January 1900

1 January 1900 • Monday

Monday. Jan. 1— 1900. The first day of the year with is some good resolutions—and really yes the sun is shining brightly and it is quite warm We went to “53” and wished them all a happy New [p. 122] Year and then went to Sister McDonalds to dinner Had a very pleasant time. Went into see Sister Carneys and saw little David O. [David Oman McKay Carney] Sister C. gave me his photo We had a good dinner. Came home to “53” and stayed for a few minutes and then came home to prepare for the “wonderful soiree” I wore my purple waiste and Effie [Lindsay] gave me a white lace collarette that was quite pretty that I wore. Effie stayed till I wanted to go so I persuaded Sister C [Eliza Chipman] to start— We got down as far as the square and then decided that we didn’t want to go alone so we went back and looked in Holmhead windows and then I wanted to go home well it was an awfull silly thing to do but we came and both sat here as solemn as two owls till after 8 when Messre [David C.] Eccles and Buchanan [Alexander Buchanan Jr.] came and we sallied forth to the “New Years party” Were quite late. We listened to a long program—both Sister C and I recited and after the program came the dance— I had just a fine time. All of the boys acted awfully kind—we danced and danced till after three, and laughed and talked and felt quite gay. Sister Leggatt [Leggat] said it made her have a good time just to watch me I looked so happy, but of course did not I know it at the time. [p. 123]

When I danced with Bro [Charles] Murray sister C Bros Buchanan and Eccles sat up in the gallery and clapped their hands.

2 January 1900 • Tuesday

On Tues. 2nd we were very tired and we did nothing but write and study. I went to bed at 8 oclock. Bro Eccles came and spent the evening with sister C.

3 January 1900 • Wednesday

Wed. 3. Went in the afternoon to call on Mrs. Barkley. Had quite a pleasant time.

4 January 1900 • Thursday

Thurs. 4. Went to call on Mrs. Anderson at No 34 Sandyfaulds St, South Side. We had a very pleasant afternoon and a good gospel conversation. They seem to be very nice people. Came home just in time for testimony meeting.

5 January 1900 • Friday

Fri “5” Went to Bro [William W.] Hamiltons and Sister Griers. Bro Smith came over and went so far as St. Enochs with us. Came home and Effie came to spend the evening with us. At 9 oclock we went to “53” for Bro Nisbets address. Sister Hamilton called so we stayed till 10 oclock. Went to subway station with her came home and went to bed.

6 January 1900 • Saturday

Sat. 6. Went to Yoker. We went to the station and had to wait an hour for the train. Got to Yoker at 5 oclock. and Bros Nisbet, [W. Moultrie] Worthington, [Thomas M.] McMaster [p. 124] [Henry B.] Thompson Sister Nisbet and Tom met us and we all went to Mrs Donaldsons. We spent a very pleasant evening. Played games etc.

7 January 1900 • Sunday

On Sunday we walked to Paisley to meeting. The afternoon was testimony In the evening Sister C and I spoke. We walked back again to Mrs. D. it was 3½ miles. The roads were quite muddy but every thing else was simply beautiful When we were going along the quiet country road the sun shone brightly and every thing seemed like spring. Since being in a dirty smoky city I can well understand the charms of the country. When we arrived back in yoker at about 10 I felt very tired. We did not sit up long but went to bed and to sleep “quick as a wink”

8 January 1900 • Monday

On Mon. 8 stayed to Mrs Donaldsons till after 11. Had breakfast talked and sewed. Caught the 11.55 train for Glasgow. Came right up to 53. stayed and had dinner. Then I went to call on Mrs. Lumsden. She had company but she treated me just lovely. I did not stay very long, went from there to Miss Crawfords another friend I [p. 125] have made in tracting. We had a good cosy chat and I stayed for tea. In the evening I went to Relief Society meeting. Was called on to speak Stayed after meeting and talked awhile. Came home and went to bed.

9 January 1900 • Tuesday

Tues. Quite stormy today. Started to go tracting got as far as “53” and it was raining so hard we stopped. I washed my hair and blacked my poor old hat. Then we came home and in a few minutes went back to “53” to an oyster supper. Bro E. and I worked at Algebra examples for about three hours but did not get many. Sister C and the other1 boys were saying verses. I count that a day lost as far as missionary work is concerned. “Count that day lost whose low descending sun views from thy hand no worthy action done.”

