thursday

Thursday, Nov. 20th, 1890. The sale of the shares of the five heirs of the late Jos. A. Young was consummated by the brethren yesterday in my interest, I having furnished the money for the purchase. There will have to be some authorization obtained from the Probate Court for the sale of minor heirs’ interest, which Brother Richard W. Young is attending to.

Presidents Woodruff and Smith were at the office today, and we attended to the business.

I had an interview with Brothers Oscar F. Hunter and Wm. D. Robinson, of American Fork, concerning the grist mill which Brother Hunter, as the representative of the American Fork Co-op desired to dispose of, he having been authorized to do so by the Board. They hold an half interest in this mill, and Brother Robinson holds the other half. I made satisfactory arrangements with them for this half interest which the co-op store holds. I am endeavoring to arrange my affairs so as to furnish my family from our own resources the principal articles of food that we need. I would like to get my own flour, raise my own vegetables, have my own milk and butter and get my cheese. I think by taking a course of this kind that I can make the burden of sustaining my family easier to me. I have beef enough on hand now to supply my family for the winter, and I see no reason why I cannot have this all the time by making proper arrangements.

We made some appropriations today for meeting houses, and the First Presidency and Brother John Henry Smith held the usual meeting, and I was mouth in prayer.

I answered a number of letters; among them one to Brother Brigham Young.

21 November 1890 • Friday

Friday, Nov. 21st, 1890. The First Presidency were at the office this morning. We had a long interview with Elder John W. Young concerning Mexican matters. He had propositions made to him regarding the construction of a railroad from Deming to a bay on the Gulf of California which were very favorable. Concessions had been made by the Mexican government to certain parties, and they were desirous to have John W. take hold and construct the railroad. We were favorably impressed with the report that he made and the feasibility of the scheme.

Brother John T. Caine called. He intended to leave for his post at Washington on Sunday morning next, and desired to obtain from us any counsel that we might have to give concerning public matters. We gave him our views in relation to the admission of Utah as a State—that we thought it wise for him to affect indifference concerning this, and if anything, rather oppose than favor the project.

My son Abraham returned from Deseret this morning. He had been telegraphed to go to the Conference of the Sevier Stake, but the dispatch had not reached him. It was now too late for him to return.

I dictated Editorial Thoughts for the Juvenile Instructor.

22 November 1890 • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 22nd, 1890. I had been requested to act as one of a committee to investigate the question of increasing the water supply for the Bullion Beck mine, and as I had learned it was the intention to dedicate the new meeting house at Eureka, the brethren were desirous that I should attend to both matters at the same time. I succeeded in inducing President Woodruff to promise to go out also. So this morning we got on the train, which stopped at Roper Street for us, he accompanied by his wife Emma, and I by my daughter Rosannah. We found Alonzo E. Hyde and wife and daughter, John Beck and wife, and Bishop Preston on the train. We reached Eureka at noon, and after eating dinner, we descended into the mine. Afterwards Brothers Preston and Beck and myself went up and looked at the water, accompanied by Brother Hyde. The company own half of a spring and half of a pumping apparatus, with which they supply the town of Eureka with water; but the demand is increasing, so that it is not sufficient to answer the purpose of the mine and the town also. A proposition is now made by the Northern Spy company to sell us a stream of water, 40 acres of land and some smelting works. I did not feel very well in relation to the proposition when I learned about it; for I had heard nothing about it until after I left the city today, and I learned upon inquiry that A. E. Hyde was president of the Northern Spy Co. and owned a large amount of stock in it; that John Beck was a Director and owned a large amount of stock, and that Moses Thatcher, Geo. J. Taylor and R. J. Taylor, all members of the Bullion-Beck, held stock in the Northern Spy, and that they were really selling the property to the Bullion-Beck, or, in other words, to themselves. As I had no interest in the Northern Spy, I did not like the idea of being on the committee, because, though I owned a large share of stock in the Bullion-Beck, it seemed as though I was merely used so that the other stockholders could be protected in making the <a> sale in which they were all interested. I expressed myself to this effect to Brother Hyde, and rather touched his feelings. He then proceeded to explain to me the situation. It was that he and Brother Beck had bought this property, and afterwards these other brethren had joined them and bought stock from them; that it had not been bought by them altogether. This changed my view, and I told him that I was better satisfied; but I thought that these explanations ought to have been made to me before I was asked to come out. It is plain that the water is not sufficient for the Bullion-Beck purposes, and I am quite in favor of buying this water if we can make terms that will be mutually satisfactory.

