Permelia Horne

9 December 1855 — 11 December 1941

Born 9 Dec. 1855 at Salt Lake City.[1] Daughter of Joseph Horne and Mary Isabella Hales.[2] Baptized as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Sept. 1864.[3] Married David William James, 21 Jan. 1880, at Salt Lake City; seven children.[4] Affiliated with EBW at social events, planning meetings, and clubs, as early as 1881.[5] Member of the Reapers’ Club, by 1893, and served as corresponding secretary, by 1902.[6] Member of the Cleofan Literary Club, by 1895.[7] Served on the Salt Lake Stake Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association board, by 1898.[8] First treasurer of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers, 1901–1903.[9] Served as second counselor in the Salt Lake Ensign Stake Relief Society, 1904, and in the Salt Lake Liberty Stake Relief Society, 1915.[10] Served on the Relief Society general board with EBW under President Bathsheba W. Smith, 1907–1910.[11] Died 11 Dec. 1941 in Salt Lake City.[12]  


[1] “Endowments of the Living, 1868–1872,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake Temple, vol. G, 31 Oct. 1868–11 Nov. 1872, p. 287, line 23, Permelia Eliza Horne, microfilm 1239501, DGS 7751472 (restricted access), FHL. “Family Tree,” database, FamilySearch (, accessed 19 Feb. 2019), Permelia Eliza Horne (KWJK-JBL).

[2] “Endowments of the Living, 1868–1872,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake Temple, vol. G, 31 Oct. 1868–11 Nov. 1872, p. 287, line 23, Permelia Eliza Horne, microfilm 1239501, DGS 7751472 (restricted access), FHL.

[3] “Endowments of the Living, 1868–1872,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake Temple, vol. G, 31 Oct. 1868–11 Nov. 1872, p. 287, line 23, Permelia Eliza Horne, microfilm 1239501, DGS 7751472 (restricted access), FHL.

[4] “Sealing of Couples, Living and by Proxy, 1851–1889,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Endowment House, vol. L, 1878–1883, pp. 143–144, David William James and Permelia Eliza Horne, 21 Jan. 1880, microfilm 183402 (restricted access), FHL. 1900 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., UT, ED 38, p. 7A, Minnie E. James.

[5] EBW, Diary, 3 Mar. 1881; 5 Jan. 1893; 8 Jan. 1894; 26 Sept. 1898; 20 and 26 Nov. 1900. 

[6] “Utah Federation of Women’s Clubs: Individual Clubs, Reapers,” Salt Lake Tribune, 1 Jan. 1902, 17–18. EBW, Diary, 8 Jan. 1894; 26 Sept. 1898; 26 Nov. 1900.

[7] Kate B. Carter, comp., Heart Throbs of the West: A Unique Volume Treating Definite Subjects of Western History, vol. 10 (Salt Lake City: Daughters of Utah Pioneers, 1949), 396. “Church and Civic Leader Dies Thursday,” Deseret News (Salt Lake City), 12 Dec. 1941, 12.

[8] Susa Young Gates, History of the Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, from November 1869 to June 1910 (Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1922), 432–433.

[9] James T. Jakeman, Album: Daughters of the Utah Pioneers and Their Mothers (Salt Lake City: Western Album, 1916), 1. Kate B. Carter, comp., Heart Throbs of the West: A Unique Volume Treating Definite Subjects of Western History, vol. 10 (Salt Lake City: Daughters of Utah Pioneers, 1949), 396. “Church and Civic Leader Dies Thursday,” Deseret News (Salt Lake City), 12 Dec. 1941, 12.

[10] Ensign Stake Relief Society, ca. 1945, p. 3, LR 2655 48, CHL. Jubilee Committee, Golden Jubilee History of Liberty Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1904–1954 (Salt Lake City: n.p., 1954).

[11] History of Relief Society, 1842–1966 (Salt Lake City: General Board of Relief Society, 1966), 38, 53. “Church and Civic Leader Dies Thursday,” Deseret News (Salt Lake City), 12 Dec. 1941, 12.

[12] “Utah State Archives Indexes,” database and images, Utah State Archives (, accessed 25 Feb. 2019), Department of Health, Office of Vital Records and Statistics Death Certificates, Series 81448, file no. 1864 (1941), Permelia Horne James. “Church and Civic Leader Dies Thursday,” Deseret News (Salt Lake City), 12 Dec. 1941, 12.