10 January 1900 • Wednesday

Wed 10. Got up and studied all morning. Went tracting in the after noon Gave out 65 tracts and had about 6 refusals. No cons at all.2 As I was coming home up Sauc[h]iehall [p. 126] a man followed me for about 5 minutes and frightened me so I could hardly walk up the stairs when I got home. Sister C had not come so I wrote a letter to Vilate. After supper Bro [John B.] Young came over and I sewed and <we> said verses. Then he sang to us some very pretty songs. After he went I took a bath and arrived at our hole in the wall just at twelve oclock. It is very seldom that we get to bed till after 11.

11 January 1900 • Thursday

Thurs. 11. Attended testimony meeting in the evening.

12 January 1900 • Friday

Friday 12. Went to the baths in the forenoon. Came home and studied till five oclock and then went to the conference house and Bros Gardiner [William Henry Gardner] [James K.] Miller and Young Sister C and I went to the central station to go to Newarthill where we had been advertised for two weeks to speak. We had to walk from Holy Town to Newarthill about two miles through the muddiest streets I have seen in Scotland. We went to Sister Jacks to supper and then came down to the hall [p. 127] There were not many strangers present but we had a good meeting. “Who Spoke?”3 Sister C and myself. I spoke first and then Sister C spoke so long that we had to pull her coat tail or miss the train of the two evils we chose the lesser and accordingly Bro Young gave her a gentle push The boys declare that if they had not called us down we would have been talking yet. We just got to the train in time and arrived back in Glasgow shortly after ten.

13 January 1900 • Saturday

Sat 13. Studied in the morning. In the evening we went to see the Misses Crawford and had just a splendid time They had invited four strangers to meet us Bros Gardiner Young and Eccles also went. Most of the evening was spent in singing and reciting. The one lady Miss [Iza] Spence who was a professional elequotionist [elocutionist] and a gentleman who was a professional musician. I recited the Ruggles.4 We did not get home till after one.

14 January 1900 • Sunday

Sunday 14 Went to Sunday School and two meetings Bro [last name redacted] was cut off the Church. It made [p. 128] me feel quite sad. I had never seen any one excommunicated before. He had confessed to being wicked not only drinking but worse. In the evening Sister C. spoke all the time. Bro. Miller has more confidence in her than he has in me, and I have not over come my self enough not to care. That is one trait in my character that I hope some day to over come. I must have inherited it but that is no sign why I should not over come it I try—but often I fail, my inherited tendencies are stronger than my will.

15 January 1900 • Monday

On Monday went tracting and gave out 65 tracts, had two conversations and visited one house. In the forenoon I studied

16 January 1900 • Tuesday

Tues 16th. Went tracting gave out 70 tracts and had 5 refusals. In the evening Effie came up and Bro Young came over. Sister C. went to the door with Effie and then came in and said she wanted me, That Sister [Agnes Cooke] Reid had told her that I said I wished she wouldn’t come so often If there is any thing I hate it is a “row” [p. 129] but they are like fleas they come no matter how much you do to avoid them. I went out and we had a long talk which ended with peace on both sides and when we parted it was with vows of love from Effie and that she never could nor would love any one more. There is some thing very sweet about the dear child that makes me feel like the love of such a girl as well worth having

17 January 1900 • Wednesday

17 Wednesday— Twas very stormy. We studied in the forenoon. As luck would have it I did not feel very well, had a bad cold etc5 So I just put my wrapper on over my night gown unfortunately my gown is about 3 inches longer than my wrapper; and did my hair up in a “wash your neck and ears” sort of style and sat comfortably on two chairs. Each time as the door bell rang I felt rather uncomfortable and looked much relieved when it proved to be “no one for us” but alack a day it rang once too often— And, yes that is a knock at our door— Come in calls sister C. I make a dive for my clothes that are drapped [draped] [p. 130] artistically over the back of a chair, my red flannel skirt looking brilliant against the dark dress and my corset waist lying helplessly on the floor. The door opens, I grab my clothes— In walk Pres Miller and Bro Bowman— I drop my red petticoat they dare not advance with such an enemy staring them in the face— I secure the skirt and push it under the rug on the sofa and sit down feeling like if there were any means of escape even to falling through the floor I would be thankful They stayed an hour and all that time I was in misery— At last they went. We looked at each other Sister C and I she passed some remark which cause me to weep and wail.6 Moral7 Never wear a wrapper and hang your clothes over the chair in Glasgow as it is damp enough with out additional tears. Or else don’t have gentle man friends who call at 11.30 In the afternoon we went to Sister Janes [James] Leggatts [Georgina Ferguson Leggat’s] and had tea. coming home we took the wrong car and went away out to Crown Street from Watt St and [p. 131] when we got home Sister C got ready and went to Nelsons to spend the evening and I stayed home alone Thus ends one of the trying days of my history.

