July 1857

Events in George Q. Cannon’s journal for 1857

27 July

Suffering from influenza

31 July

Travel to Salmon Falls, California

2 August

Spoke on “the spirit of the reformation”

5 August

Disturbances in meetings

1 December

Meeting with Orson Pratt and Ezra T. Benson in San Francisco

3 December

Leaving San Francisco; comment on “nothing in common between the Gentiles and the Saints”

5 December

Spoke with postmaster of Los Angeles about religious freedom

[Undated note]

Paid to Richard M on tax bill one pint brandy dollar and half on dollars window glass two handkerchif one dol green silk bruge 75 cts one silver thimble 50 two pair socks 50 three yds <an al> cal quarter 65 white 25 thread 30 thread 45¢1

27 July 1857 • Monday

Monday, July 27/57 Left Elizabeth and John Q. at Bro. Riser’s, Centreville, and took stage for San Antonio, where I crossed on the steamer to San Francisco. Elizabeth did not feel well neither in body nor in mind. Grief, occasioned by the prospect of a separation of two or three weeks from me, made her feel depressed in spirit, and a pain in her chest and a cough caused her to feel unwell in body. Her symptoms were those of the prevailing epidemic – influenza – from which so many have suffered, and I with the rest. May the Lord my God bless her and the boy, and preserve them both from all evil. When I reached San Francisco I was tired out and felt quite unwell. My cough troubled me very much. Bro. Shearman undertook to sweat me and break up the cold; but it was quite difficult. Burning brandy under a chair in which I sat with a blanket wrapped around me, had the effect after some little time in throwing me into a profuse perspiration. The second attempt to sweat me by this means made me feel so faint that we had to desist. I was wrapped in a wet sheet twice, but it did not have the slightest effect. These operations occupied the greater part of the night.

28 July 1857 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 28th/57. I was bathed in perspiration nearly all day to-day and was quite unwell. I was confined to my bed. David and Bro. Woodbury were similarly situated; both affected with the influenza, etc. Bro. Shearman was very attentive, and done all in his power to help us, nursing us with brotherly kindness.

29 July 1857 • Wednesday

Wednesday, 29th, I felt very weak this morning. I attended to various items of business. Paid Goddard & Co. $150 for Bro. Hanks. On Monday I also paid Pioche, Bayerque & Co. $4,500 on the Ranch a/c. This money was brought up by Father Rolfe from San Bernardino and lacked $10 of being as much as I was informed by letter that it was. I think it was miscounted; Bro. R. did not count it when he received it. Held meeting this evening.

30 July 1857 • Thursday

Thursday, 30th, Wrote to Bro. Hanks. Requested Bro. Wandell to write to President Orson Pratt, Liverpool, about books, etc. for me. Visited Sister Corwin, who has been a long time afflicted with a rheumatic affection in her arm, which has deprived her of the use of it. At 4 o’clock p. m. started to Sacramento in company with Bros. Willard Bingham and Henry Morgan, missionaries to the Sandwich Islands, who were going up into El Dorado Conference to labor in the ministry and to raise means to pay their passages to the Islands. Being an editor, I had a free passage there and back granted unto me. We reached there a little after midnight, and were met at the wharf by Bro. Shearman, who had preceded us the previous evening. We lodged at Sis. Warner’s.

31 July 1857 • Friday

Friday, the 31st. Ate breakfast at Sister Warner’s, and at ½ past seven A.M. took <passage on> the cars to Folsom. We met Isabella and Mary Orr on the cars and Minda Crow, a daughter of Father Crow’s. They had been at Sacramento at a wedding party. From Folsom I took passage on the Stage to Salmon Falls; the brethren had their carpet sacks and a large package of books, and as they could not be conveniently carried if we walked, we thought it best for me to go up in the Stage and take them with him while the rest walked – distance ten miles. I received a hearty reception from Father and Mother Orr. Bros. John Thatcher and Clement Hurst also arrived to-day. Bro. Farrer was already there.

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July 1857, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 29, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1850s/1857/07-1857


  1. [1]There are various numbers after this entry.