We all took our meals in the general dining room where the miners eat. They eat restaurant fashion. There are about 150 of them, and the dining room is in charge of Sister Dix, who is a niece of A. E. Hyde. There are three Chinese cooks, and dishwashers and waitresses, amounting altogether to 12 or 13 people who work for the boarding house. They set a very good table, and charge $26. a month to each man for his board.

Brother Paxman, President of the Juab Stake, and his two Counselors, and the choir from Nephi, came over from there and joined us this evening.

23 November 1890 • Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 23rd, 1890. I had a very comfortable night’s rest. The house that has been built here for the accommodation of visitors is a new one, frame, and very neatly painted and papered, and quite convenient.

We did intend to return today at 2 o’clock, that being the hour at which the train leaves; but the brethren were so urgent that we should stay until the next day that we finally yielded and consented to stop. They said that their best meetings would be in the afternoon and evening, when the men would be disengaged, and that we would have very full houses at those times.

There is one feature here which I do not like, but which they say cannot be avoided, that is, work is conducted on the Sabbath day just as it is on any other day.

I dreaded the meetings of today somewhat, because of the character of the strangers who would be present, and I felt to seek unto the Lord for His aid.

At 10 o’clock we met, and the house was dedicated by prayer, I being mouth, at President Woodruff’s request. We afterwards partook of the sacrament, thinking it better to do so, as those present were principally Latter-day Saints. President Woodruff spoke, and I followed. I enjoyed the meeting very much.

In the afternoon President Woodruff called upon me to occupy the time. I arose, my mind being an entire blank, and not knowing what to say or where to begin; but I spoke for about 60 mins. with uncommon freedom and clearness. I commenced by giving the details of the organization of the church and how it had grown, the doctrines that were taught, the fruits that were brought forth, and the phenomenal work of gathering which had been accomplished. The house was very well filled, a great many standing. It was thought best to close when I had finished.

In the evening there probably was as many left the house, unable to get in, as there was inside, and the best attention was paid. President Woodruff spoke for 40 mins. with great clearness and covered a great deal of ground in his remarks. He desired me to follow, and I spoke 20 mins. with unusual power. I did not wish to detain the congregation, as a good many were standing, and I am a believer in short, lively meetings, but I was told afterwards that they wished I had continued for another hour, at least, they were so interested in what was said. A Counselor was selected for Brother John Beck, who is the President of the Branch, Brother Gillespie being his first Counselor.

24 November 1890 • Monday

Monday, Nov. 24th, 1890. The weather is beautiful, and we are enjoying our visit here very much. President Woodruff is greatly pleased at what he has seen and heard. I was much relieved at the result of the meetings yesterday.

We went to the assay office this morning and saw the manner to which they take assays of the ore so as to know the value of the various parts of the mine. This is done so as to keep track of its value.

Brothers Beck and Preston and myself, as the committee, held a meeting this morning, and after canvassing the whole subject, I moved that we offer the Northern Spy Co. $20,000. for the water, land and machinery. Brother Beck owns the majority of the stock in the Northern Spy, and he thought this ought to satisfy the stockholders.

At 2 o’clock we got on the train and returned to Salt Lake City. President Woodruff and myself were met by our sons with vehicles.

