February 1900

1 February 1900 • Thursday

1st. Thursday.— Mrs. Reed [Agnes Cooke Reid] went to visit her mother last evening with intention of staying the day so she asked us the favor of coming over and doing the work.

Josephine [Booth] did not feel well. Mrs. Richmond called me at eight and twenty minutes later was at #53 but too late to prepare breakfast. The picture that was before my eyes as I advanced into the kitchen door was a very homelike one—womans-rights for instance! There Brother [John B.] Young sat in shirt sleeves stirring the porrige,—he had—from all accounts—been worr[y]ing about this task all night and it was not evidence of a supposed nature that would cause one to believe,—he had been up since four o’clock and now he sat boiling mush and stewing his mentality—he looked relieved when he saw me (?)—a little more salt and it is alright! Brother [William H.] Gardner presented a less anxious appearance as [his] [p. 77] portion of cooking was only to make the toast. He sat on one chair with the chair on both sides of him one heavy laden with bread and the other decorated with butter, knives etc. I set the table and come home to see how Josie was, and on my return found Bro’s— [David C.] Eccles and Gardner washing dishes, Pres. [James K.] Miller cleaning up the fire side, and Brothers Young and [William] Hillyard making beds.

I prepared dinner and assisted Josie and the Brothers with the work and supper. Met returning Elder Henzie [Ferdinand F. Hintze], [Henry F.] Fernstrom, [George E.] Fowler, and Ipsom.

Attended testimony meeting. Elder Henzie who has served five missions—two to Turkey, two to the states and one to Denmark—occupied the time in speaking of the social and political as well as the religious condition of the Turks. Compared the Mohamedan, the Heathen and the true Gospel very beautifully. [p. [78]]

2 February 1900 • Friday

2nd. Friday.— Josephine was not well—the effect of our not being first-fited [footed] by a dark man on Neardy [Ne’erday] brought calamities, and this last month has been interwoven with dissapointments and troubles as gorgonzola is with smell,—the weight of this incessant worry broke out like a dreadful case of measles on the mind and body of my noble companion who spent two days in the house. Went to the monastry in the morning. Brother Miller come over in the afternoon and spent a couple of hours with us. Brother Young come in the evening Josie had retired—we played the harmonium and sang until about 9:30. I read some of Robert Burns correspondence—between he and the grass-widow of Edinburgh—Clarinda and Silvander.1

3 February 1900 • Saturday

3rd. Saturday.— Recieved a letter from M. [Amanda Chipman] and I. [Ida Chipman]. Josie feeling some better but remained in all day. I took a walk down High St along Duke St and around by the old Cathedral. I saw a great number of drunks both sex and so many blind people. Payed /6 for a [p. 79] dozen nice oranges and returned home. Brother Hillyard called to exchange books with Josie.

4 February 1900 • Sunday

4th. Sunday.— Attended Sunday-School and testimony-meeting. We and Elder Miller accompanied Sister [Janet Leggat] Hamilton to her home where we partook of a most delicious dinner,—as follows—Chicken soup made with rice,—Chicken and cream dressing,—potatoes,—fruit pudding served with cream,—oranges and ban[a]nas,—and chocolates. We attended the evening service feeling quite satisfied—having had a good dinner and knowing that we would not be called to speak. After meeting we went to #53 where we enjoyed an hour with the brethern.

5 February 1900 • Monday

5th. Monday.— Went over to the con and folded tracts. They insisted that we stay for dinner which we did—did not need much coaxing.— After dinner Elders Hintzie, Eccles, Thomas, and Gardner, Josie and my self went down to Glasgow Green where we enjoyed looking through the Peoples Palace. My favorite paintings are Coopers Cattle—two pictures.2 *. [p. [80]] *3 Miss Crawford come in the evening. Bro. Young come over and Miss [Jessie] Richmond come in and we spent a pleasant evening. There is many a tale told of the tea-pot and this evening we saw it actuated.

6 February 1900 • Tuesday

6th. Tuesday.— Went over to #53 to say good-by to the returning Elders.

