
The life of George F. Richards, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles for forty-four years, bridged the pioneer era and modern era of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. For seventy years of his life—from 1880 to 1950—Richards kept an almost-daily journal of his activities. His entries chronicle his work as a farmer and businessman; his service in the community of Tooele, Utah; his family life; and his service in church callings, including as a counselor in the Tooele Stake presidency and as an apostle. They detail highs in his life, such as his work as the president of the Salt Lake Temple, and lows, such as the deaths of two of his young children.
This website will eventually publish the entirety of George F. Richards’s journals. The journals are a remarkable resource for those interested in the history of the church, the history of Utah, and the man himself.