18 January 1900 • Thursday

Thurs. Went to “53” in the forenoon and went tracting and gave out 70 had one con in the after noon. In the evening received two long letters, one from Vienna [Booth Kimball] and Rose & Nora Went to testimony meeting, after meeting stayed and played.

19 January 1900 • Friday

Fri. 19. Wrote letters in forenoon, in the after noon went to “53” and in the evening stayed home. Effie came to see us.

20 January 1900 • Saturday

Sat. 20. Finished letters. Went to post office came home and had dinner. Went to “53” the boys teased Sister C about Bro Worthington and Paisley till she got cross and came home— I followed in her foot steps. We intended to go to the concert but fooled around till it was too late so we went to Nelsons and stayed till 10. Every body was drunk <on the streets> and we were glad to get home safe. We went to “53” to see if the mail had come but when we got as far as the door our courage failed us and [p. 132] we came home with out going in. I took a bath and went to bed.

21 January 1900 • Sunday

Sunday 21st. Went to Sunday School and two meeting. I spoke at night. Came to 53 after meeting and stayed till after ten. Came home and went to bed. Dreamed of Bro [David O.] McKay.

22 January 1900 • Monday

22 Monday Went to 53 and played and folded tracts. The day is simply awful, and our grate smokes till we can hardly see across the room Mrs. Richmond was off. Grand ma forgot to cook our dinner, so we waited till two oclock when Sister C went out and asked for it after a lunch we both started to go to Sister Harkins when we got as far as the church I looked around and there was no sister C. in a minute I saw her motioning from the close to come back I would not but in spite of storm and rain went down to Argyle, when I once more looked around hoping to see her coming so I went on down Argyle to Jamacia [Jamaica] and took the car Sister Harkins was expecting us and [p. 133] so I stayed and had tea and enjoyed myself fine only I was not sure I had done right in leaving Sister C. and I thought about it all the time. Effie called in the evening and at 9 oclock we went down to Renfield Church to hear the Reverent John McNeil His text was II Kings 7 chapter. He is a very emotional speaker and sways his audiences from smiles to tears every few moments. I think he is sincere I felt very sorry for one poor old lady that stayed to the anxious meeting.8 She did not feel like she was saved but stayed to try and get the (new heart) as they call it. Of course he thinks he is saved.

A bustling city street.

Argyle Street, a major thoroughfare in Glasgow, Scotland, circa 1902. (Courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, LC-DIG-stereo-1s36954.)

23 January 1900 • Tuesday

23 Tues. Went to 53 and folded tracts. Went and called on Mrs Walton and Mrs Lumsden. Had a talk on the word of wisdom to the former and on salvation for the dead to the latter. When I got [home] Sister C was just going to Holmhead, she thought I had gone right there. We went and had an oyster supper.

24 January 1900 • Wednesday

Wed. 24. Went tracting gave out [p. 134] 140 and had three “cons”. In the evening Sister [Lizzie] Nelson came for us to go to the pantomime We intended to sneak off and not let the boys know where we were going— We had to go to 53 to meet Sister N. This aroused the boys curiosity one said Are you going visiting? No I answered O, have you just got home from tracting No, I said again Then sister N. came and we started She had a big “poke” full of pears and oranges and when we got to “cowcaddens”9 Sister N ran across the street and bought candy. We went to the Royal to see Robinson Crusoe. Some parts of it I enjoyed fine. When we came back out imagine our surprise at seeing Bros Young and [William] Hillyard waiting for us. We fairly screamed to be caught like this after all our planning to sneak off. We all enjoyed the joke.

