November 1899
Hodder and Stoughton
27 Paternoster Row, London, E. C.
The Christian Budget
Book III
[inside cover]
1 November 1899 • Wednesday
1st Wednesday.— Went tracting gave out 43 and had 3 conversations, one invitation in the house.
Read the Bible. Studied the Gospel.
2 November 1899 • Thursday
2nd Thursday.— Went tracting gave out 60 tracts and had one conversation.
Attended testimony meeting.
3 November 1899 • Friday
3rd. Friday.— Prepared to go tracting but the rain come down in torrents all day long. In the afternoon, however we went over to 53, met the new missionary Elder Lowe [David N. Low] and Elder Cameron who was enroute for Utah, or rather Idaho.
Attended choir practice in the evening.
4 November 1899 • Saturday
4th. Saturday.— Went to the Argyle Baths conversed with the lady there.
Bro. [John B.] Young called in the evening and remained until after five.
We went down to the Wallaces, again we got lost. Spent a pleasant evening.
The missionaries sacrifice pleasures daily be[p. 1]cause of the work and calling. Josephine [Booth] would not even let the dog kiss her because she was a missionary,—even though the animal looked wistful and seemed to coax with the eloquence and grace of a protruding and somewhat nervous tongue,—she gave her reasons for the refusal,—disapointedly the dog walked off, head hanging in a mornful manner,—its tail sympathizing with the denied privelege of its mouth face, also assumed a quiet sad position. Now if this is the <way> it would make a dog feel—to be refused so pleasant an emblym how in the world would it make a man feel!
5 November 1899 • Sunday
5th. Sunday.— Attended Sunday-School, testimony, and evening meetings, played the organ in each of them.
Went in 53 for a few minutes, ate apples, discussed a few subjects of vital importance and come home.
6 November 1899 • Monday
6th. Monday.— This was a very stormy day. Went to 53 and practiced the organ folded tracts and had a tussel [p. [2]] with Josephine and Brother [David C.] Eccles as usual—‘When the cats away the kittens will play’—but it makes no difference with us we play at any and all times. Attended Relief Society in the evening.
7 November 1899 • Tuesday
7th. Tuesday.— Another stormy day. I practiced the organ.
In the evening attended choir practice.
Recieved letters from my sisters M. [Amanda Chipman] and I. [Ida Chipman] and from a friend G.A.S. [George Albert Smith].
8 November 1899 • Wednesday
8th. Wednesday.— Went tracting, gave out 44.
Went to the Argyle Hotel to see Mr. [Harold P.] and Mrs. [Clara Sanders] Jennings who sailed on the s. s. Anc[h]oria on the following day. We took tea with them and returned home. Bro. Young called for us to go to the dance.
9 November 1899 • Thursday
9th. Thursday.— Went tracting gave out 60.
Effie [Lindsay] called in the evening and brough[t] us some jam We attended testimony meeting. Cleaned a chicken. Wrote to Uncle Thomas [J.] Filcher.
10 November 1899 • Friday
10th. Friday.— Took dinner at 53—a chicken dinner. Practiced the organ. Attended choir practice. [p. 3]
11 November 1899 • Saturday
11th. Saturday.— This was a very stormy day, rain and wind. Went and got my watch which cost me 4/5,—purchased a portrait of Robert Burns 1/ for the one I had broken of Mrs. Richmonds.1 Painted my hat over again.
12 November 1899 • Sunday
12th. Sunday.— Attended Sabbath School—afternoon and evening meeting—spoke at the latter. Met a number of strangers—recieved two invetations to call.
13 November 1899 • Monday
13th. Monday.— Practiced the organ in the morning.
Wrote to Inez [Knight].
Went to tracting—put out 60 and had three conversations and an invetation to come back.
In the evening we went to the Neilsons to spend the evening. This was a real treat. The Elders were to come down for us and on their way thought they would hold a street meeting they did and almost got mobbed.
