March 1885

4 March 1885 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Mar. 4/85. Bro. Caine had two tickets which gave entrance to the Senate gallery to witness the proceedings and to the Platform where the ceremonies of the inauguration were attended to. The scene in the Senate Chamber was very brilliant. The Senators sat on the left of the chair[.] In their front were Generals Sheridan, Hancock, Terry, and others, as well as Admirals Porter <&> Worden. On the rights were the U. S Supreme Judges in their robes of office and the Diplomatic Corps in their official dress which made the scene almost spectacular. Behind them the Members of the House sat. President came in ahead of Cleveland & took his seat in front of the President’s desk & facing those present; Cleveland then came in and took a seat at his left. The former was applauded as he entered; but the enthusiasm over the latter was immense. Vice-President Hendricks sat at the right of Edmunds, President of the Senate. The latter administered the oath to him which he (Hendricks) afterwards signed. The rush afterwards to get on the platform was very great and Mrs. Caine and myself stood in the pressure and jam until she was almost exhausted. On the platform we got near enough to Mr. Cleveland to hear his inaugural which he delivered extemporaneously. He could not let the occasion pass without alluding to polygamy: but if he had to allude to it all, he could not have touched it all and not said any less. Bro. & Sister Caine and myself secured seats at a window for a dollar apiece from which we had a good view of the procession which occupied about 4 hours in passing. It was the largest procession every witnessed in Washington. It was estimated there were not less than 150,000 people within sight from the Inaugural Stand, and some placed the people at 200,000. Washington is very crowded, more so than ever before known.

In the evening attended the Inaugural Ball in the new Pension building which had been fitted up and decorated for the occasion. It was the largest ball room and the grandest display I had ever seen. There were 8,000 persons present and the toilets of the ladies were magnificent. The gentlemen also were dressed in the height of fashion. There was some waltzing but not much. The sight of the moving throng, dressed so superbly, relieved by <the> brilliant uniforms of the officers of Army and Navy and Diplomatic Corps and the gay colored dresses of the ladies as seen from the galleries was very magnificent. The hall was very lofty and splendidly lighted. Bro. & Sister Caine and daughter were there and I escorted their daughter, Miss Dean Caine. President Cleveland and Vice-President Hendricks, and very many distinguished people were there. It was after one o’clock when we retired.

5 March 1885 • Thursday

Thursday, March 5/85. Wrote letters home and editorial Thoughts for the Juvenile Instructor. Described the Inauguration and Ball to Wahine hope loa [my last wife]. Spent the evening at Bro. Caine’s. There were present: Judge Dusenberry <& son,> Bro. Jonathan S. Page, and Dr. Walter Pike; Mr. A. M. Gibson was also in a part of the time. Got into a discussion with Dr. Pike about plural marriage. He is an unbeliever, though he had been baptized when a boy into the Church. I was surprised at the narrowness of his views.

6 March 1885 • Friday

Friday, March 6/85. For eight days past I have been paying $3 a day for a bedroom on the 3rd floor. This was the best I could do every place is so crowded. I have been eating at restaurants, but there has been such a rush that it has been difficult to get anything. This and the irregularity in eating have upset my stomach and I felt that I must eat more regularly and food that would better suit me. I took up my quarters at my old stopping place while here in Washington—the Riggs House. The brethren—Judge Dusenberry & company left here this evening.

7 March 1885 • Saturday

Saturday, March 7/85 I waited nearly five hours at the Department of the Interior to-day to get an opportunity to converse with the new Secretary—Senator Lamar. I was there when he was sworn in by Justice Field, in the presence of several members of the Cabinet. I finally got an opportunity to talk with him, which I did to the best advantage. I described our position and that I had come down to see what the new Administration intended to do about Utah. It was a question to which high statemanship should be applied, &c. While it lasted the interview was satisfactory. He expressed the wish that I would call again.

