
Josephine Booth and Eliza Chipman were among the earliest full-time women missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Both women served in the British Mission, which at that time included all of the British Isles. This map of the mission shows places where Booth and Chipman served and places they visited during their missionary service.

UK map

British Mission: City Maps

Eliza Chipman served in London from September 1898 to July 1899. She lived in the eastern part of the city but visited areas throughout London and its environs. From July 1899 until she completed her mission in October 1900, Chipman served in Glasgow as a missionary companion to Josephine Booth, who then continued serving in Glasgow until June 1901.

Use the sliders to compare maps of London and Glasgow from around the time Booth and Chipman served there with modern maps. To help orient readers, the maps indicate places the sisters mention frequently in their journals. Shading on the London map indicates areas where Chipman was assigned to serve as a missionary; shading on the Glasgow map indicates areas she and Booth report visiting often. Some of the places the sisters mention may no longer exist, and some streets may have been rerouted or their names have changed in the intervening years.

UK map

UK map