14 November 1899 • Tuesday
14th. Tuesday.— A very dissagreeable day—the rain fell until about three when a dense fog come over and we had to light the gas.
We attended choir practice in the evening. [p. [4]]
Answered Elder Nesbit’s [William P. Nisbet’s] letter.
15 November 1899 • Wednesday
15th. A very <Wednesday>.— A very pleasant day—though some what cold.
Went tracting gave out 32 tracts, after which I went to Mrs. Barclays who recieved us very kindly. Gave her a ‘Ray of living light.’ Met her two daughters who were very very sociable. Answered the piece which was written in the ‘News’ about us.2 Attended the dance. (Sorie [soiree] practice).
16 November 1899 • Thursday
16th. Thursday.— Practiced the organ. Recieved a letter from Elder Nesbit.
Went tracting gave out 70.
Attended choir practice <testimony meeting> in the evening.
17 November 1899 • Friday
17th. Friday.— This is a very dull day. Practiced the organ, etc, etc.
Attended choir practice in the evening.
The piece was published in the news.
18 November 1899 • Saturday
18th. Saturday.— This is the first foggy day. The lights were only out two hours between twelve and two.
Elder Nesbitt, Mc-Master [Thomas M. McMaster], and Lowe called to see us. [p. 5] We went to Mr and Mrs. Barries in the evening. Some Scotch people are hard to understand and hard to be understood. We went on the tram-car and the Conductor was to put us off at a certain street. After we had rode for about twenty minutes I asked a young lady if she knew the street she informed me that we had passed it long ago and when I told the Conductor he sad <said> “Ye dinna ken I was a tellin ye’s”? We found the place alright and spent a very pleasant evening met a Miss Digger Elders Eccles and Young come down after tea. We remained till twelve.
19 November 1899 • Sunday
19th. Sunday.— Attended Sabbath-school, afternoon meeting, where I spoke and evening meeting where Elder Leatham took up the time.
After meeting we went to 53 where we had a bread and milk supper. Recieved “pig in the poke” from Brothers [Jimmy] Nelson and Tucker.
20 November 1899 • Monday
20th. Monday.— Went tracting put out 70. Returned home very tired. In the evening we went to 53 with and [p. [6]] set tea and spent the evening there.
21 November 1899 • Tuesday
21st. In the afternoon we went to see Sisters Grear and Gain. Attended choir practice in the evening.
22 November 1899 • Wednesday
22nd. Wednesday.— Mended Pres. Millers [James K. Miller’s] waist-coat.
Went to Elderslie from St Enochs Station at 4.30 reached that village shortly before five after a few minutes wait Elders Nisbett McMaster and Merill come to meet us. We went to Mrs. Nesbitts [Isabella Porterfield Nisbet’s] home where she Elder Nesbitts mother welcomed us heartily. After partaking of a real Scotch supper, scones, biscuits, bread and butter, jam, plumb-pudding, milk, etc., the kitchen was made ready for meeting. At eight o’clock there were nineteen comfortably seated in the cozy kitchen made so by the warm fire good chairs and the neat, clean, arrangement of every particular item of furniture. A few moments absolute silence caused my mind to wonder and reflect relying mostly on imagination—the two kitchen beds—holes-in-the-wall—neatly and plainly draped with flowered curtains and spread with a red and [p. 7] white calico spread, the chests piled three high, the fire place cheery fire bright shining fender the old-fashioned dresser and shelves ornamented with china the wee kitchen table the clock ticking with a musical ring in the corner and lastly the latched door all brought a picture that might have been something like that which the picture kitchen of my Great-Grand-Mothers kitchen would present. My imagination here ceased as the meeting was called to order and worried thoughts to the place of imaginative ones, my heart throbbed with violence but all of no use because I was called upon to address the meeting on the Gospel. A good spirit prevailed,—all seemed interrested. After wrapping Geanies throat up—she had a bad soar-throat—we bade good night and retired but did not sleep until we related to each other many thoughts on incidents of the day and naming the corners. [p. [8]]

St. Enoch Station, a rail station and hotel in Glasgow, Scotland, between 1890 and 1900. (Courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, LC-DIG-ppmsc-07597.)
