December 1900
1 December 1900 • Saturday
Sat. Dec 1st. Dear old journal Ive been dying to write you up all day. What have I got to record? Oh nothing, but it makes one feel better to have a book to put your thoughts and feelings in. This morning I woke up feeling rather gay, and decided after breakfast to go to “53” to see if Sister [Mary Sanders] Frame needed me to help with the work. As she didn’t I came right home again. I helped with the dinner, ironed some handkerchieves and then we went down to the Glasgow Green. There was a flower [p. 38] show in the conservatory, such beautiful flowers that It made me happy to look at them. There were quite a number of people there to spend their Sat. afternoon. In most ever[y] corner was a “spoonery” whose <where> young man and young ladies were acting very sentimental. Ive seen so many public hugs that it has ceased almost to alarm me, but involuntarily I quicken my steps, and look away. The boys in this country are about as good at hugging as the bears are in yellowstone. We went into the art gallery and looked at the pictures, there was one picture of the “orient” that was a beauty. From the Green we walked up Argyle street and looked in all the windows at the pretty things, came to “53” and stayed a few minutes, then came home and after reading a little took a bath and piled off to the Land of “Nod.” I wanted to stay awake and have “a think” but I was too sleepy.

The art gallery at Kelvingrove Park in Glasgow, Scotland, circa 1900. (Courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, LC-DIG-stereo-1s36925.)
2 December 1900 • Sunday
Sunday Dec 2nd. Alas to day I have to speak to the “boys brigade” I got up at 7:30 and by 8:45 was at Georges Cross waiting to meet Miss Scott. I mortally hate to stand on these old streets. Because bad girls walk slowly up and [p. 39] every body is put in the same category, I had to wait 10 minutes and it seemed a long time. The morning was very dull and stormy. When we arrived at the Church we were met by Captain [John] Cairns who treated us very nicely. I spoke for about 23 minutes on the Saviours Temptation and a story on temptation. When I had finished the Captain said I am sure we are all obliged to Miss Booth for the engaging way she addressed us and said he never wanted them to forget me or what I had said to them and turning to me he said “I’m sure they never will forget you, as you’re the first woman who has ever spoken to them”. After it was out they all congratulated me. I didn’t do so well, only I think the Lord blessed me with his spirit and that made them think what I said was good. I came home and we studied till 12 then went to “53” and stayed till meeting time Attended fast meeting, came to “53” for dinner went to evening meeting. Bros [David] Burnett Buchanan [Alexander Buchanan Jr.] and I spoke, came back to “53” and stayed till 10 oclock.
3 December 1900 • Monday
Monday Dec 3rrd.. I don’t feel quite well today [p. 40] early this morning (at about 9:30) went shopping. Took my shoes to get mended, went to “53” for mail but didn’t get any only a little note the boys had written which said “Dear Josie I heard that you some times cried bitterly because no body loved you” They’ll never get over teasing me about that.1 I came home and tried to crochet me a slipper, but didnt progress very well. After dinner studied some and then laid down and was just going to sleep when we had a “serenade” from a street organ. I appreciated it as much as if It had been a boy coming to play for Sister [Emily] Penfold and I <me>. I like street organs. When the man had gone I went to sleep and did not wake till 4:30. To-night we are going to Crawfords. Sister Penfold is sitting “curled” up in the big chair reading. We enjoy this quiet peaceful room when we’re in here we leave “dark Glasgow” out side and at night when the fire burns brightly, we almost forget that there is <are> such a thing<s> a<s> fog2 and smoke3 and poverty and misery. It seems almost a shame to be happy, when there is so much suffering, dont you think so? I guess I must have asked the journal this question. But it hasnt answered me yet. [p. 41] After tea we got ready to go to Crawfords, called at 53 for Bros Buchanan and [James K.] Miller. It was raining hard. We went on the Subway. Passed a very pleasant evening. Jessie [Crawford], Jean [Crawford] and Polly [Crawford] were there. Jessie sang Ora Pro Nobis <(pray for me)> and Daddy. I said the Ruggles again. We stayed till after 11. Missed the car and had to walk home. After coming home we kept laughing and talking till about one oclock.
