December 1898

1 December 1898 • Thursday

1st. Thursday.— Remained at home all day, walked out in the evening. Called to see Sister Seager, Bro. Keeley, and Sister Turner. Helped Sister Seach [Martha Shave Seaich] sew a cloak for little Ada [Barber].

2 December 1898 • Friday

2nd Friday.— Did more sewing. Sister Knights [Inez Knight] and her Brother1 came down just as we were finishing dinner, they had not had their dinner so they ate the crumbs or leavings. We went to Sister Lomax for dinner, Sister Knights, John R. [Hindley], and myself. Bro [William C.] Wright went to Sister Cooks and Bro Knights went back to Penton Street.

3 December 1898 • Saturday

3rd Saturday.— A rainy day—which was spent as usual

4 December 1898 • Sunday

4th. Sunday.— Fast day—theological class at Sister Turners—I gave the lesson—Faith the New Testament—also Bible class held there.— We attended fast meeting at 36 and enjoyed the testimonies of the Elders and Saints, and also the songs which were sung. In the evening Sister Knights Brother [Robert H.] Anderson and myself went to Watford for the evening services. After meeting we went up to Sister Cuswarths at the first meal of the day—supper—returned to London just in time to miss the train to come home it being the last train we were compelled to remain at 36 all night. [p. 32]

5 December 1898 • Monday

5th. Monday.— I did not arise early enough to see the dawning of my birthday—because we sit up the night before for it. Met Brother [blank] Clarke who was on his way home from the Wales mission. It was a pleasant birthday—not much dinner but plenty of figs, apples, grapes, candy to make up. In the evening we returned enjoyed Forbes Robinson’s [Johnston Forbes-Robertson’s] Hamlet at the Royal Lycium Theatre, We returned home with Bro. Wright after the play.

6 December 1898 • Tuesday

6th. Tuesday— Day spent in the usual way. Very stormy in the evening but warm and pleasant. Sent a letter to Mr. and Mrs. Noyes.

7 December 1898 • Wednesday

7th. Wednesday.— A stormy day. Attended Relief Society and effected an organization. Returned home at nine o’clock.

8 December 1898 • Thursday

8th. Thursday.— The same occured this day that we are all very well acquainted with and it is that which harmonizes with our natures, most of us, that which we would prefer happening—nothing. Walked to Sister Blameys in the evening.

9 December 1898 • Friday

9th. Bro. Hindly, Sister Knight and myself went up to London met Bro. Knight and took the City by storm. We feasted our eyes on the pretty things on Regent St. Did some shopping on Cheapside. Attended the Royal Liceum Theatre and [p. 33] seen Forbes Robertson in Macbith.

10 December 1898 • Saturday

10th. We remained at home, performing the same labor—nothing—until evening—when Sister Knight and myself went with Sister Mattie [Martha Seaich] to assist her in choosing a piece of velvet for a blouse. I purchased her a hat-shape only for myself. Wrote to brother S. W. [Stephen Washburn Chipman].

11 December 1898 • Sunday

11th. Sunday— Fast Day—Attended the Gospel Class at Sister Turners, after which the Fast Meeting was held. An enjoyable time was made manifist for all. Each one bare their testimony Sister Knight and Brother Right and myself attended the afternoon meeting at 36, both we sisters spoke for a short time. We remained for the evening services Brother [George W.] Palmer took up the time on ‘Gods peculiar people.’ Met Brothers [Brigham A.] Perkins and Stephenson [Moroni C. Stevenson].

12 December 1898 • Monday

12th. Monday— Did some mending—Sister K.— and myself took our books and walked to the Park—in the afternoon we attended the Releif Society. Returned home at about ten o’clock in the evening after an enjoyable time.

13 December 1898 • Tuesday

13th. Tuesday.— Commenced Matties bodice and did some little study

14 December 1898 • Wednesday

14th. Wednesday.— Continued sewing and studied little.