8 March 1885 • Sunday

Sunday, March 8/85. Wrote Topics for the Juvenile Instructor, the subject, in part, was the conversation had with Dr. Pike. Wrote to Wahine hope loa [my last wife] concerning present I was having sent by Express from Mr. Landers’ factory. I did not inform her what it consisted of; but a few days ago, when I met him here I gave an order to him for a set of table cutlery.

9 March 1885 • Monday

Monday, March 9/85. Bro. Caine and I called upon the Attorney General, Senator Garland. As soon as he saw me he came forward in a cordial manner and shook hands with me. I introduced Bro. Caine to him and told him the object of our call. He appointed to-morrow morning for an interview. Saw the Solicitor General <Mr. Phillips> about having the Rudger Clawson case set for trial on the 6th. At the <U. S.> Supreme Court for some time thinking there might be a decision rendered in the Election cases; but no decision of any case was given. Received a letter from Wahine hope loa [my last wife] which I answered; also wrote a letter to President Taylor. Had conversation to-day with Mr. Smith, the colored librarian of the House of Representatives, respecting the collection from the records of all the motions, resolutions and bills there had been introduced, and all the business of every character that had been transacted concerning Utah, with the names, &c, of the movers, and so far as possible copies of these documents, from 1848–9 up to the present time. He agreed to do this work; but could not say what his charge would be, as he might have to purchase some documents; but he would do the work <at> as reasonable a price as possible and submit his bill when it was done. To which I agreed.

10 March 1885 • Tuesday

Tuesday, March 10/85. Bro. Caine and myself waited on Attorney-General Garland; but he was crowded with visitors, and as it is Cabinet meeting day at 12 noon, he proposed that we come to-morrow at 10 o’clock and he would give us a special hearing.

Commenced a letter to President Joseph F. Smith, in reply to me from him. Busy conversing with Kentucky Members respecting the appointment of Judge R. K. Williams of Ogden as Associate Justice, vice Emerson. Saw Senator Blackburn, ex-Senator Williams, Speaker Carlisle, and Representatives Willis and Stone. Francis P. Dyer, candidate for U. S. Marshal of Utah, and Bro. Caine dined with me at Riggs’ to-day. Received bill of cutlery from Mr. Landers which I desired him to send to Wahine hope loa [my last wife]. It is $31.83 including expressage, which is $2.90. I think this remarkably cheap; but he lets me have the goods at cost.

11 March 1885 • Wednesday

Wednesday, March 11/85. Called at the Department of Justice at 10 o’clock, and was soon joined by Bro. Caine. We had about half an hour’s talk with Mr. Garland, the Attorney-General. I stated as succinctly as possible in the time the condition of affairs in Utah Territory, mentioned the cases of President Taylor, Bishop Sharp and Gen. Burton, men who had taken wives prior to the act of 1862, making plural marriage a crime, and before separating I called his particular attention to these and similar cases, of which there were many in the Territory, and also those barred by the statute of limitations. I described to him how we are treated, judged guilty till we prove our innocence, and every officer who is suspected of kindly feeling towards the Mormon people turned out, while an indispensable qualification for a seeker of office there is that he should be a Mormon hater. Much more of this character was said. We also spoke of Judge Williams to fill Emerson’s vacancy. Mr. Garland had read Bro. Caine’s letter and the affidavits sent from home and spoke about them, being evidently impressed with their contents. He did not say very much; but said that men should hold office there who would treat all citizens alike, &c. I wrote then went to keep an appointment with Mr. Speaker Carlisle; but he appointed to-morrow at 1 o’clock to accompany me to see President Cleveland. Wrote a letter to President Taylor. Accompanied Bro. Caine and family in a carriage to the Soldiers’ Home. The Kentucky delegation held a meeting to-day and among other business took up the case of Judge Williams to learn whether they should endorse him as a delegation. A man by the name of Polk Laffoon who represents the 2nd District, opposed it very strongly on account of his domestic difficulties and on account of decisions he had made while on the bench during the war, he being a Union man at the time.<Spent the evening at Mr. Gibson’s house.>

12 March 1885 • Thursday

Thursday, March 12/85 Mr. Carlisle could not accompany me to-day, there being a Cabinet meeting. Had two interviews with Senator Vest to-day, paid him $5,000 on his fee and talked over the situation with him. Had a long conversation with Mr. A. M. Gibson upon our doctrines.