4 December 1900 • Tuesday
Tues. Dec 4th. I read some, straightened up my boxes, sewed some, then got ready to go visiting Took the Salt Lake Pictures with me. Went first to Mrs. Lumsdens and visited with her till about 4 o'clock then came to McAuslanes. Was met at the door by Nellie and she treated me lovely. Said one of her friends Miss Stewart was there to meet me. After tea which was just ready, we looked at the photographs then Miss Stewart played the piano while Nellie cleared away the supper. We then had a talk on the gospel which lasted almost an hour and a half. As Nellie had a student coming for a music lesson at 7:30 Miss Stewart and I came away. Nellie is so sweet and good and kind that I love her dearly. I came home along Sauchiehall St. I was wondering all the way how it was I was blessed so much, as to have [p. 42] an influence among such people. And I prayed that the Lord would help me in all my thoughts words and acts that if I didn’t do any good for the cause I would never do it any harm. They listened attentively to all I said. Miss Stewart scarcely spoke so I’m not sure what effect it had on her. Nellie asked many questions. I called into “53” to see if Sister Penfold was there and as she wasn’t I came right on home. We were so tired we went to bed early.
5 December 1900 • Wednesday
Wednesday Dec 5th.. Slept very well. Dreamed I was at home once again, but was so dissatisfied with every thing that was glad I was in Glasgow when I awakened[.] The morning was as dark as the night before. Its funny to go to sleep in darkness and to get up in darkness. I had the toothache a little, but didn’t grumble. I haven’t grumbled about any thing for three days—just think of it. I’ve been on the verge of saying some thing about the poky old fire that wouldn’t burn, and about my tooth, about the dark day and a dozen other things, but resisted the temptation. I read the first 11 chapters of Acts learned a verse, crocheted on my slipper and helped to get the dinner and to eat it. [p. 43] Called on Miss Scott and on Mrs. Callum. Came to 53 about 7 o’clock and stayed till about 10. Came home
6 December 1900 • Thursday
Thurs. So dark and stormy that we stayed home till in the after noon I wrote a Xmas letter to Papa and to Vienna [Booth Kimball]. Answered a letter from Tina Watson. Visited Sister Gain and Sister Leggatt. Came to testimony meeting The branch was organized with Bro. [William W.] Hamilton as president Bros Wm. Cook and Chas. Murray as councilors. The Leggats were all against Bro. Hamilton for President and because Bro [Henry B.] Thompson had him voted for they all left the meeting. After meeting I <we> stayed and had something to eat. Didn’t get home till after eleven.
7 December 1900 • Friday
Fri. Went to “53”. Sister Frame was going away to Edinburgh. After dinner went down to the shops. At the Granite house a <had> a fine gospel conversation with the forman. Called to see Miss Minic but she was out. Came to “53” and fixed some Xmas cards to send home and to Canada, got tea and helped with the dishes. Arrived at 53 <10> at 9:10
8 December 1900 • Saturday
Sat. Dec. 8th. Went to 53 after breakfast and Sister Penfold and I straightened up the house and got dinner. At 4 o’clock we came home and washed our hair. I read David Coperfield till after 9. Took a bath and went [p. 44] to bed.
9 December 1900 • Sunday
Sunday 9. Didn’t get up till late, said verses in bed. Went to “53” at 12 oclock. Attended afternoon and evening meeting. When we came home at 9:30 the night was simply beautiful, so I sat by the window and had a “Think” and sent messages home by the moon. Only to think that in 7 hours they’ll watch the same moon rise from behind our dear old mountains. I wonder if they’ll think that it has just seen me, coming along in this big city from “53” or that I sat long hours at the window and thought of them—of my friends—of the present—the past—the future. Of what I am—of what I would have been
“How blessed should we be have I often conceived
Had we really achieved, what we nearly achieved
We catch at the skirts of the thing that we would be
And fall back on the lap of false destiny”4
After I was in bed I still thought until I was so sleepy that things began to be wonderfully mixed up and the last I remember was the clock saying good-night—good night.