15 December 1898 • Thursday

15th. Thursday.— Went tracting delivered fifty double ones each. [p. 34] Brothers Perkins and Stevenson, who were on their return from the German Mission. (Elder Stevenson goes home because of illness—appendecitis being the complaint—but Elder Perkins has fulfilled his European Mission.) They come out from 36 and took dinner with us spent the afternoon and at nine o’clock met Brothers Wright, Hindley, and Turner the latter a local Saint who guided us through the streets of White Chapel. Of all the dirt and filth we saw it there and the poor homless men, women, and children, who were ragged, dirty and deprived, it seemed to me of any food that would give the proper sustinance to life. We entered one little alley into a court in order to step on the spot where Jack the Ripper murdered the poor Irish girl. We just got landed on the spot when we heard a f[e]rocious yell uttered by a woman but at first we though[t] it the out breaking of a renewed murderous career of Jack old boy himself, but after the fright was glad to know that it was only a women’, half scared to death we went on viewing with interest the particular places where murders and thefts had been perpertrated—‘Old Jack’ [p. 35] himself being the most successful villian of the play.

16 December 1898 • Friday

16th. Friday— Performed more sewing. Did little of anything else. Spent the evening with Sister Lomax, returned and trimmed my hat to wear the following day. Wrote a letter to my sisters.

17 December 1898 • Saturday

17th. Saturday We accepted the invetation which was given us by Madam Monteford [Lydia Mamreoff von Finkelstein Mountford] to come and take lunch with her.2 After spending about three of the first hours of the day in arranging our toilet and talking over the english etiquette and wondering what it might be, and as to how we were to act at so fine a place. We giggled and tittered until the last minute. Finally we were ready and off new hats and all. We called at a shop and purchased a jacket for Sister K— to wear, missed our train and had to wait half an hour. Arrived at 36, spoke a few words with the elders and with Brother Knight as our guide we were off for the Metropole Hotel Lower ‘west end’ one of the finest Hotels in London. We arrived just in time to miss the rain storm, sent our cards up, recieved an answer, and were soon ushared [p. 36] into the lounging and waiting room where we met her at the door. She recieved us cordially and affectionately after finishing some writing she took Bro. K— to a gents reading room and we two girls to her apartments where we enjoyed an hours chat. Then we went down to lunch after which she showed the us about the hotel which is very grand then we went out on Regent to view the shop windows. Returned home at five.

We managed as nicely as would the daughters of the best bred family in the whole of England; she treated us fine and we had a good time.

18 December 1898 • Sunday

18— Sunday— Ill all day—attended church in the evening.

19 December 1898 • Monday

19 Monday— A most beautiful day. finished the velvet bodice—helped stir the Christmas puddings. Wrote to my Brother Henry [William Henry Chipman] and Sisters I [Ida Chipman] and M. [Amanda Chipman].

20 December 1898 • Tuesday

20 Tuesday— Brothers Palmer and Anderson come out to dinner we enjoyed one of Mother Seaiches Christmas pudding Sister Knight got the lucky penny—which was an American five cent piece. We all attended Prince of Wales [p. 37] theatre and seeing the great comedy La Poupee, enjoyed a good laugh,—returned home at twelve o’clock.

21 December 1898 • Wednesday

21— Wednesday— A very cold day—Brother John R.— Sister Knight and myself visited some of the Saints—Turners Keeleys and Mrs. Seagers. Who were all quite well and buisy preparing for Christmas. We were on the streets just in time to see the work-men going home to tea. the streets were full of men all moving in the same direction There is five thousand extra postman on in London.

22 December 1898 • Thursday

22.— Thursday— Elder Wright and myself visited the poor Saints—two in number—Sister Simmons and Sister Atkinsons—both widows in pinched circumstances. We gave the latter 5/33 and will send the former a pair of shoes. Returned home at nine. Sister Cook was here we ate supper this Sister left and we retired.

