September 1900

Miss Josephine Darling1 Booth, Provo City, Utah. [title page]

[verso of title page blank]

19 September 1900 • Wednesday

very bestest friend. not September2 19

I am beginning with “forgot.”3 A bad beginning they say, makes a bad ending, but I’m hoping this may prove an exception to the rule, Wed. must be one of those eventful days that sometimes appear in my books—viz Nothing accomplished nothing done. Went to street meeting in the evening on Wellington St.

20 September 1900 • Thursday

Sept 20th. This morning I wanted to stay at home and work as I have so much to do, and am also feeling slightly indisposed—the morning is stormy and dark, after prayers and “porridge”, some of them were going to Ayr4 to the Races. Sister C. [Eliza Chipman] wanted me to go so after some hesitating and discussing we at last decided and sallied forth, there being in the company Liza, Manda [Amanda Chipman], Bros [David C.] Eccles and Buchanan [Alexander Buchanan Jr.] and myself. At first we weren’t as gay as a party going the the races usually are, and the time dragged but the farther we went the merrier we grew till we were all feeling fine when we arrived at Ayr It was nearing the dinner hour so we went to the restraunt, which was so crowded that Bro Buchanan volunteered his services as waiter, and by 1:30 [p. 1] we were ready for the Races. When we arrived on the scene of action there seemed to be a “hurrah” going on. There were men dressed in all sorts of varied costumes standing on chairs and shouting at the top of their voices, while another similarly dressed with a book in his hand writing down the ones, they were betting on, and there were plenty of men standing around to be “taken in”. The men that were making the bets stood ten chances to the other fellows one. Some times the men on the chair would say 10 to 1 on a certain horse and that meant that the men were to pay the one on the chair 1 shilling and then if that horse should beat he would pay 10 shillings. Usually 10 horses ran at once. We spent about 3 hours on the grounds At one side were the Salvation Army singing and praying and teasing for pennies, near by was the celebrated punch and Judy performance, which claimed the attention of a large crowd. If there is any scheme gotten up for cheating that was not there it was because there was no more room on the ground. We walked down to the coast along the esplanade the wind was blowing a perfect “hurricane” and when we arrived at the station at 6.30 we looked a [p. 2] like we had been “through the war.” We arrived home just in time for meeting and in contrast with the rest of the day was all the more enjoyable. Things seem brighter by contrast.

21 September 1900 • Friday

Fri. 21.5 The girls6 went to Belfast this morning I straightened up the room, Went to Mrs. Weir’s to take her a letter from Bro Mitchell and had a long gospel talk, then came back to Renfield St and took the car for Nelsons, stayed till 7 o’clock hurried home for Street meeting. Met Miss Minic on the car and we had a chat. The boys were just ready for meeting so we went on Wellington St, Sister [Agnes Cooke] Reid went with us. Bro E. spoke. When we got home there was a new partner here for me. Sister [Emily] Penfold from Park City I was surprised as I had not heard of a girl coming. She was very sweet and kind and I am sure I will like her.

22 September 1900 • Saturday

Saturday 22. Stayed home most of the day. It was very stormy, I wrote some letters and studied in the evening we all sang hymns.

23 September 1900 • Sunday

Sunday.7 I fasted to day that If I had to take the lead here that I would never in thought, word, or deed do anything unkind or inconsiderate to Sister Penfold [p. 3] I didnt have to speak in the hall but spoke on the street in the evening. The Lord helped me more than I could tell and I was so thankful to him for it. Some times I wonder why I am so blessed Even Bro Leggatt [Leggat] complimented me and said he was proud of me, which is a good deal from Bro Leggatt8

24 September 1900 • Monday

Monday 23rd. [24th] A holiday in Glasgow.9 Sister Reid is away and Sister Penfold and I do the cooking and between cooking and house work we spend the whole day. In the evening we stay at home. Sister Chipman and Manda come from Ireland at about 10.30. I was very glad to see them again.

25 September 1900 • Tuesday

Tues 24 [25]. Still house keeping, we tried to cook some thing different and managed pretty well although we found some difficulty on account of the stove.

26 September 1900 • Wednesday

Wed. 25 [26]. Sister [Mary Sanders] Frame came up this morning We are going to have some kind of a party for Sister C tonight. We go to the shop and buy her a nice present All of the elders from near around came in and we passed rather a pleasant evening. Sister C had been out to McKims and didn’t get home till we were all quite hungry She missed her train. I had to give the present to her and I didn’t do it very gracefully but I meant what I said when I told her that with the little token of [p. 4] respect we gave our very best love.

27 September 1900 • Thursday

Thurs. 26 [27]. Went with the girls to have their picture taken in the forenoon. In the afternoon we three went to Rutherglen to visit the Williamsons. They received us very kindly as they always do we stayed till about 5 oclock, then came to the train. When we arrived in Glasgow, Sister C and Manda went to Barries and I came home to testimony meeting as I thought Sister Penfold would be lonely. The meeting was well attended and we all enjoyed it.