13 March 1885 • Friday

Friday, Mar. 13/85 Bro. Caine received a cipher dispatch which stated that Logan had been selected as the place to hold Conference and asking if I approved. I had Bro. Caine answer in the affirmative. I waited again for Mr. Carlisle to accompany me to President Cleveland; but he failed to come to time. Wrote a letter to each of my wives and also <one> to my children—Mary Alice, David, Emily and Sylvester Cannon. Accompanied Bro. Caine to meet Bro. John W. Young, wife and nurse at 10.30 p.m. at the Baltimore and Potomac Depot. They left New Orleans, where they had spent four days at the Exposition, on Wednesday evening. Snowing this evening.

14 March 1885 • Saturday

Saturday, March 14/85. Was introduced by Mr. Speaker Carlisle to President Grover Cleveland. We had a very pleasant conversation. He expressed pleasure at meeting me and had heard of my being in town. I told him in part the object of my visit and he appointed 4.30 p.m. on Monday for me to call again. He is very much crowded with business. Called with Mr. A. M. Gibson on Secretary Whitney of the Navy. Many persons waiting to see him. We had some conversation but he is going to New York this afternoon and will not return till Tuesday. We arranged for me to call again at 1 p.m. on Thursday. Wrote a letter to President Taylor. Saw by dispatches his house had been searched, but he had been rep was reported as fled. Some witnesses in polygamy cases had been obtained. My blood boils when I think of the indignities these wretches put upon innocent men and women; but the Lord knows how long it is good for us to have to bear these wrongs. I feel that something should be done here to stop these outrages. We — Bro. Caine and myself — had been invited to go to the Theatre with Bro. John W. Young and wife this evening. The play was “Bunch of Keys.” Under other circumstances I would have enjoyed it more. Afterwards when we went to Harvey’s to get supper (I did not eat) we met M. M. Pomeroy and wife (Brick Pomeroy) who has commenced the publication of a weekly paper here.

15 March 1885 • Sunday

Sunday, March 15/85. Yesterday I received letter from Wahine hope loa [my last wife] which gave me great pleasure. It was dated the 8th inst. Accompanied Bro’s. Caine and John W. Young to Mr. Gibson’s house. We were there two or three hours. I spent the rest of the day reading and with Bro. Caine and family at Bro. Young’s. His and family’s rooms being underneath Bro. Caine’s.

16 March 1885 • Monday

Monday, Mar. 16/85. Saw Senator Vest this morning. He and Senator Cockrell have recommended a man from their State (Missouri) to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Judge P. H. Emerson. Mr. Vest says he is a man who can be controled. At 12 o’clock noon was at the U. S. Supreme Court room. Met Bro’s. Young and Caine there. There was no decision on the election cases. Received a letter from Bro. Brigham Young. In it he says that District Attorney Dickson had threatened to make it hot as hell for the Mormons for two weeks. Called at the White House according to appointment made with President Cleveland; but he was engaged with President Arthur, and I failed to meet him. In the evening attended with Bro. Caine a lecture by Henry Ward Beecher, “evolution and revolution.” I did not like the lecture. It was a weak affair, I thought, for a man of his reputation. He spoke of man as being on the earth at least 280,000 years. He expressed himself as being indifferent as to where he came from; it was where he was going to, what his destiny would be, that gave him concern. He did not care if <he> was descended from a monkey, if he was only descended far enough. He knew he was not a monkey now. He fully believes in evolution. He said it was all wrong to say that mankind had fallen from and through Adam; Adam, if he fell at all, had fallen upward; mankind had been going forward and upward. He appeared to ridiculed the idea that man had fallen, and the story of the Garden of Eden and the prohibition to not eat of the fruit of two trees. He appeared to think the Bible to be a mere record of man’s experience—written honestly, but and according to the best light of the writers and compilers, but containing many things which superior light would enable mankind to discard. His lecture was well adapted for the infidel and left very little for the so called Christian to stand upon. While listening to it I thought of Paul’s exhortation to Timothy to avoid “profane and vain babblings and oppositions of science falsely so-called”. What a contrast between such theories — theories which trace man’s descent from the lowest forms of existence — and the truth as the Lord has revealed it! There is something grand and ennobling in the thought that our God whom we worship is our Father — that we are his literal descendants and that if we obey His laws we shall continue to grow and increase until we shall be like him.