23 November 1899 • Thursday
23rd. Thursday.— My awakening was caused by a gentle rapping on the door—the bed was so soft and lovely I could have layed longer—and the voice of Mrs. N— calling ‘tis eight o’clock.’ We arose and dressed just in time for breakfast which was at nine Tom [Thomas D. Nisbet] and Geanie [Jeanie Nisbet] come from their work at that time, we all sat down and enjoyed breakfast together.
As there was an extensive park just across the street we could not rest until we went through it. We hopped, jumped, danced and ran races,—there was no-one looking. After we had enjoyed a romp Brother Nesbitt joined us and showed us about the notorious Newton woods. We climbed fences, jumped ditches, mounted hills and knolls, drank water from a real running spring,—this was indeed enjoyable morning exercise though rather wild.
We now went to the carpet factory where a Mr. Mc Kim guided us through explaining every thing as we went,—it was something like this:
“This room (the first one) is the room for mixing colors [p. 9] It is a large room you see, being furnished with hundreds of jars and barrells which contain every color with various shades and tints. This next room is where the different colors are boiled, this large vat containing yellow fluid is being boiled by the boiling water that circulates in the pipes which are coiled just around the inside—it can be cooled by turning off the hot and turning on the cold. This room is a sort of a storage for articles used for paint such as saltpeter, oat-chaf, flower <flour>, blue-vitreol, etc. Now this room is where the warp is wound on the large drum—a wheel about one yard wide and varying from six feet diameter to ten and this wheel is wound with warp; when filled, a girl puts the paints on in stripes according to the pattern; when finished another <girl> comes and rubs then stripes, which seem thick, flat, and sort of blended <blends> them, it is then removed by two other girls (bare-footed lasses who like the rest could hardly perform their work for staring and giggling [p. [10]] at us.) would come and place it on two rods and from there to a large slab where there would be about ten or twelve such skeins all covered over with barley chaf and placed in a large steamer vat this is to make the color permanent, otherwise it would wash out, from here each skein is taken and washed in a trough and from here hung to dry by a steam heater or dryer. Here you see this is the room for drying, hundreds of those large skeins hang here daily being removed in the morning and a new one taking its place. This is the room where the skeins are wound onto spools and numbered—each numbered according to the pattern it was stripped for; now this is the interresting room, the spools are placed on a loom probably a hundred of them the end of the warp of each spool is fastened on a poll and this is pushed a distance of four yards away from the spools here is a hundred strans of warp pulled out on this loom, it is then placed in order according to the [p. 11] pattern by two girls, as you see it stretched out as warp in a carpet loom you see the flowers are taking shape, you now see it is rolled on one large spool the width of the carpet and carried into this room where you see it is woven with the stronger warp. Now here you see the shuttle runs through the lining warp and the top warp weaving a three ply, each time the shuttle goes through this little machine slides a needle, a large knitting needle size, through the bottom and top warp and as the two warps are crossed and fastened it pulls one out, the shuttle goes through again and in goes the needle as quick as [a] wink, these needles is <are> what wakes the raise, and it is made velvet when the raise is cut, and it is cut by a very sharp knife placed at the end of the needle so when the needle is pulled out it cuts the warp. This room is where they color the bottom warp and stiffen it up, make a pattern on the wrong side for a blind, to make the consumer [p. [12]] believe the color of the flower is stamped through. Now this room is the finishing they run the carpets through machinery which brushes all bits off, and also cuts away any threads that might be a bit too long. It is made free from lint,—packed up,—and ready for sale.” He then showed us a beautiful rug having a picture of a lover coming to see his sweetheart and bringing her a bouquet; on his arrival her mother and little sister were present and it caused the young ‘gallant’ to feel somewhat abashed.