As I wished to stop and hear the lecture of Mr. Charles Ellis in the theatre, with President Woodruff, I sent my daughter Rosannah with Lewis in the buggy, and I remained.

Mr. Ellis’ lecture was listened to by President Woodruff and myself in the former’s private box, and we listened to it with feelings of much gratification. He is an excellent lecturer, and I never heard a more scathing exposure of villainy and fraud than he gave in his lecture. He exposed the conduct of our enemies in such a light that it must have made them very angry if they listened to it. He quoted from many of the old discourses of our prominent men, President Young’s especially, and he showed up in the clearest manner the nobility of the character of President Young, his patriotism, and that his remarks were not against the government, but against those who administered it. He then took up quotations from the writings in religious papers and the expressions of leading ministers of the various sects concerning their views about the government and the changes that they wished to have made in the Constitution to suit their views and sentiments, and in a most conclusive manner showed that if there were any traitors it was these people—protestants and catholics—whose utterances he quoted, and not the Mormons. His exposure of the conduct of some of our enemies was overwhelming, especially his remarks concerning Caleb W. West, the late Governor of Utah. He was greatly applauded throughout the entire lecture, which lasted about 90 mins. His language is correct and forcible, and his appearance on the stage was quite graceful. I think the audience thoroughly enjoyed the lecture. President Woodruff seemed to be especially pleased with it.

I found my wife Carlie and baby greatly improved in health, for which I felt thankful.

25 November 1890 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov. 25th, 1890. Presidents Woodruff and Smith were at the office this morning. The former, however, is suffering from a severe cold, and I urged him to go home, as I thought he needed care.

I attended a meeting of the sugar company, and a great deal of business was transacted, which occupied my time until about 1 o’clock.

I had an interview with my son Frank and endorsed a note for him, to relieve his property and that of Mr. Nelson’s from seizure, on account of some notes that he had endorsed for Swan & Co, which had been paid to my son Abraham and myself.

We sent for Brother C. W. Penrose, of the Presidency of the Salt Lake Stake, to urge upon that council the importance of immediately appointing a committee for the purpose of securing subscriptions for the sugar company. Brother Penrose promised to do what he could.

26 November 1890 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 26th, 1890. President Woodruff still suffering from his cold, and he did not come to the office today.

We made appropriations to the Presidents of Seventies, allowing Jacob Gates $500., Seymour B. Young $700., and C. D. Fjelsted $600. This is the second amount that Brother Gates has had since last May; therefore, it was lower today than the others.

At one o’clock I attended the funeral of Elder E. R. Young, who died at a ripe old age, being about seventy-six years old. Dr. Clinton opened by prayer, and Elders C. R. Savage, S. B. Young, C. W. Penrose, myself and Bp. Geo. H. Taylor spoke.

A letter was received from Bp. H. B. Clawson, informing us that Judge Estee intended to start for Washington on our matters, and wished a long list of questions answered, which will furnish him statistics concerning the crime, illiteracy, etc, of the Mormon people of the Territory, and many other kindred questions that will be useful to give him a thorough knowledge of our affairs throughout this inter-mountain region, so that he could talk intelligently about our case. Bp. Clawson said that Gov. Stanford and Judge Estee expected to pass through Ogden tomorrow morning, and that in order to have an interview with them it would be necessary to leave the city this evening. This is very unexpected to me; but it was thought better for me to go, President Woodruff being sick and Brother Smith not being able to go. I went by the Rio Grande Western.

Had a very pleasant evening with my sons John Q. and Frank, and stopped for the night at John Q.’s there being a Washington friend of Frank’s deceased at his house, he having died yesterday.

