Born in Morengo, Indiana; baptized, 1841; joined Mormon Battalion, 1846; arrived in Salt Lake Valley prior to May 1850, when he left for the California gold fields in company with Hiram Clark and others; with GQC at Slap Jack Bar in September 1850; received mission call to Oregon at same time GQC was called to Hawai‘i; after returning to Salt Lake City, called on mission to southern Utah in October 1868; died in Glendale, Utah. (See Seventies Quorum Records, Twenty-sixth Quorum; Ricketts, Mormon Battalion, 372; Larson, Database of the Mormon Battalion, 231; Davies, Mormon Gold, 407; “Thirty-Eighth Semi-Annual Conference,” Deseret News, Oct. 14, 1868; GQC journal, Sept. 25, 1850.)