On leaving Mr. McKim informed us that they employed five hundred hands and said he “Mrs. McKim is waiting for you to come over there.” He took us to his lovely home where we met a son and three daughters, three of which we met in the factory, they had lunch prepared,—and to appreciate this happy surprize we partook freely of the delicacies which were placed before us. On leaving they extended a pressing invetation for us to come and have an evening with them, —this we thankfully accepted and [p. 13] went on our way rejoicing such a rejoicing that was turned to sadness when a mistake was discovered—alas! we had partaken so freely of the hospitality of the McKims that we would be rendered most uncomfortable by having to eat of another dinner, “and really,” said Brother Neisbitt, “mother will have dinner waiting and she will be offended if we do not eat.” This was a weighty matter, aye, a difficult obstacle to surmount, but we went forth with a desire of victory and really won the race—for actually and truly we ate another dinner!
After bidding Mrs. Nesbitt good bye we started for Coats threads mills,—met Elders Miller, Young, and Eccles. The seven of us formed a merry group we went to the office where we registered and waited for our guid[e] who was a Mr. Ralph a friend of Elder Nesbitts and a clerk of the J. and P. Coats thread mills.
Here they have five thousand employees, a great many of which are females. [p. [14]]
Here we saw the spool made from raw lumber packed into a sorting room where all bad ones are taken in one basked [basket] to be used and burned and the good ones are placed in another basket for use. We saw the raw cotton go in and come out into thread. The processes are numerous each one making the cotton finer. We climbed [blank] stairs Before entering the building we saw the cotton in its crude state in bales and the last room we were in it had been changed into ‘six cord cotton and placed onto spools, labeled packed up and ready for shipping.
This is a grand building very large, indeed. The engine room is a splendid one being equal to many parlors. The walls are pannelled with beautiful figured tiling, the ceiling is blocked off with oak and [blank] the windows are [blank]
The engine that runs these works is immense. The owners of these mills are doing a grand amount of good especially to the poor. They have built a school-house where they send the poor little girls every other day and give them employment [p. 15] the intervening days, thus giving the education as well as material support.
They have also built a church, which is said to be the best attended in Paisley. They also have recreation grounds for their employees.
Mr. Ralph also invited us to come and see them. In the evening,—after a short rest, brush up, and tea, which we enjoyed at the lodgings of Elders N.— and M.— we congregated in the kitchen of Mrs. Adams for a cottage meeting. This was very like the one of the previous evening only there was not so many present and there was one strange man—there was none the evening before. Again I underwent the ordeal of having to speak.
We bade Brothers Nesbitt and McMaster good-bye and come to Glasgow arriving at our room at about twenty to eleven. We were weary and worn and tumbled into bed very suddenly. [p. [16]]
24 November 1899 • Friday
24th. Friday.— Recieved letters from Inez and Mrs. Turner. Wrote to Miss Williamson, Brother Mc Kay [David O. McKay], Mrs. Nesbitt, and to my sisters M. and I.
Brother Young called in the morning.
Went to the conference house, practiced the organ,
Attended choir practice in the evening.
25 November 1899 • Saturday
25th. Saturday.— Went to the baths in the morning.
Elders Young, Buchanan [Alexander Buchanan Jr.], and Eccles called in the early evening. After tea we went to 53 attended a confirmation meeting where Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson and Mr. Wallace were confirmed. Spent the evening there and walked to the Central Station.
26 November 1899 • Sunday
26th. Sunday.— We attended the three sessions; there was a great number of returning Elders present who had been on missions in Norway Sweeden Denmark Germany and England. There was also a number of emigrating saints. All together there was forty-four in the company.
This was a fast day for Josie and I. We ate supper at 53. [p. 17]
27 November 1899 • Monday
27th. Monday.— Recieved a letter from Miss Bell to say that herself and sister would be to visit us the coming Saturday evening, we also recieved a letter from Miss Williamson telling us to come on Thursday.
I practiced the organ a very little bit.