23 December 1898 • Friday

23 Friday— Sister K— and myself went up to 36 arrived there at ten o’clock found them in bed all but Brother K— who was up and had the house nice and warm. we played the organ and piano Sister K.— sang [p. 38] then we passed the hat. I got the money and Sister K— bought the candy— We mended clothes for Bros [Jabez W.] West and Palmer. Went down to see the City sights with Bro’s. Anderson and Knight. Returned at six took dinner, spent the evening in dancing and singing, reading and gesting [jesting]. I recieved my birthday present which Bro. A— promised me. Returned home at half after eleven accompanied by Elders Perkins, Stevenson and Anderson. Recieved Xmas cards from Madam Montford and Elder Anderson.—

24 December 1898 • Saturday

24 Saturday.— Wrote to my sisters M. and I C— Walked out in the evening with Miss K.—. Spent the evening, Christmas Eve, in listening to the circumstance of love affairs and its results and pleasures of the early life of Sister Seaich; Brother Wright would not tell his, no body else having one to relate I produced one and called it real.

25 December 1898 • Sunday

25th. Sunday— Christmas Day.— A very mild and beautiful day. Recieved Xmas presents from Misses Knight [p. 39] and Seaich—a pair of brown kid gloves, a glove box, a lace handkerchief, and a white embroidered muslin apron, from the former and a white embroidered apron from the latter. Brother Knight come down and took dinner with us. Immediately after dinner he left us, and Brother Hindley soon followed. Inez, Mattie, John, Mother and myself went to an English Church to see the babe of Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Christened. We met the curate who asked us if we were Americans and if we decorated our churches there. I told him that we belonged to Chapel and that we decorated our houses of worship but not with holly as they did. He said he thought the holly symbolical of the crown of thorns which was placed on the head of Jesus. After tea we went to church and listened to a very appropriate and excellent sermon delivered by Elder Palmer. Returned home and as Elders W— and P.— were not invited to the Coopers to supper we who were invited could not all go so Sisters K— and S.— went and the remainder of us stayed at home [p. 40] and had a very nice time, singing hymns and eating supper, etc.— Sisters K— and S.— returned at five after twelve—just at the dawning of the English boxing day—so we all had a round and retired at one o’clock.

26 December 1898 • Monday

26th. Monday— English Boxing Day.— Spent a quiet day at home. Elders Knight and Hindley returned from Penton. We accepted the invetation of Miss Allen and her parent and sisters to spend this evening at theirs. There were present Messrs Wright, Palmer Hindley, Knight Anderson, Allen, Hart, [William] Lomax, and the Misses Allen’s Knight, Birk, Dollamore, Chipman, Mrs. Allen and her father. After a feeast of music and reciting we played numerous games,—first of all though we enjoyed informal tea then at about half past six after this the music, games, fruit, games and music We sat round the table, at eleven, loaded with the bounties of life, after enjoying this luxerous [luxurious] repast we returned to the drawing room and e[n]joyed more vocal, and instrumental music. At twelve fifteen we agreed to dissamble [disassemble]. As I was leaving my chair [p. [41]] which was in the further end of the room it was necessary that I walked under the misletoe which hung in the center of the room, one of the gentlemen caught hold of me and dared someone to perform the fatal act, Mr. Allen at once come to the rescue, as would any hero—and exhibited a great deal of art in the pleasurable performance. That was my first x under the misletoe. We were very tired when we arrived at our home and were glad for a bed on which to rest our weary frames. Having exercised and given pleasure to our every five senses.

I recieved letters and cards from Mrs. Bennett Birmingham, from G.A.S. [George Albert Smith] and another card from home but I do not know from whom, a letter from my sister Zilpha [Chipman Beck], and a beautiful doll from ‘36 Penton’.

27 December 1898 • Tuesday

27th. Tuesday.— A stormy day but warm. Nothing attempted nothing done.

28 December 1898 • Wednesday

28th. Wednesday.— We all went up to the ‘Monestery’ for dinner and to have our pictures taken.

There were present—Elders West, Palmer, Anderson, [p. 42] Knight, Squires, Horsely [David W. Horsley], [Frank L.] Layton, Mc Farlane [Joseph C. McFarlane] from Liverpool Conference (Ogden is his Utah home) Hindley, and Sister Knight and myself on the pictures.