27 November 1890 • Thursday

Thursday, Nov. 27th, 1890. About quarter past six John Q. and myself walked down to the station, but found the train would not arrive till half past seven. I met Judge Estee, and we had a private conversation in one of the rooms of the hotel for nearly an hour, during which he went over all the ground of our case and spoke concerning his hopes in going to Washington. Ostensibly, he said, he was going on other business, but really he was going entirely on our affairs, and he wished to be kept thoroughly posted and all the information given him that would enable him to speak intelligently concerning our affairs. He intended to see President Harrison, Mr. Blaine, and members of the Supreme Court and Cabinet, and other influential men, and lay our case before them.

We had an interview with Governor Stanford afterwards and had a pleasant time. My son John Q. was with me when not conversing privately, and I introduced him to the gentlemen. He had met some of them before. Mr. Fillmore, Supt. of the entire Southern Pacific system, and Mr. Gage and other railroad men were also along.

At 8:30 the train started east, and I got on board the R. G. W. to go to Salt Lake. Mr. Knapp, the agent of the Southern Pacific, found me on the train and pressed me to go back into the private car, in which Mr. Fillmore, Mr. Gage, himself and others were going to Salt Lake.

When I reached home I found that the children, in consequence of my absence, had thought of not having any Thanksgiving dinner, but to eat their turkey on Sunday. I made a change, however, and had a very delightful time. I was anxious to get back from Ogden, though pressed by John Q. and his wife to stay, as I felt that my motherless children should at least have me with them, if it were possible, in order to make their day a pleasant one, especially as Mary Alice and her husband were invited to take Thanksgiving dinner with his mother.

28 November 1890 • Friday

Friday, Nov. 28th, 1890. President Woodruff and myself had an interview with Mr. Charles Ellis, the lecturer, and we agreed to give him a letter of introduction to the Presidency of the Weber and Cache Stakes, in order to secure for him an opportunity to lecture at Ogden and Logan.

We had a succession of calls today, which kept us very busy. There were William Spry, C. O. Card, Geo. L. Farrell, Jno. M. Cannon, Wm. King, Geo. H. Crosby of St. Johns, John W. Young and C. W. Penrose. Don Carlos Young also came in with plans for changing the seats of the choir and stands in the Tabernacle. Elder F. D. Richards called in and we attended to business connected with the emigration, and appointed Brother W. C. Spence to go east and look after it.

I dictated a letter in relation to the questions that were asked by Judge Estee, through Brother Clawson, and had an interview with Brother A. M. Musser on the subject.

We had an interview with Prest. L. W. Shurtliff, of the Weber Stake, concerning dividing the Harrisville Ward.

I had a conversation with Brother John W. Young respecting my son David. I have felt that in my present position I should have the assistance of David in taking care of my affairs. For some little time past I have felt worried with my work, and I have felt impressed to use David to assist me. Brother Young is very reluctant to part with him and gave a number of reasons why it would be better for David to stay with him, if I could possible spare him. He has great confidence in him, and says that he is the best one he has ever had around him to keep his cash account. He spoke in high terms of praise of his fidelity and punctuality, and the pains that he took to keep him informed concerning his business. He predicts that he will make quite a useful and valuable man if he keeps on.

29 November 1890 • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 29th, 1890. I remained at home all day, looking after my private affairs. I had a lot of apples that had been piled in the cellar which I had taken out and sorted and put in the house that I have recently built for vegetables and fruit. This kept me busy a good portion of the day, with my children assisting me.

30 November 1890 • Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 30th, 1890. I took train this morning at 7:10 for Provo, my son David driving me up to the station.

Conference commenced at 10 o’clock in the old meeting house, the large assembly hall not being warmed. Brothers F. M. Lyman and S. B. Young were there. Prest. Smoot was complaining of lameness. The forenoon was occupied by Brothers Lyman and Young, both of whom spoke with much spirit and power. In the afternoon I occupied about 65 mins, and Brother Smoot the remainder. In the evening there was a priesthood meeting. Brother Jacob Gates spoke, and I followed and had considerable freedom. Brother Lyman followed in a few remarks, endorsing what I had said.

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November 1890, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 16, 2025