Josephine and I went and purchased a wedding dress for the daughter of one of the returning Elders. We went down to Stobcross to see the company off on the s.s. Tainui, a boat just purchased and which will be known after this journey as the Astoria. We recieved a pass and went over the boat to see what it was like. It was not nearly so nice as either of the boats on that line. The first class is first-rate but the second is not so good. The steerage is abomnible, it aught to be condemned! It is one large room containing two large shelves that fill it with the narrow alley running around near the wall and once in between; these shelves are the beds which 134, and made up of a single [p. [18]] straw mattress and straw pillow and one grey blanket for covering;—then the table is in the same compartment which they dine off of—this had no cover and was only ornamented with the close bad smell which was bound to become denser and a number of soup plates to accomodate the number of passengers who were to occupy this dismal dirty sea-home which is not fit for dogs. The stairs leading from the deck to this place is very steep and shockingly inconvenient. On account of spending so much time on the boat we missed saying good-bye to the company with the exception of Elder Leatham who leaves this conference. We took tea at 53. Declined the invetation to the theatre and practiced the organ.
28 November 1899 • Tuesday
28th. Tuesday.— Practiced the organ. Recieved letter from Sister Meeking.
In the afternoon went tracting gave out 44 tracts and recieved, 6 conversations, called on one lady took tea with her, and returned home at 5:30 p.m. This days tracting is the most severe one that I have [p. 19] experienced it is only parralelled by the Bristol outrage, which was performed about a year ago.3 I stepped up to one door and rang the bell, it was a rest for me to have to wait on an answer for this was the top flat and I was very tired through having climbed four flights of stairs. A young lady answered the door “I called again to day with a gospel tract,”—the tract was lifted gently from my fingers but no reply the young lady turned immediately and what looked to me like she was headed for the kitchen; she was out of sight. Of course I waited a reply or the tract back again. A moment when an middle aged woman come with the tract in hand. I remembered her face from the time before when she accepted the first tract and appeared so nice about it. Again today she seemed very nice. She asked “how often do you leave these tracts and what is your object?” “I call to every door three times, once a fort-night leaving a tract each time they are all free, there is no subscription, collection or anything of that sort,—then at the end of the [p. [20]] third time if people care to investigate the Gospel further there are phamplets and books which we leave.” Here I paused for a few words or perhaps a question but all was silence, but she seemed to me as one being much interrested. I proceeded “we believe there is only one Gospel, one Lord, one faith, and one baptism, and it is our earnest desire to get it before the people.” Again I paused again there was no reply, so I thought I would conclude by stating that our conference convened next Sunday, Dec. 3rd., in the City Hall, and extended an invetation to here. I had just made my first move toward going when she asked me to wait a moment she excused herself and went into what seemed to be the parlor. I heard some whispering. In a moment she returned and asked me if I would step in and speak to her husband who she said had been ill and was afraid to come to the door. Certainly I would,—in my tired worn out state perfectly glad to. While passing from the out side door to the parlor door such thoughts crowded through my mind,—like a stoker feeding a furnace,—it seemed [p. 21] volumns of thoughts all to the effect that my first tract had made a good impression, I hoped a lasting one, someone interrested at last, ‘lucky Jim’ found some honest in heart who were searching for truth and were delighted to find it. Such pictures crowded in my mind,—a vast panorama of thought pictures that missionaries seldom dare entertain much less encourage.