10 December 1900 • Monday
Monday. 10. Went to “53” after breakfast. Did the usual work. After dinner we went to Sister Griers. We had a [p. 45] good visit and a long talk on the gospel. We left her feeling better than we found her. Arrived at No. 10 at 6 oclock. The wind is blowing and moaning and dashing the rain spitefully against the windows. Sister Penfold is sitting in a big chair in front of the fire reading. I have taken off my street dress and put on a wrapper, braided my hair very artistically in two “pig tails” and have settled down for an evening of solid comfort. The more comfortable we feel the more angry the wind seems to get. Some times its so fierce you’d think it wanted to blow us all away and some times it only sighs and moans like some one in distress. I wrote a piece to the [Provo Daily] Enquirer that papa had asked me to write ever since I came over. Bro. Buchanan wrote it and I copied it, also wrote a little note to my father and then studied verse till bed time.
11 December 1900 • Tuesday
Tues. Went to 53 in the forenoon, in the after noon went to Sister Griers to go with her to see a lady who is very sick and about to die. The poor soul had suffered a long time and was so thin that Sister Grier could pick her up and carry her easily. She asked us to sing a hymn and then she asked me to pray for her. I came home about 5:30. In the [p. 46] evening we went into Miss Pools and we listened to her play the piano and had a very pleasant time.
12 December 1900 • Wednesday
Wed. Went to “53” and after the work was done I went tracting gave out 80 and had two long conversations. In the evening we went to Sister Reids. By “we” I mean—Sister Penfold and I, Bros Buchanan, Burnett and Miller. We had a lively time but I was worried over something I said to Bro Buchanan. I’m afraid I am too hasty.
13 December 1900 • Thursday
Thurs 13. Went to “53” in the morning, tracted in the afternoon, gave out 80 tracts and had three cons, was invited into two houses, Attended testimony meeting in the evening
14 December 1900 • Friday
F 14. Stayed at 53 all day. Went to the pantomime in the evening.
15 December 1900 • Saturday
Sat 15 Cleaned the kitchen at “53”, was done with the work at 5 o’clock. Went to Macaulys at 46 Pollock St in the evening.
16 December 1900 • Sunday
Sunday. Attended both meetings. Spoke in the afternoon on apostacy.
17 December 1900 • Monday
Monday 17. Went to “53”. Mrs Craig called and stayed to dinner. Went tracting gave out 80 and had three cons. In the evening the Crawfords [p. 47] came to see us and we had a pleasant time
18 December 1900 • Tuesday
Tues. 18. Went to “53” and did up the work
19 December 1900 • Wednesday
Wed. 19. Am not well stay home all day. Read part of Oliver Twist and study some.
20 December 1900 • Thursday
Thurs 20. Still “no very weel” stay home all day but go to meeting in the evening.
21–22 December 1900 • Friday–Saturday
Fri & Sat. Work at “53” to get everything in readiness for Xmas, and at night have the satisfaction of seeing every thing look perfectly lovely. I like to do the work when things look so much better. On Sat. afternoon I went with Bro Hamilton out to Cookston to the Hawkshead asylum to see Sister [Janet Leggat] Hamilton. She has <had> been there three weeks and seemed mentally recovered. There were many poor souls in here who were mentally wrong. The place was lovely and the walk from the train to the Asylum was enjoyed by us both. We took little Jennie with us to see her mama.5 I arrived at “53” at 8 o’clock. Bro Miller fixed me some supper. He is very kind and thoughtful. Bro Buchanan came home with me and stayed till 10 o’clock. He and I and Sister Penfold had a good sound gospel talk.
23 December 1900 • Sunday
Sun. 23rd. Attended two meetings. Had dinner at “53” just as usual. [p. 48]
24 December 1900 • Monday
Monday 24. I went shopping in the morning. In the afternoon I made candy for Xmas and in the evening Sister Frame and I went out to the shops again. We bought some funny little presents for the boys. Sister Penfold and I talked till after 12 o’clock.