Wrote a letter to my son, John Q.

17 March 1885 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Mar. 17/85. Called this morning early at Willards to see Mr. Beecher. He had left at 6 o’clock. A very cold morning, yet clear. Wrote to Wahine hope loa [my last wife] in reply to hers; also to my son John Q. At 3 p.m. I went to the White House, and after waiting awhile saw President Cleveland, with whom I had a conversation of about one hour’s length. It was free and unrestrained, and his manner was patient and interested, encouraging me by his kindness in listening. I went over the whole ground, he asking questions occasionally, and expressing his disapproval of the course which had been taken with us and that we ought to have the treatment we asked for—it was due to us in all fairness. I explained to him the nature of the test oath which had been framed by the Commissioners to catch us and gave him a copy of it with the rules of the Commission. I relieved my mind completely and felt excellently in talking to him. He impresses me as an honest man who desires to do fairly in his high station and to mete out equal justice to his fellow-citizens, at least this was his expression to me concerning the treatment we ought to have. He ought to make a good President if he does not get spoiled by his elevation. We conversed at his desk at the south end of the library, no one being in the room for some time, Mr. Nordhoff afterwards came in. The effect point I urged upon him, and which seemed to strike him favorably, was that as these officers in Utah who were carrying on this raid were not of his party or appointment and were complained of, a halt should be called in their proceedings, and if necessary an agent or agents should be sent out to investigate affairs. This idea I dwelt upon and mentioned it more than once. The effect of this conversation upon me was the more pleasant, because of an interview which I had in the morning with Secretary of State Bayard. I waited upon him, and after waiting for some time I got the opportunity of speaking to him; I asked him to make an appointment with me that I might make explanations to him concerning our affairs in Utah. He was impatient and arrogant, and said that while the Senate was in session he had so much to do he could not possibly spare me any time; but after that I might call. His manner <demeanor> was, I thought, ill-mannered and rude, and hurt my feelings. I felt to leave his case in the hands of the Lord. If this man is prospered while he retains his present feeling, then I am greatly mistaken. He has not the moral courage to meet a disagreeable subject; but shirks instead of investigating and deciding upon it. He has lost his grip by going a whoring after Republican idols with Edmunds of Vermont. The contrast between his manner and that of President Cleveland was very marked, and I noticed the it the more because of my seeing Bayard only about 3 hours before I did Cleveland.

I wrote a letter to President Taylor

Had a long conversation with “Brick” Pomeroy, who with his wife called at Bro. John W. Young’s to see me. He promised to use his influence and he thought he had sufficient) to have President Cleveland stop the present proceedings in Utah, &c. Bro. John W. Young and myself started for New York at 12.15 midnight.

18 March 1885 • Wednesday

Wednesday, March 18/85. Drove to the Grand Central Hotel. Met Bro. Hart and in response to inquiries gave him counsel respecting the course to pursue in arranging with R.R. companies for rates. Paid Kountze Bro’s. $15,000 to the Credit of T. G. Webber, Secy and Treasurer of Z. C. M. I. and took receipt for the same. They also telegraphed receipt of this sum to Z. C. M. I. Bought some stuff for dresses for my wives at Claflin & Co’s. through Mr. Geo. Conklin and shoes for myself at Frank & Goldsmith’s, and <was measured for> a suit of clothes at Lockwood’s. Dined with Bro. Hart at Grand Central Hotel, and spent remainder of time till I was ready to go to the train at Mr. Neel’s room. He said anything he could do to help us, call upon him, and if I needed any money he said I must not be afraid to call upon him. I took the 9 p.m. train for Washington.