A step took me into his presence, a tall fine figure though some what worn because of years—but there remained enough in his (first) appearance, that notwithstanding his age, he showed a marked degree of culture and his face seemed one of grounded intelligence. He looked somewhat pale and thin the result, I suppose, of the long contracted illness. Said he “And so you are a missionery?” “Yes.” “And—and—what—is your idea of spreading—tracts?” “To show to the world that there is one Gospel and not six hundred.” “But you follow a man—ah—a man whom you think a prophet do you not?”—at this turn I knew what was to follow [p. [22]] the very presence of evil was felt accompanying his sarcasm. “We follow no man. If we were dependent upon the arm of flesh we would soon fall. But we believe that there are men whom God has called as leaders because of their honesty and virtue, and gives it to them instructions as to what spiritual food the people need as well as temporal. And as we believe the word of God good and necessary we follow them.” “But what about Joseph Smith?” “Ah, he was a prophet, seer and revelator, he gave the will of the Most High to all who would listen.” “Well you have what you call a Mormon Bible, hav’nt you?” [“]No, we have the Bible, King James translation, the same as you, and we have a Book of Mormon which is verily scripture, but it is not the Bible.” “Do you realize what you are doing? Do you know what the Bible says?” He then read the 18th. verse of the last chapter of Revelations,—and with such a reproving air that seemed full of a desire to condemn. “Yes I have often read that along with the 19th. verse and believe just what it says.[”] “Then why do you advocate Joseph Smith [p. 23] and the Mormon Bible? You are blaspheming, when you believe as you do you are going contrary to the words of John!” “No, excuse me, you are somewhat misled: Do you remember that through your biblical researches, you discovered that John was wrote his Gospel after the Book of Revelations? then under your reasoning he would wrong himself. Also, you remember that the canon of scripture was not always as it is today,—there was a time when it was scattered, as it were, and there was many books written as scripture that was not accepted. You also remember that the fourth chapter of Deuteronomy says about the same thing as does John, yet we se[e] a great number of books comes after that,—it is only the fourth book of the Bible”! When he could not answer this he resorted to speaking ill thing[s]. He spoke in a most furious voice “You have a devil! any one who would have the brazen face to go about as you do is possessed of Satan!” “Then”, I answered coolly, “if I have a devil cast him out—if you have the gospel of Christ and acting as a minister [p. [24]] of the same you have power to cast this evil spirit from me.” He then hurredly put “I hav’nt the power,—but—” “Yes you have because our blessed Savior come forth after he had been dead <crucified> and resurrected, and comissioned his apostles to go forth preaching the Gospel, and he gave them power to baptize and said signs shall follow them that believe, in my name shall they cast out devils, they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover, etc., now if you are a minister of the Gospel you have the power to cast this devil, which you say I have, from me.” “That was in those olden times such thing is not needed.” “With that power did the apostles of old cast out devils, heal the lepers, cause the blind to see, the lame to walk, etc.? was it not through the power of the Holy Ghost, which Jesus said would be with his fold after His departure, and when Peter spoke on the day of penticost he call the multitude to repentance, told them to be baptized and they would recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost, and said the promise is to you, and to your children, and to all [p. 25] that are afar <off> even as many as the Lord our God shall call.” By this time his temper was just above par and was still on the raise, he made some remarks concerning polygamy and I used all my pouers to get him stopped so I could tell him the truth he said “Of course you would have your own side fixed up so that it looked better but I have standard works here that expose your religious system very nicely and correctly.” He then took down a volumn from the library, at the same time stating how false all standard works proved us to be. “And who is the writer?” I quaried [queried]. “I don’t study authors, it is here and that is enough!” He then read “‘The Mormon people are a peculiar religious set who practice polygamy. Joseph Smith is their leader he wrote the Mormon Bible which he claimed he recieved from a devine source. He was afterward deservedly killed.’” I repeated after him “reservedly!” he said “Yes, deservedly”4 “When was that book written?” “It matters not; all that is printed about you is confirmed by people [p. [26]] that have been to America.” “Do you believe all that you hear and see in print?” He then started at a rate of two-forty and talked the same old story that the Mormons were vile decievers, outrageous murderers, a corruptible bad people. His wife grew somewhat alarmed and said. “Shall I bring Mrs. D.