A street scene with buildings including the Northern Bar and Grand Theatre, a streetcar, and pedestrians.

The Cowcaddens neighborhood of Glasgow, Scotland, including the Grand Theatre, circa 1900. (Hwyndham, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons.)

25 January 1900 • Thursday

Thurs. 25. Went tracting gave out 100 tracts and had one “con”. In the evening Effie called and we all went to the meeting together when we got to the close, Sister C went in and [p. 135] Effie asked me to stay out, so I did and when the meeting started I tried to get away and go in but she held me tight and said O dont leave me dont leave me and cried so that I could not get away and for an hour I stayed then Sister Major went in for Sister C. Sister C brought Effie in and made her eat something and E said she ran away from Home Tues night and had been out ever since After meeting she would not go home so we brought her home to sleep with us. All night long she kept me awake till I got so nervous I was nearly Ill. We took her to her grandmas next morning and while we were up telling the folks about her she ran away. We came home and went tracting. In the evening Bro Young called and we talked and sang till 9 oclock when some one came to the door and asked for Sister C. We knew it was Effie. Sister C. told me not to come accordingly I stayed up stairs at 10.30 Bro Young went and at 10.45 I could not stand it no longer and went down Sister C looked at me [p. 136] and said O Josephine I’m so glad you came!! and fainted, I ran to Holmhead for the boys and Bro’s Miller and Eccles came. Bro Eccles brought Sister Chipman up stairs and Bro Miller and I tried to get her to go but she would not move a step. then he went for a policeman and Bro Eccles went for whiskey.10 Miss [Jessie] Richmond came down and tried to get her to go so finally E said she would go if we would go with her. Then Miss Richmond’s brother came to bring us home and we started the parade at Holmhead we met Bro Miller and the police but as she was going alright and I haled for her sake and for her folks to send her with him we went When we got on Sauc[h]iehall street the boys “called a cab” (I have seen the time when calling a cab would have delighted me) put Effie in it she screaming at the top of her voice and drove to 10 North Park St I rushed up into the house, where her grandma was sitting at the fire crying and told her we had Effie, she said to get the cab man to bring [p. 137] her up. When I asked the cab man he said, “Do you think I’m daft to go up with her and leave this horse and cab with you—no my dear I never leave my pony[.”] So I took her up and made a hurried explanation to grandma and came down. We arrived home about 1 oclock. Bro Miller was with Sister C. She was much better. The boys stayed a few minutes and then went

Scene I Sister C and Effie in the close. Sister C fainted Effie holding her up and crying dont look that way etc

Scene II I run down stairs bare headed, see that Sister C is ill grab Effie shake her—run for boys, take hold of Bro Miller and say come quick and make Effie go away Sister C has fainted and then run back.

Scene III Sister C starts up stairs and faints Bro Eccles goes and holds her up. Bro Miller and I hold Effie about a dozen people come in the close and take everything in.

Scene IV Sauciehall Street. Call a cab. Put a girl screaming into it and drive off.

Scene V Home again Sister C piled up on the lounge with pillows and quilts. Bro Miller [p. 138] sitting by Bro Eccles and I come back— The boys go, we go to bed and thus closes one of the scenes acted out on the stage11 of our lives.

27 January 1900 • Saturday

Sat. 26 [27]. Sister C still ill We get the room straightened and our selves just as Bro Miller and Gardner come to see how she is and just as they are going to go Bro Gardner says Yes and that is not the worst of it (referring to last night) Bro Miller lost four pounds. I fairly lost my breath at that statement and we both thought that was awful. He thought he lost it while he was out on last nights wild chase for us. We stayed home most of the day and in the evening went to Holmhead and Bro [George G.] Campbell was there. We had a sort of a program. Bro Thompson told us that Bro Nisbet was angry at us for not asking him to go to Crawfords the Sat before This was only one more calamity in our unlucky month. On our way home we talked over the events and thought at least our trials for that day were over—but dark and dreadful [p. 139] ending to a tragic day there was yet another in store for us. I went in first and picked up a card on the table. Miss Jane Crawford has been here I said as I read the card— It’s too bad we were out—just then came a knock at the door and in walked Miss Jessie Crawford—she gave a comprehensive look around the room—looked much surprised and said Aren’t the girls here they were coming to night we made all arrangements last week—and we had forgotten it in our excitement and had misunderstood them too as I thought they were going to drop us a card if they could come. Never did a girl feel so ashamed, I blushed,—tried to explain—got very confused and wound up by saying I was very very sorry and asking if she would ever get over it—she said she would and it was arranged for Sister C to go and help her with her dress on Monday. I went down stairs with her, bid her good night—came back up, sat on the sofa and cried and laughed [p. 140] at the same time, then went to bed— Oh blessed sleep when all cares are forgotten and when I am once more home again and all things are lovely and we are all happy!! I wake and find it a dream— Am still in Glasgow and am thankful for it because I feel that I am doing the Lord’s will and I hope I shall have strength and courage to stay my mission out and to conquer self.