Went tracting gave out 72 and recieved 1 conversation with a lady who belonged to the Apostolic Church; she considered that all people endured a religious courtship and that she had had three wo[o]ers but the only one winner to which she is now married and said that I need not think we could get her away from the constant religious lover to which she is married. However there is such a thing as devorcement in such cases as this. She had courted her young suiters eleven years each, but united herself with none of them.

7 February 1900 • Wednesday

7th. Wednesday.— Folded tracts gave out 140 firsts and 24 <14> seconds. Recieved two conversations. One with a gentleman who considered plurality of wives a just and righteous thing—he recited his [p. 81] neptual [nuptial] experience and told of his religious standing from which I gleaned that he was a great lover of children but was not a father and was mourning because of this.

The other conversation was with a lady who was living in one little room with but one window and poor facilities for fresh air, she had two children and her husband is a cab-man and a heavy drinker. She said “Ye see he belongs ta the Kirk and I am a Catholic, and I want the wains christened in my Kirk but he does not agree with that—so I din’a ken what ta do <da> aboot it. I’ve ben a prayin for a long time for somebody ta come and tell me what ta da” so I just told her not to worry as children did not need baptism. At first she thought my coming was an answer to prayer but when I said this she did not just know about it. She had no bible so I am to take her one when I go back again in a fort night.

Recieved a letter from Ida and a cheque for [p. [82]] three pound from S. W. [Stephen Washburn Chipman]

8 February 1900 • Thursday

7 <8>th. Thursday.— Folded tracts. Bitter cold weather. In the afternoon we went to see Sister Steven [Katie Stevens] who lives a 26 Glencairn Drive, Polokshields. On our way home went to some tea rooms where we enjoyed a cup of cocoa.

Attended testimony meeting.

Sent a letter to S.W.; and to Brother [George G.] Campbell by <to> way of excuse giving reasons for not going with the Brothers (Eccles and Naisbitt [William P. Nisbet]) to Darvel.

9 February 1900 • Friday

8 <9>th. Friday.— A good bit of snow fell during the night but it was not so frosty as the few days previous. I went to the bank and got my cash. Took dinner with the brothers.

In the evening Miss Richmond come in for Josie to dress her hair as she was going to a ball. She looked very beautiful when ready, she wore a pale-blue cashmere trimmed with dark-blue ribbon-velvet and white chiffon with yellow crocouses (artificial) pinned at the left. We spent about an hour [p. 83] and a half after she went talking to Miss R— and her niece, Nettie [blank]. We met a Miss Critie and the Mr. Young who come for Jessie.

10 February 1900 • Saturday

9 <10>th. Saturday.— During the past night mother earth has donned her beautiful cloak of downy whiteness—the house tops ware [were] garnished all over with snow only yonder church steeple remains a reminder that all the buildings, when stripped of the wintry garment, is black indeed. Like hypocrites in sheep clothing their appearance is really recommendation for the sweet companionship of the pure,—but underneath lies the most treacherous of whirl-pools the most cunning of venemous reptiles—ready to poison and take in the pure, the innocent, the elect. We spent the day in our room. In the evening we went down to the Wallaces.

11 February 1900 • Sunday

10 <11>th. Sunday.— We got ready for Sabbath School and sat waiting for <the> time to come when we should start we did not care to go too early because the room has always been so cold—so at ten minutes to [p. [84]] twelve we started—it takes about twelve minutes to get there but when we arrived we were 40′ late our clock was badly out. We attended all services and after the evening meeting we accompanied Sister McDonald and her daughter to her brothers, Mr. Lang, whose baby was ill with congestion of the lungs. They wished us to go to cheer her up—(the babe’s mother)— We rode to Possil Park <by way of tram> and walked to Springburn where we took the electric car to Hanover St. We called it #53 on our way to tell the Elders to go and administer to the babe.

12 February 1900 • Monday

11 <12>th. Monday.— A very stormy day,—but rather soft. In the afternoon we went to see Sister Mary McDonald, 120½ Broomielaw; we met her boss Mr. Jimmie [blank]. They cook for suppers given by parties at different parts of the City.

Brother Young called in the evening.

13 February 1900 • Tuesday

12 <13>th. Tuesday.— Wrote to R.E. [Robert Ebenezer Booth] and Venie [Lovinia Chipman Booth].

