July 1899

1 July 1899 • Saturday

1st. Went out to Forest Gate at one o’clock and recieved a letter in waiting for me, it contained 8 pound.

2 July 1899 • Sunday

2nd. Sunday.— Attended the morning meetings took dinner with Sister [Martha Shave] Seaich. Attended evening services where Bro. [James E.] Talmage very ably took up all the time in speaking of the blessings derived from the Gospel.

3 July 1899 • Monday

3rd. Monday.— Did some sewing for Mrs. [Amanda McEwan] Knight Brothers called. Did some packing for leaving.

4 July 1899 • Tuesday

4th. Thursday.— Tuesday.— Our national hollidays but we will celebrate it on the morrow.

Packed every thing ready for leaving.

5 July 1899 • Wednesday

5th. Wednesday.— I visited Mrs. Greystone who will be baptized on Sunday. Took dinner with Mrs. Seaich. Arrived in London in company with Elders [Joseph R.] Squires and [Job] Hemsley. Was pleased to see a table, the length of the hall, covered with the bounties of life and decorated with red and pink roses together with the dainty ferns of the hot house.

At six o’clock there was about fifty American Mormons here at the 36 Penton hall to feast at the banquet provided by Mrs. Mc Cuen [Elizabeth Claridge McCune] [p. 56] after the table was cleared we listened to an imprompto program—which was very nice. I recited the Polish boy.1

6 July 1899 • Thursday

6th. Wednesday.— Thursday.— We went to hear Dr. Parker, after which we visited the old house of Dickens work-shop series. We stood in the very room in which ‘Little Nell” played so womanly a part with her grand-father.

This was a fast-day for Bro. Col. Thomas who has been afflicted with complaints of the liver.

Mrs. [Margaret Nightingale] Caine and I went to the Stafford house the home of the Duke and Duchess of Sutherland where we heard the subject of ‘Salvation Army’ discussed by members of that charitable organization. It was very good. A S.A. lady very ably discussed the condition of the fallen world and the work necessary to elevate the same. She spoke of the vast work accomplished by them in the way of raising degraded people to the standard of being fit subjects to join other church organization, which is true.

Here, fashion flaunted her gay turn out. Rich materials and silks and chiffons and laces in the modest and more gentel colors and shades, made up in the latest Paris fashions, exhibited taste and style. [p. 57] Most of the costumes were very smart. Of course this audiance was made up mostly of the gentler sex and for this reason there was not the giddy-gay turnout that is seen in some of fashionable places of amusement where there is as many men as women. In the evening I went out to Forest Gate for my ticket to go to Winsor.

7 July 1899 • Friday

7th. Friday.— I went with the Knights to the dressmakers but was dissapointed in not seeing their costumes fitted.

In the afternoon we went to Windsor Castle with the worlds congress of women where we were honored with the privelege of seeing Queen Victoria. We were admitted into the walls at about half past five we immediately took our places on the edge of the drive, there was about 300 women lined up for this optical feast of viewing ‘Her Majesty’ a privelege that a great number of her subjects have been deprived of.

After some little time of waiting she come through wearing a very pleasant countenance bowing her graceous head all along the line. After seeing her we went into the Castle where we saw the exquisite furnishings of the royalty. We took [p. 58] tea there after which we went through and viewed each apartment with interrest.

The receptions, the opera, the armoury, the halls of banquet, the recesses, St. Georges hall, a view over the church yard where Grey wrote his eleogy, a look down the long walk that led up to the copper horse that spands the street, were indeed worth a thousand times the trouble it cost us to see it, saying nothing of the furniture the shandliers the cabinets the tapestry the sculptor work and all the rest.

We returned very tired but well paid for our trouble. Met Mr. and Mrs. Turner at Inez [Knight’s] lodgings,—ate supper there enjoyed the delicious currents and raspberries and strawberries and cream.

A grand castle is seen from the opposite river bank.

Windsor Castle in the English county of Berkshire, as seen from the River Thames. (Courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, LC-DIG-stereo-1s23144.)

8 July 1899 • Saturday

8th. Saturday.— Went in the afternoon to see the military parade but all I saw was a rapid flowing stream of horses, people and busses, cabs, dogs and donkey carts, which occupied every street, we only had a glimpse of the militia once in a while. We went from the crowded streets into Hyde Park to listen to the band concert which was very nice. I was in company with Mrs. Caine and J. [John] R. Hindley.