28 September 1900 • Friday

Fri 27 [28]. This morning the girls went to Edinburgh they got off at about 11 o’clock. I wrote a letter to Miss Harridance about polygamy as she had written asking me a number of questions also sent her Saints and Sinners to read.10 In the after noon I got dress up in “my best Sunday go to meeting” clothes and went to Govan. I was in a very “poetical” mood and said so much of it to my self that I almost forgot to Get off the subway at Govan Cross and also lost my way but managed to find it when once again I got the reigns on my thoughts and recalled the words. “I slept and dreamed that life was beauty, I woke and found that life was duty” [p. 5] so I changed my fanciful mood and “Josie was her missionary self again” Arriving at Craigs I was received very kindly, we had a good chat before the boys came in to tea which they did about 6.30. At 7 we started out to the hall where the closing reception of the Rambling Club was to be held.11 There were about 50 young people there and they had a fine time. Every thing was carried on very properly, no smoking drinking or boisterous conduct. They insisted that I should take part in their games etc and I did so but all the time I felt like “one apart” from the rest. I recited twice and the recitations seemed to take well judging from the applause and at the end of the thing the President moved that they offer a vote of thanks to the talented elocutionist who had so kindly entertained them. I felt rather cheap but managed to stand it with no sign of out ward embarassment other than a blush. I slept with Miss Craig. When we got home Mrs Craig was sitting up waiting for us and it did look so home like to see her sitting by the fire mending and waiting for us. I would have liked to have knelt down by her and put my arms round her and had a good talk like I used to have in my own dear [p. 6] home. No matter what else a girl may have it never fills up the place in her heart that mother and father take. Only those who love their people next to their God can know what it means to be far away from them all. After a little chat about the party, and some crackers and milk we took our “Social Departure” to bed and slept till 9 oclock

29 September 1900 • Tuesday

Sat 28 [29].12 After breakfast we sang some songs and I darned some stockings. At noon all of the boys were at home and we had a kind of a gospel talk at 3 o’clock Mrs Craig and Marie came to the car with me. They wanted me to stay longer but I could not arrived home at 5 o’clock. In the evening some Paisley people came up as Bella McDonald was going to be baptized they stayed till about 10.

30 September 1900 • Sunday

Sunday 29 [30]. Attended 3 street meetings. Spoke in the hall in the evening also went to both hall meetings. Our open air meetings were not as successful as they are some times, but I think it was partly due to the fact that it was very cold.

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September 1900, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed March 12, 2025


  1. [1]text: Quadruple underlined in original.

  2. [2]text: Double underlined in original.

  3. [3]For more on the gap between volumes 1 and 2, see “Introduction.”

  4. [4]text: Double underlined in original.

  5. [5]text: “Fri” and “21” double underlined in original.

  6. [6]Eliza Chipman and her sister Amanda.

  7. [7]text: Double underlined in original.

  8. [8]The Leggats were a large family, and several family members participated actively in the Glasgow Branch. Joseph Leggat, the father of the family, was a poet and had been a member of the church since 1854. His daughter Isabella was baptized in 1883, and his son William in 1888. Another son and daughter James and Jessie joined them in 1895, and Joseph’s wife, Janet Chalmers Leggat, was baptized in 1896. Their three youngest children, Catherine, Thomas, and Grace, were baptized in 1898. (Leggat family members, Glasgow Branch Record of Members, 1882–1903, nos. 23, 30, 55, 56, 63, 65, 77, 103, 104, 105, 108, Scotland [Country], part 3, Record of Members Collection, CHL; Joseph Leggat and family, in Scotland Census, 1881, FamilySearch database, available at; Modern Scottish Poets with Biographical and Critical Notes [Brechin, Scotland: D. H. Edwards, 1882], 185–190; “Joseph Norman Leggat, 1846–1917,” and “Isabella Flemington Leggat, 1867–1932,” Individual Records, Family Tree database [Ancestor ID: KWZS-ZM8 and KWVP-LR7], FamilySearch, accessed 28 Dec. 2023,

  9. [9]A local autumn holiday, celebrated the last Monday of September. (“The Autumn Holiday,” Glasgow [Scotland] Herald, 25 Sept. 1900, 4; Chipman, Journal, 25 Sept. 1899.)

  10. [10]See note, in Booth, Journal, 6 Sept. 1899.

  11. [11]Rambling clubs became popular in the United Kingdom in the late nineteenth century. Inspired by British Romanticism, ramblers (often urban dwellers) organized to hike or walk the countryside in small groups. The purposes of the movement were to improve public health, encourage the preservation of natural landscapes, and build civic pride. (David Prynn, “The Clarion Clubs, Rambling and the Holiday Associations in Britain since the 1890s,” Journal of Contemporary History 11, nos. 2/3 [July 1976]: 65–77.)

  12. [12]text: “Sat” and “28” double underlined in original.