Albion Burnham

No Dates Provided

Haole resident of Makawao, Maui; former ship’s carpenter; one of the two “chips” in GQC’s dream, with his brother-in-law John Winchester being the other; baptized in November 1851; ordained elder in January 1852; with his wife, Mary, frequently provided financial assistance to missionaries and hosted them at their home; moved his family to Honolulu in February 1853 and then to Lihu‘e, Kaua‘i, in July 1853, where he worked on a plantation owned by William Lee; offered to raise bail for J. W. H. Kauwahi in March 1854; defended Mormon missionaries from drunken mob; died prior to October 1864, when his wife immigrated to Utah. (See MMH, July 9, 1853; Mar. 15, 1854; Oct. 12, 1864; Farrer diary, Mar. 6, 1853; GQC journal, frequent references, Nov. 1851–July 1854.)