Ephraim Green

1807 — 1874

Born in Rodman, New York; baptized in 1841; joined Mormon Battalion in July 1846; remained in California following discharge; helped discover gold at Mormon Island in March 1848; arrived in Salt Lake Valley later that year; served mission to Sandwich Islands, 1853–55; labored on Moloka‘i, Maui, and assisted in establishing Lana‘i colony; during second mission to Hawai‘i, 1865–68, helped establish Latter-day Saint settlement at La‘ie, O‘ahu; died in Rockport, Utah. (See MMH, biographical sketches; Spurrier, Sandwich Islands Saints, 142–44; Bagley, Road from El Dorado; Ricketts, Mormon Battalion, 363; Larson, Database of the Mormon Battalion, 107–8; Green diary; “Died,” Deseret News Weekly, Oct. 21, 1874; GQC journal, frequent references, Mar. 1853–July 1854.)