28 January 1900 • Sunday

Sunday go to Sunday School and two meetings—go to “53” to dinner and call there after meeting at night. It was frosty and ice was frozen on the pavements till we had to slide12 most of the way.

29 January 1900 • Monday

Monday 29 Went tracting. Gave out 50 tracts had a “con” and was invited back to have tea with her next week. In the evening Effie’s mamma called to thank us for our trouble. We had a fine “con” on Baptism. Sister Hamilton called at about 9 oclock with some medicine for Sister C. After they had gone I doctored her up and we went to bed.

30 January 1900 • Tuesday

Tues. 30. Went tracting and had two “cons” and was invited back to one womans. She is [p. 141] a very nice woman and is much interested in the gospel. After tracting went down to Sister Nelsons had a good time <supper> and spent a pleasant evening till eight oclock when we came up to “53” to meet elders and saints who were returning to Utah. Had some good music. Received letters from Sterling and Miss Kellogg. He said Mr. B. was not doing well. I feel sorry about It because I did so hope he would prove himself to be all that I thought he was.

31 January 1900 • Wednesday

Wed 31. Went tracting finished Park Road gave out 50 tracts.

My report for this month is

Indoor meetings


Tracts distributed




Houses visited


In the evening we13 were invited to speak to the Band of Hope when we got there WE proved to be Sister C.14 I felt quite hurt because Miss Scott did not tell me a thing about it [p. 142] even when I asked her which subject of the two I mentioned I should take. I was quite angry I am sorry to say—but I think it rather an unchristian thing to do.

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January 1900, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed March 12, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/early-sister-missionaries/josephine-booth/1900/1900-01


  1. [1]text: Triple underlined in original.

  2. [2]Booth here began to use “con” as shorthand for a conversation during tracting.

  3. [3]text: Triple underlined in original.

  4. [4]Likely “The Ruggles’ Dinner Party,” a popular recitation at the time. (Kate Douglas Wiggin, The Birds' Christmas Carol [Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1888], 32–62.)

  5. [5]text: Triple underlined in original.

  6. [6]text: “to weep” and “and wail” double underlined in original.

  7. [7]text: Quadruple underlined in original.

  8. [8]In the context of religious revivals, an anxious meeting was a smaller gathering between a minister and those who listened to a revival sermon and desired to experience a spiritual conversion but struggled to do so. (Spencer W. McBride and Jennifer Hull Dorsey, eds., New York’s Burned-Over District: A Documentary History [Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2023], 122–123; William G. McLoughlin Jr., Modern Revivalism: Charles Grandison Finney to Billy Graham [New York: Ronald Press, 1959], 94–96.)

  9. [9]A neighborhood in Glasgow, just north of the city center.

  10. [10]Whiskey was sometimes used medicinally by Latter-day Saints during this period, primarily as a painkiller. Chipman appears to have used it this way on occasion. Her journal entry for 12 May 1900 further clarifies her reasons for using whiskey. For more on the evolving practices relating to the Word of Wisdom, an 1833 revelation dictated by Joseph Smith (and now canonized as Doctrine and Covenants 89) that established the Latter-day Saint practice of abstaining from alcohol and other substances, see note, in Chipman, Journal, 14 Oct. 1898.

  11. [11]text: Triple underlined in original.

  12. [12]text: Double underlined in original.

  13. [13]text: Triple underlined in original.

  14. [14]text: Double underlined in original.