Went to #53 and iorned [ironed] hdkfs. I finished the tea cloth for Miss Crawfords [Margaret Crawford’s] present, wedding present. [p. 85] We had bread and milk for supper.

14 February 1900 • Wednesday

14th. Wednesday.— We made valentines and put rymes on them to send to the Elders at #53, where we went for dinner.

I picked my green-silk dress to pieces.

In the evening we went to see the Bell family—spent a very pleasant evening.

15 February 1900 • Thursday

15th. Thursday.— Went over to the ‘con’ and folded tracts. Came home and wrote to Inez [Knight].

I was making a fire and the back part of the grate fell out and scared the ‘dumb fuggins’ to a high degree of emotional liquidation. We attended testimony meeting and I recieved a letter from Lester [Thomas Lester Chipman]. I retired with a very bad head-ache.

16 February 1900 • Friday

16th. Friday.— This day is ushered in with much rain and wind, which lasted the whole day.

We went down to see Sister Harkins 21 Cathcart St. she was quite pleased to see us Bob Moir was there—he is a sea-faring man, a drinker and quite alone as his wife is in Utah.— From there [p. [86]] we went over to Nelsons—the rain was coming down in torrents and a strong wind was accompanying it—however we reached there alright—after a short spell of mental irratation which prompted a few angry words which I was sorry for afterwards. Sister Nelson gave us a liver and bacon supper which was very good. We promised to go again on Tuesday.

17 February 1900 • Saturday

17th. Saturday.— A very beautiful day. Made a chimese. In the afternoon we had planned to go to Glasgow Green to hear the band. A few jocular expressions making a dialogue between us, rather nonsensical, set to naught our intentions and instituted a determination in each of our minds to be stubborn. So Josephine went to the anticipated pleasure grounds and I went tracting gave out 50 and loaned two phamphlets and visited three houses.

Bro. Miller called in the evening, but would not come in, and brought me a letter from dear Inez. also a book for Josephine. [p. 87]

Just seventeen month since I left home.

18 February 1900 • Sunday

18th. Sunday.— The same thing happened today that happened last Sabbath—late—clocks fault. — Attended all three meetings. Went to #53 for dinner. There was six strangers at the evening meeting. Bro [John S.] Smith took all the time. Went to the con in the evening.

19 February 1900 • Monday

19th. Monday.— A very cold and wet day. I was not feeling well in the least well—we folded tracts and started out with them but my good intention was an absolute failure, for I only got as far as the close and came back—Josie went on and did her tracting. Rec’d letter from Lester.

We had roasted onions for supper.

Spent the evening at #53. Bro Miller and I had an architectural contest at plan drawing.

20 February 1900 • Tuesday

20th. Tuesday.— Rec’d letter from Clarence.

We went to the baths, and from there to the Nelsons to fulfil the appointment. She gave us some delicious soup—just the thing [p. [88]] on a cold day after a hot bath. We then set to work washing up the dishes which really only serve as ornaments on the two long shelves which are only reached by standing on a chair. This done we went shopping and got Josephine a hat and Lizzie [Nelson] is going to trim it. We returned and had supper and rushed off to see the theatre. There was four of us—as before—Lizzie, Josie, my self and a bag of fruit and sweeties,—a high time on a moderate scale. We saw Walter Scotts Kenelworth at the Theatre Royal. This trip was to be kept a secret but I fear it is not.

21 February 1900 • Wednesday

21st. Wednesday.— Read some little. Went tracting gave out 70 and had but one conversation. Called at Mrs. Boyds, 12 Cumberland, she was not in; I then called at Miss Robertson’s 18 Cumberland and had a nice visit and conversation. In the evening we went to see Sister Greer and to see why she was neglecting her duties. She [p. 89] told us why along with the branch gossip and said she would come to meeting.

22 February 1900 • Thursday

22nd. Thursday.— This was a very wet and windy day—in the afternoon we went to 230 Paisley Rd. to see Mrs. Milne. Met her husband who was very sociable—we talked at some length on—religion— I played a few hymns on the organ and then he left to go to business and sent a bag of chocolates to Josephine and I. We also met two daughters and a son who played and sang for us. We spent a very pleasant time and accepted the invetation to come again. We attended testimony meeting in the evening.