— in to help you?[”] She spoke of the woman who lived across the hall who she said had been to America and knew all about the wickedness of those people. “No!” he said very sharply “I can do it all by myself!” “Yes, but I am afraid you will make yourself ill again.” “No, I won't I know what I am saying.” “Now if you will manifest a Christian spirit and listen a moment I will endeavor to tell you the truth concerning the polygamist manipilation that were carried on among my people,”—here he cut me off by repeating “my people, I should think you would be ashamed to say it,”—“Let the lady speak,” interrupted the wife. At this he halted and I went on telling the sacrifice that was made the blessings that were realized and the hardships en[p. 27]dured, the obedience to all commandments and requests as being a necessary character of religiion and it is practical in our church, I remarked and went on told how missionaries were sent out and preached the gospel in various ways and tracting being one of them. “I don’t see how you can have the brazen facedness to take these things around; trying to decieve people and allure them into wickedness. You are a vile monster in with the appearance of a woman. I should think you would be ashamed to do such work.” After he hurriedly said this he arose eyes closed hand uplifted and prayed that ‘God would have mercy on this simple minded woman,’ lead her to action of truth and right,’ etc. Quite a lengthy prayer at the close of which both he and his wife said very earnestly “Amen”. He then placed a cap on his head walked to the door and opened it with<out> a single word and I was just a[s] quiet; as I stepped out he moved away as if I might be full of contagion. As I stepped out the door I turned and thanked the woman for the invetation in and asked [p. [28]] the man to reconsider the religious principles that the Mormons advocate ‘because in them you will find eternal life,’—and bode them good-afternoon.
Just across the hall this Mrs. D— lived who was so well posted on the Mormon people and evidently had instructed her domestic beside the Minister and his family. So I recived the echoes of the previous twenty minutes only in a somewhat shorter time closed by the door being slam[m]ed in my face.
The very next close5 I met one of the nicest women that I have ever met; and two others nearly as nice after meeting her. So all the West End ‘folk’ are not ‘hell-dogs’.
29 November 1899 • Wednesday
29th. Wednesday.— Practiced the organ.
Went tracting, gave out eight during which time I had a long conversation with a gentleman. Visited two of Josephines people. Gave two phamplets.
This evening we remained at home.
30 November 1899 • Thursday
30th. Thursday.— In the morning practiced the hymns.
We went to Rutherglen at 1: 33 p.m. and reached the home of the Williamsons at 2:15. The[y] recieved us very [p. 29] kindly. We met the father and mother and a Miss Beard who is visiting them.
We enjoyed a gospel conversation as well as a talk on various other topics.
The two young ladies escorted us to the station where we got a train into Glasgow. When we arrived we found a building to be on fire and as we approached thought probably it was 53 but found it was the factory across the way. Every street was thronged with people.
Attended testimony meeting.
Report for the month of November.
Indoor meetings attended | 19 | Reported 19 |
Out " " "6 | — | — |
Tracts distributed from door to door | 492 | Reported 505 |
Conversations | 20 | "7 20 |
Strangers houses visited by first invetation | 3 | " 3 |
8 | " 8 | |
Phamplets sold | — | — |
given away. | 4 | "10 4 |
[p. [30]]
Cite This Page
[1]The Richmonds appear to have lived in the same building as the sisters. Mrs. Richmond provided services for them, including cooking and cleaning. It is not known whether the family owned the building or were fellow tenants. (See Chipman, Journal, 25 Dec. 1899; 22 Jan. 1900; 1 Feb. 1900; 24 May 1900; Booth, Journal, 22 and 25 Jan. 1900.)
[2]See “Women of the Week” and “Mormon Women” under “Newspaper Clippings” in the Miscellany section of this journal.
[3]Chipman, Journal, 19 Jan. 1899.
[4]text: Quadruple underlined in original.
[5]A “close” is an enclosed entry providing access to the stairs or apartment doors in a tenement or to a road closed at one end. (Oxford English Dictionary, s.v. “close, noun 1,” modified Sept. 2023,
[6]text: Ditto marks for “door meetings attended”.
[7]text: Here and on next two rows, ditto marks for “Reported”.
[8]text: Ditto marks for “Strangers houses visited by”.
[9]text: Ditto mark for “invetation”.
[10]text: Ditto mark for “Reported”.