9 July 1899 • Sunday

9th. Sunday.— I went to the baptism in the morning [p. 59] where seven new converts were baptized. Mr. and Mrs. Greystone of Forest Gate the first converts of the Stratford missionaries, were baptized by J. R. Squires.—Mr. and Mrs. Pender and daughter were baptized by Bros. Purdy and [Richard H.] Hamblin, Mr. B [blank] was baptized by Bro. [Charles G.] Berry[.] Bro. Squires also baptized little Alfie Dumper. I went and seen the new converts confermed,—they all seemed to be enjoying the comforts of the Holy Gost—peace, contentment and happiness.

I went home with Mrs. Seager to dinner, and remained at the Stratford meeting.

10–31 July 1899

10th. Monday.— After some little gossip among the feminine pentons as well as a joint discussion of missionery work and a heated debate of womans rights—I bade them all good day and in one hour’s time arrived at 33 Granville Park, Lewisham where I went to visit with Miss Meeking, who had extended the invetation some length of time back.

Each morning I took a cold bath which was most invigorating; during the day I studied and sewed at intervales in the evening I went for an evening walk, some times going in one place and at others at another place. Within the two weeks, which was the length of my sojourn there I vieued the Villages of Lewisham [p. 61]2 and Black-heath, as well as the heath and Greenwich park. Each evening I watched with intense enthusiasm the beautiful sunsets.

On one evening that I remember well, my foot-steps were turned toward the heath where I intended scaning over notes written during the previous day; I found a comfortable seat under the shade of a huge elm, the scenery on every side was a gentle reminder of what we read about. At my back was the picturesque villiage of Black heath with its numerous minerets towering above the grey roofs of the dwelling houses with their peculiar potted chimneys,—at my right was the beautiful park of Greenwich with its long walks both straight and curved and enjoyable to stroll along bordered with beautiful flowers of many colors and hues sending forth a most lovely odor combination of odors, this park also contains the observatory where we find the standard weights times and measurements, on my left was the village of Lewisham with its mansions, aristocratic situation, large green trees, lanes, etc, while facing me was the stern old father of heat and light, of health and color, going to pay homage to my loved one in the valleys of the mountains and make also for them a precious afternoon and evening,—he sank behind a purple horizon reflecting back the [p. 62] shades and hues of a rain bow,—while watching this ball of fire go to rest, my eyes naturally skim along the earths surface, visible to me, and there found a mirror of what the sun had painted in the heavens above, it seemed as a large goblet filled with emerald and then sprinkled with rubies and pearls and turcoise, for the grass so green filled with blue bells, and daisies and poppies was a realization of a dream.

I read, I wrote, but not for long, the bright sun-set soon faded away into a dull grey atmosphere which was a preface to a dark cloudy night.

The time soon rolled on and time come for me to go back to London, and after a brief good-bye taken to the two young ladies who were so kind and to Miss Meeking, I left went into 36 Penton and from there to Stratford to reorganize a relief society but there was not enough present so we adjourned <not> having accomplished any thing at all. I returned back to the monastry where I remained until the morning of August first.

I caught a severe cold which settled in my back causing me to be somewhat lame.

This month I attended one out door meeting which was held in Regent Park on Sunday morning, four [p. 63] relief society meetings, eight indoor meetings, recieved on[e] invetation which I accepted and took Miss C. Holebrook [Clara Holbrook] with me, had fifteen Gospel conversations, and gave one set of Perys tracts away.

On the last day of this month (July) Clara and I went to East Dulwich to spend a few hours with a Miss Mallatt. She had her neice Mrs. Turner there to meet us. She recieved us cordially but when we entered the bed-room where we had removed our hats and coats she commenced scandalizing the people of Utah and especially she had a severe ‘dig’ at the women, whom she called the poor deluded things, calling the whole body of Saints, Latter Day ‘fiends’ in response to my calling them Latter Day Saints. She said the most cruel things of the most untrue origin and when we seated ourselves for tea she said to me with a gesture of unexpressed recompence “we will be friends if we do not agree on all subjects,[”] and on my departure she extended a warm invetation for me to visit her on my return to London when ever that might be. We parted as thought we agreed on all topics and I’m glad for it, we win our enemies over to our ranks through forbearance and kindness. [p. 64]

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July 1899, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed March 12, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/early-sister-missionaries/eliza-chipman/1899/1899-07


  1. [1]Ann S. Stephens, “The Polish Boy,” in Readings and Recitations, No. 1, Containing a Choice Selection of Poetical and Prose Recitations, Designed for Use in the Public Schools (Lyons, IL: J. B. Ryan, 1884), 60–63.

  2. [2]text: Chipman begins to misnumber the pages here.