Related Sources

The sources listed below provide additional context on the missionary service of Eliza Chipman and Josephine Booth. They include writings of missionaries who served with Chipman and Booth, as well as published accounts of Booth’s speaking tour in Europe.

Inez Knight Mission Journal

1 April 1898–30 April 1899

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Inez Knight was one of the first two single women to serve full-time proselytizing missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. After her first companion, Lucy Jane Brimhall, returned home in December 1898, Knight served with Eliza Chipman until Chipman was reassigned to the mission’s Scottish Conference in July 1899. Knight’s journal, owned by Brigham Young University, spans from 1 April 1898, when she was set apart as a missionary, to 30 April 1899.

Clara Holbrook Mission Correspondence

1898–1901, 1904

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Clara Holbrook arrived in the British Mission in June 1899 around the same time as her friend Josephine Booth. She began her service as a companion to Inez Knight and later served with Alice Sargent. She chronicled her mission in long, detailed letters to her family. Her papers in the Church History Library also include correspondence that Holbrook, who married Clarence Jarvis in 1903, received from friends in England after her return.

Eliza Chipman Christensen Papers


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Eliza Chipman returned to the British Mission in 1908 with her new husband, Atlantic Christensen, who had been called to serve there; their first child, Scott, was born in Glasgow. The couple’s papers in the Church History Library include the journals Atlantic kept during that mission and the scrapbooks Eliza compiled throughout her life.

Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star

28 February–6 June 1901

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Josephine Booth accompanied James L. McMurrin of the British Mission presidency on a tour of the missions of Europe in March through May 1901. McMurrin’s reports to mission president Platte D. Lyman were published in fourteen issues of the weekly Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star, beginning with an item announcing the tour on 28 February 1901. (The relevant items begin on pages 139, 154, 170, 187, 203, 220, 250, 267, 283, 299, 330, 345, 362, 377, and 380 of volume 63 of the publication.)