19 March 1885 • Thursday

Thursday March 19/85. Reached Washington early this morning. Found a letter here from Wahine hope loa [my last wife]. Called at Navy Department, according to appointment, at 1 p.m. The Secretary, Mr. Whitney, was at Cabinet meeting. After that was over called again, and had a very satisfactory interview with the Secretary, in which I went over the ground of our wrongs. He promised to investigate and take more interest than he had done in our affairs. <He said that he thought us a more moral and pure people than our accusers.> Wrote a long letter to President Taylor.

20 March 1885 • Friday

Friday, March 20/85. In company with Bro. Caine called upon Secretary Manning of the Treasury; after waiting for some time he gave us about half an hour’s time, during which I gave him as full an account of affairs as I could. He spoke very kindly and promised to bear in mind the points I had made.

After waiting nearly two hours at the P. O. Dept. to see Secretary Vilas he could spare us no time then to converse, but requested us to call at 10 to-morrow. My son John Q. telegraphed to Bro. Caine that my daughters Mary Alice, Hester and Amelia, and Sister Davey and two hired girls and Bro. Saunders and Thomas and Mary Little had been subpeoned as witnesses to appear before the Grand Jury. I telegraphed him to see that they were protected by skillful counsel, and to give notice that whoever should ask his sisters improper questions he would hold personally responsible. I felt very indignant over this action & sympathized deeply with the young children, two of whom—Hester and Amelia—are only a few days over 14 years old. These enemies would rend asunder our families, would array wife against husband and husband against wife, parents against children and children against parents, and they have been guilty of asking the most improper and indecent questions of women. I felt that if I were at home with such feelings as I have there would be danger of a disturbance.

21 March 1885 • Saturday

Saturday, March 21/85. Called at the Post Office Dep’t. and after waiting some time succeeded in getting an opportunity to talk to Mr. Vilas. It was full and free. He asked me a question which he said I need not answer unless I wished; it was “Was there a prospect, as he saw mentioned in the papers, of our giving up or denouncing polygamy?” I told him there was not any prospect of this ever being done. We testified that God had revealed and commanded it, and we could not therefore deny it; but as it was generally said that the pulpit and the press and education and a hostile sentiment would make it unpopular and would eventually destroy it, we were quite willing to let those agencies operate against and destroy it if possible. I described to him how this practice was magnified — that though the doctrine had been publicly preached for upwards of 32 years there were probably but few if any over 3,000 men in Utah and the adjacent territories who were polygamists at the present time; that, as the sexes now stood in Utah, it never could be a very widespread institution, for in a population of 143,963, which the census of 1880 gave to Utah, there was an excess of 5,055 males over females. From the Post Office we went to the Interior Dep’t. and had an interview with Secretary Lamar. He spoke in the most feeling manner about our case, said that he was deeply impressed with the inadequacy of one man to stem this overwhelming tide of fanaticism which prevailed upon our question. He said the feeling that prevailed was all wrong, and that it would fill him with anguish to contribute by any act of his to our injury. He had always been opposed to every measure hostile to us, and we were entitled to every thing we asked and, so far as he could have influence, we should have it — at least, have officers sent to us who were fair and just men and not our enemies.

I wrote to Pres. Taylor. Bro. Geo. Reynolds telegraphed this evening in cipher that they had not found an <no> indictment <had been found> against me yet, but that the evidence of the witnesses outside of my family before the Grand Jury was damaging. and I was led by this to expect they would, unless prevented by the Lord, find an indictment against me. Bro. Sloan left for New York this evening on his mission to England.