Brothers Mc Farlane and Anderson Sister Knight and myself went and did some shopping. When we returned the Xmas dinner was all ready, manu [menu]:—turkey and dressing, pork, apple-sauce, mashed-potatoes, pickles, bread, water, plum pudding with brandy— <nit>, almonds, rasins, candies, cellery, cheese, and oranges.

All enjoyed the meal until they come to the pudding then nobody could not eat a bit— until they were served with scotch as sauce each one after pouring the brandy over the pudding set it on fire and for a few minutes some very wonderful fetes were performed—fire-eating etc.

After this meal we cleared the hall off chairs and tripped the light fantastic by music from the Ba no Sister Knight played the piano. [p. 43] In the evening three of the gentlemen took themselves to the theatre. The remainder enjoyed dancing, games, and the making of candy which when it was done was of a wrong color and flavor to eat so we just left it.

Returned—we three—to our No 12.

29 December 1898 • Thursday

29th. Thursday. A rainy day. Called on Sisters Turner and Watkins Bro. Squires come out to take Brother Wrights place, in the evening.

30 December 1898 • Friday

30th. Friday.— Another stormy day—Brother Squires and I went to Sister Lomax to tea. Spent the evening very pleasantly together talking over the Gospel work.

31 December 1898 • Saturday

31st Saturday— Elders Hindley and Squires and Miss Knight and myself went to see the old year out and the new year in at Sister Turners. There were present Mr and Mrs. Turner—Miss Pauley—Mr. and Mrs. Norman,—Sisters Cooke, Watkins,—Brothers Seiach, Cooke, Elders Hindley, Squires, Wright, Palmer, Anderson, Sister Knight and myself. We ate a very fine dinner, turkey, pork, plumb-pudding, mince-pie and sc., at half-past one, en[p. 44]joyed a variety of music both vocal and instrumental. Took tea at half-past five, after which we played all sorts of games listened to more music. At five minutes to twelve we sang “Farewell all earthly honors”,4 at twelve we sand [sang] “Come let us anew, our journey persue” after which Bro J.R. Hindley offered a word of prayer of thankfulness for the many blessings which were enjoyed the past year, and ask for a repetition of the same during the new year of 1899. We ate supper at half-past twelve and returned home one hour latter. There was much handshaking and exchanging of good wishes for the new year, indulged in at the dawn of our new year.

May the year of 1899, be particularly fine, and bring to each and every one, who are absent from their home, happiness, contentment and peace, which is obtained by willingness of His grace, which <and> is only won by our goodness and willingness to do His will and keep His commandments. May every Elder live worthy of the every blessing which he recieves from Gods bounteous hand. [p. 45]

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December 1898, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed October 18, 2024


  1. [1]Raymond Knight. (Knight, Journal, 104.)

  2. [2]Born in Jerusalem in 1848, Mountford was an educated woman of Russian descent. She was lecturing throughout the United States in 1897 when she passed through Salt Lake City and gave a presentation at the Tabernacle. She became close friends with many Latter-day Saints, including President Wilford Woodruff and Susa Young Gates. (“Madame Lydia von F. Mountford,” Relief Society Magazine 8, no. 2 [Feb. 1921]: 71–77; Thomas G. Alexander, Things in Heaven and Earth: The Life and Times of Wilford Woodruff, a Mormon Prophet [Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1991], 324–328.)

  3. [3]Five shillings, three pence. Units of pre-decimal British currency included pounds, shillings, and pence, often abbreviated £, s, and d (d for the Latin denarius). Shillings were typically followed by a slash and (where applicable) the number of pence. (“Money,” Manuscripts and Special Collections, University of Nottingham, accessed 11 Oct. 2023,

  4. [4]“Farewell All Earthly Honors” was a beloved hymn among nineteenth-century Latter-day Saints and was included in The Latter-day Saints’ Psalmody [. . .], 2d ed. (Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1896), no. 253. The Psalmody was a commonly used hymnal in the British Mission in the 1890s. (“Publications of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for Sale at the Millennial Star Office, 42 Islington, Liverpool,” handbill in Thomas Lyon Fisher, Family Papers, 1853–1961, CHL.)