25 December 1900 • Tuesday
Tues. Dec. 25— 1900— Xmas morning—my second Xmas away from home. My first thoughts are of my loved ones. Are they happy I wonder? What have the children got for Xmas. Who’ll fill their stockings dress their dolls etc now that “we” are away. How does it seem at Home with no Josie, no Vienna no Rowenna [Hannah Rowena Booth]? And then I thought of “me”6 in Glasgow thousands of miles from any of them—yet surrounded by many kind and true friends—never were boys kinder—or hearts more true and thoughtful— I appreciate them all I honor them for their goodness. When we arrive at “53” we are met at the door by the “whole brigade” with their whistles, dolls, whips etc. and after an up roar mixed with good wishes, smiles, hand shakes etc the noise subsides and we are each presented with a beautiful shawl mine is pink and was so dainty and nice that I almost wished I was some [p. 49] where where I could wear it. I think the day passed pleasantly for every one. The dinner was delicious The bill of fare was one that surpassed the Ruggles Xmas dinner. Turkey, dressing, potatoes, corn mince pie, plumb pudding, peaches, chocolate, cocoanut, and fruit cake; so there were none who went away hungry After supper we had a program and then came home very tired and sleepy. And another Xmas has gone forever, good bye happy day good bye!! I often wish it were in my power to make people feel happy, that I could do some thing or say some thing that could make some heart lighter or some one’s burden less heavy to bear. We ought to learn good lessons from Xmas tide—a time of good wishes, when the very angels in heaven sing Peace on earth, good will towards men
26 December 1900 • Wednesday
Wed. 26. The day after Xmas7—not quite so gay—plumb pudding—turkey—late hours—and fun—are not so funny the next morning. When I first open my eyes I feel “cross”8 but then I begin to think of all the funny things that happened, and before I know it am smiling at the memories of a day just passed. I go to “53” in the morning and help Sister Frame a little then come home and [p. 50] sew and finish my slipper. It looks funny and Miss Poole has a good laugh at it but “It will do” says Brian O’Lynn It’ll do.”9 In the evening the boys Bros Buchanan and Worthington call at stay till 10.
27 December 1900 • Thursday
Dec. 27. Went to 53 and helped.
28 December 1900 • Friday
Fri. 28 Stayed home all day. In the evening went to Miss Glendenning and Mr. Langs wedding. Mr. Glendenning called for us with a “carriage and pair” a white cap and some white cotton gloves not to mention a white artificial flower in his button hole. The ride up there was quite enjoyable as the horses fairly flew along. The reception was very odd—but I haven’t time to describe it. We got home at 11:30.
29 December 1900 • Saturday
Sat 29. Bro [James L.] McMurrin came this morning, we were glad to see him. Helped with the work came home early.
30 December 1900 • Sunday
Sunday 30. Attended the meetings had dinner at “53”. I spoke in the afternoon along with 5 others.
31 December 1900 • Monday
Mon. 31. The last day of the old year I go to “53” in the morning and just start to help when Bro McMurrin tells me something, that makes my last day my “saddest” day of the year.10 So I come home and cry for a long time then wiped my eyes and went down to Craigs to tell them I couldnt spend the evening there. Came back to “53” and I [p. 51] tried to act gay and succeeded so well that I don’t think any one noticed that I was sad. All of us went down to the Glasgow Cross at midnight to see the people throwing whiskey bottles at King William
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[1]Booth, Journal, 28 Nov. 1900.
[2]text: Triple underlined in original.
[3]text: Double underlined in original.
[4]Doloros, “Answers to ‘The Wife I Want,’” Young Woman’s Journal 5, no. 4 (Jan. 1894): 213.
[5]Janet Leggat Hamilton was committed to the Hawkhead Asylum near Govan on 26 November 1900. “Jennie,” Janet Hamilton, was a daughter of Janet Leggat Hamilton and William W. Hamilton. She was three years old at the time. (Janet Chalmers Leggat or Hamilton, Admission entry, Nov. 26, 1900, “General Register of Lunatics in Asylums,” Govan District Asylum, Renfrewshire, NRS Reference MC7/10, 171, “Mental Health Records,” Scottish Indexes,; “Janet C. Hamilton,” Scotland Census, 1901, FamilySearch database, available at
[6]text: Triple underlined in original.
[7]text: “Xmas” double underlined in original.
[8]text: Triple underlined in original.
[9]Booth is quoting a variant of the folk song “Brian O’Lynn.” (“Brian O’Lynn,” Journal of the Folk-Song Society 8, no. 31 [Sept. 1927]: 137–138.)
[10]See note, in Booth, Journal, 26 Aug. 1899.