22 March 1885 • Sunday

Sunday, March 22/85 Had a visit from Mr. A. M. Gibson and talked fully over the situation. I had given him points on which to write a statement which I wished to file with President Cleveland. Bro. John W. Young returned from New York this morning.

23 March 1885 • Monday

Monday, March 23/85. Brother Caine and I called upon Mr. Garland, Attorney General, this morning. I told him I wished to see him before leaving, so that I could bear to the people his words. Bro. Caine also spoke to him in the same strain. I repeated what had been said to him about the kind of officers we ought to have. He said he had told President Cleveland that our situation required attention, and that it would be all brought up at an early date. and <He also said> that care would be taken in the selection of officers; that several names were presented of men to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Judge Emerson, but no one had been decided upon as yet.

From the Dep’t. of Justice we went to the War Dep’t. and had an interview with Mr. Endicott, Secy. of War. We found him a well-bred, gentlemanly man, a good, patient listener with an attractive manner. I laid before him, in a succinct manner, a statement of our situation and the wrongs from which we suffered and the relief and change we asked for. He promised to give the subject attention and to do what he could to have the evils of which we complained corrected. Went to the U. S. Supreme Court room and listened to the Opinion of the Court, delivered by Justice Mathews, upon the election cases from Utah. It was partly favorable, though the general tenor was unfavorable. In the evening went to Herzog’s museum and saw Katherine Rogers in the play of Miss Moulton. <I accompanied> Bro. & Sister Caine and Bro. [and] Sister John W. Young, and we all enjoyed the performance very much. The reserved seats which we occupied only cost twenty cents each.

24 March 1885 • Tuesday

Tuesday, March 24/85 Called upon Mr. Gibson this morning and he read to us that which he had written. He cannot have it ready before to-morrow. I had been hoping to get away this evening or at latest to-morrow morning. Now it seems as though I shall be a day longer. My idea in having Mr. G. write this is to have the benefit of his style and experience, and then I can add to or take from or change to suit myself. He is wonderfully familiar with our history and has a terse, vigorous style. I have given him my ideas as to the form of this statement and the points which should be urged. Wrote “Topics” for the Juvenile Instructor. Bro. Caine received a dispatch from Bro. Geo. Reynolds to the effect that an indictment for cohabitation had been found against me, and that it was proposed to arrest me immediately wherever I could be found. Invited Bro. and Sis. Caine and Bro. and Sister John W. Young to dine with me at the restaurant of Broche, who had been cook at Tuilleries and at the White House. We all enjoyed the meal.

25 March 1885 • Wednesday

Wednesday, March 25/85. Spent the forenoon and until nearly 3 in the afternoon at Mr. Gibson’s house preparing my letter to the President. Then went with Bro. Caine to the White House to see the President. He was engaged with some of his Cabinet and Col. Lamont, his Secretary, suggested that we had better not wait as we might not be able to see him. I arranged with him to call at 11.30 a.m. to-morrow. Wrote a letter to President Taylor also a short note to John Q. and another to Wahine hope loa [my last wife]. I received one from her this morning. Bro. F. S. Richards was with us to-day, he having arrived from Philadelphia. He helped in getting my letter copied by a type writer. At 8 p.m. I went again to Mr. Gibson’s and we finished the letter. We then went to the copyist’s where Bro. Richards was and revised the two copies she had made, which kept us till a little past midnight.

26 March 1885 • Thursday

Thursday, March 26/85. Bro. John W. Young and family and Sister Caine and family left this morning for Philadelphia. Bro. Caine remained for the purpose of calling <with me> upon the President. He has not yet had any conversation with him. He expects to join his family at Philadelphia. We had an interview with President Cleveland. A deputation of three preachers were in the room. They preceded us. They presented a paper to Mr. Cleveland and we overheard the words, “Edmunds law.” Before they spoke to the President[,] Mr. Talmage, the preacher, came in and spoke to them. I heard him call them a Committee, so I concluded that they were waiting upon Cleveland from some Conference or religious body to stiffen him in relation to the Edmunds law and to have <urge> its rigid enforcement—a supposition which I found from the evening papers was correct. In speaking to Mr. Cleveland I alluded to the efforts which are being made by religious people all over the country to arouse hatred against us by signing petitions, and how weak and unheard our voice was in reply[.]