23 February 1900 • Friday

23rd. Friday.— A moderately nice day. We went to see Mrs. Baxter but she was not at home so we went to Mrs. Barries and had tea.

In the evening we went to Mrs. Innis’s and spent a pleasant evening. Met Mrs. Robinson Mrs. Innis her husband and daughter and her sister Miss Minnock. Bro. Eccles took us there. [p. [90]] Elder Smith come over in the evening <morning> and stayed too long Elder Young of necessity come after him so they would not miss their Edinburgh train.

24 February 1900 • Saturday

24th. Saturday.— Wrote to M. and I., went to the ‘con’ and washed two tea cloths and some black silk we stopped for tea and had quite a pleasant chat and read the P. of G. P. [Pearl of Great Price].

25 February 1900 • Sunday

25th. Sunday.— A beautiful day. Josephine made the day famous by wearing her new winter and spring hat which cost the extravagant sum of 1/5½. It is very pretty and quite stilish looking—it is a black felt trimmed with two grey wings, violets and black-satin ribbon,—just suitable for now.

We attended S.School the two meetings and an out-door meeting. The Elders from Denmark and Germany enroute to Utah took the time of the hall meetings and Elders Eccles and Gardner occupied the street meeting.

We went to #53 as usual after our sabbath rest, and [p. 91] enjoyed eating candy-biscuits by way of refreshments.

26 February 1900 • Monday

26th. Monday.— Went over to the monastry—mended a shirt for D.C.E. and in the afternoon went tracting gave out 80 had 5 conversations and was invited into two houses, recieving a reinvetation at each place. One lady—a Mrs. Hart said she was wearring [wearying] to see me she was afraid I would never come again. She lost her husband two months ago and was just recovering from brights disease,—and she thought I could give her a few words of comfort—so I just gave her a bit of Gospel—she said she thought I had such a sweet, innocent4 face—well I have a face all right but—ah me, it has never recieved such an angelic name before. She asked me to pray for her.

If I could only get out of the way of speaking sharp and to the point—of speaking my mind—I would be considered more agree[p. [92]]able; I am now accused of being cross and snapping for a week past—and really I thought I had been quite agreeable—as I felt quite happy and had nothing to snarl over. My disposition is an interfering quality of unmanagable bounds sometimes but I do try to be genial and kind most of the time and I admit that I was not very nice a few times but a week is really an exageration. Miss Richmond come in in the evening and I taught her a pattern of drawn work.

27 February 1900 • Tuesday

27th. Tuesday.— Went tracting, took a bible to a lady to whom I had promised but failed to find her; I rumaged through the dark lobbies of two basements and gave it up.

Went to see Sisters Harkins and Nelson in the evening.

28 February 1900 • Wednesday

28th. Wednesday.— Alas, the last day of the month, how quick the time does fly!

Went tracting gave out 78 double and had one conversation. [p. 93]



Indoor meetings attended


Reported 16

Out " " "5


"6 1

Tracts distributed from door to door


" 577



" 12

Strangers houses visited by first invetation


" 6

" " " "7 re- "8


" 8

Books loaned


" ———

Phamplets "9


" 2

[p. [94]]

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February 1900, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed October 18, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/early-sister-missionaries/eliza-chipman/1900/1900-02


  1. [1]“The Clarinda Correspondence,” in The Works of Robert Burns, Volume Fifth: Prose (Edinburgh, Scotland: James Thin, 1895), 1–109.

  2. [2]Likely a reference to the pastoral works of English painter Thomas Sidney Cooper. (Encyclopædia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General Information, vol. 7, 11th ed. [Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1910], s.v. “Cooper, Thomas Sidney.”)

  3. [3]text: Chipman wrote this paragraph, which appears to be further information about the events of 5 February 1900, at the end of the entry for 6 February 1900.

  4. [4]text: “sweet” and “innocent” double underlined in original.

  5. [5]text: Ditto marks for “door meetings attended”.

  6. [6]text: Here and on next six rows, ditto marks for “Reported”.

  7. [7]text: Ditto marks for “Strangers houses visited by”.

  8. [8]text: Ditto mark for “invetation”.

  9. [9]text: Ditto mark for “loaned”.