Brother Kailihune

? — 1862

Ordained priest in Wailuku, Maui, and appointed to accompany James Keeler to east Maui in June 1853; labored with James Hawkins in Hamakua and Ko‘olau on Maui during August 1853; called on mission to Big Island in October 1853; returned to Maui in same canoe with GQC in June 1854; appointed traveling elder for east Maui in October 1854; served as president of the Lana‘i conference in October 1858; became involved with Walter Murray Gibson’s church in 1861, first as “archbishop” and then as apostle; died prior to May 1862, when his wife, Kaniniu, was listed as a widow. (See MMH, Mar. 23, Apr. 28, Oct. 6, 1854; Oct. 8, 1858; Oct. 10, 1861; Apr. 6, May 1, 1862; Britsch, Moramona, 50–51; GQC journal, frequent references, June 1853–June 1854.)