Our conversation was not lengthy, as Cabinet meeting was pending, but he said he meant to be just in the treatment of our affairs. He expressed pleasure at my having written the letter which I handed him and which he promised to read. Mr. Talmadge followed us and told him, as I supposed from what I heard, that he had been traveling through the North West and the universal feeling of the public upon our question was in favor of our punishment. We took train for Philadelphia. I leave Washington free in my mind and feelings. I have done my duty and filled my mission here; I can return with a clear conscience. At Philadelphia I stopped and called at the residence of my late friend, Gen. Thos L. Kane. The family were on the point of sitting down to supper and insisted on my eating with them. Mrs. Kane, Harriet, Elisha and Tom (formerly called Willie) were there; Evan was up stairs sick. They were very glad to see me as I was them. Elisha accompanied me to the train and expressed his regret at his inability to serve us in our hour of need as his father used to do. Stopped at the Grand Central Hotel at New York.

27 March 1885 • Friday

Friday, March 27/85 I intended to see Hy. Ward Beecher, ex-Senator W. H. Barnum and Charles Francis Adams upon our question; but they were all out of town. I called twice to see Mr. Barnum but he is not here. At the Union Pacific R.R. offices, where I called to see Mr. Adams, I saw Mr. Dillon and Mr. Calloway. Mr. D. was greatly impressed by what I told him and asked Mr. C. to be sure and bring this business up when Mr. Adams came next week. I told them that I had asked President Cleveland to call a halt and send out an agent or agents to examine, and I desired influence brought to bear to have this done. They thought the request very reasonable and that it should be granted. Mr. Dillon said he would try and get Mr. Tilden’s influence in favor of it. Met Bro’s. Hart and Bull and Mr. Neels. Left New York at 8. p.m. by the N. Y. and Erie and Atlantic and Western &c to Chicago.

28 March 1885 • Saturday

Saturday, March 28/85. The weather fine and mild.

29 March 1885 • Sunday

Sunday, Mar. 29/85. Reached Chicago. The pool line for to-day to Council Bluffs is the Chicago & North Western. A Mr. Beno, who is an invalid, was in the section with me.

30 March 1885 • Monday

Monday, Mar. 30/85. Reached Omaha. Had to wait for train till 8.20 p.m. A broken tooth gave me great pain. Had it drawn by dentist—a most excrutiatingly painful operation. He broke the tooth and then pulled the three prongs, his instrument slipping off a number of times. He complimented me on my nerve; I thought it was needed. Met ex-Senator Saunders and Major Paddock. The latter pressed me to let him take me a riding. He had a fine team and buggy and we rode several hours. Omaha contains many beautiful homes. It is larger than I had an idea it was. Its population is said to be nearly 60,000. Very kind of Major Paddock. Took supper at the Paxton. Met Col. Hooker and family. Took train at 8.20 p.m.

31 March 1885 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Mar. 31/85. Sent a blind telegram last evening to Bishop John Sharp, signed Peel, to let the folks know I had left Omaha. I exercise all the faith I can that I may escape the snares of my enemies. While eating at Cheyenne my son John Q. came and spoke to me. I was surprised and delighted to see him. He had been sent out by Bishop Sharp and Bro. Geo. Reynolds to meet me and to suggest that it would be safer for me to go to Denver and from there, via the D. & R. G. R.R. to Thistle, where a carriage would meet me. I thought a few minutes and concluded I would keep to the route I had selected and would go to Logan as I told President Taylor I would. John Q. bought a ticket for Granger and took a berth on the sleeper of the Oregon Short Line, which was next [to] the one I was in. He gave me all the news from home and told me how anxious and determined our enemies were to get hold of me.

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March 1885, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 25, 2025