February 1900

1 February 1900 • Thursday

Thurs. Feb 1st1 I felt rather indisposed. Fasted all day and two nights so that I might have more of the spirit of the Lord. Stayed in bed till 10 Got up and went to 53. Helped with dinner and supper. Went to meeting in the evening Bro [Ferdinand F.] Hintze from the Turkish mission spoke and he spoke just fine. After meeting I felt quite ill I came home and cried, not because I was ill but just for relief, and then went to sleep

2 February 1900 • Friday

Friday 2 Stayed in bed till twelve. Bro [James K.] Miller called in the afternoon. I went to bed at 8 oclock. Had just got in when Bro [John B.] Young came and they talked and sang till 9.30

I got up after he went and read some of Shakespears sayings and then went to bed again

3 February 1900 • Saturday

This morning I feel better. “Sat 3”.2 I have knit one stocking in a week and hope to have the [p. 143] other one done soon. It is very cold more so than it has been for a long time. Stayed home all day.

4 February 1900 • Sunday

Sunday 4. Went to Sunday School and two meetings. Went to Sister Hamiltons [Janet Leggat Hamilton’s] for dinner enjoyed it quite well. Twas fast day. I spoke in testimony. Went to “53” at night and had a talk with the returning elders.

5 February 1900 • Monday

Monday. 5. Went to “53” to get tracts. Stayed to dinner. Twas very cold and foggy. Bro Hintze invited us to go to Glasgow Green to the peoples palace Bro’s Thomas [William H.] Gardner [David C.] Eccles and Hintze went with us. We stayed till dark In the evening Miss Crawford called and Miss Jessie Richmond came in also Bro Young came we spent quite a pleasant evening.

6 February 1900 • Tuesday

Tues. 6 Went tracting gave out 50 tracts and had 1 con. went and visited two houses and had 2 cons. Left a book for one woman to read. Am invited back to both places. Stayed home in the evening and knit.

7 February 1900 • Wednesday

Wed. 7. Went tracting gave out 65 tracts [p. 144] and had three conversations. Visited a house and left Rays3 [of Living Light] for the woman to read.

Got home soon after five. Stayed home in the evening and studied and wrote.

8 February 1900 • Thursday

Thurs. 8 Went out to Pollockshields in the after noon to see Katie Stevens. On our way home called in a restraunt to supper (3 ½d. cost4) came to testimony meeting. Prayer was mostly spoken on. After meeting Sister Wallace said in my speaking I had answered her prayer I was awfully thankful that the Lord acknowledged that much. I wonder if all girls are made as happy as I when they are permitted to do just a little good. One kind word makes me feel happy a long time. Received a letter from Vienna [Booth Kimball] also one enclosed from Mina.

9 February 1900 • Friday

Fri. This morning on awakening the first thing that met my gaze was the roof of the opposite houses being covered with snow. The white snow made the sky and the houses look fairly black in contrast. There is something [p. 145] about the snow that carries me home and I half fancy that I am teaching in the Page school again and that the children might come in with their bright faces and merry laughter. I remember the beautiful snow storms last winter when Milton Lila and I went to school to gether. We had fine fun.— Ah memories dear—again I look at the snow and this time fancy is chased away by reality The street lamps are all lighted and darkness looks like a black mantle hanging over the great city. The towers and steeples take odd shapes and seem to be mingled with the clouds and sky. People are hurrying too and fro with their heads bent over to keep the snow from getting in their eyes. We stood and watched at the window

The noiseless work of the sky

And the countless flurries of snow flakes

Like white leaves whirling by.5

But tis supper time so we draw the blinds and once more we two (no more) draw up our chairs. Each is silent I pick up my knitting and still go on [p. 146] thinking this time of missionary work, of the immense number of people that are to be warned of the very little that one can do. I also think of my testimony of the gospel and of the woman I met who said she knew she was saved. Just then Miss Richmond came in to get me to fix her hair she was going to a grand ball. We helped her to dress and after she had gone, sat in the parlor and talked to her mother till 8.20. I soon go to bed am not feeling well. I have such a bad cold and a seige of indigestion.

10 February 1900 • Saturday

Sat 10. Still more snow. I had a troubled night, awakened more tired than when I went to bed. Am Bro Eccles and [William] Hillyard are away. There are only three boys at the conference house. We were there to dinner. Went to Wallaces at 5.30. Had quite a pleasant evening.

And now closes the first volume of my missionary work with all its failures and hopes and fears. I hope the next book will be more free from failures,6 that the faith I lack may by diligent effort be gained and that [p. 147] the girl of 8 months hence, will be far better than the girl of today. I must be the best girl I can or else when I get home “somebody” will be disapointed In me, and I’ll be disapointed in my self. Good bye to the girl of the past and welcome the girl of the future

Completed Saturday Feb. 10— 1900

P.S. I have finished kniting my stockings today. [p. 148]

Mo 7

Willow bank Cresce[nt]


2nd. House

West End Park S[treet]


No 33

" " " "7


No 45

" " " "

Mc Kenzie

last house

" " " "



[page [149] blank]

In remembrance of Clara [p. [150]]

[end of first volume]

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February 1900, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed March 12, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/early-sister-missionaries/josephine-booth/1900/1900-02


  1. [1]text: Superscripted “st” double underlined in original.

  2. [2]text: Double underlined in original.

  3. [3]text: Double underlined in original.

  4. [4]Three and one-half pence. (See note, in Booth, Journal, 9 Sept. 1899.)

  5. [5]James Russell Lowell, “First Snowfall,” Poems III (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1896), 166–167.

  6. [6]text: Double underlined in original.

  7. [7]text: Here and on the next two rows, ditto marks for “West End Park S”.